Repairing Work
Repairing Work
Repairing Work
Contract Identification No :
BH No :
Nature of the work :
Name of Road :
Collection rate of 'Aggregate 13.2 mm' is taken as default for all types of AGGREGATE
Collection rate of 'Collection, quarrying and sieving sand in local river' is taken as default for all types of SAND
For Loading and Unloading:
Manual Loading is taken as default for AGGREGATES, SANDS, RUBBLES and WOODS
Abstract of Cost Page 1 of 30
Government of Nepal
Abstract Of Cost
Rate Amount
S.N. Description of Works Unit Quantity Remarks
(NRs) (NRs)
1 General
complete, Removal of existing cement concrete wearing coat including its
1.1 complete,without
Removal of existing cement concrete wearing coat sqm 0 0 0
disposal causing any detrimental effect to any part of including
the bridgeits structure
1.2 disposal
Removal causing any detrimental
of existing effect tocoat
asphaltic wearing any comprising
part of the bridge
of 50 mm thick cum
structure 0 0 0
1.3 and removal
asphaltic of dismantled
concert laid over 12 material
mm thick withmastic
all liftsasphalt
and lead complete
including as per with all sqm
disposal 0 0 0
lift concrete
and lead covers
complete as on
per slab , girderSpecification
,beam etc with andhigh early strength , low
1.4 Providing
rebound and
thixotropic of Technical
repair Shotcreate
mortar mixed concrete Direction
surface lead
by machine,
of the
with cement sqm
0 0 0
1.5 mortar applied
Providing with compressor
and application after Shotcreate
of Gunite/ cleaning surface concreteandsurface
spraying with
with epoxy sqm
cement 0 0 0
1.6 complete as perwith
mortar applied Technical
compressor Specifications.,
after cleaning Mixsurface
1:3 ( Cement and Coarse
and spraying with sand)
epoxy sqm 0 0 0
completefor grouting as per Technical
as per Technical Specifications
Specifications., Mix 1:1:2 including
( Cement subsequent
:sand: aggregate) nos
1.7 0 0 0
Providing and sealing
and Sealing of the hole as
of cracks/porous necessary
concrete of nipplesprocess
by injection after completion
1.8 Providing and Sealing of cracks/porous concrete by injection process through kg 0 0 0
nipples/Grouting complete as per Technical Specification., Cement Grout
1.9 nipples/Grouting
Providing and Sealingcomplete as per Technical
of cracks/porous Specification.,
concrete by injection Cement
process Mortar
through (1:1) kg 0 0 0
1.10 Grouting
nipples/Grouting complete as per Technical Specification., Low viscosity epoxy liter 0 0 0
and curingresin
injection compounds, Providing and applying polymer concrete and curing
1.11 sqm 0 0 0
concrete on damaged concrete
(slab/beam/abutment surface
section of theas per instructions
bridges )with readyof manufacturer
to use high and
1.12 and cum 0 0 0
earlycuring compounds,
high strength , freeProviding
flow , nonand applying
shrink Micro concreting
self compacting on damaged
Micro concrete (M
1.13 concrete ( slab
Providing and /beam/
applying abutment section ofand
Epoxy adhesive theSealing
/ porousto use high cum
concrete 0 0 0
1.14 early Epoxy
with high and
Providing strength
Grout by
Applying, free flow , with
epoxy non shrink
mortar overself
nipples compacting
leached, as perMicro
honey direction
combed concrete the( M kg
of spalled
and 0 0 0
1.15 Engineer.surface
Providing and exposed
and applying steel reinforcement
the Shotcreate complete as with
mixture mechanically per Technical
compressed sqm 0 0 0
1.16 Specification
air under pressure, sprayable less rebound ( rebou and quick setting comnd 25 sqm 0 0 0
%) as per and applying
Technical pre-packed and
specifications cement basedof
direction polymer mortar for
the Engineer.
1.17 sqm 0 0 0
Providing andofapplying
spalled concrete
Epoxy bonding of new concrete to old concrete as per
1.18 sqm 0 0 0
technical Specifications
Providing and replacement andofdirection
the Engineer. as per Technical Specification
1.19 nos 0 0 0
and direction of the Engineer.
Providing required parts and rectification of Bearings as per Technical
1.20 nos 0 0 0
Specifications and direction of the Engineer.
Providing and replacement of Expansion Joints complete as per drawings,
1.21 meter 0 0 0
Technical specifications and direction of the Engineer.
