Tunnel Field Effect Transistor Based Biosensors For Detection of Biomolecules: A Review

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Tunnel Field Effect Transistor based Biosensors for detection of

Biomolecules: A Review
Rishika Sen, Cherry Bhargava
Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India

This manuscript presents brief review on Tunnel Field Effect Transistor based Biosensor from
initial phase to currently used Tunnel field Effect Transistors for biosensing application. TFET
based Biosensors have gained attention due to phenomenal properties such as high sensitivity,
low cost, and ability to detect label-free biomolecules. Conventional Field Effect Transistors
have lots of advantages as biosensors in comparison to other biosensors but there exist various
limitations on subthreshold swing where (SS>60 mv/decade), various short channel effects
reduced the device sensitivity leading to restriction in using it as biosensors. For improving
various research is going on so that scientists can find a way out to make a device overcoming
all the disadvantages faced by previously developed biosensor made by different transistor
devices. This manuscript aims to clearly distinguish between different TFET Biosensors based
on their working and sensitivity parameters to provide better insights to the researchers to
further carry on the research for making more reliable and advance Biosensors.

Keywords 1
Biosensor, TFET, sensitivity

1. Introduction
Biological analytes are hard to detect based
In this emerging world, where science has on their intrinsic properties, they need
made so much progress scientists try hard to labels such as enzymes, radioactive molecules
find solutions to every problem. The recent attach with the analyte for detection and it was
problem such as COVID pandemic has a drawback as label-based detection are
disrupted people lives and such problem was expensive and also time-consuming. On the
also seen a couple of years ago when smallpox other hand, label-free detection does not require
was introduced therefore these issues are never- labels to facilitate measurements because they
ending, Biosensors are the advancement of use intrinsic physical properties such as charge,
technology for such issues giving precise way size, dielectric permittivity, etc to detect the
to deal with the discovery of biomolecules [1]. presence of biomolecules in a cheaper sample
Usually, a biosensor consists of two and time- saving. These ideal qualities of label-
components: a recognition element (molecular) free biosensors spread their applications in
known as a receptor and target analytes like numerous zones like the clinical field for
DNA, antibodies, cells, and a transducer to beginning phase location of biomolecules,
convert the information into a measurable conveyance of medications, food handling,
quantity. natural observing, security, and observation. A
Biosensor is a device that produces an electrical
signal from the biophysical response. The

ACI’21: Workshop on Advances in Computational Intelligence at

ISIC 2021, February 25–27, 2021, Delhi, India
EMAIL: [email protected] (Rishika Sen)
[email protected] (Cherry Bhargava)

©️ 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use

permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution
4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
principal chemical-based biosensor was 1.1 Literature Review
founded by Clark et al. in 1962 [1]and from that
point forward this arising field has picked up
Low cost, low power, rapid, small, ultra-
loads of consideration among overall analysts
sensitive, robust biosensors are highly
for creating precise and more solid biosensors.
recommended for Point of Care Applications.
The biosensor comprises of two different stages
Biosensor build on Complementary metal oxide
– 1) Biomolecule location and 2) Trans-
semiconductor compatible silicon nanowire
conduction. The first stage comprising of
tunneling field effect transistor (SiNW- TFET)
biomolecule location is one of the important
has been proposed by Anran Gao (2016) [3]. It
tasks as locating a biomolecule in a device
has been observed that SiNW- TFET provided
where it could be recognized by the biosensors
good amount of parasitic capacity by using
helps is detecting the biomolecules in a more
inherent ambipolar nature through biomarker of
precise manner. The second stage transduction
human lung cancer CYFRA21-1 and pH
defines the process that is used to define
sensing as unfunctionalized Silicon nanowire
biosensors by converting the recognized
TFET devices can be characterized as hydrogen
biomolecules into an electrical form or readable
ion sensors. Changes in surface charges at the
form for precise detection. All these biosensors
Silicon nanowire surface gates the Tunnel Field
are utilized to improve human existence. There
Effect device that modulates the nanowire
are various biosensors based on the
current. The ambipolar nature and conductivity
transduction process.
was shown for both positive and negative
The working principle of electrochemical
voltages at gate. This ambipolar response
biosensor [2] is to experience the adjustment in
discriminates the electrical noise to carry with
the electrical properties of the sensor by
object analysis.
response focused on biomolecules. The noticed
Analytical model of p-n-p-n TFET for working
changes are utilized as estimating boundaries
as biosensor for label-free detection of
for the sensor and depending on boundary
biomolecules has been developed by Rakhi
noticed they are additionally characterized into
Narang (2012) [4]. It has been observed that the
amperometric, potentiometric, and
proposed model gives two important properties
conductometric. The exceptionally ground-
that is possessed by biomolecules 1) dielectric
breaking substitute of ordinary insightful sort
constant 2) charge. Comparison with
biosensor is optical biosensors as it needs
conventional FET based biosensors was also
extremely restricted groundwork for the
made in the terms of sensitivity of TFET based
location of the focused biomolecule. Optical
biosensors consisting of various parameters like
fields with analyte are utilized in an optical
shift in threshold, variation in ON-current (Ion)
biosensor to identify tumor cells, poisons, and
level and ON-OFF ratio of current (Ion/Ioff).
so on Calorimetric and Acoustic biosensors
Also, it was concluded that TFET based sensors
discover great applications for the discovery of
show wide deviation in current level and
DNA. All these biosensors are utilized to
therefore change in ON current (Ion) can be
improve human existence. Thermal and mass-
considered as appropriate parameter for
based biosensors are unpredictable and have
low reaction time. Optical and electrochemical
Detection of biomolecules using electrical
biosensors have taken more consideration for
characteristics is attractive because
dependable and precise reactions because of
inexpensive, label-free, provide stability and
their low location limit and extremely high
ease of on-chip fabrication of sensors [5]. TFET
particularity. There is a lot of progress going on
having nanostructures or particularly nanowires
TFET based biosensors but researchers face
has gained importance because of enough
lots of problem in finding all the information
surface to volume ratio and high electrostatic
related to Tunnel Field Effect Transistor based
control. For biomolecule detection specific
biosensors at one time. This manuscript has
receptor is allowed to get in contact with oxide
been bifurcated into three sections. Section I
or dielectric layer of semiconductor device and
elaborates the brief literature review, Section II
because of their charge, it produces gating
describes the structure and performance
effect on the device thereby changing the
comparison of various biosensors, and finally in
electrical properties like current, subthreshold
Section III conclusion is drawn.
voltages, conductance etc. Therefore,
sensitivity is in accordance with gating effect, element model on three dimensional biological
higher the response of TFET with gate effect field-effect transistor (BioFET) via Monte
higher will be the sensitivity of the device . Carlo simulations on the DNA molecules
It has been concluded by Deblina Sarkar and K position. It was also observed that SNR can be
Banerjee (2012) [5] that highest response to low enough to disturb the device functionality.
gating effects of the biosensors is obtained in Further study done by him was the effects of
subthreshold region but CFETs (Conventional region of pinch-off and concentration of
Field Effect Transistors) cannot achieve electrolyte on Signal to Noise ratio. It was
minimal subthreshold swing that concluded that sharing between ions across
simultaneously limits the sensitivity and probes of DNA specifically at low-electrolyte
response. concentration significantly increases the
Conventional DM-FET based biosensors amount of change of charge inversion in FET
showed less sensitivity in comparison to DM- thereby increasing the sensitivity. Therefore,
TFET based biosensors but showed low there is a great need of properly controlled
subthreshold current. environment for achieving reliability of
In 2016, Sayan kanungo [6] investigated the biosensors and mostly in miniaturization of
effect of (SiGe) source and n+ pocket doped devices.
channel using extensive device level In 2010, Jae- Hyuk Ahn et al [9] proposed the
simulation. It has been observed that silicon- double gate nanowire field effect transistor for
germanium source DMTFET showed high increasing the sensitivity of conventional FET
superiority in comparison to n+ pocket devices. Gate region was separated as G1
