2. Reproduction Type
Amphibians are oviparous organisms, whereas reptiles can be oviparous or
3. Mode of fertilization
Amphibians exhibit external mode of fertilization, whereas reptiles exhibit
internal mode of fertilization
Contest 1b
Describe chordates with respect to the following.
1. Body temperature
They are either cold or warm-blooded organisms
3. Germ layers
Contest 2a
Indicate whether the following are anabolic or catabolic processes
1. Photosynthesis
2. Excretion
3. Cellular respiration
Contest 2b
Describe hormones with respect to the following
1. Site of action
Hormones perform activity at some distance away from the site of origin.
2. Vacuoles
Animal cells may have many small vacuoles, a lot smaller than the plant
cells/ Plant cells have a large central vacuole that can occupy large portion
of the cell’s volume.
3. Golgi bodies
Animal cells have larger and fewer Golgi bodies, whereas plant cells have
smaller but more Golgi bodies
Contest 3b
Describe oviparous animals with respect to the following.
1. Mode of reproduction
Oviparous animals lay eggs that later hatch to form young ones.
2. Type of fertilization
Oviparous animals might undergo internal or external fertilization.
2. Yeasts
3. Bracket fungi
Contest 5a
Indicate the type of camouflage in animals to which the following refer.
1. The animal hides against a background of the same colour in order to protect
themselves from predators and also for hunting their prey.
Concealing colouration
2. The dark spots or stripes found on the animal’s skin that are mainly used to
camouflage themselves and to escape from their predators.
Disruptive coloration
3. The change in an animal’s appearance or colour which gets the blend with their
surroundings by their colour, texture and shape. It is mainly seen in insects like
spiders, leaf butterfly, dragonfly katydid, stick bugs or stick insect
Disguise colouration
Contest 5b
Mention one of the primary functions of RNA:
Contest 6a
Indicate the benefits that plants or animals obtain by the presence of the following
1. Sunken stomata and the folding of leaves
Prevent water loss
2. Bicollateral
Conjoint vascular bundle in which phloem is present on both sides of xylem
2. Guard cell
3. Vessel element
Contest 7b
The genotypes of certain species of plants are represented as, TT, Bb, DD, bb, Dd.
Contest 8a
Indicate the part of dicotyledonous seed to which the following descriptions refer.
1. The part that encloses and protects the seed from insects and fungi, and other
Testa /The seed coat
2. The hole which allows water to enter when the seed starts to germinate
1. How a cell diverges from its early morphology into a more specialized
(Cellular) differentiation
3. The capability of certain embryonic cells to form any type of adult cell
Contest 9a
Classify the following under one of these types of behaviours in organisms.
Communication Behavior, Territorial Behavior. Dispersal behaviour or Defensive
1. Ants use pheromones to determine if another ant is an intruder or a member of the
Communication behaviour
2. Some animal species move away from the area in which they were born to live in
other areas.
Dispersal behaviour
3. A carnivorous organisms that bares its teeth and growls when cornered by a
Defensive behaviour
Contest 9b
The human body is composed of just four basic kinds of tissue. Name one each.
1. Nervous
2. Muscular
3. Epithelial
4. Connective tissue
Contest 9b
Describe chromatids with respect to the following
1. Role in protein synthesis
Chromatids are not involved in protein synthesis
2. Structure
Chromatids have a thin and long fibrous structure.
2. Collenchyma
3. Sclerenchyma (fibre)
4. Xylem (wood)
Contest 11a
Distinguish between cold blooded and warm blooded animals with respect to the
1. Effect of temperature on their metabolic rates
Metabolic rates of cold-blooded animals depend entirely on the
environmental temperature, but in warm blooded animals, environmental
changes have no effect on metabolic rates
3. Heat source
Cold blooded animals mostly depend upon direct sunlight and heat from
the surrounding environment but warm blooded animals produce heat
from the consumption of foods.
