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Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
National Institute of Justice


Stab Resistance of
Personal Body Armor

NIJ Standard–0115.00

The Law Enforcement and Corrections Standards and Testing Program is sponsored by the Office of Science and
Technology of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), U.S. Department of Justice. The program responds to the mandate
of the Justice System Improvement Act of 1979, which directed NIJ to encourage research and development to improve
the criminal justice system and to disseminate the results to Federal, State, and local agencies.
The Law Enforcement and Corrections Standards and Testing Program is an applied research effort that determines
the technological needs of justice system agencies, sets minimum performance standards for specific devices, tests
commercially available equipment against those standards, and disseminates the standards and the test results to criminal
justice agencies nationally and internationally.
The program operates through:
The Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Advisory Council (LECTAC), consisting of nationally
recognized criminal justice practitioners from Federal, State, and local agencies, which assesses technological needs and
sets priorities for research programs and items to be evaluated and tested.
The Office of Law Enforcement Standards (OLES) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, which
develops voluntary national performance standards for compliance testing to ensure that individual items of equipment
are suitable for use by criminal justice agencies. The standards are based upon laboratory testing and evaluation of
representative samples of each item of equipment to determine the key attributes, develop test methods, and establish
minimum performance requirements for each essential attribute. In addition to the highly technical standards, OLES
also produces technical reports and user guidelines that explain in nontechnical terms the capabilities of available
The National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC), operated by a grantee, which
supervises a national compliance testing program conducted by independent laboratories. The standards developed by
OLES serve as performance benchmarks against which commercial equipment is measured. The facilities, personnel,
and testing capabilities of the independent laboratories are evaluated by OLES prior to testing each item of equipment,
and OLES helps the NLECTC staff review and analyze data. Test results are published in Equipment Performance
Reports designed to help justice system procurement officials make informed purchasing decisions.
Publications are available at no charge through the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center.
Some documents are also available online through the Internet/World Wide Web. To request a document or additional
information, call 800–248–2742 or 301–519–5060, or write:

National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center

P.O. Box 1160
Rockville, MD 20849–1160
E-Mail: [email protected]
World Wide Web address:

The National Institute of Justice is a component of the Office

of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice
Assistance, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the Office of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the Office
for Victims of Crime.
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
National Institute of Justice

Stab Resistance of
Personal Body Armor

NIJ Standard–0115.00

Coordination by:
Office of Law Enforcement Standards
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899–8102

Prepared for:
National Institute of Justice
Office of Science and Technology
Washington, DC 20531

September 2000

NCJ 183652
National Institute of Justice

Julie E. Samuels
Acting Director

The technical effort to develop this standard was conducted

under Interagency Agreement 94–IJ–R–004,
Project No. 97–024CTT.

This standard was developed through the Office of Law Enforcement Standards (OLES)
of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) by
Kirk Rice, Program Manager, Weapons and Protective Systems, OLES
under the direction of Kathleen M. Higgins, Director of OLES.
The preparation of this standard was sponsored by the National Institute of Justice,
Dr. David G. Boyd, Director, Office of Science and Technology.
This document, NIJ Standard–0115.00, Stab Resistance of Personal Body Armor, is an
equipment performance standard developed by the Office of Law Enforcement Standards at the
National Institute of Standards and Technology in collaboration with the Police Scientific
Development Branch (PSDB) in the United Kingdom (UK). It is produced as part of the Law
Enforcement and Corrections Standards and Testing Program of the National Institute of Justice.
A brief description of the program appears on the inside front cover.

This standard specifies the minimum performance requirements for body armor that is
resistant to attack by typical pointed and edged weapons; and it describes the test methodology to
be used for this assessment. This is the first true United States (U.S.) standard dealing with the
threat posed by pointed and edged weapons. This standard is modeled around the 1999 version
of the PSDB Stab Resistant Body Armor Test Procedure, and benefits from a number of
improvements that were made to that standard. Those improvements, resulting from a large
program of work conducted by PSDB, the Royal Military College of Science, and Strathclyde
University, are aimed at increasing the realism and reproducibility of the test. The standard
provides improved choices to police purchasing units and wearers through the introduction of a
number of levels of protection.

The primary focus of the research program dealt with the threat from readily available
knives that may be purchased from sports equipment retailers. These weapons are typically of
high quality and feature very sharp machine-ground cutting edges and fine points. The threats
from ice picks and lower quality, prison-made knives and shivs were not addressed to the same
extent, as these threats are much more difficult to quantify. Research addressing these threats
will continue, even after the initial publication of this standard, and any improvements will be
incorporated in future revisions. Until then, a preliminary version of a spike-threat test is
proposed. It is based on the same test methodology described for the knife blades, but the threat
weapon is a modified ice pick commonly used in the “California Ice Pick” test.

Because this NIJ standard is designed as a procurement aid, it provides precise and
detailed test methods. For those who seek general guidance concerning the selection and
application of law enforcement and corrections equipment, the National Law Enforcement and
Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC), described inside the front cover of this standard, can
provide assistance.

NIJ standards are subject to continuing research, development, testing, change, and
review. This standard and its successors will be reevaluated periodically. These reviews will be
based upon data collected through the Compliance Program and its certified test laboratories, as
well as from comments from the user and manufacturing communities. Technical comments and
recommended revisions are welcome. Please send all written comments and suggestions to the
Director, Office of Science and Technology, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of
Justice, 810 7th St., NW, Washington, DC 20531.

Before citing this or any other NIJ standard in a contract document, users should verify
that the most recent edition of the standard is used. Write to the Director, Office of Law
Enforcement Standards, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop
8102, Gaithersburg, MD 20899–8102

Dr. David G. Boyd, Director

Office of Science and Technology
National Institute of Justice


This standard was developed through a collaborative effort between the United States and
the United Kingdom. The mechanism that allowed this collaboration to take place was secured
by a bilateral agreement established between the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) in
the U.S., and the Police Scientific Development Branch in the UK. Significant contributions
were made by Martin Pettit and John Croft of the Police Scientific Development Branch, Home
Office Science and Technology Group, Hertfordshire, UK. They and their technical team
performed much of the research utilized in the development of this standard. Timothy Thomas
of the United States Secret Service, Department of the Treasury, provided coordination of the
technical and administrative effort in the United States.

This standard has been reviewed and approved by the Weapons and Protective Systems
Subcommittee and the Executive Committee of the Law Enforcement and Corrections
Technology Advisory Council (LECTAC) and by the National Armor Advisory Board (NAAB),
comprised of representatives from:

Accordis, Inc.
Honeywell, Inc.
American Body Armor & Equipment Co.
Arlington County, Virginia, Sheriff’s Dept.
California Department of Corrections
Chesterfield County, Virginia, Police Dept.
DHB Armor Group
DuPont Advanced Fiber Systems
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Fraternal Order of Police
Guardian Technologies, International
Hexcel Schwebel High Performance Fibers
International Association of Chiefs of Police
International Brotherhood of Police Officers
National Association of Police Organizations
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
Protective Apparel Corporation of America
Safariland Ltd., Inc.
U.S. Armor Corporation
U.S. Secret Service, TSD/P&D



FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS............................................................................................................. v
COMMONLY USED SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................... ix
1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE .......................................................................................................... 1
2. NIJ STAB RESISTANT BODY ARMOR CLASSIFICATION .............................................. 1
2.1 Protection Classes ......................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Protection Levels........................................................................................................... 2
2.3 Level 1........................................................................................................................... 3
2.4 Level 2........................................................................................................................... 3
2.5 Level 3........................................................................................................................... 3
3. DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Angle of Incidence ........................................................................................................ 3
3.2 Armor Carrier................................................................................................................ 4
3.3 Armor Panel .................................................................................................................. 4
3.4 Armor Sample ............................................................................................................... 4
3.5 Backing Material ........................................................................................................... 4
3.6 Certification of Compliance .......................................................................................... 4
3.7 Compliance Test Group ................................................................................................ 4
3.8 Drop Mass ..................................................................................................................... 5
3.9 Edge of Armor............................................................................................................... 5
3.10 Engineered Knife Blades............................................................................................... 5
3.11 Engineered Spike........................................................................................................... 5
3.12 Fair Hit or Fair Strike .................................................................................................... 5
3.13 Impact Point .................................................................................................................. 6
3.14 Model ............................................................................................................................ 6
3.15 Penetration..................................................................................................................... 6
3.16 Penetration Depth.......................................................................................................... 6
3.17 Protection Class............................................................................................................. 6
3.18 Protection Level ............................................................................................................ 6
3.19 Stab Resistant Panel ...................................................................................................... 7
3.20 Strike Energy................................................................................................................. 7
3.21 Strike Face..................................................................................................................... 7
3.22 Velocity Measurement Zone ......................................................................................... 7
3.23 Wear Face...................................................................................................................... 7
3.24 Witness Paper................................................................................................................ 7
4. REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Acceptance Criteria ....................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Submission of Armor Samples for Testing ................................................................... 8
4.3 Traceability.................................................................................................................... 8
4.4 Labeling......................................................................................................................... 8
4.5 Workmanship .............................................................................................................. 11

