Electric Loco Occurance Report: 28273+28071/GTL/SCR
Electric Loco Occurance Report: 28273+28071/GTL/SCR
Electric Loco Occurance Report: 28273+28071/GTL/SCR
Sl.No. Failure Type Det Min Sch Fail Sec/Div/Rly Shed wise No
Failure Date Loco No/Base/Rly Maj Sch Loco Pilot/Base/Grad Trip Insp
Train No. Loco_Type Gradient LI Name Movement
Occurance Load RE
29,446 Failure IA:10.03.22 ROU/CKP/SER GTL-21
19.04.22 28273+28071/GTL/SCR AOH:22.10.19 //
Not Given
TLC/SER informed at 20:00hrs
Nature of failure : Not reported
IA done 10.03.22 ; AOH done 22.10.19 ; DOC 27.01.11
MPFDS: Stesalite SIV: AAL
As per TLC/SER
LP informed from ROU yard that experienced ICDJ in loco no.28273. Hence loco checked and
moved to TS BNDM for attention.
As per TLC/CR
SCOR planned to clear load KSLK from AMLA yard but LP informed that bogie-1 isolated and
TMB1 smoke. Hence loco checked and planned as dead to home shed for attention.
Previous failures :
27.12.21 - abnormal sound from OCB2 - DDU/DDU/ECR
09.11.21- Main power off- BNDM/CKP/SER
31.05.21 : bogie2 isolated - LDH/NR
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Sl.No. Failure Type Det Min Sch Fail Sec/Div/Rly Shed wise No
Failure Date Loco No/Base/Rly Maj Sch Loco Pilot/Base/Grad Trip Insp
Train No. Loco_Type Gradient LI Name Movement
Occurance Load RE
29,448 Failure IB:04.03.22 LDH/FZR/NR KZJ-108
19.04.22 32033/KZJ/SCR TOH:22.11.19 //
Not Given
TLC/NR informed at 19:45hrs
Nature of failure : Not reported
IB done 04.03.22 ; MOH done 22.11.19 ; DOC 30.11.17
Loco type: IGBT /BHEL SR1/2- BHEL BUR1/2- BHEL
As per TLC/NR
LP (shunter) informed from LDH yard that air dryier isolated, hand brake chain uncoupled and
cab1 LP door lock defective. Hence loco checked and moved to LDH OP for attention.
Previous failures :
10.10.21 - Main power isolated - GAE/PRYJ/NCR
29,449 Failure IC:07.04.22 NZM/DLI/NR LGD-189
19.04.22 39019/LGD/SCR MOH:07.08.20 //
Not Given
TLC/NR informed at 19:45hrs
Nature of failure : Not reported
IC done 07.04.22 ; MOH done 07.08.20 ; DOC 15.04.19
Loco type : IGBT SR & BUR : IGBT VCU : TCN Brake System : E-70
Major section : DA
Minor section : NZM yard
As per TLC/NR
Loco on arrival noticed both side cabs SPM not working and sent to TS NZM for attention.
Previous failures :
13.12.21 - PT2 Isolated - WAT/WAT/ECOR
12.08.21 : flashes from Pantograph.- RDM/SC
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Sl.No. Failure Type Det Min Sch Fail Sec/Div/Rly Shed wise No
Failure Date Loco No/Base/Rly Maj Sch Loco Pilot/Base/Grad Trip Insp
Train No. Loco_Type Gradient LI Name Movement
Occurance Load RE
29,450 Failure 88 IC:02.03.22 SSGJ-BSDL/JBP/WCR KZJ-109
19.04.22 31600/KZJ/SCR IOH:20.06.21 Ajay Kumar/NKJ/C
PSSS WAG9 G.P.Mourya
59/5200 Not Given
TLC/WCR informed at 21:45hrs
Nature of failure : EPOTH in WCR
IC done 02.03.22 ; IOH done 20.06.21 ; DOC 22.06.15
As per TLC/WCR
04:13 Train PSSS passed through SSGJ (Sursaraighatjhara) working with loco 31600 KZJ.
04:28 Train stalled in section at km 1273/01 after observing caution order of 30 kmph speed
restriction speed reduced gradually in the up gradient of 1:150 without any fault message.
04:40 Loco Pilot started to push back the load.
05:00 Load arrived back to SSGJ.
08:45 LP arrived SSGJ spare by Train No-Long Haul and took over charge.
09:00 LP given memo for banker loco due to caution order on up gradient and load had already
stalled in same section and back to SSGJ.
09:45 Signal given and train departed from SSGJ without banker and without Guard.
09:52 Train stalled in section at KM-1273/11 after observing caution order of 30 Kmph, speed
decreased continuously. LP demanded banker loco immediately.
10:15 Pointsman arrived in break van from SSGJ to site by by cycle.
10:18 Train started back to SSGJ.
