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Chemistry 1st Year Important Questions

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Ist Year Chemistry important questions (2017-18)

I. Long Answer type questions(8M)

1. What are the postulates of Bohr’s model of Hydrogen atom? Discuss the importance of this model to
explain various series of line spectra in Hydrogen atom. What are the defects of Bohrs theory?
2. How are the quantum numbers n, l and m l arrived at? Explain the significance of these quantum numbers.
3. a) Explain photo electric effect b) Explain the differences between emission spectrum and absorption
4. What is the periodic property? How the following properties vary in a group and in a period? Explain
a) Atomic radius b) Electron gain enthalpy c) Ionisation enthalpy d) Electro negativity
5. Define IE1 and IE2? Explain why IE2 is greater than IE1 for a given atom? Discuss the factors that affect IE of
an element.
6. a) What is diagonal relationship? Give a pair of elements having diagonal relationship. Why do they show
this relation? b) What is lanthanide contraction? What are its consequences?
7. What do you understand by hybridisation? Explain the different types of hybridisation involving S and P
8. Give the molecular orbital theory energy diagram of a) N 2 and b) O2. Calculate the respective bond order.
Write the magnetic nature of N2 and O2
9. Describe any two methods preparation of ethylene. Give equation for the reactions of ethylene with the
following a) Ozone b) Hypohalous acid c) cold and alkaline KMnO 4 d) heated with O2 at high
pressure e) Hydrogen halide f) Hydrogen g) Bromine h) Water i) Oxygen in presence of Ag at 200 oC.
10. Describe any two methods of preparation of Benzene with corresponding equations. Explain the
halogenations, alkylation, acylation, nitration and sulphonation of benzene.
II. Short answer type questions
1. Electron affinity of chlorine is more than fluorine. Explain.
2. State Fajan’s rules and give suitable examples.
3. Explain the hybridisation involved in PCl 5 and SF6
4. What is Hydrogen bond? Explain different types of hydrogen bonding with suitable examples.
5. Give an account of VSEPR theory and its applications
6. Deduce Boyle’s law, Charles’s law, Graham’s law and Dalton’s law of partial pressures from kinetic gas
7. State and explain Graham’s law of diffusion. Explain it’s applications
8. Write the postulates of kinetic molecular theory of gases
9. State and explain the Dalton’s law of partial pressures
10. Balance the redox reactions by Ion electron method in acidic and basic mediums
11. What are disproportionation and comproportionation reactions? Explain with suitable examples.
12. State and explain Hess’s law of constant heat of summation with suitable examples
13. Define Heat capacity. What are Cp and Cv? Show that Cp-Cv=R
14. Explain what is Enthalpy and Entropy. Write their mathematical expressions
15. Explain the spontaneity of reaction in terms of Gibbs energy
16. Derive the relation between Kp and Kc for the equilibrium reactions
N2+3H2↔2NH3, H2+I2↔2HI, 2SO2+O2↔2SO3
17. What is conjugate acid base pair? Write the conjugate acid and conjugate base for the following
H2O, OH-, NH3, H3O+,
18. What is common ion effect? Explain with suitable example
19. Explain Lewis theory of acids and bases with suitable examples
20. Explain Bronsted’s theory of acids and bases with suitable examples
21. What is buffer? Explain with suitable examples
22. Discuss the application of lechatlier’s principle for the industrial synthesis of Ammonia and Sulphur
23. Write a few lines on utility of Hydrogen as fuel.
24. Mention any three uses of H2O2 in modern times
25. Explain with suitable examples a) electron deficient hydrides b) electron precise hydrides c) electron rich
26. Explain the terms of hard water and soft water. Write a note on the ion exchange /permutit method and
calgon method for the removal of hardness of water.
27. Explain any two methods of preparation of H 2O2. write the reducing and oxidising properties of H 2O2
28. Give an account of the biological importance of Na+ and K+
29. Write a few applications of caustic soda, washing soda and baking soda
30. Give any two methods of preparation of diborane. How does it react with the following? a) H2O b) CO
c) N(CH3)3 d) NH3
31. How is diborane is prepared? Explain the structure of diborane.
32. Write notes on a) silicates b) zeolites c) fullerenes
33. Explain sink, COD, BOD, and TLV
34. What is green house effect? How is it caused?
35. Explain the following a) Global warming b) Ozone depletion c) Acid rain
36. What are acid rains? Explain the adverse effect of acid rains on the earth
37. CaC2 H2O A hot metal tube B AlCl3+ CH3Cl C
38. Ethylene Br2/CCl4 A Alc.KOH B Br2 C
39. What do you understand about geometrical isomerism? Explain geometrical isomers of 2-Butene.
40. Give two examples each for positional and functional isomerism
41. Why is Wurtz reaction not preferred for the preparation of alkanes containing odd number of carbon
atoms? Explain with an example
42. Discuss Markownikov’s rule and Kharsh effect
43. What is carcinogenicity? Explain with two examples
44. Write a brief note on chromatography
III. Very Short answer type questions
1. Explain Pauli’s exclusion principle
2. What is Hund’s rule and aufbau principle
3. Explain Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
4. What is nodal plane? How many nodal planes are possible for 2p and 3d orbitals
5. Write the electronic configurations of copper and chromium
6. What is octet rule?
7. Which of the following gasses diffuses faster among N 2, O2 and CH4? Why?
8. What is Boltzman’s constant? Give its value
9. What is surface tension?
10. What is critical temperature? Give its value for CO 2.
11. Calculate kinetic energy of 5 moles of N2 at 27°C.
12. Give the ratio of RMS, average and most probable speeds of gas molecules.
13. What is "coefficient of viscosity"? Give its units.
14. Find the rms, average and most probable speeds of O 2 at 27°C.
15. What volume of CO2 is obtained at STP by heating 4 g of CaCO3?
16. How many moles of glucose are present in 540 g of glucose?
17. The empirical formula of a compound is CH2O. Its molecular weight is 90. Find the molecular formula of
the compound.
18. Calculate the molarity of NaOH in the solution prepared by dissolving 4 g in enough water to form 250 ml
of the solution.
19. Calculate the normality of oxalic acid containing 6.3 g of H2C2O4. 2 H2O in 500 mL of solution.
20. Calculate the volume of O2 at STP required to completely burn 100 ml of acetylene.
21. Assign oxidation number of the underlined elements of the following species.(oxidation numbers).
22. The equilibrium constant for a reaction is 10. What will be the value of ΔG (-)? (R = 8.314 J.K.−1 mol−1,
T = 300 K)
23. Given N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) → 2 NH3 (g); ΔH° = -92.4 K.J. mol−1.
24. What is the standard enthalpy of formation of NH 3 gas?
25. State 2nd & 3rd laws of thermodynamics.
26. Give the equation that gives the relationship between ΔU and ΔH.
27. State first and second laws of thermodynamics
28. What are extensive and intensive properties? Explain with suitable examples.
29. Explain the relationship between Gibbs energy change and equilibrium constant
30. Define state functions and variables
31. Write the relation between Kp and Kc
32. What is meant by ionic product of water?
33. What is solubility product
34. Ice melts slowly at higher altitudes. Why?
35. Aqueous solution of NH4Cl is acidic and CH3COONa is basic. Explain
36. Explain about the term SYNGAS
37. Why H2O has high boiling point than H 2S?
38. Calculate pH of 0.05 M NaOH solution.
39. Concentration of Hydrogen ion is 3.8 × 10−3 M. What is its pH?
40. Define pH. Calculate the pH of 0.05 M Ba(OH) 2 aqueous solution.
41. 50 ml of 1 M CH3COOH solution, when added to 50 ml of 0.5 M NaOH gives a solution with PH value ’ x’.
Find the value of 'x'. (pka of acetic acid is 4.8)
42. The solubility of Ag2CrO4 is 1.3 × 10−4 mol L−1. What is the solubility product?
43. What is the pH of 10−8 M HCl?
44. Kc for the reaction, N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) 2 NH3 (g) is 0.5 at 400 K. Find kp.
45. Why are alkali metals not found in a free state in nature?
46. Give the reactions involved in Castner - Kellner process?
47. Write about biological importance of Ca & Mg.
48. Write about biological importance of Na+ & K+ ions.
49. Write any two uses of Caustic soda.
51. Why is gypsum added to cement?
52. Write any two uses of Sodium Carbonate.
53. Give two uses of Plaster of Paris.
54. Write the average composition of Portland cement.
55. What is inert pair effect? Why TlCl3 has higher stability?
56. What is the hybridisation of B in a) diborane and b) borazine?
57. Give the formula and structure of borazine. What is its common name?
58. Why is Carbon monoxide poisonous?
59. What is allotropy? Give the crystalline allotropes of Carbon and mention the hybridisation present in them
60. Why Diamond is hard?
61. Graphite is a good conductor - explain.
62. How does graphite function as a lubricant?
63. SiO2 is solid while CO2 is a gas - explain.
64. Write the use of ZSM − 5.
65. CO2 is useful as well as harmful - explain.
66. Diamond has high melting point - explain.
67. What is 'synthesis gas'? How is it prepared?
68. What is 'producer gas'? How is it prepared?
69. Define 'receptor' and 'sink'.
70. Define 'BOD' and 'COD'.
71. Define 'pollutant' and 'contaminant'.
72. Define 'TLV' and 'Eutrophication'.
73. Which oxides cause acid rain? What is its pH value?
74. What are acid rains and write the effects of acid rains?
75. What is Ozone hole? Where it was first observed?
76. What is 'Green house effect'? how is it caused?
77. Give the possible BOD values of clean water and the polluted water.
78. What is the dissolved Oxygen in pure cooled water?
79. Write the structural formulae of the following compounds:
a) Trichloroethanoic acid b) Neo - pentane
80. Write IUPAC names
81. What are a) Electrophiles and b) Nucleophiles.
82. Write structures and IUPAC names of any two different structural isomers of alkenes corresponding to
83. Draw cis and trans isomers of the compound CHCl = CHCl.
84. Write the E and Z configuration of an alkene contains on carbons at double bond Cl, Br and − CH2 − CH2 −
OH, CH(CH3)2.
85. What is geometrical isomerism? Write geometrical isomers of 2 - butene.

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