Contest 11b
Name the principal locomotory organs in the following organisms
1. Snails
Muscular foot
2. Paramecium
3. Echinoderms
Tube feet
Contest 12a
Name the type of connective tissue to which the following descriptions refer.
1. It eases joint movements; resists compression at joints and shapes outer ear.
2. Physically supports the body, provides movement, encloses and protects soft
organs, stores and releases calcium and phosphorus.
1. Spongy layer
Contains air spaces that allow carbon dioxide to diffuse easily through the
2. Thin epidermis
To allow more light to reach the palisade cells
3. Network of veins
To support the leaf and transport water and carbohydrates
Contest 13a
1. Mention the laws that describe the inheritance of alleles.
Law of segregation and law of independent assortment
2. Give the ratio of the offspring with respect to the law of segregation
3. Give the ratio of the offspring with respect to the law of independent assortment
Contest 13b
Provide the names given to the following.
1. Flowers without a calyx
2. A floral structure consisting of the calyx and corolla especially when the two
whorls are fused.
Indicate what happens during the following stages of translation in protein synthesis
1. Initiation step,
It involves the binding of mRNA to the ribosomes, followed by the transfer
and binding of activated amino acid to the tRNA.
2. Elongation
Two amino acids are joined by the peptide bond as the mRNA and
ribosomes move with respect to one another to ensure the translation of
codons successively.
3. Termination
When a stop codon is reached, the ribosome releases the polypeptide
Contest 15a
1. What name is given to the male gametophyte of flowering plants?
(Mature) pollen grain
3. It is formed between the middle lamella and plasma membrane in growing plant
cells. It is primarily composed of cellulose microfibrils contained within a gel-
like matrix of hemicellulose fibers and pectin polysaccharides
Primary cell wall
Contest 17a
Name the types of fruits to which the following descriptions refer
2. What kind of ribosomes makes proteins that remain inside the cell?
Free ribosomes
2. Small birds
Flowers that are pollinated by small birds usually have curved, tubular
3. Wind
Wind-pollinated flowers do not produce scents or nectar; instead, they tend
to have small or no petals and to produce large amounts of lightweight
Contest 18b
Distinguish between vertebrates and invertebrates with respect to the following
1. Metamerism
Invertebrates have true /pseudo metamerism or no metamerism, but
vertebrates have true metamerism
2. Type of coelom
Invertebrates are Acoelomate, pseudocoelomate or truly coelomate, but
vertebrates are truly coelomate
3. They are formed by fusion of several separate pistils of several grouped flowers
Multiple fruit (don’t accept aggregate fruit - Formed by fusion of several
separate pistils of one flower)
Contest 19b
Distinguish between an axon and a dendrite with respect to the following
1. Number per nerve cell
Only one axon per nerve cell, but there are many dendrites in a nerve cell.
2. Direction of Conduction
An Axon conducts impulses away from the cell body (soma), whereas a
dendrite conducts impulses towards the cell body.
Contest 21b
Distinguish between cytoplasm and nucleoplasm with respect to the following
1. Their location with respect to the nucleus
Cytoplasm is found inside the cell, outside the nucleus, but nucleoplasm is
found inside the nucleus.
3. Function
Pollination is the first step to fertilization where pollens reach stigma from
the anther, whereas fertilization results in zygote formation which divides
to form an embryo
4. Occurrence
Pollination occurs in flowering plants only, but fertilization Occurs in
almost every plant and living being
Contest 22b
Describe DNA with respect to the following
1. Location
DNA is found in the nucleus, with a small amount of DNA also present in
2. Structure
Long, ladder-like macromolecule that twists to form a double helix.
2. Discoloration on standing
The serum does not discolor on standing, but the Plasma tends to discolor
on standing.
3. Feasibility of Separation
Separation of serum requires higher levels of expertise, expenses and is
time-consuming., but Separation of plasma is relatively easy and
4. Clotting factors
Serum is the watery fluid from blood without the clotting factors, whereas
plasma is the blood fluid that contains blood-clotting agents.
