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Background: The prevalence of early marriages in West Nusa Tenggara Province in 2010 was 44%, data in
West Nusa Tenggara reached 31.32%, ranking 15th out of 34 provinces (BPS, 2017). Based on the results of
2018, basic health research found three dominant factors that became the focus of BMI, SEZ and anaemia.
PMT in 2018 is 25.2% of all pregnant women. The proportion of anaemia of pregnant women in Indonesia
increased from 2013 by 37.1% to 48.9% in 2018, the age group of pregnant women the majority of anaemia
in pregnant women at the age of 15-24 years was 84.6%, the highest proportion of energy chronic deficiency
risk in the age group of 15-19 years which is 33.88%, so based on these data the researcher felt the need to
do this research. Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of adolescent pregnancy with the
incidence of anaemia, SEZ, and BMI in the city of Mataram. Method: This study used an observational
design with a cross-sectional design and a sample size of 69 with pregnant women in the city of Mataram,
using consecutive sampling techniques. The statistical test analysis used was bivariate with Chi-Square and
multivariate using logistic regression test with a significance level of 5% and 95% confidence interval.
Results: The study found no significant relationship between adolescent pregnancy with the incidence of
CED and BMI, found a substantial correlation between teenage pregnancy with the prevalence of anaemia.
Multivariate analysis results found a significant association between adolescent pregnancy and the
prevalence of anaemia by controlling parity with a value (OR = 4.27; 95% CI: 1,209-15.13).
10% is evenly distributed in all provinces of decreased to 33.5%, seen from the
Indonesia, while the distribution of child prevalence of the proportion of chronic
marriage rates above 25% is in 23 provinces energy at the age of 15-19 years has the
in Indonesia. This means that 67% of the highest number of all age groups of pregnant
areas in Indonesia are in emergency of child women. Judging from the low BMI factor, the
marriage, in NTB Province in 2010 as many as government's efforts to overcome this are by
44 young marriages reached 31.32%, ranked giving PMT to pregnant women, pregnant
15th out of 34 provinces in Indonesia. Some women who have received PMT assistance in
of the reasons that underlie this occurrence 2018 are 25.2% of all pregnant women and
include the demand for young marriage and the proportion of pregnant women gets
free sexual relations, access to education and blood-added tablets as an effort by the
work, gender inequality, sexual violence and government to overcome anemia in
the influence of the mass media and a free pregnant women, with a total proportion of
lifestyle. The increasing number of child 73.2% having received blood-added tablets.
marriages aged <18 years has the The proportion of anemia in pregnant
opportunity to increase the prevalence of women in Indonesia increased from 37.1% in
young pregnant women. Based on Riskesdas 2013 to 48.9% in 2018, the age group of
data in 2013, in Indonesia there were pregnant women with the majority of
pregnancies at a very young age, namely less anemia in pregnant women aged 15-24 years
than 15 years by 0.02% and at the age of 15- as much as 84.6% is still quite high. The
19 years at 1.97%. proportion of risk of chronic lack of energy in
Pregnant at a young age is influenced pregnant women in NTB in 2018, found 3 age
by many factors, chronic energy deficiency is groups at risk of chronic lack of energy,
a factor that can affect the health of namely the age group 15-19 years, namely
pregnant women, The results (Riskesdas, 33.88%, age 20-24 years as much as 26.86%,
2018), obtained the proportion of chronic age 25-24 years. 29 years 23.59% (Riskesdas,
energy deficiency in 2007 to 2018 in 2018). The government is trying to overcome
pregnant women aged 15-19 years, namely the occurrence of pregnancy at a young age,
31% in 2007, 38.5% in 2013, then in 2018 one of which is holding programs such as the
The results of the study based on the frequency characteristics are presented in the following
distribution of the research respondents' table:
Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Respondents Characteristics
Characteristics F %
Pregnant at a young age
Young age 13 18,8
Mature age 56 81,2
Level of education
Low 25 36,2
Tall 44 63,8
Doesn't work 42 60,9
Working 27 39,1
Family income
Low 35 50,7
Tall 34 49,3
at risk 35 50,7
No risk 34 49,3
Body mass index
at risk 0 0
No risk 69 100
Chronic energy deficiency
at risk 9 13
No risk 60 87
at risk 19 27,5
No risk 50 72,5
Based on table 4, the highest number of low energy deficiency as many as 2 respondents
young pregnant at the age of 21 years is 49 (2.9%). Then the highest incidence of anemia in
respondents (71%) in the non-risk group in the non-risk group was 31 respondents (44.9%)
cases of chronic energy deficiency, the lowest and the lowest incidence of anemia at risk was 6
number in the chronic energy deficiency group respondents (8.7%) in the low education group.
is at risk of 2 respondents (2.9%). Then the In the case of body mass index, all respondents
highest number was found in the non-risk have a body mass index that is not at risk as
anemia group as many as 44 respondents many as 44 respondents (63.8%) in the higher
(63.8%) and the lowest in the same group as education group.