Providing and replacement of Damaged Concrete Railing as per Drawing,
1.22 meter 0 0 0
Providing Specifications
and replacement and ofdirection
Crash Barrierof theasEngineer,.
per Drawing, Technical
1.23 meter 0 0 0
Providing and instruction
and replacement of the Engineer.
of Damaged mild steel railing as per Drawing,
1.24 meter 0 0 0
cement Specifications
concrete M-30 grade and bydirection
cuttingofand thetrimming
Engineer.the damaged portion to a
1.25 Providing and cleaning
repair ofthe RCC meter 0 0 0
regular shape, arearailing to bring thoroughly,
to be repaired it to the original
as per
1.26 Drawing,
Repair Technical
of Steel Railing, Specifications
Providing and and repair
of steelof railing
the Engineer.,
to bringRepairit to theof meter 0 0 0
1.27 RCC Railing
Painting shape
of Steelas Bridge,
per Drawing, ProvidingTechnical Specifications
and painting and direction
steel bridge includingofremoval the meter 0 0 0
1.28 Engineer.
of old paints by sand blasting cleaning and repairing of metal surfaces for the sqm 0 0 0
applicationandand Painting
of new paints of steel bridges with one coat of primer, one coat of
1.29 Providing
epoxy and 2 coats painting of as
of acrylic
steel specification
polyurethane with asone
and direction
per coat
of theone
of primer,
coat of sqm 0 0 0
1.30 epoxy and 2 coats of acrylic polyurethane, without sprayer machine as per sqm 0 0 0
grooves of
specification contraction joints, longitudinal joints and expansion joints in concrete
1.31 meter 0 0 0
of using epoxy
existing sealant and remortarsealing orofepoxy concretelongitudinal
contraction, as per Technical Specifications
or expansion joints
1.32 meter 0 0 0
in concrete
Concrete pavementPreparation,
Jacketing, with fresh sealanthackingmaterial as per Drawing
and cleaning of existing andsurface
Technical for
1.33 sqm 0 0 0
concrete Jacketing,
Concrete jacketing asDrillingper direction
Holes on of the Engineer.
existing concrete surface of 16 mm
1.34 nos 0 0 0
diameter and 300 mm depth
1.35 Concrete Jacketing, Providing and fixing Anchor bar kg 0 0 0
1.36 Concrete Jacketing, Providing and applying Filling drill holesilica/
Micro with Epoxy Groutconcreting
silica fume 0 0 0
1.37 for concrete jacketing works ( slab /beam/ abutment section of the bridges ) as cum 0 0 0
per Treatment
instructions of Rebar's, and
of manufacturer Providing
as approvedaccessories
by theand removal of rust from
1.38 Corrosion Treatment of Rust Cleaning & sqm 0 0 0
exposed rebar area asofper Rebar's,
directionProviding and Application
of the Engineer.
1.39 passivatingTreatment
Corrosion agent as per manufacturer'
of Rebar's, s guidelines
Providing and instruction
and Application of the
of Alkaline, sqm 0 0 0
1.40 Engineer.
Corrosion elastomeric offormulation designed
Rebar's, Providing andto Application
protect steelof from Basedas sqm
Acrylic 0 0 0
1.41 per manufacturer'
bond coat Treatment
Corrosion s guidelines
for reinforcement
of Rebar's, asand
per instruction
Providing andofApplication
the Engineer.
s guidelines of and instruction of sqm
Pre-packed 0 0 0
1.42 the Engineer.
Corrosion modified
Treatment mortar as per manufacturer'
of Rebar's, Providing andsApplication
guidelines and instruction of the
of concrete 0 0 0
1.43 Engineer. and
Providing corrosion
Application inhibitorof 3ascoatper of
high build micro s guidelines
porous anti and instruction
carbonation sqm 0 0 0
1.44 of the Reinforced
Fiber Engineer.
on concrete surface
Polymer as perProviding
works, manufacturer' s guidelinesofand
and Application instruction
Fiber reinforced of sqm 0 0 0
1.45 the Engineer.
Fiber ( carbonPolymer
Reinforced fiber) asworks,per manufacturer'
Providing and s guidelines
Application andofinstruction of the sqm
carbon laminated 0 0 0
1.46 (Engineer.
50 mm
Fiber wide 1.4Polymer
Reinforced mm thick) system
works, as per manufacturer'
Providing and Application s guidelines
of 3 coatand of two meter 0 0 0
1.47 instruction
Repair of
of Gabionthe Engineer.
aliphaticwall, Polyurethane
Providing and Coating
repairon of concrete surfacebox/
spalled gabion as per
mattress sqm 0 0 0
1.48 manufacturer'
Repair of masonrys guidelines
dressing bedding,
wall and
/ side instruction
drain, tyingofallthe
Providing as
per Technical
repair Specification
of spalled masonry cum 0 0 0
1.49 direction
wall/ sideof
Inspection theRe-tightening
and Engineer.
of random rubble of Nut masonry
bolt andinother cement mortar 1:4
accessories, as per and cum
Inspection 0 0 0
1.50 Technical Specifications
Re-tightening of Nut boltand anddirection of the Engineer.
other accessories of Cables/ Structural parts/Steel nos 0 0 0
truss/ steel girder as per Technical Specifications and direction of the Engineer.
