Pi Is 0002939419306191
Pi Is 0002939419306191
Pi Is 0002939419306191
Strabismus in Children
PURPOSE: Manual measurements of strabismus are EASURING THE TYPE AND MAGNITUDE OF
subjective, time consuming, difficult to perform in babies, ocular misalignment is essential for diagnosing
toddlers, and young children, and rely on the examiner’s strabismus, determining treatment, and
skill and experience. An automated system, based on eye following up.1 The conventional method for detecting
tracking and dedicated full occlusion glasses, was devel- the presence of manifest strabismus is the cover-uncover
oped to provide a fast, objective, and easy-to-use alterna- test (CUT). In addition, the conventional method for
tive to the manual measurements of strabismus. This measuring the total ocular deviation, combining manifest
study tested the efficacy of the system in determining and latent deviations when present, is the prism alternating
the presence of strabismus in children, as well as its cover test (PACT).2–6 The PACT’s disadvantages include
type and the amount of deviation, in addition to differen- its long test duration, the difficulty in performing the test in
tiating between phorias and tropias. young, uncooperative children, and the test’s dependence
DESIGN: A prospective, masked, inter-rater reliability on the examiner’s training, skill, and experience.
study. Consequently, this test is subject to high interexaminer
METHODS: A prospective, masked, cross-sectional variability.7–10
study included 69 children, 3-15 years of age. A cover- In order to develop standardization and reduce the
uncover test and a prism alternating cover test (PACT) variability of manual measurements, attempts were
for the primary gaze, at a distance of 50 cm, were made to develop objective automated strabismus mea-
performed by 2 independent, masked examiners and by surement devices. These include automated image anal-
the automated system. ysis software,11 videos based on infrared eye tracking,12
RESULTS: A high correlation was found between the video goggles to perform a Hess screen test,13 and binoc-
automated and the manual test results (R [ 0.9 and ular optical coherence tomography.14 Although good
P < 0.001 for the horizontal deviation, and R [ 0.91 agreement between the newly proposed technologies
and P < 0.001 for the vertical deviations, with 100% and the PACT measurements was reported, some tech-
correct identification of the type of deviation). The nologies are limited by the inability to incorporate spec-
average automated test duration was 46 seconds. The tacles with refractive error correction and others by the
Bland-Altman plot, used to compare the 2 measurement inability to block vision in all gaze positions or because
methods, showed a mean value of L2.9 prism diopters the participants’ cooperation is required; therefore, these
(PD) and a half-width of the 95% limit of agreement of technologies are unsuitable for use in young children.
±11.4 PD. None of the proposed methods could identify and differ-
CONCLUSION: The automated system provides precise entiate between phorias or latent eye deviations and
detection and measurements of ocular misalignment and tropias or manifest eye deviations. An eye tracker can
differentiated between phorias and tropias. It can be precisely detect saccadic eye movements, gaze position,
used in participants from the ages of 3 years old and fixation stability, smooth pursuit eye movements,
up. (Am J Ophthalmol 2020;213:226–234. Ó 2019 nystagmus, and alignment of the visual axis.15 Recently,
The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an a strabismus diagnosing system, based on eye tracking,
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license was developed; however, it is only able to detect the di-
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).) rection of the strabismus without quantifying the amount
of the deviation.12 This system also requires a pretest cali-
bration process, making it unsuitable for young children
and patients who are otherwise unable to undergo the
Supplemental Material available at AJO.com. conventional sensorimotor examination.
Accepted for publication Dec 11, 2019.
From NovaSight Ltd. (O.Y.), Airport City; Goldschleger Eye Research
The system described here is a newly developed objec-
Institute (M.B.), Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer; Sackler Faculty of tive eye–tracking-based device that can automatically
Medicine (M.B., T.W-J.), Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv; and Sheba detect the deviating eye and assess the extent and direction
Medical Center; Goldschleger Eye Institute (T.W-J.), Tel Hashomer,
of both heterophorias and heterotropias. This study
Inquiries to: Tamara Wygnanski-Jaffe, Goldschleger Eye Institute, compared the performance of this eye–tracking-based test
Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, 52521, Israel; e-mail: Tamara. to those of the manual CUT and PACT methods.
