Medical Terminology

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Medical terminology

By: Dr.Adian Taha Abdullah

Medical terminology:

 is language that is used to describe anatomical

structures, processes, conditions, medical
procedures, and treatments
Basic word elements:

 Prefix
 Root
 Suffix
 Combining vowel
• Prefix: appears at the beginning of a medical
term and usually indicates a location, direction,
type, quality, or quantity.
Common Prefixes in Medical Terms
Word Root

• Main part or foundation of a word.

• All words have at least one word root.
• A word root may be used alone or combined with other
elements to form a complete word.
Word Root Examples:

• “dent” means tooth

• “dermat” means skin
• “cardi” means heart
• “gastr” means stomach
• “pancreat” means pancreas

• A suffix is added to the END of a word root or combining form to

modify its meaning.

• may indicate a specialty, test, procedure, function, disorder, or

Common Suffixes in Medical Terms
Combining form:
The combination of a word root and a vowel is known as a

The combining vowel is usually an “o”, but others may be

Combining form meaning

bi/o life
Carcin/o cancer
Cardi/o heart
Chem/o chemical
• Compound form:

• When a word has more than one root, a combining

vowel is used to link the root to each other.

• IE: osteoarthritis

• oste/ o / arthr/ itis

Cardiovascular system
The circulatory system is composed of the heart and
the blood vasculature: the arteries and the veins.

Arteries carry blood away from the heart, and veins
carry blood back to the heart.

Circulating blood supplies cells throughout the body

with oxygen and removes waste carbon dioxide.
• The heart is located between the lungs, with its point, or apex, directed toward the
inferior and left.

• The wall of the heart consists of three layers Moving from the innermost to the
outermost layer:
1. Endocardium—a thin membrane that lines the chambers and valves (the prefix
endo- means “within”).

2. Myocardium—the thick muscle layer that makes up most of the heart wall (the root
my/o means “muscle”).

3. Epicardium—a thin membrane that covers the heart

Vascular system:
The vascular system consists of:

1. Arteries that carry blood away from the heart

2. Arterioles: vessels smaller than arteries that lead into
the capillaries
3. Capillaries: the smallest vessels, through which
exchanges take place between the blood and the tissues
4. Venules: small vessels that receive blood from the
capillaries and drain into the veins
5. Veins that carry blood back to the heart
Common prefixes Common suffixes
peri around itis inflammation

inter between megaly enlarged

sclerosis hardening
endo Inner
tension Pressure
extra Outside of
spasm Involuntary
hypo insufficient muscle
hyper excessive
stenosis narrowing
tachy fast
pathy disease
brady Slow
Roots for heart:

Root Meaning Example Definition

Cardi/o Heart cardiomyopathy any disease of
the heart
Atri/o atrium atriotomy surgical incision
of an atrium

Ventricul/o Ventricle supraventicular above a

Roots for vessels
Root Meaning Example Definition
Vas/o vessel vasospasm Sudden contraction of a
Arteri/o artery endarterial within an artery
Arteriol/o Arteriole arteriolar pertaining to an arteriole
Aort/o aorta aortoptosis downward displacement
of the aorta
Ven/o vein venous Pertaining to a vein
Phleb/o vein phlebotomy Incision of a vein to
withdraw blood
Common terms related to heart anatomy
Terms Medical definition

Blood Specialized fluid circulating inside

blood vessels.
Atrium The upper chamber of the heart.
Ventricle The lower chamber of the heart.
Valves Parts of heart acting like doors.
Semilunar(SL) valves Valves separating ventricles from
large vessels.
Pulmonary valve (SL)Valve between the right
ventricle and pulmonary artery.
Aortic valve (SL)Valve between the left
ventricle and the aorta.
Atrioventricular(AV) valve Valves between the atria and the
Tricuspid valve Valve between right atrium and
Bicuspid valve Valve between left atrium and
Anatomy cont.

Sinoatrial(SA) node Heart’s natural pacemaker.

Atrioventricular(AV)node Electrical relay station between
upper and lower chambers.
Epicardium Outermost protective layer of heart
Endocardium Innermost layer of the heart.
Myocardium Muscle layer of the heart.
Cardiovascular disorders
Term Definition
Arrhythmia Any abnormality in the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat
arteriosclerosis Hardening (sclerosis) of the arteries, with loss of capacity and loss
of elasticity.
cerebrovascular Sudden damage to the brain resulting from reduction of blood
accident (CVA) or flow.
Dyspnea Difficult or labored breathing (-pnea)
embolism Obstruction of a blood vessel by a blood clot or other masses
carried in the circulation

embolus A mass carried in the circulation(blood clot, air, fat,bacteria..)

edema Swelling of body tissues caused by the presence of excess fluid.

Infarct An area of localized tissue necrosis (death) resulting from a

blockage or a narrowing of the artery that supplies the area
Ischemia Local deficiency of blood supply caused by circulatory obstruction
Terms related to cv system patholoy
myocarditis Inflammation of heart muscle

endocarditis Inflammation of the inside lining of


pericarditis Inflammation of the lining around

the heart
angitis Inflammation of a vessel
angiostenosis Narrowing of a vessel
angiospasm Involuntary muscle contraction of
vessel smooth muscles
murmur Abnormal sound in addition to
normal heart sound
palpitation Pounding ,racing heart beats
cyanosis Bluesh discoloration of skin and/or
mucous membranes.
pathology cont.
tachycardia Fast heart rate heart rate>100BPM

Brady cardia Slow heart rate, heart rate<60BPM

phlebitis Inflammation of a vein

thrombophlebitis Inflammation of a vein resulting in

blood clot formation

Hypertension High blood pressure

hypotension Low blood pressure

Varicose vein Swollen, distended vein

Lymphatic system

is a group of organs, vessels and tissues that protect

you from infection and keep a healthy balance of
fluids throughout your body.

Lymphatic system organs include your bone marrow,

thymus, spleen, lymph nodes and Mucosa-
associated lymphoid tissue (MALT).
Root Meaning example Definition
Lymph/o Lymph, lymphatic lymphoid resembling lymph or
system lymphatic tissue

Lymphaden/o Lymph node lymphadenitis Inflammation of a lymph

Lymphangi/o Lymphatic vessel lymphangiogram Xray of lymphatic vessel
Splen/o spleen splenalgia Pain in the spleen
Thym/o Thymus athymia Absence of the thymus
Tonsil/o tonsil tonsillar Pertaining to tonsil
Lymphedema swelling of tissues due to accumulation of protein-rich
lymphoma Any neoplastic disease of lymphoid tissue
lymphangitis Inflammation of lymphatic vessels
lymphocytosis Higher than normal numbers of lymphocytes in your
Lymphatic filariasis This is a parasitic infection that causes the lymphatic
system to malfunction.

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