State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra State, Mumbai
State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra State, Mumbai
State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra State, Mumbai
8th Floor, New Excelsior Building,Mumbai–400001.(M.S.).
Provisional Allotment for CAP Round - II for Admission to Direct
Second Year of Four Year Degree Courses in Engineering &
Technology for the AY 2024-2025
Published On : 29-08-2024
Mode Of Qualification : Diploma Application ID :DSE24146730
Personal Details
Educational Details
Examination Marks Obtained/OutOf Percentage
Diploma Final Year/Semester 1260/1750 72.00 %
Merit Details
State Level General Merit No. 31190 1/2
8/29/24, 8:01 PM State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra State, Mumbai
The SC, ST, VJ/DT- NT(A), NT(B), NT(C), NT(D), OBC, SBC and EWS Candidates who submitted receipt of Caste/Tribe Validity Certificate, Non Creamy
Layer Certificate, EWS Certificate during registration, physical document verification and confirmation period should upload and verify original
Caste/ Tribe Validity Certificate, Non Creamy Layer Certificate, EWS Certificate at Scrutiny Center and submit original certificate to the admitted
institute on or before 10-09-2024 to the allotted institute Up to 3.00 PM otherwise these candidates admission will get automatically cancelled and
shall be considered as Open category candidates for next institute level round provided candidate full fill eligibility criteria for open category.
SEBC Candidates who submitted receipt of Non Creamy Layer certificate during registration, e-verification or physical document verification and
confirmation period should upload and verify original Non Creamy Layer Certificate at Physical Scrutiny Center or E-Scrutiny Center and submit
original certificate to the admitted institute on or before 10-09-2024 otherwise these candidates admission will get automatically cancelled and shall
be considered as Open category candidates for next institute level round provided candidate full fill eligibility criteria for open category.
In case of SEBC Candidates, duration for submitting Caste Validity certificate will be as per the Maharashtra State Government Resolution No -
संकिर्ण-2024/प्र.क्र.75/ आरक्षण -5 dated 22 July 2024
For PWD Candidates, Disability nature must be permanent and a 40% benchmark is required, according to the rule. If you have submitted the wrong
document and it has been verified by SC, your admission will be cancelled
Candidates must submit their qualifying exam marksheet, clearly indicating that they meet the eligibility criteria, at the time of admission to the
respective institute.
1. Check the allotment made in the CAP Round II through candidate’s Login & Verify the correctness of the credentials used in seat
allotment made to him/her in CAP round II as per the Rules & Regulations.
2. Candidate shall ensure through login that his/her claims related with Qualifying Marks, category, gender, reservation, special
reservation made by himself/herself in the applications form are correct and the relevant documents uploaded to substantiate his/her
claims are authentic and correct.
3. After ensuring the correctness of the allotment, candidates shall pay the seat acceptance fee through online mode for the purpose
of accepting the allotted seat.
4. Allotment is made to the candidate based on the claims made by him/her in the applications form. If candidate found that the claim
made by him is not correct during self-verification of the allotment, and if he wants to correct the error/discrepancy, the candidate has
to report the grievance At Scrutiny Center without fail.
5. In later stage, if it is found that the seat allotted to the candidate on the false claims made in the application by the candidate, then
such allotment/admission taken in the allotted institute shall be cancelled automatically
6. Dates for Accepting to the offered seat by candidate through his/her loginas per Allotment 30-08-2024 to 01-09-2024 up to 03.00
7. Reporting dates for admission in the allotted Institute 30-08-2024 to 01-09-2024 up to 05.00 pm. 2/2