Graduation Speech English 2023

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Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, Vice-Rector, Dean and the members of the
Faculty, the Graduation Board, dear distinguished guests, and most importantly
my fellow graduates.

I have the distinct honor to deliver graduation speech on this very important day. Before
I begin, I would like to thank the administration and faculty for their hard work and
dedication on our behalf. I also want to express my gratitude to all those present here
today, including our teachers, esteemed guests, and dear friends.

We are gathered here to celebrate an important milestone that has two symbolic
meanings. We have successfully completed one chapter of our lives. While we are on
the edge of starting a new chapter that demands even greater commitment and
responsibility. My fellow graduates and friends sitting there might think that graduation
is an end itself. However, in reality, graduation is one of the means to reach an end. The
road we have passed challenged us, shaped us, and empowered us to become agents of
positive changes within our communities. Together, we have witnessed unprecedented
times that no one has ever seen before, from the pandemic to global economic crisis and
geopolitical turbulence. Yet, through shared goals and a common vision, we have
triumphed over adversity with unwavering confidence and determination.

When we were at school, we formed a dream. By learning and personal growth, the
dreams became goals. At the university, with the guidance and support of our mentors
and professors, we polished these goals and transformed it into a clear vision. Now, the
time has come to turn that vision into reality. Some may mistakenly question our
readiness for this task. However, the answer is definite. We all get the necessary
knowledge and training at the university that have prepared us for overcoming any
obstacles. As my friend Diellona wisely puts it, if there is a will, there is always a way!
My fellow graduates, the strength of our will is evident, and now we must seize the
opportunity to disseminate the values and principles we stand for – making the world a
better place for future generations.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to our parents who have been a constant source
of support and inspiration throughout our journey, to our professors, who have guided
us along the way, and every person who has contributed to our growth and success.

To all the graduates who may feel uncertain about taking the first step into this new
chapter, I want to address you directly. None of us truly knows where the future will lead
us: Regardless of the path that lies ahead, we are ready to embrace the challenges and
complexities of the time with three words: Veritas, Virtus, and Libertas.

Once again congratulations to all of us on this remarkable achievement. May our futures
be filled with purpose, joy, and limitless success.

Thank you.

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