4.6 Resistance to Stab Penetration .................................................................................... 12
5. TEST METHODS ................................................................................................................... 13
5.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 13
5.2 Test Sequence.............................................................................................................. 14
5.3 Label Examination ...................................................................................................... 14
5.4 Workmanship Examination......................................................................................... 14
5.5 Description of Test Facilities and Equipment ............................................................. 14
5.6 Conducting the Stab Tests........................................................................................... 18
5.7 Drop Test Series for “Edged Blade” Protection Class ................................................ 21
5.8 Drop Test Series for “Spike” Protection Class............................................................ 23
5.9 Test Surveillance ......................................................................................................... 24
6. DATA COLLECTION AND REPORTING........................................................................... 25
6.1 Test Documentation .................................................................................................... 25
6.2 Test Report .................................................................................................................. 25
Appendix A: Engineered Drawings of Threat Weapons............................................................ 26
Appendix B: Drop Test Fixture.................................................................................................. 30
Appendix C: Conversion Tables for Penetration Depth............................................................. 31
Appendix D: Sources of Consumable Supplies ......................................................................... 32
Appendix E: Stab Resistant Body Armor Selection................................................................... 35


Table 1. Stab resistant protection level strike energies ................................................................ 3

Table 2. Summary of drop tests for each test panel ................................................................... 12
Table 3. Summary of spike drop tests for each test panel .......................................................... 13
Table 4. Conversion of HRC values to indentation depths ........................................................ 17


Figure 1. Schematic of armor and knife arrangement .................................................................. 3

Figure 2. Composite backing material ......................................................................................... 4
Figure 3. Sample stab resistant protective panel label ............................................................... 10
Figure 4. Sample carrier label .................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5. Drop mass ................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 6. Template pattern for stab impact locations................................................................. 19
Figure 7. Acceptable strapping method...................................................................................... 20

A ampere H henry nm nanometer
AC alternating current H hour No. number
AM amplitude modulation Hf high frequency o.d. outside diameter
Cd candela Hz hertz Ω ohm
Cm centimeter i.d. inside diameter p. page
CP chemically pure In inch Pa pascal
c/s cycle per second IR infrared pe probable error
d day J joule pp. pages
dB decibel L lambert ppm parts per million
DC direct current L liter qt quart
°C degree Celsius Lb pound rad radian
°F degree Fahrenheit Lbf pound-force rf radio frequency
diam diameter lbf in Pound-force inch rh relative humidity
emf electromotive force Lm Lumen s second
eq equation Ln Logarithm (base e) SD standard deviation
F farad Log Logarithm (base 10) sec. section
fc footcandle M Molar SWR standing wave ratio
fig. figure M Meter uhf ultrahigh frequency
FM frequency modulation min. Minute UV ultraviolet
ft foot mm Millimeter V volt
ft/s foot per second mph Mile per hour vhf very high frequency
g acceleration m/s Meter per second W watt
g gram N Newton λ wavelength
gr grain Nm Newton meter wt weight

area=unit2 (e.g., ft2, in2, etc.); volume=unit3 (e.g., ft3, m3, etc.)


(See ASTM E380)

d deci (10-1) da deka (10) 0.30480 m =1 ft 4.448222 N = 1 lbf

c centi (10-2) h hecto (102) 2.54 cm = 1 in 1.355818 J = 1 ft lbf
m milli (10-3) k kilo (103) 0.4535924 kg = 1 lb 0.1129848 N m = 1 lbf in
µ micro (10-6) M mega (106) 0.06479891 g = 1 gr 14.59390 N/m = 1 lbf/ft
n nano (10-9) G giga (109) 0.9463529 L = 1 qt 6894.757 Pa = 1 lbf/in2
p pico (10-12) T tera (1012) 3600000 J = 1 kW hr 1.609344 km/h = 1 mph

Temperature: T°C = (T°F-32)×5/9

Temperature: T°F = (T°C×9/5)+32

NIJ Standard–0115.00



The purpose of this standard is to establish minimum performance requirements and
methods of test for the stab resistance of personal body armor intended to protect the torso
against slash and stab threats. This standard is based on technical work performed by many
organizations: in the United Kingdom by the Police Scientific Development Branch, and in the
United States by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and its subcontractors.

The scope of the standard is limited to stab resistance only. The standard does not
address ballistic threats, as those are covered by NIJ Standard–0101.04, Ballistic Resistance of
Personal Body Armor. The standard does not directly address slash threats; however, testing has
shown that stab threats are by far the more difficult to defeat, and that body armor capable of
defeating stab threats will perform satisfactorily against slash threats.

The threat posed by a knife depends, among other things, on its sharpness, pointedness,
style, handle and blade design, attacking angle, the physical condition of the attacker, and the
skill of the attacker. Because these parameters can vary widely from one situation to the next,
armors that will defeat a standard test blade may not defeat other knife designs under similar
conditions or the same knife design if other attacking parameters are changed. The threats
treated in this standard are from hand-delivered impacts with sharp-edged and/or pointed
instruments whose points or tips lie near the centerline of the clenched fist holding the weapon.
Weapons that are not wielded in this fashion, such as axes, hatchets, claw hammers, adzes, and
the like, where the threatening edge of the weapon does not lie near the line of action of the fist,
are not addressed by this standard. While stab resistant armor could provide some modest level
of protection from these threats, the impact velocities, energies, and contact surface
characteristics of these weapons are much different, and in most cases more severe, than what
was considered in this standard.


Personal body armors covered by this standard are classified into one of two distinct
protection classes depending upon the type of threat environment. Within each threat protection
class, the armor is further classified into one of three protection levels. The levels of protection
indicate the stab energy the vest is expected to satisfactorily handle.

The classification of an armor panel that provides two or more levels of protection at
different locations on the panel shall be that of the minimum protection provided at any location
on the panel. Level 1 armor is low-level protection armor suitable for extended wear and is

generally concealable (covert). Level 2 armor is a general duty garment suitable for extended
wear. It may be either overt or covert. Level 3 is high level protection armor suitable for wear in
high risk situations. It is usually overt.

A stab resistant body armor system should afford protection against injury from
penetration by knives, edged weapons, and sharp-pointed weapons while ensuring that the
movement of the wearer is not unduly restricted. The protected area ensures coverage of the vital
organs; in particular, the heart, liver, spine, kidneys, and spleen. The protection required by the
wearer should be determined from the specific threats they are likely to encounter. Departments
must carefully consider their requirements for comfort, concealability, duration of wearing
armor, projected threat levels, and climate to decide on the best type and style of armor to satisfy
their needs.

2.1 Protection Classes

There are two protection classes defined in this standard. One is intended to deal with
threats that might be expected on “the street” from high quality, commercially machined edged
knife blades. This class is referred to as the “Edged Blade” class.

The other protection class is intended to deal with threats that might be expected in a
corrections environment. Lower quality knife blades and spike style weapons that have been
improvised from other materials typically characterize these threats. This class is referred to as
the “Spike” class.

2.2 Protection Levels

The three levels of protection presented in this standard were derived from a 1997–1999
PSDB program where the frequency distribution of the energy that can be delivered by a male
population using several stabbing techniques was characterized. The lowest energy level
corresponds to the 85th percentile, the next energy level corresponds to the 90th percentile, and
the highest energy level corresponds to the 96th percentile.

For any given protection level, the test protocol requires the knife blade or spike to
impact the armor test sample at two distinct energy levels. The first energy level, called “E1,”
corresponds to the percentiles described above. At this condition, a maximum blade or spike
penetration of 7 mm (0.28 in) is allowable. The penetration limit was determined through
research indicating that internal injuries to organs would be extremely unlikely at 7 mm (0.28 in)
of penetration. The test protocol then requires an overtest condition where the knife blade or
spike kinetic energy is increased by 50 %. At this higher energy condition, called “E2,” a
maximum blade or spike penetration of 20 mm (0.79 in) is allowable. This overtest is required to
ensure that there is an adequate margin of safety in the armor design.

