1 s2.0 S0921452617308827 Main 4
1 s2.0 S0921452617308827 Main 4
1 s2.0 S0921452617308827 Main 4
Keywords: Glasses of composition [16RO–3Al2O3–6CuO–20Na2O–55P2O5], where R is the alkaline earth (R ¼ Mg, Ca, Sr
Optical filters and Ba mol. %), were prepared by conventional melt quenching technique. The glass samples were characterized
Structure by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, and spectrophotometer. XRD patterns show no sharp peaks indicating
Alkaline earth the non-crystalline nature of the prepared glasses. The density and molar volume of the glass systems were
Phosphate glass determined in order to study their structures. These results revealed that addition of alkaline earth elements leads
to the formation of non-bridging oxygens (NBOs) and expands (opens up) the structure. The infrared spectra were
analyzed to quantify the present phosphate groups. The optical absorption spectra of Cu2þ ions show the char-
acteristic broadband single of Cu2þ ions in octahedral symmetry. The band gap was estimated following two
methodologies. The first method considers the band edge of the transmission, while the second approach relays on
the estimated values of the optical constants. A decent agreement for the band gap values using the two methods
was obtained.
1. Introduction produce coloring, while Cu2þ ions create color centers with an absorption
band in the visible region and produce blue and green glasses. The color
Copper-doped phosphate glasses have interesting optical and elec- of the glass depends on the Cu2þ content, its specific coordination,
trical properties that make them suitable as color filters, solid state lasers, composition and basicity of the glass. Colors produced by Cu2þ ions in
super-ionic conductors, and non-linear optics. The primary advantage of various glasses have been interpreted in terms of ligand field theory
phosphate over other oxide glasses (e.g. silicate and borate) is their [2,5–7]. Optical Filters are being used in many applications such as
ability to accommodate high concentrations of transition metal ions and fluorescence microscopy, photography, optical device, spectroscopy,
remain amorphous. In addition, phosphate glasses enjoy a range of clinical chemistry, or machine vision inspection. Optical Filters are also
compositional and structural possibilities (ultra, meta, pyro, and ortho) suitable for life science, imaging and professional. Bandpass filters
that facilitate tailoring chemical substance and physical behavior [1]. transmit a band of wavelengths spanning the region from 1 nm to hun-
The poor chemical durability of phosphate glasses makes them dreds of nanometers in width, while adjacent wavelengths are blocked.
generally unsuitable for practical applications. It was suggested that the Band pass filters are, additionally, used in fluorescence microscopes to
chemical durability can be improved by the addition of one or more of eliminate pump light from fluorescence signal light, eye protection from
multivalent oxides such as: Al2O3, SnO, ZnO,PbO, Fe2O3, etc., which laser radiation by eliminating infrared laser light and passing only the
promotes the formation of Al–O–P, Sn–O–P,Zn–O–P, Pb–O–P, visible light, and in sunglasses to pass the visible and block UV light [8].
Fe–O–P bonds, and subsequently increases the chemical durability to a
measurable extent. A second alternative towards improving the chemical 2. Experimental details
durability of phosphate glasses is the partial replacement of oxygen by
nitrogen atoms [2–4]. In glasses, copper ions exist in more one valance The glassy system with composition
state, monovalent (Cuþ) ions, and divalent (Cu2þ) ions and may also exist [16RO–3Al2O3–6CuO–20Na2O–55P2O5], where R is the alkaline
as metallic copper (Cu0). The electronic structure of the copper atom is earth elements (R ¼ Mg, Ca, Sr and Ba mol %), were prepared by con-
3d10 4s1; the cuprous ion, having its 5 d orbitals occupied, does not ventional melt quenching method. The starting materials used in the
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Farouk).
