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Sound Worksheet 9th Phy

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Physics worksheet (Sound- IX)

Sound → This process is continued in the medium till

sound reaches our ears.
Sound is a form of energy which makes us hear.
→ The disturbance produced by sound travels
→ Law of conservation of energy is also
through the medium (not the particles of the
applicable to sound.
Production of Sound
→ Sound is produced when object vibrates or Wave- Wave is a disturbance which travels
sound is produced by vibrating objects. through a medium and carries energy.

→ So sound travels in wave form known as

mechanical waves.

• When a body vibrates then it compresses the

Example: Sound of our voice is produced by
air surrounding it and form a area of high
vibration of two vocal cords in our throat.
density called compression (C).
Sound can be produced by following
→ Compression is the part of wave in which
particles of the medium are closer to one
(i) By vibrating string (sitar) another forming high pressure.

(ii) By vibrating air (flute) → This compression move away from the
vibrating body.
(iii) By vibrating membrane (table, drum)
• When vibrating body vibrates back a area of
(iv) By vibrating plates (bicycle bell)
low pressure is formed called rarefaction (R).
(v) By friction in objects Rarefaction is the area of wave in which
(vi) By scratching or scrubbing the objects etc particles of the medium are further apart from
one another forming a low pressure or low
Propogation of Sound
density area.
→ The substance through which sound travels is
Sound Waves as Longitudinal Waves
called a medium.
• A wave in which the particles of the medium
→ The medium may be solid, liquid or gas.
vibrate back and forth in the same direction in
→ When an object vibrates, then the air particles which the wave is moving, is called a
around it also start vibrating in exactly the same longitudinal wave.
way and displaced from their stable position.

→ These vibrating air particles exert a force on

nearby air particles so they are also displaced
from their rest position and start to vibrate.

• The distance travelled by a wave in one

second is called velocity of the wave.

• Its SI unit is metre per second (ms-1).

Velocity = Distance travelled/Time taken

Characterstics of wave:-
⇒ v = λ/T
Factors affecting speed of sound
→ The distance between the centres of two
consecutive compressions or two consecutive 1. Nature of medium- Speed of sound depends
rarefactions is also called its wavelength. on the nature of material through which it
travels. It is slowest in gases, faster in
It is denoted by the Greek letter lamda (λ). Its SI
unit is metre liquids and fastest in solids.
2. Temperature -Speed of sound increases with
the rise in temperature.
3. Humidity- speed of sound increases with
- Speed of light is faster than speed of sound.
→ In air, speed of sound is 344 ms-1 at 22ºC.
No. of complete waves produced in one second
or number of vibrations per second is called Characterstics of Sound wave:-
• Pitch: The pitch of sound depends on the
The SI unit of frequency is hertz (Hz). The frequency of sound (vibration).
symbol of frequency is v (nu).
→ It is directly proportional to its frequency.
• 1 Hertz: One Hz is equal to 1 vibration per Greater the frequency, higher is the pitch and
second lesser the frequency, lower is the pitch.

Time Period → A woman’s voice is shrill having a high pitch

while a man’s voice is flat having low pitch.
→ Time taken to complete one vibration is called
time period. Loudness: The loudness depends on the
amplitude of the sound wave.
• SI unit of time period is second (s). Time
period is denoted by T. → Loudness is the measure of the sound energy
reaching the ear per sec.
• The frequency of a wave is the reciprocal of
the time period. → Greater the amplitude of sound wave, greater
is the energy, louder the sound; short is the
• v = 1/T
amplitude, less is the energy, soft is the sound.
→ Loudness is measured in decibel ‘dB’.
→ The maximum displacement of the particle of
Quality or Timbre:
the medium from their original undisturbed
position is called amplitude of the wave. → It helps us to distinguish between two sounds
of same pitch & loudness
-Amplitude is denoted by A and its SI unit is
metre (m). Reflection of Sound
sound in a particular direction without
spreading all around.
(ii) Sound Board-
The soundboard works on the multiple
reflection of sound.
→ Like light, sound also bounce back when it
falls on a hard surface. It is called reflection of iii) The ceiling of concert halls are made curved,
sound. so that sound after reflection from ceiling,
reaches all the parts of the hall.
• The laws of reflection of light are obeyed
during reflection of sound. Audible sound

(i) The incident sound wave, the The sound which we can hear is known as
reflected sound wave and normal at audible sound.
the point of incidence lie in the same
Range of Hearing
(ii) Angle of reflection of sound is always (i) Range of hearing in human is 20 Hz to
equal to the angle of incidence of 20000 Hz.
sound. → Children younger than 5 years and dogs can
hear upto 25 KHz.
(ii) The sounds of frequencies lower than 20 Hz
• The repetition of sound caused by the are known as ‘infrasonic sounds’.
reflection of sound waves is called an echo.
Inaudible sound
→ We can hear echo when there is a time gap of
The sound which we cannot hear is known as
0.1 second in original sound and echo
inaudible sound.
(reflected sound).
i) Infra sound
ii) Ultrasound
• The persistence of sound in a big hall due to Infra sound -sounds of frequency below 20
repeated reflection of sound from the walls, hertz are called infra sound or infrasonic sound.
ceiling and floor of the hall is called
Sound waves with frequencies higher than
Methods to reduce reverberation
20000Hz (upper audible limit of human hearing)
In big halls or auditoriums are called ultrasound.

→ Panels made of felt or compressed fibre board Applications:

are put on walls and ceiling to absorb sound.
In objects with parts that are difficult to reach,
→ Heavy curtains are put on doors and windows. for example, spiral tubes and electronic
components, the process of ultrasonic cleaning
→ Carpets are put on the floor.
is used.
→ Seats are made of material having sound
absorbing properties.

Applications of Reflection of Sound

(i) Megaphone, loudspeakers, bulb horns and

trumpets, shehnai etc. are designed to send
1. Ultrasound is used to detect cracks in the
metallic components that are used in the
construction of high-rise structures such as
buildings and bridges.

2. Used in echocardiography.

3. Used in medical field as a diagnostic


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