1 2
H Periodic Table of the Elements He
2 13 14 15 16 17
3 4 No 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be Element B C N O F Ne
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
55 56 57-71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba La-Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
87 88 89-103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
Transition Metal 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Metalloid La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Noble Gas
Lanthanide 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
Natural Sciences
Grade 8-B
developed by
funded by
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The only restriction is that you cannot change this version of this book, its cover
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This book is an open educational resource and you are encouraged to take full
advantage of this.
Therefore, if you would like a version of this book that you can reuse, revise,
remix and redistribute, under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
(CC-BY) license, visit our website, www.curious.org.za
. This book was written by Siyavula with the help, insight and collaboration of volunteer
educators, academics, students and a diverse group of contributors. Siyavula believes
in the power of community and collaboration by working with volunteers and
networking across the country, enabled through our use of technology and online tools.
The vision is to create and use open educational resources to transform the way we
teach and learn, especially in South Africa.
Siyavula Team
Ewald Zietsman, Bridget Nash, Melanie Hay, Delita Otto, Marthélize Tredoux, Luke
Kannemeyer, Dr Mark Horner, Neels van der Westhuizen
Dr Karen Wallace, Dr Nicola Loaring, Isabel Tarling, Sarah Niss, René Toerien, Rose
Thomas, Novosti Buta, Dr Bernard Heyns, Dr Colleen Henning, Dr Sarah Blyth, Dr
Thalassa Matthews, Brandt Botes, Daniël du Plessis, Johann Myburgh, Brice Reignier,
Marvin Reimer, Corene Myburgh, Dr Maritha le Roux, Dr Francois Toerien, Martli
Greyvenstein, Elsabe Kruger, Elizabeth Barnard, Irma van der Vyver, Nonna Weideman,
Annatjie Linnenkamp, Hendrine Krieg, Liz Smit, Evelyn Visage, Laetitia Bedeker, Wetsie
Visser, Rhoda van Schalkwyk, Suzanne Grové, Peter Moodie, Dr Sahal Yacoob, Siyalo
Qanya, Sam Faso, Miriam Makhene, Kabelo Maletsoa, Lesego Matshane, Nokuthula
Mpanza, Brenda Samuel, MTV Selogiloe, Boitumelo Sihlangu, Mbuzeli Tyawana, Dr Sello
Rapule, Andrea Motto, Dr Rufus Wesi
Iesrafeel Abbas, Shireen Amien, Bianca Amos Brown, Dr Eric Banda, Dr Christopher
Barnett, Prof Ilsa Basson, Mariaan Bester, Jennifer de Beyer, Mark Carolissen, Tarisai
Chanetsa, Ashley Chetty, Lizzy Chivaka, Mari Clark, Dr Marna S Costanzo, Dr Andrew
Craig, Dawn Crawford, Rosemary Dally, Ann Donald, Dr Philip Fourie, Shamin Garib,
Sanette Gildenhuys, Natelie Gower-Winter, Isabel Grinwis, Kirsten Hay, Pierre van
Heerden, Dr Fritha Hennessy, Dr Colleen Henning, Grant Hillebrand, Beryl Hook,
Cameron Hutchison, Mike Kendrick, Paul Kennedy, Dr Setshaba David Khanye, Melissa
Kistner, James Klatzow, Andrea Koch, Grove Koch, Paul van Koersveld, Dr Kevin
Lobb, Dr Erica Makings, Adriana Marais, Dowelani Mashuvhamele, Modisaemang Molusi,
Glen Morris, Talitha Mostert, Christopher Muller, Norman Muvoti, Vernusha Naidoo,
Dr Hlumani Ndlovu, Godwell Nhema, Edison Nyamayaro, Nkululeko Nyangiwe, Tony
Nzundu, Alison Page, Firoza Patel, Koebraa Peters, Seth Phatoli, Swasthi Pillay, Siyalo
Qanya, Tshimangadzo Rakhuhu, Bharati Ratanjee, Robert Reddick, Adam Reynolds,
Matthew Ridgway, William Robinson, Dr Marian Ross, Lelani Roux, Nicola Scriven, Dr
Ryman Shoko, Natalie Smith, Antonette Tonkie, Alida Venter, Christie Viljoen, Daan
Visage, Evelyn Visage, Dr Sahal Yacoob
A special thanks goes to St John's College in Johannesburg for hosting the first planning
workshop for these workbooks and to Pinelands High School in Cape Town for the use
of their school grounds for photography.
To learn more about the project and the Sasol Inzalo Foundation, visit the website at:
Table of Contents
1 Static electricity 4
1.1 Friction and static electricity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 Visible light 98
4.1 Radiation of light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
4.2 Spectrum of visible light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4.3 Opaque and transparent substances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
4.4 Absorption of light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
4.5 Reflection of light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
4.6 How do we see light? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
4.7 Refraction of light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
. the possibilities!
Curious? Discover
. . ...
VISIT Asking questions and discovering our world around us has been central to
Carl Sagan was an
human nature throughout our history. Over time, this search to understand our
natural and physical world through observation, testing and refining ideas, has
evolved into what we loosely think of as 'science' today. Key to this, is that
cosmologist, author,
science is a continuous revision in progress, it is a mechanism rather than a
science popularizer and
product, it is a way of thinking rather than a collection of knowledge, whose
science communicator.
driving force is not certainty in a truth, but rather being comfortable with
Watch one of his most
uncertainty, thereby cultivating curiosity.
pertinent messages for
However, as Carl Sagan famously said in 1994:
humanity here
"We live in a society absolutely dependent on science and technology,
and yet have cleverly arranged things so that almost no one
understands science and technology. That's a clear prescription for
We need to replace fear of the unknown and the difficult with curiosity, as Marie
Curie said:
. We would like to instill this sense of curiosity and an enquiring mind in learners.
DID YOU KNOW? Science, technology, engineering and mathematics are not subjects to be
Marie Curie was a feared, rather they are tools to unlock the potential of the world around you, to
chemist and physicist create solutions to problems, to discover the possibilities.
famous for becoming
the first person to be
But, how do we practically do this in our classrooms? We would like this
awarded two Nobel
workbook to become a tool that you can use to do this. The theme for the
presentation of this content in Gr 7-9 Natural Sciences is 'Curious? Discover the
possibilities.' We have shown everyday science and objects with 'doodles' over
them to show how if you are curious, intrigued and investigate the world around
you, there are many possibilities for discovery. Sometimes these doodles are
science or technology related, and sometimes they are more fantastical and fun.
Learners should be inspired to discover, but also imagine the possibilities, as
Freeman Dysan said:
will be rewarded. Although, possibly not every time - it requires patience and .
determination. Although your learners will be exploring science and the world TAKE NOTE
around us within a classroom context where assessment is integral, keep in
Albert Einstein
mind this idea from Claude Levi-Strauss, when instilling the ethos of science in
repeatedly did poorly at
your learners:
school, dropped out at
16 and failed his first
"The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, but one university entrance
who asks the right questions." examinations. Every
child deserves a chance
to become someone,
Science is relevant to everyone. Scientific principles, knowledge and skills can sometime in some
be applied in creative and exciting ways to solve problems and advance our place.
world. It is not just a subject restricted to our classrooms, but reaches far
beyond, and within. Ultimately, we also want learners to embark on a personal
discovery and be curious about their own potential and possibilities for the
The Natural Sciences curriculum
As learners enter the Senior Phase in their schooling, the focus is now purely on
Natural Sciences within this subject, and Technology is a separate subject.
However, there are close links between the content in both of these subjects as
they complement each other. The Natural Sciences curriculum also links to what
learners cover in Social Sciences and Life Orientation. Whether you are a
subject specialist teacher, or a class teacher, it is worthwhile to take note of
where Natural Sciences overlaps with and integrates with some of the other
subjects that learners are covering. .
Organisation of the curriculum If you would like to see
what learners covered in
In the Natural Sciences curriculum, the knowledge strands below are used as a
Gr 4-6 with the
tool for organising and grouping the content.
Thunderbolt Kids, visit
These knowledge strands follow on from Gr 4-6. The strands also link into each
other, and these have been pointed out both within the learners' workbook and
here in the teachers guide.
We have also produced concept maps which show the progression of concepts
across the grades, within a strand, and how the build upon each other. These
concept maps are useful tools for teaching to see what learners should have
covered in previous grades, and where they are going in the future.
. .
Below is a summary of the time allocations per topic in Grade 8. This time
allocation is a guideline for how how many weeks should be spent on each topic
We have provided a finer breakdown of the time into the number of hours to
spend on each section within a chapter in the Chapter overviews in the
Teacher's Guide. However, again, this is a guideline or suggestion and should be
applied flexibly according to circumstances in the classroom and to
accommodate the interests of your learners.
Specific aims
There are three specific aims in Natural Sciences which are covered in these
workbooks in the range of tasks provided and in the way the content is
There are many practical tasks within this workbook that provide the
opportunity to conduct investigations to answer questions using the scientific
method, to use scientific apparatus, instruments and materials and to develop a
range of process skills, such as observing, measuring, identifying problems and
issues, predicting, hypothesizing, recording, interpreting and communicating
information. The skills associated with each task in this workbook have been
identified in the chapter overviews in this Teacher's Guide.
Learners also need to be aware of the ethical concerns and values that underpin
any science work that they do, as well as health and safety precautions. Where
appropriate, these have been pointed out in the learners workbook and in this
Teacher's Guide.
In teaching and discovering the content in Natural Sciences, the aim for learners
is not to just recall facts, but to also use the knowledge to make connections
between the ideas and concepts in their minds. Most of the activities in this
workbook have questions at the end which aim to consolidate the knowledge
and skills learned in the task, and also help learners to make connections with
what they have previously learned.
There are many opportunities for discussion when going through the content in
these workbooks. This is often highlighted in the Teacher's Guide with
suggestions for how to lead the discussion and what questions to ask your
learners to stimulate their minds and create links between what they are
learning. There are often questions within the learners' workbooks which relate
what they are learning at that point to previously acquired knowledge and
Many of the links between content and also between strands and grades are
pointed out within this Teacher's Guide. We suggest also making use of the
concept maps when creating a clear picture in your own mind of the framework
of knowledge that learners should have up to that point about a particular topic.
. .
These workbooks aim to show learners that many of the issues in our world can
be solved through scientific discovery and pursuit. For example, improving
water quality, conserving our environment, finding renewable energy sources
and medical research into cures for diseases. Where appropriate, the history of
various scientific discoveries and inventions, as well as the scientists involved,
have been discussed.
These workbooks also aim to highlight the beauty, diversity and scientific
achievements, discoveries and possibilities in our country, South Africa. An
appreciation of local indigenous knowledge is very important. When going
through particular topics in class, encourage your learners to talk about their
own experiences so that learners are exposed to the indigenous knowledge of
different cultures, to different belief systems and worldviews.
Understanding how scientific discovery has shaped and influenced local and
. global communities will enable learners to see the connections between Science
and Society. This will help to reinforce that Science is practical and relevant,
Learn more about Creative and it can be used as a tool together with other subjects like Mathematics and
Commons licenses and all Technology to find solutions and understand our world.
the freedoms that these
licenses grant you! .
How to use this workbook
We would like these Curious workbooks and Teacher's Guides to become a tool
for you in your classrooms to teach, explore and discover Natural Sciences.
But first, did you notice the copyright license at the front of this book? At
Siyavula, our textbooks and workbooks are published under an open copyright
An OPEN license?
An open license is fundamentally different to the traditional closed copyright
licenses. Instead of imposing restrictions on how you can use this content (for
example, all rights reserved), this open license grants you freedoms! The
Siyavula books are published under a Creative Commons license.
. You are legally allowed to copy this book.
Watch this video to learn We encourage you to photocopy it, download it from our website, save it on
more about why open your mobile phone, tablet, PC or flashdrive, print it and distribute it as often as
education matters. you like.
But, how does that help? This is part of a larger, global movement called open
education. These books are an example of an open educational resource
(OER). OERs are generally defined as freely accessible, usually openly licensed
documents and online resources that can be used in teaching, learning,
education, assessment and research. Open education aims to break the barriers
that many people face when wanting to get an education, namely that content,
courses and resources are hidden behind restricting closed copyright licences
and are expensive.
We encourage you to modify and tweak this content to suit your learners and
your context. You just need to attribute Siyavula, as is specified in the Creative
Commons license.
You can download a soft copy of the source files for these books from our
website: www.curious.org.za
We would also love it if you told us how you are using this content as it helps us
refine our processes.
The beginning of each chapter starts off with KEY QUESTIONS. These introduce
the content that will be covered in the chapter, but rather phrased as questions.
This reinforces the idea of questioning, being curious and the investigative
nature of science to discover the world around us and how it works.
• Investigations are those tasks where learners will be using the scientific
method to answer a question, test a hypothesis, etc. These are science
• Activities are all other tasks where the learner is required to do something
whether it is making a model, researching a topic, discussing an idea, doing
calculations, filling in a table, doing a play, writing a poem, etc.
. .
At the end of each strand there is a GLOSSARY which contains the definitions
for all the NEW WORDS which are highlighted throughout that strand.
The tasks which are suggested in CAPS have been identified here in the
teachers guide, and we have marked those that are optional or extensions.
When going through the content in class and you are using the workbook, there
are various questions within the content. These questions are aimed at
stimulating class discussions where learners can take notes, or they link back to
what learners have already done. The answers are provided in the Teacher's
Guide. Use these questions to check learners understanding and keep engaged
with the content.
The various activities and investigations often contain questions at the end. The
questions can often be used as a separate activity, even the next day in class or
as homework, to reinforce what was learned.
Teacher's notes
The way this Teacher's Guide is structured to provide the content of the
learner's book, but with all the model solutions written in italic blue text, and
with many Teacher's notes embedded within the content.
This is an example of what a teacher's note looks like. It can contain:
• chapter overviews
• suggestions on how to introduce a .topic
• guidelines for setting up or demonstrating a practical task
• general tips for teaching the content
• extra background information on a topic
• misconceptions which can easily be introduced to learners, or which
learners might already have
The tables for each section can be used to plan your lessons. We have
suggested an hours break down to spend on each section within the chapter,
based on how much content there is to cover, and the number of tasks. This is
only a suggested guideline.
Within each table, we have listed the different Activities and Investigations and
the process skills associated with each task.
The third column contains the Recommendation for the task. These
recommendations are, in order of priority:
You will need to look at how many hours you have for each section, and then
decide which tasks you would like to do with your learners. These tables
provide a useful overview and will also help you choose tasks so that you cover
a range of process skills and specific aims.
The assessment guidelines for Gr 7-9 Natural Sciences are outlined in CAPS on
page 85.
There are many opportunities for informal assessment within these workbooks.
Any of the tasks can be chosen to continuously monitor your learners' progress
as well as checking the short answers they provide to questions interspersed in
the content.
The questions in the revision exercises at the end of each term can be used as
formal assessment and you can use these questions, as well as your own, to
make class tests and examinations.
. .
Margin boxes
You may have already noticed some of the margin boxes in this Teacher's Guide
overview so far. These boxes contain additional information and enrichment.
The NEW WORDS highlight not only the new words used, but also the key
words for the chapter or section. The definitions for all these new words are
listed in the glossary at the back of the strand.
DID YOU KNOW has some fun, interesting facts relating to the content.
TAKE NOTE points out useful tips, with a special focus on language usage and
the origins of words. This may be useful to second language learners.
The VISIT boxes contain links to interesting websites, videos relating to the
content or simulations. This enrichment is also aimed to encourage learners to
be curious about their subject in their own time by discovering more online. We
feel it is important for learners to be aware that science is a rapidly advancing
field and there are many exciting, innovative and useful discoveries being made
all the time in science, mathematics and technology research.
To access the links in the VISIT boxes, you will see there is a bit.ly link. This is a
shortened link that we created, as sometimes the website links to Youtube
videos can be very long! You simply need to type this whole link into the
address bar in your internet browser, either on your PC, tablet or mobile phone,
and it will direct you to the website or video.
For example, in this Teacher's Guide overview, there is the link to a video about
why open education matters. It is bit.ly/17yW5Lj Simply type this into your
address bar as shown below and press enter.
This will either direct you to a website page, or to our website where you can
watch the video online.
These books are not perfect and we will be continuously improving them. We
would find your input and experience as a teacher crucial and highly beneficial
in this process.
. .
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
1 week
• What is static electricity?
• What is friction?
• Why does my hair stand on end and crackle when I pull a jersey off?
• What is lightning?
• What does it mean to 'earth' an object?
• What does it mean when we say 'opposites attract'?
Have you ever pushed a trolley through the shops and suddenly felt a shock? Or
pulled your school jersey over your head and heard it crackling? What causes
those shocks and noises? Let's investigate.
1.1 Friction and static electricity
The effects of static electricity are all around us, but we do not always
recognise it when we see or feel them. Or perhaps you have, but you never
realised what was causing it. For example, have you ever felt a slight shock
when you put a jersey over your head on a cold day, or perhaps you have
observed your hair stand on end when you touch certain objects? Let's do a
quick activity to demonstrate static electricity.
You can also do this activity using a plastic
. comb rather than balloons. Or else
you can use pieces of paper instead of a learner's hair as not all hair will behave
in the following way if it has product in it. You can then rather rub the balloon
on a jersey and pick up pieces of paper.
1. Work in pairs.
2. Blow up a balloon and tie it closed so that the air does not escape.
3. Hold the balloon a short distance away from your hair or pieces of paper.
What do you notice?
Nothing happens.
4. Rub your hair with the balloon.
5. Now hold the balloon a short distance away from your hair or pieces of
paper. What do you see?
The hair should "rise" and stick to the balloon, or the pieces of paper will VISIT
stick to the balloon.
Watch this video about
static electricity to
understand why your hair
stands on ends when you
brush it or rub it against a
balloon bit.ly/1dZkVJr
. .
1. What did you do to make your hair. or the pieces of paper stick to the
Rubbed it vigorously with the balloon.
You have dragged the surface of the plastic comb against the surfaces of your
hair. When two surfaces are rubbed together there is friction between them.
Friction is a resistance against the movement of an object as a result of its
contact with another object. This means that when you rubbed the plastic comb
along your hair, your hair resisted the movement of the comb and slowed it
A simulation on friction
The friction between two surfaces can cause electrons to be transferred from
between a carpet and John
one surface to the other.
Travolta's foot.
In order to understand how electrons can be transferred, we need to remember
what we learnt about the structure of an atom last term in Matter and Materials.
All atoms have a nucleus which contains protons and neutrons. The nucleus is
held together by a very strong force, which means that the protons within a
nucleus can be considered to be fixed there. The atom also contains electrons.
Where are the electrons arranged in the atom?
The electrons are arranged in the space around the nucleus.
Positive charge.
Negative charge.
Neutrons are not charged. They are neutral.
The atom is held together by the electrostatic attraction between the positively
charged nucleus and the negatively charged electrons. Within an atom, the
electrons closest to the nucleus are the most strongly held, whilst those further
away experience a weaker attraction.
Normally, atoms contain the same number of protons and electrons. This means TAKE NOTE
that atoms are normally neutral because they have the same number of positive
charges as negative charges, so the charges balance each other out. All objects . charges
Remember, like
repel and opposite charges
are made up of atoms and since atoms are normally neutral, objects are also
usually neutral.
However, when we rub two surfaces together, like when you comb your hair or
rub a balloon against your hair, the friction can cause electrons to be transferred
from one object to another. Remember, the protons are fixed in place in the
nucleus and so they cannot be transferred between atoms, it is only electrons
that are able to be transferred to another surface. Some objects give up
electrons more easily than other objects. Look at the following diagram which
explains how this happens.
. .
Does this object now have more positive or more negative charges?
It has more positive charges.
The comb.
Does this object now have more positive or more negative charges?
It has more negative charges.
• When an object has more electrons than protons overall, then we say that
the object is negatively charged.
• When an object has fewer electrons than protons overall, then we say that
the object is positively charged.
So, we now understand the transfer of electrons that takes place as a result of
friction between objects. But, how did that result in your hair rising when you
brought the charged balloon close to your hair in the last activity? Let's look at
what happens when oppositely charged objects are brought together.
This is a fun demonstration of how like charges repel each other and unlike
charges attract each other. If you have enough materials, allow the learners to
try this themselves. If you don't have enough materials, do this as a
demonstration but give the learners a chance to play a bit.
Practise this activity a few times first to .make sure that you have the method
right. Remember that it is quite easy to accidentally earth the rods so work with
care. This will work best on a dry day. This will be dependent on the area which
you live in.
. .
1. What happened when you brought the second perspex rod close to the
first perspex rod?
When the rods are the same (i.e. both perspex) then the first rod should
move away from the second and the top watch glass will turn in a circle.
2. What happened when you brought the plastic rod close to the first
perspex rod?
When the two different materials are used then the first rod should move
towards the plastic rod and the watch glass will turn in a circle towards the
plastic rod.
3. What happened when you brought the plastic rod close to the pieces of
The pieces of paper were attracted to the plastic rod.
When we rubbed the perspex rods with the cloth, electrons were transferred
from the perspex to the cloth. What charge do the perspex rods now have?
A positive charge.
Both the perspex rods now have the same charge. Did you notice that objects
with the same charge tend to push each other away? We say that they are
repelling each other.
When we rubbed the plastic rod with the cloth, electrons were transferred from
the cloth to the plastic rod. What charge does the plastic rod now have?
A negative charge.
Discover more with a
simulation on rubbing
The perspex rod and the plastic rod now have opposite charges. Did you notice
balloons and a jersey.
that objects with different charge tend to pull each other together? We say that
they are attracting each other.
In the example of the pieces of paper being attracted to the ruler, the paper
• If two negatively charged objects are brought close together, then they
will repel each other.
• If two positively charged objects are brought close together, then they will
repel each other. . and like
Opposites attract
• If a positively charged object is brought near to a negatively charged repel (video) bit.ly/16ThzBL
Do you now understand why your hair rises and is attracted to the balloon after
you rub the balloon on your hair? Write a short description to explain what is
happening using the words: electrons, transfer, negative charge, positive
charge, opposite, attract, repel.
When rubbing hair with the balloon, electrons are transferred from the hair to
the balloon. The balloon now has a negative
. charge and the hair has a positive
charge. They have opposite charges and so when the balloon is brought close
to the hair again, they attract each other. Since the hair strands each have
positive charges, like charges repel and the hair strands repel each other, also
causing them to rise up.
. .
This video in the Visit box shows how static electricity from the flowing petrol
causes a spark which ignites the petrol fumes and leads to a large fire. It is an
illustration of one of the dangers of static electricity.
Electrostatic discharge can also cause electric shocks. Have you ever been
shocked by a shopping trolley while you are pushing it around a shop? Or have
you walked across a carpeted room and then shocked yourself when you touch
the door handle to leave the room? You have experienced an electric discharge.
Electrons move from the door handle onto your skin and the movement of the
electrons causes a small electric shock. Small electric shocks can be
uncomfortable but mostly harmless. Large electric shocks are extremely
dangerous and can cause injury and death.
The discharge of electrons from charged objects happens much more easily
when the air is dry, which is why you are. more likely to experience electrostatic
sparks or shocks in dry weather. This is because when the weather is humid, the
moisture in the air can collect on the surface of objects, and prevent the
build-up of electrical charge. The charge dissipates through the moisture, which
is a better conductor than air.
Do you know where else we can see sparks due to static electricity? Look at the
photo for a clue!
In order to discharge extra electrons safely from an object we must earth it.
Earthing means that we connect the charged object to the ground (the Earth)
with an electrical conductor. The extra electrons travel along the conductor and
enter the ground without causing any harm. The Earth is so large that the extra
charge does not have any overall effect.
For example, think of the metal trolleys in shopping centres. Have you ever
noticed that they normally have a metal chain hanging at the bottom which
drags along the floor? This is to earth the trolley if it gets a charge so that
charge cannot build up on the trolley. This protects the person pushing the
trolley from getting a shock.
There are many different useful and damaging effects of static electricity. Here
are some examples. .
• useful: air filters remove smoke particles; spray painting; photocopying
• problems: dust on TV and computer screens; damage to electronic
If you do not have a Van de Graaff generator then you can use some of the
videos provided here which show and explain. how the generator works. If you
do have a generator then allowing the learners to "play" with it will give them a
good insight into the effects of static electricity. Allow learners to perform
different activities, such as having their hair stand on end.
. .
Tear up small pieces of paper and place .them on the top of the uncharged
dome, run the generator and the pieces will become charged and then fly off
the generator. This is a good example of the pieces of paper becoming charged
and then, because they all have the same charge, repelling each other.
. touch 20
Should a person
000 Volts? Visit this link to
The Van de Graaff generator is a machine which uses friction to generate a large
find out! bit.ly/19mUtun
build-up of electric charge on a metal dome.
VISIT The Van de Graaff generator can be used to demonstrate the effects of an
electrostatic charge. The big metal dome at the top becomes positively
. so see how
Watch this video
charged when the generator is turned on. When the dome is charged it can be
a Van de Graaff generator
discharged by bringing another insulated metal sphere close to the dome. The
works bit.ly/1a5YNKE
electrons will jump to the dome from the metal sphere and cause a spark.
These girls are touching the large dome of a Van de Graaff generator.
You can also touch the dome and your hair will rise. Why do you think this
When you touch the positively charged .dome, electrons are transferred from
you to the dome to discharge it. This causes you and your hair to become
positively charged. The individual hair strands are then positively charged so
they repel each other and stand on end.
An electroscope is an early scientific instrument used to identify the presence of
a charged object or it can be used to identify the type of charge on a charged
. .
They move apart as they now both have a positive charge and positive charges
You can make a simple electroscope with everyday items. Let's try.
If you cannot find glass jars with lids then it is possible to make lids. Use old
plastic tub lids and cut out a circle the same size as the opening of the glass jar.
Then use electrical tape (or even masking tape) to hold the plastic lid in place
over the jar opening. .
The copper does not have to be 14 gauge but the thicker the piece the better it
holds it's shape.
Detailed instructions and videos can be found on the internet. Try video in the
Visit box for an excellent description of the method.
Make your own electroscope 1. Twist one end of the copper wire into a spiral shape. This will increase its
(video) bit.ly/18JyxWc surface area.
2. Make a hole in the jar lid and push a small piece of the plastic tubing
through the hole.
