Microbial Metabolomics: Methods and Protocols Edward E.K. Baidoo Download PDF
Microbial Metabolomics: Methods and Protocols Edward E.K. Baidoo Download PDF
Microbial Metabolomics: Methods and Protocols Edward E.K. Baidoo Download PDF
Ethics, Morality And Business: The Development Of Modern
Economic Systems, Volume II: Modern Civilizations Dipak
Dead Reckoning 1st Edition Mercedes Lackey Rosemary
Methods in
Molecular Biology 1859
Methods and Protocols
Series Editor
John M. Walker
School of Life and Medical Sciences
University of Hertfordshire
Hatfield, Hertfordshire AL10 9AB, UK
Edited by
This Humana Press imprint is published by the registered company Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of
Springer Nature.
The registered company address is: 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, U.S.A.
Since the term metabolomics was first coined, it was thought that comprehensive metabo-
lomic data sets would be the shape of things to come. However, the structural diversity that
exists within the metabolome would make it extremely difficult to achieve this with current
analytical technologies. This left scientists to ponder the questions, how much of the
metabolome was necessary to characterize metabolism and what aspects of metabolomics
data were truly meaningful to a research study? This book explores current approaches to
answering these two very fundamental questions in microbiological research.
The protocols in this volume represent the breadth of microbial metabolomics
approaches to both large-scale and small-scale experiments. The intention of this volume
is to cover protocols that can be used for applications ranging from environmental microbi-
ology to human disease. All protocols described in this volume utilize mass spectrometry as
their primary measurement tool, which is reflective of the popularity of this technique. This
volume covers four major areas: (1) microbial metabolomics, metabolism, and microbial
physiology, (2) metabolite sample preparation, (3) current analytical techniques used to
profile primary and secondary metabolites and lipids, and (4) establishing data analysis
workflows for targeted metabolomics, untargeted metabolomics, analysis of metabolic
fluxes, and genome-scale models.
Part II of this volume provides background information on metabolomics in the context
of microbial metabolism and physiology. The protocols described in this volume provide
guidance for both novice and advanced users. Extra information on the steps of each
protocol can be found in the notes section at the end of each chapter. The information
covered in these protocols can serve as reference material and can be adapted to similar
analytical platforms or customized to suit the needs of the researcher. I would like to thank
all the authors for their outstanding efforts and for kindly agreeing to contribute to this issue
on Microbial Metabolomics. I would also like to thank and acknowledge John M. Walker for
his invitation to edit this volume of Methods in Molecular Biology and for his invaluable advice
and encouragement during the preparation of the issue.
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Contributors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
1 Microbial Metabolomics: A General Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Edward E.K. Baidoo
viii Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
x Contributors
In the biosciences, there has been growing interest in the elucidation of gene function. Consequently,
metabolomics has garnered a lot of attention of late due to its provision of metabolic information pertaining
to both function and phenotype. Furthermore, when metabolomics data is integrated with other “omics”
data, precise characterization of metabolic activity can be achieved. This chapter briefly introduces a few
important aspects of the metabolome, the challenges faced when acquiring metabolomic information and
the steps that are necessary to overcoming them. This chapter also briefly covers current analytical
technologies and some microbial metabolomic applications.
Key words Mass spectrometry, Metabolomics, Microbial, LC-MS, GC-MS, CE-MS, Metabolic
quenching, Metabolite extraction, Data analysis, Microbial communities, Human disease
Edward E.K. Baidoo (ed.), Microbial Metabolomics: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1859,
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-8757-3_1, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019
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2 Edward E.K. Baidoo
Fig. 1 “Omics” overview. This is an illustration of the flow of molecular information from genes to metabolites
to function and phenotype, the interactions between the “omes” and the “omics” techniques used to measure
them. This diagram was adapted from Hollywood et al. [10]
Fig. 2 Popularity of MS and NMR from 2000 to 2017. The popularity was based
on the number of publications obtained from Web of Science. The search criteria
are as follows: (1) metabolomics and mass spectrometry and years, and
(2) metabolomics and NMR and years. NMR was used instead of nuclear
magnetic resonance because it generated more publications
The authors would also like to acknowledge that this work was part
of the DOE Joint BioEnergy Institute (http://www.jbei.org) sup-
ported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office
of Biological and Environmental Research, through contract
DE-AC02-05CH11231 between Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory and the US Department of Energy.
1. Roberts LD, Souza AL, Gerszten RE et al 2. Villas-Bôas SG, Roessner U, Hansen MAE et al
(2012) Targeted metabolomics. Curr Protoc (2007) Metabolome analysis: an introduction.
Mol Biol 1:1–24 John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Hoboken
8 Edward E.K. Baidoo
3. van der KJA, Verrijzer CP (2016) Undercover: metabolomics. In: Navid A (ed) Microbial sys-
gene control by metabolites and metabolic tems biology: methods and protocols.
enzymes. Genes Dev 30:2345–2369 Springer, New York, pp 215–278
4. Lee SJ, Trostel A, Adhya S (2014) Metabolite 10. Hollywood K, Brison DR, Goodacre R (2006)
changes signal genetic regulatory mechanisms Metabolomics: current technologies and future
for robust cell behavior. MBio 5:1–8 trends. Proteomics 6:4716–4723
5. Kochanowski K, Gerosa L, Brunner SF et al 11. Botsford JL, Harman JG (1992) Cyclic AMP in
(2017) Few regulatory metabolites coordinate prokaryotes. Microbiol Rev 56:100–122
expression of central metabolic genes in Escher- 12. Buettner MJ, Spitz E, Rickenberg HV (1973)
ichia coli. Mol Syst Biol 13:903 Cyclic adenosine 30 , 50 -monophosphate in
6. Penn K, Wang J, Fernando SC et al (2014) Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol 14:1068–1073
Secondary metabolite gene expression and inter- 13. Wei R, Li G, Seymour AB (2010) High-
play of bacterial functions in a tropical freshwater throughput and multiplexed LC/MS/MRM
cyanobacterial bloom. ISME J 8:1866–1878 method for targeted metabolomics. Anal
7. Berthoumieux S, De JH, Baptist G et al (2013) Chem 82:5527–5533
Shared control of gene expression in bacteria 14. Baran R (2017) Untargeted metabolomics suf-
by transcription factors and global physiology fers from incomplete raw data processing.
of the cell. Mol Syst Biol 9:1–11 Metabolomics 13:107
8. Aretz I, Meierhofer D (2016) Advantages and 15. Baidoo EEK, Keasling JD (2013) Microbial
pitfalls of mass spectrometry based metabo- metabolomics: welcome to the real world!
lome profiling in systems biology. Int J Mol Metabolomics 9:755–756
Sci 17:E632 16. Lorenz MC (2007) Host. Microbe
9. Baidoo EEK, Benke PI, Keasling JD (2012) 449:7164–7164
Mass spectrometry-based microbial
Part I
The demand for understanding the roles genes play in biological systems has steered the biosciences into
the direction the metabolome, as it closely reflects the metabolic activities within a cell. The importance of
the metabolome is further highlighted by its ability to influence the genome, transcriptome, and proteome.
Consequently, metabolomic information is being used to understand microbial metabolic networks. At the
forefront of this work is mass spectrometry, the most popular metabolomics measurement technique. Mass
spectrometry-based metabolomic analyses have made significant contributions to microbiological research
in the environment and human disease. In this chapter, we break down the technical aspects of mass
spectrometry-based metabolomics and discuss its application to microbiological research.
Key words Mass spectrometry, Metabolomics, Microbial, LC-MS, GC-MS, CE-MS, Metabolic
quenching, Metabolite extraction, Data analysis, Microbial communities, Human disease
1 Introduction
Edward E.K. Baidoo (ed.), Microbial Metabolomics: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1859,
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-8757-3_2, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019
12 Edward E.K. Baidoo and Veronica Teixeira Benites
Fig. 1 Sample preparation workflow. Biomass can be separated from the culture medium before or after
quenching and extraction. Prepared samples are then run on the data acquisition system
used extraction agents due to their affinity for most cell membrane
structures, as they enable cell permeabilization and the efficient
release of cell contents. Additionally, knowing the chemical and
physical properties of the analytes of interest will help to improve
extraction efficiency (i.e., the extent to which metabolites are recov-
ered from a cell) as methods can be tailored to those metabolites.