Contest 23b
Describe anabolic reactions with respect to the following
1. Oxygen utilization
Anabolism does not use oxygen
2. Energy Conversion
In anabolism, kinetic energy is converted to potential energy
2. They are the outer layers surrounding the ovule that provide protection to the
developing embryo.
Since this process involves the fusion of three haploid nuclei, it is known as triple fusion. It results in
the formation of the endosperm.
Contest 2b
1. Genetic diversity
2. Species diversity
3. Ecosystem diversity
Contest 3a
State one way by which the process of diffusion is important to flowering plants
Contest 4a
Name one of the four major causes for the loss of biodiversity around the world.
1. Habitat loss and fragmentation
2. Over-exploitation
4. Co−extinction
Contest 4b
1. What name is given to the thick oily substance, secreted by the sebaceous glands
of the skin that consists of fat and cellular debris?
2. Name one of the two main types of sweat glands in the body of humans
Eccrine sweat glands/ apocrine sweat glands.
3. Each sweat gland is made up of two portions. Mention one of the portions
A secretory section / An excretory duct
Contest 5a
The air that humans breathe contains particulate matter such as dust, dirt, viral particles,
and bacteria that can damage the lungs or trigger allergic immune responses. Mention
the protective mechanisms that enables the following parts of the respiratory system
avoid problems or tissue damage.
1. In the nasal cavity
Hairs and mucus trap small particles, viruses, bacteria, dust, and dirt to
prevent their entry.
2. The lungs
Produce mucus—a sticky substance made of mucin, a complex glycoprotein,
as well as salts and water—that traps particulates.
3. Air space
Sandy soil has good/large air spaces whereas clayey soil has poor/small air
Contest 6a
Mention the plant hormones to which the following descriptions refer.
3. They are widely used in agricultural and horticultural practices. They are found
in growing apices of roots and stems and then migrate to other parts.
Contest 6b
There are four main accessory ducts and they play an important role in the transport and
temporary storage of sperms. Mention one each.
1. Vasa efferentia
2. Epididymis
3. Vas deferens
4. Rete testis
Contest 7a
2. Arthritis
Non transmissible
Contest 7b
Name one abiotic factor which might affect a plant growing on mountains.
1. Temperature
2. Wind speed
3. Drainage of water
4. Light intensity
Contest 8a
Give the terms to which the following descriptions refer.
1. Origin
Perisperm originates from the nucellus.whereas the endosperm originates
from the primary endosperm nucleus.
2. Ploidy
The perisperm contains diploid cells whereas the endosperm contains
triploid cells.
Contest 9a
What part do the following organisms play in the nitrogen cycle?
1. Nitrifying bacteria,
Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonia and other nitrogenous substances
(e.g.urea) into nitrates
2. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert gaseous nitrogen into nitrogenous
3. Denitrifying bacteria
Denitrifying bacteria decompose nitrogenous compounds to produce gaseous
Contest 9b
Indicate the body fluids in humans into which the following substances do pass.
1. Glucose
Enter the blood stream
2. Bicephalic ribs.
The ribs have two articulation surfaces on the dorsal end
3. Floating ribs
These are ribs that are not connected ventrally to the sternum (the breast
bone) / they are not attached to the sternum (the breast bone) or to another
Contest 11b
Describe the seed of flowering plants with respect to the following.
3. Definition
The seed refers to the unit of reproduction of a higher plant, capable of
developing into another such plant
Contest 12a
Give one similarity between stolons and rhizomes
Contest 12b
State what the liver does to the following in the human body
1. Hormones
Converts hormones to inactive compounds / it secretes it into the blood
2. Alcohol
Oxidizes alcohol to carbon dioxide and water
3. Vitamin
Stores vitamin A.
Contest 13a
Distinguish between stem tuber and root tuber with respect to the following
1. Scaly leaves and axillary buds
Stem tubers possess scaly leaves and auxiliary buds while root tubers do not
possess scaly leaves and auxiliary buds.