Total (Excl. VAT & Contin.) 0
Provisional Sum 0
VAT (13%) 0
Contingency (5%) 0
Provision for Price Escalation (10%) 0
Physical Contingency (10%) 0
Quantity Sheet
Length Breadth Height
S.N. Description of Works Unit No. Quantity Remarks
(m) (m) (m)
1 General
1.1 0 sqm
1.2 0 cum
1.3 0 sqm
1.4 0 sqm
1.5 0 sqm
1.6 0 sqm
1.7 0 nos
1.8 0 kg
1.9 0 kg
1.10 0 liter
1.11 0 sqm
1.12 0 cum
1.13 0 cum
1.14 0 kg
1.15 0 sqm
1.16 0 sqm
1.17 0 sqm
1.18 0 sqm
1.19 0 nos
1.20 0 nos
1.21 0 meter
1.22 0 meter
1.23 0 meter
1.24 0 meter
1.25 0 meter
1.26 0 meter
1.27 0 meter
1.28 0 sqm
1.29 0 sqm
1.30 0 sqm
1.31 0 meter
1.32 0 meter
1.33 0 sqm
1.34 0 nos
1.35 0 kg
1.36 0
1.37 0 cum
1.38 0 sqm
1.39 0 sqm
1.40 0 sqm
1.41 0 sqm
1.42 0
1.43 0 sqm
1.44 0 sqm
1.45 0 sqm
1.46 0 meter
1.47 0 sqm
1.48 0 cum
1.49 0 cum
1.50 0 nos
Total : 0
Description of Work:
Providing and laying , fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in super-structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications 1 tonne
Spec. cl. No: 2014
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
20.9 day 4 0 0.0 HYSD Bar tonne 1.1 0 0
Unskilled day 12 0 0.0 Binding Wire Kg 8 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and laying of Plain/Reinforced Cement Concrete in Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications., RCC Grade M30 15 cum
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
@ 3.5 per cent on cost of concrete i.e.
20.2.G Skilled day 3 0 0.0 Cement tonne 6.1 0 0 Concrete Mixer hour 6 0 0.0 0.0
cost of Material, Labour and Equipment
Unskilled day 30 0 0.0 Coarse Sand cum 6.75 0 0 Generator hour 6 0 0.0
Aggregate 20 mm cum 8.1 0 0
Aggregate 10 mm cum 5.4 0 0
Water KL 3 0 0
Admixture kg 24.4 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and laying of Reinforced/ Pre-stressed cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical Specification, RCC Grade M 30 15 cum
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
20.8.C Skilled day 3 0 0.0 Cement tonne 6.1 0 0 Concrete Mixer hour 6 0 0.0
Unskilled day 32 0 0.0 Coarse Sand cum 6.75 0 0 Generator hour 6 0 0.0
Aggregate 20 mm cum 8.1 0 0
Aggregate 10 mm cum 5.4 0 0
Water KL 3 0 0
Admixture kg 24.4 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work: Removal of existing cement concrete wearing coat including its disposal complete, Removal of existing cement concrete wearing coat including its disposal without causing any detrimental effect to any part of the bridge structure and removal of dismantled
100 sqm
material complete as per Technical Specification
Spec. cl. No: 2712
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.1.A Skilled day 1 0 0.0 Tractor - Trolley hour 6 0 0.0
Drilling Machine With
Unskilled day 12 0 0.0 hour 6 0 0.0
Bit and Accessories
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work: Removal of existing cement concrete wearing coat including its disposal complete, Removal of existing cement concrete wearing coat including its disposal without causing any detrimental effect to any part of the bridge structure and removal of dismantled
10 cum
material with all lifts and lead complete as per Technical Specifications
Spec. cl. No: 2712
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.1.B Skilled day 6 0 0.0 Tractor - Trolley hour 36 0 0.0
Drilling Machine With
Unskilled day 60 0 0.0 hour 36 0 0.0
Bit and Accessories
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work: Removal of existing cement concrete wearing coat including its disposal complete, Removal of existing asphaltic wearing coat comprising of 50 mm thick asphaltic concert laid over 12 mm thick mastic asphalt including disposal with all lift and lead complete
10 sqm
as per Technical Specification and Direction of the Engineer.
