Electromagnetic Field Analysis and Shielding Method of Underground Variable Frequency Power Cable

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Advances in Civil Engineering

Volume 2022, Article ID 3271806, 13 pages

Research Article
Electromagnetic Field Analysis and Shielding Method of
Underground Variable Frequency Power Cable

Jianwei Zhang and Zhuojing Yang

Center for Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, China Geological Survey, Baoding 071051, Hebei, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Jianwei Zhang; [email protected]

Received 29 October 2021; Accepted 6 December 2021; Published 5 January 2022

Academic Editor: Sang-Bing Tsai

Copyright © 2022 Jianwei Zhang and Zhuojing Yang. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
The transmission and radiation of underground variable frequency electromagnetic waves will seriously interfere with the
operation of the power cable and its surrounding environment. At present, the test methods for power cables basically require the
impedance of the test system to match the characteristic impedance of the cable. The defect is that the process of designing and
making the impedance matching impedance network is relatively complex and requires high manufacturing accuracy. In order to
solve these problems, this paper puts forward the electromagnetic field fast detection formula and electromagnetic field shielding
method of underground variable frequency power cable. The research method of this paper is the principle of shielding
electromagnetic field materials and the suppression principle of shielding layer for electromagnetic coupling. The function of the
two principles is to study the reflection, absorption, and multiple reflection of electromagnetic waves and to study the cut-off
frequency of the nonmagnetic shielding layer. These two principles guide the experiment. In this paper, the measurement formula
of the shielding performance of mismatched cables is derived through experiments. The results show that the error of the
measurement formula is no more than 8 dB. Then, through the experiment of restraining the interference of magnetic materials on
the electromagnetic field, it is concluded that the magnetic field shielding performance can reach 20 dB. Then, through the
performance test of electromagnetic field shielding materials, the shielding efficiency of metal fiber antiradiation materials is the
largest, and the average efficiency reaches 76.4 dB.

1. Introduction eliminate its influence, various measures have been taken to

protect the electromagnetic field. The shielding effect of the
1.1. Background. The power cable is mainly used as the feeder shielding component is caused by the absorption attenuation
of wireless transmitting and receiving equipment and is used as and reflection attenuation of electromagnetic waves. Absorp-
the internal connection line and wiring of various commu- tion attenuation is the main shielding mode of low-frequency
nication equipment and electronic equipment. They are widely electromagnetic waves, and reflection attenuation is the main
used in microwave relay, radar, communication, radio, tele- shielding mode of high-frequency electromagnetic waves. In
vision, military, aerospace, and other fields. They are an im- the United States, experts in electromagnetic field research also
portant communication part of the device. The cable itself is an point out that more and more people are increasing the in-
effective receiving and radiating antenna. There is a large cidence rate of cancer and other diseases due to long-term
distributed capacity and mutual inductance between con- exposure to electromagnetic radiation, and the high-frequency
ductors, resulting in signal leakage between conductors. When electromagnetic waves are more harmful to the basic tissues of
a conductor passes through an electric current, there is an organisms and have long-term and potential hazards to human
electric and magnetic field around it. If the electromagnetic health. It will cause strong interference and even disastrous
field reaches a certain strength, it may have a bad impact on the consequences to all kinds of civil or military electronic and
surrounding metal parts and electronic machines. In order to electrical products [1].
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