For example, in methanol–water–chloroform extraction of micro-
bial metabolites, methanol and water can interact with polar meta-
bolites while chloroform interacts with the nonpolar fraction
[11–15]. The multipurpose nature of methanol and chloroform
allows them to be used to disrupt cell membranes and quench
metabolism. As well as being used as quenching agents, most
organic solvents tend not to degrade metabolites because of their
pH neutrality and weak oxidizing capabilities. However, when they
are used in conjunction with extreme pH variation (e.g., via per-
chloric acid) and high temperatures (e.g., boiling ethanol), meta-
bolites could be degraded or deformed, leading to reduced yields.
Of the numerous extraction methods, methanol-based extraction
procedures appear to be the most popular for intracellular metabo-
lites. This is due to methanol’s quenching and extraction (causing
cell lysis and interacting with polar to mid-polar metabolites) cap-
abilities, and lack of artifact production [2]. Cell lysis can also be
brought about via enzymatic (e.g., lysozyme) and mechanical (e.g.,
sonication and bead-beating) cell wall/membrane disruption tech-
niques [1, 2]. Enzymatic techniques should not be used with
quenching agents as enzyme activities can be arrested. Care should
also be taken with mechanical disruption techniques, as they can
often raise the temperature of sample lysates, leading to the possible
degradation of thermally labile compounds (in such cases the sam-
ple disruption technique can be performed at low temperatures).
Thus, efficient metabolite extraction from microbial cells is
achieved by complete cell lysis, strong analyte-extracting agent
interaction, and minimal loss and degradation of analytes.
Clean-up strategies can be employed to enhance the overall
quality of the metabolite extract by reducing its complexity and
ensuring reproducibility by minimizing interferences from highly
abundant sample matrix ions [16]. There are numerous examples of
metabolite sample cleanup strategies. Molecular weight cut-off fil-
tration (MW/CO) is a separation process using a membrane filter
under centrifugation to remove macromolecules from a biological
extract. Liquid-liquid extraction uses solvent phase separation to
purify metabolites and remove interfering compounds. The best
example of this is the previously described methanol–water–chloro-
form extraction procedure [11–15]. Solid phase extraction (SPE)
allows the retention of metabolites on a solid stationary phase
support (via chromatography), while unretained substances are
washed off. Metabolites can then be eluted from the SPE column/
cartridge via a solvent or solution it has a strong interaction with
16 Edward E.K. Baidoo and Veronica Teixeira Benites
§ 297. The change from the outside of the lips to their inside,
introduces us to a new series of interesting and instructive facts,
joining on to those with which the last chapter closed. They concern
the differentiations of those coats of the alimentary canal which, as
we have seen, are physiologically outer, though physically inner.
These coats are greatly modified at different parts; and their
modifications vary greatly in different animals. In the lower types,
where they compose a simple tube running from end to end of the
body, they are almost uniform in their histological characters; but on
ascending from these types, we find them presenting an increasing
variety of minute structures between their two ends. The argument
will be adequately enforced if we limit ourselves to the leading
modifications they display in some of the higher animals.
The successive parts of the alimentary canal are so placed with
respect to its contents, that the physical and chemical changes
undergone by its contents while passing from one end to the other,
inevitably tend to transform its originally homogeneous surface into
a heterogeneous surface. Clearly, the effect produced on the food at
any part of the canal by trituration, by adding a secretion, or by
absorbing its nutritive matters, implies the delivery of the food into
the next part of the canal in a state more or less unlike its previous
states—implies that the surface with which it now comes in contact
is differently affected by it from the preceding surfaces—implies, that
is, a differentiating action. To use concrete language;—food that is
broken down in the mouth acts on the œsophagus and stomach in a
way unlike that which it would have done had it been swallowed
whole; the masticated food, to which certain solvents or ferments
are added, becomes to the intestine a different substance from that
which it must have otherwise been; and the altered food, resolved
by these additions into its proximate principles, cannot have those
proximate principles absorbed in the next part of the intestine,
without the remoter parts being affected as they would not have
been in the absence of absorption. It is true that in developed
alimentary canals, such as the reasoning here tacitly assumes, these
marked successive differentiations of the food are themselves the
results of pre-established differentiations in the successive parts of
the canal. But it is also true that actions and reactions like those
here so definitely marked, must go on indefinitely in an undeveloped
alimentary canal. If the food is changed at all in the course of its
transit, which it must be if the creature is to live by it, then it cannot
but act dissimilarly on the successive tracts of the alimentary canal,
and cannot but be dissimilarly reacted on by them. Inevitably,
therefore, the uniformity of the surface must lapse into greater or
less multiformity: the differentiation of each part tending ever to
initiate differentiations of other parts.