Spec. cl. No: 2712
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Drilling Machine With
27.1.C Skilled day 1 0 0.0 hour 6 0 0.0
Bit and Accessories
Unskilled day 10 0 0.0 Tractor-trolley. hour 6 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Prepared By:________________ Checked By:________________ Recommended By:________________ Approved By:________________
District: Fiscal Year: 2074/75 Page 2 of 30
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work: Providing and application of gunite/shortcrete to repare of damaged concrete section/ concrete covers on slab , girder ,beam etc with high early strength , low rebound sprayable thixotropic repair mortar mixed by machine, lead 30m (including 25% loss)
10 sqm
average thickness of application-35 mm .
Spec. cl. No: 2710
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.2 Skilled day 2 0 0.0 Ready to use Sprayable Thixotropic Repair Mortar kg 3720 0 0 Air Compressor hour 6 0 0.0
Unskilled day 20 0 0.0 Water KL 2 0 0 hour 6 0 0.0
Consumables items. 0.0 Concrete Mixer hour 6 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and application of Gunite/ Shotcreate concrete surface with cement mortar applied with compressor after cleaning surface and spraying with epoxy complete as per Technical Specifications., Mix 1:3 ( Cement and Coarse sand) 30 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2710
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Air Compressor with
27.3.A Skilled day 2 0 0.0 Cement tonne 0.66 0 0 hour 6 0 0.0
Unskilled day 6 0 0.0 Graded Sand cum 1.41 0 0 hour 6 0 0.0
Water KL 1 0 0
Wire fabric ( mesh 50 mm x 50 mm size of 3 mm wire) kg 60 0 0
Accelerator Compound for Guniting @ 2% of weight kg 13.26 0 0
For tied of welded wire fabric, consumables like nozzles, wire
brush, clamping wire mesh etc.
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and application of Gunite/ Shotcreate concrete surface with cement mortar applied with compressor after cleaning surface and spraying with epoxy complete as per Technical Specifications., Mix 1:1:2 ( Cement :sand: aggregate) 30 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2710
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Air Compressor with
27.3.B Skilled day 2 0 0.0 Cement tonne 0.66 0 0 hour 6 0 0.0
Unskilled day 6 0 0.0 Graded Sand cum 0.47 0 0 hour 6 0 0.0
Water KL 1 0 0
Aggregate 5-10 mm cum 0.94 0 0
Wire fabric ( mesh 50 mm x 50 mm size of 3 mm wire) kg 60 0 0
Accelerator Compound for Guniting @ 2% of weight kg 13.26 0 0
For tied of welded wire fabric, consumables like nozzles, wire
brush, clamping wire mesh etc.
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work: Providing and inserting nipples with approved fixing compound after drilling holes for grouting as per Technical Specifications including subsequent cutting/removal and sealing of the hole as necessary of nipples after completion of grouting with
1 nos
Spec. cl. No: 2709
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.4 Skilled day 0.2 0 0.0 Nipples nos. 1 0 0
Cement, fixing compound and consumables @ 15 per cent of
Unskilled day 0.04 0 0.0 0.0
of Labour cost cost of nipple
for drilling holes
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and Sealing of cracks/porous concrete by injection process through nipples/Grouting complete as per Technical Specification., Cement Grout 50 kg
Spec. cl. No: 2709
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Grout pump with
27.5.A Skilled day 5 0 0.0 Cement tonne 0.055 0 0 hour 6 0 0.0
Admixtures (anti shrinkage compound) @ 20 per cent of cost Agitator
Unskilled day 5 0 0.0 0.0 Generator hour 6 0 0.0
of cement
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and Sealing of cracks/porous concrete by injection process through nipples/Grouting complete as per Technical Specification., Cement Mortar (1:1) Grouting 50 kg
Spec. cl. No: 2709
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Grout pump with
27.5.B Skilled day 5 0 0.0 Cement tonne 0.0275 0 0 hour 6 0 0.0
Unskilled day 10 0 0.0 Sand cum 0.017188 0 0 Generator hour 6 0 0.0
Admixtures (anti shrinkage compound) @ 20 per cent of
cost of cement
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and Sealing of cracks/porous concrete by injection process through nipples/Grouting complete as per Technical Specification., Low viscosity epoxy injection resin 50 liter
Spec. cl. No: 2709
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Grout pump with
27.5.C Skilled day 5 0 0.0 Low Viscosity Injection Epoxy Grout Lit 55 0 0 hour 6 0 0.0
Unskilled day 10 0 0.0 Epoxy Primer kg 1 0 0 Generator hour 6 0 0.0
Joint Sealant Compound (Epoxy Adhesive) kg 55 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work: Patching of damaged concrete surface with polymer concrete/ micro concrete and curing compounds, Providing and applying polymer concrete and curing compounds on damaged concrete surface as per instructions of manufacturer and approval of the
10 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Pre-packed polymer concrete based on epoxy system complete Grout pump with
27.6.A Skilled day 1 0 0.0 kg 770 0 0 hour 6 0 0.0
with curing compound, initiator and promoter Agitator
Unskilled day 3 0 0.0 Generator hour 6 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work: Patching of damaged concrete surface with polymer concrete/ micro concrete and curing compounds, Providing and applying Micro concreting on damaged concrete (slab/beam/abutment section of the bridges )with ready to use high early high strength ,
1 cum
free flow , non shrink self compacting Micro concrete ( M 60 & above)With adding 20% local aggregates of 10 mm down) as per instructions of manufacturer and approval of the Engineer.