many as 6 respondents (8.7%). In the case of The occupational status of the most
body mass index, the overall respondents had a respondents did not work as many as 36
body mass index that was not at risk with the respondents (52.2%) in the chronic energy
highest number of 56 respondents (81.2%) in deficiency group was not at risk, then the work
the age group during pregnancy 21 years. status in the group with the highest incidence of
The highest level of higher education is 37 anemia in the incidence of anemia was not at
respondents (53.6%) in the incidence of chronic risk as many as 30 respondents (43.5%) with the
energy deficiency is not at risk and the lowest status of not working and the lowest incidence
incidence is at low education level in chronic of anemia was at risk of 7 respondents (10.1%)
Table 3. Cross tabulation of young pregnant women with the incidence of Chronic Energy Deficiency
Chronic Energy Deficiency
Variable Risk Not Risk P OR CI 95%
n n
Pregnant at a young age
< 21 tahun 2 11 0.781 1.27 0.23-6.98
≥ 21 tahun 7 49
Level of education
Low 2 23 0.348 0.46 0.08-2.4
Tall 7 37
Doesn't work 6 36 0,702 1.33 0.3-5.85
Working 3 24
Family income
Low 6 29 0,305 2.13 0.48-9.35
Tall 3 31
at risk 5 30 0.756 1.25 0.306-5.11
No risk 4 30
Table 5. Multivariate analysis between independent variables, dependent variables and external variables
with the incidence of anemia.
Variable Model 1 Model 2
(95%CI) (95%CI)
Pregnant at a young age
- at risk 4.278
- No risk
- at risk 2.01
- No risk
N 69 69
R2 0.103 0.034
Based on the results of the above analysis, (2.9%). The results of the analysis showed a
model 1 was chosen as a good model to non-significant relationship between early
explain the relationship between early pregnancy and the incidence of chronic
pregnancy and the incidence of anemia energy deficiency with a p value of 0.78, but
because it has the largest R2 value compared when viewed from the OR value of 1.27,
to other models, which is 0.10 which can be which means that young pregnancies are at
concluded that young pregnancy contributes risk of 1.2 times for chronic energy
to the incidence of anemia by 10%. Pregnant deficiency. In line with the research
age at risk of 4.2 times have contributed to conducted (Dharma, 2019) obtained a p
the occurrence of anemia with (95% CI: 1.2- value of 0.928, which means that there is no
15.13). significant relationship between the age of
pregnant women and the incidence of
Discussion of Chronic Energy Deficiency chronic energy deficiency. Pregnancy at the
Based on table 3, the highest number age of less than 20 years is biologically not
of young pregnant at the age of 21 years is optimal, emotions tend to be still unstable,
49 respondents (71%) in the non-risk group mentally immature so that it is easy to
in cases of chronic energy deficiency, the experience shocks which result in lack of
lowest number in the chronic energy attention to meeting nutritional needs during
deficiency group is at risk of 2 respondents pregnancy. Meanwhile, at the age of more
than 35 years, it is associated with decline have education, mothers who have higher
and endurance as well as various diseases. education are expected to have high
Various studies have shown that pregnant knowledge related to daily food consumption
women aged less than 20 years and more with balanced nutrition so that they can
than 35 years tend to give birth to babies support good nutritional status. In this study,
with lower weights compared to mothers the majority of respondents were highly
aged 20-35 years. Mothers who are pregnant educated so that they could guarantee the
at the age of less than 20 years and more mother's knowledge. Nutrition knowledge is
than 35 years have a 1.4 to 1.8 times greater not only obtained through formal education
risk of giving birth to babies with low birth but can be obtained through other media,
weight compared to pregnant women at the such as electronic media, counseling, and so
age of 20-35 years (Nurhadi, 2006) on (Widita Kartikasari et al., 2013).
The highest level of higher education is The occupational status of the most
37 respondents (53.6%) in the incidence of respondents did not work as many as 36
chronic energy deficiency is not at risk and respondents (52.2%) in the chronic energy
the lowest incidence is at low education level deficiency group that was not at risk, and the
in chronic low energy deficiency as many as 2 lowest was in the working respondent as
respondents (2.9%). The results of statistical many as 3 respondents (4.3%) in the chronic
analysis obtained p value of 0.34 which energy deficiency group who was at risk.
means that there is no significant There was no significant relationship
relationship between maternal education between work and the incidence of chronic
level and the incidence of chronic energy energy deficiency with a p value of 0.7, and
deficiency, and the OR value of 0.46 which an OR value of 1.3 which means that
means that it is not statistically significant. mothers who do not work have a 1.3 times
These results are in line with research chance of chronic energy deficiency. In line
conducted (Nining Tyas Triatmaja, 2017) with with previous research, the results of the p
the results of maternal education there is no value of 0.954, this indicates that there is no
relationship with Chronic Energy Deficiency influence between workload on the
status with a p value of 0.68. Mothers who incidence of SEZ. Someone who works can
optimization of maternal and fetal health with the theory which states that the
during pregnancy. So it can be concluded younger the age of pregnant women, the
that parity of no more than 4 is not at risk of more mentally unstable they tend to be, so
experiencing interference (Manuba, 2010). In they are easily shaken and result in a lack of
line with this study, there was no strong attention to the fulfillment of nutrients
relationship because the number of associated with decreased body resistance
respondents between parity at risk and not and the emergence of various diseases
at risk had the same large number in the (Niven, 2012).