Table 1 describes the three protection levels for stab resistant body armor.

Table 1. Stab resistant protection level strike energies
Protection “E1” Strike Energy “E2” Overtest Strike Energy
Level J ft· lbf J ft· lbf
1 24 ± 0.50 17.7 ± 0.36 36 ± 0.60 26.6 ± 0.44
2 33 ± 0.60 24.3 ± 0.44 50 ± 0.70 36.9 ± 0.51
3 43 ± 0.60 31.7 ± 0.44 65 ± 0.80 47.9 ± 0.59

2.3 Level 1

This armor protects against low energy threats with a strike energy of 24 J (17.7 ft· lbf).
The overtest condition for this level is 36 J (26.6 ft· lbf).

2.4 Level 2

This armor protects against medium energy threats with a strike energy of 33 J
(24.3 ft· lbf). The overtest condition for this level is 50 J (36.9 ft· lbf).

2.5 Level 3

This armor protects against high energy threats with a strike energy of 43 J (31.7 ft· lbf).
The overtest condition for this level is 65 J (47.9 ft· lbf).

3.1 Angle of Incidence

The angle between the line of flight of the drop mass and the perpendicular to the plane
tangent to the point of impact. This is also known as the angle of obliquity (see fig. 1).

line of flight
of drop mass
perpendicular to

angle of knife blade

impact point
tangent to
impact point
backing material

Figure 1. Schematic of armor and knife arrangement

3.2 Armor Carrier

A component of the armor sample or armor panel whose primary purpose is to retain the
stab resistant panel and provide a means of supporting and securing the armor garment to the
user. The carrier is not generally stab resistant.

3.3 Armor Panel

The portion of an armor sample that generally consists of an external carrier and its
internal stab protective component(s) (e.g., the front and back panels).

3.4 Armor Sample

One complete armor garment consisting of a single wraparound style jacket, or a set of
front and back armor panels.

3.5 Backing Material

A slab of material upon which the armor is placed for test. The slab consists of multiple
layers of material: the strike face of four layers of neoprene sponge, a single layer of closed-cell
polyethylene foam, and two layers of rubber. Section 5.5.6 describes the backing materials in
greater detail. Figure 2 depicts the composite structure. Appendix D contains a list of possible

4 layers of neoprene sponge

1 layer of polyethylene foam

2 layers of rubber

Figure 2. Composite backing material

3.6 Certification of Compliance

Manufacturer’s affidavit (certification) that a production unit of body armor complies

with all of the requirements of this standard (sec. 4) for the labeled protection class and
protection level (sec. 2).

3.7 Compliance Test Group

A group of armor samples submitted to the Compliance Test Program for testing
according to this standard.

3.8 Drop Mass

The apparatus that drops freely under its own weight to strike the armor panel at a
specified energy. The drop mass consists of an engineered knife blade or spike, the clamping
device to hold the knife blade or spike in place, and the nylon sabot designed to ensure that the
knife blade or spike falls vertically within the drop tube apparatus. Operationally, the drop mass
behaves as a dual-mass system coupled with a damping spring element so that the impact energy
is delivered over the correct time period to more accurately reflect the action of a human hand

3.9 Edge of Armor

The extreme edge of the protected region of a body armor, defined by the edge of the
protective panels that are contained within the armor’s carrier.

3.10 Engineered Knife Blades

The two engineered knife blades in this standard are designed to represent two types of
edged weapons used in assaults. One represents a typical small knife and is referred to as the P1
knife blade in this standard. The other knife blade represents the performance of larger
commando-style blades or larger kitchen knives and is referred to as the S1 knife blade in this
standard. Both knife blades feature a pointed tip and a stiff backbone. The P1 blade is thinner
and has one cutting edge, while the S1 blade is thicker and has two cutting edges. Detailed
engineering drawings are given in appendix A.

3.11 Engineered Spike

A spike-style weapon resembling an ice pick designed to represent a class of pointed

weapons used primarily in assaults in corrections environments. There is one spike threat
specified in this standard. It is based on the design commonly used in the “California Ice Pick”
test. A detailed engineering drawing is provided in appendix A.

3.12 Fair Hit or Fair Strike

A strike that meets all of the following conditions:

(a) Has a strike energy that is within the specifications given in table 1 for the intended
level of protection.
(b) Strikes no closer than 51 mm (2.0 in) to the edge of the armor.
(c) Strikes no closer than 51 mm (2.0 in) to the edge of the backing material.
(d) Strikes no closer than 51 mm (2.0 in) to any prior strike.
(e) Strikes the armor at an angle of incidence within ± 5° from the intended angle of

3.13 Impact Point

The location on the armor panel where the test knife blade or spike is intended to strike.

3.14 Model

A manufacturer’s designation (name, number, or other description) that serves to

uniquely identify a specific configuration of body armor based upon the details of the protective
panel construction (i.e., number of layers of one or more types of stab resistant material
assembled in a specific manner, or the manner in which the armor is held in place on the torso).

NIJ verifies the stab resistance of a model based on stab resistance testing of samples of
the model in accordance with this standard. As an example, differences in stitching (e.g., box
stitch versus quilt stitch) in otherwise identical armors, would cause them to be two different
models. If a model of armor fails compliance testing, the manufacturer may never resubmit any
stab resistant armor under that failed model designation.

Body armors designs that differ in any way to better fit the male and female torsos shall
carry separate model designations. Female vests should be clearly marked “Female” in the
model or style designation.

3.15 Penetration

Perforation of an armor test sample by a test knife blade or spike, by a fragment of the
knife blade or spike, or by portions of the armor itself, as evidenced by the presence of the knife
blade or spike, the armor, or fragments of either, in the backing material, or of a hole in the first
layer of neoprene backing material, or of a cut or tear in the witness paper.

3.16 Penetration Depth

The length of the blade or spike that protrudes from the rear surface of the test sample.

3.17 Protection Class

The protection class provides a general description of the types of threats for which a
body armor model is designed to defeat. This standard describes two protection classes.

As described in section 2.1, the “Edged Blade” protection class is intended to deal with
threats that might be expected on “the street” from high quality, commercially-machined edged
knife blades. The “Spike” protection class is intended to deal with threats that would typically be
encountered in a corrections environment.

3.18 Protection Level

The protection level provides a convenient measure for describing the severity of a stab
for which the armor is designed to defeat. The protection levels are described as either “1,” “2,”

or “3” (sec. 2.2, table 1). These levels are defined by an energy scale, with “1” describing low
energy threats, “2” medium energy threats, and “3” high energy threats.

3.19 Stab Resistant Panel

The protective component of an armor sample or panel, primarily consisting of stab

resistant materials, usually enclosed in a nonremovable cover. The stab resistant panel is
normally retained within the armor sample or panel by a separate fabric carrier and may be
removable from the carrier.

3.20 Strike Energy

The calculated kinetic energy of the drop mass when the tip of the knife blade or spike
reaches a position just short of contacting the armor.

3.21 Strike Face

The surface of an armor that is designed to face the stab threat.

3.22 Velocity Measurement Zone

A zone located above the impact point, within which the velocity of the drop mass is
measured. The length of the velocity measurement zone is less than 51 mm (2.0 in). When the
drop mass crosses the lower edge of the velocity measurement zone, the tip of the knife blade or
spike will be positioned between 0 mm (0.0 in) and 25 mm (1.0 in) above the impact point.

3.23 Wear Face

The surface of an armor that is designed to be worn towards the body.

3.24 Witness Paper

A single layer of Polyart paper1 that is placed between the armor and the top layer of the
composite backing material to provide one possible means of measuring penetration for the knife
blade stab tests. If complete penetration of the armor occurs, the witness paper will be cut or
pierced. The dimensions of the cut can be used to determine the depth of penetration. The
witness paper is not used for spike tests. Appendix D identifies the manufacturer of this item.

The use of brand names in this standard does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Department of Justice; National Institute of Justice; U.S.
Department of Commerce; National Institute of Standards and Technology; Office of Law Enforcement Standards; or any other agency of the
United States Federal Government, nor does it imply that the product is best suited for its intended applications.