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.6.B Skilled day 12 0 0.0 Non Shrink self compacting Micro Concrete kg 1936 0 0 Concrete Mixer hour 1 0 0.0
Unskilled day 18 0 0.0 Local aggregates 10 mm and below cum 0.2 0 0 Generator hour 1 0 0.0
Epoxy Bonding Agent kg 12 0 0
Water KL 1 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work: Patching of damaged concrete surface with polymer concrete/ micro concrete and curing compounds, Providing and applying Micro concreting on damaged concrete ( slab /beam/ abutment section of the bridges )with ready to use high early high strength ,
1 cum
free flow , non shrink self compacting Micro concrete ( M 60 & above) as per instructions of manufacturer and approval of the Engineer.
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.6.C Skilled day 12 0 0.0 Non Shrink self compacting Micro Concrete kg 2285 0 0 Concrete Mixer hour 6 0 0.0
Unskilled day 18 0 0.0 Epoxy Bonding Agent kg 12 0 0 Generator hour 6 0 0.0
Epoxy Metal Primer kg 4 0 0
Water KL 1 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and applying Epoxy adhesive and Sealing of crack / porous concrete with Epoxy Grout by injection with nipples complete as per direction of the Engineer. 10 kg
Spec. cl. No: 2706
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.7 Skilled day 1 0 0.0 Epoxy Adhesive kg 11 0 0 Epoxy Injection Gun hour 6 0 0.0
Unskilled day 2 0 0.0 Generator hour 6 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and Applying epoxy mortar over leached, honey combed and spalled concrete surface and exposed steel reinforcement complete as per Technical Specification 100 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2707
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.8 Skilled day 5 0 0.0 Epoxy Bonding Agent kg 87 0 0 Air Compressor hour 6 0 0.0
Unskilled day 8 0 0.0 Epoxy Mortar kg 2200 0 0 Mortar Mixer hour 6 0 0.0
Epoxy Resin kg 20 0 0
For other consumables like acetone etc. to cover wastage. 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and applying the Shotcreate mixture mechanically with compressed air under pressure, sprayable less rebound ( rebou and quick setting comnd 25 %) as per Technical specifications and direction of the Engineer. 10 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2710
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.9 Skilled day 0.1 0 0.0 Thixotropic repair mortar (Sprayable) kg 850 0 0 Air Compressor hour 1 0 0.0
Unskilled day 0.1 0 0.0 Epoxy Bonding Agent kg 8.7 0 0 hour 1 0 0.0
Generator hour 6 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and applying pre-packed cement based polymer mortar for replacement of spalled concrete 10 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.10' Skilled day 2 0 0.0 Epoxy Bonding Agent kg 8.7 0 0 Compressor hour 6 0 0.0
Unskilled day 2 0 0.0 Polymer mortar M-45 kg 550 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and applying Epoxy bonding of new concrete to old concrete as per technical Specifications and direction of the Engineer. 10 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2708
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.11 Skilled day 1 0 0.0 Epoxy Resin kg 8.4 0 0
Unskilled day 1 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and replacement of Bearings complete as per Technical Specification and direction of the Engineer. 3 nos
Spec. cl. No: 2711
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.12 Skilled day 5 0 0.0 Bearing no 3 0 0 Hydraulic Jack hour 72 0 0.0
Unskilled day 12 0 0.0 Wooden Packing cum 0.15 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing required parts and rectification of Bearings as per Technical Specifications and direction of the Engineer. 3 nos
Spec. cl. No: 2711
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unitper Quantity Rate
As Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.13 Skilled day 5 0 0.0 Parts of Bearing require 0 0 0 Hydraulic Jack hour 72 0 0.0
Unskilled day 12 0 0.0 Wooden Packing ment
cum 0.15 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and replacement of Expansion Joints complete as per drawings, Technical specifications and direction of the Engineer. 12 meter
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type
breaking of Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.14 concrete, cutting Epoxy Bonding Agent kg 9.6 0 0
of lugs and
Skilled day 1 0 0.0 Concrete ( select as per requirement) cum 2.4 0 0.0
Unskilled day 9 0 0.0 Additional Reinforcement tonne 0.1 0 0
Replacement of joint
Expansion Joint (Elastomeric Slab Steel Expansion Joint /
meter 12 0 0
compression seal/ strip / modular strip. etc.)