1.2. Significance. No matter in life or in the operation of However, when considering various adverse factors, he
underground power cables, human beings must shield and ignored the electromagnetic field caused by the cable itself,
protect as much as possible to prevent the harm of elec- leaving hidden dangers [4]. Rajpoot et al. propose a SUGPDS
tromagnetic radiation. Therefore, the research on electro- model based on detection and isolation algorithm and in-
magnetic rapid measurement technology and the telligent sensor, which is used to identify, classify, and isolate
development of shielding materials has certain practical various faults, supervise, manage and control various faults
significance and far-reaching impact. Electromagnetic and problems. When the underground distribution system
shielding has become an indispensable part of cable oper- fails, the model can maintain the uninterrupted flow, sta-
ators. Through experiments, the factors affecting the bility, and reliability of power. Although this method plays
shielding efficiency of electromagnetic shielding materials an important role in identifying and classifying faults,
are found out, which provides a theoretical basis for the quickly isolating faults from healthy networks, and helping
production of such materials in the future. to reduce power consumption, it is too dependent on the
installation location of intelligent sensing and switchgear
[5]. Famakin and Kim believe that underground cable faults,
1.3. Related Work. There has been a lot of research on whether temporary or permanent, can be traced back to
solving the problem of underground power cable electro- insulation faults, most of which are caused by electro-
magnetic fields. Li et al. developed a dynamic model of the magnetic fields. Insulation damage usually leads to costly
underground electromechanical system, proposed a real- power cuts, which can be prevented by taking preemptive
time voltage and frequency optimization scheme, and actions. The most effective action is to track the magnetic
simulated the real-time frequency optimization scheme and field in the cable insulation system in real time and model
constant frequency real-time voltage regulation scheme the magnetic field. However, the models he uses are static,
based on the principle of constant voltage-frequency ratio, because they focus on the changes of cable insulation
in order to reduce load fluctuation and reduce the required characteristics in a certain period of time. Therefore, a new
motor rating and energy consumption. The results show that electromagnetic field modeling method is needed, focusing
the real-time frequency optimization scheme can signifi- on the parabolic form changes of model values [6]. Hadi
cantly reduce the rated value of the motor, while the con- believes that economic constraints and lack of sufficient
stant frequency real-time voltage regulation scheme can space will require cables with higher current carrying ca-
provide a significant energy-saving effect. The real-time pacity. Attention should be paid to improving the accuracy
frequency optimization scheme combines the advantages of level within the range of cable safety parameter values.
the two control methods and reduces the variation range of Accurate parameter values are very important to ensure
voltage, so as to improve the service life of the motor. Al- safety. This process involves making magnetic field and
though constant frequency has many advantages, however, temperature field distribution models check the magnetic
its operational flexibility and emergency response capacity field and temperature distribution in the cable area and
will be greatly reduced [2]. Tian et al. believe that, in complex deploying cables. This work conceives an innovative process
downhole operations, with the increase of drilling depth, for calculating cable thermal field and current carrying
there are many new problems or challenges such as low capacity using the finite element method, but the use of igital
ROP, serious stick slip, and high risk of downhole tool paths may be more specific and flexible [7]. In terms of
failure, and the working conditions of drilling engineering shielding electromagnetic field, Lovat et al. believe that, in
become more and more complex. The key factor to solve addition to the parallel admittance related to shielding
these new challenges is to improve rock-breaking efficiency. conductivity, the existence of a magnetic field will also
He proposed a new oscillator based on a positive dis- introduce the series impedance into the equivalent network
placement motor, designed a new structure, and, combined of the structure. In addition, the series impedance will
with new complex drilling conditions, proposed a mathe- produce an integral similar to that generated by shunt
matical model, including the newly designed working admittance. Therefore, he proposed a generalized analysis
mechanism and structural parameters. Although the vi- formula for combining magnetic and conductive screens,
bration displacement, system vibration spectrum, and ve- compared with the classical approximate formula and ac-
locity at different drill string positions can be obtained in curate results; it is more advantageous in downhole oper-
this way, he ignores the interference of electromagnetic field ation. However, the series impedance and electromagnetic
on downhole operation, and it is not enough to only solve field do not interact, so they can be handled independently
the rock-breaking efficiency [3]. Samuel proposed that the [8]. Xiaodong et al. successfully prepared layered cotton
inflow and migration of fluid in the wellbore have a great material with excellent conductivity and electromagnetic
impact on the damping coefficient, so it is necessary to shielding performance by grafting graphene and then
monitor the high-frequency acceleration data for early de- electroless plating Ni. This layer-by-layer structure design
tection. When gas, fluid, or oil surge occurs, fluid inflow will fully reflects the synergistic effect of wave reflection and
reduce the viscosity of the fluid in the annulus, reduce the wave absorption. They also tested the mechanical properties
damping coefficient, and endanger the normal use of power in practical use and passed a series of tests; they believe that
cable. He proposed the deconvolution method of sensor the composite has good application potential in the field of
value, which uses minimum entropy deconvolution and electromagnetic field protection, but it is particularly diffi-
energy operator to remove noise and unwanted sensor value. cult to apply in the field of power cables [9, 10].
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

