(Ebook PDF) International Economics 3rd Edition All Chapter Instant Download
(Ebook PDF) International Economics 3rd Edition All Chapter Instant Download
(Ebook PDF) International Economics 3rd Edition All Chapter Instant Download
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third edition
University of California, Davis University of California, Davis
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About the Authors
Bud Harmon
Robert C. Feenstra and Alan M. Taylor research associates of the National Bureau of Economic
are Professors of Economics at the University of Research, where Feenstra directs the International
California, Davis. They each began their studies Trade and Investment research program. They have
abroad: Feenstra received his B.A. in 1977 from both published graduate level books in international
the University of British Columbia, Canada, and economics: Offshoring in the Global Economy and Product
Taylor received his B.A. in 1987 from King’s College, Variety and the Gains from Trade (MIT Press, 2010),
Cambridge, U.K. They trained as professional econo- by Robert C. Feenstra, and Global Capital Markets:
mists in the United States, where Feenstra earned his Integration, Crisis and Growth (Cambridge University
Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts Institute Press, 2004), by Maurice Obstfeld and Alan M. Taylor.
of Technology in 1981 and Taylor earned his Ph.D. in Feenstra received the Bernhard Harms Prize from
economics from Harvard University in 1992. Feenstra the Institute for World Economics, Kiel, Germany,
has been teaching international trade at the under- in 2006, and delivered the Ohlin Lectures at the
graduate and graduate levels at UC Davis since 1986, Stockholm School of Economics in 2008. Taylor was
where he holds the C. Bryan Cameron Distinguished awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2004 and was
Chair in International Economics. Taylor teaches awarded a Houblon-Norman/George Fellowship by
international macroeconomics, growth, and economic the Bank of England in 2009–10.
history at UC Davis, where he also holds appoint- Feenstra lives in Davis, California, with his wife,
ments as Director of the Center for the Evolution of Gail, and has two grown children: Heather, who is
the Global Economy and Professor of Finance in the a genetics counselor; and Evan, who is a musician
Graduate School of Management. and entrepreneur. Taylor also lives in Davis, with his
Both Feenstra and Taylor are active in research and wife, Claire, and has two young children, Olivia and
policy discussions in international economics. They are Sebastian.
v �
To our parents
Brief Contents
PART 1 Introduction to International Trade PART 5 Introduction to International
Chapter 1 Trade in the Global Economy 1 Macroeconomics
Chapter 12 The Global Macroeconomy 411
PART 2 Patterns of International Trade
Chapter 2 Trade and Technology: The Ricardian PART 6 Exchange Rates
Model 27 Chapter 13 Introduction to Exchange Rates and
Chapter 3 Gains and Losses from Trade in the the Foreign Exchange Market 435
Specific-Factors Model 59 Chapter 14 Exchange Rates I: The Monetary
Chapter 4 Trade and Resources: The Approach in the Long Run 473
Heckscher-Ohlin Model 87 Chapter 15 Exchange Rates II: The Asset
Chapter 5 Movement of Labor and Capital Approach in the Short Run 521
between Countries 123
PART 7 The Balance of Payments
PART 3 New Explanations for International Chapter 16 National and International Accounts:
Trade Income, Wealth, and the Balance of
Payments 567
Chapter 6 Increasing Returns to Scale and
Monopolistic Competition 165 Chapter 17 Balance of Payments I: The Gains
from Financial Globalization 609
Chapter 7 Offshoring of Goods and
Services 197 Chapter 18 Balance of Payments II: Output,
Exchange Rates, and Macroeconomic
PART 4 International Trade Policies Policies in the Short Run 663
Chapter 8 Import Tariffs and Quotas Under
PART 8 Applications and Policy Issues
Perfect Competition 233
Chapter 19 Fixed Versus Floating: International
Chapter 9 Import Tariffs and Quotas Under
Monetary Experience 715
Imperfect Competition 279
Chapter 20 Exchange Rate Crises: How Pegs
Chapter 10 Export Subsidies in Agriculture and
Work and How They Break 757
High-Technology Industries 327
Chapter 21 The Euro 811
Chapter 11 International Agreements: Trade,
Labor, and the Environment 367 Chapter 22 Topics in International
Macroeconomics 859
Index I-1
vii �
Preface xxvi
3 Conclusions 23
Key Points, Key Terms, and Problems
2 Ricardian Model 33
The Home Country 33
The Foreign Country 37
� viii
5 Conclusions 53
Key Points, Key Terms, and Problems
2 Earnings of Labor 66
Determination of Wages 66
Change in Relative Price of Manufactures 68
APPLICATION Manufacturing and Services in the United States:
Employment and Wages across Sectors 71
APPLICATION Trade Adjustment Assistance Programs: Financing the
Adjustment Costs of Trade 73
4 Conclusions 82
HEADLINES Rise in Coffee Prices—Great for Farmers,
Tough on Co-ops 83
Key Points, Key Terms, and Problems
4 Conclusions 119
Key Points, Key Terms, and Problems
4 Conclusions 160
Key Points, Key Terms, and Problems
5 Conclusions 193
Key Points, Key Terms, and Problems
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4 Conclusions 226
Key Points, Key Terms, and Problems
6 Conclusions 272
Key Points, Key Terms, and Problems
3 Dumping 296
Numerical Example of Dumping 298
6 Conclusions 320
Key Points, Key Terms, and Problems
8 Conclusions 361
HEADLINES EU Seeks $12 billion from US over Boeing
Aid 362
Key Points, Key Terms, and Problems
4 Conclusions 404
HEADLINES Dismal Outcome at Copenhagen Fiasco 405
Key Points, Key Terms, and Problems
4 Conclusions 431
Key Points, Key Terms, and Problems
I have left till the end of the story the consideration of some of
those points which, though of the highest interest to many who are
anxious to know something of the intimate character of the
steamship, may seem to some readers to possess a special rather
than a general concern. However, now that I have shown the
manifold manner in which the steamship has advanced from a thing
of scorn to a vessel of admiration, and have indicated as far as
possible within the limitations at my disposal the ways and means
that have brought this about, we may pertinently stop to consider for
a few moments some of the problems which still have to be
encountered even to-day, when naval architecture and marine
engineering have attained to such heights of perfection. I shall
endeavour, as, indeed, has been my aim throughout the course of
this volume, to make myself perfectly clear without the employment
of more technicalities than may be necessary. To the reader who
may happen to form one of that large class who regard the ship,
whether propelled by sails or by steam, with an admiration that
verges on affection, I need offer no apology; for no one can possibly
reverence the ship and, at the same time, be content to remain in
ignorance about her complex nature.
Perhaps there is no feature of the steamship which is less
suspected of being misunderstood than the propeller. To the average
mind, its character is apparently so self-evident as barely to require
any unusual consideration. But its introduction as a means of ship-
propulsion has been the cause of a good deal of miscomprehension,
and has set to work the keen brains of some of the most able
mathematicians in order to determine the exact relation which it