Micro Teaching
Micro Teaching
Micro Teaching
Topic of lesson: photosynthesis Date of the lesson: August 16/ 2022 G.C
The students will be aware that plants produce their own food by the process of photosynthesis. This process uses carbon
dioxide, water, sunlight and chlorophyll to produce glucose and oxygen which are essential for all living things on the earth.
Pre-requisite Knowledge:
Students have studied in the previous unit plant cells contain chloroplast organelles which are a site for photosynthesis. In this
lesson, the students understand that what is photosynthesis process and what will be the necessary materials for this process
and what will be produced by this process.
Lesson objectives:
Main What is Ask the students to discuss in pair on the: Confirm the
activities photosynthesis? students
25' Which parts of plant carried out Discussing in understand
photosynthesis? pair
Sunlight is
What are the main parts of the leaf? Answering and absorbed by
asking chlorophyll
Which parts of the leaf contains palisade cells questions
which contain more chloroplasts? CO2 and H2O
Taking note as combined to
What is the use of carbon dioxide, water, a summary of form glucose
chlorophyll and sun light in photosynthesis activity
Forwarding the
Learner support (for slow learner, fast learner, students with disability, etc.):
Fast learners will be given a chance of helping slow learners. This will help them to master the topic and they will be
encouraged to read more and ask questions during their extra time.
Slow learners will be given special attention throughout the period (pair them fast learners, encourage to ask and
answer questions, checking their homework thoroughly and help them to correct, giving them extra time after class as
Students with disabilities will be given special attention depending up on their problems.2