BFM Short Notes
BFM Short Notes
BFM Short Notes
S econdly, since the domestic markets need to S econdly, the treasury activity is highly
compete with global markets, new institutional leveraged and hence, the return on capital may
structure, consisting of regulatory agencies like be quite high.
SEBI and IRDA on one hand, and public/private
T hirdly, operational costs in Treasury are low
institutions like Clearing Corporation of India
as compared to branch banking, whether
Ltd. (CCIL), National Securities Depository Ltd.
retail or wholesale.
etc. on the other hand, have come in to
existence to support financial markets. ➢Treasury profits are generated from
the following sources:
T hirdly, with RBI allowing Rupee derivatives in a
phased manner, the range of products offered . Foreign Exchange Business:Buying and selling
by treasury has widened, with innovative foreign currency to customers constitutes a
product structures. major source of ‘other income' for the banks.
The difference between 'buy' 'sell' rates –
In December, 2013, RBI allowed IRFs,
known as ‘spread' – is the profit for the bank.
deriving value from the following
underlying, on the recognized stock . Money Market Deals:Interest on funds lent
exchanges: in the market is a source of income.
iv ecognized
R . For suppliers' credit: Supplier of goods located outside India. 2. For buyers' credit:
lenders Banks, financial institutions, foreign equityholder(s) located outside India and financial
institutions in IFSCs located in India. Note: Participation of Indian banks and
non-banking financial companies (operating from IFSCs) as lenders will be subject to
the prudential guidelines issued by the concerned regulatory departments of the
Reserve Bank. Further, foreign branches/subsidiaries of Indian banks are permitted as
recognized lenders only for FCY TC.
v Period of TC T he period of TC, reckoned from the date of shipment, shall be up to three years for
import of capital goods. For non-capital goods, this period shall be up to one year or
perating cycle whichever less is. For shipyards / shipbuilders, the period of TC
for import of non-capital goods can be up to three years.
vi ll-in-cost
A enchmark Rate plus 350 bps spread:
B Benchmark rate plus 250 bps spread.
ceiling per For existing TCs linked to LIBOR whose
annum benchmarks are changed to ARR.
viii edging
H T he entities raising TC are required to T he overseas investors are eligible to
provision follow the guidelines for hedging, if any, hedge their exposure in Rupee through
issued by the concerned sectoral or permitted derivative products with AD
prudential regulator in respect of foreign Category I banks in India. The investors
currency exposure. Such entities shall can also access the domestic market
have a board approved risk management through branches / subsidiaries of
policy. Indian banks abroad or branches of
foreign banks with Indian presence on
a back-to back basis.
T reasury also faces funding risk, or liquidity risk, T he most important of the internal controls in
as all 'settlements' need to be funded. the context of foreign exchange are of three
T reasury risks are primarily managed by
conventional control and supervisory (i) limits on deal size
measures which may be divided into three (ii) limits on open positions and
(iii) stop-loss limits.
• Organizational Controls
•Exposure Ceiling . Limits on deal sizeprescribe the maximum
•Limits on trading positions and stop-loss value for a buy/sell transaction.
limits➢Organizational Controls
. Open positionsrefer to the trading positions,
T he organizational controlsrefer to the checks where the buy/sell positions are not matched.
and balances within the system. Treasury is Position limitsare prescribed currency-wise as
divided into three parts: also for aggregate position expressed in Rupees.
T hus, market risk is a confluence of liquidity uration is a measure widely used in
risk, interest rate risk, exchange rate risk, investment business, though the concept of
equity risk and commodity risk. duration is applicable to all assets and
➢The three main components of market risk liabilities, where interest rate risk is present.
are liquidity risk, interest rate risk and Duration is expressed in terms of years.
currency risk.
⇨Modified Duration(MD) is a more direct
(a)Liquidity Risk
method to measure the price sensitivity of
L iquidity riskrefers to cash flow gaps which a bond.
could not be bridged. Let us assume that the •The MD indicates price sensitivity of a bond
Treasurer has borrowed in call market and per unit of change in the yield levels.
purchased a 5- year government security, •The modified duration is valid only for small
assuming the bond prices would go up next day changes in the price, and is also not uniform
and he can sell the security with profit. at different levels of the price.
(b)Interest Rate Risk
erivatives are financial contracts which derive
Interest rate risk refers to rise in interest costs their value basedonanunderlyingmarketfora
(of a liability) or fall in interest earnings(from commodity or financial product. Derivatives are
assets) eroding the business profits. used to protect treasury transactions from
(c) Currency Risk market
risk. Derivatives are also useful in managing
urrency risk or exchange rate risk is also a
C balance sheet risk i.e., asset liability
manifestation of interest rate risk, although management.