4.1 Acceptance Criteria

An armor model satisfies the requirements of this standard if the manufacturer meets the
Traceability (sec. 4.3) requirement; all armor samples meet the Workmanship (sec. 4.5) and
Labeling (sec. 4.4) requirements; and the randomly chosen test samples meet the Stab Resistance
(sec. 4.6) requirements of this standard.

4.2 Submission of Armor Samples for Testing

A Compliance Test Group shall consist of three armor samples, sized to fit a 117 cm
(46.1 in) to 122 cm (48.0 in) chest circumference for males, or a 107 cm (42.1 in) to 112 cm
(44.0 in) chest circumference for females. Two of these armors shall be selected at random by
NLECTC or the NIJ-certified test laboratory and used for stab resistance testing. Unused armors
shall be returned to the manufacturer.

4.3 Traceability

Manufacturers shall submit along with their samples, or have on file with NIJ's
Compliance Program Office, documentation of the method(s) they use to ensure configuration
control, uniformity of production methods, and materials traceability.

4.4 Labeling

When examined as described in section 5.3, each set of stab resistant armor shall be
clearly and durably marked (labeled) in a readable type size with the information below.

4.4.1 Labeling of Stab Resistant Protective Panels Every stab resistant panel shall have a label. The label shall be permanently
attached to the exterior surface of the panel. Figure 3 illustrates a sample label containing
the required information for a hypothetical model that was tested and found to comply
with the requirements of the standard for protection level 2 of the “Edged Blade”
protection class and protection level 3 of the “Spike” protection class. The label shall
contain the following information, written in English:

(a) Name, logo or other identification of the manufacturer, and contact information for
the manufacturer, including address and telephone number.
(b) A colored symbol described in section
(c) Size.
(d) Lot number.
(e) Date of manufacture.
(f) Date of issue (to be filled in by user).
(g) A model designation that uniquely identifies the panel for purchasing purposes.
Female armor shall be clearly marked “Female.”

(h) Strike face or wear face — the surface of the garment that is to face the threat or to be
worn next to the body must be identified.
(i) Serial number.
(j) Care instructions for the material in accordance with 16 CFR 423.2
(k) For armor that is not designed or intended to protect the wearer from ballistic threats,
a warning in type at least twice the size of the rest of the type on the label (exclusive
of the information required in “a” above) stating that the armor is not intended to
protect the wearer from ballistic threats. (Note: printing color changes are acceptable
but cannot be substituted for the type size requirement herein.)
(l) Similarly, if the stab resistant protective panel is constructed from more than one
insert, each separate insert shall also clearly display information to ensure that it is
inserted correctly. The main stab resistant insert information panel shall include a
warning describing how many inserts are required to meet the stated protection level.
(m) For armor that has been successfully tested for compliance to this standard through
NIJ’s voluntary compliance testing program at an NIJ-approved testing facility, the
following statement shall be included on the label:

“The Manufacturer certifies that this model of armor has been tested through
NLECTC and has been found to comply with NIJ Standard–0115.00 for the (insert
appropriate class designation) PROTECTION CLASS at PROTECTION LEVEL
(insert appropriate level designation).” THE COMPLIANCE STATEMENT ABOVE SHALL NOT APPEAR ON

MODIFY THIS STATEMENT IN ANY WAY. A colored shape containing a number shall be located in the upper right corner of
the label. For body armor designed for the “Edged Blade” protection class, the shape
shall be a solid blue square having a side length of at least 25.4 mm (1.0 in). For body
armor designed to meet the “Spike” protection class, the shape shall be a solid green
equilateral triangle having a height of at least 25.4 mm (1.0 in). The number inside each
colored shape shall be at least 12.7 mm (0.5 in) high and white in color. The number
shall correspond to the protection level, described in section 2.2, to which the body armor
is certified. Body armor that is certified to meet both protection classes shall carry the
appropriate colored shape and number for each protection class and protection level,

16 CFR 423, Care Labeling of Textile Wearing Apparel and Certain Piece Goods, as amended effective January 2, 1984; Federal Trade
Commission Rule.


2 3
(Logo may be used)


SIZE: ______________________ MODEL: _______________________
DATE OF MFG: ____________ SERIAL NO.: ___________________
DATE OF ISSUE: ___________ LOT NO.: ______________________

The Manufacturer certifies that this model of armor has been tested through NLECTC and has been found to comply
with NIJ Standard–0115.00 for the EDGED BLADE PROTECTION CLASS at PROTECTION LEVEL 2 and the

This garment is rated ONLY for the stab threat level stated
above. It is NOT intended to protect against ballistic threats
unless it has been found to comply with the requirements of
the appropriate NIJ Standard for ballistic resistance of


(sample instructions shown – to be provided by Manufacturer)

Figure 3. Sample stab resistant protective panel label

4.4.2 Labeling of Armor Carriers with Nonremovable Protective Panels

Armor with nonremovable protective panels shall, in addition to the label required for the
protective elements, have a label on the carrier that is in conformance with the requirements for
the protective panels (sec. 4.4.1), unless the armor is so constructed that the carrier does not
cover the protective panel label.

4.4.3 Labeling of Armor Carriers with Removable Protective Panels

Armor carriers with removable protective panels shall be labeled on an external surface.
The number of labels required shall be as follows: If the carrier is one piece (i.e., all parts are
sewn together into one garment), then one label shall suffice and may be placed on either the
strike face or the wear face of either the front or back parts of the armor. If the front and back
parts of the carrier are separable, then the front and back parts shall each be labeled. Figure 4

illustrates a sample label containing the required information. All labels shall contain the
following information:
(a) Name, logo or other identification of the manufacturer, and contact information for
the manufacturer, including address and telephone number.
(b) A statement telling the user to look at the stab resistant protective panels to determine
the protection provided.
(c) Size.
(d) Date of issue (to be filled in by user).
(e) A model designation that uniquely identifies the garment for purchasing purposes.
Female armor shall be clearly marked “Female.”
(f) For armors where the carrier extends beyond the protective panel more than 1½ in, the
edge of the panel shall be clearly identified on the carrier by a label stating “NO
PROTECTION BEYOND THIS POINT,” and a stitch line through both sides of the
carrier at this location to keep the protective panel from shifting within the carrier.
(g) Care instructions for the armor carrier in accordance with 16 CFR 423.

(Logo may be used)


SIZE: ______________________ MODEL: _______________________
DATE OF MFG: ____________ SERIAL NO.: ___________________
DATE OF ISSUE: ___________ LOT NO.: ______________________

This carrier offers no stab protection unless stab resistant insert panels are properly installed.
See stab resistant insert panel label for protection class and protection level provided in accordance with
NIJ Standard–0115.00.


(sample instructions shown — to be provided by Manufacturer)
1) Remove stab resistant insert panels from front and back of outer-shell vest (carrier).
2) Hook and pile fasteners should be in closed position during washing cycle.
3) Automatic machine wash the outer shell vest (carrier) only, using Permanent Press cycle and
warm water settings. (approximately 120 oF).
4) Use low sudsing detergent according to detergent manufacturer’s directions.
6) Carrier only may be tumble-dried at Medium temperature setting or may be line dried.
7) Carrier only may be dry cleaned.
8) Carrier must be completely dry before inserting stab resistant panels.

Figure 4. Sample carrier label

4.5 Workmanship

When examined as described in section 5.4, each armor sample shall be free from
wrinkles, blisters, cracks, tears, frays, holes, loose stitching, crazing, chipped or sharp corners,
and any other evidence of inferior workmanship. Additionally, all samples shall be identical in
appearance, size, and manner of construction.

4.6 Resistance to Stab Penetration

The stab resistance of body armor shall be evaluated using engineered test blades or
spikes of uniform dimensions. In these tests, the test blades or spikes are held in a drop weight
of specified mass. The drop weight is dropped from various heights in an apparatus that controls
the orientation and position of impact of the test blade or spike. The body armor is supported on
a composite backing material. The test measurement is the depth of blade or spike penetration
through the armor at specified impact energies.

The test requester shall specify the protection class and protection level sought. The
protection class will determine which of the test series (either those described in sec. 4.6.1 for
“Edged Blade” or those described in sec. 4.6.2 for “Spike”) the armor shall be subjected to. The
protection class determines which threat weapons are used, either the P1 and S1 knife blades for
the “Edged Blade” class, or the spike for the “Spike” class. The protection level determines the
stab energies.

