Plant Microbe Interaction
Plant Microbe Interaction
Plant Microbe Interaction
2. Industrial process
The microorganism utilize this gaseous nitrogen directly or indirectly in the soil
and convert into combined form of organic compound through biological reactions
Beijerinck (1888) isolated Rhizobium root nodules for the first time
Out of the total quantity of nitrogen reaching the soil, only an estimated
60% is available for plant growth.
The rest 40% can be easily achieved with the use of bio-fertilizers or any
method of biological nitrogen fixation.
Biofertilizers are the cultures of microorganisms used for inoculating seed
or soil or both under ideal conditions to increase the availability of plant
Their purpose is to supplement chemical fertilizers and not to replace
It has been reported that the microorganisms have the beneficial role of
biological nitrogen fixation to supply nitrogen to crops, solubilizing insoluble
phosphates to soluble forms to make them available to crops
If these specific organisms are not present in the soil, they have to be
inoculated to initiate and accelerate biological activity.
Such microbial inoculants have been called bio-fertilizers.
Bio-fertilizers can be put broadly into two groups ie
• Inoculants of specific organisms such as Rhizobia, Azotobacter, blue-green algae,
phosphate solubilizers, cellulolytic microorganisms
• and biomass producing organisms, e.g. Azolla.
Microorganisms are abundant in upper six inches or surface layer of soil.
All of them play an important role in improving soil fertility.
Bacteria, Azotobacter, Rhizobium, Actinomycete, Frankia etc. fix atmospheric
nitrogen and increase soil fertility.
Fungi like Chaetomium globosum, Polyporus abietinus etc. help in recovering
soil nutrients.
An increased yield to the extent of 10 to 15 percent could be obtained through
blue- green algae application
A conservative estimate indicates that blue-green algae contribute about
25 to 35 kg of nitrogen per hectare per cropping season.
The bacteria in the infected root live within the cells of the root cortex,
the layer of cells immediately under the epidermis.
There are several plant species which grow as weeds and have well
established microbial symbiotic association, e.g. grasses and Pteriodphytes.
It has been reported that most of the C4 plants (e.g. tropical grasses like
Cyperus, Saccharum, Cyanodon, Andropogon, Spartina etc. harbour
microbial populations in their root regions.
These microbes can also fix atmosphere nitrogen in the root region
All tropical grasses and plants so far found to stimulate much activity in
nitrogen fixation.
The important nitrogen fixing bacterium associated with these weeds is
Spirillum lipoferum.
1. Rhizobium
The bacterial-plant, Rhizobium-legume, mutualistic association is a widely
known classical type of symbiosis.
The bacterial partners, one of several species of Rhizobium, are common
types of bacteria that live in the soil, and the other partner is one of several
species of pants called legumes-soybeans, beans, peas, alfalfa and clovers are
common examples.
When roots of a susceptible legume become infected with an appropriate
strain of Rhizobium, the roots undergo a modification and form structures called
Subsequently, specialized cells with the bacterial infected nodules convert
gaseous nitrogen (a form in the atmosphere that cannot be used by either the
bacteria or plant directly) into a combined form of nitrogen that can be used
by both types of organisms.
The process is called symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Both the partners in the
association (the legume and the bacterium) can grow separately in the soil as
independent free-living organisms
They infect or get their entrance in root through the soft-hair or other
epidermal cells by damaging them.
In the first stage of the infection, bacteria grow very profusely at the tip of
the root hair and form a long filament in the root hair called infection thread.
This thread reaches the endodermis and pericycle area through cortex
tissue. Cells of this area (cortex) go on dividing and form a young nodule.
The newly formed young nodule pushes the overlying parenchyma and the
epidermal tissue towards outside and produces a small swelling on the surface
of the root.
The size and shape of the root nodule varies according, to plants in which
it occurs. It is not necessary that all the bacteria, which infect the root produce
According to Wipf and Cooper (1939) the root nodule always contains
double number of chromosomes as against of normal somatic tissue.
If the root lacks such cells (cells with double chromosome number), there will
be no formation of root nodule, even after the formation of infection thread.
Those plants which do not bear root-nodules will never be able to fix
atmospheric nitrogen in the plants.
It has been observed by Allen and Allen (1947) that out of 429 genera of family
Fabaceae about 179 genera containing 949 species form nodules.\
Nitrogen Fixing Organisms found in Nodules
The presence of these bacteria in the root nodule can be seen under high power
microscope by crushing a washed nodule between two glass slider.
Frank (1877) and Beijerinck (1888) discovered Rhizobium a free living or
symbiotic bacteria of leguminous as well as non-leguminous plants.
This kind of bacteria, preferentially, infect legumes as compared to non-
Structurally, Rhizobia are rod shaped but great variation can be observed
during their life cycle.
These may be coccoid, very small, highly motile or ellipsoidal forms.
The bacteroids are usually irregular with X, Y, star and club-Shaped forms.
They are 0.5 to 0.9 micron by 1.2 to 3.0 micron in size.
All the species are non-spore forming, acid producing and fast growing.
These symbiotic bacteria (Rhizobium) are difficult to cultivate in ordinary
culture media but they grow luxuriantly on mannitol agar.