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Presentation Group 6 Literature

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English Periods
01 Introduction 04 Middle English

02 Meet the team 05 Conclusion

03 Old English 06 Question and Answer

Meet the team

Lisda Nurhayati Elistiani Shalba Dwinarasa

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The origins of Old English stem from the
arrival of three Germanic groups who
invaded or colonized England in the 5th
century AD
In the Old English period, English history
and literature experienced several stages of
development due to invasions and other
ethnic groups.
Similar to the Old English period, society in
the Middle English period also experienced
stages of development that influenced the
style of literary works.
Overview History
The first settlers and invaders
Old English period in English history The English are a composite race :
and literature experienced several stages Celts -> First settlers (6th-7th BC)
of development due to raids or invasions Franks -> infaders from Germany and italy (5 BC)
Romans -> under claudius (43-410 AD)
from other ethnic groups.
Old English
Literary Works
Old English literature is also known as Anglo -
Saxon literature because this literature was
brought by Germanic tribes from their homeland
in mainland Europe.
Old English literature is divided into two groups,
namely prose and poetry.
Prose Poetry
Old English prose works include Almost all Old English poetry was written in
legal writings, medical tracts, one meter, four stresses with syntax, or a passage
religious texts, and translations between the second and third stresses, and with
from Latin and other languages. alliteration connecting the two halves of the line
Particularly notable is the Anglo- More than half of Anglo-Saxon poetry is
Saxon Chronicle, a historical record religious poetry
begun about the time of King Most of these poems are translations and
adaptations of the books of the Old and New
Alfred’s reign (871–899) and
Testaments, stories of saints, and poetry that
continuing for more than three
primarily comes from the regions of
Northumbria and Mercia and was created in the
7th and 8th centuries.
poetry Prose
Latin (Bede’s History Of
Heroic (Beowulf)
The English Church and
Elegiac (The Seafarer)
Lyric ( Caedmon’s hymn)
Old English (The Anglo-
Saxon Chronicle)
Figures of Old
English Literature King Alfred

King Alfred was a famous

king in his era because he
was the founding stone of
English prose and was
then continued by Aelfric
and Wulfstan.
Aldhelm studied with Theodore who was a Greek priest. he was
also known as a poet and knew a lot about classical Latin poets
and scriptures. In his writings both prose and poetry. In writing
his literary works, Aldhelm uses a lot of figurative language such
as similes, metaphors, figures of speech, and so on.

For example, the golden necklace of virtues, the white jewels of merit, the purple
flowers of modesty, the swanlike whiteness of old age, the opening of the gate of
dumb silence, the shining lamps of chastity in which the oil of modesty burns.

The examples above are metaphorical language because Aldhelm compares two
different things or ideas: necklace compared to virtue, pearl to goodness
, purple flowers to modesty. , the white color of a swan with old age, and so on.
Venerable Bede (672-735)

Bede was a prose writer from

Northumbria. Bede was the best
Christian theologian and historian of his
time, who had Angle blood. However,
Bede grew up at Wearmouth Abbey and
later spent his youth at Jarrow Abbey.
ALCUIN (730-804)
He was a prosaist who came from Northumbria and grew up in York. Most of
Alcuin's works are devoted to Charlemagne (Charles the Great), under the
pseudonym David or comparing Charlemagne with Homer, and himself under the
pseudonym Flaceus (Horace). Cuin's works discuss grammar , rhetoric, dialectics,
and other works in the form of dialogue or catechism (teaching or testing by asking
lots of questions).
Old English Literary
Beowulf is a medieval hero whose story is known through a long poem.
The poem Beowulf tells the story of a hero's life journey from when he was young until
his heroic death . The history of Beowulf is believed to have actually occurred around the
675th century AD, while the first manuscript was written around the 1000th century AD.
From a historical perspective , this story is believed to have been passed down from
generation to generation orally by travelers and poets. Therefore, some alterations in the
story inevitably occur.
Middle English’ – a period of roughly 300 years from
around 1150 CE to around 1450 – is difficult to identify
because it is a time of transition between two eras that
each have stronger definition: Old English and Modern
Middle English
Literary Works
the most famous type of medieval literary work is
"romance". The characteristics of French and
Anglo-Norman literary works include a variety
of poetry forms, a clear and simple style of
expression, and always a bright atmosphere.
These characteristics are not found in Old
English literature, which always has a somber
atmosphere, has a heavy and complicated
language style, and whose verse forms are
limited to alliteration.
1. Poetry 2. Prose
Sir Thomas Malary-Morte D'Arthur' (=Arthur's
 Influence of French poetry
Death), 8 tales of Arthur and his knights (mid-15th
 Didactic poetry cent.). This work is important because 8 tales are
 Verse romance structurally connected and reminiscent of a novel.
Malory was no artist, but he was talented and wrote
Figures of Middle English Literature

Roger Bacon (1214-1294) William Caxton (c.1422-1491) Miles Coverdale (c. 1488-
[Early Modern Period] 1569) [religious writing]

English philosopher and scientist. A few years earlier Caxton had One of the main translators of the
Bacon is one of the most prominent visited Cologne where he acquired Bible in the 16th century. He was
figures in 13th century scholastic his knowledge in the technique of born in Yorkshire and studied in
philosophy. printing and returned to England via Cambridge and became bishop of
Belgium to apply this new art. Exeter in his latter years.
Figures of Middle English Literature

Robert Gloucester (13th John Gower (c. 1330- Margery Kempe (c. 1373-
centcentury) 1408) 1439)

The author of a chronicle which can An English poet of courtly love who An East Anglian women who is
be dated to about 1300 and was is remembered as the author of the known to posterity from The Boke of
written in the southern dialect. Confessio Amantis, a collection Margery Kempe. This is a text
exemplary tales (from both classical dictated by Kempe which recounts
and medieval sources) about courtly her religious experiences, including
and Christian love. visions and pilgrimages.
Robin Hood
Robin Hood is a legendary heroic outlaw originally
depicted in English folklore and subsequently featured in
literature, theatre, and cinema. According to legend, he
was a highly skilled archer and swordsman.
Old English is the earliest historical form of the English language, which was
spoken in England and some parts of Scotland during the early Middle Ages. It
was brought to England by the Anglo-Saxon settlers during the 5th century. It
was used in Britain from 400s through the 1100s.
Middle English refers to a collection of the varieties of English that replaced Old
English after the Norman quest (1066). Middle English developed out of late Old
English, but there are drastic changes in grammar, pronunciation, and spelling
between these two versions.

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