1 s2.0 S2352710224001128 Main
1 s2.0 S2352710224001128 Main
1 s2.0 S2352710224001128 Main
Keywords: The Mediterranean basin is projected to experience the most significant effects of global warming
Building shape in Europe. As climate change intensifies, resulting in hotter and lengthier summers, there will be a
S/V substantial rise in the demand for cooling systems. This study investigates the influence of the
Climate change surface-to-volume ratio (S/V) in mitigating the impact of climate change on energy performance
Resilience in Italian buildings, highlighting its often-overlooked status in current research and methodolo
Energy Policy
gies. Three different S/V ratio are considered to evaluate the building thermal performance (EPtot,
Thermal performance index
nd) in compliance with the main Italian energy policies (issued in 2005, 2015, 2020) and three
different representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios. The investigation encompasses
all national climate zones in Italy. Results vary in relation to national climate zone (from A to F)
and standards considered. When comparing EPtot,nd values in 2030 to the ones of 2050 and 2070,
hot regions (Zones A, B and C) show an increase in EPtot,nd, reaching a maximum of 20 %, with
minimal differences in almost every scenario. The climate zone D displays a varied behavior in
EPtot,nd demand, with a trend of reduction for smaller S/V ratios. In climatic zone E, the EPtot,nd
demand varies; if there is an increase compared to 2030, it is slight (up to 10 %), and this increase
is further mitigated with a low S/V ratio. The cold climate zone F shows a slight reduction in the
demand for EPtot,nd in 2050 and 2070, compared to the values required in 2030.
Ar Argon -
Bsh Hot semi-arid climate -
BSk Cold semi-arid climate -
Cfa Humid subtropical climate -
Cfb Temperate oceanic climate -
Cfc Subpolar oceanic climate -
Csa Hot-summer Mediterranean climate -
Csb Warm-summer Mediterranean climate -
d Day -
D Total number of days -
D.D. Degree Days -
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P.M. Congedo).
Received 11 September 2023; Received in revised form 29 December 2023; Accepted 12 January 2024
Available online 14 January 2024
2352-7102/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
C. Baglivo et al. Journal of Building Engineering 84 (2024) 108544
1. Introduction
The building sector constitutes over a third of global energy consumption, with many existing structures recognized for their high
energy demands [1,2]. Buildings worldwide consume 40 % of energy and contribute 30 % of greenhouse gas emissions, with a sig
nificant environmental impact [3]. Efforts to enhance energy efficiency in buildings remain crucial, given their consumption of about a
third of the world’s primary energy resources.
Climate change, driven by human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, demands urgent global action, including emission reduction,
enhanced energy efficiency, and sustainable practices. Buildings play a pivotal role in emissions and should prioritize energy efficiency
through incentives, certifications, and sustainable standards to combat climate change, lower energy expenses, and foster sustain
ability [4–6].
Considering that buildings act as interface between the external and internal environments, providing safety and comfort to oc
cupants, it is evident that climate change will significantly and deeply affect this sector [7], determining a higher demand for cooling
and reduced need for heating [8]. The Mediterranean basin is projected to experience the most significant effects of global warming in
Europe [9].
As climate change intensifies, resulting in hotter and lengthier summers, there will be a substantial rise in the demand for cooling
systems, especially in densely populated areas [10]. Regrettably, despite evidence of climate change impact on buildings and energy
systems [11], many energy analyses continue to prioritize current climate conditions, disregarding future climate scenarios.
C. Baglivo et al. Journal of Building Engineering 84 (2024) 108544
L-shaped, U-shaped, H-shaped, and T-shaped) to analyze their impact on shading and optimize solar exposure and energy efficiency.
Kocagil et al. [24] examined the impact of building shape and settlement structure on heating and cooling loads in traditional
houses within a representative city in Turkey’s hot-dry climate zone. By analyzing the design parameters, the study reveals the cor
relation between building form, settlement structure, and energy loads.
AlAnzi et al. [25] evaluated the impact of building shape on energy efficiency in Kuwaiti buildings. Through a comprehensive
parametric analysis, it is found that building shape predominantly affects total energy consumption through three key factors:
compactness, window-to-wall aspect ratio, and glazing type based on solar thermal gain coefficient.
2. Methodology
Seventeen Italian locations, belonging to distinct climatic zones, were selected. The identification of the locations was based on
both national classifications and the Köppen-Geiger classification zones. In designing the envelope of the buildings under examination,
three different Italian regulatory limits were considered, according to Legislative Decree 192/2005 (L.D. 192/2005), Ministerial
Decree of June 26, 2015 (M.D. June 26, 2015), and Ministerial Decree of August 6, 2020 (M.D. August 06, 2020). Additionally, the
envelope performance was calculated considering thermal performance indices for the years 2030, 2050, and 2070, each with respect
to three different RCP scenarios (2.6, 4.5, and 8.5). The S/V values, used as the basis for the construction of the buildings in question,
were taken from the Ministerial Decree of June 26, 2015 (D.M. June 26, 2015).
Tb,hs is the indoor temperature
Te,h is the exthernal temperature
d is the day
D is the total number of days.
Italy is divided into six climatic zones, denoted by the letters A to F, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Italian climate zones and relative Heating Degree Days value.
A HDD ≤600
B 600< HDD ≤900
C 900< HDD ≤1400
D 1400< HDD ≤2100
E 2100< HDD ≤3000
F HDD >3000
C. Baglivo et al. Journal of Building Engineering 84 (2024) 108544
thermal characteristics, and energy parameters of the building under consideration. The transmittance limits for the reference building
aligned with those effective from January 1, 2019, for public buildings and from January 1, 2021, for residential buildings.
The most recent decree, M.D. August 06, 2020, specified limit values for tax renovation deductions in residential buildings,
exhibiting a notable reduction in comparison with L.D. 192/2005 and M.D. June 26, 2015. Table 2 shows the thermal transmittance
limits (Ulim) imposed by the three different regulations for each climate zone.
As stated by Congedo et al., strategic envelope design can effectively regulate internal temperatures in Mediterranean buildings
without relying on cooling systems [31].
Table 2
Thermal transmittance limits imposed by the three different regulations.
C. Baglivo et al. Journal of Building Engineering 84 (2024) 108544
As shown in Fig. 2, three cubic-shaped reference buildings with different surface-to-volume ratios were analysed. The construction
of the study’s buildings adhered to values ensuring surface-to-volume (S/V) ratios closely aligned with those specified in the national
Ministerial Decree of June 26, 2015.
The materials of which the envelope is composed are the same for all three buildings. Table 3 presents the thermal characteristics of
each layer. The provided information includes the thickness (t), thermal conductivity (λ), and density (ρ) of each layer within the
opaque envelope. To achieve the required transmittance values specified by the three regulatory limits, only the insulation thickness
(EPS) has been adjusted. The range of thickness variations (d) is indicated in yellow. The thermal transmittance of the floor on the
ground has been calculated using the analytical method suggested by the UNI 11300–1:2014 [38]. In particular, the floor is built
directly on a gravel soil of thermal conductivity of 2 W/mK.
The insulation thickness of the opaque envelope, the characteristics of the windows, and consequently the stationary thermal
transmittance (Uset), are determined for each climate zone in order to closely align with the thermal transmittance limits (Ulim)
imposed by the three regulations (reported in Table 2) for each respective climate zone, as detailed in Table 4. The window design
C. Baglivo et al. Journal of Building Engineering 84 (2024) 108544
Table 3
Thermal characteristics of opaque envelope.
aligns with Article 5 of the Italian Ministerial Decree of 1975, ensuring adequate natural lighting for rooms in dwellings except for
specific areas like bathrooms and corridors. Window size of each living space complies to maintain an average daylight factor of at least
2%, with the operable window area set at a minimum of 1/8 of the floor area for the entire building. The study focused on design
elements, excluding manual operations like opening and closing blinds, which are individual preferences. Automatic closure of blinds
at night for 12 h followed guidelines recommended by UNI TS 11300-1 [38] for residential buildings, implemented uniformly across all
locations. Table 4 summarizes the characteristics of the windows used.
Table 5 reports a summary of the specifications for the transparent envelope, in terms of.
• cavity gas options: Argon (Ar) or Krypton (Kr)
• glass stratigraphy: single (1), double (2), or triple (3) glazing
• number of air chambers in the frame
• variations in glass coating (normal or Low-e), "low-e 1″ denotes treatment on the outer side of the inner glass, while "low-e 2″
signifies treatment on both the outer side of the inner glass and the inner side of the outer glass.
The calculation of the free internal gains and thermal performance indices are carried out according to UNI TS 11300-1 [38].
Energy analyses are conducted utilizing the certified software simulation tool Termolog 13 [39]. This software is widely employed in
the realm of research [40,41], and it is widely used by Italian designers for conducting thermal certifications and energy performance
assessments of buildings [42,43]. The Italian Thermo-technical Committee (CTI) acknowledges and officially certifies the utilization of
this software.
Table 4
Characteristics of the windows.
C. Baglivo et al. Journal of Building Engineering 84 (2024) 108544
Table 5
Envelope settings for each climate zone and regulation.
Climate Zones Regulations Insulation thickness set Features of windows set Uset [W/m2K]
Wall Roof Floor Cavity gas N. of Glass N. chambers Coating Wall Roof Floor Window
C. Baglivo et al. Journal of Building Engineering 84 (2024) 108544
The evaluation of building performance, under various conditions and climatic scenarios, has been conducted based on thermal
performance indices [kWh/m2], namely.
• EPh,nd: Heating thermal performance index [kWh/m2]
• EPc,nd: Cooling thermal performance index [kWh/m2]
• EPtot,nd: Total energy performance index[kWh/m2]
• for Lampedusa, buildings constructed under the L.D. 192/2005 show a reduction of approximately 47 % in EPh,nd between S/V of
0.75 and 0.35 for all years, while the ones constructed under M.D. June 26, 2015 and M.D. August 06, 2020 result in an increase in
EPh,nd for all year. Porto Empedocle experiences consistent reductions in EPh,nd for all years and all regulations, between the S/V of
0.75 and 0.35. The greatest decrease occurring in the L.D. 192/2005 regulation in 2030, representing a 51.75 % reduction between
the S/V of 0.75 and 0.35. The variations between S/V ratio of 0.55 and S/V ratio of 0.35 are less pronounced for both locations.
• Significant reductions in EPc,nd values are observed for both locations when comparing S/V of 0.75 and 0.35 across all three
regulations, with the most substantial reductions of 72.19 % in Lampedusa, for buildings constructed under the M.D. August 06,
2020 in 2070, and of 73 % in Porto Empedocle, for buildings constructed under the M.D. June 26, 2015 in 2030. The differences
between the S/V ratios of 0.55 and 0.35 are less conspicuous.
• Significant reductions in EPtot,nd value are observed for both locations when comparing S/V ratios of 0.75 and 0.35 across all three
regulations and for each year.
C. Baglivo et al. Journal of Building Engineering 84 (2024) 108544
• Regarding EPh,nd, when comparing the values obtained with S/V of 0.75 and S/V of 0.35, a reduction is observed for all cases. The
most substantial reduction is obtained for the L.D. 192/2005 case in the year 2030 (47.24 %).
• Similarly, the EPc,nd also tends to decrease when comparing the results obtained with S/V of 0.75 and S/V ratio of 0.35 for all three
regulations. The most significant reduction (71.56 %) is observed in the comparison between the S/V values of 0.75 and 0.35 for the
M.D. August 06, 2020 in the year 2030.
• significant reductions in EPtot,nd value are observed when comparing S/V ratios of 0.75 and 0.35 across all three regulations and for
each year.
• regarding the EPh,nd, when considering the values with S/V of 0.75 and 0.35, a significant reduction in its value is observed. The
most pronounced reduction is obtained for the year 2030, considering the L.D. 192/2005 for all cities considered (50.65 % for
Ferrara, 48.54 % for L’Aquila, 49.49 % for Arezzo, 51.40 % for Lagonegro).
• For the EPc,nd as well, considering the values with S/V of 0.75 and 0.35, a significant reduction in its value is obtained for all
regulations. For Ferrara, the greatest reduction is obtained in the year 2030, considering a building constructed according to the M.
D. June 26, 2015 regulation. For L’Aquila and Arezzo, the highest values are achieved for the M.D. August 06, 2020 regulation in
the year 2030 (with values of 72.50 % and 74.72 % respectively). For Lagonegro, the most substantial reduction is obtained for the
year 2030, considering the L.D. 192/2005 regulation (88.97 %).
C. Baglivo et al. Journal of Building Engineering 84 (2024) 108544
• In relation to EPh,nd, a substantial reduction is observed when comparing S/V of 0.75 and 0.35. The most significant decrease is
obtained for the year 2030, adhering to the L.D. 192/2005 regulation, for all cities considered (48.06 % for Belluno, 50.85 % for
Fenestrelle, 51.92 % for Asiago, 50.59 % for Tarvisio).