[email protected]
Eye-Tracking-Based Test APCT Horizontal Test Vertical APCT Vertical Right Eye Left Eye
Horizontal Deviation (PD) Deviation (PD) Deviation (PD) Deviation (PD) Prescription (D) Prescription (D) Age, y
Ortho deviation
<4 <4 0 0 7
<4 <4 0.00 to 1.00 3 105 þ0.50 to 1.25 3 60 6.5
<4 <4 þ2.00 to 1.50 3 90 0 6.5
<4 <4 0 0 5.5
<4 <4 þ0.50 þ0.50 12
<4 4.5 þ0.50 þ0.50 11
<4 6 0 0 4.5
<4 <4 0 0 8.5
Exo deviation
<4 <4 0 þ1.00 to 1.00 3 85 3
<4 <4 6 13 0.75 0.75 to 2.00 3 175 9.5
<4 <4 8.50 to 3.00 3 155 11.50 to 3.50 3 25 9.5
<4 <4 <4 5 0 0 3.5
<4 <4 0 0 3.4
<4 7 0 0 5
5 0 0 0 14
5 0 0 0 9
7 10 0 0 14
7 10 0 0 8.5
8 0 0 0 3
8 0 1.00 to 1.00 3 80 1.00 to 1.00 3 95 14
9 0 þ4.25 to 1.75 3 11 þ0.25 to 0.50 3 180 11
9 0 0 0 8
11 6 7.00 2.00 11.5
11 8 0.00 to 1.00 3 23 3.00 to 0.75 3 8 6
11 17 þ1.00 to 1.75 3 178 þ2.00 to 3.00 3 8 6
13 17 0 0 7
13 8 0 0 6.5
13 14 1.75 to 0.50 3 160 0.75 to 0.50 3 177 7.5
13 18 0 0 7.8
14 12 0 0 3
16 18 0 0 5.5
16 10 <4 5 þ0.25 to 0.50 3 70 þ0.75 to 0.50 3 70 9
18 24 1.00 1.00 8.5
19 16 0.50 0.50 6
20 18 þ0.75 to 0.75 3 180 þ0.75 to 0.75 3 30 9.5
20 17 0 0.25 11
20 20 0 0 7
23 30 þ0.75 to 0.75 3 176 þ0.75 to 0.75 3 176 9.5
27 21 0 0 6
30 25 0 0 8.5
31 31 <4 5 þ1.25 to 0.75 3 90 þ0.75 to 0.50 3 70 15
34 30 þ0.50 þ1.00 to 0.50 3 90 10
44 25 0.00 to 2.00 3 13 0.00 to 2.75 3 167 4.5
50 38 0 0 5
Esotropic deviation
<4 <4 7.5 6.5 þ3.25 þ4.50 6
5 0 þ2.50 to 1.75 3 3 þ3.00 to 2.00 3 180 10
5 11 þ3.00 þ3.00 7
8 6.5 0 0 7.5
8 9 þ0.50 þ1.75 to 1.00 3 2 7
Eye-Tracking-Based Test APCT Horizontal Test Vertical APCT Vertical Right Eye Left Eye
Horizontal Deviation (PD) Deviation (PD) Deviation (PD) Deviation (PD) Prescription (D) Prescription (D) Age, y
APCT ¼ alternate prism cover test; D ¼ diopters; Eso ¼ esodeviation; Exo ¼ exodeviation; Ortho ¼ orthophoria; PD ¼ prism diopters.
Eye deviation metrics, stereo acuity (arc seconds), and demographics are listed for each patient. The first column represents the average of
the 2 measurements of the automated system. The second column represents the average of the 2 manual measurements in PD.
indicated the presence of a tropia. The procedure was then All tests were performed at a distance of 50 cm in the pri-
repeated for the fellow eye. For the automated ACT, 1 eye mary gaze position. Owing to the Eye Tracker’s accuracy of
was covered at a time, and the algorithm searched for a 1.00 prism dioptr (PD) and the target size presented on the
change in the fixation position of the noncovered eye. monitor, it is possible to detect artifact deviations in the
The eyes were alternately covered for 3 seconds at a time, range of 4 PD and below. In order to avoid reporting arti-
for a total of 30 seconds (i.e., repeated in 5 cycles), with facts in deviation measurements, eye deviations of 4 PD
no binocular viewing allowed between alternations. The and above are reported, and smaller deviations are regarded
resulting deviation between the eyes was recorded contin- as artifacts. The first manual test was used to determine
uously. Next, the maximal deviation between the gaze po- whether the participant meets the inclusion criteria. The
sitions of the 2 eyes was calculated and used to shift the order of the subsequent tests, that is, the second manual
position of the monocular targets accordingly. The proced- test and the automated test, were randomized to eliminate
ure was then repeated until no eye movement was detected. any bias in the results, such as fatigue.
Finally, the precise amount of the deviation was calculated
using the ratio of the maximal distance between the 2 OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: Interexaminer variability
monocular targets on the monitor and the sitting distance. was calculated for the manual PACT and automated
The test duration depended on the ability of the participant ACT. Test-retest reliability and Pearson correlation coeffi-
to fixate to allow a sufficient amount of data to be collected. cients between the angles of deviation measured by the
The algorithm of the automated test is designed to identify different methods were analyzed.
fixation within a predefined region of interest in order to
confirm that the participant is looking at the target with STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Agreement between the
at least 1 eye. The measurement trial automatically pauses manual and automated tests was represented in Bland-
if the participant is not focusing within the target region of Altman plots and concordance correlation coefficients.
interest and automatically continues once refixation oc- Pearson correlation coefficient was obtained to measure
curs. In addition, the operator may observe the eye gaze po- the strength of the linear relationship between each test.
sition, which is continuously presented on the operator’s P values of <0.05 were considered statistically significant.
monitor throughout the test. A 2-way ANOVA was performed for group comparisons.
