Slab Torsion
Slab Torsion
Slab Torsion
• Fig. 12.10 has two horizontal beams joined
together in mutually perpendicular directions.
• The bending moment in one of the beam at the
common point acts as torque for the other beam.
• Part of the total load may be resisted by torsional
strength of beams besides the usual flexural
Fig. 12.10. Two Mutually Perpendicular Shallow
Strip Beams Lying In Horizontal Plane.
Twisting moment
Twisting moment
• Exactly in the same way, perpendicular design strips are
connected to each other and loads are distributed in the
two directions partially by the torsional strength.
• Due to this two-way action the bending stiffness at a
particular section is increased by the presence of the
perpendicular strips.
• For the perpendicular strips, bending moment and
twisting moment are interchanged in the two
perpendicular directions and hence the load is
distributed in the two directions.
• It is clear that torsional stiffness of slab and beams is
very important in determining the overall behavior of
the slab system.
Check For Limitations Of DDM
α f 1l 22
= between 0.2 to 5.0
α f 2l 2
where αf = ratio of flexural stiffness of beam section to
flexural stiffness of a width of slab bounded
laterally by centerlines of adjacent panels (if
any) on each side of the beam.
E cb I b (E I )beam
= E cs I s
= (E I ) slab
Exterior panel
Interior panel
+ either drop
+ drop panel
Exterior panel panel or edge
fy (OR)
+ no drop panel beam
(MPa) Exterior panel
+ no edge beam (OR)
+ drop panel
Interior panel
+ edge beam
+ no drop panel
Fig. 12.13.Effective Slab Width For L-Beams
For L-beams, the effective width ‘b’ is lesser of:
i) bw + hb
ii) bw + 4hf
Is (×104 mm4)
C (×104 mm)
STEP 6: Calculation Of Factored Static Moment
For Each Design Strip
The slab is divided into design strips and the total
factored static moment is calculated for each design strip.
l2w (m)
ln (m)
Mo (kN-m)
Step 7: Longitudinal Distribution Of Moments
Longitudinal distribution of moments means the way
in which the total static moment at mid-span is divided
into positive and negative moments.
Int. M
0.75 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.65
Ext. M
0 0.16 0.26 0.30 0.65
Table 12.7. Moments After Longitudinal Distribution.
M at ext. support
M+ in ext. span
M+ in interior span
Step 8: Transverse Distribution Of Moments
The moments determined at critical sections of the design
frames as above are further distributed into column strips
including the beams (if any) and middle strips.
l2/l1 = A 0.5 ≤ A ≤ 2.0
βt = B If βt > 2.5, B = 2.5
α f1 l 2 = D If α f1 2 > 1.0, D = 1.0
l1 l1
As per ACI 13.6.4, column-strip moment is expressed as
the following percentage of total moment at critical
A = l2/l1
B = βt
D = α f1 l2/l1
M +ext span
M −first int
M −int
M +int span
Middle strip moment M −ext
M +ext span
M −first int
M −int
M +int span
STEP 9: Calculation Of Slab Reinforcement
The slab steel may be calculated from the slab moments
by using the usual under-reinforced concrete design
Table 12.11. Slab Steel Areas For Various Frames.
Frame Location Ext. Int. Ext. Int.
Long Long Short Short
CS Width Minus Beam Width
Net Moment
Holes B = γν(Mu1 – Mu2)
= γνMu
Direct Shear Stress
Shear Stress Due Holes A
To γν Mu
a) Isometric View b) Plan
b1 = c1 + d
b2 = c1
c2 +
d c) Critical Perimeter
γν = 1 − γf
Critical section: The edges of critical section perimeter
for punching shear as defined in ACI are
considered at distance d/2 from the following:
Edges or corners of columns, concentrated loads,
or reaction areas, or
Critical section
do inside drop
di / 2
do / 2
≥ l/6 <= x/4
Critical for calculation of
section flexural top steel.
outside x = Distance
drop panel from edge of the
drop panel to the Critical sections
face of column or
column capital.
γv = 1− 1
2 b1
3 b2
For unbalanced moments about an axis parallel to the
edge at exterior supports, the value of γf may be
increased up to 1.0 provided that the following
conditions are satisfied: