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Year Degree/Exam Institute CGPA/Marks
2025 B.TECH IIT Kharagpur 8.07 / 10
2021 APBIE Sri Chaitanya Junior College,Vijayawada 93.8%
2019 APBSE Dr.KKR's Gowtham High School,Gudivada 9.8 / 10

Software Development Intern | Siemens EDA [May'24-Jul'24]

• Transformed Clock simulation from hardware to software for more efficient chip emulation at Siemens EDA
• Utilized the Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm to identify recurring patterns in clock signals for enhanced performance
• Grouped clocks based on the mathematical correlation between their frequencies such that simulation is optimal
• Deploying this application would reduce the computation load on the emulator, enhancing performance and speed

Algorithmic Trading Platform | Project under Prof. Dripto Bakshi [Aug'24-Present]

• Developed a model to predict daily stock/asset behavior using Time Series modeling and the Backtrader library
• Identified and selected critical variables with substantial impact to significantly improve prediction accuracy
• Aiming to enhance the model to estimate stock prices separately for morning and afternoon trading sessions

Movie Recommendation System Integrated with GUI | Algozenith Hackathon [Dec'22-Jan'23]

• Implemented diverse Recommendation Systems tailored to input types,delivering targeted recommendations
• Achieved RMSE~0.9 and MAE~0.7 with Colloborative Filtering Algorithm implemented using Python Surprise Library
• Designed and Implemented GUI using Python Tkinter Library and integrated it with movie recommendation systems

DSA Companion | Search Engine [Jun'23]

• Developed a Search engine that searches for DSA problems in Leetcode and displays the top 20 searches
• Efficiently scrapped over 1600 problems using tools like Beautiful Soup and Selenium Web Driver from LeetCode
• Applied TF-IDF algorithm to rank which documents in a corpus are most relevant to the input given by the user
• Built a Flask-based webpage for user input search,showing the relevant question links directing to Leetcode

AI & Metaverse Head | KodeinKGP: Technology Web3.0 Society [May'23-Apr'24]

• Collaborated on a Web3.0 Summer Workshop with Lumos Labs, attracting 600+ student participants from IIT KGP
• Coordinated and led a campus-wide hackathon during National Science Week, targeting student-related challenges,
successfully engaging over 250 participants and resulting in development of more than 15 impactful projects
• Promoted the widespread adoption of technology and frameworks in AI and the Metaverse through engaging
seminars, hands-on workshops, dynamic hackathons, and deeply insightful articles addressing diverse topics
Programming Languages: Proficient: C,C++,Python3 | Intermediate: HTML, CSS, Bash | Familiar: JavaScript, Verilog,
Assembly,MATLAB | Libraries/Frameworks : Proficient: Standard Template Library, OOPs | Familiar: Numpy, Pandas,
Tensorflow, Scikit learn, Matplotlib, ReactJS, Flask, Selenium, Beautiful Soup, Surprise,Backtrader
Software and Tools: Git and Github | Visual Studio Code | Vim Text Editor | LTSpice XVII
Mathematics and Computing: Artificial Intelligence Foundation and Applications | Linear Algebra for AI and ML |
Computer Architecture and Operating Systems | *Programming and Data Structures | Algorithms-1 Laboratory |
Probability and Statistics | Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis | Advanced Calculus
Other: *Control Systems | *Embedded Systems | *Power Systems Engineering | *Electric Machines | *Digital Signal
Processing | *Analog Electronics | *Digital Electronics | *Power Electronics | Entrepreneurship Essentials
*Indicates courses with Laboratory Component


• Stood in top 0.4% in Joint Entrance Examination-Mains 2021 among over 1 million students
• Stood in top 2% in Joint Entrance Examination-Advanced 2021 among over 0.2 million students
• Sports and Games: Won Bronze medal in 4*100 men's relay, competed in 800m and 5k men's running races in GC
• Voulenteering: Served as Student Voulenteer in National Service Scheme, IIT Kharagpur for 2 years, also Conducted
various discussions and participated in awareness drives on Mental Health Issues and Sex Education in Malma Village
!Self declared by the student, CDC could not verify the relevant documents

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