4.6.1 Stab Resistance Drop Test Series for “Edged Blade” Protection Class

The front and back panels of two complete body armors shall be tested for resistance to
stab penetration using the facilities and equipment described in section 5.5, the test methods
described in section 5.6, and the test sequence described in section 5.7.

Armor that is intended to meet the “Edged Blade” protection class shall demonstrate
protection from both the P1 and S1 knife blades. For a single test panel, the number of stab drop
tests, the angle of incidence, and the threat weapon for the “Edged Blade” protection class are
summarized in table 2. This series of drop tests shall be performed on each of the four test
panels (there are two panels per body armor, and two body armor samples shall be tested).

Table 2. Summary of drop tests for each test panel

Number of Angle of Threat Energy
Drop Tests Incidence Weapon Level
1 0° P1 knife blade E1
1 0° P1 knife blade E2
1 0° S1 knife blade E1
1 0° S1 knife blade E2
1 45° P1 knife blade E1
1 45° S1 knife blade E1

The values for energy levels, E1 and E2, in table 2 shall comply with one of the
protection levels defined in table 1 of section 2.2.

4.6.2 Stab Resistance Drop Test Series for “Spike” Protection Class

The front and back panels of two complete body armors shall be tested for resistance to
stab penetration using the facilities and equipment described in section 5.5, the test methods
described in section 5.6, and the test sequence described in section 5.8.

Armor that is intended to meet the “Spike” protection class shall demonstrate protection
from the spike threat only. For a single test panel, the number of stab drop tests, the angle of
incidence, and the threat weapon for the “Spike” protection class are summarized in table 3.

Table 3. Summary of spike drop tests for each test panel

Number of Angle of Threat Energy
Drop Tests Incidence Weapon Level
1 0° Spike E1
1 0° Spike E2
1 45° Spike E1

The values for energy levels, E1 and E2, in table 3 shall comply with one of the
protection levels defined in table 1 of section 2.2.

4.6.3 Pass-Fail Criteria for Stab Drop Tests

The body armor shall not allow a knife blade or spike penetration greater than 7 mm
(0.28 in) from any fair strike for E1 strike energies at impact angles of incidence of 0° and 45°.

The body armor shall not allow a knife blade or spike penetration greater than 20 mm
(0.79 in) from any fair strike for E2 strike energies at impact angles of incidence of 0°.

If a penetration of greater than 7 mm (0.28 in) occurs from a strike whose energy is less
than E1, but the strike would otherwise be considered a fair hit (sec. 3.12) except for the strike
energy, then the armor fails the stab resistance drop test.

A strike delivered under more stringent conditions that produces an acceptable

penetration shall be considered a fair hit. The “more stringent conditions” are specifically
limited to strikes that are too close to the edge of the armor, are too close to a prior strike, have a
strike energy too high, or any combination of the preceding three conditions.

5.1 Purpose

This section constitutes a formal test procedure for determining compliance to this
standard. It specifies the equipment and techniques to be used by NIJ approved testing agents to
qualify voluntarily submitted body armor samples for stab resistance compliance.

5.2 Test Sequence

Tests shall be conducted in the order and as described in sections 4 and 5 of this standard.

5.3 Label Examination

The complete armor and each of its parts shall be examined for conformance to the
labeling requirements of section 4.4. Any deviations from the requirements shall be noted in the
Compliance Test Report form (available from NLECTC upon request).

5.4 Workmanship Examination

5.4.1 Carrier

All armor sample carriers and protective panel coverings received for compliance testing
shall be visually inspected for damage, material flaws, or poor workmanship as defined in section
4.5. All tears, fraying, holes, loose stitching, or other identified flaw(s) shall be noted on the
Compliance Test Report form; documentary photographs may be taken and included in the
Compliance Test Report.

5.4.2 Protective Panel

Pretest – Prior to testing, all armor samples received for compliance testing shall be
individually inspected for damage, material flaws, and poor workmanship. All tears, fraying,
holes, loose stitching, or other identified flaw(s) shall be noted on the Compliance Test Report
form; documentary photographs may be taken and included in the Compliance Test Report.

Posttest – Each armor sample’s protective panels, front and back, shall be physically
inspected immediately after stab resistance testing and their respective condition reported on the
Compliance Test Report form for submission to the NIJ Compliance Testing Program (layers,
weave, stitching, material, etc.).

Inspection Notification – The test facility shall notify the NIJ compliance testing program
manager and the armor manufacturer within 24 h of discovery of any shipping damage, major
product flaws or poor quality workmanship. Notification shall consist of a copy of the
Compliance Test Report form and documentary photographs. Such discoveries and notices will
result in suspension of the compliance test until NIJ Compliance Testing Program resolution or
approval to proceed is received.

5.5 Description of Test Facilities and Equipment

5.5.1 Test Facility Environmental Conditions

The ambient conditions of the test site shall be:

(a) Temperature: 21 °C ± 6 °C (70 °F ± 10 °F).

(b) Relative humidity: 50 % ± 20 %.

(c) Conditions shall be recorded before and after a complete test series for an armor
model, and at every 4 h time interval during the test session.

5.5.2 Drop Tube Test Apparatus

The tests shall be performed using a guided rail drop tube assembly depicted in appendix
B. This system has been carefully designed to enable the drop mass to fall under the influence of
gravity and to strike the armor sample at a predetermined point of impact. The guide rails
situated inside the tube prevent the drop mass from rotating about its vertical axis during its
descent and ensure that the test knife blade or spike strikes at the correct orientation and
continues in that orientation until it comes to a stop.

The tube and drop mass shall be checked regularly to ensure that the drop mass is free to
fall through the tube without obstruction caused by damaged areas of the inner walls of the tube
or by rough edges on the nylon body of the drop mass.

The drop tube apparatus shall be capable of demonstrating reproducible drop velocities
within ± 0.05 m/s (± 0.16 ft/s) of a nominal velocity.

5.5.3 Drop Mass

The drop mass, depicted in figure 5, consists of four basic parts:

(a) A threat weapon (i.e., one of the knife blades or the spike).
(b) A steel and aluminum alloy bottom mass that holds the threat weapon and has a mass
of 650 g ± 7 g (1.43 lb ± 0.02 lb) with a threat weapon installed.
(c) A nylon upper mass that houses the bottom mass and allows it to slide vertically
inside a cavity within the nylon body. The upper mass has a mass of 1250 g ± 13 g
(2.76 lb ± 0.03 lb) with overall dimensions of 97 mm (3.82 in) diameter and 400 mm
(15.75 in) length (not including threat weapon). The length of the upper mass ensures
that part of it remains inside the drop tube as the knife blade or spike strikes its target.
(d) Two closed cell polyethylene foam discs, each 30 mm (1.18 in) thick and 50 mm
(1.97 in) diameter, installed inside the nylon upper mass and located between the base
of the bottom mass and the nylon casing. They are compressed as the bottom mass is
driven farther into the upper mass body. The foam elements create the damping
effect. The foam elements are made from the same closed cell polyethylene foam
material used for the backing material in section 5.5.6.

Figure 5. Drop mass

The drop mass shall securely hold the test knife blade or spike with 83 mm ± 2 mm
(3.27 in ± 0.08 in) of the blade or spike length exposed. The shape of the lower surface of the
drop mass shall permit at least 30 mm (1.18 in) of penetration to occur while striking the body
armor panel at a 45° angle of incidence.

5.5.4 Velocity Measurement Equipment

A suitable method of accurately measuring the velocity of the drop mass within the
velocity measurement zone shall be employed. The measuring equipment shall measure the
velocity to an accuracy of ± 0.05 m/s (± 0.16 ft/s) or better. Test instrumentation calibration
records shall be maintained and made available to the NIJ agent. All calibration procedures and
values shall be traceable to the requirements of a recognized Quality Assurance organization, and
the applicable standards of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

5.5.5 Test Knife Blades and Spike Specifications

The engineered knife blades, described as P1 and S1, and the engineered spike have been
designed to represent the broad spectrum of actual knives used in assaults on law enforcement
and corrections officers.

Each test knife blade or spike shall be inspected to ensure that the overall finish is clean
and free from rough edges, and that the knife blade or spike meets the requirements of the
engineering drawings in appendix A.

After the inspection, each test knife blade or spike shall be subjected to a tip sharpness
test and shall be considered acceptable for use in the stab test if it produces a “hardness” value of
between -50 and -150 on the Rockwell C scale in the following modified Rockwell hardness tip
sharpness test.