1.4. Innovation Points. In this paper, through the trans- 2.1.1. Reflection of Electromagnetic Wave. If the character-
mission line model of the triaxial test system, the shielding istic impedance of electromagnetic wave in medium 1 is Z1,
performance of the mismatched cable can be calculated then medium 2 is Z2, the magnetic field strength is Q, and
directly through the test, which not only realizes the rapid the incident electric field strength of electromagnetic wave is
test of the shielding performance of the cable but also R0; then, the electric field strength and magnetic field
eliminates the possible error caused by the impedance strength of the reflected wave reflected back to medium 1 on
matching network. In addition, this paper also studies the interface 1 are, respectively,
suppression effect of wiring and grounding methods on Z1 − Z2
cable coupling, which expands the service conditions of Rr1 � R,
Z1 + Z2 0
cables and is conducive to the application of practical
cables. Z − Z1
Qr1 � 2 Q.
Z1 + Z2 0
2. Electromagnetic Field Shielding Method
Since the radiation source is relatively fixed, the amount
British scholar Maxwell summarized previous studies in of radiation each time is also relatively fixed, and the amount
1864, put forward a complete electromagnetic wave theory, of radiation reflected each time is also completely absorbed.
affirmed the existence of electromagnetic waves, and After the electromagnetic wave passes through interface 1
proposed that electromagnetic waves propagate forward at and enters medium 2, the electric field and magnetic field
the speed of light [11]. The electromagnetic wave is one of intensity of the electromagnetic wave are, respectively,
the motion forms of the electromagnetic field. It propagates 2Z2
in the form of a wave by in-phase oscillation in space and R1 � R0 − Rr1 � R,
vertical electric and magnetic fields. Its propagation di- Z1 + Z2 0
rection is perpendicular to the plane formed by an electric 2Z1
field and magnetic field, which effectively transmits energy Q1 � Q0 − Qr1 � Q.
and momentum. Both show that changing the electric field Z1 + Z2 0
will produce a magnetic field, and changing the magnetic Generally, the existing shielding materials have a certain
field will produce an electric field [12]. From a scientific thickness, so after penetrating into such materials, the
point of view, the electromagnetic wave is a kind of energy. electromagnetic wave will be reflected many times, part of
Anything higher than absolute zero will release electro- the energy will be absorbed, and the rest will be transmitted
magnetic waves, and the higher the temperature, the to the air [15].
shorter the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave, that is,
the higher the frequency of the electromagnetic wave. The
propagation and radiation of the electromagnetic wave will 2.1.2. Electromagnetic Wave Absorption. When the elec-
interfere with the operation of the power cable and its tromagnetic wave enters the absorbing medium, the elec-
surrounding environment. Electromagnetic radiation tromagnetic field intensity decays exponentially with the
hazards are mainly manifested in ignition caused by depth of entering the medium, which is due to the induced
electromagnetic energy, combustion of volatile flammable eddy current generated when the electromagnetic wave
substances, failure of safety-critical circuits, mistriggering enters the medium [16]. H is the thickness of the material, D
of electric detonators, harmful biological effects on the is the distance from the electromagnetic source, and the
human body, or gradual degradation when equipment, electric and magnetic field strength formulas of the rest are
human body, ordnance, or fuel are exposed to dangerous as follows:
electromagnetic radiation environment [13].
R1 � R0 ∗ e−h/d ,
Q1 � Q0 ∗ e−h/d .
2.1. Principle of Shielding Electromagnetic Field Materials.
When the electromagnetic wave propagates to the shielding According to Einstein’s photon theory. The electro-
surface because the constituent elements of the shielding magnetic wave energy calculation formula is
layer include metal materials, part of the incident wave E � nhc � nhc/λ, where n is the number of photons, h is the
energy is shielded and reflected. If the electromagnetic wave Planck constant, c is the frequency, and λ is the wavelength
propagates inside the material, part of the energy is absorbed of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum. Figure 2 is the
and consumed, and only a small amount of energy can be schematic diagram.
transmitted to the air through the material [14]. Electric and
magnetic fields can excite each other through motion, so
there is a certain coordinate system conversion relationship 2.1.3. Multiple Reflection of Electromagnetic Wave. When
between electric and magnetic fields. Therefore, ordinary the electromagnetic wave enters the shielding material, the
electric and magnetic fields can be regarded as a manifes- shielding material has a certain thickness and will refract
tation of electromagnetic fields in a specific coordinate many times inside the material. Assuming that the elec-
system and unified into electromagnetic field tensors Ex- tromagnetic wave intensity of the first reflection is Qr1 and
press. The principle is shown in Figure 1. Qr1, respectively, the electromagnetic wave intensity of the
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

