Adobe Photoshop Cs3 Extended

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Adobe Photoshop (Image Creator

1. Thomas Knoll (1987 PHD)
2. John Knoll (Software)
3. 1996 Launch

Adobe Photoshop Cs3 Extended

(Board Examination/ Most useful)
(Update Version)
1. 7.0 (Oldest )
2. 8.0 (Older)
3. Cs (Older)
4. Cs2 (Old)
5. Cs3 (Old)
6. Cs3 Extended ( Syllabus) (Old
But Most useful)
7. Cs4 (Updated)
8. Cs4 Extended (Updated)
9. Cs5 (2D) (Update)
10. Cs5 Extended (2D, 3D)
11. Cs7 (Update)
12. Cs9 (Update)
13. CC 2014 (latest) (64 Bit
14. CC 2015 (latest) (64 Bit
15. CC 2016 (Most latest)
What is Graphics?
1. Graph (Map, Sketch, Drawing)
2. Graphics (Images)
A. Solid (Passport)
B. Moving (Animation)
Web Sites:
1. Static ( there is no moving)
2. Dynamic = Animated Websites)
Two types of Graphics
1. Bitmap Graphics (Adobe
Photoshop, Image Software)
Black And white (Bitmap Colors)
Extension of Photoshop .PSD
(Photoshop Document)
Pixels Depended Software
(Pixels per Inch)
2. Vector Graphics (Corel Draw)
1 inch = 12cm ( Equals to 300 Pixels
with 300 Resolution)
0.5 inch = 6cm ( Equals to 150 pixels
With 300 Resolution)
Resolution : 300RS
Pixels Inch
Resolution depends on RGB (8bits =
1 byte=1 character) = Red Green
Blue Colors create millions of colors.
Color Modes:
1. Bitmap (Black and White)
2. Grayscale (Color B/W Black and
3. RGB ( Red Green Blue Easily
Generate Golden Color)
4. CMYK (Cyan Magenta yellow
Black It cannot Generate Golden
Color for image purpose)
5. LAB ( Metallic Color)

Foreground and Background color

depends on ABC.
A = Alternate = Foreground
( Alter+Backspace/Delete)
B= Background (Ctrl+Backspace/
Delete Background)
C= Colors
What are tools?
1. Mechanical Tools (Invent/
2. Electric Tools (Invent/Repair)
3. Adobe Tools (Editing,
Creating, Modifying)
(Adobe Photoshop Cs3
Extended Shortcut Keys)
1. Ctrl+n for new line
2. Ctrl+Shift+N for
Transparent new layer
3. Ctrl+o for open
4. Ctrl+s for save
5. Ctrl+Shift+S for save as
6. Ctrl+W for close
7. Ctrl+Q for quit
8. Alt+Ctrl+O for browse
9. Alt+Shift+Ctrl+O for open
10. Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S save as
for web and device
11. Alt+ctrl+backspace/
Delete for Foreground
12. Ctrl+Backspace/Delete
for background color
13. Shift+mouse click for add
to selection
14. Alt+mouse click for
subtract from selection
15. Shift+Alt+Mouse click for
Intersect with selection
16. Ctrl+J for Copy the layer
with out selection
17. Ctrl+Z for undo
18. Alt+Ctrl+z for Step
19. Alt+shift+z for step
20. Ctrl+Shift+F for fade
21. Ctrl+C for copy
22. Ctrl+x for cut
23. Ctrl+v for paste
24. Shift+F5 for Fill
25. Ctrl+Shift+Enter for Pen
Tool Selection
26. Ctrl+T for transform
27. Ctrl+L for levels
28. Ctrl+Shift+L for auto
29. Alt+Shift+Ctrl+L for auto
30. Ctrl+Shift+B for auto
31. Ctrl+M for curves
32. Ctrl+E for merge
33. Ctrl+Shift+e for merge
34. Ctrl+B for color balance
35. Ctrl+U for
36. Ctrl+Shift+U for
37. Ctrl+i for invert
38. Alt+Ctrl+i for image size
39. Ctrl+A for select all
40. Ctrl+D for Deselect
41. Ctrl+Shift+D for reselect
42. Ctrl+Shift+i For Inverse
43. Ctrl+F for last filter
44. Alt+ctrl+X for Extract
45. Ctrl+Shift+X for Liquefy

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