To conduct the tip sharpness test, a standard Rockwell Hardness Testing machine is
modified as follows: The standard indenter shall be replaced with an adapter that will hold the
test blade or spike. The machine shall be preset to give minor and major loads of 3 kg (6.61 lb)
and 5 kg (11.0 lb) respectively, to produce a total load of 8 kg (17.64 lb). The sample block to be
indented shall be a small flat block of 99.997 % nearly pure aluminum at least 5 mm (0.197 in)

thick. The test knife blade or spike shall first be wiped with a clean dry cotton cloth to remove
any traces of lubricant and then installed in the holder adapter. The tip sharpness shall then be
measured by applying the load to the blade or spike tip, pressing it into the aluminum block and
recording the reading from the Rockwell C scale.

Note that these are not actual Rockwell hardness values because of the modifications to
the machine and test procedure. As an alternative means of assessing tip sharpness, the range of
Rockwell C values are expressed in terms of indentation depth produced by the major load
application, and correspond to indentation depths in the aluminum test block of 0.30 mm
(0.012 in) and 0.50 mm (0.020 in), for “hardness” values of -50 and -150 respectively. See table
4 for a tabular listing relating the hardness values to indentation depth.

Table 4. Conversion of HRC values to indentation depths

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
-160 0.52 -130 0.46 -100 0.40 -70 0.34 -40 0.28
-150 0.50 -120 0.44 -90 0.38 -60 0.32 -30 0.26
-140 0.48 -110 0.42 -80 0.36 -50 0.30 -20 0.24

5.5.6 Composite Backing Material Specification

The composite backing material slab shall measure at least 381 mm (15.0 in) in length
and 305 mm (12.0 in) in width. The components of the backing material slab shall consist of
(from the strike face down) four layers of 5.8 mm (0.23 in) thick neoprene, followed by a single
layer of 31 mm (1.22 in) thick 33 kg/m3 (2.06 lb/ft3) closed-cell polyethylene foam, backed by
two layers of 6.4 mm (0.25 in) thick natural rubber. A list of suggested manufacturers and
suppliers is given in appendix D.

For all flat and flexible armor samples, a slab of composite backing material shall be
used. For shaped female armors or where armors have a preformed curve, it may not be possible
for the rear face of the armor sample to lie in close contact with the surface of the composite
backing material. If this occurs, then the following should be attempted in the order described:

(a) If the armor design permits, the armor shall be flattened so that the curved portions of
the armor make good contact with the backing material.
(b) If this cannot be done, then the backing material shall be laid over a curved wooden
form to ensure that the armor lies in contact with the surface of the backing material.
(c) If it is still not possible to achieve good contact between the armor and the backing
material, then smaller pieces of the neoprene backing material shall be cut, and then
stacked together to make good contact with the tight curvature of the armor.

5.5.7 Composite Backing Material Acceptance Criteria

Before using any backing material layers, either whole or in cut form for the construction
of special shapes as described in section 5.5.6, the materials shall meet the following acceptance

The armor backing material shall be conditioned at ambient test facility conditions,
described in section 5.5.1, for a minimum of 12 h before being used in the drop test.

Following this conditioning period, the backing material pack shall meet a restitution test.
In this test, the pack is assembled in the correct order as described in section 5.5.6 and placed on
a rigid surface. A 1.042 kg (2.297 lb) spherical steel ball shall then be dropped from a vertical
height of 1500 mm ± 15 mm (59 in ± 0.59 in) above the surface of the pack. The height of
rebound achieved from each of two drops shall be 450 mm ± 102 mm (17.7 in ± 4.0 in). The
point of impact of the steel sphere on the backing material shall be marked, and this area shall
not be positioned immediately below the impact point for any of the stab resistance drop tests.

5.5.8 Damping Disks

The damping disks that are installed in the drop mass shall be fabricated from the same
closed cell polyethylene foam material that is used for the backing material. The damping disks
shall have a diameter of 50 mm ± 1 mm (1.97 in ± 0.04 in).

5.5.9 Polyart Witness Paper

The Polyart paper shall have a basis weight of 140 g/m2 (0.46 oz/ft2) and a thickness of
0.178 mm (7 mil).

5.6 Conducting the Stab Tests

5.6.1 Calibration Trials to Confirm Strike Energies

Before conducting stab tests on the armor sample, preliminary drop test trials shall be
conducted to determine the drop heights necessary to produce velocities that correspond to the
specified impact energies.

5.6.2 Temperature/Humidity Conditioning

All armor samples received for compliance testing shall be stored and conditioned for a
minimum of 12 h at the ambient test facility conditions specified in section 5.5.1. Other
components used in the test shall comply with their individual requirements.

5.6.3 Stab Location Marking

The intended stab locations shall be clearly marked on the armor panel. The intended
stab locations shall satisfy section 3.12 (parts b, c, and d), the definition for a Fair Hit.

A template shall be used to mark the intended stab impact locations. Figure 6 illustrates a
typical template pattern for a front and back panel. A single impact may be placed in each
impact zone shown in figure 6. The center location shall be used. All impact zones may not be
used, depending upon whether additional strikes are necessary to produce a fair hit.


Figure 6. Template pattern for stab impact locations

5.6.4 Preparation of Backing Material and Mounting of Armor

A backing material pack that complies with the requirements of sections 5.5.6 and 5.5.7
shall be used. A sheet of Polyart paper shall then be placed on top of the backing material to
allow penetration measurements to be made.

The composite backing material shall be replaced when it is no longer possible to conduct
a strike greater than 51 mm (2.0 in) from the edge and from previous strikes.

The premarked body armor shall be placed on top of the Polyart paper and both the
Polyart paper and the body armor shifted such that the intended strike location is located over
unused sections of the paper and the backing material. The body armor panel shall be smoothed,
flattened, and then fastened with straps to the armor support table.

The armor panel shall be secured to the armor support table using 51 mm (2.0 in) wide
elastic straps, held together using Velcro attachments. Figure 7 details the location of the
straps. The placement of the straps shall be such that they do not interfere with the impact point
on the panel.


Figure 7. Acceptable strapping method

5.6.5 Assembly of Drop Mass

Two damping disks shall be installed in the nylon body of the upper mass. For damping
disks that are used for drop tests at less than 65 J (47.9 ft· lbf), they shall be replaced after being
subjected to no more than 12 drop tests. For damping disks that are used for at least one drop
test at 65 J (47.9 ft· lbf) or greater, they shall be subjected to no more than 4 drop tests. Used
disks shall be discarded.

After installation of the damping disks, the lower drop mass shall be inserted into the
upper mass, and the damping disks shall be compressed to permit the insertion of the cap screws
through the guide slots to hold the assembly together.

5.6.6 Installation of Knife Blade or Spike into Drop Mass and Drop Test Procedure

A new knife blade or spike, tested for sharpness, shall be used for each test strike.

The specified knife blade or spike shall be affixed to the drop mass and the assembly
shall be weighed to the nearest gram. The mass measurement method shall have an accuracy of
± 1 g (± 0.002 lb) or less. The drop mass shall then be installed in the drop tube. For the 0°
tests, the blade orientation does not matter. For the 45° tests, the cutting edge of the knife blade
shall face the armor. The drop mass shall be raised to the proper height determined in section
5.6.1 so that it will strike with the specified energy.

The armor and container assembly shall be repositioned below the drop tube such that the
test knife blade or spike will strike the marked impact point. The velocity instrumentation shall
be initialized in preparation for making a measurement. The drop mass shall be released.

5.6.7 Determination of Hit Fairness

Following the strike, the impact velocity and the strike location shall be recorded on the
test data sheet. The kinetic energy at impact shall be calculated from KE = ½mv2, where “KE” is
kinetic energy, “m” is the drop mass, and “v” is the impact velocity. The result shall be recorded
on the test data sheet. A determination of hit fairness, as defined in section 3.12, shall be made
based on the strike location and impact kinetic energy.

If the strike is determined to be unfair, then subsequent attempts shall be made until a fair
hit is achieved.

5.6.8 Measurement of Penetration

If the strike meets the criteria for a fair hit, or if a favorable penetration result was
obtained for a more stringent hit, the penetration depth shall be measured and recorded in the
Compliance Test Report.

Carefully separate the armor from the backing material and examine it, the witness paper,
and the backing material to determine if the knife or spike has penetrated the rear face of the
armor panel. If any penetration has occurred, the depth shall be measured using the appropriate
method described below.

