Apgp Pga Vol1iss1
Apgp Pga Vol1iss1
Apgp Pga Vol1iss1
Diane Forr
Diane Forr
New York Times Contest Liaison
“I went to work the next day and I saw, from the corner
of my eye, a giant horsefly—the size of my fist, until I
realized it was only a blowing leaf.”
Contributing Artists:
Kiriko Moth (Cover)
Tom Miskey
Joshua Raynack
Mongoose Publishing
Honorborn and
tarnishborn are two of the
new races found in Honor
and Corruption.
The honorborn are from
the parental lineage of
paladins whereas the
tarnishborn were born
to . . . you guessed it . . .
Game Supplement
The following preview this month is the Troubad’war
class from Unorthodox Bards brought to you by The Le
A Troubad’war is the ultimate contradiction to himself,
often referring to himself as a lover and a fighter. While
some Troubad’wars fight for the purity of love or to
prove their worth to a damsel they are eager to impress,
there are those that have also loved and lost. These
Troubad’wars know there is a dark side to love and use
their abilities to gain vengeance against whatever has
caused them to lose their loves, or maybe they are just
itching for a good fight. While most Troubad’wars are
male, it is not unheard of for female Troubad’wars to
exist and they fight just as hard if not harder for the ide-
als of love and war. This irony of love and war does not
elude the Troubad’war.
Adventures: Many Troubad’wars see the adven-
turing life as romantic and daring. They realize that ad-
ventures are the most likely to be heroes and heroes im-
press the fairest of maidens. Others find the chance to
A Gnome Nose for good and evil, gnomes could not foresee human ava-
Soon, human miners clumsily and naïvely de-
stroyed or displaced many gnome colonies due to their
By Joshua Raynack from Aleapublishing.com extensive mining. Some resorted in devious tactics and
contrivances such as diverting underground streams into
In this issue, we take another look into the workings and adits, causing minor collapses, stealing work tools, and
racial characteristics of the gnome and revert it back into pulling away pitdrops. However, most simply resigned
its more mythical image. Gnomes have evolved, within themselves to leaving their beloved homes and ventured
the Player’s Handbook, into a whimsical character bent into deep brooding forests to dwell. These dim forests
over with hysterical jaunts and tomfoolery. In doing so, were found pleasant and similar to their familiar under-
we also step further into the world of Terra, a campaign ground environment and thus began anew within com-
setting first introduced in A Question of Honor: A plex root systems of great trees.
Guidebook to Knights. Needless to say, a tribute to their benign character,
The birth of the gnome first begins with the ento- they ventured into human lands helping kindly peasant
mology of its racial name. Perhaps, from the Greek ge-
nomos, meaning earth-dweller is where the gnome’s
humble beginnings were first realized in describing
these curious creatures. However, some scholars believe
that its from the Greek gignosko, meaning to learn or
understand and, with this insight, they assist mankind in
discovering many natural treasures.
The alchemical magus and occult philosopher,
Paracelsus, have defined them as a being pertaining of
earth as one of their essential elements. This naturally
has led to the notion that gnomes are misshapen and dis-
torted creatures that has placed them in the same lore as
goblins, dwarves, and other greedy denizens of under-
ground, dark places. However, quite the opposite is
true. Michael the Page, an amateur scholar of things
that dwell underground states (somewhat loosely
through a bardic creation): “They resemble the original
people of their host country . . . Apart from their small
size, a notable difference between gnomes and humans
is their expression of ageless good humor. They lack the Subterranean
human facility for worrying, practice therapeutic festiv- gnomes, or “true”
ity, and consequently live for several hundred years.” gnomes as they like
Yet, even many, such as the Rosicrucians, an ar- to be called,
cane and mystical order, have denied their existence to constantly explore
imagination and fanciful stories. Needless to say, the deep depths to
most ardent supporters of these claims have begun to protect Terra’s
take a different opinion as more of these creatures are earthly treasures.
being displaced from their homes and into the light of
Initially born from chaos and those instilled with
the creation of precious minerals, base metals, and
stones, the first of foremost duty of a gnome is to ap-
praise and survey various veins of copper, coal, dia-
monds, and other precious resources. A gnome clan or folk with mending fences, filling milk pails, rounding up
colony takes pride in maintaining the responsibility over sleeping shepherds’ sheep. Although humans try to cap-
a particular naturally rich resource. Over the years they ture these curious creatures, their gignosko or foresight
have guided other races to these sources on behalf of always keep them one step ahead. As time passed and
their innate benign nature, particularly humankind. This humans grew to learn that these were beneficial crea-
is made easy with their ability to seemingly glide tures and not pests, they succumbed to their presence.
through the earth. Though through their foresight they However, as foresters invade the deep wood and
the Malsara:
approaching assailants are following the characters
rather than meeting them head on. The players can
stand and face them or try to outrun them.