3. Put the other end of the copper wire through the straw so that the spiral
end is on the outside of the lid.
4. Make a hook out of the pointed end of the copper wire.
5. Cut two rectangular strips of aluminium foil.
6. Put each piece of aluminium foil onto the hook. Make a small hole in the
aluminium foil to allow it to hang from the hook.
7. Carefully put the hook end of the copper wire into the glass jar and close
the jar.
8. Rub the ruler with the wool cloth for a minute.
1. What did you observe when you brought the ruler close to the copper
The two pieces of aluminium foil moved apart.
2. What happens if you move the ruler away from the copper wire?
The aluminium foil pieces move back together.
Why do the pieces of aluminium foil move apart? When you rubbed the plastic
ruler with the wool cloth, the ruler became negatively charged. When the
negatively charged ruler is brought close to the copper wire, the electrons on
the wire are repelled downwards towards the aluminium foil. The pieces of
aluminium foil then have extra electrons on them and they both become
negatively charged. Two objects which are negatively charged will repel each
other and so the pieces of aluminium foil move away from each other.
. .
This next question is a test of the learners' understanding of the fact that
positive charges do not move to cause charging, only electrons can move. But,
a positively charged object can move. Learners often get confused with this.
Give them a chance to reason out the answer themselves. Allow them to bring a
positively charged object close to the electroscope to observe what happens
and then try to figure out why the effect is seemingly the same. Rubbing a glass
rod with the wool cloth will cause a positive charge to develop on the glass rod.
. .
Key Concepts
• Objects are usually neutral because they have the same number of
positive and negative charges.
• Objects can become negatively or positively charged when friction
(rubbing) results in the transfer of electrons between objects.
• Protons and neutrons cannot be transferred, only electrons can be
transferred by friction.
• If an object has more electrons than protons, then it is negatively
• If an object has fewer electrons than protons, then it is positively
• Like charges repel each other, i.e. negative repels negative; positive
repels positive.
• Opposite charges attract each other, i.e. negative attracts positive;
positive attracts negative.
• A discharge of the electrons from a charged object can cause sparks
or shocks of static electricity, especially when the air is dry.
. Map
Complete the following concept map to summarise what you have learnt in
this chapter about charge and static electricity.
1. Complete the following sentences. Just write the missing word on the line
a) An object which has a negative charge is said to have
electrons than protons. [1 mark]
An object which has a negative charge is said to have more electrons than
2. An object which has a positive charge is said to have
electrons than protons. [1 mark]
An object which has a positive charge is said to have fewer electrons than
3. Sarah uses a plastic comb to comb her hair. The comb becomes negatively
charged. The comb is negatively charged because the comb has: [1 mark]
a) gained electrons
b) gained protons
c) lost electrons
d) lost protons
Answer a.
4. A perspex strip was rubbed with a cloth and became positively charged.
The correct explanation for why the perspex rod becomes positively
charged is that: [1 mark]
a) the perspex rod got extra protons from the cloth.
b) the perspex rod got extra protons due to friction.
c) protons were created as the result of friction.
d) the perspex rod lost electrons to the cloth due to friction.
Answer d.
5. Look at the following images in the table. Redraw the images in the second
column to show how the spheres will move because of the nature of the
charges. Write an explanation in the last column. [6 marks]
3 marks for each of the scenarios, 1 mark is awarded to the drawing and 2
marks to the explanation.
Draw how the y will Explanation
Charged spheres
. .
Why is it positive,
Object Overall charge
negative or neutral?
It is negatively charged
as there are 3 more
Charge = 3 + (-6) = -3 negative than positive
. It is positively charged
as there are 4 more
Charge = 7 + (-3) = 4 positive charges than
negative charges.
7. The ruler in this photo has been rubbed with a cloth. Describe what is
happening in this photo and why. [4 marks]
What is happening?
Rubbing the ruler with a cloth transfers electrons from the cloth to the ruler
so the ruler now has an excess of electrons and it is negatively charged.
The pieces of paper are neutral. When the negatively charged ruler is
brought near to the paper pieces, they are attracted to the ruler as the the
electrons move around on the paper because of the large charge on the
ruler. Electrons will move away from the ruler leaving a positive charge on
the paper near the ruler, so they are attracted.
The girls are touching the hollow dome of a Van de Graaff generator. The
dome is positively charged so electrons are transferred from their bodies to
the dome to discharge it. This causes their bodies and hair to become
positively charged. Their hair strands now repel each other as they are all
positive (like charges repel) and they rise up.
. .
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
3 weeks
If you do not have sufficient equipment to allow all the learners to make all the
circuits or you want to experiment with simulations, you can use the PhET
simulation for building an electric circuit.. You can use the PhET simulation
software which can be downloaded from
bit.ly/GzA9d5 . You can then run an offline version on your computers.
Before allowing your students to use the PhET simulations there are several
things you should familiarise yourself with regarding the software. Make sure
you know how to:
• add components to a circuit. You need to click, hold down and drag the
components from the side of the screen to where you want them.
• connect components with wires. You can place a wire onto the screen and
then drag the ends till they meet up with the component. Make sure that
you are careful when connecting light bulbs. The system will create a short
circuit if they are not connected correctly. This will require some practice.
• delete wires or components or add parts. You can't just add after the
circuit is built, just as in a real circuit you need to disconnect components
to make space for new ones. Right-click with the mouse on the junction
between two components and it will give you the option to disconnect.
Right-click on the component itself, and you will be given the option to
remove the entire component.
• use the voltmeter and ammeter. The non-contact ammeter is very useful
but the other one is more realistic.
• clear the image to start something else. Your learners can save their
circuits for future use if your lesson is interrupted and then load them again
when you need them. If they need a blank screen in order to start again,
then click on the "reset all" button.
• reset the resistance of a resistor or light bulb or to change the potential
difference of a battery. Right-click on the component and you will be give
the option to adjust the settings.
If you only teach Natural Sciences, it is a good idea to check with the
Technology teachers to see how these two curriculums complement each other,
especially with regard to electricity. Some of the concepts which might be
introduced for the first time in Natural Sciences, have already been covered in
the Technology curriculum. Knowing what learners have already covered and
been introduced to will help make your classes more efficient and more
stimulating for learners.
. .
• What is an electric current?
• What is an electric circuit?
• Where does the energy come from in a circuit?
• What are components?
• How do we draw electric circuits?
• What effects can an electric current produce?
• Why does the element in a light bulb glow and the element in a kettle
become hot?
• What is an electromagnet and are they useful to us?
• How do you plate metal rings and earrings in gold to produce jewellery?
In the last chapter we looked at static electricity. We are now going to focus on
current electricity. You will already be familiar with some of the concepts and
terminology about electricity from previous grades. This year we are going to
revise some of these concepts and also extend our knowledge about electricity.
2.1 Circuits and current electricity
There is no need at this level to discuss the idea of conventional current. The
idea of conventional current (the movement of positive charges) was
developed prior to the discovery of electron movement. It was adopted as a
convention so that all scientists working with electricity could communicate and
compare research with ease. The mathematical models of electricity are also
simpler when considering conventional current. The idea of conventional
current and SI units and their importance will only be discussed in Grade 9.
Do you remember what you learnt in Grade 6 and 7 about circuits? Let's revise
. .
Some of these questions are revision of what learners should have covered in Gr
7 CAPS about energy transfers within a system. This acts as a revision exercise
and to links back to prior knowledge to reinforce learning.
1. What are the parts that make up this system for transferring electrical
They are the battery, conducting wires, light bulb and switch.
2. Do you think this is an open or closed circuit? Explain your answer.
It is closed as the switch is closed so it is a complete, unbroken pathway.
3. Which part is providing the source of energy?
VISIT The battery.
4. What is the conducting material?
Electricity and circuits
. The wires, made of metal.
bit.ly/17ni2R4 and Revise a
5. What type of energy does the battery have?
simple circuit. [video)
Chemical potential energy.
6. What is this energy transferred to when the circuit is closed and the
electrons move through the wires?
Potential energy is transferred to kinetic energy of the electrons.
7. What is the output of this system?
The bulb lights up, so it is light (and also heat).
8. In most systems, the input energy is more than the useful output energy as
some of the input energy is transferred to wasted output energy. In this
simple circuit with a light bulb, what is the wasted output energy?
The wasted energy is heat.
2.2 Components of a circuit
You are probably already familiar with the components of an electric circuit
from previous grades. Do you remember that we have a specific way of
drawing the components in a circuit in an electric circuit diagram? Each
component has a different symbol.
Complete the following table. List the function of the component and draw the
circuit symbol. The last two rows have been filled in for you as you may not yet
know these symbols, but we will be using them in this chapter.
Component Function Symbol
Torch bulb Provides a light source.
. .
Let's now practice drawing some simple circuit diagrams. Draw the following
circuit diagrams.
1. A closed circuit with one cell, two light bulbs and a switch.
2. An open circuit with two cells, two light bulbs and a switch.
. . electric
Build you own
circuits with this simulation.
The one cell is in the wrong position as the two negative terminal are facing
each other, instead of the negative terminal of one cell being connected to
the positive terminal of the next cell.
6. Why do you think it is useful to have a switch in a circuit?
A switch provides an easy way of opening or closing the circuit and
therefore controlling the electric circuit.
7. Why are conducting wires made out of metal?
This is because metals are good conductors of electricity.
Electrical cells are the source of energy for the electric circuit. Where does that
energy come from?
Inside the cell are a number of chemicals. These chemicals store potential
energy. When a cell is in a complete circuit, the chemicals react with each other.
As a result, electrons are given the potential energy they need to start moving
through the circuit. When the electrons move they have both potential and
kinetic energy. The electric current is the movement of electrons through the
conducting wires.
. .
This activity is a good opportunity for both group work and individual work. The
learners can do the research in a group but. then write their paragraphs
individually. Different learners in the same group may have different recycling
centres closest to where they live. You can assess both the quality of their
written response as well as the accuracy of their information.
Batteries which no longer work must not be thrown away in dustbins. They
need to be recycled.
Some materials which do not conduct electricity are plastics, glass and ceramics.
Why do you think most conducting wires are surrounded with plastic?
This is because plastic is an electrical insulator and therefore insulates the wire.
Resistors are a bit of both. They allow electrons to move through them, but do
not make it easy. They are said to resist the movement of electrons. Resistors
therefore influence the electric current in a circuit.
Bring a kettle to school so that the learners can see the element inside the
kettle. Also use a large, incandescent light bulb to show them the filament wire
in the bulb as examples of resistors.
But, why would we want to resist the movement of electrons? Resistors can be
extremely useful. Think about a kettle. If you look inside you will see a large
metal coil.
A good example of where resistors are used is in light bulbs. Let's take a closer
look at the different parts of a light bulb to see how it works.
. .
Try to have some incandescent light bulbs for the learners to hold and to look
at. For extension you could ask the learners to research the use of argon gas
rather than normal air for the gas inside the light bulb. Argon is used because it
is an inert gas and will prevent oxidation of the filament, therefore lengthening
the lifespan of the filament.
• light bulb
• lamp
1. If you have light bulbs available, have a close look at the different parts,
otherwise have a look at the photos provided here.
2. Read the information about how a light bulb works and identify the parts
that have been numbered.
3. Answer the questions that follow.
. A light bulb consists of an air-tight enclosed glass case (number 1). At the base
How a light bulb works. of the bulb are two metal contacts (numbers 7 and 10), which connect to the
bit.ly/18K0hd3 ends of an electrical circuit. The metal contacts are attached to two stiff wires,
(numbers 3 and 4).
These wires are attached to a thin metal filament. Have a look at a light bulb.
Can you identify the filament? This is number 2 in the diagram. The filament is
made from tungsten wire. This is an element with high resistance.
1. When the electrons move through the filament they experience high . to emit
Incandescent means
resistance. This means that they transfer a lot of their energy to the light as a result of being
filament when they pass through. The energy is transferred to the heated.
surroundings in the form of heat and . bright light. Describe the transfer of
energy in this light bulb.
Electrical energy is transferred to heat and light.
2. What is the useful energy output and what is the wasted energy output in
this light bulb?
Light is the useful output and heat is the wasted output.
3. Can you see the filament is coiled? Why do you think this is so? Discuss
this with your class and teacher.
NOTE: This is an extension question as learners will only cover factors
affecting resistance later so discuss this as a class. This is to fit a longer
length of tungsten within a small space to increase the resistance, and
therefore brightness of the bulb.
4. The filament is mounted on a glass stem (number 5). There are two small .
A fun game about electric
support wires to hold the filament up (number 6). Why do you think the
circuits. bit.ly/15Icr49
stem is made of glass?
Glass is an electrical insulator so it will not conduct electricity and all the
current will pass through the filament.
5. The inside of the base of the bulb is made from an insulating material.This
is the yellow part labeled number 8. On the outside of this is a metal
conducting cap to which the wire is attached at number 7. Why is the wire
attached at 7 making contact with the metal conducting cap?
This is so that the electrical current can pass in through the electrical
contact at number 10 and then through to the wire at number 7, which is
touching the inside of the metal insulating cap.
6. If you have a lamp in the classroom, screw the bulb into the lamp and turn
it on to observe the filament glow and also getting hot.
. .
If you want to revise some of the concepts from previous years, you can
discover more online at4 www.curious.org.za 5 www.curious.org.za
Can you see that there are different coloured bands on the resistors? This isn't
just to make them look pleasing to the eye. The coloured bands are actually a
code that tells us the resistance of the resistor. We also get resistors where we
can adjust the resistance ourselves. This is called a variable resistor. You have
already seen the symbol for drawing a resistor in a circuit diagram. Draw a
circuit diagram in the space below with two bulbs, two cells, an open switch and
a resistor.
Learner's diagram should look as follows:
Heating effect
As electrons move through a resistor they encounter resistance and they
transfer some of their energy to the resistor itself. We saw this in the last section
where we looked at the filament in a light bulb and the element in a kettle.
A useful video on heat for extra, background information 6 bit.ly/18K0Aov
This activity is to demonstrate that an electric current travelling through a
resistor will cause the resistor's temperature to increase.
• 1,5 V cell
• conducting wires .
• switch
• block of wood
• 2 nails
• hammer
• 10 cm of nichrome wire
Nichrome wire can be bought at any hardware. store. Do not leave the circuit on
for too long. You want the learners to feel the warmth from the wire, not to
burn themselves. This experiment can also be performed with the graphite from
a pencil which will emit light as well as heat.
. .
These questions can be used to assess whether learners have grasped the
concept. They can be completed after the activity, or the next day in the
following lesson as a revision of what was done, or as a homework task.
1. When you felt the nichrome wire after the circuit had been on for a while,
you felt an increase in temperature in your skin as thermal energy, which
was transferred from the wire to your skin. Explain the heating effect of
the electric current in the resistance wire.
TAKE NOTE When the circuit is complete, there is a flow of charge (electric current).
The electrons moving through the wire transferred energy to the wire in the
Remember that heat and
form of heat. The particles in the wire therefore have more kinetic energy
temperature are not the
and so the temperature increases.
same thing. Temperature is
2. List 2 useful applications of the heating effect of an electric current.
a measure of how hot or
. Examples include: iron, kettle, heater, geyser, toaster.
cold something is (measured
3. Choose one of the applications you listed in question 2 and explain how
in C) whereas heat is the
the heating effect of the electric current is used.
transfer of thermal energy
Iron: The metal part of the iron has a high resistance and so it gets hot. This
from a hotter object to a
allows us to smooth out the creases in material.
colder object (measured in
Kettle: The element of the kettle has a high resistance and so it gets hot
enough to boil the water.
Heater: The element in a heater has a very high resistance and so it gets
very hot. The element heats the air around the heater.
An electric toaster.
Can you see the glowing filament inside? Why does the element glow?
The electric current passes through the toaster and the element has a high
resistance. Energy is transferred to the particles in the element so that they
gain kinetic energy and the temperature of the wire increases. Some of the
energy is also transferred as light to the surroundings and the wire glows.
So now we know that an electric current can cause objects to heat up. Let's
look at a useful application of the heating effect.
Fuses are a practical application of the heating
. effect of an electric current. In
this activity the learners will see that an electric current can melt a metal, not
just warm it up. If you have enough equipment you could allow small groups of
learners to complete this activity. Otherwise, use it as a demonstration.
The light bulb is included to show that the current is flowing while the steel
wool is in place but not flowing when the . steel wool melts. The variable resistor
is used to show that when the resistance is high, the current is low enough that
the fuse warms up but doesn't melt. When the resistance is lowered, the current
increases until it melts the steel wool.
. .
If you do not have a variable resistor then leave it out of the circuit and rather
explain the concept. An ammeter is also not crucial in doing this activity as the
light bulb can be used to indicate whether there is current or not.
In this activity, we just demonstrated how a fuse works. The steel wool acted as
a fuse. When the current was too high, the steel wool melted and prevented any
further current in the circuit.
. .
How did you draw the fuse that we made using steel wool in the last activity?
The conventional symbol for drawing a fuse in a circuit diagram is shown here:
It is important to never
remove a fuse.from a circuit
without first switching off
the current. You could get a A fuse.
nasty shock if you do.
We mean that the path offers very little resistance to the electric current. As
there is so little resistance the current flows along the short circuit and doesn't
pass through the main circuit. Short circuits can be dangerous and cause a lot
of damage to appliances.
Have you ever had a piece of toast get stuck in a toaster? It's a real nuisance.
TAKE NOTE Lots of people are tempted to use their butter knife to unhook the bread. Don't
There are different types of be tempted. Your knife is a conductor and can act as a short circuit. All the
fuses. The ones we have electric current will flow through your knife and, because you are touching it,
investigated so far require through you. What would be the safe way to unhook your toast?
you to replace the fuse if the
wire melts. However, some .
fuses work differently to TEACHER'S NOTE
break the circuit and can just .
be reset once the problem in Either switch off the toaster and then unhook the toast (safest idea!) or use an
the circuit is fixed. insulator (plastic) utensil to unhook the toast.
This activity is an opportunity for individual research. There will be other
opportunities for group research. It is important that each learner is able to do
basic research so that they are able to contribute
. effectively to a group
research task. The learner should write a short paragraph detailing their
research. There are many different household appliances which use fuses.
Learners may choose any of them. Remember to make sure that all learners
include references for any research they do. They need to learn from an early
age to credit sources of information.
1. Find out about common household appliances which use fuses. Choose
one of these appliances on which to focus your research.
This answer will depend on the appliance. chosen. Ensure that the paragraph
doesn't only describe the appliance but also explains why the fuse is necessary
to prevent accidents.
Most modern homes have circuit breakers instead of fuses. A circuit breaker is
similar to a fuse in that it is designed to protect an electric circuit from damage,
due to overload or a short circuit, by stopping the current flow. However, unlike
a fuse which melts and must then be replaced, a circuit breaker can be reset to
start operating again. This can be done manually or take place automatically.
Magnetic effect
Before we look at how a current produces a magnetic field, let us first learn VISIT
more about magnets. A magnet is a piece of material which produces a
magnetic field. A magnet has a north pole and a south pole. Opposite poles will . with
Some fun tricks
magnets. (video)
attract each other and the same poles will repel each other. A magnet has a
magnetic field around it.
. .
Did you know that the Earth is like a bar magnet with a North and a South Pole?
The Earth has a magnetic field. This is why we can use compasses to tell
direction. A plotting compass has a needle with a small magnet. The needle
points to magnetic north because the small magnet is attracted to the opposite
magnetic pole and can be used to determine direction.
What is the magnetic field?
Earth has a magnetic field, as though there A compass with the needle pointing North.
is a big bar magnet running through the
core, with its South Pole under Earth's
magnetic North pole.
This activity allows the learners to see that a plotting compass will respond to a
magnetic field. It will allow them to visualise the lines of the magnetic field
around a bar magnet. Once the learners. are convinced that the plotting
compass can model a magnetic field, you can use the compasses to show them
that there is a magnetic field around a current-carrying conductor.
• plotting compasses
• bar magnets
• piece of white paper
• iron filings
1. Hold the plotting compass in your hand. The north end of the needle
should point to magnetic north.
2. Put the bar magnet flat on the desk. Make sure you know which end is
north and which is south. If you are not sure, ask your teacher.
3. Put plotting compasses in a circle around the bar magnet.
Draw what you see.
Do not assess drawing skills but make sure that the drawing clearly shows
that the plotting compass needles have "lined" up and make a discernable
pattern. It is not necessary at this stage to explain the pattern. It is just
important that the learners realise that a plotting compass will respond to a
magnetic field.
4. Next, place a white sheet of paper over the bar magnet and sprinkle iron
filings over the sheet of paper over the magnet.
Observe what happens to the iron filings. Did you see something similar to
what is shown in the photograph below? Describe what you see.
Iron filings on a piece of paper over a bar magnet.
Learners should describe how they see the iron filings clump together into
long lines indicating the magnetic field at each point.
As an extension to indicate to learners how two like poles repel each other, but
two opposite poles attract each other, place two bar magnets on a surface with
two like poles facing each other and sprinkle iron filings over the piece of paper.
You should observe something similar to the photo below.
. .
Explore the interactions
between a compass and bar
So now we know that there is a magnetic field around a magnet and that
magnet with this simulation.
plotting compasses and iron filings can be used to visualise that field. Is there
anything else that has a magnetic field around it?
This activity will show the learners that the plotting compasses align with a
magnetic field around a current-carrying. conductor. It is important to make
sure that the learners realise that it is a 3D magnetic field and that it surrounds
the conducting wire. Learners often assume that the magnetic field only exists
where the plotting compasses are placed.
• plotting compasses
• three 1,5 V cells
• insulated copper conducting wires
• switch
1. Construct a circuit which contains the batteries, copper wires and the
2. Put the plotting compasses on either side of the conducting wire as shown
in the diagram, as well as below and above the conducting wire.
3. Keep the switch open. What do you notice about the needles of the
plotting compasses?
The needles should point to magnetic north.
4. Close the switch and observe what happens to the needles.
5. Draw a picture of the wire and plotting compasses in the space below:
The drawing does not need to be assessed according to the learners
drawing skills. What is important is that they see that the compass needles
are aligned in a circle when the switch is closed.
We saw from our first activity that plotting compasses react to magnetic fields.
Discover how the Earth is a
The plotting compasses changed direction when the current was switched on. .
magnet that protects us
This means there is a magnetic field around the wire. Was it there when the
from damaging radiation
current was switched off? No, it was not. That means that the presence of the
from the sun! bit.ly/GCCtjK
electric current in the wire must have produced a magnetic field.
. .
If the learners' electromagnets are not strong
. enough to pick up the paperclips,
suggest they use more batteries or add more coils of wire to the nail. Make sure
that their coils are tightly packed, all in the same direction and do not overlap
1. Wrap the insulated copper wire tightly around the nail. Make sure that you
wrap the wire in the same direction.
2. Strip some of the insulation off each end of the insulated copper wire.
3. Attach the ends of the insulated copper wire to the terminals of the
4. Hold the wrapped nail above the paper clips.
5. Disconnect the wire from the battery.
6. Hold the wrapped nail above the paper clips.
7. If you have iron filings, place some on a piece of paper around the
electromagnet you have made and observe the magnetic field.
. an
How to make 1. What happened when you held the nail over the paper clips?
electromagnet (video) The paper clips should be attracted to the nail.
bit.ly/1bpHh61 2. Why were the paper clips attracted to the nail?
The electrical current in the coiled wire caused a magnetic field to form.
The magnetic field attracted the metal in the paper clips.
3. Did the disconnected nail attract the paper clips? Why?
The disconnected nail didn't attract the paper clips because there was no
current in the wire and so there was no magnetic field.
An electromagnet in a bell.
Assign different applications to different groups so that you cover a range in
the class.
1. Work in groups of 2 or 3.
2. Research one of the following applications of the magnetic effect of an
electric current to explain how the device works:
a) speakers
b) electric bells
c) telephones
d) magnetic trains .
e) industrial lifters and separators
3. Write a short paragraph showing what you've learnt. Remember to note
down from where you got your information.
4. Share your paragraph with the rest of the class.
Here is a general description of each application.
The voice coil of a speaker is an electromagnet. The power to the
electromagnet is switched on and off in the same sequence as the incoming
sound wave signal. This causes the magnetic field to switch on and off. When
the magnetic field switches on and off the electromagnet moves backwards and
forwards. This movement moves the diaphragm of the speaker and causes the
air in front of the speaker to vibrate, causing a sound wave.
. .
The electric bell uses an electromagnet to move the striker backwards and
forwards onto the bell itself. As the striker hits the bell the circuit is broken and
the electromagnet switches off, a spring pulls the striker back into position,
completing the circuit. When the circuit is complete the electromagnet switches
back on and is attracted to the other magnet on the bell. The striker is then
pulled to the bell. This process is completed until the bell is switched off.
The input sound from the person speaking is converted into an electrical signal
which travels to the listener's device. The electrical signal has the same
fluctuations and frequency as the speaker's voice. This current flows through a
solenoid and causes an electromagnet to switch on and off. This causes the
diaphragm to move in and out which causes a sound wave.
MAGLEV trains use the fact that magnets repel each other to power the trains.
There are magnets on the track and on the bottom of the train. By alternating
the current in the rails the train can be pulled forward by attraction between
unlike poles and propelled forward by the repulsion of like poles. This website
provides a good description: 7 bit.ly/1dTQQuM
ACTIVITY: Electrolysis
This activity will demonstrate the chemical effect of electricity. There is no need
to explain the mechanism of the chemical . reactions which occur. You might
have already done this as a demonstration in Matter and Materials in Chapter 1
(Atoms). If you want to revise what you did then, you can explain why copper
forms on the negative electrode and chlorine gas forms at the positive
• 250 ml beaker
• 2 carbon electrodes
• sandpaper
• 3 copper conducting wires (with crocodile clips)
• copper chloride solution
• torch bulb
• power pack
If you don't have carbon electrodes then you can strip the wood from an HB
pencil. Do this carefully so that the carbon rod in the centre doesn't break. You
don't have to strip all the wood off the pencil. Strip off some from the bottom to
allow it to make contact with the copper sulphate solution and enough wood off
. the carbon. The pencil carbon is not
the top to allow the crocodile clip to grip
pure and so won't work quite as effectively as pure carbon electrodes.