If the design of the body armor permits, the penetration distance may be measured
directly by placing a millimeter scale ruler alongside the penetrated knife blade or spike. The
length of the knife blade or spike visible from the rear of the test panel is measured and recorded.
In some cases, the measurement of penetration is complicated if the body armor, especially the
rear face, is compressible. Upon impact, the compressible material collapses. After the strike,
the soft rear face of the armor may return to its original thickness. This can lead to inaccuracies
when measuring the penetration depth. Therefore, it may be necessary to determine the
penetration depth by carefully measuring the length of the cut in the Polyart witness paper and
consulting the chart in appendix C to find the depth of penetration. The length of the cut may be
measured with a millimeter scale ruler. The Polyart paper is useful for determining the
penetration depth only when knife blades are used. It is not effective for spike tests because the
spikes do not leave a well-defined mark in the witness paper. Spike penetration depth shall be
measured directly with a millimeter scale ruler.

In other cases, the drop mass may bounce, causing the knife blade or spike to impact the
armor multiple times. Should this occur, the first impact only shall be used. If the knife blade or
spike bounced out of the initial hole, then it shall be manually reinserted into the hole until it fits
snugly, but not forced beyond this point.

5.7 Drop Test Series for “Edged Blade” Protection Class

The entire “Edged Blade” stab test sequence results in a total of 24 fair hit drop tests
against a model of body armor. The front and back panels of two body armor samples shall be
subjected to this test sequence, requiring a total of four test panels. The body armor panels shall
be numbered one through four.

For each test condition specified, one fair hit per panel is required. The test sequence is
defined in sections 5.7.1 and 5.7.2. The values of E1 and E2 are described for each protection
level in section 2.2, table 1.

5.7.1 0° Angle Test Strikes

Test Strike No. 1 - Perform the test strike at energy E1 using a P1 test knife blade at an
impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number one.

Test Strike No. 2 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 1) - Perform the test strike at energy E1 using
a P1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number two.

Test Strike No. 3 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 1) - Perform the test strike at energy E1 using
a P1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number three.

Test Strike No. 4 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 1) - Perform the test strike at energy E1 using
a P1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number four.

Test Strike No. 5 - Perform the test strike at energy E2 using a P1 test knife blade at an
impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number one.

Test Strike No. 6 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 5) - Perform the test strike at energy E2 using
a P1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number two.

Test Strike No. 7 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 5) - Perform the test strike at energy E2 using
a P1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number three.

Test Strike No. 8 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 5) - Perform the test strike at energy E2 using
a P1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number four.

Test Strike No. 9 - Perform the test strike at energy E1 using an S1 test knife blade at an
impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number one.

Test Strike No. 10 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 9) - Perform the test strike at energy E1
using an S1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number two.

Test Strike No. 11 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 9) - Perform the test strike at energy E1
using an S1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number three.

Test Strike No. 12 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 9) - Perform the test strike at energy E1
using an S1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number four.

Test Strike No. 13 - Perform the test strike at energy E2 using an S1 test knife blade at an
impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number one.

Test Strike No. 14 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 13) - Perform the test strike at energy E2
using an S1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number two.

Test Strike No. 15 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 13) - Perform the test strike at energy E2
using an S1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number three.

Test Strike No. 16 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 13) - Perform the test strike at energy E2
using an S1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number four.

5.7.2 45° Angle Test Strikes

Test Strike No. 17 - Perform the test strike at energy E1 using a P1 test knife blade at an
impact angle of incidence of 45° on test panel number one.

Test Strike No. 18 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 17) - Perform the test strike at energy E1
using a P1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 45° on test panel number two.

Test Strike No. 19 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 17) - Perform the test strike at energy E1
using a P1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 45° on test panel number three.

Test Strike No. 20 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 17) - Perform the test strike at energy E1
using a P1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 45° on test panel number four.

Test Strike No. 21 - Perform the test strike at energy E1 using an S1 test knife blade at an
impact angle of incidence of 45° on test panel number one.

Test Strike No. 22 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 21) - Perform the test strike at energy E1
using an S1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 45° on test panel number two.

Test Strike No. 23 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 21) - Perform the test strike at energy E1
using an S1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 45° on test panel number three.

Test Strike No. 24 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 21) - Perform the test strike at energy E1
using an S1 test knife blade at an impact angle of incidence of 45° on test panel number four.

5.8 Drop Test Series for “Spike” Protection Class

The entire “Spike” stab test sequence results in a total of 12 fair hit drop tests against a
model of body armor. The front and back panels of two body armor samples shall be subjected
to this test sequence, requiring a total of four test panels. The body armor panels shall be
numbered one through four.

For each test condition specified, one fair hit per panel is required. The test sequence is
defined in sections 5.8.1 and 5.8.2. The values of E1 and E2 are described for each protection
level in section 2.2, table 1.

5.8.1 0° Angle Test Strikes

Test Strike No. 1 - Perform the test strike at energy E1 using a Spike at an impact angle of
incidence of 0° on test panel number one.

Test Strike No. 2 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 1) - Perform the test strike at energy E1 using
a Spike at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number two.

Test Strike No. 3 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 1) - Perform the test strike at energy E1 using
a Spike at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number three.

Test Strike No. 4 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 1) - Perform the test strike at energy E1 using
a Spike at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number four.

Test Strike No. 5 - Perform the test strike at energy E2 using a Spike at an impact angle of
incidence of 0° on test panel number one.

Test Strike No. 6 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 5) - Perform the test strike at energy E2 using
a Spike at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number two.

Test Strike No. 7 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 5) - Perform the test strike at energy E2 using
a Spike at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number three.

Test Strike No. 8 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 5) - Perform the test strike at energy E2 using
a Spike at an impact angle of incidence of 0° on test panel number four.

5.8.2 45° Angle Test Strikes

Test Strike No. 9 - Perform the test strike at energy E1 using a Spike at an impact angle of
incidence of 45° on test panel number one.

Test Strike No. 10 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 9) - Perform the test strike at energy E1
using a Spike at an impact angle of incidence of 45° on test panel number two.

Test Strike No. 11 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 9) - Perform the test strike at energy E1
using a Spike at an impact angle of incidence of 45° on test panel number three.

Test Strike No. 12 (Repeat of Test Strike No. 9) - Perform the test strike at energy E1
using a Spike at an impact angle of incidence of 45° on test panel number four.

5.9 Test Surveillance

NIJ representatives may witness compliance testing at any time. The manufacturer shall
inform NIJ Compliance Program personnel of the intent to test at least 2 weeks prior to the start
of testing. NIJ or its designated representatives shall be afforded the opportunity to examine the
test set-up prior to beginning a new series of compliance armor testing. If NIJ or its designee
elects not to examine the test setup, this shall be noted on the Compliance Test Report form.

In the event that NIJ representatives do not witness compliance testing, NIJ or its
designee will authorize a representative of the test laboratory to perform the sign-off activity, as
required by the Compliance Test Report.

The protection class and protection level to which the armor has been tested shall be
clearly marked, along with the manufacturer's name and the armor model designation. For each
test strike the threat weapon will be given, and also the velocity of the impact, the impact angle
of incidence and the depth of penetration (if any) of the knife blade or spike through the sample.
Finally, the armor will be assessed an overall Pass/Fail rating according to section 4.6.3.

6.1 Test Documentation

6.1.1 Data Storage

All test data shall be archived by the test laboratory for a minimum of 5 years following
the completion of each compliance test series.

6.1.2 Data Recording

The results of each armor test shall be recorded on the Compliance Test Report form. The
Compliance Test Report form specifically identifies the test being performed, the test item, the
test part and serial numbers, and the applicable test specification. All test data and activities shall
be recorded in sufficient detail such that a reconstruction of the test based on the material
contained in the Compliance Test Report form can be performed.

When completed, the responsible test engineer or technician shall sign the Compliance
Test Report form and all attachments.

6.2 Test Report

6.2.1 Requirements

A summary test report shall be submitted to the NIJ Compliance Program office within
10 working days of the completion of testing. Inclusion of the following minimum support
documentation shall be required.

(a) Submission letter stating the outcome of the testing.