Not, indeed, that the implied process of direct equilibration can be
regarded as the sole process. Indirect equilibration aids; and,
doubtless, there are some of the modifications which only indirect
equilibration can accomplish. But we have here one unquestionable
cause—a cause that is known to work in individuals, changes of the
kind alleged. Where, for instance, cancerous disease of the
œsophagus so narrows the passage into the stomach as to prevent
easy descent of the food, the œsophagus above the obstruction
becomes enlarged into a kind of pouch; and the inner surface of this
pouch begins to secrete juices that produce in the food a kind of
rude digestion. Again, stricture of the intestine, when it arises
gradually, is followed by hypertrophy of the muscular coat of the
intestine above the constricted part: the ordinary peristaltic
movements being insufficient to force the food forwards, and the
lodged food serving as a constant stimulus to contraction, the
muscular fibres, habitually more exercised, become more bulky. The
deduction from general principles being thus inductively enforced,
we cannot, I think, resist the conclusion that the direct actions and
reactions between the food and the alimentary canal have been
largely instrumental in establishing the contrasts among its parts.
And we shall hold this view with the more confidence on observing
how satisfactorily, in pursuance of it, we are enabled to explain one
of the most striking of these differentiations, which we will take as a
type of the class.
The gizzard of a bird is an expanded portion of the alimentary
canal, specially fitted to give the food that trituration which the
toothless mouth of a bird cannot give. Besides having a greatly-
developed muscular coat, this grinding-chamber is lined with a thick,
hard cuticle, capable of bearing the friction of the pebbles swallowed
to serve as grindstones. This differentiation of the mucous coat into
a ridged and tubercled layer of horny matter—a differentiation
which, in the analogous organs of certain Mollusca, is carried to the
extent of producing from this membrane cartilaginous plates, and
even teeth—varies in birds of different kinds, according to their food.
It is moderate in birds that feed on flesh and fish, and extreme in
granivorous birds and others that live on hard substances. How does
this immense modification of the alimentary canal originate? In the
stomach of a mammal, the macerating and solvent actions are
united with that triturating action which finishes what the teeth have
mainly done; but in the bird, unable to masticate, these internal
functions are specialized, and while the crop is the macerating
chamber, the gizzard becomes a chamber adapted to triturate more
effectually. This adaptation requires simply an exaggeration of
certain structures and actions which characterize stomachs in
general, and, in a less degree, alimentary canals throughout their
whole lengths. The massive muscles of the gizzard are simply
extreme developments of the muscular tunic, which is already
considerably developed over the stomach, and incloses also the
œsophagus and the intestine. The indurated lining of the gizzard,
thickened into horny buttons at the places of severest pressure, is
nothing more than a greatly strengthened and modified epithelium.
And the grinding action of the gizzard is but a specialized form of
that rhythmical contraction by which an ordinary stomach kneads
the contained food, and which in the œsophagus effects the act of
swallowing, while in the intestine it becomes the peristaltic motion.
Allied as the gizzard thus clearly is in structure and action to the
stomach and alimentary canal in general; and capable of being
gradually differentiated from a stomach where a growing habit of
swallowing food unmasticated entails more trituration to be
performed before the food passes the pylorus; the question is—Does
this change of structure arise by direct adaptation? There is warrant
for the belief that it does. Besides such collateral evidence as that
mucous membrane becomes horny on the toothless gums of old
people, when subject to continual rough usage, and that the
muscular coat of the intestine thickens where unusual activity is
demanded of it, we have the direct evidence of experiment. Hunter
habituated a sea-gull to feed on grain, and found that the lining of
its gizzard became hardened, while the gizzard-muscles doubled in
thickness. A like change in the diet of a kite was followed by like
results. Clearly, if differentiations so produced in the individuals of a
race under changed habits, are in any degree inheritable, a structure
like a gizzard will originate through the direct actions and reactions
between the food and the alimentary canal.