2. Number of tubers
Several stem tubers occur per plant while only a single tuber occurs per a
plant. .
Contest 13b
Name one of the structures that one can find in the dermis of the mammalian skin.
1. Sensory nerve endings,
2. Nerve fibres,
3. Capillaries,
4. Arterioles and venules,
5. Sweat glands and ducts,
6. Sebaceous glands
7. Hair follicles.
Contest 14a
1. Why are homologous traits similar?
They are derived from a common ancestor
3. What name is given to a trait that improves the fitness of its bearer, compared to
individuals without the trait?
Contest 14b
Air in the lungs is measured in terms of lung volumes and lung capacities. Explain the
following with respect to the lung capacity and volume
1. Total lung capacity (TLC)
Total volume of air in the lungs after a maximal inspiration
Contest 28b
The renal tubules are a series of tubes that begin after the Bowman capsule and end at
collecting ducts. Mention the part of the tubule to which the following descriptions
1. This section functions especially in the resorption of sugar, sodium and chloride
ions, and water from the glomerular filtrate..
Proximal convoluted tubule / proximal tubule
2. Its function allows production of urine that is far more concentrated than blood,
limiting the amount of water needed as intake for survival.
Loop of Henle.
2. Anti-diuretic hormone
Hypothalamus (stored in the posterior pituitary)
3. By having villi
Contest 30a
Apart from provision of support, mention one function of a plant cell
1. Withstand turgor pressure: Turgor pressure is the force exerted against the cell
wall as the contents of the cell push the plasma membrane against the cell wall.
2. Regulate growth: The cell wall sends signals for the cell to enter the cell cycle in
order to divide and grow.
3. Regulate diffusion: The cell wall is porous allowing some substances,
including proteins, to pass into the cell while keeping other substances out.
4. Communication: Cells communicate with one another via plasmodesmata (pores
or channels between plant cell walls that allow molecules and communication
signals to pass between individual plant cells).
5. Protection: The cell wall provides a barrier to protect against plant viruses and
other pathogens. It also helps to prevent water loss.
6. Storage: The cell wall stores carbohydrates for use in plant growth, especially in
Contest 30b
1. What is the main function the cornified layer of the skin?
The cornified layer reduces evaporation from the skin and resists entry of
2. Mode of Reproduction
The most common mode of reproduction in yeast is “budding.”, but that of
moulds is through small spores, which can be either sexual or asexual
3. Appearance
Yeast are white and thready. Usually oval in shape but moulds have a fuzzy
appearance and can be found in several shapes
Contest 31a
1. Mutation
2. Selection
3. Migration
4. Genetic drift
Contest 31b
Explain the following terms with respect to respiration
1. Tidal volume,
Measures the amount of air that is inspired and expired during a normal
3. Residual volume.
It is the amount of air that is left after expiratory reserve volume is exhaled
Contest 31c
Give one similarity between reversible and irreversible enzyme inhibition
1. Reversible and irreversible enzyme inhibition are two types of enzyme
inhibition mechanisms.
2. They are responsible for reducing the activity of the enzyme.
3. Usually, they reduce the compatibility of the enzyme to its substrate,
inhibiting the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex.
4. During inhibition, inhibitor molecules bind to the enzyme either
temporarily or permanently.
5. Naturally, enzyme inhibition helps to regulate metabolism. Also, many drug
molecules are enzyme inhibitors.
Contest 32a
Distinguish between normal hemoglobin and sickle cell hemoglobin with respect to the
1. The shape of red blood cells
The red blood cells in normal hemoglobin is biconcave in shape while sickle
cell hemoglobin makes red blood cells to become crescent in shape
2. When blood levels of calcium get too high, the thyroid gland is stimulated to
release calcitonin which inhibits osteoclast activity and stimulates calcium uptake
by the bones
Negative feedback
3. Contraction of the uterus during childbirth causes the release of oxytocin, which
stimulates stronger contractions of the uterus, causing more oxytocin release
Positive feedback
Contest 32c
1. Which bone cell is responsible for resorbing bone matrix and releasing calcium
into the blood?