anemia group as not at risk, namely 30 The results showed that the highest
respondents. education was in the non-risk group, namely
31 respondents (44.9%) in the non-risk
Anemia Discussion
anemia group and 6 respondents (8.7%) in
Based on table 4, the results of the low-education group at risk. Based on
pregnancy at a young age of 21 years were statistical analysis, there is no significant
mostly found in the non-risk anemia group as relationship between the level of education
many as 44 respondents (63.8%) and the and the incidence of anemia, but if viewed
lowest in the same group as many as 6 from the level of occurrence, the researcher
respondents (8.7%). Maternal age during assumes that education also has an
pregnancy has a significant relationship with important influence in shaping one's
the incidence of anemia with p value = 0.018 attitudes and behavior in a positive direction,
and 0R value 4.2, which means that maternal and is closely related to one's knowledge and
age <21 years has a 4.2 times chance of understanding of something. What is needed
experiencing anemia. This result is in line in life, this is very important for pregnant
with the 2018 Aulia research conducted in women, knowledge is the initial capital for a
the Ampenan Health Center Work Area, the mother to take good care of her pregnancy,
results of statistical analysis stated that there the higher a person's education, the
was a statistically significant relationship information obtained will be selected and
between maternal age and the incidence of processed according to needs and
anemia (p value 0.017 < 0.05). In accordance understanding. On the other hand, the lower
the level of education, the lower the results of the study are in line with previous
mindset. This is supported by previous research, the results of the analysis of the
research, it was found that the highest relationship between income and the
number of education at the secondary incidence of anemia in pregnant women at
education level was 39 people (54.4%) and the Karang Anyar Health Center Semarang
the least respondents were in the higher City indicate that there is no relationship
education level category, namely 10 people between income and the incidence of
(14.7%) (Amini et al., 2018). A person's level anemia in pregnant women with a p value of
of education affects his knowledge and 0.230 (> 0.05) (Melorys Lestari
understanding of something and directs it to Purwaningtyas, 2017). In this study, it was
positive behavior, as well as health behavior, possible because the respondent had
so it can be said that the higher a person's experienced pregnancy and learned from
education, the better the level of knowledge experience by doing it and was unable to
about anemia. On the other hand, the lower perform ANC, so the symptoms of anemia
the level of education, the lower the mindset were most likely not detected. Income
so that the absorption of information also affects the choice of food which will be a
decreases (Hidayah & Anasari, 2012). preventive effort such as consuming
Occupational status in the group with nutritious food and consuming iron.
the highest incidence of anemia in the Non-risk parity had the highest
incidence of anemia is not at risk of 30 incidence in the non-risk anemia group,
respondents (43.5%) with non-working namely 27 respondents (39.1%) and the
status and the lowest incidence of anemia is lowest in the non-risky parity group as many
at risk of 7 respondents (10.1%) in the group as 7 respondents (10.1%) in the anemia risk
of working mothers. group. Based on statistical results, there was
The majority of high family incomes in no significant relationship between parity
the anemia group are not at risk as many as and the incidence of anemia in pregnant
26 respondents (37.7%) and the lowest in the women. This result is supported by previous
same income group are 8 respondents research conducted by Purwaningtyas and
(11.6%) in the anemia group at risk. The Prameswari (2017) which found that there
was no significant relationship between the experience and maturity of thinking for
parity and the incidence of anemia in fulfilling nutrition during pregnancy is good,
pregnant women. This shows that pregnant productive ages have easy access to find
women who have never given birth to information to anticipate a body mass index
children at all or are the first pregnancy that is lacking during pregnancy.
determine the possibility of anemia. In this In the case of body mass index, all
study it is possible because most of the respondents have a body mass index that is
respondents have a higher education level, not at risk as many as 44 respondents
namely 31 respondents (44.9%) so that in (63.8%) in the higher education group. In the
this study respondents who have parity at case of body mass index, the total
risk have the opportunity to have higher respondents have a body mass index that is
education so that knowledge about the not at risk as many as 42 respondents
prevention and impact of anemia on (60.9%) in the group of respondents who do
pregnant women will be better. not work. All respondents in this study had a
body mass index that was not at risk with the
Body Mass Index Discussion highest incidence of 35 respondents (50.7%)
The results of the study were pregnant in low family incomes. All respondents in this
at a young age with the incidence of body study had a body mass index that was not at
mass index obtained. In the incidence of risk with the highest incidence of 35
body mass index, the overall respondents respondents (50.7%) at risk parity. On the
had a body mass index that was not at risk body mass index variable, further statistical
with the highest number of 56 respondents analysis cannot be carried out because all
(81.2%) in the age group during pregnancy respondents are in the body mass index
21 years. Based on the analysis of the group that is not at risk, so there is no
occurrence of dominant events at the age of comparison.
pregnant women who are not at risk, so that
Based on the results of the study, there
was no significant relationship between early PUSKESMAS AMPENAN. Midwifery
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