Dielectric Modulated TFET to obtain higher (primary) and G2 (secondary) allowing
subthreshold current level while maintaining independent voltage control for modulating
the sensitivity of device . potential of channel and sensitivity was
In 2019, experimental study has been done by enhanced.
Cao W [7] that provided good insights into Due to the disadvantages of MOSFETs under
Subthreshold Swing (SS) characteristics of miniaturization research on electronic devices
TFET by examining effects of four critical has been moved to TFETs. Although TFET
parameters like level of source and doping, devices are suitable but still have few things
band gap, length, and tunnel effective mass in that need to be controlled like it has low on
the perspectives of Fermi-Dirac Distribution currents that results in low switching speed and
and Tunneling probability variation. It was shows ambipolar behaviour. It was observed by
observed that shortening of Fermi Dirac Anne S. Verhulst (2007) [10] that reduction of
Distribution, OFF-current and uncovered gate length leads to several advantages like
intrinsic Subthreshold Swing compete among increase in switching speed and decrease in
themselves to provide minimum achievable processing complexity.
Subthreshold Swing. This work also concluded Furthermore, short gate TFETs investigation
that for homo junction TFET design: small has been carried to know the capability of
channel length, suitably high doping level of tunnel field effect transistor by simulating low
source and small tunnel effective mass is power digital applications using supply
suitable and for hetero junction Tunnel Field voltages less than 0.5 V. The study done
Effect Transistor design in these parameters, showed that tunneling current has very less or
small band gap present at tunnel junction is negligible contribution on charging and
preferable. discharging gate capacitance of TFETs. It was
There are various types of biosensors as been also observed that although short gate TFET
discussed above and in that row M Waleed has high resistance region but the charging and
Shinwari (2011) [8] presented the effect of discharging speed still meets requirements for
distribution of DNA probe on reliability of application in low voltages. The performance
label-free biosensors. As we have observed that analysis was done on SG-TFETs using different
since the miniaturization for increasing the materials like Silicon, Germanium and
sensitivity parameter, there was lack of research heterostructure studying various parameters
in knowing the variation of received signals such as voltage overshoot, static power, delay
with respect to the position of probes over energy consumption etc. It was concluded that
sensitive surface therefore a computational heterostructure Short Gate TFETs can be said
study has been done by them using finite as promising candidate for extending supply
voltages to lower the voltages below 0.5 1.2 Comparison of Different
because of short gate structures, small bandgap
material for source and sufficient driving TFET Based Biosensors
current in Tunnel Field Effect Transistors.
In 2018, Deepak Soni et al [11] carried out In this section Tunnel Field Effect
research for improving the speed of sensing and Transistor device structure and their
sensitivity of TFET based biosensor using the performance in terms of sensitivity for the
concept of formation of plasma. The research application as biosensor is described.
was carried out by adding an electrode on the
source region of conventional biosensors using 1. Silicon Nanowire Tunnel Field Effect
negative supply for extending cavity above the Transistor
source region. The introduction of additional
Source Electrode with negative supply voltage The silicon nanowire TFET based
forms the cavity over source region overcomes biosensors was designed using novel CMOS
the issues such as abrupt junction formation at compatible anisotropic wet etching approach
source junction and channel junction. It was and conventional lithography alongwith
also observed that issues related to solubility tetramethylammonium hydroxide. In Figure 1
limit of silicon material was also solved (a), one can observe that SiNWs forms a cluster
because of formation of plasma layer of holes (10 wires each) that is used as one unit for
near Silicon and HFO2 interface. It has been sensing specific molecule. The structure clearly
concluded that excess biomolecules in the shows that the surface of Silicon nanowires are
region of source and cavity increased the smooth and of high quality [3]. The ID-VG
concentration of plasma layer of holes near characteristics of SiNW-TFET and
Silicon-HFO2 because of better coupling that in conventional TFET based biosensors in log
return improved the capability of sensing and scale was compared. It can be observed in
the sensing speed of Biosensors. Figure 1 (b) that subthreshold swing of TFET
A transition metal dichalcogenide material was decreased in comparison to conventional
based TFET was proposed by Prabhat Kumar FET device (MOSFET).
and Brajesh Kumar (2019) [12] as transition
metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are said to be
promising candidates for sensing applications.
It has been observed that TMDs have
atomically thin-layered structure, dangling
bond free structure and novel physical
properties. The presented device showed
Subthreshold swing of 50mv/ decade and
measured sensitivity of 2.11 for 5mV change in Figure 1 (a): Silicon nanowire-based
voltage across gate.
Biosensor diagram [3]
Label free biosensors is preferable due to
their simple operation. L- shaped TFET [13]
based biosensors are used because of their low
voltage Subthreshold Swing, power
consumption and off state current. In 2020,
Chong C proposed a dielectric modulated L-
shaped TFET where a cavity was formed inside
the electrode of gate in vertical direction. The
cavity is filled with biomolecules for working it
as a biosensor. The simulation was carried out
and was observed that current sensitivity can be
increased as high as 2321, the sensitivity of Figure 1 (b): ID-VG characteristics of Silicon
threshold voltage could reach 0.4 and nanowire-TFET and conventional TFET based
sensitivity of SS could reach 0.7. The results biosensors in log scale [3]
assured that Dielectric Modulated L-shaped
TFET sensor is good to go for increased
sensitivity and less power consumption.
Figure 1 (c): ID-VG curve of Silicon nanowire
TFET device for VD = 1 V [3]