3. What type of bone cell is active during the formation of new bone and during the
production of bone during bone remodeling?
Contest 33a
Distinguish between animal protein and plant protein with respect to the following
2. Calorie content
Whereas animal proteins are high in calories, plant proteins are low in
3. Health Effects
Animal proteins have negative health effects while plant proteins show
positive health effects.
Contest 33b
1. The luteal surge results in which key event in the female reproductive system?
2. Which gland creates a milky, alkaline solution, which helps sperm survive in the
acidic environment of the female reproductive tract?
Prostate gland
3. Which structure is the site of development and maturation of sperm and secretion
of testosterone?
Contest 33c
1. What is the reason for lipids requiring carrier proteins in order to be transported
in the blood?
Lipids are mainly nonpolar molecules. As a result, they are unable to be
dissolved in aqueous solutions, such as blood. This makes them require a
lipoprotein in order to be transported through the bloodstream.
Contest 34a
Describe C3 plants with the respect to the following.
1. Initial carbon dioxide acceptor
Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) / Ribulose Biphosphate
2. The aorta
Carries oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the rest of the body and brain.
Name one of the 4 main processes by which organisms move carbon through the carbon
1. Respiration
2. Decomposition
3. Sedimentation
4. Photosynthesis
Contest 35a
Distinguish between intracellular and extracellular enzymes with respect to the
1. Mechanism of action
While intracellular enzymes breakdown large polymers into smaller chains
of monomers, extracellular enzymes act on the end of the polymer to
breakdown its monomers one at a time.
2. Occurrence
Intracellular enzymes are responsible for the digestion of food particles
inside the cytoplasm of unicellular organisms while extracellular enzymes are
responsible for the digestion of food inside the alimentary canal of higher
animals and the extracellular digestion in decomposers such as fungi and
3. Proportions
Intracellular enzymes account for the majority of enzymes while the minority
is extracellular enzymes.
Contest 35b
The abdominopelvic cavity of humans can be subdivided into four quadrants, namely
Right upper quadrant, left upper quadrant, left lower quadrant and right lower
quadrant. Indicate the quadrants in which the following can be found.
1. It is the location of the larger portion of the stomach, the pancreas, spleen, portions
of the transverse and descending colon, and parts of the small intestine.
Left upper quadrant:
3. It houses majority of the small intestine, some of the large intestine, the left female
reproductive organs, and the left ureter.
Left lower quadrant
Contest 35c
1. Organisms tend to select foods that will give them as much energy as possible,
while requiring minimal energy. What is this process called?
Efficient foraging
3. A certain insect eats certain species of plants. If the plants are producers, what is
the insect classified as?
Primary consumer
Contest 36a
Distinguish between animal and plant hormones with respect to the following
1. Complexity
While animal hormones are complex organic substances, plant hormones are
simple organic substances.
3. Speed of response
Animal hormones produce a rapid response, while plant hormones produce
a slow response.
Contest 36b
Mention the proteins found in the following structures
1. Hair, nails, and the epidermis of skin.
3. Which term refers to the microtuble structures that move the chromatids to
opposite poles of a cell during mitosis?
Spindle fibers
Contest 37a
Indicate the direction of backflow of blood prevented by the following valves in the
mammalian heart.
1. The tricuspid
The tricuspid valve prevents backflow from the right ventricle into the right
Contest 37b
Parasitism is of different types depending on the size, characteristics, interaction with
the host, and their life cycles. Some of the parasites can exist in multiple classifications
depending on the basis of classification. Explain the following types of parasitism
1. Mesoparasitism
Mesoparasitism is a type of parasitism where the parasite lives partly
within the host’s body.
2. Epiparasitism
Epiparasitism is a type of interaction between two parasites where one
parasite parasitizes the other.
3. Brood parasitism
Brood parasitism is a type of parasitism where the parasites depend on the
host to raise their young ones. This is a form of parasitism as the parasites
conserve energy whereas the host has to spend extra energy.