• For the EPc,nd as well, considering the values with S/V of 0.75 and 0.35, a significant reduction in its value is obtained for all
regulations. For Belluno and Fenestrelle, the most substantial reduction is observed in 2030, considering buildings constructed
according to the M.D. August 06, 2020 (78.47 % and 91.11 % respectively). For Asiago, the highest values are obtained for the M.D.
June 26, 2015 in 2030. For Tarvisio, the most substantial reduction is obtained in 2030, adhering to the L.D. 192/2005 regulation
(88.67 %).
• Significant reductions in EPtot,nd value are observed when comparing S/V of 0.75 and 0.35 across all three regulations and for each
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C. Baglivo et al. Journal of Building Engineering 84 (2024) 108544
an increase of EPtot,nd over the years. In light orange is indicated a slight increase (between 0 and 10 %), in orange is indicated a large
increase (i.e. greater than 10 %). In light green is indicated a slight decrease (between 0 and -10 %), in green is indicated a large
decrease (i.e. less than − 10 %).
C. Baglivo et al. Journal of Building Engineering 84 (2024) 108544
Table 6
Percentage variations of EPtot,nd from 2020 to 2030, 2050 and 2070 for zones Csa and Csb.
In general, it is observed that buildings with an S/V ratio of 0.35 compared to other S/V ratios show less variation in EPtot,nd over
time. Buildings with lower S/V ratios are less affected by climate change.
In accordance with Italian classification, climate zones A and B show an increasing trend of EPtot,nd, particularly for an S/V ratio of
0.75 where the highest increments are recorded. In these climatic zones, buildings with an S/V of 0.35, constructed according to LD
192/2005, are more resilient to climate change. In climate zones C and D, a complex pattern is shown. In general, that buildings with
C. Baglivo et al. Journal of Building Engineering 84 (2024) 108544
Table 7
Percentage variations of EPtot,nd from 2020 to 2030, 2050 and 2070 for zones BSh and BSk.
S/V of 0.35 coherent with L.D. 192/2005 present the best behaviour. In climate zones E and F, there is a notable improvement for all
the scenarios considered, offering a significant chance of advancement and, as a result, leading to a reduction in EPtot,nd.
Considering the Koppen-Geiger classification, BSh zone has the largest increases in EPtot,nd compared to 2030 over the years. In
particular, there are increases of well over 10 % for the RCP 8.5 scenario. The BSk zone also shows increases in EPtot,nd for most
scenarios, but there is a smaller percentage change than that shown for the BSh climate zone. For the Csa climate zone, an increase in
EPtot,nd is noted for all scenarios. the only exceptions to this behavior are the cities of Rome and Arezzo, which show reductions in EPtot,
nd. In particular, Arezzo shows the greatest reduction for the S/V ratio 0.35. Porto Empedocle and Syracuse present a deteriorations in
EP for S/V 0.75. Cfa and Cfb show a mixed trend. The largest increases occur for S/V ratio 0.75. Cfc presents a decrease in Cfc values for
almost all scenarios considered. The lowest values are reached considering L.D. 192/2005 with S/V ratio 0.35. Considering climate
zones Dfb and Dfc, a decrease in EPtot,nd values is evident. For S/V equal to 0.35 there are the greatest reductions in EPtot,nd especially
considering buildings constructed according to M.D. August 06, 2020. Dfc shows few exceptions to this decreasing trend for S/V values
of 0.75.
In consideration of climatic zones A through F, distinct trends emerge regarding the influence of the Surface-to-Volume (S/V) ratio
and adherence to regulatory frameworks on EPtot,nd variations. Notably, in zone A, minor EPtot,nd variations are evident in structures
with an S/V ratio of 0.35, constructed in accordance with the L.D. 192/2005 regulation. Similarly, in zone B, the least EPtot,nd variation
is observed in buildings with S/V ratios of 0.55 and 0.35, conforming to the M.D. August 26, 2015 and L.D. 192/2005 regulations,
respectively. Zone C exhibits analogous EPtot,nd variations for S/V ratios of 0.55 under L.D. 192/2005 and 0.35 conforming to both L.D.
