Instant Ebooks Textbook The Systemic Turn in Human and Natural Sciences: A Rock in The Pond Lucia Urbani Ulivi Download All Chapters
Instant Ebooks Textbook The Systemic Turn in Human and Natural Sciences: A Rock in The Pond Lucia Urbani Ulivi Download All Chapters
Instant Ebooks Textbook The Systemic Turn in Human and Natural Sciences: A Rock in The Pond Lucia Urbani Ulivi Download All Chapters
On the Psychology of Philosophy 2nd Edition Alon Oscar
An Introduction to Healthcare Informatics: Building Data-
Driven Tools 1st Edition Peter Mccaffrey
Contemporary Systems Thinking
The Systemic
Turn in Human
and Natural
A Rock in The Pond
Contemporary Systems Thinking
Series Editor:
Robert L. Flood
Maastricht School of Management
The Netherlands
ISSN 1568-2846
Contemporary Systems Thinking
ISBN 978-3-030-00724-9 ISBN 978-3-030-00725-6 (eBook)
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
It was as early as 1978 when Evandro Agazzi first proposed introducing into the
domain of human sciences, including philosophy, the concept of “system” that
cybernetics and engineering had acquired and were largely developing in their
domains. Agazzi, as scientist and philosopher, could trace back to Aristotle and to
the scientists operating after Galileo the early origins of the systemic idea, clearly
showing that if the term “system” can be accredited with some novelty, the corre-
sponding concept is an ancient way of looking at the things of the world that has
permeated our culture since early times. But this approach was met with an almost
total sunset in the early twentieth century, with general mechanicalism trailing
behind metaphysical materialism, drawing the natural sciences toward a reduction-
ist point of view and philosophy to a mostly formal and analytical attitude.
It is only fair to acknowledge that reductionism and analytical approaches have
produced significant results in many fields of contemporary knowledge offering
great contributions to relevant scientific discoveries and to consequent technologi-
cal applications, but it is no less important to clearly limit their validity within spe-
cific fields and objectives, taking care not to improperly accredit them as the best
and only methods of knowledge in every domain.
The suggested limitation has been totally overlooked, and a paradigm derived
from scientific and technological success became pervasive, while the few voices
observing that an individual entity escapes description in terms of its constituents,
and that many problems are unsolvable if an entity is reduced to the sum of its ele-
ments, were obscured or muted without any discussion.
In time the pervasive triumphalism met with disappointment in many fields—
just consider Artificial Intelligence—and it is nowadays increasingly and widely
recognized that analytical or mereological approaches in ontology, and also reduc-
tionism in its many forms in epistemology, are inadequate for solving many prob-
lems and that we should introduce and support the diffusion of new concepts and
different attitudes in research. The demand for “new ideas” is perceived in various
fields, and finding new paths, methods, and points of view in the comprehension of
our contemporary world is, if any, the proper task of philosophy.
vi Preface
The concept of “system,” to some extent and for proper objects, is a good
candidate for fulfilling such a demand, since it no longer considers the elementary
constituents of an object but rather the phenomena emerging from the relations and
interactions among its elementary parts.
The systemic point of view makes it possible to reconstruct several domains,
both philosophical and scientific, introducing fresh ideas into research in view of a
general rational vision of the world on a more comprehensive basis.
The birthdate of systemic thinking is traditionally fixed as 1967, when biologist
Ludwig von Bertalanffy published his major work, General System Theory, opening
a new attitude in research.
Nowadays systemic thinking is widely recognized and appreciated in various
fields, and the production of books, conferences, and seminars testify to its vitality
and conceptual richness, but its diffusion in many fields and throughout culture, in
general, is far from achievement.
This book makes a return to Agazzi’s program with two main focal points: firstly,
contributing to the consolidation and expansion of system theoretical thinking in
order to integrate the general reductionist and analytical attitude still broadly domi-
nant in our culture and, secondly, keeping the pace with the rich and fast-growing
systemic researches now expanding in different disciplines.
Since the time of von Bertalanffy’s pioneering studies, systemic researchers have
faced many problems, both internal and external to the systemic horizon, that were
unknown or unperceived in the early days of systemics. Since then the concept of
“emergence” underwent a widespread debate, and previously unexpected ideas and
theoretical problems, such as those of interdisciplinarity, complexity, identity through
dynamics, logical openness, quasi-systems, and incompleteness, entered onto the stage.