(b) Compliance Test Report.
(c) Pass/Fail Statement.
(d) Failure Documentation if applicable.
(e) Photographs of each armor panel before and after testing with scale and identification

Appendix A: Engineered Drawings of Threat Weapons

Engineerred Knife Blade P1
Engineered Knife Blade S1
Engineered Spike
Appendix B: Drop Test Fixture
Photos below show the lower portion of the test fixture (left) and the upper portion

Appendix C: Conversion Tables for Penetration Depth
P1 Knife Blade Penetration Depths from Witness Paper Cut Length
for 0° Angle of Incidence

Length Depth Length Depth Length Depth Length Depth

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
0.42 1 6.04 14 11.41 27 13.56 40
0.85 2 6.46 15 11.82 28 13.71 41
1.29 3 6.87 16 11.97 29 13.85 42
1.72 4 7.28 17 12.11 30 14.00 43
2.16 5 7.69 18 12.26 31 14.14 44
2.60 6 8.11 19 12.40 32 14.29 45
3.03 7 8.52 20 12.55 33 14.43 46
3.46 8 8.93 21 12.69 34 14.58 47
3.90 9 9.35 22 12.84 35 14.72 48
4.33 10 9.76 23 12.98 36 14.87 49
4.77 11 10.17 24 13.13 37 15.00 50
5.22 12 10.58 25 13.27 38
5.63 13 11.00 26 13.42 39

S1 Knife Blade Penetration Depths from Witness Paper Cut Length

for 0° Angle of Incidence

Length Depth Length Depth Length Depth Length Depth

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
0.41 1 5.70 14 10.98 27 16.27 40
0.81 2 6.10 15 11.38 28 16.67 41
1.22 3 6.51 16 11.79 29 17.08 42
1.63 4 6.92 17 12.20 30 17.49 43
2.03 5 7.32 18 12.60 31 17.89 44
2.44 6 7.73 19 13.00 32 18.30 45
2.85 7 8.13 20 13.42 33 18.71 46
3.25 8 8.64 21 13.82 34 19.11 47
3.66 9 8.90 22 14.23 35 19.52 48
4.07 10 9.31 23 14.64 36 20.00 49
4.47 11 9.76 24 15.05 37
4.88 12 10.16 25 15.45 38
5.29 13 10.57 26 15.86 39

Appendix D: Sources of Consumable Supplies
99.997 % Pure Aluminum for Tip Sharpness Test

The aluminum is supplied as an ingot measuring 38 mm x 38 mm x 127 mm (1.5 in x 1.5 in x

5.0 in). For the test, a block should be cut from the ingot. The cut surfaces must be machine-
smoothed (not ground). Grinding will embed hardened particles into the surface and influence
test results. A known supplier of the aluminum:

Aldrich Chemical Company Sigma Aldrich Chemical Company

P.O. Box 355 The Old Brickyard, New Road
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 Gillingham
USA Dorset SP8 4XT
Tel: 414–273–3850 Tel: +44 1 747822211

Polyart Paper

Polyart is a synthetic paper made of high-density polyethylene film with a matte clay coating on
both sides. It is very durable and tear-resistant. It is produced in several thicknesses. This
standard requires a basis weight of 140 g/m2, (0.46 oz/ft2) or 7 mils thickness. Polyart can be
obtained at many paper and art supply companies, and is manufactured by:

ARJOBEX North America (Canada, United States and Mexico)

10901 Westlake Dr.
Charlotte, NC 28273
Fax: 704–587–1174

Spherical Steel Ball

A known U.S. supplier of the steel ball is identified below.

Salem Specialty Ball Co., Inc.

P.O. Box 145
West Simsbury, CT 06092
Part number 3606

Backing Material

The components used to construct the composite backing material slab can be ordered to the
following specifications.

Component U.S. Specification UK Specification UK Reference

Materials Part Number
Neoprene sponge 5.8 mm (0.23 in) thick, 6 mm thick, PSDB/BM/1/99
SCE45, Shore A20-30 firm density
Polyethylene foam closed cell, expanded closed cell to PSDB/BM/2/99
(Plastizote®)3 31 mm (1.22 in) thick, density of 33 kg/m3,
LD45, Shore A14 30 mm (1.18 in) thick
Rubber 6.4 mm (0.25 in) thick, BS2494D, PSDB/BM/3/99
Shore A45-50 6 mm thick

Known UK suppliers who can supply the complete composite backing material (part number
PSDB/BM/4/99) in individual sealed packs of size 420 mm x 350 mm (16.54 in x 13.78 in) are
shown below.

Limpet Safety Products RPI Plasma

Unit 27, Victoria Industrial Park Neachells Lane
Victoria Road Wednesfield
Dartford Wolverhampton
Kent DA1 5AJ West Midlands WV11 3QG
Tel: 01322 280888 Tel: 01902 307711

The above suppliers can also supply individual components. Other known UK manufacturers
who can supply individual components of the composite backing material are listed below.

Manufacturer Components Available

R.A. International Ltd. Neoprene sponge to reference RA110
Kings Hill Business Park
Darlaston Road
West Midlands MS10 7SH Polyethylene foam (Plastizote®) to reference RA12
Tel: 01215 564271
Wm. Johnston & Co.
39 Mauchline Street Natural rubber
Glasgow G5 8HQ
Tel: 01414 201131

The use of brand names in this standard does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Department of Justice; National Institute of Justice; U.S.
Department of Commerce; National Institute of Standards and Technology; Office of Law Enforcement Standards; or any other agency of the
United States Federal Government, nor does it imply that the product is best suited for its intended applications.

Known U.S. suppliers of these components are listed below. The complete composite backing
material of size 381 mm x 305 mm (15 in x 12 in) can be purchased by referencing NIJ

PCF Foam Corporation

9486 Sutton Place
Hamilton, Ohio 45011
Tel: 513–874–8580
Fax: 513–874–3144

Knife Blades

As U.S. suppliers of knife blades are identified, they will be listed on the NLECTC web site
given inside the front cover of this standard. Known UK suppliers of the knife blades are listed

High Speed and Carbide Ltd. Mifas Knife and Tool Company Ltd.
Clough Bank, Off Edmond Road Faith Works, Club Mill Road
Sheffield S2 4EL Sheffield S6 2FH
England England
Tel: +44 1 142796197 Tel: +44 1 142854500
Fernite Of Sheffield Ltd Wardson Tools Limited
Fernite Works, Coleford Road Centenary Works, Woodseats Road
Sheffield S9 5NJ Sheffield S8 0PE
England England
Tel: +44 1 142440527 Tel: +44 1 142552451
Fax: +44 1 142584491


A known U.S. supplier of the spike specified in this standard is identified below:

John M. Dean, Inc.

20 Mechanics Street
P.O. Box 924
Putnam, Connecticut 06260–1406
Tel: 860–928–7701
Part number A–693

Appendix E: Stab Resistant Body Armor Selection
Police and corrections administrators should make every effort to encourage their officers
to wear body armor throughout each duty shift. Traditional body armor was designed primarily
to provide protection against handgun assault; although there are many examples where body
armor has prevented serious and potentially fatal injuries in traffic accidents (both in automobiles
and while operating motorcycles), from physical assault with improvised clubs, and to some
extent, from knives. Within the last few years, a new class of body armor was developed
specifically to counter the threats posed by edged and pointed weapons. This standard addresses
the penetration performance measurement of such armors.

A fundamental consideration in selecting body armor is determining the threat to which

officers are exposed. Knowledge of the common weapons in the local area (confiscated weapons
are a good indicator) is essential, for stab resistant armor should be selected to protect against the
prevalent “street” or prison/corrections threat.

NIJ Guide 100–98, Selection and Application Guide to Police Body Armor, should be
read carefully to provide additional insight into the issues concerning proper selection of body
armor. While 100 % protection in all circumstances is impossible, the routine use of appropriate
body armor significantly reduces the likelihood of fatal injury. Body armor selection is to some
extent a tradeoff between protection and wearability. The weight and bulk of body armor are
generally inversely proportional to the level of protection it provides; therefore, comfort
decreases as the protection level increases.

Law enforcement officer fatality statistics are compiled annually by the Federal Bureau of
Investigation. Analysis of the statistics suggests that a large percentage of officer fatalities
reported each year could have been prevented if the officer had been wearing armor.

All departments should strive to select body armor that their officers will wear, consistent
with their protection requirements. Agencies should ensure that each officer knows and
understands the protection that it affords, as well as its limitations. Body armor not worn
provides no protection.

U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
810 Seventh Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20531

Janet Reno
Attorney General

Daniel Marcus
Acting Associate Attorney General

Mary Lou Leary

Acting Assistant Attorney General

Julie E. Samuels
Acting Director, National Institute of Justice

Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice

World Wide Web Site: World Wide Web Site:


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