Contest 37c
Ligands are any substance that forms a complex with a biomolecule to serve a biological
purpose. Mention one of the four primary types of ligands that have their functional state
determined by their three-dimensional chemical conformation.
1. Substrates
2. Inhibitors
3. Activators
4. Neurotransmitters
Contest 38a
Obligatory exchange is a type osmotic exchange that take place between a fish and its
environment which is usually in response to physical factors over which the fish has
little or no physiological control. Mention one of the four main factors that affect
obligatory exchanges
2. Surface/Volume Ratio:
Generally the animal with small body size desiccates (or hydrates) more rapidly
than a larger animal of the same shape.
4. Feeding:
Fishes take water and solute along with the feeding. A gill takes high quantity of
salt than water at the time of feeding on seashore invertebrates, these fishes,
therefore, must have some special device to excrete excess of salt. However, a
freshwater fish ingests large amount of water than salt and thus needs special
means of salt conservation.
Contest 38b
The cytoskeleton determines cell shape. It consists of three different types of filamentous
proteins. Mention the type of cytoskeleton to which the following descriptions refer
3. They are small hollow tubes. They are the widest components of the cytoskeleton.
They help the cell resist compression, provide a track along which vesicles move
through the cell, and pull replicated chromosomes to opposite ends of a dividing
cell. They are the structural elements of flagella, cilia, and centrioles
Contest 38c
1. How does blood in the renal vein differ from that in the renal artery in terms of
oxygen, carbon dioxide and urea contents?
Blood in the renal vein will have less oxygen and more carbon dioxide (as a
result of the kidney's respiration) and less urea, than blood in the renal
2. What happens in the kidney tubules when the concentration of solutes in the blood
rises above a certain level?
If the concentration of solutes in the blood rises, more water is reabsorbed
in the kidney tubules. (This helps to reduce the concentration of the blood.)
Contest 39a
State why mitosis is unlikely to occur in the following cells
1. A sperm cell
Once sperm cells are formed they do not divide again,
2. A hair cell
They are dead
3. A red blood cell
They have no nuclei
Contest 39b
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium shows that the gene frequency (the proportion of a
particular type of gene in a population) will remain constant if certain conditions occur.
Mention one of these conditions
1. The size of the population is practically infinite.
2. Individuals in the population mate at random.
3. All individuals in the population have the same fitness, regardless of their
4. There is no gain or loss of genes due to immigration into or emigration out
of the population.
5. There is no new mutation in the population.
Contest 39c
Give one advantage of cage culture fish when compared to other methods of fish
1. It requires less investment.
2. Its installation is easy.
3. Since it covers only a fraction of the pond, the remaining part can be used in the
normal way.
4. It provides opportunity for controlled culture of choice.
5. Inspection of fishes and their feeding is much easier.
6. Treatment of disease is much simple than that of pond culture.
7. In emergencies it can be removed from one place to another.
8. Since the cage is meshed, the fishes inside have less chances of being attacked
by predators.
9. Harvesting is very simple.
10.The number of fish required at a particular time can be harvested and in this way
it helps to maintain the non-seasonal supply of the fish.
11.It is economical as compared to other methods of fish culture except fish-culture
in running water.
Contest 40a
The genetic code is a set of rules defining how the four-letter code of DNA is
translated into the 20-letter code of amino acids, which are the building blocks of
proteins. Explain the following properties of genetic code
1. The genetic code is universal
The same genetic code is used to code the same amino acid in all organisms
including virus.
Contest 40b
3. Why was the use of DDT insecticide not successful in eradicating malaria?
The mosquitoes became resistant to the DDT insecticide.
Contest 40c
2. How can the extinction of one species lead to the extinction of another species?
In a native habitat, one species is connected to the other in an intricate
network. The extinction of one species causes the extinction of other species,
which is associated with it in an obligatory way. For example, the extinction
of the host will cause the extinction of its parasites