192/2005 and M.D. August 26, 2020 regulations. Considering the cost-effectiveness, construction in compliance with L.D. 192/2005
emerges as a prudent choice for designers. Furthermore, in zones D and E, the minor EPtot,nd variations are apparent in structures
featuring S/V ratios of 0.75 and 0.35, respectively, conforming to the L.D. 192/2005 regulation. Zone F showcases minor EPtot,nd
variations with an S/V ratio of 0.35, aligning with the L.D. 192/2005 regulation. This analysis underscores the impracticality of
pursuing hyper-insulation in buildings. While seemingly beneficial for climate resilience, such an approach often proves costly and
fails to ensure effective adaptation to climatic shifts.
4. Conclusions
This research emphasizes the crucial role of building envelope design in achieving energy efficiency, particularly under the in
fluence of climate change. It highlights that a reduction in the steady-state thermal transmittance value (U) of the building envelope
might not necessarily result in a decrease in energy performance, especially when considering future climatic conditions.
The study investigates the often-ignored surface-to-volume ratio (S/V) in Italian buildings, assessing its impact on the resilience of
buildings constructed according to three different Italian regulations, which have progressively imposed lower U-values over time. The
analysis encompasses all climatic locations in Italy, falling under both national and international Köppen-Geiger climate classification.
Three distinct Italian regulatory standards were considered: Legislative Decree 192/2005 (L.D. 192/2005), Ministerial Decree of
June 26, 2015 (M.D. June 26, 2015), and Ministerial Decree of August 6, 2020 (M.D. August 06, 2020). Additionally, the assessment of
envelope performance involved the calculation of thermal performance indices for the years 2030, 2050, and 2070, relative to three
different RCP scenarios (2.6, 4.5, and 8.5).
The study, aiming for effective comparisons across diverse locations, opted for a consistent building model across locations with
reinforced concrete insulated walls. This model, resilient to harsh weather conditions and cost-effective, is a common choice for
C. Baglivo et al. Journal of Building Engineering 84 (2024) 108544
Table 8
Percentage variations of EPtot,nd from 2020 to 2030, 2050 and 2070 for zones Cfa, Cfb and Cfc.
designers across many Italian climate zones, ensuring a secure and comfortable living environment. Focusing on the building envelope
without air conditioning, it is designed to meet energy regulation limits for each climate zone. The simplicity of the building type
allows for broad comparisons with other regional structures, offering trends that can serve as a benchmark for similar constructions.
Three cubic-shaped reference buildings, each with distinct surface-to-volume ratios, are used in the analysis. These structures align
closely with the S/V ratios specified in the national Ministerial Decree of June 26, 2015.
C. Baglivo et al. Journal of Building Engineering 84 (2024) 108544
Table 9
Percentage variations of EPtot,nd from 2020 to 2030, 2050 and 2070 for zone Dfb and Dfc.
The evaluation of building performance under diverse conditions and climatic scenarios was carried out using thermal performance
The findings display variations across national climate zones (ranging from A to F) and the considered standards. When comparing
EPtot,nd values between 2030, 2050, and 2070, hot regions (Zones A, B, and C) demonstrate an increase in EPtot,nd, reaching up to a
maximum of 20 %, with minimal differences across most scenarios. Zone D showcases diverse EPtot,nd behaviours, indicating a ten
dency for reduction with smaller S/V ratios.
In climatic zone E, the EPtot,nd demand fluctuates; any increase compared to 2030 is slight (up to 10 %), which is further mitigated
with a lower S/V ratio. The cold climate zone F presents a slight decrease in EPtot,nd demand in 2050 and 2070 compared to the
demands in 2030.
Summarizing, the U value represents the rate of heat transfer through a building element. A lower U value indicates better insu
lation. Changing the U value can directly impact energy efficiency. The S/V ratio influences the amount of surface area exposed to
external conditions relative to the internal volume. It affects the overall heat gain or loss. High S/V ratios may lead to more significant
thermal losses. A change in one factor could potentially compensate for the other. For instance, increasing insulation (lowering U
value) might compensate for a higher S/V ratio, reducing overall heat loss. It is necessary to adapt regulations to consider both U-
values and S/V ratios to comprehensively address energy efficiency according to the climatic zone.
In conclusion, a holistic approach that considers U values, S/V ratios, and urban form is crucial for effective energy-efficient
building design and urban planning. Recommendations for policymakers and designers should focus on creating a balance between
insulation, form, and urban development to achieve sustainable and energy-efficient built environments under climate changes.
This research received no external funding.
C. Baglivo et al. Journal of Building Engineering 84 (2024) 108544
Data availability
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