Quick and Easy Crochet Volume 5 Issue 2 Incomplete
Quick and Easy Crochet Volume 5 Issue 2 Incomplete
Quick and Easy Crochet Volume 5 Issue 2 Incomplete
v With easy-to-follow instructions >
"*=='■'" .. *
Lace Border
Classic Coat
for Spring
Volume V, Issue 2 March/April 1990
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Valerie Kurita
Shown on page 35
Row 1, when working long sc sc, finish row. C 1, turn. Row 2:
insert hook under both of next Work in pat to within last
long sc and complete 1 long sc. 8(9-11-12-12-15) sc. Fasten off.
Row 31: Work 1 sc in each of
first 7 sc, * 1 long sc around LEFT FRONT—For Sizes A/B,
long sc directly below, 1 sc in E/F and H/I Only: Work as for
each of next 13 sc; repeat from Right Front, reversing all shaping.
* across, ending with 7(l-7-l-7-l) For Sizes C/D, G and J Only:
sc. Ch 1, turn. Row 32: Work 1 sc Work as for Right Front, revers¬
in each sc across. Ch 1, turn. ing all shaping, except work
Repeat last 2 rows until piece mea- Diamond Stitch Pattern by
ures same as back to underarm, working the first 8 sts in pat as
end with a right side row. detailed here, then follow the
Shape Armhole—Row 1 instructions for the correspond- j
(wrong side): Work 1 si st in ing row as on Right Front, work-
each of next 3(3-4-6-6-6) sc, ch ing as many repeats as necessary
1, work across in sc—26(34-39- across each row. Row 1: Work 1 |
45-51-59) sc. Ch 1, turn. Row 2: sc in first sc, 1 long sc around
Keeping to pat , work next row post of sc 2 rows below, 1 sc in J
even. Row 3 (Dec Row): Work each of next 6 sc; now, follow
2 sc tog, work across in sc—(24- instructions as for Row 1 of
32-37-43-49-57) sc. Ch 1, turn. Right Front repeating as many
Row 4: Keeping to pat, work times as necessary, ending row
next row even. Repeat Rows 3 with 7 sc. Ch 1, turn. Row 3:
and 4 1(4-4-7-12-11) times more Work 1 sc in each of first 2 sc, 1
-(23(28-33-36-37-46) sc, AT long sc around next long sc, 1 sc j
SAME TIME, when piece in each of next 5 sc, now, follow
measures 314 " less than Back instructions as for Row 3 of
piece to beg of shoulder shap¬ Right Front, repeating as neces- j
ing, start to shape neckline, end¬ sary, ending with 6 sc. Ch 1,
ing with a wrong side row. turn. Note: From now on, we
Shape Neckline—Row 1 (right will give the first 8 sts of each
side): Work 1 si st in each of row only. Then, automatically
first l(l-3-4-4-5) sts, keeping to follow instructions as for same
pat, work across row. Now, dec row on Right Front. Row 5:
1 st at neck edge only on every Work 1 sc in each of first 3 sc, 1
other row 6(8-8-8-8-10) times. long sc around next long sc, 1 sc
When all neckline and armhole in each of 4 sc. Row 7: Work 1
decs have been made, work even sc in each of first 4 sc, 1 long sc
until piece measures same as Back around next long sc, 1 sc in
to beg of shoulder shaping. End each of next 3 sc. Row 9: Work j
with a right side row. 1 sc in each of first 5 sc, 1 long j
Shape Shoulders: Work 1 si st sc around next long sc, 1 sc in ;
in each of first 8(10-11-12-13-16) each of next 2 sc. Row 11:
Work 1 sc in each of first 6 sc, 1 from beg, including ribbing.
long sc around next long sc, 1 sc Shape Cap: Keeping to pat,
j in next sc. Row 13: Work 1 sc work 1 si st in each of first 3(3-
in each of next 7 sc, 1 long sc 4-6-6-6) sc, ch 1, work in pat to
around next long sc. Row 15: last 3(3-4-6-6-6) sc-39(49-55-59-
Work 1 sc in each of first 8 sc, 65-79) sc. Now, work 2 sc tog at
j work first long sc of row insert- beg and end of every other row
) ing hook- under each of next 2 until 31(33-43-43-45-47) sc re¬
long sc at once and then con- main. Work even in pattern un¬
i tinue to follow remainder of til piece measures 2%(3%-4%-5-
Row 15 of Right Front. Row 17: 5W6V&-7)" from beg of armhole
| Work as for Row 13. Row 19: Work. shaping. Fasten off.