In Figure 1 (c), ID-VG curve of Silicon

Figure 2 (b): ID-VG characteristics of DM-TFET
Nanowire TFET device for VD = 1 V is shown
that justify that this proposed structure has SS [4]
of 37 mv/dec for n-channel that simultaneously
increased the sensitivity. The current and We can observe ID-VG characteristics in
subthreshold swing (SS) of n-channel relation Figure 2 (b) that shows good response for
shows that subthreshold swing of TFET is not different dielectric constant values and
static like conventional FET and therefore, it is therefore the sensitivity of biosensor is
strongly dependent on gate voltage. improved. The thing that was not taken care
was ambipolar conductivity which effect the
sensitivity of the device and limits the
performance of this device. They performed the
2. Dielectrically Modulated Tunnel FET
sensitivity analysis by considering dielectric
based Biosensor. constant and charge separately but if we
The Dielectric modulated TFET based observe practically then the charge is present
biosensor is basically a Dual gate geometry p- only when biomolecules are present therefore
n-p-n architecture. The change of quality in this is the concerning factor for in proposed
physio-chemical reaction in analyte is device.
complicated that fails to detect electrically
neutral biomolecule. The challenges faced by 3. Short Gate and Full Gate TFET Based
label-based biosensor is suppressed using label Biosensor
free detection technique. The p-n-p-n (Tunnel
source MOSFET) was considered shown in Sayan Kanungo in 2015 carried out
Figure 2 (a) because p-i-n structure have less on performance analysis of both SG-TFET and
current. FG-DMTFET. In the device, the two gates
operate simultaneously and the dual gate
structure enhances biomolecule impact on
dielectric constant and leads to high sensitivity
of the sensors [6]. To enhance the value of
tunneling current, Si-Ge was used as source
with germanium concentration of 0.5 in both
SG-TFET and FG-TFET. The gate length of
short gate TFET was kept 20 nm and Full gate
was kept 42 nm as we can see in Figure 3(a) and
(b). The SG-DMTFET limited the impact of
ambipolar conductivity and showed improved
Figure 2 (a): Schematic diagram of
Dielectrically modulated Tunnel FET based
Biosensor [4]
SG-TFET (Short Gate Tunnel Field Effect
Transistor) that can produce sensitivity of drain
current almost seven times that of FG-TFET
(Full Gate Tunnel Field Effect Transistor). The
ID-VG curve of both short gate and full gate
TFET based Biosensor is shown in Figure 3 (c).
Further, it is being said that structural
enhancement in FG-TFET and material
specifications can increase the sensitivity