second refraction is Rr2 and Qr2, respectively, and the Three-dimensional coil modeling that crosses vertically,
electromagnetic wave intensity of the second refraction back different coil types, and excitation settings are different; the
medium 1 is Rr3 and Qr3 [17], according to the reflection impedance parameters of the coil will also be different.
mechanism of electromagnetic wave, the following formula Magnetic field shielding is the same as electric field shielding,
can be known. and the method of shielding interfering cable and disturbed
2Z2 cable can be adopted [20]. The equivalent circuit diagram is
Rr1 � R, shown in Figure 3.
Z1 + Z2 0
From the above figure, it can be seen from Faraday’s law
2Z1 that the current I1 in the interference cable is induced by
Qr1 � Q. magnetic field coupling in the disturbed cable reference
Z1 + Z2 0
ground plane circuit to obtain the induced voltage V12,
Thus, it can be deduced that which is
Z1 − Z2 V12 � jwM12 I1 . (8)
Rr2 � ,
Z1 + Z2
At the same time, the magnetic field coupling induction
Z2 − Z1 􏼁2Z2 of current I1 in the shielding layer reference ground plane
Rr1 � 2 R0 , circuit obtains the induced voltage v1s, which is
Z1 + Z2 􏼁
(5) V1s � jwM1s I1 . (9)
Z − Z2
Rr2 � 1 , When the shielding layer is not grounded or only one
Z1 + Z2
end is grounded, the induced voltage still exists in the
Z2 − Z1 􏼁2Z2 shielding layer. However, since there is no circuit loop and
Rr1 � 2 R0 . no current passes through the shielding layer, the loop
Z1 + Z2 􏼁 magnetic field will not be generated, which will affect the
Then, you can get spatial magnetic field distribution generated by the inter-
fering cable, and the mutual inductance between the in-
4Z1 Z2 terfering cable and the disturbed cable will remain
Rr3 � Rr1 − Rr2 � 2 R0 , (6)
Z1 + Z2 􏼁 unchanged [21]. As the magnetic flux changes, an induced
current will be generated in the closed coil, and the induced
4Z1 Z2 current will generate a magnetic field. Therefore, the
Qr3 � Qr1 − Qr2 � 2 Q0 . (7)
Z1 + Z2 􏼁 ungrounded or single-ended grounding of the shielding
layer has no effect on the interference voltage V12 on the
The method of measuring the resistivity of the insulator disturbed cable. When both ends of the shielding layer are
is the same as that of the conductor resistivity. The volume grounded, the shielding layer and the reference ground
resistivity of the insulator can be obtained by dividing the plane form a circuit loop, and the induced current flowing in
total resistance by the volume of the insulator, and the the shielding layer is as follows:
surface resistivity of the insulator can be obtained by di- jwM1s I1
viding the total resistance by the surface area of the insulator. Is � . (10)
Zs + jwPs
Generally speaking, the electromagnetic shielding material
contains a certain amount of metal fibers, and its sur- In the above formula, PS is the self-inductance of the
rounding environment is basically air (generally insulated). ground plane loop of the shielding layer and ZS is the
Therefore, it can be seen that the reflection of electromag- impedance of the shielding layer [22]. Due to the secondary
netic radiation is the most basic way to shield electro- effect, the induced current in the shielding layer will couple
magnetic waves [18]. For the magnetic field component, the induced voltage v2s in the disturbed cable reference
when the electromagnetic wave is reflected at the second ground plane loop and the coupling voltage v2s is as follows:
interface, its magnetic field intensity is almost twice that of
the initial incident electromagnetic wave; that is, the mag- V2s � jwM2s Is . (11)
netic field intensity will become stronger after reflection, so
the attenuation of the magnetic field is mainly through As can be seen from the passive shielding equivalent
internal absorption [19]. circuit diagram, the induced voltage in the disturbed cable is
V2 � V12 − V2s � jwM12 I1 − jwM2s Is . (12)
2.2. Suppression Principle of Electromagnetic Coupling by According to the mutual inductance theory,
Shielding Layer. The magnetic field coupling model mainly
obtains the magnetic field coupling voltage by analyzing the M12 � M1s ,
mutual inductance between parallel cables. Passive magnetic M2s � Ls .
field shielding refers to the use of a shielding layer in a
disturbed cable to achieve the purpose of magnetic shielding. By solving the above formula,
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

Incident wave

Attenuate the
incident wave
Reflected wave


reflected wave


Figure 1: Attenuation principle of shielding material to electromagnetic wave.

Residual field

Fitting depth


T Distance from border (t)

Admission Distance from Residual field

R0 strength border (t) strength Q1
Q0 R1


Figure 2: The electromagnetic wave decays exponentially through the shield.

jwM12 Zs Zs
V2 � I. (14) V2 ≈ M12 I1 . (17)
Zs + jwLs 1 Ls
The above formula is rewritten as Equation (15) is plotted in combination with equations
(16) and (17), as shown in Figure 4.
Zs /Ls
V2 � jwM12 I1 􏼠 􏼡. (15) It is not difficult to see from the above figure that when
jw + Zs /Ls w > WC, the induced voltage no longer increases with the
change of frequency but remains unchanged. At low fre-
When frequency w < Zs /Ls , then (Zs /Ls /jw + Zs /Ls ) ≈ 1.
quency, the coupling induced voltage in the disturbed cable
At this time, the induced voltage V2 is
with and without the shielding layer is equal, indicating that
V2 ≈ jwM12 I1 . (16) the shielding layer has no shielding effect at this time. In the
above case, in fact, the magnetic induction coupling between
It can be seen from the comparative equations (8) and the power cable and signal cable is mainly low-frequency
(16) that V2 and V12 are almost equal, indicating that even magnetic field coupling, and its working frequency is mostly
the double terminal grounding treatment of the shielding 50 Hz. However, the cut-off frequency of nonmagnetic
layer cannot provide magnetic field shielding at low fre- shielding layer in the signal cable is 0.6–7.0 kHz, and the
quency [23]. According to equation (7), the cut-off fre- working frequency of the interference magnetic field is much
quency of the shielding layer is W1 � Zs /Ls . When w > W1, lower than that of the nonmagnetic shielding layer [24]. The
that is, when the frequency of the interference magnetic field effect of the shielding layer is not mainly due to the reflection
is much higher than the cut-off frequency of the shielding and absorption of the electric field and magnetic field by the
layer, the induced voltage V2 is as follows: metal body itself, but due to the grounding of the shielding
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