As a consequence many classical concepts underwent an important rethinking,
including causality, abduction, objectivity, and epistemology, and also the concept
of solution was revisited through dynamic and multiple approaches. All this fol-
lowed in the wake of an update of traditional systemic references, to the point that
we can now distinguish “first systemics,” based on the concept of organization,
from “second systemics,” focused on coherence. The researches of Gianfranco
Minati contributed greatly to the identification and distinction of the two phases of
systemic thinking and warned also against the risk of “systemic reductionism.”
To meet both of the aforementioned objectives, a branch of systemic research
called “Systemic Researches in Philosophy, Sciences and Arts” was opened in 2009
at the Department of Philosophy of the Catholic University of Milan, hosting semi-
nars—both public and privatissimums—and conferences whose results have been
regularly published in dedicated sections of the Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica
and in three volumes, all titled Strutture di mondo. Il pensiero sistemico come spec-
chio di una realtà complessa, ed. Lucia Urbani Ulivi, Bologna, Il Mulino 2010,
2013, and 2015, that provide an appreciated contribution to both continuity and
novelty in systemic research.
The participants—mostly well-known academicians—have been working
together for many years, taking part in and holding lectures, seminars, and debates,
discussing and comparing ideas through the practice of interdisciplinary work.
Preface vii
Presenting this book is the occasion for evaluating the many systemic activities
over the last 10 years, trying to answer the questions: have the impressive contacts
and exchanges of views among the representatives of different and also heteroge-
neous sciences merged into a new general perspective? Have the investments of
intellectual energies, organization, and time been rewarded? Has all this activity
been fruitful?
The investment has been rewarded, certainly as far as the public outcome is con-
cerned, but if we ask a more subtle question, whether the many contributions and
activities have been able to dismiss many prejudices and to change at least to some
degree the general paradigm of our culture, then the answer is not so optimistic: the
message in the bottle has been thrown in the vast ocean of shared culture, but
whether somebody will collect it depends on many heterogeneous factors, mostly
out of control. What John Dupré says is certainly true that culture is strongly norma-
tive in regulating our ideas and behaviors and that it is at the same time ephemeral
and easily changeable, but cultural changes are hardly predictable, and ideas can
stay still and steady for centuries. So we can only forward the message, and wait,
and hope.
There is one last question that should be posed: which are the original contribu-
tions and new ideas likely to accredit this book as worthwhile reading?
I will briefly sketch out some relevant traits.
Vitiello and Giuliani, physicist and biologist, respectively, underline the relevance
of the unobservable as the origin of the observed, linking the explicit behaviors of
phenomena to hidden variables that remain opaque to direct knowledge. They suggest
that there is much more to understand besides the plain data.
Matelli traces a clear conceptual link between the ancient idea of body and the
contemporary concept of system, deeply rooting the contemporary in its ancient
origins. She also suggests that a necessary ingredient for comprehension of ancient
authors is a knowledge of the ideas, values, and objectives structuring their cultural
Economists Lamperti, Monasterolo, and Roventini clearly show that complexity
is hardly understandable using classical models, while Fontana in architecture and
Ingegnoli in bionomics underline the limits of seeking “functional optimization” in
both built and natural environments.
Jurists Cafagno, D’Orsogna, and Fracchia, introducing systemic perspective into
environmental legal studies, suggest viewing the environment as a common with
legacy value.
Frigerio, philosopher of language, proves that a radical version of the principle
of compositionality cannot be maintained, while I suggest a fresh start in philoso-
phy of mind, considering mind and brain as different constituents of the human
being, viewed as a system.
All these contributions strongly support a new manner of looking at our world: the
place where the observer and the observed are defined in terms of each other, where
continuous and interlaced phenomena of emergence take place, obscure to complete
and precise comprehension, far from predictability, readable through principles with
viii Preface
local validity, and open to creativity as the main resource for successfully interacting
with complex and irreducible phenomena.
Whether or not such suggestions will be accepted and developed depends on
many circumstances and not only on their value.