4. Junctionless based electrically doped

Figure 3 (a): Structure of Short gate Tunnel
TFET based Biosensor
Field Effect Transistor based Biosensor [6]
The device structure is made of n+ heavily
doped Si layer and isolated gates to form
intrinsic region and p+ source region under the
polarity gate (PG) and control gate (CG). The
polarity bias of Si body is similar to that of
conventional tunnel field effect transistor [14].
As the device is junction less, the device is free
from doping control, thermal dissipation and
fabrication complexity as shown in Figure 4 (a).

Figure 3 (b): Structure of Double gate

Tunnel Field Effect Transistor based Biosensor

Figure 4 (a): Schematic of Junctionless

based dielectric modulated TFET based
Biosensor [14]
Figure 3 (c): Comparison of ID-VG
characteristics of both SG and FG TFET based
biosensor [6]

The full gated DMTFET consists of full

gated intrinsic channel as which decreases the
width of barrier and hence sensitivity is
achieved. Further due to one-dimensional
tunneling the on current of Dual metal gate is
limited. The short gate TFET should be
operated in specific biasing range and this Figure 4 (b): ID-VG characteristics at different
precise biasing can enhance the sensitivity of dielectric constant [14]
Figure 5 (b): SS comparison curve of
conventional and proposed TFET device [11]
Figure 4 (c): drain current sensitivity at
different dielectric constant [14]

The performance of device is increased due

to the absence of junction and improved the
issue of random dopant fluctuation. The drain
current sensitivity curve is shown in Figure 4
(c) and ID-VG curve at different dielectric
constant is shown in Figure 4 (b). Although it is
free from short channel effects, fabrication
issues etc but still the issue of ambipolar
conductivity persist therefore structural Figure 5 (c): Sensitivity comparison curve of
modulation of the device is still needed. both conventional and proposed TFET device
5. Dual-gate source electrode dielectric
modulated based Biosensor This research was carried out for improving
the response time and sensitivity of Tunnel
Deepak Soni et al proposed a structure that uses Field Effect based biosensor using the concept
charge plasma -based concept for detection of of formation of Plasma. The sensitivity was
biomolecule for efficiently thereby increasing improved by adding an electrode on the source
the sensitivity. region of conventional biosensors using
negative supply for extending cavity above the
region of source [11]. The introduction of
additional Silicon Electrode with negative
supply voltage for forming the cavity over the
source region overcomes the issues related to
abrupt junction formation at junction of source
and channel as shown in Figure 5 (a). It was
also observed that issues related to solubility
limit of silicon material due to layer of Plasma
formation of holes near Si-HFO2 interface was
also solved. It has been concluded that excess
biomolecules in the region of source and cavity
increased the concentration of plasma layer of
holes near Si- HFO2 because of better coupling
Figure 5 (a): Schematic of Dual gate source that in return improved the subthreshold swing,
electrode dielectric TFET Biosensor [11] capability of sensing and the sensing speed of
Biosensors as shown in Figure 5 (b) and (c).
Figure 8. Comparison Chart of TFET based Biosensors
S no. Device name Performance Limitations
Low Subthreshold swing of 30mv/decade in n-
Silicon Nanowire Tunnel Field channel and 79mv/decade in p-channel that results
1 Ambipolar conductivity
Effect Transistor in improved sensitivity as compared to
conventional FET devices
The sensitivity analysis was
performed using charge and
Dielectrically modulated Tunnel dieletric individually but practically
2 Improved sensitivity for varying Dielectric Constant
FET based Biosensor charge is present only when
biomolecules are present and that
is one of the concern
Proper Biasing results in sensitivity improvement
Short Gate and Full Gate TFET On Current (Ion) is limited due to
3 almost seven times that of Full gate TFET based
based Biosensor one directional tunneling
Junctionless dielectric modulated Performance of device is increased due to absence Device is free from short channel
4 electrically doped TFET based of Junction and imporved issue of random dopant effects but still faces issue of
Biosensor fluctuation ambipolar conductivity
Charge Plasma concept overcomes issues such as
Dual gate source electrode Random Dopant Fluctuation was
abrupt junction, solves issue of solubility imit of
5 dielectric modulated based still a serious issue in proposed
silicon material and increased sensing speed of
Biosensor device
biomolecules resulting in quick response time
Results in reduction of mechanical
Transistion metal Dichalcogenides Showed excellent sensitivity and sharp threshold of
6 flexibility due to brittle nature of
material based Biosensor 50 mv/dec
the material
Sensitivity of proposed device
Dielectric modulated L-Shaped
Proposed device is suitable for ultra sensitive and highly depends on amount of
7 Gate Field Effect Transistor based
low consumption biosensors. positive charge present in the

