Abpsy Ass 4
Abpsy Ass 4
Abpsy Ass 4
Identify and enumerate the statement of the problem and the variables
from the study.
Answer amplification: Try to enumerate the research questions as
learned from your basic research, and identify the variables being
treated in the study. For example: What are the levels of self-esteem
among Young Filipino Part-Time Workers in terms of...; Variables: Self-
Esteem (Independent Variable) and Length of hours in part-time work
(Dependent Variable)
- In their 2020 study, Butler and colleagues emphasized the significance of recognizing
the experiences of parents who have children with DPB. Understanding their
perspectives is crucial in identifying the factors that may contribute to or hinder
positive outcomes for families receiving PT.
- According to a study conducted in 2017, parents can experience higher levels of
stress while regulating their emotions when dealing with children who have difficult
temperaments (Crespo et al., 2017).
6. How can you relate and connect the implications of the results and
conclusions among Filipino population and culture?
The study highlights the challenges that parents of children with disruptive behavior problems
(DBP), specifically oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), face. The findings emphasize the
importance of addressing the mental health problems of parents, their capacity for emotion
regulation, parental alliance, lack of parental strategies, perceived helplessness, sense of
isolation, and absence of supportive social networks. These factors are universal challenges faced
by parents in various cultural contexts, including the Filipino population.
The study suggests that interventions aimed at helping and supporting parents of children with
DBP, including ODD, should take into account these factors when designing tailored
interventions. In Filipino culture, which places great value on strong family ties and community
support, the saying "It takes a village to raise a child" is particularly relevant. Therefore,
interventions should also aim to foster good and trusting relationships with various networks,
such as healthcare professionals, social services, and schools, to provide comprehensive support
for families.
The study sheds light on the difficulties faced by parents of children with disruptive behavior
problems (DBP), specifically oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). The findings highlight the
significance of addressing the mental health issues of parents, their ability to regulate emotions,
perceived helplessness, lack of parental strategies, sense of isolation, and absence of supportive
social networks. These factors are universal challenges that parents face in different cultural
contexts, and they likely apply to the Filipino population too. Therefore, the study suggests that
interventions aimed at helping and supporting parents of children with DBP, including ODD,
should take these factors into account when building interventions.
In the Filipino culture, where strong family ties and community support are highly valued, the
proverb "It takes a village to raise a child" holds particular relevance. Thus, interventions should
also focus on building strong and trusting relationships with various networks, such as
healthcare professionals, social services, and schools, to provide comprehensive support for
In addition, lack of reports on the prevalence of DBPs and ODD in the Philippines was
observed. This may be due to the ongoing stigma surrounding mental health issues
among Filipinos. Therefore, further research is necessary to explore the prevalence of
these disorders among Filipino children and to understand their parents' experiences.
The above study can serve as an essential basis for future local
studies, and by also exploring the identified themes, we can gain a
better understanding of the unique challenges that Filipinos with
bipolar disorder face. Moreover, conducting more focused studies
within the Filipino population not only helps raise awareness about the
prevalence of DBPs and ODD but also provides a potential framework
for shaping mental health policies in the Philippines focusing on
children. This dual impact on research and policy can significantly
enhance the overall mental health situation in the country.
The study discussed above can serve as a crucial basis for future local
research. By delving into the identified themes, we can gain a better
understanding of the unique challenges that Filipino parents with
children who have DBPs or ODD face. Conducting more focused studies
within the Filipino population not only helps raise awareness about the
prevalence of DBPs and ODD, but also provides a potential framework
for shaping mental health policies in the Philippines, with a particular
focus on children and parents. This dual impact on research and policy
can significantly improve the overall mental health situation in the
Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five
approaches(3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Butler, J., Gregg, L., Calam, R., & Wittkowski, A. (2020). Parents’ perceptions and
experiences of parenting programmes: A systematic review and metasynthesis of the
qualitative literature. Clinical child and family psychology review, 23, 176-204.
Ljungström, B., Sarenmalm, E. K., & Axberg, U. (2020). “Since his birth, I’ve always
been old” the experience of being parents to children displaying disruptive behavior
problems: a qualitative study. BMC Psychology, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-