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and replacement of Damaged Concrete Railing as per Drawing, Technical Specifications and direction of the Engineer,. 30 meter
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
railing and
27.15 Tractor - Trolley hour 6 0 0.0
disposal of
Skilled day 1 0 0.0
Unskilled day 12 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and replacement of Crash Barrier as per Drawing, Technical Specifications and instruction of the Engineer. 30 meter
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
railing and
27.16 Tractor - Trolley hour 6 0 0.0
disposal of
Skilled day 1 0 0.0
Unskilled day 20 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and replacement of Damaged mild steel railing as per Drawing, Technical Specifications and direction of the Engineer. 30 meter
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
railing and
27.17 Tractor - Trolley hour 5 0 0.0
disposal of
Skilled day 1 0 0.0
Unskilled day 12 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work: Repair of Crash Barrier, Providing and repair of concrete crash barrier with cement concrete M-30 grade by cutting and trimming the damaged portion to a regular shape, cleaning the area to be repaired thoroughly, applying cement concert after erection of
30 meter
proper form work.
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.18 Skilled day 1 0 0.0 M-30 grade cement concrete cum 1 0 0.0
Unskilled day 3 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and repair of RCC railing to bring it to the original shape as per Drawing, Technical Specifications and instruction of the Engineer., Repair of RCC Railing 30 meter
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.19 Skilled day 1 0 0.0 M-30 grade cement concrete cum 0.3 0 0.0
Unskilled day 2 0 0.0 HYSD bar reinforcement tonne 0.03 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Repair of Steel Railing, Providing and repair of steel railing to bring it to the original shape as per Drawing, Technical Specifications and direction of the Engineer. 30 meter
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.20' Skilled day 1 0 0.0 Mild Steel ISMC series kg 87 0 0
Unskilled day 2 0 0.0 Flat Iron kg 30 0 0
MS Bolt and Nuts kg 30 0 0
For painting. 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Painting of Steel Bridge, Providing and painting steel bridge including removal of old paints by sand blasting cleaning and repairing of metal surfaces for the application of new paints as per specification and direction of the Engineer. 20 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2713
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.21 Skilled day 1 0 0.0 Sand 1.7 mm - 600 micron cum 0.8 0 0 Air Compressor hour 6 0 0.0
Unskilled day 7 0 0.0 Blasting Machine hour 6 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and Painting of steel bridges with one coat of primer, one coat of epoxy and 2 coats of acrylic polyurethane as per specification. 20 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2713
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Paint Sprayer Machine
27.22 Skilled day 1 0 0.0 Epoxy Red Zinc Oxide Phosphate Primer lit 5.5 0 0 hour 6 0 0.0
with Compressor
Unskilled day 4 0 0.0 High Built Epoxy lit 5.5 0 0
High Built Polyur-Ethane lit 8 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and painting of steel bridges with one coat of primer, one coat of epoxy and 2 coats of acrylic polyurethane, without sprayer machine as per specification 1 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2713
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.23 Skilled day 0.6 0 0.0 Epoxy Red Zinc Oxide Phosphate Primer lit 0.25 0 0
Unskilled day 0.6 0 0.0 High Built Epoxy lit 0.25 0 0
High Built Polyur-Ethane lit 0.35 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work: Repair of Joint Grooves with Epoxy Mortar, Providing and repair of spalled joint grooves of contraction joints, longitudinal joints and expansion joints in concrete pavements using epoxy mortar or epoxy concrete as per Technical Specifications and direction
10 meter
of the Engineer.