Received 19 August 2017; Received in revised form 1 November 2017; Accepted 2 November 2017
Available online 6 November 2017
0921-4526/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Farouk et al. Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 530 (2018) 43–48
present work were reagent grade of CuO, MgO, CaO, SrCO3, BaCO3, Table 1
Na2CO3 and NH4H2PO4. All weighted chemicals were powdered finally Various physical parameters of Cu2þ doped sodium aluminum phosphate glasses.
and were thoroughly mixed in an agate mortar. Each batch was intro- Physical property MgO CaO SrO BaO
duced in porcelain crucibles in an electrical furnace at 400 ± 5 C to Density (g/cm3) ±0.02 2.60 2.64 2.80 2.99
remove water, ammonia and then melted at the 1100 ± 20 C for 1.5 h. Average molecular weight (g)±0.02 104.72 107.25 114.85 122.81
The melts were quenched between two brass plates to produce discs of Molar volume,VM, (cm3)±0.02 40.13 40.52 41.01 41.05
about 0.2 cm thickness. The prepared samples were subjected to Cu2þ-ion concentration N (x1020 ions/ 8.99 8.91 8.80 8.79
annealing at 350 ± 5 C to remove internal stress. The glass samples Inter ionic distance (ri) (x107) cm 1.0357 1.0390 1.0433 1.0435
obtained were homogeneous with green color. X-ray diffraction (XRD) ±0.0002
spectra were obtained using a Shimadzu XD3A diffractometer. The Field Strength F (x1015cm2)±0.0001 1.1482 1.1409 1.1317 1.1311
densities of the prepared glass samples were measured by employing
Archimedes's method with toluene as an immersion fluid (ρ ¼ 1.595 kg/
m3). Infrared absorption spectra were recorded using FTIR (PerkinElmer)
in the range (400-2000 cm1). The samples were prepared using the KBr
disc technique. The absorption spectra were measured in the resolution
of 1cm1. The optical absorption spectra of well-polished glass samples
were taken at room temperature by UV–Vis spectrophotometer (JASCO
V670) with the optical resolution 0.5 nm, in the wavelength range
of 190–1100 nm.
Fig. 1. The X-ray diffraction patterns of the glass samples. Fig. 3. Dependence of Cu2þion concentration, N, on alkali earth oxides.
M. Farouk et al. Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 530 (2018) 43–48
ri ðAo Þ ¼
3.2. 3.2 FT-IR spectra Fig. 5. Infrared spectra of Cu2þ doped alkaline earth phosphate glasses.
P–O–P rings in Q1 units [12]. The band near 881–978 cm1 is due to Band center c (cm1)/Relative Band assignments
the asymmetric stretching vibrations of the P–O–P linkage in Q2 area A (±3)
units [13–15]. MgO CaO SrO BaO
The observed strong band, in the region 800–1000 cm1 in the 497 507 496 501 O–P–O bending vibrations [13,14]
spectra of all the investigated glasses, which is the characteristic of linear 63 16 38 25
phosphates, suggests the presence of linear chains [12]. The band at 750 738 747 747 P–O–P symmetric vibrations [13,14]
15.3 2 8.7 3.7
881 891 891 885 P–O–P asymmetric stretching vibrations
15.1 2 3.5 6.3 [13,14].
977 966 978 975 (PO4) asymmetric stretching (Q0) [15].
34 8.9 35.7 20.7
1102 1098 1112 1104 Symmetric stretching vibrations of Q2 (PO2)
25 9.3 9.6 13 groups [13,14]
1162 1169 1165 1161 PO2 symmetric groups P– –O stretching
4 2.1 3.2 2.4 vibrations [16]
1267 1272 1270 1269 PO2 asymmetric groups P– –O stretching
25 6.1 11.8 11.5 vibrations [13,14]
1399 1417 1379 1376 Stretching modes of bridging oxygen in P–
28 8.2 26 24.9 bond [13]
1527 1530 1532 1532 bending vibrations H–O–H and P–OH in the
5 4.2 7 6.5 network (bridge) [7,15,18]
1656 1648 1644 1640
12 4.1 5 3.2
M. Farouk et al. Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 530 (2018) 43–48
the other is compressed in the structure [12]. The band passes in optics RO mol% C (nm) A (cm2) FWHM Height
are techniques that allow to pass a band of spectral lines through a filter MgO 482.2 25563.8 263.8 81
[20,21]. The filter is characterized by parameters such as center c, CaO 485.6 28146.8 277.7 84
FWHM, height and the area of the bandpass. Table 4 shows the change of SrO 498.6 29084 274 94
these parameters with alkaline earth content (RO mol %). The center of BaO 499.9 25707.7 278.2 81.04
the bands of Cu2þ doped glass samples shows that these filters lay in the
green band. where B is a constant, Eopt is the optical band gap energy, and n may have
the following values 2, 3, 1/2 and 1/3 depending on the interband
3.3.1. Optical band gap energy (Eopt) and Urbach energy (ΔE) electronic transition (direct and indirect). The analysis of the data reveal
The optical absorption is a convenient technique to understand the that in the present case n ¼ 2, indicating an indirect transition. From the
electronic structure in glasses. The dependence of the optical band gap on plots of (αhν)1/2 as a function of photon energy (hν), the values of Eopt
the composition of glasses gives information about the structure and the can be obtained by the extrapolation of the linear region of the plots to
nature of bonds within the matrix. The absorption spectra of alkaline the hν axis for indirect transitions and are shown in Fig. 8.
earth-aluminum phosphate glasses have been recorded in the wavelength The width of the tail of the absorption spectra can also be used to
range 190–1100 nm. All investigated glasses exhibit an optical absorp- analyze possible changes in the glass structure [23]. It is worth noted that
tion band in the UV, near infrared region and the fundamental optical for lower values of the absorption coefficient α (ν) 103–104 cm1, it
absorption edge in the UV region. The absorption coefficient (α) of glass exhibits an exponential increase and is given by Refs. [24,25]:
spectrum was calculated using the equation [22]:
1 I0 hν
αðνÞ ¼ log αðνÞ ¼ α0 exp
t I
where α0 is a constant, hν is the photon energy and ΔE is the Urbach
where t is the thickness of the sample and (I0/I) corresponds to absor-
energy, which indicates the width of the band tail of the localized states
bance near the edge. α (ν) can be related to optical band gaps for direct
in the band gap. The Urbach energy (ΔE) values of the present glass
and indirect transitions following Davis and Mott [23]:
samples were determined by taking the reciprocals of the slopes of the
hν Eopt n linear part of the ln(α) versus hν plots as shown in Fig. 9.
αðνÞ ¼ B The obtained values of Eopt and ΔE are listed in Table 3 and plotted in
M. Farouk et al. Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 530 (2018) 43–48
Fig. 10. Dependence of optical band gap (Eopt) and the Urbach's Energy (ΔE) with the
content of alkaline earth.
Fig. 8. Tauc's plot for Cu2þ ions doped alkaline earth phosphate glasses.
Fig. 10. It is clear that they follow opposite trends. The values of the
optical band gap vary with the alkaline earth oxide content. The Eopt
values of these glasses are in the same range observed for another glassy
system [12]. In fact, alkaline earth additives may enhance the degree of
localization by creating defects. The addition of network modifiers, such
as alkaline earth oxides, breaks these bridges and creates non-bridging
oxygens (NBOs). The increase in Eopt for the glass samples could be
related to the increase of the cross-linking density in the glassy matrix
[25]. Urbach energy values decrease with increasing the alkaline earth
contents. The obtained smaller values of Urbach energy indicates that
Cu2þ doped alkaline earth-aluminum phosphate glasses are homoge-
neous and stable [12]. This is likely to be related to the increase in the Fig. 11. Imaginary part of the dielectric constant as a function of photon energy.
number of NBOs in the glass matrix, which means enhancement of the
degree of disorder that causes more defects or localized states in the band
gap [25,26]. ε1 ¼ n2 k2
Optical energy gaps (Eopt) were also calculated using the imaginary
part of the dielectric constant, ε2. Imaginary and real parts of dielectric ε2 ¼ 2nk
constant (ε2; ε1) are calculated by using the relations [27,28]:
where n is the refractive index, k is extinction coefficient and α is
2 1 þ R2
n ¼ 1
1 R2
K ¼ αλ=4π
Fig. 12. Comparison of band gap energy values which calculated from the absorption
spectrum fitting (ASF) method and imaginary part of the dielectric constant (ε2) as a
Fig. 9. Urbach plot for Cu ions doped alkaline earth phosphate glasses. function of alkaline earth.
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