except for different inner conductor diameters, the struc-

tural dimensions of the two coaxial cables are the same, and
M12 the braiding pitch, number of braided strands, and number
of braided wires of each strand of the braided layers of the
two coaxial cables are also the same. According to the
M2s transfer impedance theory of braided coaxial cables in
Section 2, the transfer impedance of the shielding layers of
RFE the two coaxial cables is the same. Therefore, these two types
of cables are selected to compare the effects of different
matching states on cable shielding performance [26]. The
experimental test equipment includes a laboratory-made
triaxial device, vector network analyzer, commercial im-
pedance matching network, and connecting cable [27].
Figure 3: Schematic diagram of magnetic field passive shielding. The specific test steps are as follows: calibrate the two
ports of the connecting cable to eliminate the error caused by
the transmission loss of the connecting cable; pass the
Unshielded prepared cable under test through the triaxial clamp; con-
nect both ends of the cable shielding layer to the semicircular
effect copper block; short-circuit the cable shielding layer and the
triaxial outer loop copper pipe; connect the output end of the
network analyzer to the inner ring of the triaxial system. The
input terminal is connected to its external circuit [28]. The
return loss S11 and transmission loss S21 of the three coaxial
Shielded cable systems are measured by the vector network analyzer. The
tested cables are divided into five groups to test the transfer
impedance of cables under different matching states. See
Angular frequency (W)
Table 2 for details.
The resistance of a conductor is proportional to the
Figure 4: Relationship between induced voltage and frequency. length and inversely proportional to the size of the cross-
sectional area. The ratio of resistance to cable length used in
layer. Different forms of grounding will directly affect the this article is between 0 and 0.4. Test results of syv1 coaxial
shielding effect. At this time, the nonmagnetic shielding power cable are as follows.
layer has no shielding effect on the coupling interference of It can be seen from Figure 5 that the theoretical cal-
the low-frequency magnetic field. When shielded by the culation results are in good agreement with the actual trend
high-frequency magnetic field, the interference coupling compared with the experimental test results, and the test
frequency is much higher than the cut-off frequency of the results are higher than the calculation results. At low fre-
nonmagnetic shielding layer. When the nonmagnetic quency, the transmission impedance of the cable is ap-
shielding layer is well grounded and both ends are grounded, proximately equal to the DC impedance of the shielding
it has good active shielding and passive shielding suppres- layer, and the theoretical value is about 10 m Ω/m at 3 MHz.
sion effects on magnetic field coupling [25]. However, for the triaxial test system, the inner ring and the
outer ring are connected by transfer impedance. The test
results include the impedance of the copper tube in the outer
3. Electromagnetic Field Detection Analysis and ring. In addition, the dynamic range of the test system is
Shielding Experiment of Power Cable small, resulting in the test results being slightly larger than
the theoretical value. In the test, the metal tube outside the
3.1. Triaxial Magnetic Field Impedance Measurement. In this triaxial device will radiate energy to the outside, which will
experiment, syv1 and syv4 coaxial power cables are selected also make the test result too large [29]. On the other hand,
as the test objects. In the actual design, by optimizing the the triaxial device calculates the transfer impedance of the
finger period of the interdigital transducer, surface acoustic cable through the formula by testing the S21 parameters of
waves of different wavelengths are excited, and the resonant the tested cable. Therefore, the use of secondary parameters
frequency of the surface acoustic wave device is adjusted. may lead to errors in the theoretical value. The transfer
Data Transfer Process. Their characteristic impedances are impedance measured at low frequency is the DC impedance
50 Ω and 75 Ω, respectively. They are coaxial cables often of the cable, which is about 10 m Ω/m. With the increase of
used in EMC experiments. The specific parameters are frequency, the scattering impedance becomes the main form
shown in Table 1. of transfer impedance. At 10 MHz, the transfer impedance is
If the load is only different in power, the core wire di- about 50 m Ω/m. At high frequency, the hole inductance and
ameter of the cable is different, and everything else can be the braided inductance are the main factors. The electromag-
same. If the type of load is also different, the type of cable netic energy is coupled to the cable core through the holes on
may also be different. It can be seen from the table that the cable shielding layer, and the transfer impedance
Advances in Civil Engineering 7

Table 1: Structural dimensions of syv1 and syv4 coaxial power cables.