T he derivative products that can be directly
negotiated and obtained from banks and
investment institutions are known as
Over-the Counter (OTC) products.
erivatives are market products widely used by
T he standardized derivative contracts, for a
bank treasuries. Treasury uses derivatives chiefly:
specified sum and for specified period, which
are purchased or sold on an exchange are
• To manage risk, including ALM risks, •To cater exchange traded derivatives, traded on a
to the requirements of the clients and more futures exchange.
particularly the corporate customers, and•To
➢OTC products are different from
trade, i.e. to take a trading position in
exchange traded products in the
derivative products.
following respects:
Mostly used for hedging underlying risk Mostly used for trading and speculation.
i. The contract must be executed at i. The holder has a right to exercise the option,
contracted rate on the expiry date. but has no obligation.
ii. The rate is fixed at current market quote. ii. Holder may choose strike price (contracted rate)
or market rate whichever is better for him.
iii. There is no fee payable, the quoted iii. Option premium is payable front-end.
rate includes bank margin.
iv. Forward premium is the interest rate iv. O ption premium is determined by
differential of the two currencies several factors, including strikeprice,
involved. volatility of exchange rates and
interest rates.
v. Forward contract is a simple contract v. Various types of options are available,
for purchase or sale of currency - and simple to complex structures, with
there are no variations. varying elements of risk, are possible
by combining purchased and written
2. Schedule to Master Agreement ➢The AD Category - I bank, which fulfil the prudential
requirements,should lay down detailed guidelines
3. Trade Confirmation (for each trade)
with the approval of their Boards for trading and
➢While introducing IRS, RBI has taken some bold clearing of the exchange traded currency options
steps to encourage the derivative market, contracts and management of risks.
including: ➢AD Category - I banks, which do not meet the
a. Banks have been allowed to use the IRS not only for above minimum prudential requirementsand AD
hedging, but also for trading (market making) Category - I banks, which are Urban Co operative
purpose - which provision has boosted the treasury banks or State Co-operative banks, can
activity. participate in the exchange traded currency
b. RBI allowed MIFOR as a benchmark for interest rate options market only as clients, subject to
swaps, but later restricted the use of MIFOR only for approval therefore from the respective regulatory
inter-bank dealings. Departments oft he Reserve Bank.
c . As per FBIL's extant methodology, the MIFOR ➢In order to avoid misuse of derivatives, RBI
(Mumbai Interbank Forward Outright Rate) for issued Comprehensive Guidelines on
Overnight, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months and Derivatives, in April 2007, which were
12 months tenor is calculated using the rolling forward subsequently modified in 2011. RBI in
premier in percentage term and the USD LIBOR for the particular stipulated that
relevant tenor. a. Derivative products can be offered only to those
d. RBI has permitted banks under ISDA corporates who have clearly laiddown
Agreement, to opt for dual jurisdiction.
r isk management policy approved at the
Board level, and
b. Banks must have a suitability &
appropriateness policy so that they
would avoid miss selling of derivative ➢Financial Benchmarks India Pvt Ltd (FBIL)
products. FBIL, an independent company, is a three-way
joint venture between Fixed Income, Money
Market and Derivatives Association of India,
The key features of the new contracts are:a.
Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India
Market Participants, i.e. residents and foreign
and Indian Banks' Association.
portfolio investors, are allowed to take
positions in the cross-currency contracts It is responsible for all the aspects relating to
without having to establish underlying the benchmarks to be issued by it, namely,
exposure subject to the position limits as collection and submission of market data and
prescribed by the exchanges. information including polled data, formulation,
b. Authorized Dealer Category-I bank trading adoption and periodic review of benchmark
members may undertake trading in all calculation methodologies, calculation,
permitted exchange traded currency publication and administration of benchmarks
derivatives within their Net Open Position confirming to the highest standards of
Limit (NOPL) subject to limits stipulated by integrity, transparency and precision.
the exchanges.
c. Eligible market participants are permitted to ➢FBIL also announces the benchmark
take positions in Interest Rate Options for rates/matrix of :-
their own balance sheet management and a. Term MIBOR for three tenors of 14-day, 1-
for market making purposes. month and 3-month
d. The participants, who are eligible as market b. FC-Rupee Options Volatilities for five tenors of
makers are required to have appropriate 1-week, 1-month, 3-month, 6-month and 12-
infrastructure and risk management systems month
in place. c. Certificates of Deposit (FBIL-CD), and d.
e. Interest Rate Options are permitted on Treasury Bills (FBIL-TBILL) on a daily basis except
exchanges authorized by SEBI as well as in Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
the Over-the-Counter (OTC) market.