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.24 Skilled day 1.5 0 0.0 Epoxy Primer kg 2.5 0 0 Air Compressor hour 0.1 0 0.0
Unskilled day 1.5 0 0.0 Epoxy Compound with Accessories kg 10 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Repair of old Joints Sealant, Providing and repair of old joints including removal of existing sealant and re sealing of contraction, longitudinal or expansion joints in concrete pavement with fresh sealant material as per Drawing and Technical Specifications. 10 meter
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.25 Skilled day 0.15 0 0.0 Primer kg 0.25 0 0 Air Compressor hour 0.1 0 0.0
Unskilled day 1.5 0 0.0 Sealant kg 1 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Concrete Jacketing, Preparation, hacking and cleaning of existing surface for concrete jacketing as per direction of the Engineer. 100 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Prepared By:________________ Checked By:________________ Recommended By:________________ Approved By:________________
District: Fiscal Year: 2074/75 Page 8 of 30
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.26.A Skilled day 3 0 0.0 Hacking Machine hour 6 0 0.0
Unskilled day 30 0 0.0 Generator hour 6 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Concrete Jacketing, Drilling Holes on existing concrete surface of 16 mm diameter and 300 mm depth 100 nos
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Jack Hammer/Rock
27.26.B Skilled day 1 0 0.0 hour 6 0 0.0
Generator hour 6 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Concrete Jacketing, Providing and fixing Anchor bar 1 kg
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Refer Rate analysis of
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Concrete Jacketing, Providing and Filling drill hole with Epoxy Grout
Spec. cl. No:
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Refer Rate analysis of
Epoxy grout
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = Err:511
Description of Work:
Concrete Jacketing, Providing and applying Micro silica/ silica fume concreting for concrete jacketing works ( slab /beam/ abutment section of the bridges ) as per instructions of manufacturer and as approved by the Engineer. 1 cum
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.26.E Skilled day 12 0 0.0 Cement tonne 0.5 0 0 Concrete Mixer hour 1 0 0.0
Unskilled day 18 0 0.0 Sand cum 0.47 0 0 Generator hour 1 0 0.0
Aggregate cum 0.7 0 0
Micro Silica / Silica Fume kg 50 0 0
PC based Super Plasticizer kg 7.5 0 0
Pozzoplus kg 100 0 0
Water KL 1 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Corrosion Treatment of Rebar's, Providing accessories and removal of rust from exposed rebar area as per direction of the Engineer. 100 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.27.A Skilled day 2 0 0.0 Wire brush, chisel, axe etc. , 0.0
Unskilled day 30 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Corrosion Treatment of Rebar's, Providing and Application of Rust Cleaning & passivating agent as per manufacturer' s guidelines and instruction of the Engineer. 100 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.27.B Skilled day 1 0 0.0 Rust Clean Agent kg 10 0 0 Mechanical sprayer 0.0
Unskilled day 6 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Corrosion Treatment of Rebar's, Providing and Application of Alkaline, polymeric, elastomeric formulation designed to protect steel from corrosion as per manufacturer' s guidelines and instruction of the Engineer. 100 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
Prepared By:________________ Checked By:________________ Recommended By:________________ Approved By:________________
Norms Fiscal Year: 2074/75 Page 10 of 30
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.27.C Skilled day 1 0 0.0 Alkaline, Polymeric, Elastomeric Primer Agent kg 12.5 0 0 Mechanical sprayer 0.0
Unskilled day 6 0 0.0 Cement tonne 0.01 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Corrosion Treatment of Rebar's, Providing and Application of Acrylic Based bond coat for reinforcement as per manufacturer' s guidelines and instruction of the Engineer. 100 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.27.D Skilled day 2 0 0.0 Acrylic based Bonding Agent kg 50 0 0 Mechanical sprayer 0.0
Unskilled day 8 0 0.0 Cement tonne 0.05 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Corrosion Treatment of Rebar's, Providing and Application of concrete penetrating corrosion inhibitor as per manufacturer' s guidelines and instruction of the Engineer. 100 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.27.F Skilled day 2 0 0.0 Concrete Penetrating Corrosion Inhibitor kg 25 0 0 Mechanical sprayer 0.0
Unskilled day 8 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Providing and Application of 3 coat of high build micro porous anti carbonation coating on concrete surface as per manufacturer' s guidelines and instruction of the Engineer. 100 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.28 Skilled day 2 0 0.0 High Build Micro Porous Anti Carbonation Coat kg 50 0 0 Mechanical sprayer 0.0
