Project Guidelines
Project Guidelines
Project Guidelines
The objective of project work is to provide the students an opportunity to identify problem in
their area of interest within an organization and take up problems and engage in the related
field. Students should use this as a platform to understand the concerns/issues/problems faced
by the business entities and strive to provide feasible solutions by evaluating the suggest
alternatives to problems
Selection of Topic
Selection of topic for the project work is the first step. For project work student should come
up with two or more topics and guide will finalize the topic and/or area for study. If the
company suggests a topic for study, then consult with your project guide and then proceed for
further, the approval of the project guide is Mandatory.
1. During the period, the student would be supervised by a faculty mentor allotted by
2. The student is required to report to the concerned supervisor for topic selection.
3. Students are required to meet their project guide regularly. The regularity of
communication will be recorded during the project work.
4. Changes suggested by the supervisor needs to be incorporated immediately.
5. The progress of the project needs to be updated regularly.
6. Specific groups concerning the project work should be created, queries related to the
project work should be discussed within the group.
7. Each student should maintain a ‘Project Diary ’in the form of Weekly Report in which
he/she shall record the activities carried out on a weekly basis. The record shall be
emailed to the faculty guide on the following week.
To fulfill the academic requirements, you are required to submit a Project Report following
the specifications outlined in these guidelines.
1. Preliminaries
2. Main text
3. Appendix
1. Preliminaries
a. Title Page
b. Declaration of the student
c. Project Completion (Company Certificate)
d. Certificate of the University Plagiarism report
e. Acknowledgement
f. Table of Contents
g. List of Tables
h. List of Graphs
i. List of Abbreviations Abstract/ Executive Summary
2. Main Text
a. Chapter I Introduction (Industry and Company Profile)
b. Chapter II Review of Literature (Minimum 20)
c. Chapter III Research Methodology
d. Chapter IV Data Analysis & Interpretations
e. Chapter V Summary of Findings & Recommendations
f. Chapter VI Conclusion
3. Appendix
The Title page introduces the report by listing information like project works title, student’s
The Declaration page is to be signed by the student and thereby confirming that the project
The University Certificate page will be signed and issued by the Dean, SCMS. (This
certificate will only be issued after the completion of Project work with signature of guide).
The Acknowledgment page should not exceed more than two pages. It provides an
opportunity to thank various people who have been help during the Project work.
The Table of Contents lists of sections and sub-sections using numbering system in the
The List of tables and list of graphs page numbering system in the report.
The Abstract/ Executive Summary is the most important part of your report. It summarizes
the report in around two pages by outlining its scope, purpose and major findings,
Chapter 1 Introduction
2.2 Minimum 20 articles required for ROL- Recently published article which are related to
the title of project. Provide the existing information on the work already done by way of
fundamental nature of the study and the
Chapter 3. Methodology
4.1 This chapter will include Classification of Data, Tabulation of the data, Application of
analytical tool(s), Use of graphs, Depiction of Bar diagrams, Histogram and its observation
and inferences drawn. Proper titles, legends, scales, source (s) etc. must be mentioned along
with each diagram. Each of the tables, charts should be followed by the rational and logic
a. Analyses should meet the objective of the study, if any deviation project will be
straightaway rejected.
b. Project without analysis will not be approved.
c. Using of percentage analysis should be strictly prohibited.
d. Output & Interpretations should match; hypothesis must be proved.
This chapter is the most important part of the study, wherein students are required to apply
established tools/techniques to the data analysis and draw inference and interpretation.
Based on the analysis results, draw the finding from each analysis interpretation (Note:
be in bullet point) and then based on findings of the study give suggestions (Note: should be
in bullet point) (Note: Should be based only your objective findings, no general statements
to be made).
Summary of the study- Conclusion should cover findings of the work, whether the stated
objectives of the work are achieved with full justification, recommendations, and limitations
There should be consistency of style in terms of margins, page numbers, paragraphs, bulleted
lists, numbered lists, font used in hierarchical headings and so on.
Evaluation pattern
General Instructions
a. Project work topics selected by all students will be shared in the class group.
Concerned student shall identify duplication of the topic, if any.
b. No two students can do the project work on the same topic. It can be the same
organization but the topics have to be different.
c. If the company is the same, the industry profile and company profile information can
be the same but it has to be presented in perception with the topic.
a. Project work report should be hard bound in blue color only with University Logo
(Spiral binding or any other form is not allowed) (as specified by the university).
b. Two copies of the report: (Student and library copy) is to be submitted. A soft copy of
the same should be submitted in a CD format.
c. Verify your figures, information and facts. Check spelling and definitions in a
dictionary. Search for more accurate words in a thesaurus. Be consistent in tense,
person and presentation. If you quote, provide a reference; plagiarism is unacceptable.
d. Plagiarism test will be done by the institute and no direct copying from the internet or
some other project will be permitted.
Activity Deadline
Deciding company and Title of the project Aug 1
Mid review 1 (Introduction, Review of Literature, Objectives) Aug 20
Mid review 2 (Data Analysis and Interpretation, Report Sep 20
Final Project Submission Oct 10
Evaluation by guide Oct 15
Viva date Nov 2