Inner conductor Shield Outer diameter
Specification Insulation outer diameter (mm)
Material Diameter (mm) Material Diameter (mm) (mm)
SYV1 Soft copper wire 0.5 5 Soft copper wire 0.14∼0.16 6.8
SYV4 Soft copper wire 0.75 5 Soft copper wire 0.14∼0.16 6.8

Table 2: Grouping of tested cables.

Serial Test Cable characteristic impedance Cable terminal resistance
Matching status of signal source and cable
number model (Ω) (Ω)
Test one SYV1 50 50 Match
No impedance matching network, single-ended
Test two SYV4 75 75
Connect to 50–75 impedance matching network,
Test three SYV4 75 75
No impedance matching network, double-ended
Test four SYV4 75 50
Connect to 50–75 impedance matching network,
Test five SYV4 75 50

increases with the increase of frequency [30]. The impedance is connected between the signal source and the tested cable
fluctuation value in this article is too small, so the error of the during the syv4 cable test, the results also differ greatly from
test impedance will not affect the safety of the cable. the test results of the syv1 cable matching state with the
The measured S21 parameters of syv4 cable terminal with increase of frequency.
75 Ω and 50 Ω matching load are shown in the figure and In conclusion, when measuring the transfer impedance
compared with the test results of syv1 cable. The measured of mismatched cables by the three coaxial methods, the
S21 parameters when the terminals do not match are shown calculation result of the measurement formula when the
in Figure 6. tested cable is terminated with matching load is better than
It can be seen from the figure that at 75 Ω, the atten- that when the terminal is connected with 50 Ω load.
uation caused by the mismatch between the start end of the Therefore, when testing unmatched cables, the more accu-
tested cable and the end face of the signal source makes the rate test results can be obtained by using the test method of
measured S21 parameters less than the value in the matching terminal connection matching load and calculation with the
state in the whole frequency band. The single-end mismatch measurement formula.
only affects the attenuation and will not fluctuate. At 50 Ω,
the S21 measured by the mismatched cable is more con-
sistent with the results measured by the matched cable at low 3.2. Suppression of Electromagnetic Interference by Magnetic
frequency, but the difference becomes larger and larger with Materials. Magnetic materials are important functional
the increase of frequency; that is, the impact of mismatch materials with a wide range of applications and varieties.
becomes larger and larger. The attenuation is zero at low According to the application types, they can be divided into
frequency and becomes larger and larger with the increase of soft magnetic, permanent magnetic, and other materials. For
frequency. the electromagnetic field shielding solution, the experi-
In the low-voltage power distribution system, the cur- mental work of this paper mainly includes, by analyzing the
rent carrying capacity of the wires and cables needs to be active and passive shielding under different coupling in-
selectively matched with the protective appliances. terference conditions, the suppression effect of shielding on
According to different situations, the mismatch between the the electric field and the magnetic field is obtained [31]. The
wire and the protective appliances can be roughly divided power cable adopts magnetic material as the shielding layer,
into two types. The transfer impedance of the tested cable is which can suppress the low-frequency magnetic field, which
calculated from the S21 parameters obtained from the test is verified by simulation. Using magnetic material as the
and compared with the test results of the syv1 cable, as shielding layer of signal cable, the time domain value is
shown in Figure 7. obtained through experimental measurement, the frequency
It can be seen from the figure that the difference between domain value is obtained through FFT transformation, the
the test results of S21 and the matching cable measured when structure is shown in Figure 8, and the suppression effect of
the terminals are not matched increases with the increase of the low-frequency magnetic field is analyzed.
the frequency, so the test results of the mismatched state and The main objective of this experiment is to develop
the matched state in the figure are almost the same at low electromagnetic field shielding of underground variable
frequencies. But as the frequency increases, the difference frequency power cable, so as to meet the safety and reliability
between the two increases. Due to the mismatch of the tested of the cable system. Experiments are designed to analyze the
cable terminals, although the impedance matching network suppression effect of magnetic materials on active low-
8 Advances in Civil Engineering



ZT (O/m)


1 3 5 7 9 11 13
Frequency (Hz)

Calculate result
Test result
Figure 5: Transfer impedance of syv1 power cable.

-50 -50

-60 -60
S21 (dB)

S21 (dB)

-70 -70

-80 -80

-90 -90
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 1 3 5 7 9 11 13
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
SYV1 match status SYV1 match status
SYV4 mismatch status SYV4 mismatch status
Figure 6: S21 parameters measured when the power cable is connected to 75 Ω and 50 Ω loads.