t as for Row 11. Row 21: Work as for
| Row 9. Row 23: Work as for Row FINISHING: With Buttercup
j 7. Row 25: Work as for Row 5. and Raspberry, and smaller
Row 27: Work as for Row 3. hook, work one flower, exactly
Row 29: Work as for Row 1. as for flowers on Spring Garden
Afghan, page 00, for each dia¬
' SLEEVES-Ribbing: Work as mond shape on fronts and
for Back Ribbing for a total of sleeves of cardigan. Sew shoul¬
j 32(32-38-38-40-40) rows from der seams and side seams. Sew
i beg. Work Base Row as for si stitched portions of armhole
f back, inc 13(13-21-21-19-19) sc shaping to slip stitched portions
I evenly spaced across—45(45-59- of cap shaping on sleeve. Now,
[ 59-59-59) sts. Rows 2 through with a length of yarn and yarn
16: Work even in sc. Ch 1, turn. needle, work a running stitch
Start Diamond Pattern: Add¬ around the entire outside edge
ing 1 extra sc to each side of of the cap and gather cap of
pattern, work Diamond Pattern sleeve to fit into armhole, hav¬
as for Right Front, following in¬ ing the tightest gathering at the
structions for size E/F to work top of the cap for a puff sleeve.
sizes A/B and C/D; and follow- Pin and then sew in place. Sew
i ing instructions for H/I to work sleeve seams. Front and Neck¬
! sizes E/F, G, H/I and J, AT line Ribbing: With right side of
SAME TIME, inc 1 sc at beg work facing and smaller hook,
| and end of every fourth row 0(5 join Peacock Blue yarn at lower
-2-6-9-16) times—45(55-63-71-77- right edge of front at bottom of
91) sc. Note: As you work inc ribbing. Now, work a foundation
sts, do not add them to pat. row of sc evenly along right
Just keep them in sc. Work front, neckline and left front,
even in pat as established on working a sufficient number of
Row 31 of Diamond Pattern un¬ sts for work to lie flat. Fasten
til piece measures 9W10%(13/14- off. Now, with straight pins,
17-17%-18-18%)", or desired length mark right front edge for but-
tonholes, having the first button¬ comer at beg of neckline rib¬
hole at the top even with the bing, ch 2 and work through
beg of neckline shaping, the back loops only throughout.
bottom button lh " from bottom Row 1: Work 1 sc in second ch
edge and the remaining 4(4-5-5- from hook. Ch 1, turn. Row 2:
5-5) buttons spaced evenly be¬ Work 2 sc in sc. Ch 1, turn.
tween. With right side of work fac¬ Row 3: Work 1 sc in first sc, 2
ing and smaller hook, join Pea¬ sc in next sc. Ch 1, turn. Row
cock Blue in sc at lower right 4: Work 2 sc in first sc, 1 sc in
edge of right front. Ribbing- each remaining sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 1: Ch 7, starting in second Row 5: Work 1 sc in each sc to
ch from hook, work 1 sc in last sc, 2 sc in last sc. Ch 1,
each ch across—6 sc, work 1 si turn. Row 6: Work 2 sc in first
st in each of next 2 sc on foun¬ sc, 1 sc in each remaining sc—6
dation row, turn. Row 2: Work- . sc. Ch 1, turn. Row 7: Work 1
ing through back loops only, sc in each sc across, join with si
work 1 sc in each of next 6 sc. st to first st after ribbing at cor¬
Ch 1, turn. Row 3: Working ner point of right front neck¬
through back loops only, work 1 line, 1 si st in next sc on neck¬
sc in each sc across, 1 si st in line, now work ribbing around
each of next 2 sc on foundation neckline in manner established
row, turn. Repeat Rows 2 and 3 on front edges. At end of neck¬
for ribbing, AT SAME TIME, line ribbing, dec 1 st on each
work a buttonhole at each row at one edge only to corres¬
marker by working ch 2, skip 2 pond shaping to beg of neckline
sc over center 2 sc of row, then ribbing, being sure to work decs
work 2 sc in ch-2 space on on edge of ribbing closest to
following row. Work ribbing in neckline edge. Sew the mitered
this manner along edge of right edges to the top of front edge
front "until top buttonhole has ribbings. Sew one flower in
been worked. Fasten off. Join center of each diamond shape
yarn at top edge of left front on Fronts and Sleeves. Sew but¬
and work ribbing in same man¬ tons in place.
ner. Fasten off. For a mitered
below with a fairly large block over a ch-2 space, you
hook and heavy yam (H may work the dc sts into
hook and knitting worsted) the ch sts of the ch-2 space
until you are familiar with below or simply insert the
the technique. hook in the ch-2 space itself,
depending upon the look
To Make Plain Filet Mesh: you prefer.
Let’s form 10 “spaces” as
an example. Chain 35. Row To Increase a Block at the
1: Work 1 dc in eighth chain Beginning of a Row: Tb in¬
from hook (counts as first crease one block: Ch 5,
dc and ch 2-(forms first work 1 dc in fourth ch from
space), * ch 2, skip 2 ch, hook, 1 dc in next ch, 1 dc
work 1 dc in next ch; in next dc (last dc of previ¬
repeat from * across. Turn. ous row). Ib increase two
Row 2: Ch 5 (counts as 1 blocks: Ch 8, work 1 dc in
i dc, ch 2), skip first ch-2 fourth ch from hook, 1 dc
space, 1 dc in next dc, * ch in each of next 4 ch, 1 dc in
2, skip next ch-2 space, 1 dc next dc (last dc of previous
in next dc; repeat from * row). Add 3 ch for each ad-
ditional block desired. Space at the End of a
Row: You must plan ahead
To Increase a Space at the for this increase. At the
Beginning of the Row: Tb beginning of the previous
increase one space: Ch 7, row, ch 7, skip first ch,
work 1 dc into last dc of pre¬ work 1 si st in each of next
vious row. lb increase two 3 ch—3 ch now remain to
spaces: Ch 10, work 1 dc in count as first dc of row.
eighth ch from hook, ch 2, Work across row in pattern.
work 1 dc into last dc of When you come to the sts
previous row. Add 3 ch for which have been slipped
each additional space desired. over, work ch 2, skip 2 ch, 1
dc in last ch for an increased
To Decrease a Block or space; work 1 dc in each of
Space at the Beginning of last 3 ch for an increased block.
a Row: Skip first st. Work 1
si st in each of next 3 sts, ch To Decrease a Block or
3 to count as first dc and Space at End of Row: Work
proceed. to within the last block or
space, turn and continue to
To Increase a Block or work the pattern.
Shown on page 43
SIZE: About 9" wide, can be tions for working filet mesh
made to any length. thoroughly before beginning.
MATERIALS: Crochet cotton Read chart from bottom to top,
No. 20, amount depending upon reading uneven numbered rows
the desired length of border from right to left; even num¬
piece. About five 20-gr. balls for bered rows from left to right.
a border 23% " long. To test, buy
one ball of a type of crochet BORDER: Ch 113. Row 1: Start¬
cotton that you are sure you ing in eighth ch from hook,
can purchase more of and see work 1 dc in each of next 10
how far one ball goes. You can ch, (ch 2, skip 2 ch, 1 dc in next
then calculate the amount you ch (14 times, 1 dc in each of
will need for your desired next 9 ch, (ch 2, skip 2 ch, 1 dc
length of border. Steel crochet in next ch) 7 times, 1 dc in each
hook No. 10. of next 3 ch, ch 2, skip 2 ch, 1
GAUGE: 4 ch-2 spaces = 1". dc in each of next 4 ch, (ch 2,
skip 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch) 3
NOTE: Read General Instruc¬ times, 1 dc in each of next 3 ch,
ch 2, skip 2 ch, 1 dc in next chart to complete row. Continue 1
ch—Row 1 of chart completed. to folkny chart, working turning '
Ch 9, turn. Row 2: Skip first inc at end of each uneven-
ch, work 1 si st in each of next numbered row as established, f
3 ch, ch 2, work 1 dc in first when necessary according to
dc—1 space created at beg of chart. Repeat 72-row chart as
row and preparation made for many times as necessary for
inc at end of next row, follow desired length.
Shown on page 42-43
next 7 ch) twice, ch 2, skip 2 in next ch) twice, 1 dc in each
ch, 1 dc in each of next 4 ch, of next 3 ch—Row 1 of chart
(ch 2, skip 2 ch, 1 dc in next dc) completed. Ch 3, turn. Follow
twice, 1 dc in each of next 3 ch, chart to completion, repeating
ch 2, skip 2 ch, 1 dc in each of 48-row chart as many times as
next 4 ch, (ch 2, skip 2 ch, 1 dc necessary for desired length.
SIZE: About 10*4" wide. that you are sure you can pur¬
MATERIALS: Crochet cotton chase more of and see how far
No. 20, amount depending upon one ball goes. You can then calcu¬
the desired length of border piece. late the amount you will need for
About five 20-gr. balls for a bor¬ your desired length of border.
der 23*4 " long. Ib test, buy one Steel crochet hook No. 10.
NOTE: Read General Instruc¬ times, 1 dc in each of next 6 ch,
tions for working filet mesh (ch 2, skip 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch)
thoroughly before beginning. twice, 1 dc in each of next 3 ch,
Read chart from bottom to top, (ch 2, skip 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch)
reading uneven numbered rows twice, 1 dc in each of next 6 ch—
from right to left; even num¬ Row 1 of chart completed. Ch 2,
bered rows from left to right. turn. Now, work chart to com¬
pletion, working the 36-row
BORDER: Ch 129. Row 1: Work repeat section of the chart to
1 dc in fourth ch from hook, 1 desired length. End with last 2
dc in each of next 5 ch, (ch 2, rows of chart. Easten off.
skip 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch) 31
foundation ch edge
Shown on page 42
SIZE: About 9V4 " wide, can be reading uneven numbered rows
made to any length. from right to left; even num¬
MATERIALS: Crochet cotton bered rows from left to right.
No. 20, amount depending upon
the desired length of border BORDER: Ch 114. Row 1: Work
piece. About five 20 gr. balls for I dc in fourth ch from hook, 1
a border 23% " long, lb test, dc in each of next 2 ch, (ch 2,
buy one ball of a type of cro¬ skip 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch) 9
chet cotton that you are sure times, 1 dc in each of next 9 ch;
you can purchase more of and ch 2, skip 2 ch, 1 dc in each of
see how far one ball goes. You next 7 ch, ch 2, skip 2 ch, 1 dc
can then calculate the amount in each of next 13 ch, (ch 2,
you will need for your desired skip 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch)
length of border. Steel crochet twice, 1 dc in each of next 6 ch,
hook No. 10. (ch 2, skip 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch)
GAUGE: 4 ch-2 spaces = 1". II times, 1 dc in each of next 3
ch—Row 1 of chart completed.
NOTE: Read General Instruc¬ Ch 5, turn. Now, work 72-row
tions for working filet mesh chart as many times as neces¬
thoroughly before beginning. sary for desired length.
Read chart from bottom to top,
BLANKET: Repeat 41-row together for the width of the
chart as many times as desired blanket. For instance, four strips
for the length of the blanket, of five-motifs each would make a
adding 1 row plain filet mesh blanket 52" wide by 70" long.
between each repeat. Sew strips
Shown on page 43
SIZE: About 8% " wide, can be About five 20 gr. balls for a bor-
made to any length. der 23lk " long, lb test, buy one
MATERIALS: Crochet cotton ball of a type of crochet cotton
No. 20, amount depending upon that you are sure you can pur-
the desired length of border piece. chase more of and see how far
Rose Border foundation ch edge
one ball goes. You can then cal¬ 1 dc in eighth ch from hook, 1
culate the amount you will need dc in each of next 3 ch, (ch 2,
for your desired length of border. skip 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch) 11
Steel crochet hook No. 10. times, 1 dc in each of next 18
GAUGE: 4 ch-2 spaces = 1". ch, (ch 2, skip 2 ch, 1 dc in next
ch) twice, 1 dc in each of next 3
NOTE: Read General Instruc¬ ch, (ch 2, skip 2 clr, 1 dc in next
tions for working filet mesh ch) 5 times, 1 dc in each of next
thoroughly before beginning. 3 ch, (ch 2, skip 2 ch, 1 dc in
Read chart from bottom to top, each of next 4 ch) 3 times, ch 2,
reading uneven numbered rows skip 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch—Row
from right to left; even num¬ 1 of chart completed. Ch 5,
bered rows from left to right. turn. Follow chart to comple¬
tion, repeating 80-row chart as
BORDER: Ch 110. Row 1: Work necessary for desired length.
It’s still a bargain to crochet your with a very subtle “arrowhead”
own outfits! The classic outfits on pattern for textural interest. (In¬
the next few pages prove that. Not structions begin on page 66.)
only do you get exactly the color you Our Mother/Daughter Cover
want, but finding unique fashions Girl Cardigans are so appealing
like the ones shown here “off the and youthful, made with a
radk” would necessitate a grueling beautiful and affordable yarn from
shopping expedition indeed. National Yarn Crafts called “Sport/
The Classic Coat, at left Baby” in Peacock. (Instructions
is made in Red Heart® Premier begin on page 10.)
Allow us to wax poetic, for a moment, an F hook, thereby taking in a very |
about the wonders of Red Heart® wide variety of gauges, indeed.
Luster Sheen. Besides being easy Thlented designer Lynne Shipp
to care for, comfortable to wear, has taken full advantage of the
and economical, twenty-six beauti¬ new color range in her very pretty
ful fashion colors have been intro¬ Jewel Stitch Pullover. Brilliant
duced, leaving the possibilities for contrast colors of Ming Blue, Jade
stunning combinations absolutely and Fuchsia spark up the crochet
endless. Also, amazingly, it works texture stitch pattern. (Instruc¬
very well with everything from a C to tions on page 28).
Motifs are always crochet favorites
because of their portability and
the way we can fly on ‘ ‘automatic
pilot” once we’ve learned the
motif by heart. We’re sure you’ll be
delighted by our shawls, one made
entirely of motifs and one with a
motif border.
Granny Square Shawl, below,
makes use of leftover yarn on the
border and a few skeins of yarn
suffice for the rest. (Instructions
on page 30.)
The dramatic Lacy Squares
Shawl, at right, with long, stream¬
ing fringe is a true crowd pleaser.
Made with J.& P. Coats “Knit-Cro-
Sheen” in pure white for a bright,
breezy wardrobe lift. (Instructions
on page 49.)
As far as our readers are
concerned, we can never
present enough afghans.
So, never wanting to dis¬
appoint our loyal readers,
we’d like to present to
you some pretty new
designs to keep you busy
this season.
The Pastel Ripple
Afghan, at near right, is
a certainly a classic, but
with fresh new colors of
“Jiffy” yam from Lion
Brand Co. (Instructions
on page 51).
, . .•«_ ■ *
White on white is a sure sign of spring. What could be pret¬
tier or more refreshing than a lovely panel of crocheted lace
on the border of a pillow case or sheet? We’d like to encour¬
age you to try some of these borders so that you can ei\joy a
little old fashioned satisfaction in a job well done and create a
family heirloom at the same time.
The borders are, from photo at far left — top, Prancing
Deer Border (instructions on page 21); far left — bottom, Chain
Border (instructions on page 24); center — left, Geometric
Border (instructions on page 20); center — right, Rose
Border (instructions on page 26); far right — top, Fleurs-de-
Lis Border (instructions on page 18); and far right — bottom,
Fruit Garland Border (instructions on page 22).
Six very
filet mesh
turn plain
linens into
Statistics say that,
for many reasons,
we’re staying home
more these days. It’s
natural that an urge
to make our living
quarters more com¬
fortable and attrac¬
tive should arise. Little
additions like the cro¬
cheted doilies we show
here can make a big dif¬
ference. Try the Lamp
Thble Doily, top right (in¬
structions on page 70), and
one, or all three sizes, of the
Circular Doilies, below
(instructions on page 69)
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Shown on page 39
when instructions indicate.) AFGHAN: With Purple Passion,
Row 1: Ch 4 for first dc and ch ch 184 to measure about 46 ".
1, skip 1 sc, * dc in each of next Base Row: Sc in second ch
3 sc, ch 1, skip 1 sc; repeat from hook and in each ch across
from * across, end ch 1, skip 1 —183 sts. Turn. Beg pattern st
sc, dc in last sc. Turn. Row 2: Si and work * 2 rows Purple Pas¬
st in first dc, ch 4 for first dc sion, 2 rows Raspberry, 2 rows
and ch 1, skip ch-1, * dc in each Thn, 2 rows Mint; repeat from *
of next 3 dc, ch 1; repeat from until about 15 " from beg, end
* across, end ch 1, dc in third with 2 rows Raspberry. Continue
ch of starting ch. Cut yarn with pattern st in tan only until
Turn. Row 3: Join new color, ch 45 " from beg. Continuing with
3 for first dc, yo and draw up a pattern st, work * 2 rows Rasp¬
loop over ch-1 two rows below, berry, 2 rows Purple Passion, 2
complete as a dc—long dc com¬ rows Mint, 2 rows lhn; repeat
pleted, dc in next dc, * ch 1, from * until about 60 " from
skip 1 dc, dc in next dc, long dc beg, end 2 rows Purple Passion.
over ch-1 two rows below * *, dc Fasten off.
in next dc; repeat from *
across, end last repeat at * *, dc FINISHING—Side Borders-
in third ch of starting ch. Turn. Row 1: Right side facing, with
Row 4: Si st in first st, ch 3 for piece turned to work across one
first dc, dc in each of next 2 dc, long edge, working color over
ch 1, skip ch-1, * dc in each of color, sc evenly across. Ch 1,
next 3 dc, ch 1; repeat from * turn. Row 2: Again working
across, end dc in each of last 3 color over color, sc in each sc
sts. Cut yarn. Turn. Row 5: Join across. Fasten off. Work same
new color, ch 4 for first dc and border on remaining long edge.
ch 1, skip next dc, * dc in next Top and Bottom Border—Row
dc, long dc over ch-1 two rows 1: Right side facing, with piece
below, dc in next dc, ch 1, skip turned to work across short
next dc; repeat from * across, edge, join Purple Passion and sc
end dc in last dc. Turn. Row 6: in each st across. Ch 1, turn.
Repeat Row 2. Repeat Rows 3 Row 2: Sc in each sc across. Fasten
through 6 for pattern stitch. off. Turn piece and work same
border on remaining short edge.
Crochet hook size K, OR SIZE in each of next 8 dc, 3 dc in
NEEDED TO OBTAIN GAUGE. next dc, 1 dc in each of next 8
GAUGE: 8 dc = 3". dc, skip 2 dc; repeat from *
across, on last repeat, end 1 dc
NOTE: Don’t get confused! in each of next 7 dc, skip 1 dcr
refer to the pattern stitch below 1 dc through both loops of last
when afghan instructions refer dc. Turn. Repeat Row 2 for pat.
to it. The starting chain is given
in body of instructions. AFGHAN: With Silver, ch 134.
Then, working in pat st through¬
PATTERN STITCH: Make a out, work in color pat of 6 rows
chain of specified length. Row Silver, 2 rows Charcoal, 2 rows
1: Work 1 dc in third ch from Silver, 4 rows Lavender, 2 rows
hook, 1 dc in each of next 7 ch, Silver, 2 rows Charcoal, 6 rows
* 3 dc in next ch, 1 dc in each Silver, 2 rows Lavender, 2 rows
of next 8 ch, skip 2 ch, 1 dc in Silver, 4 rows Charcoal, 2 rows
each of next 8 ch; repeat from Silver, 2 rows Lavender, 6 rows
* across, end 3 dc in next ch, 1 Silver, 2 rows Charcoal, 2 rows
dc in each of next 7 ch, skip 1 Silver, 4 rows Lavender, 2 rows
ch, 1 dc in last ch. Turn. Row Silver, 2 rows Charcoal, and 6
2: Working through back loops rows Silver.
only, ch 2, skip first dc, * 1 dc
top of head with white, work¬
ing in continuous rnds. Rnd 1:
(?h 2, work 6 sc in second ch
from hook. Do not join. Use Rnd 1: Work 2 sts on bottom, 2
marker to signal beg of each in comer, 4 on top, 2 in comer
md and move it up as you and 2 on bottom. Rnd 2: Work
work. Rnd 2: Working in sc, inc 2 sc tog twice, 1 sc in each of
1 st in each st—12 sc. Rnd 3: next 4 sts, work 2 sc tog twice—
Inc 1 st in every other st 8 sc. Rnd 3: Work even in sc.
around—18 sc. Rnd 4: Inc 1 st Fasten off. Attach pink to side
in every third st around—24 sc. of beak as shown in fig. B, and
Rnd 5: Inc 1 st in every third st work single crochet along the
around—32 sc. Rnds 6 and 7: side edge of the beak; then,
Work even in sc—32 sc. Rnd 8: crochet the top and bottom sts
„ Work 1 sc in each of first 18 sts, of front opening tog by working
(inc 1 st in next st, work 1 sc in through both layers, AT SAME
TIME, inc 1 st at center front of into the same sts that the si sts
beak. Fasten off. are worked, and covering the si
sts, work 2 hdc in each of next
22 sts, 1 sc in each of next 5
sts—84 sts. Fasten off.
SIZE: About 9" tall. 17 " from beg. Work Rows 3 and 4
MATERIALS: Coats & Clark once more. End with 1 more
Red Heart® Luster Sheen (2 oz. repeat of Row 2. Fold the bag in
skeins)—2 skeins Main Color half, last row up to first row,
(MC) and a skein Contrast Color matching mesh rows (ribbon will
(CC). Crochet hook size C, OR be woven through mesh later).
SIZE NEEDED TO OBTAIN Sew sides of bag tog.
GAUGE. Yarn needle. 18"
length of % "-wide ribbon. FLOWERS: Make three. With
GAUGE: 5 dc = 1". MC, ch 8, join with si st to form
a ring. Rnd 1: Ch 1, work 12 sc
BAG: With MC, ch 37. Row 1: in ring, join with si st to first st.
Starting in fourth ch from hook, Rnd 2: Ch 1, work 2 sc in each
work 1 dc in each ch across—35 sc around—24 sc. Fasten off.
dc, counting turning ch as 1 dc. Rnd 3: Join CC in any sc, 1 sc
Ch 2, turn. Row 2: Skip first dc, in same sc, ch 4, skip 3 sc, * 1
work 1 dc in each st across. Ch sc in next sc, ch 4, skip 3 sc;
2, turn. Row 3: Ch 1, skip first repeat from * around—6 ch-4
2 dc, 1 dc in next dc, * ch 1, loops, join with si st to first sc.
skip next dc, 1 dc in next dc; Rnd 4: Work (1 sc, 1 hdc, 1 dc,
repeat from * across. Ch 2, 1 hdc, 1 sc) in each ch-4 loop
turn. Row 4: Skip first dc, * around, join with 1 si st to first
work 1 dc in next ch-1 space, 1 sc—6 petals formed. Rnd 5: Ch
dc in next dc; repeat from * 5, working behind petals, skip
across. Ch 2, turn. Now, repeat first sc of Rnd 3, work 1 si st
Row 2 until piece measures about around post of next sc on Rnd
3, * ch 5, 1 si st around post of sc in CC, 1 row sc in MC, and 1
next sc on Rnd 3; repeat from * row sc in CC. Last Row: With
around—6 ch-5 loops. Rnd 6: CC, * work 3 dc in next st, skip
Work (1 sc, 1 hdc, 3 dc, 1 hdc, 1 1 st, 1 si st in next st, skip 1 st;
sc) in each ch-5 loop around, join repeat from * around, join with
with si st to first sc. Fasten off. si st to first st. Sew flowers in
place on bag as shown in photo.
FINISHING—Top Edging: With Weave ribbon through mesh and
MC, work 1 row sc around top tie in bow as shown.
edge of bag, followed by 1 row
dc in each of next 4 dc, 1 dc in starting ch 2. Rnd 14: Ch 2,
next ch-6 loop, ch 6; repeat work 1 dc in each of next dc to
from * 7 times more, end 1 dc last dc of group, skip last dc,
in same ch-6 loop, 1 dc in each work (ch 7, 1 sc) in each of
of next 3 dc, join with si st to next ch-7 loops, ch 7, * skip
second ch of starting ch-4. Rnd first dc of next dc-group, 1 dc in
11: Work 1 si st in next ch-2 each of next dc to last dc of
space, ch 4 (counts as 1 dc, group, skip last dc, work (ch 7,
ch-2), skip next dc, 1 dc in each 1 sc) in each of next ch-7 loops,
of next 4 dc, 1 dc in next ch-6 ch 7; repeat from * around, end
loop, ch 6, * 1 dc in same ch-6 skip first dc of next dc-group, 1
loop, 1 dc in each of next 4 dc, dc in each of remaining dc, join
ch 2, 1 dc in next ch-2 space, ch with si st to second ch of start¬
2, skip next dc, 1 dc in each of ing ch-2. Rnd 15: Work as for
next 4 dc, 1 dc in next ch-6 Rnd 14. Rnd 16: Ch 9 (counts
loop, ch-6; repeat from * 7 as 1 dc, ch 7), now work as for
times more, end 1 dc in same Rnd 14. Rnd 17: Insert hook
ch-6 loop, 1 dc in each of next 4 back in last dc of previous rnd,
dc, skip next dc, ch 2, join with work 1 si st, ch 9 (counts as 1
si st to second ch of starting dc, ch 7), work as for Rnd 14.
ch-4. Rnd 12: Work 1 si st in Rnd 18: Work 1 si st in each of
next ch-2 space, ch 2, 1 dc in next 3 ch, 1 sc in same ch-7
each of next 4 dc, ch 7, 1 sc in loop, (ch 7, 1 sc in next ch-7
next ch-6 loop, ch 7, * skip next loop) twice, ch 7, 8 dc in next
dc, 1 dc in each of next 4 dc, 1 ch-7 loop, * (ch 7, 1 sc in next
dc in next ch-2 space, ch 2, 1 dc ch-7 loop) 6 times, ch 7, 8 dc in
in each of next 4 dc, ch 7, 1 sc next ch-7 loop; repeat from * 7
in next ch-6 loop, ch 7; repeat times more, end (ch 7, 1 sc in
from * 7 times more, end skip next ch-7 loop) 3 times, ch 7, 1
next dc, 1 dc in each of next 4 si st in first sc. Rnd 19: Work 1
dc, 1 dc in next ch-2 space, ch si st in each of next 3 ch, 1 sc
2, join with si st to second ch of in same ch-7 loop, ch 7, 1 sc in
starting ch-2. Rnd 13: Ch 2 next ch-7 loop, ch 7, 2 dc in
(counts as 1 dc), 1 dc in each of next ch-7 loop, 1 dc in each dc,
next 3 dc, (ch 7, 1 sc in next 2 dc in next ch-7 loop, * skip
ch-7 loop) twice, ch 7, skip next same ch-7 loop, work (ch 7, 1
dc, * 1 dc in each of next 4 dc, sc) in each of next ch-7 loops
2 dc in next ch-2 space, 1 dc in except for the last one preced¬
each of next 4 dc, (ch 7, 1 sc in ing the loop with dc-group in it
next ch-7 loop) twice, ch 7, skip from previous rnd, ch 7, 2 dc in
next dc; repeat from * 7 times ch-7 loop preceding dc-group, 1
more, end 1 dc in each of next dc in each dc, 2 dc in next ch-7
4 dc, 2 dc in next ch-2 space, loop; repeat from * 7 times
join with si st to second ch of more, end (ch 7, 1 sc) in each of
completed. Ch 3, turn. Row 2: 2 dc) in next st—shell made;
Skip first dc, work 1 dc in each repeat from * around skipping 2
of next 2 dc, (ch 1, skip 1 dc, 1 sc at each side of each comer,
dc in next dc) 29 times, 1 dc in join with si st to first st. Rnd 3:
each of next 3 dc. Ch 3, turn. Work 1 si st in each st to first
Work chart to completion. ch-3 space, work 1 si st in ch-3
Border—Rnd 1: Work 1 rnd sc space, ch 3 for first dc of first
around entire outside edge, shell; now, work as for Rnd 2,
working 2 sc in each corner. except work shells in ch-3
Rnd 2: * Skip 2 sc, (2 dc, ch 3, spaces, join with si st to first st.
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ATTN: Crochet Marketplace
Fisherman Star
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Ice Cream Stripe Afghan.
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Decreasing (continued): Working Through the Back Loops Only:
Very often the process of working 2 or 3 When you look at the very top portion of
sts tog will be called a cluster and is any crochet stitch, you will see that
used as a decorative element in a pat¬ there are two horizontal threads or
tern st. To keep the work straight in this loops. Normally, unless the instructions
type of pattern st, ch sts will replace the tell you otherwise, you will work your
decreased sts between clusters. So, you stitch by inserting the hook under both
will have row of clusters with possibly loops. When you are asked to work
two chain in between, creating an open¬ “through the back loops only”, it means
work type of pattern. In order not to to work the stitch, or stitches, by skip¬
repeat the instruction “work 3 dc tog” ping the horizontal thread closest to you
over and over again, the directions will and working into the horizontal thread
state, “work 3 dc tog—cluster made”. farthest from you. By doing this, the
Thereafter, the ”3 dc tog” will be referred front thread creates a ridge, which, if
to as “cluster” in the remainder of the continued, shows up as a ridge across
instructions and you will know what you the entire row.
need to do.
Work Around the Post of the Stitch Below:
Binding Off:
The “post” of a stitch is the vertical por¬
Binding off at the beginning of a row is tion extending from the base of the
done by working a si st across the stitch to the two top loops of the stitch.
number of sts to be bound off. The si st Normally, when working any stitch we in¬
adds no height to your work and gives a sert the hook under both top loops of
firm finish to your bound-off edge. Bind¬ the stitch. However, when working
ing off is done mainly at the beginning around the “post” of a stitch, we insert
of a row. Where it is important to have a the hook from the front of the work at
certain number of sts bound off at the the right side of the post through to the
beg and end of a row, such as for the back of the work; then, insert the hook
start of the shaping of armholes on a from the back of the work at the left side
sweater, you would si st across the of the post through to the front of the
necessary number of sts at the beg of work. We then complete whatever stitch
the row, work to within the same number we are working, whether it is sc, dc or tr.
of sts at the end of the row. Now, leave The yo of the stitch is worked before the
those sts unworked, ch the number of hook is inserted around the post. The
sts required for your turning ch and work stitch is often called a front post sc or
back across the remaining sts, eliminat¬ dc. The instructions for a front post dc,
ing those which had been si stitched across for example, will read, “yo, insert the
on the previous row. hook from front to back to front around
the post of the next st on the row below,
“Mystery” Phrases complete as for regular dc—front post
dc made.” A back post sc or dc is worked
I like to call these “mystery” phrases be¬ in the same manner except insert the
cause the first time you come across them, hook from back to front to back around
they will definitely be a mystery to you. the post, completing the stitch as usual.
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