Unskilled day 20 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Fiber Reinforced Polymer works, Providing and Application of Fiber reinforced polymer ( carbon fiber) as per manufacturer' s guidelines and instruction of the Engineer. 100 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.29.A Skilled day 2 0 0.0 Carbon Fiber sqm 110 0 0
Unskilled day 8 0 0.0 Epoxy Bonding Agent kg 100 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Fiber Reinforced Polymer works, Providing and Application of 3 coat of two component aliphatic Polyurethane Coating on concrete surface as per manufacturer' s guidelines and instruction of the Engineer. 100 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.29.C Skilled day 1 0 0.0 Two component Aliphatic Polyurethane coat kg 75 0 0
Unskilled day 4 0 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Repair of Gabion wall, Providing and repair of spalled gabion box/ mattress including dressing bedding, bonding tying all as per Technical Specification direction of the Engineer. 10 cum
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.30' Skilled day 4 0 0.0 Boulder cum 12 0 0
Unskilled day 16 0 0.0 Binding Wire kg 10 0 0
Prepared By:________________ Checked By:________________ Recommended By:________________ Approved By:________________
District: Fiscal Year: 2074/75 Page 12 of 30
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Repair of masonry wall / side drain, Providing and repair of spalled masonry wall/ side drain of random rubble masonry in cement mortar 1:4 as per Technical Specifications and direction of the Engineer. 5 cum
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
27.31 Skilled day 10 0 0.0 Stone cum 7.5 0 0
Unskilled day 20 0 0.0 Cement tonne 0.93 0 0
Sand cum 2.61 0 0
Water KL 2 0 0
For scaffolding 0.0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Description of Work:
Inspection and Re-tightening of Nut bolt and other accessories, Inspection and Re-tightening of Nut bolt and other accessories of Cables/ Structural parts/Steel truss/ steel girder as per Technical Specifications and direction of the Engineer. 500 nos
Spec. cl. No: 2700
Norms Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Formworks (D)
No. Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Bridge Inspection
27.32 Skilled day 2 0 0.0 Nuts & bolts nos 0 0 0 hour 6 0 0.0
Other tools, safety belt
Unskilled day 10 0 0.0 Bamboo nos 8 0 0 0.0
and other accessories
Dori kg 8 0 0
Sub total of A = 0.0 Sub total of B = 0.0 Sub total of C = 0.0 Sub total of D = 0.0
Sub total of A +B + C = 0.0 Sub total of A + B + C + D= 0.0 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 0.0 Norms Rate = 0.0
Unit Rate = 0
Loading/Unloading Mechanical
S.N. Description Unit Loader Tipper Total
1 Gravel cum 0.060 0.060 0.0
2 Sand cum 0.060 0.060 0.0
3 Rubble cum 0.140 0.140 0.0
4 Aggregate cum 0.140 0.140 0.0
Loading/Unloading Manual
S.N. Description Unit Skilled Truck Tipper Total
1 Cement tonne 0.200 0.000 0.200 0.000 0.0
2 Bricks 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0
3 Bitumen Drums tonne 0.150 0.000 0.150 0.000 0.0
4 Timber tonne 0.270 0.003 0.200 0.000 0.0
5 C.C. Blocks, Kerb, etc. cum 0.400 0.050 0.300 0.000 0.0
6 Steel tonne 0.200 0.000 0.200 0.000 0.0
7 Gravel cum 0.136 0.000 0.000 0.136 0.0
8 Sand cum 0.136 0.000 0.000 0.136 0.0
9 Rubble cum 0.136 0.000 0.000 0.136 0.0
10 Aggregate cum 0.136 0.000 0.000 0.136 0.0
S.N. Description Unit Rate Amount
a 5 mm - 70 mm cum 2.060 0 0.0
b 40 mm cum 3.090 0 0.0
c 20 mm cum 4.120 0 0.0
d 8 mm cum 6.180 0 0.0
e 40 mm - 70 mm cum 4.120 0 0.0
f 70 mm - 100 mm cum 3.090 0 0.0
a Quarry output less than 33% cum 4.120 0 0.0
b Quarry output 33 - 66% cum 3.090 0 0.0
c Quarry output more than 66% cum 1.545 0 0.0
Collection, quarrying and sieving
d cum 1.545 0 0.0
sand in local river
3 Rubble cum 1.442 0 0.0
4 Aggregate cum 1.442 0 0.0
S.N. Description Unit Rate Amount
1 Gravel cum 0.515 0 0.000
2 Sand cum 0.515 0 0.000
3 Rubble cum 0.206 0 0.000
4 Aggregate cum 0.210 0 0.000
Coefficient/Distance(km) 0.09 0.06 0.045 0.18 0.12 0.09
Conversio Total Total
S.N. Description Unit Terai Hilly Remarks
n to tonne time Amount
Materials ER GR BT ER GR BT
1 Acrylic based Bonding Agent kg 0.001 0 0 From District HQ
2 Admixture kg 0.001 0 0 From District HQ
0 0 From Quarry
3 Aggregate cum
0 0 From District HQ
0 0 From Quarry
4 Aggregate 10 mm cum
0 0 From District HQ
0 0 From Quarry
5 Aggregate 20 mm cum
0 0 From District HQ
Alkaline, Polymeric, Elastomeric Primer
6 kg 0.001 0 0 From District HQ
7 Bamboo nos 0 0 From District HQ
8 Bearing no 0 0 From District HQ
9 Binding Wire Kg 0 0 From District HQ
0 0 From Quarry
10 Boulder cum
0 0 From District HQ
11 Carbon Fiber sqm 0 0 From District HQ
12 Carbon Laminated Sheet sqm 0 0 From District HQ
13 Cement tonne 1.000 0 0 From District HQ
0 0 From Quarry
14 Coarse Sand cum
0 0 From District HQ
Concrete Penetrating Corrosion
15 kg 0.001 0 0 From District HQ
16 Diesel litre 0 0 From District HQ
17 Dori kg 0.001 0 0 From District HQ
18 Electric Detonator nos. 0 0 From District HQ
19 Electricity unit 0 0 From District HQ
20 Epoxy Bonding Agent kg 0.001 0 0 From District HQ
Sub-Total :
VAT 13% :
Grand Total with VAT: