Alzheimar 3
Alzheimar 3
Alzheimar 3
Keywords Alzheimer’s disease, Convolutional neural network, Deep learning, Intelligent systems, Explain
An ailment of the brain called Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has become increasingly common over time and now
ranks as the fourth leading cause of mortality in industrialized nations. Memory loss and cognitive impairment
represent the most common signs of AD, stemming from the death and destruction of memory-related nerve
rain1. Between normal brain function and AD lies a condition known as mild cognitive impair-
cells in the b
ment (MCI)2. Gradually, from the prodromal stage of MCI, AD progresses to dementia. Studies indicate that
AD develops in patients with MCI at a rate of 10–15% per year3. Early identification of MCI patients can halt
or delay the progression from the MCI stage to AD. Patients in the intermediate phases of MCI exhibit subtle
morphological variations in their brain lesions3.
Recent studies highlight that early mild cognitive impairment (EMCI) manifests in the initial stages of MCI.
In contrast, late mild cognitive impairment (LMCI) or progressive mild cognitive impairment (PMCI) denotes
symptoms that deteriorate over t ime4. As symptoms progress and transition between stages, medical professionals
exercise greater c aution5. Determining variations in specific symptoms across different sets can pose challenges
for researchers. Various medical imaging modalities, such as positron emission tomography (PET)6, magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT)7, offer standard testing formats and images essential
for these modalities’ experimental processes.
MRI stands out as an effective and safe instrument, widely recognized for diagnosing a range of diseases
including brain t umors8, neurological d isorders9, spinal cord injuries and a bnormalities10, and liver d
This versatility is attributed to its high sensitivity, facilitating early disease detection. Different MRI sequences
possess unique capabilities suited for various disorders. In comparison to other modalities, MRI images are
Electronics and Communications Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University,
Mansoura, Egypt. 2Communication and Electronics Engineering Department, Nile Higher Institute for Engineering
and Technology-IEEE Com Society Member, Mansoura, Egypt. *email: [email protected]
frequently utilized for AD c lassification12. Nonetheless, various features extracted from MRI images aid in
the categorization and diagnosis of MCI or AD, including grey and white matter volumes, cortical thickness,
and cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) levels, helping determine the disease stage13. Pre-trained CNNs have recently
shown promise in automatically diagnosing cognitive illnesses from brain MR images. Notable deep neural net-
works previously trained and applied to MRI data encompass Alex-Net14, VGG1615, ResNet-1816, ResNet-3417,
ResNet-5018, as well as Squeeze-Net and I nceptionV319.
Typically, enhancing existing deep n etworks16,20 may not always address the low transfer efficiency stemming
from disparities between medical and non-medical images. Furthermore, numerous factors can contribute to
overfitting and inefficient utilization of space. To distinguish between patients with AD, EMCI, MCI, LMCI, and
those cognitively normal (CN), we propose an innovative approach for developing CNN models, achieving high
accuracy in multi-class classification tasks, especially for MRI categorization.
The major contributions of our paper include:
1. New CNN Model Architecture: We introduce two simplified CNN models, each possessing a straightforward
structure. Despite their simplicity, these models achieve approximately 95% accuracy in the 5-way classifica-
tion problem, illustrating that effective models can be designed without excessive complexity.
2. Filter Size Impact: Our study demonstrates that reducing filter size can yield improved classification out-
comes. For instance, CNN2, using a 5 × 5 filter size, requires twice the number of filters of CNN1, with a 3 × 3
filter size, to attain similar accuracy levels.
3. Concatenation Technique: We introduce a novel approach by combining our two evolving CNN models at
the classification layer, diverging from prior methods that integrate pre-trained models18,19,21,22. Our concat-
enation approach boosts accuracy from 95 to 99.13% in the 5-way classification task, offering dual benefits:
enabling models to learn task-specific features and complementing each other’s capabilities.
4. Multi-Class Classification Performance: We extend our methodology to address multi-class classification
challenges, a departure from many studies focusing on binary or singular categories within multi-class
problems. Utilizing MRI ADNI data, we apply our approach to 3-way, 4-way, and 5-way classification tasks,
achieving outstanding accuracy rates of 99.43%, 99.57%, and 99.13%, respectively, underscoring the adapt-
ability and reliability of our strategy across diverse classification scenarios.
5. Comparative Analysis: Leveraging MRI data, our research conducts an exhaustive comparative analysis
between our proposed method and prevailing techniques for AD detection. This study elucidates the supe-
riority or advancements of our approach over prior methods, benchmarked against accuracy metrics.