Another case—a very interesting one, somewhat allied to this—is
presented by the ruminating animals. Here several dilatations of the
alimentary canal precede the true stomach; and in them large
quantities of unmasticated food are stored, to be afterwards
returned to the mouth and masticated at leisure. What conditions
have made this specialization advantageous? and by what process
has it been established? To both these questions the facts indicate
answers which are not unsatisfactory. [Creatures that obtain their
food very irregularly—now having more than they can consume, and
now being for long periods without any—must, in the first place, be
apt, when very hungry, to eat to the extreme limits of their
capacities; and must, in the second place, profit by peculiarities
which enable them to compensate themselves for long fasts, past
and future. A perch which, when its stomach is full of young frogs,
goes on filling its œsophagus also; or a trout which, rising to the
fisherman’s fly, proves when taken off the hook to be full of worms
and insect-larvæ up to the very mouth, gains by its ability to take in
such unusual supplies of food when it meets with them—obviously
thrives better than it would do could it never eat more than a
stomachful. That this ability to feed greatly in excess of immediate
requirement, is one that varies in individuals of the same race, we
see in the marked contrast between our own powers in this respect,
and the powers of uncivilized men; whose fasting and gorging are to
us so astonishing. Carrying with us these considerations, we shall
not be surprised at finding dilatations of the œsophagus in vultures
and eagles, which get their prey at long intervals in large masses;
and we may naturally look for them, too, in birds like pigeons,
which, coming in flocks upon occasional supplies of grain,
individually profit by devouring the greatest quantity in a given time.
Now where the trituration of the food is, as in these cases, carried
on in a lower part of the alimentary canal, nothing further is required
than the storing-chamber; but for a mammal, having its grinding
apparatus in its mouth, to gain by the habit of hurriedly swallowing
unmasticated food, it must also have the habit of regurgitating the
food for subsequent mastication. This correlation of habits with their
answering structures, may, as we shall see, arise in a very simple
way. The starting point of the explanation is a familiar fact—the fact
that indigestion, often resulting from excess of food, is apt to cause
that reversed peristaltic action known as vomiting. From this we
pass to the fact, also within the experience of most persons, that
during slight indigestion the stomach sometimes quietly regurgitates
a small part of its contents as far as the back of the mouth—giving
an unpleasant acquaintance with the taste of the gastric juices.
Exceptional facts of the same class help the argument a step further.
“There are certain individuals who are capable of returning, at will, a
greater or smaller portion of the contents of the digesting stomach
into the cavity of the mouth.... In some of these cases, the expulsion
of the food has required a violent effort. In the majority it has been
easily evoked or suppressed. While in others, it has been almost
uncontrollable; or its non-occurrence at the habitual time has been
followed by a painful feeling of fulness, or by the act of vomiting.”
Here we have a certain physiological action, occasionally happening
in most persons and in some developed into a habit more or less
pronounced: indigestion being the habitual antecedent. Suppose,
then, that gregarious animals, living on innutritive food such as
grass, are subject to a like physiological action, and are capable of
like variations in the degree of it. What will naturally happen? They
wander in herds, now over places where food is scarce and now
coming to places where it is abundant. Some masticate their food
completely before swallowing it, while some masticate it
incompletely. If an oasis, presently bared by their grazing, has not
supplied to the whole herd a full meal, then the individuals which
masticate completely will have had less than those which masticate
incompletely—will not have had enough. Those which masticate
incompletely and distend their stomachs with food difficult to digest,
will be liable to these regurgitations; but if they re-masticate what is
thus returned to the mouth (and we know that animals often eat
again what they have vomited), then the extra quantity of food
taken, eventually made digestible, will yield them more nourishment
than is obtained by those which masticate completely at first. The
habit initiated in this natural way, and aiding survival when food is
scarce, will be apt to cause modifications of the alimentary canal.
We know that dilatations of canals readily arise under habitual
distensions. We know that canals habitually distended become
gradually more tolerant of the contained masses that at first irritated
them. And we know that there commonly take place adaptive
modifications of their surfaces. Hence if a habit of this kind and the
structural changes resulting from it, are in any degree inheritable, it
is clear that, increasing in successive generations, both immediately
by the cumulative effect of repetitions and mediately by survival of
the individuals in which they are most decided, they may go on until
they end in the peculiarities which Ruminants display.