10:26 Train arrived back to SSGJ, section cleared
Detn : 47"+41"/88"
Rep : NIL
Previous failures :
31.12.21-VCB Stuckup in off position-KGP/KGP/SER
20.10.21 : Cab1 reversor broken- GMC YARD/NCR
16.08.21 - MCP-2 abnormal sound - BSR/BRC/WR
01.07.21-MCB 47.1/1 tripping frequetly-MVN/DDU/ECR
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Sl.No. Failure Type Det Min Sch Fail Sec/Div/Rly Shed wise No
Failure Date Loco No/Base/Rly Maj Sch Loco Pilot/Base/Grad Trip Insp
Train No. Loco_Type Gradient LI Name Movement
Occurance Load RE
29,451 Failure IC2:16.02.22 DDU/DDU/ECR BZA-95
19.04.22 23850+23704/BZA/SCR AOH:14.02.21 //
Not Given
TLC/ECR informed at 20:30hrs
Nature of failure : Not reported
IC done 16.02.22 ; AOH done 14.02.21 ; POH done 26.11.13
SIV make: HIRECT MPFDS make: Stesalite
As per TLC/ECR
In loco no.23850/BZA, cab1 BP angle coc broken due to CRO and sent to TS DDU for attention
along with MU 23704/BZA
Previous failures :
28.02.22 - Wheel no : 2 Skid marks - TATA yard/CKP/SER
23.01.22 : SIV Internal Fault lamp glowing on SIV unit -JSG/SER
08.10.21 - PT2 dropping rapidly in one step - DDU yard/DDU/ECR
31.05.21 - heavy air leaking from Auxiliary reservoir cut out cock. - RAC yard/MB
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Sl.No. Failure Type Det Min Sch Fail Sec/Div/Rly Shed wise No
Failure Date Loco No/Base/Rly Maj Sch Loco Pilot/Base/Grad Trip Insp
Train No. Loco_Type Gradient LI Name Movement
Occurance Load RE
29,452 Failure 75 IA:13.03.22 MRGA-KDGL/GNT/SCR BZA-96
19.04.22 25006/BZA/SCR AOH:19.04.21 P.Rama Rao/GNT/A
12604 WAP4 K.V.R.K.Murthy
23 B Given
TLC/GNT informed at 21:20hrs
Nature of failure : EPFMID in GNT
IA done 12.03.22 ; AOH done 19.04.21 ; DOC 23.01.15
SIV: Siemens MPFDS: Medha
As per TLC/GNT
19:52 Train left MRGA
20:05 LP informed from section that VCB open due to QLM, QRSI-1 acted and LSRSI lamp
glowing. LP checked the loco and found 3 tell tale fuses melted in RSI-1 block. Advised LP
isolate Bogie1 and work. But LP again informed speed not increasing more than 20kmph,
notches not coming more than 17. Advised LP to clear section and mean time
RE/23654+23657/BSL which is stable at VNUP planned as RE.
20:25 train arrived KDGL and section cleared
20:56 RE left VNUP
21:12 RE arrived KDGL
21:15 RE made EOT on top of failed loco
21:40 train left KDGL
23:53 train arrived GNT
00:18 train left GNT with loco no.39031/ELTD after detaching 3 locos
Previous failures:
02.09.21 - QSIT acting - KPD/MAS/SR
10.08.21-Heavy sound from CP1 - RPM/MAS/SR
The failed loco and MU detached at GNT and waiting for joint check
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Sl.No. Failure Type Det Min Sch Fail Sec/Div/Rly Shed wise No
Failure Date Loco No/Base/Rly Maj Sch Loco Pilot/Base/Grad Trip Insp
Train No. Loco_Type Gradient LI Name Movement
Occurance Load RE
29,453 Failure IA:28.02.22 KZJ YARD/SC/SCR BNDM-12
19.04.22 31909/BNDM/SER TOH:30.10.19 N.Shanti Kumar/KZJ/B
YTPY WAG5 D.Ram Murthy
60/5150 Given
TLC/SC informed at 02:00hrs on 20.04.22
Nature of failure : ELFG in SC
IA done 28.02.22 ; TOH done 30.10.19 ; DOC 25.10.17
Loco type : IGBT ; SR 1&2 - CGL ; BUR1,2&3 - AAL
As per TLC/SC
06:05 Train arrived KZJ yard. LP informed that In trailing loco 31909 traction link bogie side out
of 6 bolts one nut bolt broken and observed slight gap. Same informed to ELS/KZJ for
checking. Further loco detahced and planned to ELS/KZJ for attention along with MU loco
31832 in working condition.
09:45 Train left KZJ with loco no 28268+382/BZA.
Detn : 224"
Rep : NIL
29,454 Failure 110 IC:18.03.22 GZB YARD/DLI/NR GY-28
19.04.22 32044/GY/SCR MOH:24.11.19 A K Sharma/GZB/B
PRI WAG9 Virender Sharma
59/4984 Not Given
TLC/NR informed at 23:30hrs
Nature of failure : EPOTH in NR
IC done 18.03.22 ; MOH done 24.11.19 ; DOC 31.12.17
As per TLC/NR
11:20 Departure from TKD
13:00 Train arrived GZB & LP reported that sometimes throttle not responding.
13:30 to 14:40 Fitter attended & loco became normal.
15:15 Departure from GZB
Detn : 110"
Rep : NIL
Previous failures :
04.03.22 - PT1 isolated condition - DDU/DDU/ECR
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