The subsequent sections are organized as follows: section “Related work” presents the most recent studies
on early AD detection. Section “Materials” delineates the dataset employed in our research and its preparation
methodology. Section “The proposed CNN model description” outlines our recommended model for AD diag-
nosis. Section “Discussion” unveils experimental outcomes on the ADNI dataset, accompanied by comprehensive
discussions and juxtapositions with prior research. Finally, section “Conclusion” encapsulates our conclusions.
Related work
In recent years, there has been a surge in the application of deep learning techniques to categorize Alzheimer’s
disease (AD) using data from multimodal brain imaging. Leveraging the rich data provided by numerous imag-
ing modalities, several research studies have proposed enhanced deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
for AD categorization.
For predicting MCI conversion, the authors of23 developed a domain transfer learning-based model. They
utilized various modalities, employing target and auxiliary domain data samples. Following experimental pro-
cedures, they employed domain transfer learning, achieving a prediction accuracy of 79.40%. R eference24 intro-
duced a robust deep-learning methodology using MRI and PET modalities. They incorporated a dropout strategy
to enhance performance in terms of categorization. Additionally, they applied the deep learning framework’s
multi-task learning method, assessing variations with and without dropout. The dropout technique yielded
experimental findings indicating a 5.9% improvement. In25, the authors presented two CNN-based models,
evaluating volumetric and multi-view CNNs in classification tests and integrating multi-resolution filtering,
which directly influenced classification outcomes.
The authors o f26 proposed a 2D CNN method based on ResNet50, incorporating multiple batch normaliza-
tion and activation algorithms to classify brain slices into three classes: NC, MCI, and AD. The proposed model
achieved an accuracy rate of 99.82%. To identify specific local brain morphological traits essential for AD diag-
nosis, another s tudy27 developed a SegNet-based deep learning approach, finding that employing a deep learning
technique and a pre-trained model significantly enhanced classifier performance. In28, a 3D CNN was designed
to distinguish between AD and CN using resting-state fMRI images. Meanwhile, Çelebi et al.29 utilized mor-
phometric images from Tensor-Based Morphometry (TBM) preprocessing of MRI data. Their study employed
the deep, dense block-based Xception architecture-based DL method, achieving high accuracy in early-stage
Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis. However, this study did not address issues such as dataset variability, overfitting,
and challenges with TBM image feature extraction.
To diagnose Alzheimer’s disease, Baglat et al.30 proposed hybrid machine learning-based models using SVM,
Random Forest, and logistic regression. Their models utilized MRI patient scans from the OASIS dataset. Salehi
et al.’s31 analysis emphasized that employing a deep learning approach would enhance early-stage Alzheimer’s
disease forecasting. They utilized the OASIS and ADNI datasets, respectively. Fu’adah et al.20 introduced an
AlexNet-based CNN classification model, achieving 95% accuracy using a collection of MRI images related to
Murugan et al.32 presented a CNN model for Alzheimer’s disease recognition. Their proposed model consisted
of two convolutional layers, one max-pooling layer, and four dementia network blocks, achieving an accuracy
of 95.23% using the ADNI MRI image dataset. Salehi et al., in another study, employed MRI scans to diagnose
Alzheimer’s disease using a CNN, achieving an average accuracy of 84.83%. Concurrently, Noh et al.33 proposed
a 3D-CNN-LSTM model, utilizing extractors for spatial and temporal features and achieving high accuracy
results of 96.43%, 95.71%, and 91.43%.
Rallabandi et al.34 presented a system for early diagnosis and categorization of AD and MCI in older cogni-
tively normal individuals, employing the ADNI database. Their model achieved a 75% accuracy across various
machine learning techniques. Furthermore, Odusami et al.21 introduced a pre-trained CNN hybrid model,
employing deep feature concatenation, weight randomization, and gradient-weighted class activation mapping
to enhance Alzheimer’s disease identification. Bamber et al.35 developed a CNN using a shallow convolution
layer for Alzheimer’s disease classification in medical image patches, achieving an accuracy of 98%. Additionally,
Akter et al.’s AlzheimerNet, a modified InceptionV3 model36, demonstrated outstanding accuracy in Alzheimer’s
disease stage classification from brain MRIs, surpassing traditional methods with a test accuracy of 98.67%.
This section demonstrates the data source used to train a CNN model to recognize AD phases and the preproc-
essing image methods applied to the dataset.