Print these tiles to create a battle board for the Malsara Encounter.
Check out Alea Publishing Group for more paper tiles.
Make sure your Print to Fit option is turned off.
Print these tiles to create a battle board for the Malsara Encounter.
Check out Alea Publishing Group for more paper tiles.
Make sure your Print to Fit option is turned off.
Check out Alea Publishing Group for more paper tiles.
Make sure your Print to Fit option is turned off.
Poor Gamer’s Almanac Pirates!
often have military information and training, making
them much more likely to succeed in raids.
The merchants are the ones who know how to best
hide what they do. Often they will set sail with little or
no cargo, raid a competitor's vessel, continue to their
destination, and sell the competitor's cargo as their own.
They frequently spread tales of awful pirates, seen in the
distance sinking someone else's ship. They tell tales of
their own heroics; how they outran this pirate or fended
off that pirate. Almost always, lies.
Becoming a pirate is easy. You either join
willingly or they force you into service. Each group has
their own name for these acts, reflecting their
“personality”. True pirates recruit and capture,
merchants hire crew (seldom using unwilling personnel),
and raiders enlist or conscript. It is all the same, either
join willingly or be forced into service. Needless to say,
one thing links all of three of these groups together:
knowing that capture means the gallows.
Alignment: Any non-lawful alignment.
Base Attack Bonus: 5+.
Feats: Weapon Finesse (rapier) or Weapon Focus (any
one handed slashing or piercing).
Skills: Climb 5 ranks, Profession(Sailor) 4 ranks, Swim
5 ranks.
Other: Must have been a member of a pirating crew at
least twice (need not have been voluntary).
There are three common types of pirates. Those who rob Class Features
and steal for greed, thwarting the laws, those who raid Armor and Weapons: A pirate gains no new ar-
an enemy country's trading ships, and those merchants mor proficiencies. A pirate gains weapon proficiency in
who wish to see their competition disappear. belaying pin, bows, club, crossbows, cutlass, dagger,
The first group are the true pirates. They are dirk, gaff hook, harpoon, knife, muskets (or any powder
usually romanticized in books and bards' tales. While the based weapon), one handed axes, one handed double
second group, often called raiders or buccaneers, are the edged swords, pike, rapier, saber, and short spear.
ones whose tales live on long after they are dead. Rope Expertise: A pirate must learn to fight while
Usually, the two are joined into one in stories. True climbing the riggings. When climbing a rope, rigging,
pirates are often killed or captured early in their careers, or net, the pirate may fight as if he were on the deck of
as it is difficult to hide from everyone with no friendly the ship. He may only fight like this while wielding a
ports available. Raiders on the other hand, are much one-handed weapon and may not climb while fighting in
more difficult to capture since they have sympathetic this manner.
ports to dock in, sell their goods, and re-supply. Raiders Sea Legs: A pirate gains a +2 dodge bonus to his
AC when fighting aboard a moving vessel. Note: A he hits deals normal charging damage. In addition
water vessel is always considered moving, but a cart or to the normal charge damage, a pirate also deals damage
wagon must be in motion. to his charge target as if the target had fallen the
Swinging Charge: A pirate's life is on a rope or same distance as the pirate as long as he at least made a
plank. A pirate of 2nd level or higher may make a successful touch attack (even if the normal attack
charge attack while moving across a plank (or beam) or missed, as long as he hit the touch AC, the death from
while swinging on a rope. Ignore any low obstacles above attack hits). The target does not get the benefit of
such as a ship's rail or barrels when determining the making a Jump or Tumble check to reduce the damage
straight line for the charge. as from a normal fall. If the attack succeeds, the target
Off-Hand Parry: At 3rd level, when wielding a
light melee weapon in his off-hand and not attacking
with it, a pirate gains a +2 shield bonus to his AC. Start- Pirates in the Hill Lands
ing at 6th level, he also gains one-half (½) of the
enhancement bonus of the off-hand weapon as a defend- There are many tales spreading like wildfire of
ing bonus to his AC as well. dreaded pirates raiding ships that pass though
Melee Ranged: A pirate learns to fire when fight- the Shadow Sea . The most likely scenario,
ing in close-quarters. At 5th level or higher, a pirate however, is that the raided ships were Darca-
may use a one-handed ranged weapon in his off-hand dian and the “pirates” were actually Knight
while fighting in melee without provoking an attack of Templars interfering with those who would
opportunity. supply the orc tribes with goods and means to
Charging Ranged: A pirate learns to fire while prolong the siege of Argos. Unfortunately,
closing. At 6th level or higher, a pirate may fire a one- tales of the valiant knights preventing the vile
handed ranged weapon while moving during a charge orcs from re-supplying their hordes does not
attack. This attack may only be made against the target make a good yarn.
