Class 12 English Project 2024-2025

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Class 12 English Project

Project-Portfolio/ Project Report: (Refer to page number 15 and 16)

You should seek inspiration from any of the texts from you syllabus; short stories, plays or poems.

You may take an intertextual or interdisciplinary approach.

The Project should include the following:

● Cover page, with

1. Title of project

2. Name of the Student

3. Class and Section

4. Roll Number- will be given later

5. School’s name

● Index- with proper page numbers

S.No Topic Page Number

1. Aims and Objective

2. Certificate of Completion

3. Action plan/ Methodology

4. Essay/Report(1000 words)

5. My Reflection

6. Bibliography

 Aim/ Objective of the project/ Statement of purpose/objectives/goals - Clearly mention

integration with a particular English concept.

● Certificate of completion under the guidance of the teacher. *

● Action plan for the completion of assigned tasks. Methodology that you will adopt

Content –
Project can be inter-disciplinary in theme. The ideas/issues highlighted in the chapters/ poems/
drama given the prescribed books can also be developed in the form of a project.
Ensure you provide a proper resolution(conclusion) to your project. To add more substance to it you
should include a Questionnaire and the survey that follows.
If it’s an Interview include the transcript of the interview conducted. If podcast – detailed script of
the podcast as well as the digital recording of the same.

● Materials such as scripts for the theatre/role play, questionnaires for interview, written
assignments, essays, survey-reports and other material evidence should be included in the project.

● The 800-1000 words Essay/Report.

● Student reflections.

● Photographs (visuals. Data etc) that capture the positive learning experiences and add meaning
to your project.

● Bibliography.

Points to remember :

 Handwritten
 Use interleaved sheets
 File- School Maroon File

The following points will be kept in consideration while assessing the project portfolios:

● Quality of content of the project

● Accuracy of information

● Adherence to the specified timeline

● Content in respect of (spellings, grammar ,punctuation)

● Clarity of thoughts and ideas

● Creativity

● Contributions by group members

● Knowledge and experience gained

Total :10 marks

5- File

5-Viva on the File submitted


Certificate of Completion

This is to clarify that English Project on _(topic)_ has been submitted by the candidate _(name)_ with roll
number __ for the class XII Practical Examination of Central Board of Secondary Education in the year
It is further certified that this project is the individual/group work of the candidate(s) (name of group
members) and has been completed satisfactorily.

Name of the Teacher

Signature of the Teacher

Timeline to be followed:

14th October, 2024 1st draft to be submitted with all the written content.

24th October,2024 Submit the file.

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