Data preprocessing
The ADNI dataset was chosen for this study based on its suitability for our research objectives. The ADNI data-
set, contributed by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), represents a globally collaborative
research effort aimed at developing and validating neuroimaging tools to track the progression of Alzheimer’s
disease (AD). This dataset comprises data collected from ADNI Imaging Centers, located in clinics and medical
institutions across the United States and other parts of the world. Prior to its public release, the data underwent
processing and preparation by ADNI-funded MRI Analysis Laboratories. To optimize the quality and consist-
ency of the images for analysis, the dataset’s images underwent essential pre-processing steps. As illustrated in
Fig. 2, these steps included:
• Scaling: Uniformly resizing all images to 224 pixels in both width and height.
• Augmentation: Enhancing the dataset’s diversity and mitigating overfitting by employing data augmentation
techniques, as referenced i n39,40.
To address the issue of imbalanced classes within the dataset, as visualized in Fig. 1, we employed the
ADASYN technique to generate synthetic data for underrepresented classes.
Data augmentation
To minimize overfitting during neural network training, data augmentation is employed. This technique involves
making class-preserving changes to individual data, artificially expanding the d ataset41. Using methods that
ensure replicability allows for the generation of new samples without altering the image’s semantic meaning.
Given the challenges of manually locating newly labeled photos in the medical field and the limited availability
of expert knowledge, data augmentation emerges as a reliable method to expand the dataset.
For our work, we devised an image augmentation method that incorporates cropping, scaling, flipping, and
adjusting the brightness and contrast of the images.
Data splitting
In this approach, the dataset was divided into three subsets. The training and validation sets are used to evaluate
model performance by training on data, while the test data subset is employed for model prediction. As depicted
in Fig. 4, the data was randomly allocated, with 90% for training and 10% for testing. Subsequently, cross-
validation was applied solely to the training data. This process involves dividing the data into multiple subsets,
evaluating each subset as a validation set, and then averaging the outcomes. Such an approach helps alleviate
potential dataset bias. The validation dataset assists in selecting hyper-tuning parameters, such as regularization
10 % Testing Data
and learning rate. Proper hyper-tuning can mitigate overfitting and enhance accuracy. Once the model runs
effectively with the validation subset, it stops training after a specific period to prevent redundant experiments.
Upon completing the learning process, the model underwent testing using a distinct test set. This particular
test set remained untouched during the training phase, ensuring no overlap between the training and test data. It
was exclusively reserved to assess the model’s performance, calculating various metrics like accuracy, precision,
recall, or other evaluation measures that gauge the model’s ability to generalize to unseen data.
Max Pooling Layer 1-1 2*2 Max Pooling Layer 2-1 2*2
Max Pooling Layer 1-2 2*2 Max Pooling Layer 2-2 2*2
Max Pooling Layer 1-3 2*2 Max Pooling Layer 2-3 2*2
Batch Normalization and Drop out Batch Normalization and Drop out
Layer 1-1 Layer 2-1
Numerous variants were evaluated to ascertain the suitability of different layers and certain hyperparameters
utilized in the network. These evaluations encompassed batch normalization, various dropout rates, and diverse
pooling techniques.
1. Accuracy: Accuracy represents the percentage of actual forecasts that were correctly predicted. Generally,
values above 80% are considered good, while values exceeding 90% are deemed excellent. This metric is
determined by the following expressions43.
accuracy = (1)
TP + TN + FP + FN
where, TP, TN, FN, FP are True Positive, True Negative, False Negative, and False Positive values,
2. Precision: The following equation is used to compute precision, which is defined as the ratio of accurate
optimistic forecasts to all optimistic predictions46. In general, precision values over 80% are regarded as
precision = (2)
3. Recall: It can also be referred to as the sensitivity score or true positive rate. Recall involves contrasting
accurate optimistic predictions with all actual correct p ositives43. Acceptable recall values typically range
from 70 to 90%. The following equation is used to compute the recall:
Recall = (3)
4. F1-score: The F1 score is remarkable in that it provides a distinct value for each class l abel43. Use the follow-
ing calculation to determine the F1-score.
Precision × Recall
F1 − Score = 2 × (4)
Precision + Recall
5. Balanced accuracy: It is calculated by averaging the true positive rate (TPR) and true negative rate (TNR).
The TPR represents the ratio of positive to adverse events accurately identified, while the TNR signifies the
ratio of negative to positive e vents44.
6. Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC): The MCC is a more complex metric that considers the imbal-
ance between positive and negative examples in a dataset. If one class significantly outweighs the other in
occurrences, the metric can become uneven45. The MCC is calculated as follows:
(TP × TN) − (FP × FN)
MCC = √ (5)
(TP + FP)(TP + FN)(TN + FP)(TN + FN)
Table 4. The performance of the first developed CNN, the second developed CNN and the proposed model
for test data.
Table 5. The result of Precision, Recall, and F1-Score for each class when Appling the first developed CNN
only on the test data to classify it in to 5 categories.
Table 6. The result of Precision, Recall, and F1-Score for each class when applied the second developed CNN
only on the test data to classify it in to 5 categories.
Table 7. The result of Precision, Recall, and F1-Score for each class when applied the proposed CNN on the
test data to classify it in to 5 categories.
Confusion matrix
It is employed to evaluate and compute various classification model metrics. It gives the numerical breakdown
of a model’s predictions during the testing p hase43.
A Confusion matrix for the proposed model was developed, as seen in Figs. 7 and 8, to evaluate how well the
suggested network performed on each class in the test data. Additionally, Tables 7, 9, and 10 provide specifics
regarding the class classification report of the proposed model based on precision, recall, and F1-score.
Figure 7c shows that one subject of CN was misclassified as EMCI, and another was misclassified as MCI
in the case of five multiclass classifications. This indicated an influential model because, in medical diagnosis,
screening a person as diseased is preferred over eliminating a diseased person by falsely predicting a negative.
As dedicated in Fig. 8, one subject of EMCI was incorrectly diagnosed with AD in four multiclass classifications.
One EMCI was misclassified as AD in a three-way multiclass.
For the three-way, four-way, and five-way multiclass classifications, the suggested model yielded average
accuracy values of 99.43%, 99.57%, and 99.3%, respectively. Additionally, as depicted in Fig. 9, the suggested
model was examined to determine whether the predicted label matched the actual label.
GRAD‑CAM analysis
In the ongoing quest to understand and harness the power of deep learning, a crucial challenge lies in making
these complex neural networks more interpretable. This is especially critical in applications like medical imaging,
where trust and understanding are paramount. Deep learning can be shown in action with Gradient Weighted
Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM), developed by Selvaraju et al.48. This ingenious technique acts as a
magnifying glass for deep neural networks, providing a visual representation of their inner workings. It’s like
peeking behind the curtain to see what these algorithms are focusing on when they analyze data. The MRI scan
serves as the input for the suggested model, which is used as a detection technique. Grad-CAM is applied to the
last convolution layer of the two proposed CNN models before concatenation has been used to get the expected
label. The feature map for the suggested network is extracted in this case using the Grad-CAM technique. The
heat map shows the image region that is essential for determining the target class as a visual depiction of a sug-
gested network. Furthermore, the significance of every CNN model in decision-making as well as the impact of
Figure 6. The training loss/validation loss and training accuracy/validation accuracy of the proposed model (a)
3-way multiclass; (b) 4-way multiclass; (c) 5-way multiclass.
varying the size and quantity of filters in each model can be determined with this method. The heatmaps and
visualizations created by applying the GRAD-CAM algorithm to MRI scan images of an AD, CN, and MCI are
shown in Fig. 10. This visual evidence not only enhances our understanding of the model’s predictions but also
paves the way for validating Alzheimer’s diagnoses with greater confidence.
Table 8. The performance of proposed model with 3-way multiclass; 4-way multiclass; and 3-way multiclass.
Figure 7. Confusion matrix of proposed model on test data (a) CNN1; (b) CNN2; (c) the overall developed
Figure 8. Confusion matrix of proposed model on test data (a) 5-way multiclass; (b) 4-way multiclass.
Table 9. The result of Precision, Recall, and F1-Score for each class when applied the proposed CNN on the
test data to classify it in to 3 categories.
Table 10. The result of Precision, Recall, and F1-Score for each class when applied the proposed CNN on the
test data to classify it in to 4 categories.
Figure 10 displays the ROC curves for the first, second, and suggested CNN models across the five classes.
Taking into consideration that Classes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 refer to CN, MCI, AD, LMCI, and EMCI, respectively.