(R ¼ 0.9; P < 0.01), with no significant differences be- and compared to manual PACT results. The automated
tween the outcomes of the 2 tests: F(1,60) ¼ 1.94; P ¼ system identified the same direction of the deviation as
0.17 for the test effect; F(1,60) ¼ 0.42; P ¼ 0.52 for the repe- the manual PACT in all cases. The results of the automated
tition effect; F(1,60) ¼ 0.04; P ¼ 0.95 for the test 3 repeti- ACT showed excellent concordance with those of the
tion interaction. PACT for measuring eye deviation in all cases of horizontal
and vertical deviations.
VERTICAL DEVIATION: In addition to the horizontal de- Despite the fairly good agreement between the 2 manual
viation, 8 participants exhibited a vertical deviation using examiners in the current study, the PACT relies on subjec-
the automated ACT and 5 using the manual PACT. One tive interpretation and the examiner’s skill in observing
participant, with Brown syndrome, exhibited no vertical very small ocular movements while performing the test.8
deviation with the automated ACT, although a hypodevi- Thus, the accuracy of measurements depends largely on
ation was found using the manual PACT. Another partic- the examiner’s expertise and the participant’s level of coop-
ipant exhibited a vertical deviation with the automated eration.7–10,16,17 Studies showed a significant interexa-
ACT, which was not detected by the manual PACT. miner variability in PACT among highly experienced
There were no significant differences between the out- examiners, ranging between 6.9 and 12.5 PD.18 In this
comes of the PACT measurements performed by the 2 study, the interexaminer variability of the automated test
masked examiners: F(1,224) ¼ 2.94; P ¼ 0.08 for the test ef- was 4.25 PD, which is much lower than the variability of
fect; F(1,224) ¼ 0.001; P ¼ 0.96 for the repetition effect; the manual test, which was 11.95 PD. However, it is note-
F(1,224) ¼ 0.01; P ¼ (0.89 for the test 3 repetition interac- worthy that the 2 automated measurements were
tion). Comparison of repeatability showed an almost 2-fold performed consecutively, whereas the manual tests were
reduction in the SD for the automated test versus the not necessarily performed consecutively, which may
ACPT (0.05 6 0.03 vs 0.12 6 0.06, respectively), which explain the differences in the SDs in favor of the automated
did not reach significance due to a large portion of zero ver- test.
tical deviation (P ¼ 0.12, paired t-test). Of the 7 cases where the automated system detected an
The correlation between the automated and manual eye deviation, whereas the manual tests showed no eye de-
tests was 0.9 for esodeviations, 0.88 for exodeviations, viation, in 4 cases at least 1 of the examiners detected an
and 0.91 for vertical deviations. In orthophoric partici- eye deviation, whereas the second examiner reported no
pants, no deviation was recorded by the automatic system. eye deviation. Therefore, the average measurement be-
The average test duration of the automated ACT was 46.00 tween the 2 examiners indicated an eye deviation below
6 3.45 seconds (a range of 42-69 seconds). the threshold of 4 PD. In the other 3 cases, the 2 examiners
reported no eye deviation, whereas the automated system
repeatedly measured a deviation. It is highly unlikely to
obtain such repeatable results in the 2 automated measure-
DISCUSSION ments when no eye deviation exists (4 and 5, 8 and 8, 9
and 9). Of the 3 cases in which the manual examiners
IN THIS STUDY, A NOVEL AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR detected an eye deviation and the automated system
measuring ocular misalignment, based on an EyeTracker detected a deviation smaller than 4 PD, in all cases at least
and a liquid crystal display active shutter glasses, was tested 1 of the examiners detected a deviation of 5 PD, which is
and none were reported.
FUNDING/SUPPORT: This study was supported by NovaSightLtd. The testing device was borrowed from NovaSight to carry out this study.
Financial Support: O.Y. is an employee of NovaSight Ltd. M.B. is a consultant for and a scientific advisory board member of NovaSight Ltd; O.Y. and
M.B. are patent holders of ‘‘A System And Method For Measuring Ocular Motility’’; US patent 2018/0028057. T.W.J. has received financial support for
conducting this study. All other authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose. O.Y. was respon-
sible for conceptualization, methodology, formal analysis, resource writing (original draft), software, data curation, and investigation. M.B. was responsible
for conceptualization methodology resources writing-reviewing and editing, supervision. T.W-J. was responsible for methodology, supervision, investiga-
tion resource writing (original draft), and investigation.