of the charge. The ranged attack does not count as the
pirate’s charge attack. For more about the Hill Lands, Darcadia, and
Death From Above: A pirate must learn to strike the Knights Templar, check out:
when the opportunity presents itself. A pirate, starting at
6th level, may make a charge attack as part of a Jump A Question of Honor: A Guidebook to Knights
check from a height of at least 10 feet. He must make an
attack against his opponent for the charge attack and if
In a Pirate’s justment for all enchantment spells the wearer casts and
+2 insight bonus to all ranged attacks, to include ray
based spells.
The eye patch loves the sound of a good scream
and to hear and see people cowering in fear; AL NE; Int
13, Wis 15, Cha 13; Speech, 60 ft. darkvision and hear-
ing; Ego score 8.
By David J. Jones from RPGAttitude.com Languages: Common, infernal. Item can read any
language it can speak.
Pirates of any ocean or sea all have something in com- Lesser Powers: Item has 11 ranks in Search, item
mon: they are in a position to acquire untold fortunes has 12 ranks in Spot and item has 11 ranks in Intimidate.
and wealth. At some point in time all of the world’s Moderate divination, enchantment; CL 15th; Craft
most precious and prized Wondrous Item, Spell
possessions have been Focus (enchantment),
stored on sea-going vessels fear, alter self, must
and with this comes the know 3 divination spells,
risk of those valued posses- 1 of which
sions falling into the hands must be at least 6th level;
of pirates. It is very sel- Price 131,000 gp.
dom that a pirate actually Saber of the Sea:
creates something himself, Though has been re-
in most occurrences the ferred to as a saber in
item or treasure belonged stories and legends, in
to someone else and in the fact it is actually a cut-
pirates hands, stories and lass and this inaccuracy
legends take birth. has been the leading
Skull's Eye: This cause for it to slip in and
eye patch appears to be old, out of history and lore
worn and frayed on some more then a dozen times
of the edges. It has a half in the past century. At
inch leather band that se- present it is in the hands
cures a hardened leather of Maliro, a notorious
disc that covers over a sin- pirate who is responsible
gle eye; it can be worn over for many missing ships
either eye. The leather is and blood spilled at sea.
black with worn spots of a Maliro's favorite tactic is
brown color, though it is the very fabric of legend
not known if this is from for it has been said he
neglect or the original color jumps off his own ship
Many pirate treasure caves might be the location of as they close with an op-
pattern. At first glance, it
some of the items in this article, especially those that posing ship, then runs
would appear to be worth-
do not necessarily allude to further powers. across the ocean and
less. If a daring person
puts on the eye patch, the leaps on board, this tactic
wearer realizes instantly it wasn't meant to come off eas- though seemingly foolhardy has landed him and his
ily as he feels it attaching itself to skin and eye it covers. crew many wealthy cargoes and spoils.
Only a limited wish or miracle is enough to pull it free Though no one is sure how, there have been
without harm, anything short will cause 6d6 of damage enough accounts of this pirate's tactic to hold it with
as the skin and eye is removed. The eye can be replaced some truth. What is known, the cutlass does grant the
by regeneration or equivalent magic. wielder the ability to walk on water. This +3 Cutlass of
At anytime the wearer can shift his facial appear- Water Walking craves the chaotic nature of the sea and
ance to that of a skull wearing the eye patch. Those who at least once a month it will strive to walk on the water
see the skull and are within 30 feet feel the effects of and feel the spray of ocean waves; AL CN; Int 11, Wis
fear and need to make a Will save (DC 16). While the 14, Cha 11; Empathy, 30 ft. vision and hearing; Ego
wearer's head is that of a skull, the eye patch confers the score 3.
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