By examining Fig. 11, it can be observed the proposed model significantly improved the AUC values for all classes
of Alzheimer’s disease. The AUC value of the class CN is 0.9992, MCI is 0.9707, AD is 1, LMCI is 1, and EMCI
is 0.9737. Whereas the AUC values when applying proposed CNN1 were as follows the class CN is 0.9978, MCI
is 0.9956, AD is 0.9950, LMCI is 1, and EMCI is 0.9997. while the AUC values when applying proposed CNN2
were 0.9994 for CN, 0.9818 for MCI, 0.9758 for AD, 1 for LMCI, and 0.9831 for EMCI. Therefore, the proposed
model is a more accurate and reliable method for diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease.
Figure 9. Examining the predicted label matched the real label or not.
Figure 10. GRAD-CAM algorithm when apply to MRI scan images of an AD, CN, and MCI.
Figure 11. ROC curve and AUC value of the (a) CNN1, (b) CNN2, and (c) proposed model.
other models, the suggested model exhibited superior performance. In essence, the proposed model significantly
outperformed the other four models, as indicated by the p-value difference between the suggested model and
the others being less than 0.05.
The findings revealed that the suggested model accurately distinguishes between the three-way multiclass (AD/
MCI/CN), four-way multiclass (AD/CN/LMCI/EMCI), and five-way multiclass (AD/CN/LMCI/EMCI/MCI)
categories of Alzheimer’s disease.
Numerous studies have employed various methodologies to categorize the stages of AD. As shown in Table 12,
we compared the performance of the proposed system with various models discussed in the literature review.
Clearly, the recommended approach yielded the best results in terms of accuracy and performed exception-
ally well in 3-way, 4-way, and 5-way multiclass classification problems. Additionally, the results underscore the
importance of concatenating multiple CNN models in the classification layer to enhance the model’s discrimi-
native ability. Compared to single-model techniques, our method excels in capturing AD-related patterns by
integrating complementary data from different CNNs.
The proposed method offers several advantages over traditional methods for early AD detection:
1. While most classification approaches differentiate between images of AD and CN or AD and MCI, our study
employs 3-way, 4-way, and 5-way multiclass categorizations.
2. Our emphasis lies in the early diagnosis of AD, achieved by enhancing the accuracy of distinguishing MCI,
3. Apart from the training data, we utilized independent sets of images to assess our model.
4. The suggested technique is non-invasive and is applicable to MRI scans, commonly used in clinical settings.
5. Our approach eliminates the need for manual feature extraction, a labor-intensive and subjective task.
Moreover, the proposed approach can extract intricate features from MRI images that are challenging to
extract using conventional methods.
However, the suggested approach does have some limitations. First, the ADNI MRI dataset was utilized to
evaluate our method. For the proposed strategy to be universally applicable, it should be tested on additional
datasets. The extensive data required to train the CNNs in our approach could limit its clinical applicability
in scenarios where data is scarce. Lastly, the model doesn’t incorporate clinical data; instead, it aids doctors in
decision-making without replacing it.
In conclusion, our proposed strategy presents a promising avenue for the early detection of AD. This method
could facilitate more timely and effective AD diagnoses, leading to improved therapeutic outcomes.
In summary, this research proposes a new method for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) using magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) data. The suggested approach employs two convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
and combines their outputs by concatenating them in a classification layer. The objective is to capture various
spatial and structural features of the brain, facilitating a comprehensive analysis of AD-related patterns. The
efficacy of our approach is demonstrated through experimental results on the ADNI dataset, as compared to
findings from prior research, as depicted in Figs. 12, 13, and 14. For the 3-way, 4-way, and 5-way classification
tasks, we achieved notably high accuracy rates of 99.43%, 99.57%, and 99.13%, respectively. Overall, this study
advances the field of AD detection by introducing an innovative approach with promising accuracy results. The
proposed method has the potential to assist doctors and researchers in earlier AD diagnosis, paving the way
98.50% 98.86%
for proactive treatments and improved patient outcomes. Future endeavors will focus on validating the method
with larger datasets, exploring its applicability in clinical settings, and integrating additional data modalities to
enhance accuracy
Data availability
The MRI data used in my research is publicly available from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
(ADNI) database31.
Code availability
The Python code used for the processing is available upon request.
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Author contributions
A.M.E. designed the overall algorithm framework and wrote the main manuscript text. A.M.E., H.M.A., and
H.M.I. wrote Python code and prepared figures. M.A.M. wrote the abstract and conclusion, conducted proof-
reading, and reviewed the main manuscript text. All four authors agree with the submission of the manuscript
to this journal and possible publication afterwards.
Open access funding provided by The Science, Technology & Innovation Funding Authority (STDF) in coopera-
tion with The Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB).
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.M.E.-A.