frequency magnetic field coupling in power cables, and the and actual comparison can be used to obtain the magnitude
experimental results are verified by simulation calculation. of the error by the prediction method proposed in this
We arrange the two power cables in close parallel, an- article. Both attenuate with the increase of distance and
alyze the magnetic field distribution around the loop cable, increase with the distance. The degree of attenuation is
and select the horizontal x-axis and vertical Y-axis of the reduced. And the magnitude of the magnetic field along the
cable for magnetic field measurement respectively, and the x-axis at the same distance is smaller than the magnitude of
measurement steps are consistent with the measurement of a the magnetic field along the y-axis.
single circuit power cable. The Gauss meter probe is close to Data processing is performed on the measurement re-
the cable with the x-axis and y-axis as the measurement sults, and the processing results are shown in Figure 9.
starting position, and the measurement direction of the It can be seen from the above figure that before the
probe is perpendicular to the magnetic field direction. After shielding material is used, the magnetic field distribution of
that, the probe moves outward, the distance between the x-axis and y-axis is still nonlinear, and the attenuation
measuring points is 1 cm, and we measure and record the trend is consistent with the formula. At the same distance,
data. We keep the loop current at 70 A and measure it the magnetic field intensity of the y-axis is greater than that
according to the above steps. During the test, the external of the x-axis, which is also consistent with the fact that the
ambient magnetic field is −0.273 GS, and the actual magnetic magnetic field intensity generated by the ring cable at the
field value is the measured value minus the ambient value center is reversed in the x-axis direction and the y-axis is in
[32]. The test results are shown in Table 3. the same phase. Therefore, the magnetic field intensity in the
It can be seen from Table 3 that when the loop cable does y-axis direction is equal to the sum of the y components of
not use the shielding layer, the attenuation law of the the magnetic field intensity of the ring cable in the y-axis
magnetic field strength along the x-axis and y-axis around direction. The magnetic field intensity in the x-axis direction
the cable is the same as that of the single-channel cable. This is equal to the difference of the Y component of the magnetic
article uses Ampere’s law to obtain the predicted value of the field intensity in the x-axis direction of the ring cable. As can
magnetic induction intensity of the cable, and the prediction be seen in Figure 9, when the loop cable is wrapped with
Advances in Civil Engineering 9

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2
S21 (dB)

S21 (dB)
0.1 0.1

0 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 1 3 5 7 9 11 13
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

SYV1 match status SYV1 match status

SYV4 mismatch status SYV4 mismatch status
SYV4 match status SYV4 match status
Figure 7: Power cable connected to 75 Ω and 50 Ω resistance transfer impedance.

a1 Vcc 1 b1
Electromagnetic V+ C+
a2 b2
a3 b3
7 Compatibility GND
4 8
a4 GND b4

0 Vout C– Magnetic
material Power Weak current material
system system



hybrid cable

Antimagnetic Antimagnetic
power cable signal cable
Figure 8: Shielding scheme.

magnetic materials, the magnetic field in both the x-axis and The figure above shows the normal boundary condition
Y-axis directions is obviously suppressed, and the measured of magnetic flux density and tangential boundary condition
magnetic field strength is almost zero. By calculating the of magnetic field strength. At the interface of permeability
magnetic field efficiency along the x-axis and y-axis, it can be and magnetic medium, the unit vector of normal points
found that after using the magnetic material as the shielding from the third quadrant to the first quadrant, and the
layer, the shielding efficiency at the initial measurement magnetic flux density and magnetic field strength on both
point is the largest, which is 32.8 dB and 26.4 dB, respec- sides of the interface are Q1 and Q2, respectively. The results
tively, and then the shielding efficiency decreases with the show that magnetic materials have an obvious inhibitory
increase of distance. effect on the electromagnetic field. There is no problem for
The above experimental measurement results are the cable covering material to absorb radiation in a short
explained below. The magnetic fields on both sides of the time, and it will cause leakage if it takes a long time, so it
multi-interface suddenly change according to a certain law, needs to be replaced in time.
and this sudden change relationship is called the boundary
value problem or boundary condition of the magnetic field.
Data visualization is represented in the four quadrants. The 3.3. Performance Test of Electromagnetic Shielding Materials.
magnetic field generated by the cable will enter the magnetic In this paper, three commonly used electromagnetic
material, and the direction of the magnetic field generated by shielding materials are selected, which are (1) metal fiber
the cable in the magnetic material can be obtained from the radiation protection material, (2) high fiber radiation proof
boundary conditions of the magnetic medium interface, as fabric, and (3) silver fiber antiradiation materials. See Table 4
shown in Figure 10. for the specifications of metal-plated antiradiation materials.
10 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 3: Magnetic induction intensity of loop cable during operation.

Distance (CM) X-measurement (GS) X-actual value (GS) Y-measurement (GS) Y-actual value (GS)
0 4.697 5.77 15.999 15.872
1 1.587 2.36 4.829 5.102
2 0.794 1.067 2.201 2.074
3 0.797 0.67 1.539 1.312
4 −0.336 0.237 1.474 1.347
5 −0.06 0.713 0.381 1.454
6 0.668 0.841 0.952 1.225
7 −0.083 0.19 0.671 0.744
8 0.169 −0.058 0.726 1.399
9 −0.659 −0.186 0.793 0.866
10 −0.387 −0.614 0.362 1.235

0.5 1.5
Magnetic field strength (Ka/M)

Magnetic field strength (Ka/M)




-0.1 0
0 5 10 0 5 10
Distance (CM) Distance (CM)

Before… Before…
After wrapping After wrapping
Figure 9: Variation of the magnetic field along x-axis and y-axis.