I wish to express my deep gratitude to all participants in this venture, and I espe-
cially want to mention Evandro Agazzi and Gianfranco Minati for their support and
encouragement and also for freeing the philosophical debate from many inherited
limitations, for opening new directions in research, and for offering solid results,
which should encourage other researchers to keep the path open and constantly
Evandro Agazzi
Abstract In the 1970s, General System Theory was still the object of a radical
controversy between enthusiastic supporters and fierce enemies, the firsts being
attracted by the fact that GST was offering a legitimacy to concepts like those of
ordered totality, global unity, goal-oriented processes, specific function, multilevel
realities, and emergent properties that are frequently and profitably used in several
sciences, from biology to psychology, sociology, and other “human” sciences. The
enemies rejected such concepts considering them as vague, imprecise, and belonging
to the superficial level of common sense language, but that should be banned from
the rigorous discourse of science. This attitude was in keeping with the positivistically
inspired scientific culture still predominant in the first half of the twentieth century.
At a distance of nearly four decades from that historical period, the systemic way of
thinking has shown itself as the most proper tool for understanding complexity and
investigating complex realities and stimulates reflections capable to revisit the clas-
sical philosophical concepts, the basic metaphysical and ontological principles, the
deepest sense of fundamental developments in the history of science, the critical
appraisal of merits, and the limitations of many present research programs in vari-
ous fields.
“What are systems, what is a system?”
The answer to this question is not simple, not because this term circulates only
in specialized sophisticated languages but because, on the contrary, it has acquired
E. Agazzi
Panamerican University, Mexico City, Mexico
x E. Agazzi
a very large display of applications in a variety of contexts. So, for example, in ordi-
nary language we speak of linguistic system, legal system, political system, economic
system, bureaucratic system, productive system, industrial system, energetic system,
railways system, metric system, and so on. In addition, within specialized disciplines
one finds the mention of several systems, like muscular system, nervous system,
endocrine system, and a lot of other systems in biology; numerical system,
Boolean system, Euclidean system, and equation system in mathematics; or elastic
system, gaseous system, and isolated system in physics, not to speak of the many
systems that are considered in chemistry, crystallography, astronomy, geology,
and geography and in the domain of humanities, the capital notion of philo-
sophical system.
Such a variety of applications may at first produce the reaction of considering the
notion of system as endowed with a vague and confused meaning belonging to ordi-
nary language that can only give rise to ambiguities and misunderstandings and
must be overcome and replaced by a rigorous and technical treatment. This impres-
sion is wrong, because this generalized use rather testifies that it belongs to common
sense, that is, to that complex set of basic concepts and principles that make possible
our understanding of reality and whose meaning is, therefore, not ambiguous but
analogical, that is, such that it must be applied partly in the same way and partly in
different ways to different kinds of reality. If this is the situation, the stimulating
task is that of making explicit that common semantic core that underlies the analogi-
cal use and makes it possible.
This core can be described in a rather intuitive way by saying, for example, that
a system is an entity constituted by parts that are linked by mutual relations, making
up a complex-ordered unity which is endowed with its own individuality in the
sense that it is characterized by its own properties and functioning that are different
from those of its constituent parts though depending on them to a certain extent.
In a shorter way, we could perhaps say that we mean by a system an ordered totality
of interrelated parts whose characteristics depend both on the characteristics of the
parts and on the web of their interconnections.
GST can be considered as an effort for making explicit and precise this concep-
tual core, by revisiting sometimes concepts and principles that philosophy has
already defined and analyzed in the past but have been neglected or abandoned for
several historical reasons, especially as a consequence of the predominance attained
by the conceptual framework of certain successful sciences in Western culture.
The concept of system (or, better, the term “system”) is so widely used in our
linguistic contexts—as we have already noted—that we can be spontaneously con-
vinced that it has belonged to our learned vocabulary from times immemorial; but
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Systemic Thinking: An Introduction xi
A similar concept soon emerged in the context of another natural science, biology,
and is present in the title of one of the most famous works of this discipline, Charles
Linné’s Systema Naturae, which has known, between 1735 and 1768, ten successive
enlarged and revised editions during the life of its author. The significant novelty
resides in the methodological structure of this work in comparison with the treatises
of physics: as is well known, the most important contribution credited to Linné is
the introduction of the binomial nomenclature for the classification of living species
which, with certain improvements, has remained in use until today. For two centu-
ries, the naturalists had been looking for a “natural criterion” for the classification
of the living beings, and none had proved satisfactory. Linné’s idea was that a natu-
ral classification should reflect that logical order that exists in Nature due to the fact
of its being the expression of the supreme intelligence of the Creator God. In other
words, the order of living creatures had to be a logical order for which formal
logic had provided a well-known scheme in the ancient “Porfiry tree” regarding
the hierarchic disposition of genera and species. According to this view, the entire
Nature was conceived as a kind of mosaic in which the position of any single
piece is strictly determined following a design constituted by a web of logical
relations, in which each piece occupies “its” proper place. This is the fundamental
worldview of fixism.
If we compare his “system of nature” with the “system of the world” proposed
by the physicists, we can recognize that the latter was in a certain sense more sig-
xii E. Agazzi
nificant, since the systemic architecture of the world was conceived as consisting in
causal links expressed in terms of natural laws and forces, and not simply through
the fragile spider web of a conceptual order, and we may also add that Linné’s
system has only a descriptive aim and purport, whereas the physicists’ systems had
an explanatory aim.
Philosophical System
All this is true, but we cannot ignore the historical background of that time, in which a
prominent thinker such as Spinoza could formulate in the second book of his Ethica
More Geometrico Demonstrata the aphorism ordo et connexio idearum idem est ac
ordo et connexio rerum (“the order and connection of the ideas is identical with the
order and connection of things”), a statement that can sound a dogmatic tenet today but
that still fascinated the representatives of the romantic “philosophy of nature” at the
end of the eighteenth century and also the thinkers of the German transcendental ideal-
ism of the nineteenth century. That fascination was produced by that impression of
intellectual rigor, systematicity, and architectural elegance that transpires in Spinoza’s
work and was easily taken as a warranty of speculative soundness, as opposed to that
“rhapsodic” way of thinking (to use Kant’s term rhapsodistisch) that marks the style of
those scattered reflections that ignore the need of strong logical links.
In Kant’s work this kind of appraisal is explicitly made, and it is significant that
the term “system” widely occurs in order to express the satisfaction of the said
requirements. This explains how the phrase “philosophical system” has become
customary for denoting the whole complex of the speculation of a single thinker,
independently of the fact that he uses or not this denomination to this end (like does,
e.g., Schelling in his System of Transcendental Idealism).
corresponds to the idea of something that produces something else as its effect, and
whose most familiar examples are the physical actions that bring about new objects
or certain observable processes.
Common language, however, has no difficulty in accepting as meaningful, for
example, the discourse of Socrates in Plato’s Phaedo, when he explains that the cause
of his coming and remaining in prison (waiting for his capital execution) was not his
legs, bones, and muscles (which had served equally well to run away) but his desire to
obey his city’s laws. That physical situation had an immaterial cause. This depends on
the fact that the Greek word aitìa (that is commonly translated as “cause”) had a poly-
semous sense, which we might better express through the notion of “the reason for
which.” In this way we can easily understand Aristotle’s doctrine of the “four causes”
(formal, material, efficient, and final), of which only the efficient means the “produc-
tion” of an effect, whereas the others concern the “reasons” for which something
occurred, these reasons being the presence of a material substratum, the “form” or
essence of the entity concerned, and a goal orienting the process. This goal can be
either the aim or purpose pursued by an external operator performing the process or a
pattern inscribed in the internal essence of the entity, a kind of design presiding over
its development and also over its way of behaving in the different circumstances.
A generalized rejection of the final causes can be found at the beginning of mod-
ern philosophy, both in empiricist philosophers like Francis Bacon and in rationalist
thinkers like Descartes and Spinoza. No wonder, therefore, that it enters also the
new natural science, especially considering that Galileo had explicitly excluded
from the objectives of this science the investigation of the essence of the physical
bodies, and the final cause was precisely meant to reside in their essence. The same
attitude is explicitly adopted by Newton who, in the Scholium Generale of his
Principia, after having admitted that he had been unable to uncover the cause of
gravitation, declares that he will not try to “imagine hypotheses,” by postulating
“hidden causes,” like those that the Scholastic tradition was accustomed to locate in
the substantial forms of things.
This kind of reasons has nothing to do with a refusal of finalism in Nature that,
according to certain authors of our time, would be a subtle improper tool for admit-
ting the interference of religion into science by requiring the existence of an intel-
ligent omnipotent God as the cause of the marvellous order or design present in
Nature. Indeed, the Newtonian statement hypotheses non fingo appears in the con-
clusion of the Scholium Generale in which ample space is given to a series of theo-
logical considerations according to which only the existence of such a supernatural
spiritual Creator can account for the global order of the world, while the impossibil-
ity of uncovering the cause of gravitation is linked with the impossibility of natural
science (called “experimental philosophy”) to bypass the external properties of
things and penetrate their intimate essence (which is an epistemological reason).
As a matter of fact, the mechanically interpreted order of Nature has remained
for a long while one of the fundamental arguments for the existence of God as its
cause, even for anti-religious thinkers like Voltaire, and the same Darwin’s evolu-
tion theory (in which no finalism is present) was considered by him as the more
compatible with divine creation (as he says in the final lines of the Origin of Species
xiv E. Agazzi
that have remained until the last edition, “There is grandeur in this view of life, with
its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms
or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone circling on according to the fixed
law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most
wonderful have been, and are being evolved”).
System Theory
One can correctly point out that Bertalanffy’s study, in which he presents the first
seeds of system theory, focuses on the inadequacy of the second principle of thermo-
dynamics for the explanation of the phenomenon of biological growth of individual
organisms (Investigations on the laws of growth, 1934). This principle, however, had
been often criticized in physics. The novelty of Bertalanffy’s approach is the consid-
eration that it applies to closed systems, whereas living organisms are open systems.
Therefore, the problem is not that of “criticizing” the second principle of thermody-
namics (that is right under its specific hypothesis) but to recognize that it is not fully
pertinent in the case of living organisms because they are not systems of the kind
envisaged by the said principle. Therefore, the issue is that of making a pertinent
investigation regarding the different kinds of systems and possibly their common
features. In particular, the question of “lawlikeness” was important, because the priv-
ilege of the physical closed systems was that of being regulated by deterministic
“natural laws,” permitting predictions and experimental tests, while nothing compa-
rable appeared possible for living systems. Nevertheless, it is also evident that living
organisms are able to preserve a certain identity underlying their continuous change
that they realize and tend to keep a steady state which is different from the simple
equilibrium (be it the mechanic or the thermodynamic one). These are among the
best known characteristics that are studied in General System Theory (GST). They
suggest that, due to their difference with regard to the conceptual tools usually admit-
ted in the sciences, they can offer the opportunity of revisiting certain other more
general philosophic concepts that are appreciated within the systemic way of think-
ing. In other words, GST, which is born in the field of science, can help us to recover
the intellectual importance of philosophical concepts that had been marginalized as
a historical consequence of the advent of modern science in the Renaissance.
The ontology of GST consists of a web of single totalities, each one of them being
individually characterized by its own internal structure and proper functions. In
order to appreciate the novelty of this ontology, it is sufficient to compare it with
that of another great foundational theory in mathematics, that is, set theory. In set
theory only one relation is primitive, that of membership of the elements in the set,
Systemic Thinking: An Introduction xv
but the elements are in a certain sense all equivalent, since they have no property.
Moreover, they have no internal structure, are not even linked by particular rela-
tions, but can be arbitrarily aggregated in sets, subsets, and supersets. On the con-
trary, the primitive constituents in system theory are systems, each having its specific
characteristics and internal structure, and they do not simply “belong” to the global
system but are mutually interrelated with the other systems and are not “elements”
but “subsystems” of the global system, according to a net of relations that allow the
global system to have certain properties and perform certain functions.
Due to this fact, every system is at the same time “simple” (in the sense that it is
well determined in what it is, independently of its relations with other systems) but
also “complex” (as far as it has an internal structure, constituted by a web of rela-
tions among its subsystems, from which its own specific properties depend). It is not
arbitrary nor difficult to recognize in what we have just said the classical notion of
substantial form, which was precisely the ontological principle expressing the fact
that any entity is what it is due to a particular organization of its constituent parts
whose status was qualified as matter (not because they are simply “raw material”
but because they belong to a lower level of organization). After these precisions it
should be clear that “holism” is here understood as the appreciation of the “point of
view of the whole” as opposed to “atomism” and has nothing to do with the notion
of holism that Bunge rejects.
deeper analysis of the notions of determinism and causality, that is, of fundamental
ontological and epistemological issues. All this is a part of more specific problems
of the philosophy of science, like, for instance, the proposal of admitting as “expla-
nation” of phenomena and also the proposal of “mechanisms” that describe “how”
they occur, rather than “why” they occur, or the legitimacy of speaking of laws for
single phenomena, just to mention a few examples.