6. Transition metal Dichalcogenides

material based Biosensor

Transition Metal Dichalcogenides material

based TFET is proposed in 2019 for label-free
detection of Biomolecules. In recent years
stretchable and flexible electrons have gained
more attention in different fields like robotic
and medical fields because of their
advancement in performance. The TFET
biosensor made by using silicon are offering
excellent performance but their mechanical
flexibility is not good due to its brittle nature.
Figure 6 Sensitivity comparison of Silicon This device showed sharp threshold of 50
mv/dec as shown in Figure 6 and excellent
based TFET and TMD material based TFET
7. Dielectric Modulated L-shaped Gate Field
Effect Transistor based Biosensor. The simulation was carried out and was
observed that current sensitivity can be
increased as high as 2321, the sensitivity of
The research carried out by Chen Chong, threshold voltage could reach 0.4 and
Hongxia Liu shows the range of current sensitivity of SS could reach 0.7 as shown in
sensitivity, subthreshold swing sensitivity and Figure 7(b) and 7(c). The proposed device is
sensitivity of threshold voltage of the proposed appropriate for ultra-sensitive, low-
structure. The material used for making source, consumption biosensors. It can be said from the
drain, channel and substrate was silicon. The simulated result that greater the relative
gate dielectric used was HfO2 [13]. The study permittivity of biomolecules, smaller the cavity
was carried out by using six small biomolecules will be and the higher the amount of positive
with different dielectric constant filled in charge, higher will be the sensitivity of the
different nanocavity thickness operated at proposed biosensor.
different gate voltages as shown in Figure 7 (a)
1.3 Conclusion

In the above discussion a brief literature review

and performance comparison in terms of device
structure and sensitivity is done along with
summary of comparison based on performance
and limitations as shown in Figure 8. It can be
concluded that sensitivity is related to various
parameters but majorly 5 parameters are
directly related to improvement in sensitivity 1)
Figure 7 (a): Schematic view of Dielectric Device size and structure 2) material used to
Modulated L-shaped Gate Field Effect make device 3) Oxide thickness and gate length
Transistor based Biosensor [13] 4) position of cavity and fill factor 5)
subthreshold characteristic and drain current.
Although TFET based devices are free from
short channel effects but there are another
factors that are of high concern like ambipolar
conductivity, steric hindrance, fabrication
complexity and precise biasing condition. This
review analyzed various biosensors and
therefore different structures has been proposed
to make device more sensitive having quick
response time but still various parameters could
Figure 7 (b): ID-VG characteristics at different be studied for further improvement in
dielectric constant [13] Biosensing application to be able to work in real
time as biosensor. This study further concluded
that Dielectric modulated L-shaped TFET [11]
based biosensors achieved good range of
sensitivity as compared to all the previously
designed biosensors.

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