DPP - Biotechnology Principles and Processes

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Biotechnology Principles and Processes

1. Choose the option indicating correct 4. Choose option with correct statement
sequence of following steps of RDT.
A. r-DNA can be directly injected into
a) Isolation of gene of interest the nucleus of an animal cell through
b) Construction of rDNA
B. Upstream processing is one of the step
c) Selection of recombinants
of rDNA technology
d) Transformation of r-DNA into hosts
C. Armed pathogen vectors are also used
e) Culturing of recombinants in in transfer of rDNA into host
D. Transgenic models are used for
(1) a  b  e  d  c studying new treatments for human
(2) a  b  d  c  e
(1) A and B only
(3) b  c  d  a  e
(2) A, B and D
(4) e  c  b  d  a
(3) B and D only
2. Given below are two statements:
(4) C only
Assertion (A) : The first restriction
endonuclease is Hind-II and cut specific 5. Given below are two statements:
sequence of six base pairs. Assertion (A) : Presence of insert results
Reason (R) : Exonuclease remove into insertional inactivation of the -
nucleotides from the ends of DNA. galactosidase gene.
Choose the most appropriate answer Reason (R) : The colonies produce blue
color, these are identified as recombinant
(1) Both (A) & (R) are correct but (R) is
not the correct explanation of (A).
Choose the most appropriate answer
(2) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.
(1) Both Assertion and Reason are correct
(3) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct.
but Reason is not a correct explanation of
(4) Both (A) & (R) are correct and (R) is the Assertion.
the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Assertion is correct and Reason is not
3. Stained DNA is exposed to correct
(1) visible light (3) Both Assertion is not correct but
Reason is correct
(2) UV light
(4) Both Assertion and Reason are correct
(3) IR light
and the Reason is a correct explanation of
(4) Radio wave the Assertion.
Seep Pahuja Biology-Official seep.pahuja
6. The figure below is diagrammatic 9. Which amongst the following are
representation of pBR322 which of the protein based modern methods that
given options correctly identifies its ensure detection of HIV ?
certain components.
(a) PCR
(c) Western blotting
(d) Northern blotting
Choose the correct answer from options
(1) a-tetR, b-ampR, c-ori, d-BamHI given below :
(2) a-ampR, b-tetR, c-ori, d-BamHI (1) (a) and (b)
(3) a-tetR, b-ampR, c-BamHI, d-ori (2) (b) and (c)
(4) a-ampR, b-tetR, c-PvuII, d-EcoRI (3) (a) and (d)
7. Match column-I with column-II. (4) (b), (c) and (d)
Column-I Column-II 10. Identify the correct set of statements :
(a) Microinjection (i) Competent cells (a) When different DNAs are cut by same
restriction enzyme, the resultant DNA
(b) Biolistics (ii) Plant cells
fragments have the same kind of sticky
(c) Heat shock (iii) Bacterial cells ends.
(d) Treatment with Ca2+ (iv) Animal cells (b) The seperated bands of DNA are cut
out from the agarose gel and extracted
(1) a-(iv), b-(ii), c-(iii), d-(i)
from the gel piece. This step is known as
(2) a-(ii), b-(iv), c-(i), d-(iii) elution.
(3) a-(iv), b-(i), c-(ii), d-(iii) (c) The RNA can be removed by treatment
with protease.
(4) a-(i), b-(ii), c-(iii), d-(iv)
(d) If any protein encoding gene is
8. The key tools for recombinant DNA
expressed in a heterologous host it is called
technology are a recombinant protein.
(1) Restrication enzyme, polymerase, Choose the correct answer from options
hydrolase, vectors given below :
(2) Recognition enzyme, polymerase, (1) a and b only
ligase, vector
(2) b, c and d only
(3) Restriction endonuclease, polymerase,
ligase, vector (3) a, b and d only

(4) Restriction enzyme, polymerase, (4) a and d only

dehydrogenase vector

Seep Pahuja Biology-Official seep.pahuja

11. Structure of plasmid vector is shown in 14. The construction of first r-DNA
the diagram with its specific antibiotic emerged from the possibility of linking a
resistance genes and recognition sites of gene encoding antibiotic resistance with
particular RE. native plasmid of :-
(1) Salmonella typhimurium
(2) E. coli
(3) Yeast
(4) Thermus aquaticus
15. Given below are two statements:
Select the correct match Statement-I : Restriction enzyme belong
to a larger class of enzymes called as
(1) A - BamH III, used to remove
tetracycline resistant gene
Statement-II : Each restriction
(2) D - When used as site for inserting
endonuclease recognise a specific
gene of interest, then recombinant
palindromic nucleotide sequence in the
organism can grow in tetracycline medium.
(3) C - When used as site for inserting
Choose the most appropriate answer
alien DNA, then recombinant form will
grow in both ampicillin and tetracycline (1) Both statement I and II are correct.
(2) Statement I is correct but statement II is
(4) B - Sal-I which removes the gene incorrect.
coding for producing -galactosidase.
(3) Statement I is incorrect but statement II
12. Non-recombinants transformants will is correct.
(1) Grow in ampicillin and tetracycline both (4) Both statement I and II are incorrect.
(2) Grow in ampicillin but not tetracycline 16. Restriction enzyme cuts DNA
(3) Grow in tetracycline but not ampicillin (1) between same two bases on opposite
strands, randomly DNA.
(4) Grow neither in tetracycline nor in
ampicillin (2) between same two bases on opposite
strands, a little away from centre of DNA
13. Bacterial host cells are made
sequence recognized.
competent to take up rDNA by-
(3) between two different bases on opposite
(1) Treating with Na+
strands, in centre of DNA sequence
(2) Treating with Al 3+ recognized.
(3) Treating with Ca2+ (4) between two different bases on opposite
strands, little away from centre of DNA
(4) More than one options
sequence recognized.
Seep Pahuja Biology-Official seep.pahuja
17. Select true(T) and false (F) w.r.t PCR 19. Which of the following is correct?
A. Taq DNA polymerase remains active (1) Any piece of DNA linked to ori site will
at high temperatures be replicated inside host.
B. A pair of primers with exposed 5-OH (2) Number of replication copies is under
groups will bind to the complementary control of recognition site.
sequence of template DNA (3) Vector should not be chosen based on
C. Annealing of primer with the template number of copies supported by it
DNA requires 95°C (4) More than one option.
D. PCR can be used to detect a specific
20. Arrange the following steps in correct
disease causing mutation or pathogens sequence resulting in transformation
present in very low concentrations process
(1) A-T, B-F, C-F, D-T (A) Bacterial cells with recombinant DNA
(2) A-T, B-F, C-T, D-F are incubated on ice

(3) A-F, B-T, C-F, D-T (B) Placing them briefly at 42°C

(4) A-F, B-T, C-T, D-F (C) Putting bacterial cells with
recombinant DNA back-on ice.
18. For alien DNA to replicate it needs to
be a part of: (D) Bacterial cells are treated with a
specific concentration of a divalent cation,
(1) chromosome without origin of such as calcium.
replication site
(1) A  B  C  D
(2) mitochondrial DNA with origin of
replication site (2) A  B  D  C

(3) Vector with origin of replication site (3) D  A  B  C

(4) cytoplasmic DNA with origin of (4) D  A  C  B

replication site

1. (2) 2. (1) 3. (2) 4. (2) 5. (2) 6. (1) 7. (1) 8. (3) 9. (2) 10. (3)
11. (2) 12. (1) 13. (3) 14. (1) 15. (4) 16. (2) 17. (1) 18. (3) 19. (1) 20. (3)

Seep Pahuja Biology-Official seep.pahuja

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