In system theory the concept of finality could receive a sense purified of any psycho-
logical flavor linking it with the intention or purpose set down by a subject (a mean-
ing that, however, is perfectly legitimate in the study of human actions). This objective
meaning of finality simply reflects the condition for qualifying something as a sys-
tem, that is, the fact of being an ordered totality of parts, endowed with properties
that objectively contribute, thanks to a precise order of relations and correlations (and
not to another one), to the existence of properties and functions of the global system.
This is actually the classical notion of “final cause,” which expresses the specific way
in which a certain entity behaves because it has a specific nature. If we prefer, we
could say that the final cause expresses the dynamic aspect of the nature of an entity.
This type of causality can be amplified also to include the supersystems of a particu-
lar system and in such a way can concern even the universe, as it was the case with
Aristotle’s doctrine of the “immobile motor”: this acts as supreme final cause and not
as an efficient cause. It is due to the Judeo-Christian doctrine of God’s creation that
this was also seen as efficient cause, and this—as we have already noted—produced
the diffidence of certain contemporary authors against the admission of final causes
in science. GST offers a conceptualization of finalism or “teleology” that is neutral
and not entailing per se any “theological” consequence, though not preventing one,
on the other hand, to take this finalism as an objective feature present in the world for
proposing specific philosophical arguments for proving the existence of God, and
their force must be judged according to philosophical criteria.
It may be noted, in addition, that the notion of propensity introduced by Popper
and taken up by recent scholars for the explanation of several phenomena in the
natural and especially in the human sciences is a rather patent recovery of the con-
cept of final cause.
Already Bertalanffy had pointed out that the systemic approach can be applied in
different domains, and this idea was strongly reinforced when the notion of an
“open” system was extended not only to the existence of exchanges of matter and
energy with the environment but also of information. In such a way, concepts like
Systemic Thinking: An Introduction xvii
those of feedback, regulation, and self-regulation, together with all models elabo-
rated in cybernetics, could be used for a significant improvement of the description
of the interactions within systems and between systems and environment.
This means that the concept of system is transdisciplinary, that is, it can be prof-
itably used in different disciplines. The systemic approach, however, is equally
important in every interdisciplinary research that is in the treatment of complex
problems. By complex problem we do not mean a “difficult” problem but one in
which different aspects of an issue must be taken into consideration. In these cases
the best strategy is that of making explicit the differences and specificity of the dis-
ciplines that can approach each aspect, with their specific criteria of investigation,
of testing, and of making arguments, and then to make the effort of making a certain
translation and especially of finding correlations between these disciplinary results.
The “global” result will not be, and must not be, a “unique” portrayal of the reality
investigated (obtained by reduction to a single allegedly “fundamental” discipline)
but a multifaceted portrayal in which the contribution of every discipline can be
appreciated because it “contributes” to a better understanding of the whole.
Considering the enormous quantity of complex problems that are surfacing in
our contemporary world, and which will increase in number and complexity in the
coming future, we can conclude that a generalized adoption of a systemic way of
thinking will be the more suitable intellectual attitude to be promoted in our
Mexico City, Mexico Agazzi
xx Contents
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Phenomenological Structural Dynamics
of Emergence: An Overview of How
Emergence Emerges
Gianfranco Minati
1 Introduction
The purpose of this chapter is to present a general, inevitably partial overview of the
phenomenology of emergence and considers some related properties and represen-
tations, the interplay between compatibilities and equivalences, and phenomena as
suitable incubators of types of emergence (see Sect. 2).
G. Minati (*)
Italian Systems Society, Milan, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
Among the various possible processes of emergence (see below) consider a suffi-
ciently representative prototype: the case of the establishment of collective behav-
iours or collective motions in 3D space by generic agents. For example, living agents
assumed to possess a suitable cognitive system (boids and fishes); living agents
assumed to possess no cognitive system (amoeba, bacterial colonies, cells, and mac-
romolecules); non-living agents (lasers, networks of oscillators, traffic signals, or
rods on vibrating surfaces). For a more detailed overview see, for instance, Vicsek
and Zafeiris (2012). When dealing with collective behaviour, in the following we
also use both the terms “component” and “entity” to denote a composing, belonging
generic agent.
The following considerations may be suitably generalised across disciplines
thanks to the genericity of the agent considered and by considering other nD,
Phenomenological Structural Dynamics of Emergence: An Overview of How… 5
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