This experiment uses the shielded room method. Power its shielding efficiency will decrease slightly with the increase
cables, especially ultrahigh voltage transmission lines, of radiation source frequency. When the radiation sources
should be kept away from densely populated areas such as are the same, the shielding effectiveness of different materials
houses, schools, and sports fields, and the distance between is also different. Among them, material 2 has the best
the human body and the cables should be no less than 75 cm, shielding efficiency, followed by material 1, and material 3
and it is best to install shielding devices. We use a combi- has the worst shielding efficiency. The main reasons for the
nation of the spectrum analyzer, shielded room, and above differences are, as follows. First, the composition of
transmitting antenna, including wireless LAN standard the materials is different. The metal fiber of the materials is
antenna, horn antenna, mobile phone standard antenna, copper-nickel alloy. Generally, the conductivity of the alloy
coaxial cable, and connector, test in a shielded room with a is worse than that of pure metal, so some electromagnetic
temperature of 25°C and a humidity of 65%, and keep the waves can be better reflected back to the air. Second, dif-
distance between the antenna and the transmitting antenna ferent structures of materials lead to different compactness
at 3 m. Although the result of the experiment is that the of materials, of which materials 1 and 3 are plain and
material with the highest density and thickness has achieved materials 2 are twill. Generally speaking, twill materials have
advantages, the fundamental reason for the shielding ef- fewer warp and weft interleaving times, which reduces the
fectiveness is the material, so there is no need to uniformly gap between warp and weft, and the yarns can be closely
test the density and thickness of the material. The shielding arranged. Therefore, the density of the materials is higher
effectiveness test results of different materials at different and thicker. Therefore, the shielding efficiency of the two
frequencies are shown in Figure 11. materials is the highest, with an average efficiency of 76.4 dB.
According to the hygienic standard of environmental
electromagnetic waves, the minimum shielding efficiency 4. Discussion
that can protect the human body is 25 dB. It can be seen from
the figure that the shielding efficiency of the three materials Although this thesis derives the measurement formula for
is greater than 25 dB, so as to meet the requirements of mismatched cable shielding performance, there are still
protecting the human body. When the same fabric is tested, many problems that need to be solved and improved. (1)
Advances in Civil Engineering 11

1 Normal 1 Normal

0.5 0.5


Q2 Q2
0 0
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Q1 Q1
-0.5 -0.5

-1 -1
Density… Magnetic field…

Figure 10: Boundary conditions of the magnetic medium interface.

Table 4: Specifications of electromagnetic shielding materials.

Number Name Fabric structure Mass per square meter (g)
Meridional Latitudinal
1 Metal-plated antiradiation fabric Plain weave 9 9 56.4
2 High fiber radiation proof fabric Vertical grain 27 27 184.5
3 Silver fiber radiation proof fabric Plain weave 9 9 81.2

effectiveness (dB)



10 30 100 300 1000
Frequency (MHz)
Material 1
Material 2
Material 3
Figure 11: Shielding effectiveness test results of different materials.

This article only uses 50 ohms and 75 ohms braided shielded 5. Conclusions
cables as examples to verify the measurement formula. In
actual underground applications, cables of other specifica- The main conclusion of this paper is divided into two parts:
tions such as multicore cables, shielded twisted pairs, and one is the rapid detection of the electromagnetic field of
twisted pairs are also used. It is widely used, so follow-up underground variable frequency power cable; the other is the
work needs to test and verify other specifications of cables. shielding of the electromagnetic field. Based on the multi-
(2) Magnetic materials have a good suppression effect on conductor transmission line theory and the solution of
low-frequency magnetic fields, but the permeability of multiconductor transmission line equation, according to the
magnetic materials decreases with the increase of frequency, influence of cable pairing conditions on the cable shielding
and it is easy to increase the distortion of harmonics in the performance test, the transmission line model of the triaxial
interference frequency under magnetic saturation. (3) When test system is established, and the measurement formula of
selecting shielding materials, the number of selected samples unmatched cable shielding performance is deduced. The
is relatively small, and it may be possible to try to recombine effectiveness of the formula is verified by experiments, and
multiple materials to obtain a new multilayer shielding the error is no more than 8 dB. Then, the electromagnetic
material. In future research, more practical materials and interference suppression experiment of magnetic materials
combinations can be selected. shows that the electromagnetic shielding performance of
12 Advances in Civil Engineering

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