Tunnel Field Effect Transistor Based Biosensors For Detection of Biomolecules: A Review
Tunnel Field Effect Transistor Based Biosensors For Detection of Biomolecules: A Review
Tunnel Field Effect Transistor Based Biosensors For Detection of Biomolecules: A Review
Biomolecules: A Review
Rishika Sen, Cherry Bhargava
Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India
This manuscript presents brief review on Tunnel Field Effect Transistor based Biosensor from
initial phase to currently used Tunnel field Effect Transistors for biosensing application. TFET
based Biosensors have gained attention due to phenomenal properties such as high sensitivity,
low cost, and ability to detect label-free biomolecules. Conventional Field Effect Transistors
have lots of advantages as biosensors in comparison to other biosensors but there exist various
limitations on subthreshold swing where (SS>60 mv/decade), various short channel effects
reduced the device sensitivity leading to restriction in using it as biosensors. For improving
various research is going on so that scientists can find a way out to make a device overcoming
all the disadvantages faced by previously developed biosensor made by different transistor
devices. This manuscript aims to clearly distinguish between different TFET Biosensors based
on their working and sensitivity parameters to provide better insights to the researchers to
further carry on the research for making more reliable and advance Biosensors.
Keywords 1
Biosensor, TFET, sensitivity
1. Introduction
Biological analytes are hard to detect based
In this emerging world, where science has on their intrinsic properties, they need
made so much progress scientists try hard to labels such as enzymes, radioactive molecules
find solutions to every problem. The recent attach with the analyte for detection and it was
problem such as COVID pandemic has a drawback as label-based detection are
disrupted people lives and such problem was expensive and also time-consuming. On the
also seen a couple of years ago when smallpox other hand, label-free detection does not require
was introduced therefore these issues are never- labels to facilitate measurements because they
ending, Biosensors are the advancement of use intrinsic physical properties such as charge,
technology for such issues giving precise way size, dielectric permittivity, etc to detect the
to deal with the discovery of biomolecules [1]. presence of biomolecules in a cheaper sample
Usually, a biosensor consists of two and time- saving. These ideal qualities of label-
components: a recognition element (molecular) free biosensors spread their applications in
known as a receptor and target analytes like numerous zones like the clinical field for
DNA, antibodies, cells, and a transducer to beginning phase location of biomolecules,
convert the information into a measurable conveyance of medications, food handling,
quantity. natural observing, security, and observation. A
Biosensor is a device that produces an electrical
signal from the biophysical response. The
2. References