This torch bulb is not strictly necessary. It is just to show that there is a current
in the circuit and that there is still a complete pathway.
1. Sand down the electrodes with the sandpaper to make sure they are clean.
2. Connect the conducting wire from one electrode to the torch bulb and
another wire from the torch bulb to the negative terminal of the power
The setup might look something like this, which you have seen before. You might
also have a light bulb connected in the circuit.
. .
1. When you switch on the power source, does the torch bulb glow?
NOTE: If the torch bulb does not glow then there is no current in the circuit.
Learn more about silver
Make sure that the electrodes are not touching each other and neither are
. electrolysis.
refining through
the crocodile clips. The crocodile clips must not be touching the solution
bit.ly/1fZQ5SW and the
process of electroplating .
2. What do you observe happening at the two different electrodes?
(video) bit.ly/GzH851
One of the electrodes should be developing a layer of copper and there
should be bubbles developing at the other electrode.
3. Can you smell anything? What do you think this is?
Learners should be able to smell the chlorine gas.
4. What is happening to the copper chloride solution when the electric
current is passed through it?
The copper chloride solution is being chemically separated into pure, solid
copper and chlorine gas.
5. If you switch off the power source, what happens?
Bubbles are no longer forming at the electrode because the reaction has
6. What is causing the separation of the copper chloride?
The electric current is separating the copper chloride.
7. Why is it important that you do not let the carbon electrodes touch each
other while the current is flowing?
It would cause a short circuit. The electrical current will then not move
through the copper chloride and no separation will occur.
The separation of the copper chloride means that an electric current can cause
chemical reactions to occur. There are many ways in which we can harness this
chemical effect for practical uses.
Electrolysis is used to electroplate metals. In the last activity, one of the carbon
electrodes was coated with an even layer of pure copper. We say that the
carbon electrode was electroplated with copper.
Key Concepts
• A circuit is a system for transferring electrical energy.
• For a circuit to function there must be a complete, unbroken pathway
for the electrons to follow, a source of energy (cell or cells) and a load
(lightbulb or any other resistor).
• We use symbols to represent components of an electric circuit so that
everyone can interpret the diagrams.
• A resistor is a component in a circuit which resists the movement of
electrons through the circuit.
• An electric current can heat a resistance wire. This heating effect is used
in many everyday appliances, such as kettles and irons.
• An electric current causes a magnetic field. This magnetic effect is used
in electromagnets.
• An electric current can cause a chemical reaction in solutions. This is
called electrolysis, and is used to electroplate objects.
. Map
Complete the concept map to summarise what you have learned about
electric circuits and the effects of an electric current in this chapter.
. .
. .
NOTE: 1 mark is for labeling the filament and 3 marks for the explanation.
When an electric current passes through the tungsten filament, it
experiences resistance as the tungsten has a high resistance. The tungsten
wire therefore heats up as energy is transferred from the moving electrons
to the wire. The wire heats up and also emits light.
15. You place some plotting compasses around an electric wire and observe
the following.
. .
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
2 weeks
This chapter builds on the Gr 6 and 7 electric circuits work, and the previous
chapter of this book. Up until now, we have only been looking at simple circuits.
We will now examine the concept of series and parallel circuits. We will look at
the difference between these two set-ups in circuits, specifically looking at the
effects of adding resistors in series or in parallel and observing the change in
brightness of bulbs. The use of ammeters has also been included in this chapter.
However, if you do not have these instruments, you can simply do a qualitative
study, using the brightness of the bulbs.
You can also use the PhET simulations where learners can build their own
circuits and test them out, observing the effects when they add or remove
various components. These simulations will run directly within your browser
from our website, 1 www.curious.org.za . Here is a link to a guide (in pdf
format) written by PhET in the use of some of the electric circuit simulations:
3.2 Parallel circuits (3 hours)
• Are there different types of electric circuits?
• If all the light bulbs in a house are part of the same circuit, how can you
switch one light off without the rest also turning off?
• What is a series circuit?
• What is a parallel circuit?
• What happens when you connect more components in series or in
In the last chapter, and in Gr 6 and 7, we have been looking at electric circuits.
These have mostly been series circuits. What does this mean? And how else can
a circuit be arranged?
. .
A series circuit with one pathway for the current, from the negative to the positive
terminal of the cell.
An ammeter is a measuring device used to measure the electric current in the
circuit. It is connected into the circuit in series. The current is measured in
amperes (A).
An ammeter.
Do you think that an ammeter would have a high resistance or a low resistance
to the current? Explain your choice.
A series circuit only provides one pathway for the electrons to follow. Let's
investigate what happens when we increase the resistance in a series circuit.
. learners that adding more resistors
The aim of this investigation is to show the
in series causes the overall resistance of the circuit to increase and that this
reduces the current strength.
This is a good opportunity for group work if you have enough equipment, but
make sure that each learner is able to connect an ammeter correctly and is able
to read the ammeter scale accurately. If you do not have sufficient equipment
for all the learners, you can do this experiment as a demonstration. Perhaps give
several learners an opportunity to come up to the front and help to connect the
ammeters. If you do not have any ammeters then you can use the brightness of
the bulbs to indicate current strength. The larger the current, the brighter the
bulb will glow. This means that if the bulb glows brightly, it must have a large
current moving through it. If the bulb is dimmer, it means that there is a smaller
current flowing through it.
If you do not have the physical apparatus for this investigation but you do have
internet access, use the PhET simulations found here: 2 bit.ly/17vBMBX
The simulations are also useful because the ammeters (and voltmeters)
commonly used in school laboratories are often not calibrated correctly or not
serviced regularly and so often give slightly inaccurate results.
. .
• 1,5 V cells
• 3 torch bulbs
• insulated copper conducting wires
• switch
• ammeter
It is important that the torch bulbs have .the same resistance and are not
randomly selected. The switch is not an essential part of this investigation. It
can be left out of the circuit.
1. Construct the circuit with the cell, the ammeter, 1 bulb and the switch in
series. .
2. Close the switch, or the circuit if you are not using a switch.
3. Note how brightly the bulb is shining and write down the ammeter reading.
Draw a circuit diagram.
Circuit 1
Circuit 2
Circuit 3
. .
Draw a graph to show the relationship between the number of bulbs and the
These results are an example of possible results. The actual results obtained by
the learners will differ but the trend should be similar. As the number of bulbs in
series increases, both the ammeter reading and bulb brightness should
1 brightest 0,15
2 bright 0,07
3 dimmest 0,05
Using standard ammeters may not give perfect results and if the bulbs are
allowed to heat up too much in between adding more bulbs, their resistance will
be higher. It is important that the learners see a downward trend.
1. Based on your answers, what happened to the current when more bulbs
were added in series?
As more bulbs were added, the current
. decreased.
2. Is your hypothesis accepted or rejected?
This answer will depend on the hypothesis written by the learner at the
start of the investigation.
As more resistors are added in series, the total resistance of the circuit
increases. As the total resistance increases, the current strength decreases.
What would happen if we increased the number of cells connected in series?
Would the current become larger or smaller? Let's investigate.
This investigation will show that adding more cells in series increases the
current strength. Be careful with this activity because if you do not have
enough resistance in your circuit, you can damage the torch light bulbs. Use at
least two torch light bulbs or a torch light bulb and a resistor in order to keep
the resistance high enough. If you have ammeters, you can use quantitative
data to show that adding more cells in series increases the current strength. If
you do not have ammeters, then use the brightness of the bulbs as qualitative
data. Use terms such as dim, bright, brightest. The learners will not be able to
draw effective graphs with the qualitative data but you could give them the
example data in the teacher's guide and. ask them to draw a line graph if they
need practice.
This answer is learner-dependant. They must mention how the dependent
variable will be affected by the independent variable. Remember that the
hypothesis does not need to be factually correct. They will prove or disprove it
by completing the investigation. Here is an example of a possible hypothesis: As
the number of cells connected in series increases, the current strength increases.
. .
1. Construct a circuit with 1 cell, the ammeter and the two torch light bulbs.
2. Observe the brightness of the bulbs and record the ammeter reading in the
table of results. Draw a circuit diagram.
Circuit 1.
3. Add a second cell in series and observe the brightness of the bulbs. Draw a
circuit diagram of your circuit.
4. Record the ammeter reading in the table of results. Draw a circuit diagram.
Circuit 2.
5. Add a third cell in series and observe the brightness of the bulbs. Draw a
circuit diagram of your circuit.
6. Record the ammeter reading in the table of results. Draw a circuit diagram.
Circuit 3.
These results are example results. The actual results obtained by the learners
. As the number of cells increases, both
will differ but the trend should be similar.
the ammeter reading and the bulb brightness should increase.
1 dimmest 0.07
2 bright 0.15
3 brightest 0.22
We have seen that increasing the number of cells in series increases the current,
but increasing the number of resistors decreases the current.
We will now investigate the current strength at different points in a series circuit.
. .
HYPOTHESIS: Write a hypothesis for this investigation. What do you think will
happen in this investigation?
This is a learner-dependant answer. Learners need to mention the independent
and dependent variables. The dependent variable will change as the
independent variable is changed. .
Here are two examples of an acceptable hypothesis:
1. Set up a series circuit with two cells and two torch light bulbs in series with
each other.
2. Insert an ammeter in series between the positive terminal of the cells and
the first torch bulb.
3. Measure the current strength using the ammeter. Draw a circuit diagram of
this set up.
Circuit 1
Circuit 2
7. Remove the ammeter and close the circuit again.
8. Insert the ammeter in series between the last torch bulb and the negative
terminal of the batteries.
9. Measure the current strength using the ammeter. Draw a circuit diagram of
this set up.
. 3
The ammeter readings should be the same at any point in the series circuit.
. .
When we build a closed circuit with a cell as an energy source, the electrons will
all begin to move towards the positive side of the cell. The rate at which the
electrons move, is determined by the resistance of the conductor.
There are electrons everywhere in the conducting wires and electrical
. and watch
Flip the switch
components. When the circuit is closed, all the electrons start moving in the
the electrons with this
same general direction at the same time. This is why a light bulb turns on
simulation. bit.ly/15NlqBd
immediately when you close the switch.
The simulation identified in the visit box helps to demonstrate how a light bulb
turns on immediately when the switch is turned on.
In a series circuit, all the electrons travel through every component and wire as
they travel through the circuit. All the electrons experience the same resistance
and so they all move at the same rate.
This means that in the diagram below, the readings on all three ammeters will
be the same, so: A1 = A2 = A3
Look at the diagram which shows how two light bulbs are connected in parallel.
There are two paths for the current in this parallel circuit, one path through each of the VISIT
Watch a video that explains
the difference between
series and parallel circuits
How can you tell whether or not a circuit is connected in series or in parallel?
Let's look at some circuit diagrams to tell the difference.
Look at the following circuits and write down which are in series and which are
in parallel. The series circuits will only offer one pathway, but the parallel
circuits will have more than one pathway for the electrons to follow.
. .
series parallel
parallel series
This investigation will show the learners that increasing the number of resistors
. resistance of the circuit to decrease
in parallel to each other, causes the overall
and the current strength to increase. There is no need to discuss how to
calculate the effective resistance of a parallel circuit. The learners just need a
qualitative understanding.
If you do not have physical apparatus for this investigation but you do have
internet access, use the PhET simulations found here: 3 bit.ly/17vBMBX
This is a learner dependant answer. Learners need to mention the independent
and dependent variables. The dependent variable will change as the
independent variable is changed. .
• As more bulbs are added in parallel, the current strength will decrease OR
• As more bulbs are added in parallel, the current strength will increase.
• 1,5 V cell
• three identical torch bulbs
• insulated copper conducting wires
• switch
• ammeter
. same resistance and not randomly
It is important that the torch bulbs are the
selected. The switch and ammeter are not strictly necessary for this experiment.
They can be left out if you don't have enough switches or ammeters.
. .
1. Construct the circuit with the cell, ammeter, one bulb and the switch in
2. Close the switch.
3. Note how brightly the bulb is shining and record the ammeter reading.
Draw a diagram of your circuit.
The graph will show the relationship between the main current (reading on the
ammeter) and the number of bulbs connected in parallel. As more bulbs are
connected in parallel, the current strength should increase because the overall
resistance of the circuit decreases. This means that the graph should be a
straight line with an increasing trend. Standard ammeters may not be accurate
enough to produce a perfectly straight line. This is not as important as seeing
the upward trend.
These results are just an example. The actual results will depend on the circuit
set up by the learner.
1. What happened to the brightness of the bulbs as the number of bulbs
The bulbs got brighter as more bulbs were added.
2. When you had two bulbs, did they glow with the same brightness or was
one brighter than the other?
The bulbs glowed with the same brightness.
3. When you had three bulbs, did they glow the same brightness or was one
brighter than the others?
The bulbs glowed with the same brightness.
4. What do your answers to the previous questions tell you about the current
in the parallel branches of the circuit?
As all the bulbs are identical, if they all glow the same brightness, then they
all experience the same current. This means that the current is the same in
each branch.
5. What happened to the reading on the ammeter as you added more bulbs
in parallel?
The ammeter reading increased.
1. Based on your answers, what happened to the current when more bulbs
were added in parallel?
As more bulbs were added, the current increased.
2. Is your hypothesis true or false?
This answer will depend on the hypothesis written by the learner at the
start of the investigation.
. .
We can also connect cells in parallel. What would happen if we increased the
number of cells connected in parallel? Would the current get stronger or
This is a learner-dependent answer. Learners need to identify the independent
and dependent variables. The dependent variable will change as the
independent variable is changed. .
• As more cells are added in parallel,. the current strength will decrease OR
• As more cells are added in parallel, the current strength will increase.
The ammeter is not essential to the experiment. The brightness of the bulb can
serve as a qualitative measure.
1. Set up a circuit which has one cell, the ammeter and the torch light bulb in
series with each other. Draw a circuit diagram of your circuit.
4. Observe the brightness of the bulb and record the ammeter reading.
5. Connect a third cell in parallel to the other two cells. Draw a circuit
diagram of your circuit.
6. Observe the brightness of the bulb and record the ammeter reading. ..
. .
. description. The learners should use
The brightness of the bulbs is a qualitative
"bright, brighter, brightest" in order to describe the glowing bulbs. The
ammeter readings should stay the same.
Adding cells in parallel has no overall effect on the current strength. The current
strength stays the same if you add cells in parallel.
We saw that the current strength increased when bulbs were connected in
parallel. However, we were only testing the current strength at one point in the
parallel circuit. How does the current compare in the different pathways of the
circuit? Let's do an investigation to find out.
The first investigation looked at the increase in current strength when more
resistors were connected in parallel. This investigation confirms that the current
strength is not the same at all points in a. parallel circuit. This is a good
opportunity for group work, but make sure that each learner is able to connect
and read an ammeter correctly. If you do not have enough equipment to allow
for small groups to build the circuits, you can rather use this investigation as a
demonstration. Perhaps give several learners an opportunity to come up to the
front and help to connect the ammeters.
1. Set up a parallel circuit with two cells in series with each other and three
torch light bulbs in parallel with each other.
2. Insert an ammeter in series between the cells and the first pathway, as
shown in the diagram.
. .
These are some example readings to show the trend:
Position of ammeter in
Ammeter reading (A)
Between cell and first
In the first pathway . 0.3
In the second pathway 0.3
In the third pathway 0.3
Between the cell and the 0.9
first pathway
If you do not use identical bulbs, then the readings in each of the branches will
not be identical, but they will add up to reading in the main branch. If possible,
it is worthwhile to demonstrate this to learners.
Imagine that you are sitting in a school hall during assembly. You are bored and
waiting for it to end so that you can go out to break to chat to your friends.
There is only one exit from the hall. When you are dismissed, everyone has to
exit through the same door. It takes a while because only some learners can
leave at a time.
. .
This is similar to the way current behaves when in a parallel circuit. As the
electrons approach the branch in the circuit, some electrons will take the first
path and others will take the other path. The current is divided between the two
We have looked at how resistors and cells behave in series and parallel circuits.
Let's look at how different metals conduct electricity. All conductors have some
resistance in a circuit. Are some metals better conductors of electricity than
Let's have a look at which metals offer more resistance than others to the flow
of charge (current) through an electric circuit .
This activity only compares the effect of the type of material on resistance. The
other factors that affect resistance will be covered in the Grade 9 Energy and
Change syllabus.
Each metal will have a particular resistance based on the resistivity. You do not
need to measure the resistance of each metal, all that is required is a qualitative
description of the light bulb. The brighter the light bulb, the higher the current.
If there is a high current it means that there
. is little resistance. So the brighter
the bulb glows, the less resistance offered by the metal wire. The learners may
make small mistakes if the brightness of the bulbs is difficult to distinguish.
Use whichever metal wires you have available. Try to get copper and nickel.
You could twist aluminium foil into a wire (just make sure it is the same length
and approximate thickness as the other metals). Aluminium wire will often
ignite if placed in a circuit so test it beforehand and make sure that it does not
get too hot. If you use the materials listed below, then nichrome will have the
highest resistance, followed by zinc, then . aluminium and copper has the lowest
resistance of the four.
• a cell
• torch light bulb
• insulated copper wires
• lengths of copper, aluminium, zinc and nichrome wire
• crocodile clips (if available)
The actual length of wire that you use is. not important, but they should all be
the same length and thickness. If you cannot find these metals, any other
combination of metals can be successfully used.
1. Build a circuit with the cell and the torch light bulb and leave a gap for the
metal to be tested. You can use crocodile clips at the end of each piece of
metal for easy insertion.
2. Insert each metal into the circuit (one at a time).
. .
There are several factors which influence the amount of resistance a material
offers to an electric current. We have seen that the type of material is one of
those factors.
Light bulbs are not the only devices used in electrical circuits. Devices that use
electrical energy to function, including light bulbs, are called output devices.
Let's look at some other common examples of output devices.
In the last chapter, we looked at the energy transfers in an electrical system. We
will now represent energy transfer within electrical systems in a different way. . a basic
Video on drawing
Sankey diagram.
We will apply this new representation to the difference between energy outputs
in an LED and an incandescent light bulb.
Sankey diagrams were first introduced in the Gr 7 CAPS workbook as a way of
representing the transfers of energy within. a system, specifically focusing on
the transfer of input energy to useful and wasted output energy. They provide a
very clear illustration of the process. This links back to the previous chapter to
reinforce learning.
. .
For example, a kettle uses about 2000 J of input energy, but only about 1400 J
is used to heat the water. The remaining 600 J is wasted as sound. Here is the
Sankey diagram to represent the energy transfer.
Remember that energy is
measured in joules (J).
Can you think of any other output devices? Make a list of as many as you can.
Some are: motors, buzzers, beepers.
. .
The timeline does not need to be too specific. We want learners to realise that
this was not an overnight discovery, but involved many people over a
significant time. Here are some pertinent facts. This list is not complete and not
all of the dates are necessary. Another useful resource is available here:
• 600 BC - Discovery that amber, rubbed with silk, would attract light
objects such as feathers
• 1600 AD - William Gerbert coined the term electricity. He was the first to
make a link between magnetism and . electricity
• 1700s - Wimshurst machine, used to generate static electricity
• 1752 - Benjamin Franklin proved that lightning was a form of electricity
• 1800s - Sir Humphrey Davey discovered electrolysis; Volta created the first
simple cell
• 1831 - Michael Faraday demonstrated . electromagnetic induction
• 1825 - Ampere published his theories on electricity and magnetism. The
unit of current, the ampere, is named after him
• 1827 - George Ohm published his study of electricity. The unit of
resistance, the ohm, is named after him
• 1831 - Charles Wheatstone and William Fothergill created the telegraph
• 1870 - Thomas Edison built a DC generator
• 1876 - Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone which uses electricity
to transfer speech
• 1878 - Joseph Swan demonstrated an electric light bulb
• 1880s - Nikola Tesla developed an AC generator
• 1881 - The first British public electricity generator was built in Surrey
• 1883 - Magnus Volk built the first electric train line
• 1896 - Nikola Tesla established hydroelectric power plants in America
• 1905 - Albert Einstein demonstrated the photoelectric effect which led to
the production of photovoltaic cells
1. Choose a career related to electricity production.
2. Write a short paragraph describing the career. Include information on how
one can study or prepare for your chosen career.
The Eskom website has information regarding various careers and the
internet has many different sources.
Key Concepts
• A series circuit has only one pathway for the electrons to travel through.
• A parallel circuit has more than one pathway for the electrons to travel
• In a series circuit, the current is the same at all points in the circuit.
• In a series circuit, the resistance increases as more resistors are added
in series.
• In a parallel circuit, the current splits between the available paths.
• In a parallel circuit, the resistance decreases as more resistors are added
in parallel.
. Map
Complete the concept map on the following page to summarise what you
have learned about series and parallel circuits.
. .
1. Look at the following circuit diagrams and decide whether they are series
circuits or parallel circuits. Write the correct answer in the space below
each diagram. [6 marks]
2. Look at the three circuit diagrams. Rank the circuits from brightest bulb to
dimmest bulbs. [3 marks]
. .
a) What is the relationship between the ammeter readings on A1 and A4?
In other words, how do the current strengths compare at these points
in the circuit? Explain your answer. [3 marks]
b) What is the relationship between the ammeter readings on A1, A2 and
A3? In other words, how do the current strengths compare at these
points in the circuit? Explain your answer. [3 marks]
a) A1 = A4. The total current flows through the circuit at both of these
b) A1 = A2 + A3. The current splits between parallel branches in a circuit.
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
3 weeks
This chapter focuses on the visible light spectrum and how we see and interpret
light. The concepts of absorption, reflection and refraction of light will be
covered. Some of these concepts were first introduced in Gr 7 Energy and
Change when talking about heat (the transfer of energy). This also links to what
learners would have covered in Gr 7 Planet Earth and Beyond on solar energy,
the seasons and life on Earth.
4.5 Reflection of light (2 hours)
Note: An additional investigation has been included only in the Teacher's Guide
in this section:
• Where does light come from?
• How does light travel?
• How do we see?
• Why do leaves look green?
• How do mirrors work?
• Why do my legs look crooked underwater?
. .
4.1 Radiation of light
Where does light come from? Natural light comes from luminous objects such
as the Sun and light bulbs. We say that these objects emit light.
The speed of light (video) The Sun is our main source of light on Earth. A light bulb is a luminous object as it emits
The Moon is NOT a luminous
object as it does not emit its This image from NASA shows the Earth's lights at night. You can see how much we rely
own light light. It reflects the on light nowadays.
light from the Sun.
Light travels through space at a speed of 300 000 kilometers per second. We
say that energy is transferred by radiation. The energy of the light is transferred
through space as electromagnetic waves in straight lines.
An exciting way to introduce this section is to turn your classroom into a camera
obscura. Use black paper to cover all the windows and tape to block out any
light coming in from under any doors. On. one window, leave a small area of the
window uncovered. Hang a white sheet in the centre of the room opposite to
the exposed window. The view from outside should be projected onto the
sheet. The image will be upside down. This is an inexpensive way to give the
learners an opportunity to understand the rectilinear propagation of light.
Let's look at how light travels. We will make a simple camera to investigate how
light travels.
This activity allows the learners to produce images on a screen. The images
formed by a pinhole camera can be used to explain and demonstrate that light
travels in straight lines.
. for this activity. You could use any
The Pringles chip can is the perfect shape
cardboard tube. Instead of the lid from the Pringles can you can use a piece of
wax paper as the screen. This pinhole camera is essentially a miniature camera
If you are struggling with time, you could make one of these and demonstrate it
to the learners instead of having each learner produce one.
. .
. have aluminium foil. The foil is useful
You can also use black paper if you do not
because it molds to the shape of the tube and helps prevent ambient light from
The Sun emits radiation in
. but in the
all directions,
1. Measure 5 cm from the bottom of the can (opposite end to the plastic lid)
diagram here, only the
and make a mark all around the can.
radiation which reaches
Earth has been shown.
6. Use a drawing pin to make a hole in the centre of the metal base of the can.
7. Go outside with your pinhole camera.
8. Point the metal end with the hole at an object which is in bright sunlight. VISIT
9. Cup your hands around the other end and look through the open end. Light travels.in a straight
line? (video) bit.ly/19n4T7g
and bit.ly/174q6mx
1. What did you see when you looked through the open end of the tube?
Learners should see an image on the "screen". The lid/wax paper is the
screen. The learners should notice that the image is upside down.
2. What happens when you move closer or further away from an object?
When you move closer to the object, the image appears bigger than when
you move further away.
We see objects because light reflects off them and enters our eyes. If the image
is upside down it means that the light from the bottom of the object has arrived
at the top of the screen and the light from the top of the object has reached the
bottom of the screen, as shown in the following diagram.
When you moved closer to the object, the image appeared bigger, as shown in
the following diagram.
. .
Ray diagrams
A ray diagram is a drawing that shows the path of light. Light rays are drawn
using straight lines and arrowheads, because light travels in straight lines. The
figure below shows some examples of ray diagrams.
A ray diagram showing how you see A ray diagram showing how you see a
another person. reflection in a mirror.
The visible light spectrum is the light that we are able to see with our naked
eyes. Have you ever wondered why everything is colourful and not just black
and white? Have you ever seen a rainbow and wondered where the colours
have come from? The colours that we see everyday are part of the visible light
spectrum. Let's investigate the visible light spectrum.
This activity is very simple and usually gives clear results. Try to darken the
room as much as possible in order to get clear spectra. A ray box and power
source are not essential for this activity. . You can make your own simple ray box
by using a piece of cardboard with a small slit cut into it. Hold the cardboard in
front of a light bulb and the light will shine through the slit in a single beam of
light. Use a table lamp or set up a circuit with a high wattage light bulb as a
source of light.
1. Connect the ray box to the power source. If you do not have a ray box,
your teacher will show you how to use a piece of cardboard with a slit cut
into it.
Remember that if you do not have a ray box then you can use a light bulb
with a cardboard screen to produce a coherent beam of light.
2. Place the triangular prism on a white. background.
3. Shine a beam of white light through the side of the prism.
Make sure that the learners rotate the prism until they get it at the right
angle to refract the light and see the colours.
. .
There are actually a large range of colours, but our eyes allow us to distinguish 7
So, what have we learned so far? Light radiates from luminous objects and
always travels in straight lines. The white light that we see is made up of the 7
different colours of the spectrum. When the 7 colours are travelling together we
see them as white light.
The 7 colours of the visible spectrum are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue,
Indigo and Violet. Each colour has a different wavelength and frequency. Have
a look at the following image which shows the spectrum of visible light.
You can use the. abbreviation
ROYGBIV to remember the
order of the colours.
The primary colours of light
are red, green and blue.
This is a very simple, fun activity to show. that the 7 colours combine to make
white light. You can either get learners to each make their own, or else make a
couple before class yourself and hand them out for learners to experiment with.
• white cardboard
• coloured pens or pencils (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)
• string
• scissors
• round object
To do this accurately, find the centre of the circle and mark a dot there. Then
draw a straight line from the centre to the edge of the circle. Next, align the
straight edge of a protractor with the line
.. you just drew, placing the end of the
protractor right on the center of your circle. Look for 52 degrees and make a
dot to mark this angle. Draw a line from the centre dot to this dot on the edge.
The angle you drew is 1/7 of the circle. Repeat this until you have measured and
drawn all segments. A complete rotation is 360 degrees and 360/7 = 51.4 which
is why each segment you draw should be about 52 degrees. The correct angle
for 6 segments would be 60 degrees.
1. Draw a circle on the cardboard. You can trace around a round object such
as a cup or saucer to do this. Cut out the circle.
2. Now divide the circle into 7 equal segments. If you do not have indigo and
violet colours, but just one purple pen or crayon, then you can divide the
circle into 6 equal segments rather.
3. Shade in each segment a different colour, in the order red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, indigo, violet (or just purple if you do not have indigo and
. .
There is no pink light.
6. You are now ready to spin the wheel. Holding the ends of the loop in each
hand, twirl the string over, like you would a skipping rope, so that the
string twists. Once the string is tightly twisted, pull your hands apart, then
bring them back together. Continue bringing your hands in and out and
watch the circle spin.
7. What do you observe about the colour of the wheel as it spins faster?
Learners should observe that the colours appear to 'mix'. Depending on the
quality of the pens or pencils used, you should see a light grey. The goal is
to see white, but this might take some more experimenting.
So far we have been talking about the visible light spectrum. As we mentioned
in the beginning, this is the light that we can see. We also spoke about how light
travels in electromagnetic waves. We can only see light with a certain range of
wavelengths. What does this mean?
We can also talk about the frequency of a wave. If a wave has a long
wavelength, then it has a low frequency; if it has a short wavelength, then it has
a high frequency.
Of visible light, orange and red light have the longest wavelengths (and lowest frequency)
and violet, indigo and blue have the shorter wavelengths (and highest frequency).
When it comes to visible light, we only see wavelengths of 400 to 700 billionths
of a meter. This is called the visible spectrum. But, light waves are just part of
the wave spectrum. There is invisible light with shorter wavelengths, such as
ultraviolet light, and there are longer wavelengths, such as infrared light.
Have you ever looked through a window and wondered why it is made of glass?
Let's find out how light behaves when it strikes the surface of different types of
materials in the next section.
4.3 Opaque and transparent substances
Three different things happen when light hits a surface, it can be reflected
(bounce off), absorbed or transmitted (pass through). Glass reflects some light
but most of the light is transmitted straight through. That's why we can see
objects on the other side of a closed window.
We say that glass is transparent. Let's find out more about what this means. If a
substance is not transparent, it is opaque.
. .
This activity will show learners that opaque objects cast shadows. You can give
them specific shapes to cut out from cardboard or allow them to be creative
with their designs. Have them cut out various
. shapes of different sizes from
cardboard. This will allow them to see that larger objects cast larger shadows.
The learners can use a white piece of paper as a screen or use the wall of the
classroom. If they hold the shape on the desk then the shadow would be cast on
the desk but a screen would be more useful. The classroom should not be
brightly lit when doing this activity as overhead lights may affect the shadows.
• cardboard
• clear plastic
• plastic shopping bag
• scissors
• light source (ray box or light bulb)
1. Cut out three shapes from your cardboard. All of the shapes should be
similar but three different sizes: small, medium and large.
2. Switch on the light source.
3. Hold your first shape a short distance in front of the light source.
4. Look at the shadow that forms. Write down what you observe.
The shadow forms on the side of the shape which is furthest from the light.
It is a dark colour.
5. Hold your second shape the same distance in front of the light source.
6. Look at the shadow that forms. Write down what you observe.
The shadow is formed on the side furthest from the light source. It is dark
in colour and larger than the first shadow.
7. Hold your third shape the same distance in front of the light source.
8. Look at the shadow that forms. Write down what you observe.
9. The shadow is formed on the side furthest from the light source. It is dark
in colour and larger than the first and second shadows.
10. Use your first cardboard shape as a template and cut the shape from the
clear plastic and the plastic shopping bag.
11. Hold the clear plastic shape the same distance from the light source. Write
down what you observe.
No shadow is formed by the clear plastic shape. There may be a slight
outline of the shape as a shadow. This sometimes happens if the cut edges
of the shape have curled over, the double thickness reduces the
transparency. If any of the learners notice this you should explain it to them.
12. Hold the plastic shopping bag shape the same distance from the light
source. Write down what you observe.
The shadow that forms is on the side opposite the light source but it is
significantly lighter than the cardboard shadows. It has a darker outline and
a lighter centre.
1. When you held the cardboard up to the light, did it allow light to pass
through it? How do you know this?
No, light did not pass through as it forms a shadow on the opposite wall.
2. Is the cardboard shape opaque or transparent?
It is opaque.
3. What did you notice about the shadows formed by the different size
cardboard shapes?
The larger the shape, the larger the shadow.
4. Draw a diagram to show how the shadow is formed behind the opaque
shape. Use straight lines with arrowheads to represent the rays of light.
This is an example of the type of diagram the learners may draw. They
need to show the opaque object between the light source and a screen.
They need to show rays of light leaving the light source and moving in
straight lines on either side of the shape.
5. The distance between the shape and the light source was kept the same.
What do you think would have happened to the shadow if the distance
was increased?
The answer calls for learners to predict something they have not tested.
The shadow should become larger if the object is closer to the light source
and smaller if the object is further from the light source.
6. Test your idea from question 5 by moving your cardboard shapes closer to
and further away from the light source. What do you see? Were you
correct in your prediction?
This answer is learner dependant because it depends on their prediction for
question 5. Learners should describe seeing that the size of the shadow
decreased as the distance increased or that the size of the shadow
increased as the distance decreased.
7. Is the clear plastic shape opaque or transparent?
The clear plastic is transparent.
8. Did the clear plastic cast a shadow?
9. Explain why the cardboard casts a shadow but the clear plastic does not.
Light travels in straight lines. It cannot bend around an object. Light cannot
pass through the cardboard and so a shadow is formed. Light can pass
through the clear plastic and so the area behind the plastic is bright.
10. Is the plastic shopping bag shape opaque or transparent?
It is neither completely transparent or completely opaque. The shopping
bag is translucent or semi-transparent.
11. Explain why the shopping bag casts a lighter shadow.
Some of the light can pass through the translucent plastic but not all of it,
this means that the shadow is not as dark. .
. .
Substances which transmit most of the light and only absorb or reflect a little bit
are called transparent. Can you list some everyday objects which are
Glass, some plastics, cellophane, water etc.
Bricks, wood, walls, skin etc.
Some substances, such as the plastic shopping bag, allow some light to pass
through, but not all of it. This substance is translucent, or semi-transparent.
We can use transparent objects to make filters. If we want red light we use a
red glass bulb or a red plastic film placed in front of the light. Only red light is
able to transmit through the red glass or plastic. The other colours are absorbed
by the filter.
These are different colour filters for a camera. The red filter will only allow red light
through and so the photograph will have a red effect applied to it. The other colours of
light are absorbed by the filter.
Now that we have seen some examples of transparent and opaque substances,
let's take a closer look at what it means to absorb or reflect light.
The absorption of the different colours of light links back to Grade 7 Energy and
Change. Learners will have learnt that matt
. black surfaces absorb heat from the
Sun and that white and silver objects reflect the heat from the Sun. The energy
which is reflected from surfaces can be seen as different colours. This is
because each colour has its own frequency which is determined by the amount
of energy of the released photons.
We see the red shell of the ladybird as red light is reflected and the other colours are
The green leaf absorbs all the colours except green which it reflects back into
our eyes.
. .
What about a white object? Why do you think white objects look white? Have a
look at the following diagram for a clue.
White objects do not absorb any of the colours but reflect all of them together
and so the object appear white to our eyes.
Try to use a dimly lit classroom for this activity so that the main source of light
is the torch or light bulb.
1. Place a white object on the desk.
2. Switch on your light source and place the red plastic in front of the light.
3. Shine the light (with the red plastic in front) onto the piece of white paper.
. .
A tree reflection.
Have some fun with these photos of reflections in water. One photograph is the
right way up and the other one is upside down! Which one is which?
The photograph of the bridge in Italy is upside down.
Reflections on the Negro River in the Reflections in the Arno River in Italy.
Most surfaces reflect light. When light strikes a reflective surface, it can change
direction. Let's look at how this happens.
When light reflects off a surface the ray which hits the surface, it is called the
incident ray. The ray of light which is reflected from the surface is called the
reflected ray. When we draw diagrams of reflection we also draw in an
imaginary line to help us measure different angles. This line is called the normal.
The normal line is always drawn perpendicular to the surface.
Between the normal line and the incident and reflected rays, there are two
angles. These are:
Let's investigate the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle
of reflection.
Learners will see that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence.
Learners must save some of the sheets for the next activity where you will use a
piece of crumpled aluminium foil instead of the mirror.
Another way to do this investigation is to use a sheet of corrugated cardboard
instead of paper. Learners can then stick pins into the cardboard along the light
ray and then draw in the lines later.
Look at the diagram above and try to formulate an investigative question for
this investigation.
. .
• mirror
• white paper
• pencil
• protractor
• ruler
• ray box
A laser pointer also works very well instead of a ray box.
. .
. sheets with
Keep one of the
your drawn ray diagram for
the next activity. Fill your results into the following table.
. .
The answers in the table will depend on .the angles of incidence which the
learners use for their investigation. It is important that they see that the angles
of incidence and reflection are equal to each other in each repetition.
In reflection, the angle of reflection is always equal to the angle of incidence.
A mirror is an example of a smooth surface. The image you see is focused and
clear. As you can see in the photograph, the scientists and engineers are clear
and focused in the mirror image.
In reflection, not only is the
angle of incidence equal to
the angle of reflection, but
the incident ray and
reflection ray are also in the
same plane.
What colour is a mirror?
(video) bit.ly/GABdNZ
A mirror segment from one of NASA's telescopes provides a clear and focused reflection.
What happens when we do not have a smooth surface? Have a look at the
Why is the reflection of the grass and reeds not clear, but rather blurred?
. .
• aluminium foil
• white paper
• ray box
1. If possible, use the white sheets of paper from the last investigation where
VISIT you drew your ray diagrams.
Watch a video about the
2. Similar to what you did in the last investigation,
. set up a ray box and direct
the ray along the line of incidence which you drew.
. scientists
creative way that
have tried to answer the
3. Crumple a piece of aluminium foil and place this in the spot instead of the
question: "What is light?"
4. Observe the reflected ray.
1. Describe the reflected ray off the aluminium foil and how this compares to
the reflected ray off the mirror.
Learners should note that the reflected ray off the aluminium foil is
scattered and does not provide one clear ray, as the mirror does.
2. Why do you think you observed these differences?
This is because the aluminium foil is crinkled and provides a rough surface
whereas the mirror is a smooth surface.
Can you now see why reflections off rippled water are not clear, but rather
TAKE NOTE blurred? This is because the light rays have not reflected parallel to each other
'Diffuse' can mean unclear as
as they do from a smooth surface, but have scattered in different directions.
. out. In this
well as spread
The following table shows the difference between a smooth surface and a rough
example, the reflection is
surface. Straight parallel rays are approaching the surface. You need to draw in
unclear because the rays are
the reflected rays to show specular (clear) reflection from a smooth surface and
spread out or diffuse.
diffuse (unclear) reflection from a rough surface.
Visible light is the range of frequencies of light that are visible to the human eye,
and is responsible for the sense of sight. Are you curious to find out how we
actually see light? Let's discover more in the next section.
4.6 How do we see light?
How is it that we are able to see light? Light that is absorbed by objects does
not enter the eye. Only reflected light or direct light from luminous objects can
enter the eye and be interpreted. Have a look at the following image which
shows the outer structure of the eye.
We can see the iris, the pupil and the sclera. The sclera is a the tough white,
outer part of the eye, which acts as protection. The iris is the coloured part of
the eye which differs from person to person. It is circular and surrounds the
pupil. Light enters the eye through the pupil.
2012 Nobel Prize: How do we
see light? bit.ly/1a4zs2D
. .
TAKE NOTE Let's take a look at the internal structure of the human eye. The following
diagram shows a cross section through the eye. The eye is actually a large ball,
The fovea is the part of the
. and only a small part is visible on the outside. Covering the iris is a tough,
eye located in the centre of
transparent layer called the cornea. Behind the iris is the lens. Both the cornea
the retina where the clearest
and the lens help you to focus the light entering your eyes, as we will learn
image is formed.
about in the next section.
The cell is the basic
structural and functional unit
of all living things. We will
be learning more about the
A diagram of the eye.
cell next year in Gr 9 Life and
VISIT The light travels through the eye and hits the retina at the back of the eyeball.
The retina is a layer of tissue lining the back of the eyeball, as indicated in the
. spot with
Find your blind
this optical illusion.
diagram, it is the yellow layer. The retina consists of cells which are sensitive to
light. Light enters the eye and forms an image on the back of the eyeball. The
way in which light hits the back of the eye, is similar to what happens in a
pinhole camera. The receptor cells convert the light energy into electrical nerve
impulses. These impulses travel out of the eye through the optic nerve and to
the brain where they are interpreted as sight.
So how do we see colour? Do you remember when we spoke about why the
ladybird appears red and black? Look at the following diagram again.
. .
Now explain why the petals appear yellow and the centre appears black. Use
the concepts of absorption and reflection in your explanation. Draw diagrams
to support your answer.
Light striking the yellow petals. Light striking the black centre.
The white light that strikes the sunflower has all the colours. The yellow petals
absorb all the colours of the spectrum except yellow which is reflected into our
eyes. The black centre absorbs all of the colours of the spectrum and does not
reflect any light into our eyes, hence our brain interprets a lack of light/colour
as black.
White light from the Sun hits the car. All of the colours of light, except blue, are
absorbed by the surface of the car. Only blue light is reflected from the surface
of the car and enters our eyes. Our brain can only see the blue light and so we
perceive that the car is blue.
4.7 .
Refraction of light
Do you remember the last time you drank a cold drink with a straw? Did you
notice that the straw did not look straight anymore once it was in the water or
cool drink?
. else put a glass of water in front of
You should do this in front of the class, or
each learner. It is a really easy demonstration. All you need is a glass of water
and a straw. If you do not have a straw, a pencil works really well.
. .
You do not need a ray-box for this investigation.
. A laser, such as those found on
keyrings, or a light bulb can be used. If you use a light bulb, you need to make a
cardboard screen. Cut a thin slit into the cardboard and hold it in front of the
light bulb, this will create a ray of light suitable for the investigation.
We are going to investigate what happens to a ray of light when it passes from
air and into a glass block and then from the glass block back into air. We are
going to use a glass block with parallel sides.
Before we start the investigation, we need to think about how we are going to
determine if light changes direction or not. Do you remember in the
investigation on reflection where we measured the angle of incidence and the
angle of reflection? What did we find in this investigation?
The angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection.
When light passes through a transparent substance, we can also measure the
angles. Look at the following diagram. The angle of incidence (i) is measured
between the incident light ray and the normal line. As the light passes through
the transparent substance, the angle of refraction (r) is the angle between the
refracted light ray and the normal.
Learners can come back to this diagram. and mark in which is the more dense
medium (glass) and which is the less dense medium (air). In this diagram,
medium 1 is air and medium 2 is glass.
In the diagram above, you can see that the angle of refraction is smaller than
the angle of incidence. Therefore, the refracted light ray changed direction
when it entered the transparent medium. We can also say something about
which direction it bent towards. Did the .light ray bend towards or away from
the normal line?
The refracted ray bent towards the normal line.
. .
In the diagram above, does the refracted ray change direction when it enters
the transparent medium? Give a reason for your answer.
Yes, it changes direction as the angle of incidence is not equal to the angle of
refraction. The angle of incidence is smaller than the angle of refraction.
The refracted ray bent away from the normal line.
• glass block
• ray box, laser pointer or other light source
• protractor
1. Put the glass block in the centre of a piece of white paper and trace around
2. Shine a ray of light into the glass block. The ray should be at an angle to
the surface of the block.
5. Remove the glass block. Your diagram should look similar to the one
6. Draw a line joining the incident ray and emergent ray. You have traced the
refracted ray through the glass block.
7. Draw the normal lines where the incident ray meets the block and where
the emergent ray leaves the block.
. .
1. Which pairs of angles are equal in the measurements you have taken?
Learners should note that angle 1 is equal to angle 4 and angle 2 is equal to
angle 3 in all the sets of measurements.
NOTE: Discuss this with your learners as to why angles 2 and 3 are equal.
The explanation for this is to do with parallel lines and alternate angles. This
links well with what learners would have covered in Mathematics in the
beginning of the year. The normal lines are parallel and so the alternate
angles between them are equal. You can draw this on the board to explain
it in more detail and show that the normal lines are parallel as the
corresponding angles are equal (they are 90o ).
2. Which of the angles you measured are the angles of incidence and which
are the angles of refraction? Write this down below and mark them on the
diagram above.
Angles 1 and 4 are the angles of incidence and angles 2 and 3 are the
angles of refraction.
3. What do you notice about the angle of incidence and angle of refraction
for each of your sets of measurements?
The angle of incidence is always different to the angle of refraction.
4. Did the light entering the glass block bend towards or away from the
normal line?
The light bends towards the normal line. NOTE: This is because the light is
moving from a less dense to a more dense medium, which will be discussed
later on.
5. Make the angle of incidence zero (make the light ray enter the block
perpendicular to the surface). What is the angle of refraction?
. angle of refraction. This means that
The angle of incidence is not equal to the
the light ray changes direction when it passes from the air into the glass block,
and again when it passes from the glass block back out into the air.
. refraction
Learn more about
with this simulation.
This investigation requires the use of the PhET simulation listed in the visit box.
This can be used as an alternative to the previous investigation if you would
prefer to run the simulation, otherwise learners can discover more by
experimenting with different mediums and playing with prisms to make a
rainbow. On the webpage given here you can download a pdf file which gives
you tips on how to manipulate the simulation 1 bit.ly/1fL0pkf
Familiarise yourself with the use of the simulation before getting your learners to
use it. That way you can help learners with any problems they might encounter.
Angle 1 Angle 2 Angle 3 Angle 4
The angle of incidence is not equal to the angle of refraction because the light
has changed direction as it enters the glass. Therefore, when light travels from
one medium to another, it bends, or changes direction. This is called refraction.
When light enters a different medium at right angles then it does not change
So why does the light refract? Light behaves as a wave does and waves travel
at different speeds in different media. For example, light travels faster in air
than it does in water. When light enters a different medium, it changes speed,
and if it entered at an angle other than 90o , then it also changes direction. The
more dense the medium, the slower the light moves.
Do you remember learning about density last term in Matter and Materials?
Write down your own definition for density in the space below.
. .
If light moves from a less dense medium, like air, into a denser medium, like
The speed of light in glass. glass, then the light slows down. The light will bend towards the normal line.
If light moves from a more dense medium to a less dense medium then the light
speeds up and moves away from the normal.
If you have stood in a pool of water before and looked down, have you noticed
how short your legs appear to be? Let's have a look at this a bit more in the
next activity.
This activity will show the learners that bending
. of light will affect what we are
able to see. The coin is not visible until the water is added. The water causes the
light rays from the coin to refract (bend) towards the learner's eye. This allows
the learner to see the coin.
• coin
• prestik
• opaque bowl or cup
• water
. that shows
Watch a video
The learners should stick the coin to the. bowl in order to keep the coin still and explains the coin
when water is poured into the bowl. Often learners do not pour the water in activity. bit.ly/15NmXXO
gently and if the coin moves then it will affect the results.
1. What happened when your partner poured the water into the bowl?
Learners responses may vary slightly but they should all have seen the coin
"appear" when the water was deep enough. When more water is added the
entire coin can be seen.
2. Where does the coin appear to be?
The coin appears to be higher than it actually is.
. .
We used a triangular prism. Learners have . already experimented with this to
show that white light is actually composed of 7 different colours. However, you
can repeat this activity again to explain why this happens in terms of refraction.
When the white light entered the prism it refracted. The different colours of
light travel at different speeds in the prism so they refracted at different angles
and split up. Red light refracts the least and the violet light refracts the most as
you can see in the following diagram.
Prisms are not the only objects that can split white light into separate colours.
In fact, a rainbow is a good example of white light splitting up.
. .
Light from the Sun enters the raindrops and refracts. The light is then reflected
off the back of the raindrop. When the light passes out of the raindrop it is
refracted again and the colours split up even more as shown in the diagram.
A raindrop refracts and reflects light, dispersing white light into the colours of the visible
What colour is at the top of a rainbow and which colour is at the bottom?
Red is at the top and violet is at the bottom.
Does this match the order which we see in the diagram showing how light is
refracted and reflected in a raindrop?
No, it does not. It is the reverse order.
We see rainbows with red at the top and violet at the bottom due to the combination of
millions of raindrops. We only see one colour reflected from a particular raindrop,
depending on its position in the sky.
Do you remember when we spoke about how we see light and the structure of
the eye, we mentioned that there is a lens just behind the iris? Another place
where you may have seen lenses before are in reading glasses which some
people wear to correct their vision. Or, have you seen how a magnifying glass
makes things appear bigger. What are lenses and how do they work?
. .
You will need a ray box or light source which lets at least two rays of light
through so that learners can observe how they are either focused or dispersed.
In the absence of a ray box, you can use. any light source and use a piece of
cardboard with two slits cut into it to let the light through.
If you are not able to do this activity as you do not have lenses, photographs
have been provided so that learners can still answer the questions and see what
Before we start, it is important that you know the difference between a convex
and a concave lens.
Convex lens Concave lens
A lens can have two sides
which are concave and it is
then called a biconcave lens
or two sides which are
convex and it is then called a
biconvex lens.
1. Place a ray box or light source on one side of a piece of paper and turn it
on. Observe the light rays. You might see something as shown in the
photograph here.
. .
15. Is the image larger or smaller when you observe through a concave lens?
The image will be larger.
16. Is the image larger or smaller when you observe through a convex lens?
The image will be smaller.
We have now seen how lenses can disperse or focus light. Have a look at the
following diagrams which show how a biconvex lens converges light and a
biconcave lens diverges light.
A magnifying glass is an example of a converging lens.
Let's think about how this works. Imagine you are looking at the ladybird from
the beginning of the chapter through a magnifying glass. The ladybird looks
bigger than what it actually is. When the object you are viewing is closer to the
lens than the focal point, you see a virtual image of the ladybird that is larger
than the object.
Have a look at the first diagram below. Can you see that the ladybird is between
the focal point and the lens? The rays reflected from the ladybird are refracted
by the magnifying glass and enter the person's eye.
. .
When you hold a magnifying
glass up and view a distant
object, the object appears
smaller and upside down.
Unlike when viewing the
ladybird close up, the distant
object is beyond the focal
point of the lens, which
results in this effect.
Do you remember what the human eye looks like? We have lenses in our eyes
to allow us to see. The light enters the eye and passes through the lens. The
lens focuses the light onto the back of our retina so that a clear image is formed.
What type of lens do we have in our eyes? Give a reason for your answer.
How do lenses work? .
A biconvex (converging) lens as it needs to focus the light rays onto the back of
the retina.
In order for a clear image to form, the lens in our eye needs to focus the light
rays coming into our eyes so that the focal point falls on the retina. This
depends on the shape of the lens in our eyes. Sometimes, people have lenses in
their eyes that cannot focus properly. Have a look at the following diagram
which shows a normal eye and then an eye which focuses before the retina
(near-sighted) and behind the retina (far-sighted).
If you are near-sighted you need a diverging lens. Would this be a biconcave or
biconvex lens?
You would need a biconcave lens.
If you are far-sighted you need a converging lens. Would this be a biconcave or
biconvex lens?
You would need a biconvex lens.
. .
Next term in Planet Earth
. will look at
and Beyond we
how lenses are used in
optical telescopes to view
objects in space.
Careers in optics
1. Work in groups of 3.
2. Interview someone in the field of geometric optics and find out how they
chose their career and what and where they studied.
3. Write a paragraph explaining the career and the study options available in
order to qualify for that career.
4. Here are some examples of careers in geometric optics.
VISIT a) Optometry
b) Ophthalmology
An interview conducted with
an optometrist.
c) Optoelectronics
d) Illumination engineering
Optometrists measure the efficiency of the patient's eyes. They examine eyes
for vision problems, disease and other abnormal conditions. They test for
proper depth and colour perception and the ability to focus and coordinate the
eyes. They specialize in visual defects They are able to prescribe spectacles or
contact lenses to rectify or alleviate visual defects such as far-sightedness,
short-sightedness, astigmatism (image distortion) and presbyopia
(far-sightedness as the result of age).
School Subjects
Degree: BOptometry - UJ, UFS, UL. The duration of the course is 4 years of
full-time study. After the completion of the degree course, students may be
expected to complete a one-year internship. before registration as professional
Diploma: N.Dip: Optical Dispensing and B.Tech - CPUT. The duration of the
course is three years. A fourth year of study culminates in the BTech
Optometry. During their third and fourth year, students have contact with
patients. Students are required to complete a one-year internship.
Optometrists are required to register with the Interim National Medical and
Dental Council (INMDC) of SA before they may practise.
School Subjects
Note: Competition to enter medical studies is stiff and there are usually many
applicants with excellent grades who naturally would be given preference.
. .
Optoelectronics ..
Illumination engineering
The Zooniverse website provides a great overview of the various citizen science
projects that learners can get involved in. There is a huge variety of projects,
including helping to identify possible planets around stars, analysing real life
cancer data, looking at tropical cyclone data and listening to the calls from
whales or bats. .
Type the bit.ly link for the video or site that you want to visit into the address bar of your
browser on your computer, tablet or mobile phone.
Key Concepts
• Light travels in straight lines.
• White light consists of all the colours of the visible spectrum.
• The colour spectrum can be seen when white light is dispersed by a
prism or a raindrop (rainbow).
• Light cannot pass through opaque objects.
• Light can pass through transparent objects.
• Light is absorbed by some materials.
• A material appears to be a certain colour because it reflects that part of
the colour spectrum. Other wavelengths of light are absorbed.
• In reflection, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
• On a smooth surface, parallel rays of light are all reflected at the same
• On rough surfaces, the light is scattered and the image produced is not
• The human eye has specialised cells in the retina which convert light
into electrical nerve impulses. The nerve impulses are transmitted to
the brain via the optic nerve, where they are interpreted.
• Light travels at different speeds in different media.
• When light enters a different medium at an angle, the light is refracted.
• If the light slows down, the light bends towards the normal line.
• If the light speeds up, the light bends away from the normal line.
• Converging lenses refract and focus light.
• Diverging lenses and triangular prisms refract and disperse light.
• Lenses have many applications, for example, in glasses to correct vision,
microscopes, telescopes and magnifying glasses.
. Map
The concept map on the next page shows how all the concepts relating to
visible light link together. Complete the map to reinforce what you have
learned in this chapter.
. .
1. Match the correct definitions to the terms in the following table. Write the
letter of the definition next to the correct number below. [12 marks]
Term Definition
H. A transparent object
8. Refraction able to refract and focus
1: C
2: F
3: A
4: I
5: L
6: B
7: K
8: D
9: J
10: H
11: E
12: G
. .
Water in a pond.
Black: All the colours are absorbed and none are reflected.
Yellow: All the colours except yellow are absorbed and the yellow is
Green: All the colours except green are absorbed and the green is reflected.
Blue: All the colours except blue are absorbed and the blue is reflected
Red: All the colours except red are absorbed and the red is reflected.
White: All the colours are reflected, none are absorbed and so the
combined colours appear as white.
7. Draw a ray diagram in the space provided to show how we see the green
part of the flag. [5 marks]
. .
9. Complete the following sentence and write it out in full on the lines
provided: When light travels from a less dense into a more dense
transparent medium, it refracts and bends the normal line.
When light travels from more dense to a less dense medium, it refracts and
bends from the normal line. [2 marks]
When light travels from a less dense into a more dense transparent
medium, the light refracts and bends towards the normal line. When light
travels from more dense to a less dense medium, it refracts and bends
away from the normal line.
10. Draw a diagram to show what is meant by 'when the refracted ray bends
towards the normal'. Mark the angle of incidence and angle of refraction.
Indicate which medium is denser [4 marks]
. .
13. Why does it look like the tree trunk in the photograph is skew? [2 marks]
This is due to refraction. The light that passes through the piece of glass is
bent and so the image becomes distorted and looks as though the trunk is
skew. .
14. What shape does a lens have to have in order to focus the light? [1 mark]
It must be convex.
15. Draw a ray diagram to show how a converging lens focuses light to a point.
[4 marks]
16. Which eyesight defect can be fixed by using a converging lens? Explain
what this defect is and why it can be corrected. [4 mark]
Far-sightedness can be corrected using a convex lens. This is when the light
focuses on a point behind the retina so the image is blurred. A convex lens
is used to bend the light rays before they enter the eye so that when they
do pass through the lens in the eye they are focused clearly on the retina.
. .
. .
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
(3 weeks)
Although this is the order in CAPS and it is the way in which the content has
been ordered here in these workbooks, we suggest starting with Chapter 3 on
'Looking into space' first, and then going on to the other two chapters. This
makes more sense conceptually to first learn about how we see into space, and
then go on to look at the objects that have been observed in our solar system
and beyond, making use of a variety of telescopes.
In Grade 6 learners covered material regarding the solar system, and in Grade 7,
they focused on the Sun, Earth, Moon system. Learners should be familiar with
the fact that the Sun is a star located at the centre of the solar system and they
should understand that the planets orbit around the Sun. They should also be
aware that there are two types of planets: smaller rocky planets and larger gas
. introduced in more detail, and the
giants. In this chapter, the solar system is
physical explanation for the two types of planets is summarised. They will
compare the properties of the different planets, information that they will then
use to explain why the Earth is presently the only planet suitable for life in our
solar system. The main aims of this chapter are to ensure that learners
understand the following:
• The Sun is a star and produces heat and light (energy) via nuclear
• The planets, dwarf planets and asteroids all orbit around the Sun, held in
their orbits by the force of gravity.
• Different planets have different observed properties and characteristics.
• The Earth is located in a special zone around the Sun, where life is possible.
Section 1.1 covers the properties of the Sun, section 1.2 introduces all the other
objects in the solar system and section 1.3 covers our special place in the solar
Concept maps: The concept maps in these workbooks were created at Siyavula
using an open source programme called CMapTools. You can download the
programme from this link if you would like to use it to create your own concept
Citizen science offers you a free, easily accessible and inspiring opportunity to
bring real science into the classroom. Find out more about incorporating real
science into your classroom with Zooniverse citizen science projects at
ZooTeach: bit.ly/H6krWT. ZooTeach is a website where teachers and educators
can share high quality lesson plans and resources that complement the
Zooniverse citizen science projects.
Did you know that these workbooks were created at Siyavula with the input
from many contributors and volunteers? Just turn to the front to see the
long list. Read more about Siyavula at our website:
You can also sign up at our community page if you would like to stay in
touch and get involved in our projects.
Siyavula has also created a range of textbooks for other grades and
subjects, and we are going to be producing more. These textbooks and
workbooks are openly-licensed and freely available for you to use,
download, copy, rework and redistribute. The Siyavula textbooks that are
currently available are:
. .
• How does the Sun produce its energy?
• How can we observe the Sun without damaging our eyes?
• What objects are in orbit around the Sun in our solar system?
• Why are there two types of planets?
• How do the planets in our solar system differ?
• What are asteroids and comets?
• What is the difference between a planet and a dwarf planet?
• Why is life possible on Earth?
Our solar system includes the Sun and all the objects that orbit around the Sun.
As you will find out, a variety of objects are in orbit around the Sun: eight
planets, many dwarf planets, asteroids, Kuiper Belt objects and comets.
In this section students learn how the Sun produces its energy in its core and
how this energy is transported to the surface and then into space. The effect
that the Sun has on the Earth is also briefly mentioned. This section focuses on
conducting observations of the Sun and looking at images of the Sun to study
the surface features, including sunspots.
There are two activities in this section which involve observations of the Sun. It
is very important that learners DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN, even
with sunglasses on, as they may permanently damage their eyes.
Before we look at the Sun close up, let's summarise what you learned about the
Sun in Grades 6 and 7:
1. The Sun is our closest star and is very important for life on Earth as it
provides us with light and heat.
2. The Sun is located at the very centre of our solar system.
3. The Earth and other planets all orbit around the Sun, held in orbit by the
force of gravity.
What do you think the Sun would look like if it was further away, like the other VISIT
stars we see at night? .
Secrets of a dynamic Sun
(video) bit.ly/1h0io4b
Although the Sun is the brightest object. in our sky, this is only because it is so
close to us. The Sun is actually a medium sized star of average brightness
compared with other stars. If the sun were farther away, it would look like a
small point of light like the other stars in the sky.
How the Sun works.
Let's look at the Sun in more detail.
It is very important that you
do not look.at the Sun
directly! The Sun can
An image of the Sun taken with the SOHO space satellite. damage your eyes
. .
At the temperatures encountered at the centre of the Sun the atoms are ionized
and so nuclear fusion involves the merging of atomic nuclei rather than atoms.
This nuclear fusion reaction releases energy because the new helium nuclei
produced have very slightly less mass than the four hydrogen nuclei used to
make them. How can this be? Well, according to the famous scientist Albert
Einstein, energy and mass are equivalent. Some of the mass in the hydrogen
nuclei is converted and released as energy when the nuclei fuse to make helium.
VISIT A very large amount of energy is released. This energy travels outwards from
. the Sun's core towards its surface. The energy eventually reaches the Sun's
The birth of the solar system
surface somewhere between 17,000 and 100,000 years later! The Sun's energy
(video) bit.ly/1i8Bfrx
then spreads out into the solar system in the form of heat and light.
Different studies of the transport of photons within the Sun estimate different
travel times to reach the surface. Much older studies reported times of order of
millions of years, but these have now all been revised downwards to either tens
or hundreds of thousands of years.
Although we often say that the Sun "burns" its hydrogen fuel into helium, the
Sun does not burn in the same way that a fire does, because it is not on fire. The
energy generated from the Sun comes from fusing atomic nuclei together to
form a new atomic nucleus. As a result of the extreme temperatures throughout
the Sun, its gas glows, giving off light. Our usual experience of burning (or fire)
is actually a chemical reaction where atoms combine to form molecules, e.g.
when oxygen combines with carbon to form carbon dioxide.
You are now going to observe the Sun to look at its surface features.
Remember, you should never look directly at the Sun as it can permanently
damage your eyes. You can use either a telescope with a filter on it or a pinhole
to project an image of the Sun onto a screen to safely view the Sun's image.
This is an outdoors activity. You will need a telescope or binoculars for this
activity. An alternative activity is included after this,which does not need a
telescope or binoculars.You will be projecting an image of the Sun onto a white
card or screen for your learners to observe.
Sunspots are sometimes (not always) visible on the Sun's surface. You are more
likely to see sunspots when the Sun is most active during solar maximum. The
Sun's activity varies over an 11 year cycle. Solar maximum is currently predicted
to be in 2013. Solar minimum is currently predicted to be in 2019. As an
extension you could repeat this activity over the course of several days to see if
any sunspots or sunspot groups change shape, size, or position over time.
• telescope
• white card
• chair to rest the card on
• cardboard to make a shade collar
• pair of scissors
• pencil
. .
1. Take a piece of cardboard and place it up against the narrowest end of the
TAKE NOTE 2. Draw an outline around the edge of the telescope on the card to use as a
NEVER look directly at the guide for cutting to make the collar.
Sun, even with sunglasses 3. Cut out inside the circle you just drew so that the cardboard can fit over
on as you can permanently the telescope as shown in the figure above. You can cut a single slit into
damage your eyes. the circle from the edge of the card as shown in the diagram
4. Place the collar on the telescope. Adjust the size of the cut out circle if
necessary (for example if your telescope is slightly wider in the middle
than at the end, you may want to make your circle slightly larger). This
collar shades the area, where the image will fall, from stray light.
5. Select the lowest magnification eyepiece lens you have and insert it into
the telescope's eyepiece.
6. Focus the telescope by looking at a distant object (NOT the Sun).
7. Point the telescope at the Sun (do NOT look through the telescope to do
8. Place a chair behind the telescope and rest a white piece of card on it. The
card should be tilted towards the telescope.
9. Adjust the direction in which the telescope is pointing until the image of
the Sun appears on the white paper card. This may take some time.
10. Keeping the telescope still, move the white card toward or away from the
eyepiece until the image of the Sun fits neatly in the middle of the card.
Adjust the chair's position as needed.
11. Adjust the tilt of the white card until the Sun's image is circular.
Ask the learners to point out any interesting features they notice about the
image. There may be sunspots (dark spots) visible. Also you should see that the
image is brighter in the middle of the Sun's
. disc than at the edges. This is
because when we look at the middle of the Sun's disc we can see deeper into
the Sun than when we look towards the edge. The temperature of the Sun
increases with increasing depth. At the centre of the Sun's disc we are seeing a
hotter region. As the intensity of light is proportional to the temperature, the
Sun looks brighter in the centre.
1. Looking carefully you should see that the Sun's image moves slowly across
the white card. What causes this motion?
The spin of the Earth on its axis.
2. Draw a picture of what the surface of the Sun looks like on the white card
in the circle below.
Revise the model of the
atom that you learned about
in Matter and Materials if you
are unsure of some of the
terms used here, such as
nucleus, which is at the
centre of an atom, and
consists of protons and
Learner-dependent answer.
In this activity you will reflect an image of the Sun onto a white card or screen
for your learners to observe. This method has the advantage of not needing a
telescope or binoculars, however, the solar image produced will be a bit fuzzy.
However, it should be good enough to show . large sunspots. This activity is
designed as a teacher-led demonstration. If you have a sunlit window or door to
your class you can do this activity in the classroom. If you do not have a
classroom with a sunlit window, or if your class is very small, you can do the
activity outdoors, reflecting the Sun's image onto a shaded wall or back into a
darkened classroom.
As a rough guide, begin with a distance of around 8 m between the white card . the Sun in
Three years of
and the mirror. The further away you place the mirror from the white screen the three minutes.
. .
Where does the Sun get its
energy? bit.ly/1azFmsM
Learner-dependent answer.
3. When the Sun reflects off the surface of the mirror, what can you say about
the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection of the ray?
The angles are equal. This links back to what learners covered last term in
Energy and Change.
Did you notice any features on the Sun's surface when you viewed it in class? .
Fiery looping rain on the Sun
Let's find out what some of these surface features could have been in the next
(video) bit.ly/16qmriQ
. .
This is an additional, extension activity. In this activity learners will look at
images taken over three consecutive days in 2013. The images were taken using
the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager instrument on board the Solar Dynamics
Observatory space satellite. In the images two major sunspot groups are visible,
one in the Sun's northern hemisphere and . one in the Sun's southern hemisphere.
Learners should identify the two groups and observe that they move across the
Sun from left to right in each successive image. The sunspots move like this
because the Sun is rotating on its axis.
You could begin this activity by asking learners if they noticed any features on
the Sun's surface when they observed it in class, before asking them to look at
the pictures below.
1. Look at the images of the Sun which were taken in June 2013.
2. Answer the questions that follow.
Learn more about the
research that NASA is doing
about our Sun with the Solar
and Heliospheric
Observatory (SOHO).
A: DATE: 02.06.2013
C: DATE: 04.06.2013
1. How many groups of dark spots do you see in each image? This information about the
There are two main groups, one in the top half of the Sun and the other . sunspots is
Sun's surface and
2. What do you notice about the positions of the spots in each image? your interest. Be curious and
They are moving across the Sun's disc from left to right. discover more!
. .
This is enrichment material to extend learners'
. knowledge beyond what they
have covered in previous grades about the Sun. Here is a link to a pdf download
for an activity to track sunspots in real time, using data from SOHO:
The Sun's surface often has little blemishes on it. These dark spots on the Sun
are called sunspots. They are areas that are slightly cooler than the rest of the
Sun's surface. The Sun's surface is typically about 5500 o C and a typical
sunspot has a temperature about 3900 o C.
View real time.images of the
Sun and track sunspots. Image of a sunspot. For perspective, take note of the size of the Earth in the lower left.
As the Sun is made up of gas, there is no solid surface like on Earth. So when
one says that you are looking at the Sun's surface what are you actually looking
at? Imagine that you are standing in thick fog (mist) with a friend. You can see
things close to you, like your hand in front of you and your friend standing next
to you. However, because the fog is so thick you cannot see far into the
distance. Similarly, when we look at the Sun, we cannot see right into the centre
of the Sun. As you go deeper and deeper in towards the centre of the Sun the
gas begins to get thicker and thicker so that we cannot see through it. The
deepest depth that we can see into the Sun's gas is what we call the Sun's
Sunspots are areas that are slightly cooler, and therefore darker, than the rest of
the Sun's surface. A typical sunspot only lasts a few days. When a sunspot lasts
for several days you can observe it move across the Sun's disc. The sunspot
The outer atmosphere of the Sun is called the corona. Gas particles from the
corona are constantly escaping into space, forming the solar wind. When the
Sun is very active, violent eruptions called solar flares occur on its surface.
A large loop of gas extending over 35 Earth diameters out from the Sun's surface.
1.2 Objects around the Sun
Explore the solar system
TEACHER'S NOTE from your computer with
This section covers all the objects in orbit around the Sun including the eight .
this 3D environment
planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud and comets. bit.ly/1c9rpbM and view
Learners should be familiar with the eight planets in the solar system, which any objects in the solar
were covered in Gr 6, however it is very likely that they are unfamiliar with the system with this interactive
remaining components of the solar system. The first half of this section is simulator bit.ly/1gyasJR
intended as revision, to remind learners about the properties of the eight
planets. The two types of planets, the terrestrial (rocky) planets and gas giants
are compared and contrasted in detail. The second half of this section covers
the smaller bodies in the solar system such as dwarf planets, comets and
asteroids. It should be stressed to learners that new discoveries are made all the
time and so the numbers of moons discovered around planets and the number
of dwarf planets in the solar system will change over time.
The Sun is by far the largest and most massive object in our solar system
making up 98% of the total mass of the solar system. Due to the Sun's massive
size, its large gravitational pull causes the planets and other objects in the solar
system to orbit around it.
. .
The four planets closest to the Sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. These
are called terrestrial planets because they have solid rocky surfaces. Further
out, lie the gas giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These are much
larger than the terrestrial planets and are mainly made of gas with small cores of
rocky materials. In between the terrestrial planets and the gas giants lies the
asteroid belt and out beyond the orbit of Neptune lies the Kuiper belt.
As you can see, there are lots of different types of objects orbiting the Sun, and
not all of them are planets! To be classed as a planet, an object must:
You will learn about planets and the other objects orbiting the Sun in more
detail later on in this chapter. Let's begin by learning more about the size and
scale of the solar system.
In this activity learners will get a sense of the scale of the solar system. Using a
model where the Sun is scaled to the size of a grapefruit, the other planets are
also scaled down and are placed in orbit. around the grapefruit Sun at the
correctly scaled distance. This activity needs a lot of space. The distance you
need from the Sun to Neptune is 321 m. The scaling used in this activity is 14
billion to one. You can change the scaling to suit the space you have available.
A summary table is included here with the scaled sizes and distances for the
planets for your reference. Learners can use a measuring tape to measure out
VISIT the distances. If no measuring tape is available then the approximate distance in
Is there gravity in space? strides is also given.
diameter (D) or Measurements
Object distance from scaled to in
the Sun (d) model
Sun D = 1.4 x 106 10 cm Grapefruit
320 big strides
D = 45 x 103 d= About three
Neptune 3.55 mm 321 m
4500 x 106 times the
length of a
football pitch.
. .
• grapefruit
• peppercorns
• salt grains
• poppy seeds
• pea
• grape
• measuring tape
1. Go outside to a large field for this activity. Start at one end of the field.
2. Put the grapefruit on the ground, this represents the Sun.
3. Measure 4.2 m away from the grapefruit and put a grain of salt on the
ground. This represents Mercury. If you do not have a measuring tape then
count four big strides away from the Sun instead.
4. Repeat this for each of the planets in the solar system. Your teacher will
tell you the distance each planet lies from the Sun and will give you the
appropriate object to represent your planet.
5. Guess how far away you think the next closest star after the Sun is.
See the table provided.
In this activity learners will work individually to make a hanging model of the
solar system.
* Note that if the Sun were drawn at the same scale as the rest of the planets, its
radius should be 50 cm rather than 5 cm!
1. Cut out the cardboard into a circle of radius 15 cm. Use a compass and
pencil to mark out the circle for cutting.
2. Mark the centre of the circle. This will be the position of the Sun.
3. Using a compass, draw the orbits of the 8 planets on the card. The first four
. .
The planets orbit the Sun in a flat plane that includes the Sun.
Build your own. solar system Now that you have an idea of the size and scale of the planets in our solar
with this orbit simulator. system, let's compare the two groups of planets, the inner worlds, Mercury,
bit.ly/H6mWsc Venus, Earth and Mars with outer worlds, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune,
in more detail. Look at the following pictures which compare the features of the
two groups of planets.
The aim of this section is to remind learners about the two types of planets.
They were introduced to the two planetary . types, the inner rocky terrestrial
planets and the outer gas giants in Grade 6. This section covers this information
again and goes on to explain why there are two types of planets. For a
summary of each planet's properties see 3 1.usa.gov/1cO92WC
How do the sizes of the terrestrial planets and gas giants compare with each
The gas giants are much larger than the terrestrial planets.
The above image shows the internal structure of the terrestrial planets. They all
have a metal core, a rocky mantle and a thin outer crust. They also have a thin
atmosphere (Mercury has an extremely thin atmosphere). The Earth's
atmosphere is unique in the solar system in that it contains abundant oxygen,
which is necessary to sustain life on Earth.
The image below shows the structure of the gas giants. They are mostly made
of hydrogen and helium gases and are much less dense than the rocky
terrestrial planets.
. .
Uranus and Neptune have thick atmospheres which have methane in addition to
hydrogen and helium. The methane gives them their blue colour. Scientists
think that below their atmospheres they have a slushy mantle made of water,
ammonia and methane ices. At their centres they have a rocky-icy core.
Look at the pictures below. They show images of the gas giants. What features
do you see that the gas giants all have in common?
They all have rings.
This image of Jupiter in shadow was taken This image of Saturn was taken with the
by the space probe Galileo as it studied Hubble Space Telescope. Can you see
Jupiter in 1998. some of its moons?
Uranus is on its side.
Discover more online at
Neptune is to the bottom right of this picture, just out of view. This image was taken by .
NASA's Solar System
the space probe Voyager 2 as it flew past Neptune in 1989. Exploration site.
You can see that all the gas giants have rings. None of the terrestrial planets
have rings.
Another difference between the inner rocky and outer gas giant planets, are the
number of moons orbiting each planet. Look at the table below which shows
the number of moons each planet in our solar system has.
. .
Mercury 0
Venus 0
Earth 1
Mars 2
Jupiter 67
What can you say in general about the number of moons that the two types of
planet have?
New moons are discovered The terrestrial planets have no or few moons whereas the gas giants have lots
. of moons.
all the time, so these
numbers may change over
The terrestrial planets are much closer to the Sun than the gas giants. Because
of this, the terrestrial planets orbit the Sun in less time than the gas giants,
because they have a shorter distance to cover.
Lets see how the distance from the Sun affects the planets' temperatures.
In this activity learners will compare the .temperatures of the different planets.
Using the table provided they must label each planet on the thermometer
drawn below. This activity therefore requires that learners can read information
from a table and also from a graph.
1. Look at the table, it shows the surface temperatures of each of the planets.
2. Correctly label each of the planets on the thermometer using the
temperature information provided in the table.
Ice does not just refer to
water ice, but other frozen
elements and compounds
too. Also, the rocky-ice
materials do not resemble
any rock or ice you would
see on Earth, since the
temperatures and pressures
on these planets and gas
giants are much, much
. .
Mercury 167
Venus 464
Earth 15
Mars -65
Jupiter -110
Saturn -140
Uranus -195
Neptune -200
The labeled image:
Clearly the terrestrial planets and gas giants have very different properties.
Let's compare them.
In this activity learners must compare and contrast the two types of planet
using the information already provided in this section.
1. The table below compares the two types of planet. Fill in the missing gaps.
. .
warm cold
Learner-dependent answer. Answer in text below.
When the solar system was forming, the difference in temperature across the
early solar system caused the inner planets to be rocky and the outer ones to be
gaseous. Close to the Sun it was hot and only materials with very high melting
points, such as metals, could remain solid and form planets. Further away from
the Sun, where it was cold, compounds like water and methane were frozen.
Astronomers call these frozen compounds ices. Therefore the cores of the gas
giants contain rocky and icy compounds. As the abundance of metals in the
universe is very small, the inner planets are much smaller than the gas giants.
The gas giants could also attract large amounts of hydrogen and helium to their
atmospheres due to their size.
Let's continue to compare the rocky planets and the gas giants.
In this activity learners will use the information
. provided in the table below to
answer questions which compare the properties of the rocky planets and the
gas giants. This is a good exercise to get learners to read information from
tables and to look for patterns in data.
Use the information in the table below to answer the questions that follow.
from the Year length
Density Diameter Day length
Planet Sun (Earth
(kg/m3 ) (km) (hours)
(million days)
Mercury 5427 4879 57.9 4222.6 88
The day length given here is the average time in hours for the Sun to move from
the noon position in the sky at a point on the equator back to the same position.
This is not the same as the time for the planet
. to complete one revolution on its
axis with respect to the stars. For example the Earth completes one revolution
on its axis with respect to the stars in 23.9 hours, however, because the Earth
moves along in its orbit as it rotates, it actually takes 24 hours for the Sun to
return to the same position in the sky again (which is how we conventionally
define a day on Earth - from noon to noon).
1. Given that the density of water is 1000 kg/m3 , which of the planets would
float on water? Explain your answer.
. .
Solar System 101: NASA's
'Homework helper' can show
you where to look to find out
more. bit.ly/H6nbDD
Venus has a thick dense
atmosphere mostly made up
of carbon dioxide which is
an effective greenhouse gas.
This is why Venus has the
• Venus is the hottest planet in the highest surface temperature,
solar system, the temperature is as you saw in the activity of
hot enough to melt lead! Planetary Temperatures.
• Venus has clouds of sulphuric
• Venus rotates in the opposite
direction to all the other planets.
. .
Scientists are interested in Mars because they think that Mars might have
once had liquid water on its surface, and perhaps life. Channels, valleys,
and gullies are found all over Mars, suggesting that liquid water might have
once flowed through them. Although there is no liquid water on the planet's
surface now, scientists think that there may still be some water in cracks and
tiny holes in underground rock. Mars has been visited many times by robotic
The first lander, NASA's Viking 1, landed on Mars in 1976, a long time before
you were born! It took the first close-up pictures of the Martian surface but
found no evidence of life. Water ice has been discovered below the planet's
surface, and minerals indicating that liquid water was once present have also
been found by Mars landers. The latest lander currently exploring Mars is
NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission, with its rover named Curiosity.
Curiosity landed on Mars in August 2012 and is busy investigating the planet's
rocks near a giant crater called the Gale crater. One of the main aims
of the Mars Science Laboratory is to determine whether Mars ever had an
environment capable of supporting life.
Watch the first.12 month's of
Curiosity's explorations in 2
minutes. bit.ly/1b7mAKH
. finds water
NASA's curiosity
in Martian soil in 2013.
One of the first colour images of Mars' surface taken by the Curiosity rover. You can
see part of the rover at the bottom of the photograph.
. .
Take a virtual ride with
Voyager 1 and 2 past Jupiter,
• Uranus is believed to have an
Saturn, Uranus, and
ocean of liquid water, ammonia,
Neptune. bit.ly/1azPLVm
and methane above a rocky core.
• Uranus was the first planet
discovered using a telescope.
. .
This is a creative writing activity for learners to explore the solar system in an
imaginative way. Learners will play the role of cosmic travel agents and will
write a travel brochure for one of the planets in the solar system (not Earth!).
This activity can be done as a team or individually. Encourage learners to
research information about their chosen planet at the school or local library or
on the internet. Alternatively, they can use the information provided in this
chapter. You could also provide some examples of travel brochures for them to
look at as a guide. These are available free at travel agents. You could also ask
the learners to present their work in class..
In this activity you will write a travel brochure for a trip to your favourite planet.
In this activity learners must summarise .all the information they know about a
particular planet on a one page fact sheet. This activity is easier than the
Planetary holidays activity as it requires less imagination, and can therefore be
done as an alternative activity.
In this activity you will make a one page fact sheet about your chosen planet.
Let's now look at some of the other objects that we find in our solar system.
Asteroids are small rocky objects that are believed to be left over from the
formation of our solar system 4.6 billion years ago. They range in size from tens
of metres across to several hundred kilometres across and come in a variety of
shapes. Most asteroids are found in the asteroid belt, which lies between the
orbits of Mars and Jupiter. More than 100,000 asteroids lie in the asteroid belt
and several thousand of the largest ones have been named.
. .
VISIT Although science fiction movies give the impression that the asteroid belt is a
tightly packed region of dangerous rocks, in reality the asteroids are separated
. asteroid
A record close
from each other by millions of kilometres. However, very rarely, collisions
fly-by past Earth.
between asteroids do occur which is why asteroids are covered with impact
craters. We will look at impact craters more closely in the following activity.
In this activity learners will investigate how craters are formed by dropping balls
into a tray of sand. Although you can do this activity with flour, it works best
with sand. There are two parts to this experiment. In the first part learners will
investigate how the mass of an object affects the crater size formed. In the
second part, learners will investigate how the height at which an object is
dropped affects the size of the crater it leaves.
. You can use more objects in the
investigation if you have time, and as an extension you can examine the effect
of impact angle on the shape of the crater . formed.
You will need to experiment beforehand with the type of sand that you are
using. Before your class performs this investigation, drop marbles into the sand
that you have, to observe what kinds of craters the marbles leave. Experiment
with the best possible option, for example, you might need to add some
moisture to the sand so that you are able to see the craters.
INVESTIGATIVE QUESTIONS: How does the mass of an object affect the size of
the crater it leaves? How does the height at which an object is dropped affect
the size of the crater it leaves?
1. Fill the tray or plastic container with sand to a depth of 10 cm.
2. Smooth the surface of the sand using the long edge of a ruler.
3. Measure the mass of the marble and record it in the table below.
4. Drop the marble from a height of 1 m into the tray of sand and observe the
crater that forms.
5. Carefully remove the marble, without disturbing the shape of the crater
and measure the diameter of the crater using the ruler.
6. Record the diameter of the crater in the table below.
7. Smooth the sand.
8. Repeat steps 3-7
9. Measure the mass of the ball bearing and record it in the table below.
10. Drop the ball bearing from a height of 1 m into the tray of sand and
observe the crater that forms.
11. Carefully remove the ball bearing and measure the diameter of the crater
using the ruler.
12. Record the diameter of the crater in the table below.
13. Smooth the sand.
14. Repeat steps 9 -13.
15. Drop the ball bearing into the sand from a height of 2 m. You may need to
stand on a chair or step ladder to do this.
16. Record the size of the crater formed in the table below.
17. Smooth the sand.
18. Repeat steps 15-17, dropping the ball bearing from heights of 1.5m, 0.5m
and 0.25m. Record all your measurements in the table below.
19. If you have time you can make repeated measurements.
. .
marble 1
ball bearing 1
ball bearing 2
ball bearing 1.5
ball bearing 0.5
ball bearing 0.25
Learner-dependent answer. Answers might include conducting more
Write a conclusion for this investigation based on your results.
Learner dependent answer. Learners should summarise their results and
provide a reason why they think they got the results they did.
1. How did the mass of the object affect the size of the crater?
The larger the mass of the impacting object, the larger the diameter of the
2. How did the height at which the object was dropped affect the size of the
The greater the height at which the object was dropped, the larger the size
of the crater.
3. Why do you think the drop height affected the size of the crater?
Objects dropped from greater heights hit the sand with a higher speed and
therefore have greater energy (kinetic energy). As they have more energy
they make a larger impact crater.
4. What does this investigation tell us about craters on the surfaces of
It tells us that craters on the surfaces of other planets are formed due to
impacts. The impacting objects must have been travelling very fast or have
been very massive, because the craters we observe on other planets are
much larger than the craters made in this experiment.
Gerard Kuiper (1905 - 1973)
is regarded by many as the
. planetary
father of modern
science. He is well known for
his many discoveries. Read
more about them here.
The Kuiper belt (the pale blue dot dots) is shown beyond the orbit of Neptune. Its
members include the dwarf planets Pluto and Eris.
What keeps the objects in the Kuiper Belt in orbit around the Sun?
Gravity (the gravitational pull of the Sun).
Dwarf planets
Dwarf planets are objects that orbit the Sun, just like the planets. However, they
are smaller than planets. Due to their small size, they are unable to meet the
official definition of a planet. Can you remember what the three criteria are to
be classed as a planet? List them below.
. .
Asteroids are clearly not planets as they have irregular shapes and they are not
spherical. Some dwarf planets are spherical, but they do not meet the third
criterion. With their weak gravities they are unable to clear out other objects
from their orbits. Which famous ex-planet is now considered a dwarf planet
because it failed to meet the third criterion?
For many years the object Pluto was considered to be a planet. However, since
the 1990s many more objects very similar to Pluto have been discovered
orbiting the Sun out past Neptune's orbit. This resulted in new criteria to be
drawn up to be considered a planet and Pluto was demoted to dwarf planet
Read more about dwarf
planets. bit.ly/H6nJtd This image shows the five dwarf planets that have been discovered to date, Pluto,
Haumea, Makemake, Eris and Ceres in relation to the size of the Earth. Some even have
their own moons, which are shown. Ceres is in the asteroid belt and the other four are in
the Kuiper Belt.
The Oort Cloud has not been observed. .At this point, it is purely hypothetical
although very likely. Its existence cannot be stated as fact since it has not yet
been confirmed to exist. We therefore refer to the Oort Cloud as hypothetical
or predicted.
Comets are icy, dusty objects, orbiting around the Sun at great distances.
Comets are found in the Kuiper Belt and in the predicted Oort Cloud. The Oort
Cloud is thought to be a huge cloud of icy objects surrounding the Sun at the
very edge of our solar system at a distance between 5,000 and 100,000 times
the Earth's distance from the Sun!
A comet will remain in the Kuiper Belt or Oort Cloud unless it is disturbed by
another comet. If this happens, then the comet's orbit changes and occasionally
the comet will come into the inner solar system for us to see.
The hypothetical Oort Cloud is a huge cloud of icy objects or comets surrounding the
outer reaches of our solar system.
We can only see comets directly when they come into the inner solar system
because they are small and only visible by reflected sunlight. As a comet
approaches the Sun, the Sun's heat evaporates the dust and ices it consists of,
forming a bright dust tail which is visible from Earth. Some comet dust tails can
be millions of kilometres long. The dust tail usually points back along the path
of the comet.
. .
In this activity learners will discover that. a comet's ion tail always points away
from the Sun, no matter which way the comet is travelling! You can either get
learners to make their own comet tails or if you do not have many materials you
can make one comet yourself and pass it around for the learners to see.
In this activity you will make your own comet and explore how a comet's ion tail
1. Cut the tissue paper or crepe papers into several strips (at least 4) about 1
TAKE NOTE cm wide by about 15 cm long.
2. Attach the paper strips to the ping pong ball, evenly spread around the
. with an
An ion is an atom
equator of the ball using the sellotape. Wrap the sellotape around the ball
electrical charge due to the
a few times if needed to secure the paper in place. You have now made
gain or loss of electrons.
your comet and ion tail.
3. Hold out your comet in front of you and blow on the ball hard so that the
ion tail is blown away from you. You are representing the Sun and your
breath represents the solar wind, blowing on the comet's ion tail.
4. Continuing to blow fairly hard on the ball, move the ball from left to right
and observe which way the paper moves.
. comets
Learn more about
with this interactive website. 1. Which direction did the ion tail move when you held up the comet in front
bit.ly/GXWfFL of you and blew on the comet?
Directly away from you (as it is blown away by your breath).
2. Which direction did the ion tail move when you moved the ball left and
right while still blowing?
It still moves directly away from you as it is blown away by your breath. It
does not follow the direction of movement of the comet.
In a similar way, a comet's ion tail always points away from the Sun.
Comets that come into the inner solar system do not live forever. The Sun's
heat melts comets, just like a snowman melts out in the Sun. After several
thousand years the remains are so small that they no longer form a tail. Some
comets completely melt away.
At the time of producing these workbooks, comet ISON was approaching very
near to the Sun. Astronomers did not know
. if it would break up or not. Read
more about it here 4 1.usa.gov/15Xwsa1 and here 5 1.usa.gov/174cdbK
See if you can find out what happened to comet ISON in the beginning of 2014,
and tell your learners about this, or set it as a fun, small homework task.
In this section learners will discover just how fortunate they are to be on Earth,
which is currently the only planet known to harbour life. They will consider the
conditions thought necessary for life and. compare those with the conditions
found on Earth and on Earth's neighbours. A nice way to introduce this topic is
to have a class discussion about whether learners think aliens exist on other
planets and, if so, what they might be like. This could then lead into a discussion
about what conditions learners think are necessary for life. Talking about aliens
usually excites learners!
As you discovered in the last section, the Earth, along with the other planets,
orbits around the Sun. The Earth is the third most distant planet from the Sun,
lying in between Venus and Mars. Let's compare the Earth and its two
neighbours in more detail.
. .
In this activity learners will plot a graph of
. distance versus temperature for the
planets Venus, Earth and Mars. They will also be provided with information
regarding the habitable zone around the Sun. Using this information learners
will have to decide which of the three planets lie within the Sun's habitable zone.
• pencil
• ruler
1. Look at the data provided in the table. It shows the distance from the Sun
for three planets (in units of one Earth-Sun distance or Astronomical Unit).
It also shows the average temperature on each planet in degrees Celsius.
2. Plot a graph to show the data in the table. Mark each point with an X.
3. The Sun's habitable zone extends from 0.8 to 1.4 AU and is shaded in red in
the graph paper. This is the region where scientists think a planet has to lie
in order for there to be life on the planet.
. habitable
Our solar system's
zone (video) bit.ly/15XwDT1
. .
If the Earth were too close to the Sun it would be too hot and all the water
would evaporate from the oceans, like it has on Venus. If the Earth were too far
from the Sun it would be too cold, and all the water would be frozen, like on
Mars. Earth is at just the right distance from the Sun to have liquid water on its
surface. The other planets in the solar system are either too close or too far
TAKE NOTE from the Sun. The range of distances that a planet can lie from the Sun and still
have liquid water on the planet's surface is called the habitable zone. Estimates
An astronomical unit
. for the habitable zone in our solar system range from 0.8 - 1.4 astronomical
corresponds to the average
units (AU).
distance between the Earth
and the Sun.
You will probably find different quoted ranges for the habitable zone from
. scientists have used slightly different
different sources. This is because different
criteria to define what "habitable" means. Many studies focus on how life on
Earth would be affected if the Earth were closer to or farther from the Sun.
However, the point at which life can no longer exist on Earth is uncertain.
Our Sun's habitable zone (light green). The Earth is the only planet in our solar system
which lies within our Sun's habitable zone. It is just the right distance from the Sun for
liquid water to remain on the planet, something which scientists think is essential for life.
What other conditions do you think are necessary for life on Earth or other
planets? List your answers in the space below.
Learner-dependent answer. This is also an ideal opportunity for a class
discussion. Answers could include, sunlight for energy, oxygen, carbon (we are
carbon based), liquid water. Note that other life forms might not be carbon
based and that life comes in many forms like bacteria, animals and plants.
Scientists are looking for more than just human-like beings and other forms of
Which of the planets in the solar system receive light from the Sun?
All the planets in the solar system receive light from the Sun.
Which of the planets in the solar system have moderate temperatures and liquid
water on their surface?
Only Earth.
Which of the planets in the solar system have significant amounts of oxygen in
their atmosphere or oceans?
Only Earth.
As you can see the Earth is very fortunate, because it lies at just the right
distance from the Sun to have moderate temperatures and abundant liquid
water. The Sun provides the energy for plants to grow. There is plenty of
oxygen in Earth's present day atmosphere and oceans, which means that life You may have heard a lot
can survive on land and in the Earth's oceans. The Earth is unique in that it is the .
about global warming and
only planet we know of that has life. the greenhouse effect in the
news and in our studies in
The greenhouse effect Energy and Change.
During the day, the Sun shines through the atmosphere heating the Earth's
surface. At night, the Earth's surface cools, releasing the heat back into space.
Some of the heat is trapped by greenhouse gases in the air like carbon dioxide,
which causes the Earth to remain warmer than it would have otherwise. This is
called the greenhouse effect.
Scientists think that due to human activities, like cutting down forests and
burning fossil fuels, the greenhouse effect is now too strong. Scientists are more
than 90 % certain that the increase in greenhouse gases has caused the average
temperature on Earth to rise. This is known as global warming.
. .
This process is called photosynthesis.
This is where the first oxygen in the ocean and atmosphere came from. That
oxygen made it possible for other organisms to develop and flourish and is the
reason that you are here today.
Scientists are busy exploring the possible locations for the origin of life, including hot
VISIT springs and tidal pools. Recently, some scientists have started to support the hypothesis
Do you enjoy English and that life originated in deep sea hydrothermal vents, as shown in the image. These vents
Science? Read more about a are like underwater volcanoes. The investigation continues to try to understand how life
career as a science writer. originated on Earth.
Key Concepts
• The Sun produces its energy at its centre via nuclear fusion reactions,
where hydrogen nuclei are squeezed together to form helium nuclei.
• The Sun's energy is transported to the surface and radiates equally in
all directions.
• Our solar system consists of the Sun and all the objects that are held in
orbit around the Sun by gravity.
• Objects such as planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets and Kuiper
Belt objects orbit around the Sun.
• The 8 planets in our solar system have their own properties and
• The planets can be split into two groups, the inner small rocky terrestrial
planets and the outer large gas giants.
• The asteroid belt is the area where most asteroids are found in our solar
system, lying between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
• The Oort Cloud is a hypothetical huge cloud of icy objects (comets)
surrounding the Sun at the very edge of our solar system.
• Sometimes, comets from the Oort Cloud come close to the sun. We can
only see them when they come into the inner solar system because they
are small and only visible by reflected sunlight.
• Scientists think that some of the conditions necessary for sustained
life include moderate temperatures, liquid water, sunlight (energy) and
• The Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only planet in the solar
system known to harbour life.
• The Earth lies within the Sun's habitable zone; the range of distances
that a planet can lie from a star and still have liquid water on the planet's VISIT
. How
Global warming:
. Map
Concept humans are affecting our
planet. bit.ly/1c9toNa
Complete the concept map which summarises the key concepts from this
chapter about our solar system.
. .
. .
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
3 weeks
Thus far, the learners have only been exposed to solar system astronomy. In this
chapter learners will now be introduced to astronomy outside the solar system,
which focuses on the studies of galaxies and the Universe.
The main aims of this chapter are to ensure that learners understand the
• The Sun is our closest star, but if it were farther away it would appear just
like all the other stars in the sky at night.
• Stars are arranged in galaxies, held together by the force of gravity.
• Our own galaxy is called the Milky Way Galaxy.
• There are billions of other galaxies in the Universe and they come in a
variety of shapes and sizes.
• The distances between stars and galaxies are enormous and so new units
of measurement are needed because familiar units like kilometres are too
small to be useful.
• On the largest scale, matter in the Universe is arranged rather like a bath
sponge, into thin filamentary structures. with large voids between them.
If you have internet access and a projector in your class, an interesting and fun
way to introduce what lies beyond our solar system, and beyond the Milky Way,
is to use this interactive animation 'Scale of the Universe', where you use a
sliding scale to either zoom in or zoom out, available here: 1 bit.ly/1iaQkZV .
Start with the human sized scale and zoom out. For interest, you can also go
back to the start and zoom in to get to the microscopic level and even smaller
for learners to appreciate the size of atoms.
2.3 Light years, light hours and light minutes (3 hours)
Note: There are two optional, extension activities included in this section. They
• How far is our second closest star, Proxima Centauri?
• What is a galaxy and how many different types of galaxy are there?
• Where is our Sun located within our own Milky Way Galaxy?
• How do galaxies arrange themselves on the largest scales in the
• How large is the observable Universe and how many galaxies does it
In this section learners will discover that the Sun is one of about 200 billion stars
in our home galaxy, the Milky Way. Learners. will be introduced to the main
features of the Milky Way Galaxy which include its central bulge, flat disk and
spiral arms. Students will also learn the Sun's place within the Milky Way: we are
not in the centre of our galaxy, but rather are out on the edge of our galaxy,
about halfway out from the centre.
. .
At the darkest places on Earth, far away from city lights, you can see thousands
of stars at night using nothing but your eyes. In fact there are many more stars
in the sky which are too faint for us to see.
All of the individual stars that you can see are members of our Milky Way
Galaxy. A galaxy is a massive collection of stars, gas and dust all held together
by gravity. The Milky Way has about 200 billion stars and our Sun is just one of
those stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.
From the Earth, the Milky Way looks like a bright hazy band of light across the
sky, mixed in with dark dusty patches. This was called Galaxies Kuklos by the
Greeks which means the Milky Circle because they thought it looked like milk
spilled across the sky. The Romans changed the name to Via Lactea which
means the Milky Road or the Milky Way.
The Milky Way stretching across the sky viewed from Sutherland. The dark shape of the
SALT telescope can be seen in the foreground with the night sky in the background
Time lapse video of the
If you could travel outside the Milky Way and look down on it from above, the
Milky Way. bit.ly/19Ylkal
galaxy would look like a giant spiral in space as shown in the following image.
This is what the Milky Way would look like if you could see it from far away in space.
Scientists only know this from many observations made from Earth. No one has actually
been that far away from our galaxy to look at it. The structure is what we have inferred
from other observations.
The image shows what scientists think our galaxy looks like. You can see the
spiral arms of our Milky Way. These are bluish in colour and are filled with dust
and gas and hot young stars. The thin dark wisps in the image are dust lanes,
regions where the gas is very dusty. The central part of the galaxy is more
orangey in colour than the spiral arms. This is because the stars found at the
centre of the galaxy tend to be older and cooler than the young hot blue stars.
Scientists think that there are five major spiral arms in our galaxy. These are the
Norma Arm, the Scutum-Crux Arm, the Sagittarius Arm, the Perseus Arm and
the Cygnus Arm.
Some of the arms have alternative names, a table is included here for reference
in case other names are listed in books or online.
Perseus Arm -
. .
All the stars in this galaxy are revolving around the centre of the galaxy. Just as
the Earth travels around the Sun, the Sun and our entire solar system is
travelling around the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy at a speed of 250 km/s.
Even though we are travelling incredibly fast, it takes the Sun about 225 million
years to complete one orbit around the galaxy centre. The Milky Way is truly
massive, measuring a staggering 950 000 000 000 000 000 km across!
If learners are familiar with scientific notation, then the above diameter of the
Milky Way can be written as 9.5 x 1017 km.
To us the Earth seems big,
but the Earth is only a very
small part of the Solar
. our Solar
System. And
System is a very small part
of the Milky Way Galaxy.
And our galaxy is only a very
Looking at the Milky Way from the side. small part of the whole
The Milky Way is shaped like a giant fried egg. It is about a hundred times wider
than it is thick, and it bulges in the middle. The central lump is called the bulge
and the rest of the galaxy outside the bulge is called the disk.
As you know, we are inside the Milky Way Galaxy. So when you look at the thin
milky-looking band stretching across the sky at night, what do you think you are
actually looking at?
The thin band of light that you see is actually the stars in the Sagittarius arm as
you look inwards towards the centre of the galaxy. There are so many stars VISIT
densely packed together that you cannot make out individual stars with your .
Why is it dark at night?
eyes. Therefore you just see a haze of light. Above and below the plane of the
disk there are very few stars.
. .
The aim of this activity is to reinforce the idea that the Milky Way Galaxy is a
spiral galaxy with five major spiral arms .in addition to some smaller arms.
Learners will also be reminded that the Sun and Earth are not at the centre of
the galaxy, but rather about half way out along a minor arm called the Orion
• black paper
• white crayon, pencil or paint
• glue - optional
• glitter or sand - optional
• newspaper for working on
• white or silver pencil/pen for labelling
• sticker - optional
Video showing. us zooming 1. Draw or paint a picture of the Milky Way. You can use the picture in the
out from the Earth to outside text above as a guide. The galaxy has five major spiral arms, and some
our galaxy. bit.ly/1iaQDnt smaller ones including our Orion Arm. The galaxy also has a bulge in the
2. If you are going to use glitter or sand, glue along your spiral arms and in
the central bulge.
3. Scatter glitter or sand over the picture, each grain represents a star in our
Milky Way.
4. Tilt the picture onto the newspaper to remove any excess glitter.
5. Label each of the major arms of the Milky Way Galaxy.
6. On the Orion Arm place a sticker or mark a point halfway out from the
galaxy centre. This marks the position of the Sun.
VISIT How do you think astronomers know what the Milky Way looks like from the
. outside when they have never been outside the Milky Way? The task is similar
The sound of interstellar
to trying to figure out the shape of a forest from outside when you are in the
space. bit.ly/1cbfjil
middle of the forest. How would you go about this?
Learner-dependent answer. Ask learners to explain their answers. A typical
response could be that we count the number of stars we see in each direction.
In this activity learners will make a model of the Milky Way. They must come up
with the best materials they can think of and obtain for their models. For
example, they can use cardboard, cotton wool balls and glitter. This can be
done as a group model, where learners are given the task a couple days before
the lesson and they must collect the materials, or else you can supply a
selection of materials in class which they can then use to build the model.
Encourage learners to be creative when .thinking about the materials to use to
represent the different components.
The aim of this activity is to give learners a three dimensional view of the Milky
Way, including the structure of the central bulge and the disk containing the
spiral arms. The glitter is used to represent the distribution of stars and the
colours are used to demonstrate how old and young stars are distributed in the
galaxy. The life cycle of stars in not covered until Grade 9. Therefore, although
you may want to mention that the stellar populations in the bulge and the disk
of our galaxy are different, it is not essential to do so.
Examples of other materials to supply are: TAKE NOTE
• a bag of cotton balls or pillow stuffing We will learn more about the
• glue life cycle of stars in Gr 9.
• red, blue, gold and silver glitter colour, while older stars are
1. You need to build a 3 dimensional model of the Milky Way Galaxy. You will
either need to collect the most appropriate materials for your model
beforehand, or else your teacher will supply you with a selection of
materials to use in class.
. .
Learners must come up with their own model designs. An example design is
included here if you would prefer to make one which you then use to
demonstrate to learners, instead of them making their own:
1. Build a dome of cotton balls in the centre of one side of the cardboard.
Use glue to keep the cotton balls in place. The dome should be about 8 cm
across and 4cm high.
2. Repeat on other side of the board. The cotton ball dome represents the
bulge of our galaxy.
3. Pull the outer cotton balls into six spirals around the cotton ball dome.
These represent the five major spiral . arms found in the disk of our galaxy,
in addition to the minor spiral arm that our Sun is found in.
4. Dribble glue on the spiral arms and sprinkle blue and silver glitter on the
glue. These represent hot newly forming stars.
5. Dribble glue all over the cotton wool dome ball in the middle and sprinkle
this glue with gold and red glitter to represent cooler, older stars.
6. Mark a position 8 cm from the centre inside one of the spiral arms.
7. Stick the star sticker on the spiral arm at the marked position. This marks
the position of our Sun.
8. Make a hole in the centre of the model and thread it with a string so that it
can be hung up.
1. What are the two main parts that make up our Milky Way Galaxy?
The disk and the bulge.
2. Where are the spiral arms located; in the disk or the bulge of our galaxy?
In the disk.
3. Is our Sun found in the central bulge or in a spiral arm in the disk?
Our Sun is located in a spiral arm.
4. How far from the centre of the galaxy is our Sun located?
Just over half way out from the centre.
2.2 Our nearest star
In this brief section learners will be introduced to the large distances found
between stars in preparation for the following section on light hours, minutes
and seconds.
A constellation is a group of stars that, when viewed from Earth, form a pattern
in the sky. One famous constellation that is visible, even from big cities in South
Africa, is the Southern Cross or Crux. The two bright stars at the bottom left
pointing towards the cross are called the pointers.
The brightest of the Pointers looks slightly orange if you look closely. This star is
called Alpha Centauri and is our closest easily visible star after the Sun. Alpha
Centauri is actually part of a triple star system which is where three stars are in VISIT
orbit around each other. The two main stars of the system are called Alpha .
Scale of the Universe.
Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B. They orbit close together, on average about
eleven times the Earth-Sun distance from each other.
A smaller, fainter star, called Proxima Centauri, orbits much farther out. If you
were to look at Alpha Centauri through a small telescope, instead of one star
you would be able to make out the two separate stars Alpha Centauri A and B
next to each other. Proxima Centauri is much fainter and further away from the
other two so you would not see this one with the other two.
A comparison of the sizes of the Alpha Centauri star system and the Sun.
. .
Do you know how much a trillion or a billion is? Have a look at the following
The following is an optional, extension activity that you can do on scientific
notation with your learners. Scientific notation is only covered in Gr 9
Mathematics, however. many of the numbers used in this chapter are very long,
and so can be written in scientific notation. Also, if you do some of the
subsequent activities doing calculations with a calculator, the answers will be
given in scientific notation. It is therefore useful for learners to know what this
is. You can use the following activity to explain scientific notation to learners
and write some of the examples given in the tables on the board as examples.
In science one often needs to work with very large or very small numbers. For
example, we spoke about the distance from Earth to our next closest star after
the Sun as being 40 trillion km. How much is a trillion?
Therefore, the distance from Earth to Proxima Centauri is 40 000 000 000 000
km. This is a very large number to work with.
Very large and very small numbers can be written more easily (and more
compactly) in scientific notation, in the general form: N x 10n
If n is bigger than 0 it represents how many times the decimal place in N should
be moved to the right. If n is smaller than 0, then it represents how many times
the decimal place in N should be moved to the left.
For example, 3,24 x 103 represents 3240 (the decimal moved three places to the
right) and 3,24 x 10-3 represents 0,00324 (the decimal moved three places to
the left).
200 2 x 102
0,02 2 x 10-2
2.3 Light years, light hours and light minutes
In this section, learners will be introduced to the concept of light years, light
hours and light minutes. These units of distance are used for interstellar
(between stars) and interplanetary (between planets) distances because the
distances involved are huge and familiar units like metres and kilometres are
just too small.
Because of the references to time in each of these distance units, learners can
often mistake these units as units of time rather than units of distance. It is
important to address this misconception. . For example, a light hour is the
distance that light travels in one hour of time. Although time is involved the final
measurement is actually a distance.
A useful activity to introduce the topic is to ask learners how far they estimate
they could walk, run and cycle in one hour. Although they have to use time in
their estimation they should understand that they are estimating a distance.
This example also includes the concept of speed. Learners should understand
that if they move faster they will travel further in a given hour. Starting off by
using activities that they are familiar with should prove useful when then going
on to deal with the rather abstract concept of the speed of light.
. .
Our solar system is a pretty big place. Our nearest neighbour, the Moon, is on
average 384 400 kilometres away, and the closest to us that our nearest planet
Venus gets is about 42 million kilometres. The Sun is about 150 million
kilometres away and the closest that Pluto can ever get to us is 4.3 billion
kilometres. These large numbers are impractical to use and so we rather use
much larger distance units based on the speed of light. This makes the numbers
smaller and easier to deal with.
This is just like using metres instead of centimetres to make the numbers smaller
when you measure a distance. For example, if you are telling a friend how far it
is from your house to school, you would say it is 7.5 km, and not 7 500 000 cm.
Let's begin by comparing the speed of light with the speed of some other things
that move very fast.
A cheetah, the fastest land mammal, can A Peregrine Falcon, the fastest animal, can
reach speeds of 120 km/h, as fast as cars on fly as fast as 389 km/h.
the highway.
Japan's high speed train the NASA's scramjet the X-43 The international space
JR-Maglev MLX01 has flies at 7000 km/h. station (ISS) orbits the Earth
reached 581 km/h. at a speed of 27 744 km/h.
1. Imagine you are going on a trip from Cape Town to Durban, which is a
distance of 1753 km.
2. Calculate how long it would take you to complete the trip travelling at the
speeds of the animals and modes of transport in the examples above.
3. Fill in your answers in the table below.
Remember the formula: time =
. .
Distance between Time taken for
Mode of
Speed (km/h) Cape Town and the journey
Durban (km)
cheetah 120 1753 14.6 hours
around the Earth 7.5 times. 8 minutes to travel from the Sun to
the Earth.
For distances within the solar system, astronomers use units called light hours
and light minutes.
A light hour is the distance that light travels in one hour. Despite its name, a
light hour is not a unit of time, it is a unit of distance.
. .
It is the distance that light travels in one minute.
How far is a light year?
Which do you think is a smaller distance, a light hour or a light minute, and why?
. has less time to travel in a minute
A light minute is smaller because the light
than an hour. So a light minute must be shorter because this represents the
distance that light travels in a minute.
Astronomers use units called light years to measure the distances between
stars and galaxies. One light year is almost 10 trillion kilometres. As you can see,
a light year is very, very far.
Light years, light hours and light minutes measure distances. They also tell us
something else very interesting. If you measure the distance to a light source in
light travel time, you can work out how long light emitted from the distant
source takes to reach you. Light that is emitted from an object one light year
away from you, takes one year to reach your eyes. Similarly, light that is emitted
from an object one light hour away, takes one hour to reach your eyes.
How long do you think light emitted from one light minute away takes to reach
your eyes?
Scale of the. Universe
interactive animation. One minute.
VISIT This may sound very strange to you because when you switch on a lamp in your
. home you see the light straight away. You do not have to wait for the light from
How big is the Universe?
the lamp to reach you. You do not notice that it actually takes some time for the
light from the lamp to reach your eyes because light travels extremely fast.
Light travels so fast, that if you were standing a metre away from the lamp it
would only take only three billionths of a second for the light from the lamp to
reach your eyes. It is therefore no surprise that you don't notice the delay.
Question 7 in the activity is an advanced question for able learners.
1. The table below shows the distance that each planet lies from the Sun in
kilometres (km) and then in light hours or light minutes.
2. Study the table and answer the questions that follow.
. .
As you can see, the solar system is very large. The orbit of Neptune is over 4
light hours from the Sun and the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud extend out even
further than this.
The distance to the next closest star, Proxima Centauri, is 40 trillion km. This
corresponds to 4.24 light years. This means that light from the star takes just
over four years to reach Earth. Let's investigate the distances to some of our
closest stars.
In this activity learners will get a feel for .how "close" the nearest stars are to the
Sun. The idea of this activity is to familarise learners with the idea that stellar
distances are generally measured in light years (rather than light minutes or
hours which apply to solar system objects).
1. Look at the table showing our closest stars and the star map.
2. Answer the questions below.
Sirius 8.58
QUESTIONS: . to check
Always remember
that learners write the units
1. Which star is our closest neighbour, excluding the Sun? after their answers.
Proxima Centauri.
2. How far is Sirius?
Sirius is 8.58 light years away.
3. How long does light from Barnard's Star take to reach us?
Light takes 5.96 years to reach us from Barnard's star.
4. Explain in your own words what the statement "Sirius is 8.58 light years
away from Earth" means.
It means that the star is at the distance that light can travel in 8.58 years. It
means that light takes 8.58 years to reach us on Earth from Sirius. .
Our closest stars are less than ten light years away, however most stars in our
galaxy are much farther away. The distances to stars are generally measured in
tens, hundreds or even thousands of light years and the distances between
galaxies are truly enormous as you will discover in the next section.
. .
In this section learners will find out what lies beyond our own galaxy. They will
learn that there are billions of other galaxies in our Universe of all shapes and
sizes. They will learn about the different types of galaxies, i.e. ellipticals, spirals,
barred spirals, lenticular and irregular types.
. Learners do not have to know the
actual names of the different shapes (this is included for interest), but they must
know the shape of the Milky Way Galaxy and understand that other galaxies
have different shapes. The will also look at how galaxies are arranged in the
Universe: into groups and clusters of galaxies, and finally they will look at the
Universe on its grandest scale finding out how matter is arranged into voids and
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is only one out of a total of about 100 to 200 billion
galaxies that astronomers estimate to be in the Universe. That's more than 10
TAKE NOTE times the total number of people on Earth.
The distances between
As well as stars, galaxies contain vast amounts of gas and dust. Galaxies come
. larger than
galaxies are even
in a variety of shapes and sizes. The Milky Way is an average-sized spiral galaxy:
the sizes of galaxies and are
it is 100 000 light years across and contains around 200 billion stars. Small
measured in millions or even
galaxies may contain only a few million stars, while large galaxies can have
billions of light years.
several trillion stars.
Our closest neighbouring galaxy, Andromeda. Light from the galaxy takes 2.5 million
years to reach Earth and so the light that hits your eyes now from that galaxy was
emitted before there were humans on Earth.
There are five main types of galaxies. You do not need to know these names.
This is included for your interest.
• spiral
• barred spiral
• elliptical
• lenticular
• irregular
Extra information on the different shapes of galaxies:
• Spiral galaxies have a central bulge and a flat disk with spiral arms.
• Some spiral galaxies have arms that do not start at the centre of the galaxy
but start at the end of a bright straight bar that goes across the centre of
the galaxy. These are called barred spiral galaxies.
• Elliptical galaxies look smooth and are shaped like giant rugby balls with
no spiral arms. Some can be round .and some can be very elongated. They
contain old stars and have very little gas and dust.
• A lenticular galaxy is in between a spiral galaxy and an elliptical galaxy.
They are disk galaxies (like spiral galaxies) but do not have defined arms as
they have lost most of their dust and gas. As a result, there is little star
formation happening and they consist of mostly old stars (like elliptical
• Irregular galaxies do not look like spirals or elliptical galaxies. Some (but VISIT
not all) irregular galaxies are actually two or more galaxies in the process . galaxy in
The largest known
of colliding. the Universe. bit.ly/1ddXJcR
. .
Spiral galaxy named NGC 4414. Barred spiral galaxy named NGC 1300.
There is a really relevant link provided in the Visit box for the citizen science
project, Galaxy Zoo. This is a really great. way for you and learners to become
actively involved in some real science research related to what you are doing in
class. If you have internet access and a projector in your class, a suggestion is to
bring this site up and go through some of the galaxies with your learners and
classify them according to their shapes.
This is an optional, extension activity. In .this activity learners will describe and
compare the appearance of six different galaxies. They will also rank the
galaxies in terms of increasing distance from Earth.
Barred spiral galaxy (because it has
spiral arms with a bright, central
. .
List the galaxies in the table above in increasing order of distance from our
Milky Way Galaxy.
The LMC, the Spindle Galaxy, M 89, NGC 4622.
Have a look at the following diagram which shows the location of Earth in the .
What is dark matter?
Universe. You do not need to know this classification; this is included for your
• Gravity holds the galaxies in groups, clusters and superclusters together. Universe? bit.ly/HfeA0O
. .
Extension content and activity
Galaxy clusters are beautiful yet peculiar objects. They seem to be full of a
mysterious unseen type of matter which. has not yet been identified. From its
gravitational effects on the gas and galaxies in the cluster, astronomers
estimate that this strange matter could be about five times more massive than
all the galaxies and hot gas in a cluster combined. Astronomers have no idea
what this mysterious matter is and call it dark matter, because they cannot see
it. It turns out that this strange matter is not only found in clusters of galaxies,
but is spread throughout space.
The galaxy cluster called Abell 2218. Each point of light is a galaxy.
Activity: Wine glass gravitational lens
Note: This activity can be done as an extension if you decide to discuss the
above content on dark matter with learners. However, this is beyond the scope
of CAPS and has only been included as an optional extension. This activity can
be done individually, but if there are not enough wine glasses for the entire class
then learners can work in small groups and take it in turns within their group to
complete this activity. It can sometimes be a bit difficult to see the rings and
arcs clearly. To aid this, use a bright red pen rather than a black pen, and it may
help if learners close one eye and just use one eye to observe the arcs and rings
produced in this activity. .
In this activity you will investigate how a wine glass acts like a lens, bending
light. Dark matter in the Universe also acts like a lens, bending the light from
distant galaxies making their images distorted into rings or arcs. While the wine
glass bends the light due to refraction, dark matter bends the light because it
has mass, and is called a gravitational lens.
• wine glass
• paper (graph paper if possible)
• red pen/marker
• water
1. Make a large dot on the graph paper using the red marker.
2. Place the wine glass on the graph paper
. and look directly down at the
paper through the wine glass. Observe how it distorts the grid of the graph
3. Centre the wine glass over the dot and look directly down at the paper
through the wine glass. Make a note of your observations below.
4. Move the wine glass from side to side and up and down along the paper
slightly and note what you observe.
. .
Note: If the dot is centred below the wine glass, learners should view a ring. If it
is not centred, they should see arcs.
1. When the wine glass was centred above the dot what did you observe?
Red ring
2. When the wine glass was not centred . what did you observe?
Red arcs
3. If you moved the wine glass left and right, what happened?
The arcs move. If you move the glass to the left, the arc is on the right hand
side and if you move the glass to the right, the arc appears on the left hand
4. Given your observations here, what can you say about the orientation of
the galaxy cluster Abell 2218, shown in the last image? Is it in line with the
distant galaxies or offset slightly? (Hint: do you see arcs or a ring?)
In the picture above you can see faint arcs in the image. This means that
the gravitational lens and the background galaxies cannot be lined up
perfectly, otherwise you would see a ring.
Learners do not need to know the structure of the Universe in terms of filaments
and voids. This is included as enrichment content. Learners do need to know
what we mean by the observable Universe though.
There is an error in the CAPS document which incorrectly states that the size of
the observable Universe is 28 billion light years. In fact the size of the
observable Universe is about 93 billion light
. years which corresponds to 28
billion parsecs - a parsec is a unit of distance used in astronomy and is equal to
about 3.1x1013 km or about 3.3 light years.
Note that the observable Universe, is the region that is visible from Earth it is
not the whole of the Universe. The size of the whole Universe is unknown and it
may be infinite in size. "Infinite in size" is a difficult concept for most learners to
grasp and so it has been deliberately omitted from this text. You should use
your own judgement as to whether it is suitable to consider elaborating upon
the size of the unobservable Universe within your class.
Astronomers estimate that the age of the Universe is 13.7 billion years old. This
might make you imagine that you can see objects from as far as 13.7 billion light
years away in all directions. If you were to draw a sphere around the Earth, with
a radius of 13.7 billion light years, with the Earth placed at the centre, the surface
of the sphere would represent the limit of how far light could travel to Earth in VISIT
13.7 billion years. The surface would represent the edge of the observable .
Do we expand with the
Universe as seen from Earth. You might therefore assume that the diameter of
Universe? bit.ly/1ddYyTd
the observable Universe is 27.4 billion light years (2 times 13.7).
However, you would actually be wrong. Astronomers estimate the size of the
observable Universe to be 93 billion light years in diameter, which is much,
much larger. The reason that the size is much larger than expected is because
the Universe is expanding and galaxies are moving further and further away
from the Earth as the space between them expands. So we are able to see
galaxies that are now very far away because when they emitted their light they
were closer to Earth. The size of the whole Universe, which includes regions too
far from Earth for us to see at this time, is unknown.
Following is a demonstration that you can
. perform to show learners what is
meant by the expanding Universe.
. .
Note: This is a demonstration to help learners visualise how the space between
galaxies is expanding. This is a simple 2D analogy of the true 3D situation. In this
demonstration the surface of the balloon is a two dimensional representation of
space and circles on the surface of the balloon represent galaxies in space. As
the balloon is blown up, representing the expanding Universe, the distances
between neighbouring galaxies increase which is exactly what is observed in the
expanding Universe.
• one balloon
• small circles of paper
• glue
1. What happened to the distance between the paper circles as you inflated
the balloon?
As the balloon was inflated the distance between the dots increased.
2. What do you think would happen if you could inflate the balloon to an even
VISIT larger size? The distance between the dots would increase even further.
Read interesting articles on 3. What do the paper circles represent and what does the inflating balloon
the latest developments in represent?
astronomical research on
Space Scoop, an astronomy The dots represent galaxies and the inflating balloon represents the expansion of
news service. the space between them. The balloon represents the expansion of the Universe.
Key Concepts
• A galaxy is a collection of millions or billions of stars, together with gas
and dust, held together by gravity.
• Galaxies come in all shapes and sizes.
• Our home galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy, is a spiral galaxy containing
around 200 billion stars. Our Sun is just one of those stars.
• After the Sun, our nearest star is Alpha Centauri, the brighter of the two
pointer stars in the Southern Cross Constellation
• Light minutes, light hours and light years are used to measure distances
in space because the distances are so immense.
– A light minute is the distance that light can travel in one minute.
– A light hour is the distance that light can travel in one hour.
– A light year is the distance that light can travel in one year.
• Beyond the Milky Way Galaxy, are many more galaxies.
• Astronomers estimate the size of the observable Universe to be 93
billion light years in diameter.
. Map
Remember that you can also add your own notes to the concept maps to
expand and personalise them.
. .
1. What is the name of our second closest star? How far away is it? [2 marks]
Proxima Centauri. 4.24 light years away.
2. What is the name of our second closest easily visible star? Is it really a
single star? [2 marks]
Alpha Centauri. Alpha Centauri is actually a multiple star system containing
the stars Alpha Centauri A and B closely orbiting each other. To the naked
eye these two stars look like a single star. Proxima Centauri is also thought
to be a member of this star system but it is farther away from the other two
3. What is the definition of a light year? [2 marks]
A light year is the distance that light travels in one year.
4. What is a galaxy? [3 marks]
A galaxy is a massive collection of stars, dust and gas held together by
gravity. A typical galaxy contains hundreds of billions of stars.
5. Where is the Sun located within the Milky Way? [2 marks]
It is located in the Orion spiral arm halfway out from the centre of the
6. How many stars are in our Milky Way Galaxy? [1 mark]
200 billion.
7. Name the 4 main types of galaxies. [4 marks]
Elliptical galaxies, spiral galaxies, barred spiral galaxies and irregular
galaxies. .
8. What kind of galaxy is the Milky Way? [2 marks]
The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy.
9. Draw an image of the Milky Way Galaxy as viewed from the top and as
viewed from the side. Note the position of the Sun in both images. Include
the labels: spiral arm, bulge, disk. [8 marks]
Learners must draw the spiral shape of the galaxy from above. The exact
positioning of the arms is not important, but learners must show the
position of the Sun towards the edge of one of the arms, Orion. From the
edge on, learners must show a flat disk with a bulge in the middle, and they
must locate the position of the Sun towards the one side of the disk.
10. Why does it look as though the Milky Way is a splash of milk or a starry
road across the sky? [2 marks]
The Milky Way Galaxy is a flat disk and when you look at the band of the
Milky Way across the sky at night you are actually looking along the plane
of the disk of the Galaxy in towards the centre where there is a high density
of stars.
11. What is a group of galaxies? [2 marks]
A collection of galaxies, held together by gravity.
12. What is the name of the group of galaxies that the Milky Way is a member
of? [1 mark]
The Local Group.
13. What are clusters of galaxies and superclusters of galaxies? [2 marks]
A cluster of galaxies is a collection of 50 or more galaxies held together by
gravity. Clusters of galaxies often group together to form larger structures
called superclusters of galaxies.
. .
. ... NOTE
Chapter overview
(2 weeks)
In Grades 6 and 7 learners covered material regarding the viewing of space and
In Grade 6 they were introduced to telescopes including SALT and the SKA. In
Grade 7, they focused on the historical development of modern astronomy
including ancient observations and indigenous starlore all the way up to modern
scientific developments.
The main aims of this chapter are to ensure that learners understand the
• Early cultures studied the stars and. planets using the naked eye. They
often grouped stars together in patterns called constellations.
• Astronomers now use telescopes to study galaxies, stars and planets.
• Telescopes help astronomers see fainter objects, because they act as light
collecting buckets.
• South Africa is host to the largest optical telescope in the southern
hemisphere and will be hosting the majority of the largest radio telescope
ever, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA).
Section 3.1 covers the early observations of space and section 3.2 covers
modern day telescopes.
3.2 Telescopes (4 hours)
• How did early cultures observe and interpret the night sky?
• How does a telescope help us to see more objects in the sky and in
greater detail?
• What kind of telescopes are there?
• Why is South Africa a good place for locating telescopes?
3.1 Early viewing of space
In Gr. 7 learners were introduced to indigenous knowledge about the stars and
planets under the historical development of astronomy. This section focused
primarily on the practical uses of star observations, such as timekeeping and
navigation, along with an introduction to starlore associated with the Moon,
Milky Way and other celestial bodies. In .this section the focus will lie in the
observations of constellations (and the planets) and starlore associated with
one example constellation.
A good way to introduce the topic of the early viewing of space, is to ask
learners if they know of any stories about famous constellations or the planets.
This facilitates discussions about constellations visible in the sky and how the
stars are actually related in space.
In dark conditions away from city lights, thousands of stars are visible in the
night sky. Early cultures around the world gazed at the stars in wonder. They
noted the movement of the stars and planets across the sky and used this to
mark the passage of time. People often grouped the stars they saw into
. .
The stars that are visible depend upon your location on Earth and also the time
of year. The southern sky, which we see from South Africa, is full of beautiful
stars and several prominent constellations are visible in the sky including the
Southern Cross or Crux, Orion and Pavo the Peacock.
In the following activities you will have the opportunity to observe the night sky
and familiarise yourself with some of the most famous southern constellations.
In this activity learners will use the star map provided to identify three
constellations in the night sky visible during September/October/November. If
you want to generate a star map specific to your location and date you can
freely download a sky map from 1 bit.ly/17e1jm3 . All you need to do is select
the area from which you want to view, by clicking on 'select from map' or 'from
database' and selecting your location. Your location will then be saved. You can
then click on the 'Sky chart' link further down to view a map of the night's sky
from your location at the current time. You can save and print this for learners.
For example, here are the links to the sky maps for several places in South
Location Link
Bloemfontein bit.ly/17GyAAH
Durban bit.ly/17dZZ2m
Johannesburg bit.ly/1bb9mN0
• star map
• clear skies
• pencil
• paper or this workbook
• torch - optional
Today professional
1. Go outside at night with your star map. . formally
2. Wait a few minutes to let your eyes adjust to the dark. recognise 88 constellations,
23 of which are in the
3. Try to identify the following constellations in the sky: Pavo, Phoenix and southern hemisphere.
Crux (indicated with green arrows on the star map).
4. Draw a picture of each of the constellations as you see them.
5. See if you can spot any of the planets, these will not twinkle like the stars
. the night
Learn how to view
Draw your pictures in the space below. If you have used separate paper you can sky with Google Earth.
stick your pictures in here. bit.ly/16pYL3u
. .
In this activity learners will observe the Southern Cross constellation at least
three times during the months of September and October. Learners should
make sure that they try to observe the constellation at the same time each night.
The Southern Cross or Crux (top right) and the Pointers (bottom left).
1. Go outside around 8 pm with your star map (if in the Western half of the
country, closer to Cape Town), or if you live in the Eastern half of the
country, (closer to Johannesburg or Durban) go out an hour earlier around
2. Wait a few minutes to let your eyes adjust to the dark.
3. Try to identify the Southern Cross constellation using the star map.
4. Draw a picture of the Southern Cross and the Pointers as you see them.
Make a note of the date and time of your picture and in roughly which
direction you are facing (north, south, east or west).
5. Draw or paste your image (if you have used separate paper) into the space
6. Repeat the observations at least twice so that you have a minimum of three
observations on different nights, over the course of a few weeks, and try as
best as possible to make your observations at the same time each night.
What did you notice about the orientation of the Southern Cross as you made
your observations?
The constellation should appear to rotate . in a clockwise direction over time. In
early September its long axis is fairly horizontal in the sky but the constellation
gradually rotates so that by early November its long axis is almost pointing
Stellarium - a free, open
source programme for your
Although the stars appear to lie in patterns when viewed from the surface of the .
computer to to generate a
Earth, in reality the stars within a constellation are unrelated, and they can lie at
realistic, real-time 3D
vastly different distances from Earth. When we look at the stars at night, we
simulation of the night sky.
only see a two dimensional projection on the sky of three dimensional space, as
you can see in this photograph showing the constellation, Orion.
The Orion Constellation, seen here as the three bright stars in the middle
making up Orion's belt and the 4 stars in each corner.
You might imagine that all the stars lie at the same distance from Earth. This
isn't true, the stars lie at different distances. The closest star in Orion is called
Bellatrix and is around 250 light years away. The furthest star Meissa is around
1100 light years away, roughly the same distance as the Orion nebula (1300 light
years). But, when viewed from Earth, we see them making up a pattern in
relation to each other. VISIT
Now that you are familiar with some of the constellations in the Southern sky, . traditional
Read more about
African starlore.
including the Southern Cross you can learn what some of the early cultures in
Southern Africa thought about them.
As you can imagine there are many stories associated with the constellations in
the sky. In the following activity you will carry out research to find an example
story to tell to your class.
. .
This is a research activity for learners to complete. They will study ancient
stories about a constellation of their choice. You can either provide them with
books or printed resources or if they have . access to the internet you could ask
them to conduct an online search. You may ask learners to pick South African
stories, or if you want, you could extend their research to other countries for
comparisons with South African starlore. You can ask learners to present their
story to the class either as an oral presentation or a poster, or if you wish you
can turn this into a writing task.
The /Xam Bushman imaged that the two pointer stars of the Southern Cross
were two male lions who had once been men before they were thrown up into
the sky to be stars by a magical girl. The three brightest stars in the Southern
Cross were seen as female lions, perhaps women also changed into stars by the
magical girl.
The Khoikhoi thought that the Pointers were the eyes of some great beast and
they were called Mura which means the eyes.
In Sotho, Tswana and Venda cultures, these stars are called Dithutlwa which
means the Giraffes. The bright stars of the Southern Cross are male giraffes, and
the two Pointer stars are female giraffes. The Venda named the fainter stars of
the Southern Cross Thudana, which means the Little Giraffe. The Sotho used
these stars to indicate the beginning of the cultivating season which began
when the giraffe stars were seen close to the south-western horizon just after
1. Search for a story about a constellation found in the South African sky.
2. Use a South African starmap as a guide to the constellations found in
South Africa.
3. Research information on the origin of the story and any beliefs associated
with it.
4. Tell your classmates about the constellation and story you have found out
5. Your teacher will decide on the format of this presentation which might be
a poster or oral presentation.
Read more about some .
South African starlore:
bit.ly/1cbF7uu and
bit.ly/1abUL5z In their quest to find out more about planets, stars and galaxies, people
invented instruments to observe them in more detail. In the next section we will
learn about the telescope: an invention used to study the stars.
In Gr. 6 learners were introduced to telescopes including the Southern African
Large Telescope (SALT) and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). In this section
learners explore how telescopes work in. more detail. There is a particular focus
on comparing the telescope with our eye. Simple ray diagrams are shown which
link to material covered in Gr 8 Energy and Change, Chapter 4 on Visible Light.
Two case studies are explored in more detail: SALT and the SKA, and learners VISIT
will find out why South Africa is an ideal location for professional telescopes. .
History of the telescope.
Light is emitted from stars and galaxies and travels in a straight line in all
directions. When you look at a star, you only see the light rays that hit your eye.
In Energy and Change, we learnt about visible light. How is the energy of light
transferred through space?
By radiation, as electromagnetic waves travel in straight lines.
The further away a star is, the more the starlight is spread out and so less of the
total light from the star reaches your eye. This makes distant objects faint and
difficult to see clearly. If we had huge eyes we would be able to see distant
objects more clearly because our eyes would gather more of their light.
. .
Luminous objects, such as
Which way is the image projected onto the screen?
the Sun and other stars, emit
. is NOT a
light. The tree .
luminous object as it does TEACHER'S NOTE .
not emit its own light light.
It reflects the light from the
The image is inverted, it is upside down.
This is the same way in which images are formed on your retina when you view
an object, as shown in the following image.
Images formed on the light-detecting retina at the back of your eye are upside down.
The beauty of the night sky.
An object that is far away projects a small image of the object onto the retina at
the back of your eye making it difficult to see fine details in the image.
In the image above the tree is upside down in the top eye because images on
the retina are upside down. In the bottom eye the tree is the right way up
because the telescope inverts the image of the tree.
As revision of what we learnt in Energy and Change last term, answer the
following questions.
A biconvex lens.
The light is refracted and the light rays converge as the light passes from one
medium to another.
. .
In this activity learners will discover how a telescope collects more light than
our eyes can and as a consequence can help us to see fainter and more distant
objects. As well as demonstrating how telescopes collect light, this activity also
shows learners how telescopes focus light . from distant objects to a point. This
activity introduces the concept of photons, or packets of light. This is not a
formal part of the curriculum in Gr 8, and is not explained in detail. The idea that
a finite amount of light hits a telescope mirror or eye per second is crucial to
this activity and the understanding of why telescopes are useful. If you feel that
you would rather omit the concept of photons, you could instead talk about the
rice grains representing rays of light.
There is only so much light emitted from an object each second. Little packets
of light are called photons. Our eye needs at least 500 photons, or packets of
light, coming into it every second for our brains to sense that something is
there. In this activity you are going to represent photons from a distant galaxy
using pepper grains or hundreds and thousands.
• paper plate .
• piece of paper 3cm by 3cm
• pencil or pen
• torch
• pepper grains or hundreds and thousands
• wooden skewers
• foam (bath sponge will do, ideally as wide as the paper plate in one
• tape - optional
• scissors
The wooden skewers used for making kebabs or sosaties are ideal for this
How telescopes work. 1. On the piece of paper draw an image of your eye including the pupil and
bit.ly/1abV9B9 iris.
2. Tape or place the image of your eye onto the middle of a paper plate. The
paper plate represents a telescope mirror or lens.
3. Take the foam and cut it into a thin strip about 3 cm wide and as long as
the paper plate across.
. .
The skewers represent the
Chapter light
3. Looking
rays hitting into space
the mirror 263
of the telescope.
VISIT 13. Turn the foam over and direct the skewers into
How to make a small, easy the picture of the eye. The light rays from a
telescope. bit.ly/19YIAVH large strip of the mirror are now entering the
small pupil of the eye.
1. Which collects more of the torch light as the torch moves further away:
the eye's pupil or the paper plate?
The paper plate.
2. Did the eye collect enough photons in one second to detect the light?
3. Did the telescope mirror (paper plate) collect enough photons for the eye
to detect the light?
4. How do you think all the light that hits the telescope mirror is concentrated
so that it can enter our eyes or a small telescope detector?
The telescope mirror has a curved surface and reflects the light hitting it,
therefore causing the light to focus at a point.
Telescopes have big lenses or mirrors to collect as much light as possible. This
is how they are able to see faint objects. Telescopes also concentrate or focus
the light and redirect it into our small eye so that we can see the dim object.
Alternatively, telescopes can redirect the light into special detectors that record
images, similar to a cell phone camera.
This is an optional activity. In this activity learners work in pairs. Learners
should estimate that their reaction time is . of the order of 1/10th of a second. But
as long as they estimate 1s or less this is. perfectly fine. They will use this value
as their eye's exposure time. In fact roughly every 1/15th of a second, the eye
sends the brain another image. So the eye has about one-fifteenth of a second
to collect light when making an image.
The Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) takes pictures of some of the
most distant and faintest objects in the Universe. SALT's camera takes images
with exposure times typically of twenty minutes, after which the camera shutter
closes and the resulting image is displayed on a computer. The longer the
• ruler
• calculator
• pencil or pen
Diameter of
collecting lens / cm cm
Area of
collecting lens / cm2 cm2
Hint: Convert the diameter of SALT to cm. Convert the exposure time of SALT
to seconds. To simplify the calculation of the area of the SALT mirror assume it
is a circle with a radius of 5 m. The area of a circle is given by the formula A = πr2
1. Why should you compare the area of the telescope and eye's pupil rather
than their diameters?
Light is collected over the area of your pupil and over the whole area of the
telescope. ..
. .
Telescopes can collect more light from faint and distant objects because they
have larger collecting areas and because they can accumulate light over longer
periods of time to make an image. This means that you can see fainter objects
with telescopes that you would be able to see using just your eye.
Telescopes also magnify (enlarge) the image that you see, so it takes up more
room on your retina allowing you to see the object more clearly.
A convex (converging) lens used as a magnifying glass. The resulting image is larger than
the object. Telescopes magnify images from distant stars and galaxies.
Extension content on another advantage of telescopes, namely angular
Telescopes also have another advantage. over the eye. Telescopes can better
distinguish between objects that are close together on the sky. The ability to
see things that are close together as separate objects rather than seeing one
smeared or fuzzy object results in a sharper image. In astronomy, "close
together" means "separated by a small angle on the sky," so astronomers refer
to the angular resolution of a telescope. The higher the angular resolution of a
The images below show what photographs of the same galaxy look like with
different angular resolutions.
The same galaxy viewed with increasing angular resolution from (A) to (D). The image
gets sharper with increasing angular resolution. In (A) the telescope is able to distinguish
between objects separated by an angle of only 1/6 of a degree or more. In (D) the
telescope can see objects separated by an angle of only 1/3600 of a degree or more.
In the following activity learners will measure the angular resolution of your eye
and then compare it with that of the SALT telescope.
Note: This is an advanced, extension activity. The practical side of this activity
is fairly simple and involves measuring distances using a ruler and a measuring
tape. This activity also involves a calculation of an angle using a trigonometric
identity which is more advanced, and learners only cover this in Mathematics in
the higher grades. If you would like to perform this activity with learners, you
can get them to take the measurements, and you calculate the angles.
• torch
• square of aluminium foil large enough to cover head of the torch - one per
• pin
• measuring tape
• chalk
• ruler
• tape
• calculator
. .
1. Prick two fairly large pinholes through a square of aluminium foil, about a
third of a cm apart, using a pin.
2. Place the foil over the end of the torch, tape it on around the edges if
3. Measure the exact distance between the pinholes using a ruler.
4. Turn on the torch, you should be able to clearly see light coming through
both pinholes.
5. While one of your group holds the torch up, the other members of the
group should stand as far as possible from the torch, for example, at the
other end of a corridor.
6. Each of the group members not holding the torch: slowly move towards
the torch until you can just make out that there are two points of light side
by side, rather than one point of light. This is the distance at which you can
just resolve the two objects. Each of the group members not holding the
torch: mark on the ground your distance from torch using chalk.
7. Each of the group members not holding the torch: measure the distance
from the torch to the chalk mark using measuring tape.
8. One group member swap with the person holding the torch so that they
have a chance to measure their distance from the torch.
The angle subtended between the two pinholes is equal to 2a. The angle a is
given by a = tan-1 (0.5 x the distance between pinholes / the maximum distance
to see the pinholes).
An example calculation:
The most important feature of a telescope is how much light it can collect,
which depends upon the area of the lens or mirror. The larger the light
collecting area, the more light a telescope gathers and the higher resolution
(ability to see fine detail) it has. So the size of a telescope is far more important
than its magnification.
Misconception about magnification:
Now that we have briefly looked at how telescopes work, we are going to look
at the different types of telescopes, namely:
• optical telescopes
• radio telescopes
• space telescopes
Optical telescopes
Optical telescopes collect visible light from celestial objects. There are two
types of optical telescopes.
1. Refracting telescopes use lenses to collect and focus the light from distant
2. Reflecting telescopes use mirrors to collect and focus the light from
distant objects.
. .
As astronomical objects are
so far away, their light rays
are considered to be parallel
to each other.
Once light is brought to a focus, it is then magnified by another lens called the
eyepiece lens. Look at the optical ray diagram below showing a simple
refracting telescope.
The telescope objective lens collects and focuses the light from a distant tree
forming a real inverted image of the tree. The eyepiece lens, like a magnifying
glass, then enlarges the image collected by the objective lens, producing a
larger, virtual image. This images is what we see when we look through the
A real image is called real telescope.
because light rays actually
pass through the point What kind of lenses are the objective lens and the eyepiece lens?
where the image is formed.
A virtual image is called a .
virtual image because the
light rays do not actually .
come from the image, they Both of the lenses are convex lenses which means that they cause light rays to
just appear to have come converge or come together.
from the image.
Look at the following picture which shows how white light is refracted (bent) as
it travels through a prism. As we learnt in Energy and Change, when light travels
through glass it slows down and so it bends or refracts.
No, Violet is bent the most. Bluer colours are slowed more than redder colours
and so they are bent or refracted more.
White light is a mixture of all the colours of the rainbow. Different colours are
refracted by different amounts as they travel through the prism so the white
light is split into its different colours. How do you think this affects the images
produced by refracting telescopes?
Learner-dependent answer. Answers could include that the images could look
colour-separated and blurry.
Lenses are shaped to bend light by a certain desired amount. However, the
different colours that make up white light bend by slightly different amounts.
This means that different colours come to a focus at slightly different distances
from the objective lens. Each colour will produce its own image and they will be
slightly misaligned with each other resulting in a slightly blurry image. This
effect is called chromatic aberration and all lenses suffer from this effect.
Blue light is bent more than red light and so different colours are focused at different
distances from the lens. The different coloured images are overlaid upon each other and,
because they are misaligned, the resulting image is blurry.
. .
1. Light travels through the lenses in the telescope and so the lenses have to
be perfect. There must be no bubbles of air in the glass which would distort
the image. It is difficult to and expensive to make large perfect lenses.
2. The light travels through the lenses and so they can only be supported
around their edges, where they are thinnest and weakest. This limits the
size of refracting telescopes because if a lens is too large it will sag under
its own weight and distort the image.
3. Lenses suffer from chromatic aberration which blurs the image.
Remember that for each ray,
the angle of.incidence is
2. Reflecting telescopes
equal to the angle of
In the 1680s, Isaac Newton invented the reflecting telescope. Reflecting
reflection, as you learned in
telescopes use a curved primary mirror to collect light from distant objects and
Energy and Change.
reflect it to a focus.
There are many different types of reflecting telescopes. A prime focus reflector
is the simplest type of reflector telescope. In this design, a recording structure is
placed at the focal point to obtain the focused image. In the old days, in very
large telescopes, a person would actually sit in an "observing cage" to view the
image directly or operate a camera. However, now a detector is used and is
operated from outside of the telescope. The position of the detector is shown in
the following diagram with a red cross.
A prime focus reflector with a detector at the focal point, marked with an X.
The following ray diagrams show the difference between a Newtonian and
Cassegrain reflector.
Ray diagrams for some example reflecting telescopes. The Newtonian reflector is often
used in amateur telescopes. The Cassegrain telescope is often used at large
. .
The secondary mirror in a reflecting telescope must be very small. Why do you
think this is so?
So that it does not block much light from the distant object as it travels to the
primary mirror.
VISIT Do you think that reflecting telescopes suffer from chromatic aberration? Why?
Curious about the Universe,
but don't know where to .
start? Have a. look at this TEACHER'S NOTE
step-by-step guide to .
becoming an awesome No, they do not, because they do not use a lens to collect and focus the light,
amateur astronomer. but rather use mirrors which reflect light.
1. The glass of the mirror does not have to be perfect throughout, only the
surface has to be perfect.
2. The mirror can be supported across the whole of its back so it won't sag.
3. Making large mirrors is easier and cheaper than making big lenses.
4. They do not suffer from chromatic aberration.
This is a good opportunity to get learners to think about the conditions needed
to make good observations of very faint objects. You may need to lead the
discussion. They should understand that ideally they should collect as much
light from the object with minimal stray light from other sources. You can lead
the discussion by first asking them what the air is like on the top of mountains
and also what the weather is like and asking
. them about how bright they think
the sky is up a mountain compared to in a city. Possible answers include:
1. They are far away from the light pollution from large cities and towns
2. They are above dust and other types of atmospheric pollution.
3. They are above low cloud.
4. The air is thinner and so there is less absorption of the starlight by the
Earth's atmosphere.
5. There is less air turbulence resulting in sharper images.
The largest telescopes in the world today are reflecting telescopes. In the next
section you will learn about one of the largest reflecting telescopes in the world
which is located right here in South Africa.
It does not have a secondary mirror to reflect the light to an eyepiece, but
rather a detector located at the focal point.
. .
The Karoo is an ideal place to host SALT because it is far away from towns and
cities so there is very little light pollution. The area is also at a high elevation,
dry and there are no extreme weather conditions, such as flooding or storms.
Despite it being so remote at the observatory site there is good infrastructure,
including roads and electricity, in the surrounding area of Sutherland.
Radio telescopes typically look like large dishes. The dish or antenna, acts like
the primary mirror in a reflecting telescope, collecting the radio waves and
reflecting them up to a smaller mirror which then reflects the radio waves to a
radio wave detector. Radio wave detectors are called receivers. An amplifier
amplifies the signal and sends it to a computer which processes the information
from the receiver to create colour images which we can see.
Background information
This is because the angular resolution depends not only on the diameter of the
collecting mirror but also upon the wavelength of the light. The minimum angle
at which two objects can be distinguished on the sky is proportional to the
wavelength of light used and inversely proportional to the diameter of the
collecting mirror. As radio waves are much longer than visible light, the
diameter of the collecting mirror must increase to compensate if you require the
same angular resolution.
. .
The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will be the most powerful telescope ever. It
will have a total collecting area of one square kilometer. It will have 3000 radio
dishes each about 15 m wide which will act together as one large telescope. As
well as the 3000 radio dishes there will be two other types of radio wave
. .
Jobs are not just limited to
astronomers: engineers,
computer scientists and
administrative staff are
needed to run the One of the SKA dishes.
MeerKAT and the SKA will be used to investigate how galaxies change over
time, our understanding of gravity, the origin of cosmic magnetism, how the
very first stars formed, other planets around other stars, and whether we are
alone in the Universe.
Discuss in class with your teacher and classmates what sorts of careers you
think are now available in astronomy in South Africa because of the
construction of SALT and MeerKAT / SKA. Think about and discuss the skills
needed in each of the roles you discuss.
In this activity learners choose a telescope
. they want to focus on and a draw a
picture of the telescope labelling the parts and describing what each part does.
They can use the examples in this chapter or they can search online for
examples of optical and radio telescopes. .
• paper
• pencils or crayons
. .
In this activity learners will make a poster about a specific telescope they have
conducted research on. They can choose . any type of telescope including
ground-based and space telescopes. They should describe how the telescope
works and provide some examples of the sorts of astronomy that the telescope
is used for.
• paper
• pencils or crayons
• pictures downloaded from the internet or copied from books - optional
Did you know that these workbooks were created at Siyavula with the
input from many contributors and volunteers? Just turn to the front of
your workbook to see the long list! Read more about Siyavula at our
website: http://www.siyavula.com and like our Facebook page.
Siyavula has also created a range of textbooks for other grades and
subjects, and we are going to be producing more. These textbooks and
workbooks are openly-licensed and freely available for you to use and
download. VISIT
. curiosity,
Science is about
discovery and innovation!
Key Concepts
• Early cultures observed the stars and grouped them together in patterns
or constellations.
• Telescopes allow astronomers to see distant, faint objects in more detail.
• The performance of a telescope is measured by how much light it can
collect. Larger telescopes can collect more light and see finer details
than smaller telescopes.
• Optical telescopes detect optical light from distant objects.
• Most modern day optical telescopes use mirrors to collect and focus the
light from distant objects.
• Radio telescopes collect and focus radio waves, emitted from distant
objects in space.
• South Africa is host to one of the the most advanced optical telescopes
in the world, the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT).
• South Africa will also host a large part of the soon to be constructed SKA
radio telescope which will be the largest radio telescope in the world VISIT
once complete.
The concept maps in your
workbooks were created at
. Map
Concept Siyavula using an open
. You can
source programme.
The concept maps in this workbook we made using an open source, free download it from this link if
programme. If you would like to make your own concept maps for your other you want to use it to create
subjects, you can download the programme from the link in the visit box. your own concept maps for
your other subjects.
. .
. .
Alpha Centauri: our second closest easily visible star after the Sun;
it is actually two stars orbiting very close together
amplifier: a device which amplifies (to make something
bigger) the radio wave signals
antenna: the dish or other device used to collect radio waves
in a radio telescope
asteroid belt: the area where most asteroids are found in our
solar system, lying between the orbits of Mars and
asteroid: a small rocky object orbiting the Sun
astronomical unit the average distance between the Earth and the
(AU): Sun, equal to around 150 million kilometres
celestial: positioned in or relating to the sky, or outer space
as observed in astronomy
chromatic aberration: an optical effect where different colours are
refracted by different amounts in a lens leading to
a distorted image
comet: a small object made of ice and dust which
sometimes enters the inner solar system; when a
comet enters the inner solar system, part of it
evaporates to form a long tail of ice and dust
pointing away. from the Sun
constellation: a group of stars that form a pattern in the sky when
viewed from Earth
convection: one of the three ways to transport heat energy (the
other two are conduction and radiation); as a liquid
or gas is heated, it becomes less dense and rises;
while denser colder material sinks, creating a flow
of moving liquid or gas which transports heat
energy along with it
dwarf planet: a large, roughly spherical object orbiting a star
which cannot be classed as a planet because it is
not large enough to sweep out other objects from
its orbit
filament: a threadlike structure in space containing galaxies
and galaxy groups and clusters
galaxy bulge: a spheroidal (rugby ball shaped) distribution of old
stars at the centre of a galaxy
galaxy cluster: a collection of over 50 or more galaxies, held
together by gravity
galaxy disk: the flat distribution of stars, gas and dust in a
galaxy group: a collection of about 50 or less galaxies, held
together by gravity
galaxy: a collection of millions or billions of stars, gas and
dust all held together by gravity
. .
The assessment guidelines for Gr 7-9 Natural Sciences are outlined in CAPS on
page 85. Provided here are various rubrics as a guideline for assessment for the
. . ...
different tasks which you would like to assess, either informally (to assess
learners' progress) or formally (to record marks to contribute to the final year
mark). These rubrics can be photocopied and used for each learner.
. 1: Practical activity
A.1 Assessment Rubric
Assessment 0 1 2 Comments
Following Unable to Instructions Able to work
instructions follow followed with independently
instructions guidance
Observing Unable to Sometimes Able to follow
safety observe safety does not safety
precautions precautions follow safety precautions
precautions completely
Ability to Cannot work Can work
work tidily tidily tidily
Cleans up Does so once Does so
afterwards reminded without
Organisation Disorganised Fairly Organised and
organised efficient
Use of Always used Sometimes Apparatus
apparatus, incorrectly used correctly and materials
equipment and materials and aware of used correctly
and materials wasted material usage and efficiently
Results or No result or Partially Results or
final product final product correct results product
or product correct
Answers to No answers Can answer Can answer
questions provided or questions and application
based on most are at least 60% and questions
activity incorrect are correct correctly
Total /15
. .
Assessment 0 1 2 3 Comments
Aim Not stated Not clearly Clearly
or incorrect stated stated
Hypothesis Not able to Able to Clearly
or hypothesise hypothesise, hypothesises
prediction but not
Materials Not listed Partially Correct
and or incorrect correct
Method None Confused, Partially Clearly and
not in order correct correctly
or incorrect stated
Results and No results Partially accurately Correctly
observations recorded or correctly recorded and
(recorded incorrectly recorded but not in accurately
either as a recorded the most recorded in
graph, table appropriate the most
or or specified appropriate
observations) way or specified
Analysis or No Some Understands Insightful
discussion understand- understand- the understand-
ing of the ing of the investigation ing of the
investigation investigation investigation
Evaluation No attempt Partially Correct, but Critical
correct superficial evaluation
Neatness of Untidy Tidy
Logical Not logical Some of Report is
presentation report is logically
of report logically presented
Total /25
Assessment 0 1 2 Comments
Correct type of Not correct Correct
Appropriate Not present Present, but Complete
heading, incomplete
describing both
Independent Not present Present
variable on or incorrect
Dependent Not present Present
variable on or incorrect
Appropriate Incorrect Correct
scale on x-axis
Appropriate Incorrect Correct
scale on y-axis
Appropriate Not present Correct
heading for or incorrect
Appropriate Not present Correct
heading for or incorrect
Units for Not present Correct
independent or incorrect
variable on
Units for Not present Correct
dependent or incorrect
variable on
Plotting points All incorrect Mostly or All correct
Neatness Untidy Tidy
Graph size Too small Large
Total /15
. .
Assessment 0 1 2 Comments
Appropriate Not present Present, but Complete
heading, incomplete
describing both
Appropriate Not present Mostly Correct
column headings or incorrect correct and
Appropriate row Not present At least half All correct
headings or incorrect correct
Units in headings None present Present but Present
and not in body in the body and in the
of table headings
Layout of table No horizontal Some lines All vertical
or vertical drawn and
lines horizontal
lines drawn
Data entered in Not correct Partially All correct
table correct
Total /12
Assessment 0 1 2 Comments
Appropriate, Not present Present, but Complete
descriptive incomplete
Appropriate size Incorrect (too Correct
of drawing small)
(sufficiently large
on page)
Accuracy of Incorrect Somewhat Correct
drawing (correct correct
shape and
proportion of
Structures or Mostly Mostly All correct
parts placed incorrect correct, but
correctly in some
relation to each misplaced
Diagram lines are Not clear or Clear and
neat, straight and neat or blunt neat
done with a sharp pencil
Label lines do not Incorrect Correct All correct
cross over each
Parts are labelled Mostly Mostly All correct
incorrect correct with and
some labelled
missing or
Total /12
. .
Assessment 0 1 2 Comments
Group work (if Conflict Some Worked
applicable) between conflict and efficiently
members or some as a group
some did not members
participate did not
Project layout No clear or Some parts Clear and
logical are clear logical
organisation and logical, layout and
while others organisation
are not
Accuracy Many errors A few errors Content is
in content in content accurate
Resources used No resources Some or A range of
(material or used limited resources
media) resources used
Standard Poor standard Satisfactory Of a high
Use of time Did not work Worked Worked
efficiently and fairly efficiently
ran out of efficiently and
time finished in
Total /12
Assessment 0 1 2 Comments
Scientifically Model Mostly Accurate,
accurate inaccurate or accurate, complete
incomplete but with and
some parts correct.
missing or
Size and scale Too big or Correct size, Correct
too small, but some size and
parts not in parts too proportional
proportion to big or too scale
each other small
Use of colour or Dull, with Somewhat Creative
contrast little use of colourful and good
contrast use of
colour and
Use of materials Inappropriate Satisfactory Excellent
use or only use of use of
expensive appropriate materials
materials materials and
used and recyclables
recyclables where
where appropriate
Use of a key or Not present Present but Clear and
explanation incomplete accurate
or vague
Total /10
. .
Assessment 0 1 2 Comments
Title Absent Present, but Complete
not title
Main points Not relevant Some points All points
relevant relevant
Accuracy of facts Many Mostly All correct
incorrect correct, but
some errors
Language and Many errors Some errors No errors
Organisation and Disorganised Organisation Excellent,
layout and no logic partially logical
clear and layout
Use of colour No colour or Some use of Effective
only one colour colour
Size of text Text very Some text Text
small too small appropriate
Use of diagrams Absent or Present but Present,
and pictures irrelevant sometimes relevant
irrelevant and
Accuracy of Inaccurate Mostly Completely
diagrams or accurate accurate
Impact of poster Does not Makes Eye
make an somewhat catching
impact of an impact and makes
a lasting
Creativeness Nothing new Some signs Original
or original of creativity and very
and creative
Total /22
Assessment 0 1 2 3 Comments
Introducing Did not do Present, but Present, and Interesting
the topic with no links to and
clear links to content catching
content being introduction
Speed of Too fast or Started off Good speed
presentation too slow too fast or throughout
too slow but
Pitch and Too soft or Started off Speaks
clearness of unclear unclear or clearly and
voice too soft, but optimal pitch
improved throughout
Capturing Did not Interesting Sustained Sustained
audience's make an at times interest and interest and
attention and impact or no stimulating stimulating
originality attempt to throughout
capture with
interest originality
Organisation Illogical or Clear and Clear and
of content unclear mostly logical
during logical throughout
Factual Many errors Some errors All correct
content in content in content
Concluding No Made a Insightful/
remarks conclusion satisfactory thought-
or not conclusion provoking
appropriate conclusion
Answers to Was not Was able to Was able to
educator and able to answer answer recall
class's answer recall and
questions questions or questions application
gave only questions
Total /18
. .
Assessment 0 1 2 3 Comments
Member Very few Only some In the Full
participation members members beginning participation
participated participated only some throughout
or one or two members
members did participated
most of work but then full
Discipline Lack of Some Most All members
within the discipline members members disciplined
group disciplined disciplined
Group Unmotivated Some Most All members
motivation or lack focus members members motivated
motivated, motivated and focused
but others and
lack focus focused
Respect for Show Some All
each other disrespect to members members
each other showed are
disrespect respectful
Conflict Considerable Some No conflict
within the conflict and conflict or any
group disagreements which was issues were
which were either resolved
unresolved resolved or maturely
Time Disorganised Mostly able Effective
management and unable to work use of time
to stick to within the to
time frames given time complete
the task
Total /15
1 http://www.flickr.com/photos/chefranden/3507963245/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
2 www.siyavula.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
3 www.thunderboltkids.co.za . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
4 www.everythingscience.co.za . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
5 www.everythingmaths.co.za . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
6 http://bit.ly/17GyAAH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
7 http://bit.ly/1bSSCeq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
8 http://bit.ly/17dZZ2m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
9 http://bit.ly/1bb9mN0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
10 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Prime_focus_telescope.svg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272