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English Test

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3 Half-Yearly Examination
Name of the Student:

Roll No.:. Section:. Branch:.

1. Write your name, number, section and

Paper Code: branch in the space provided above.
2. This test paper consists of 12 printed pages.
Check if the pages are there
all in your booklet.

3. For questions 1 to 19,each question has 4 options

-A,B,Cand D. ONLY ONE ofthem is correct.
No. of Questions:
26 4. Carefully read all and choose the
the options
option that you think BEST answers thequestion.

5. Then, on the OMR

SHEET given to you, find the
corresponding question number and DARKEN
the circle containing your choice next to it.
Darken only ONE circle for each question.
120 Minutes
6. For questions 20to 26,write your answers in the
space given below the question inthis booklet.

7. Return the TEST BOOKLET and OMR SHEET to

Maximum Marks: your teacher at theend of the test.
45 Marks 8. Relax and do your best!

Hello friend!
Grade 3 Read the
Are you ready for the test?

questionscarefully. Sit back, relax and do

English your best!


Answer ALL the questions. Marks: 19

You must not make noise while Mother

Which of these will fill the blank correctly?

A. had slept

B. will sleep

C. issleeping
D. was sleeping
2 Which of these sentences is written correctly?

A. Ibought apples, oranges and bananas. Do youwant some?

B. Ibought apples, oranges, and bananas?Do you want some?
C. Ibought, apples oranges, and bananas. Do you want some?
D. Ibought apples, oranges and, bananas.Do you want some?

3 In which sentencebelow is the apostrophe used correctly?

A. The boys books'were on the table.

B. The boys book's were on the table.

C. The boy's bookswere on the table.

D. The boys's books were on the table.

Adverbs of time'tell us when an action happened.

Which of these sentences expresses the time of the action?

A. Meena ate her biscuits quickly.

B. Mohit read this book yesterday.

C. Gaurav read the lesson carefully.

D. Geeta sat near the window alone.

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Read the passage and answer questions 5 to 10.


Yeo was a little boy. One day, he went
into the forest to collect firewood, By
evening, he was hungry. He
st a huge apple tree and wanted to pluck some
apples to cat. But the branches were too
big for the boy to
reach. He was sad and sat under the tree.

Suddenly. he heard a voice, "Hey, boy!Over here!"

Vito turned and saw an old tree. "'m

Mr. Appleton, the apple tree." the tree said. Will you solve a riddle for
me?" asked Mr. Appleton. "If you solve the riddle, I will give you a reward."

I can try," said Vito.

*What gets shorter as it gets older?" asked Mr. Appleton.

Vito thought hard. "A candle!" he shouted.

Mr. Appleton smiled and dropped a green apple. This is a special apple,"
said the tree. "It will never finish and never spoil. Eat half, then put it

Vito did as he was told. But the apple became whole again. "Wow!IIl never
be hungry again! Ican eat, and even share with my friends!" Vito said.

With a grateful heart, Vito thanked Mr. Appletonand ran off excitedly to share his reward with his friends.

Vito went to the forest to

A. look for an adventure

B. look for Mr. Appleton

C. collect firewood

D. look for food

"Hey, boy! Over here!"

What is the tree doing in the above line?

A. calling Vito to come closer

B. warning Vito aboutdanger

C. offering Vito directions

D. asking Vitofor help

7 What kind of challenge did Mr. Appleton presentto Vito before giving him the reward?

A. a test to judge his kindness

B. a story with a hidden message

C. a riddle to test his intelligence

D. aphysical task to test his strength

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did Mr. Appleton give Vito?
8 What reward

A. firewood

B. an apple

C. a candle

D. ariddle

What did Vito plan to do with his reward?

A. keep it for himself

B. share it with others

C. sell it in the market

D. return it to Mr. Appleton

10 What is special about the apple?

A. It is green in colour.

B. It can grow more trees.

C. It doesn't grow on trees.

D. It will never finish or spoil.

Read the extract and answer questions 11to 13.


With Mrs. Phelps help, Matilda read lots and lots of famous books.

'Somewriters say a lot of things I don't understand,' Matilda said to Mrs. Phelps.

'A good writer will always make you feel that, Mrs. Phelps said. Don't worry about the bits you can't

understand. Sit back and allow the words to wash around you, like music.'

Phelps, 'that libraries allow you to borrow books and take them home?"
Did you know,'said Mrs.

'Ididn't know that,' said Matilda.

From then on, Matildawould visit the library only once a week in order to take out new books and retum e
old ones. Her own small bedroom now became her reading-room. Through the stories she read, Matilda

travelled all over the world while sitting in her little room in a village.

11 What did Matilda say about some writers?

A. They write stories for children.

B. They write very long stories.

C. They use difficult language.

D. They tell boring stories.

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12 Reading new books is
for Matilda.

A. exciting

B. frustrating

C. burdensome

D. disappointing

13 What kind of person is Mrs. Phelps?

A. kind and helpful

B. curious but selfish

C. strict and unhelpful

D. gentle butforgetful

Read the lines of the p0em and answer questions 14 to 16.


I quarreled with my brother, We hated one another.

I don't know what about, The afternoon turned black.

One thing led to another Then suddenly my brother

And somehow we fell out. Thumped me on the back,
The start of it was slight, And said, 'Oh,come on!
The end of it was strong, We can't go on all night
I was in the wrong.'
He said he was right,

So he was in the right.

Iknew he was wrong!

14 What is the message of the poem?

A. right
the importanceof always being
B. the power of forgiving and forgetting

C. the need for siblings to quarrel

D. the joy of winning aquarrel

15 How did the afternoon turn black?

and hurt herself.

A. The poet felldown

The sky became cloudy and

B. dark.

C. Thequarrel turned intoa fight.

D. The quarrel ended peacefully.

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16 How did the quarrel end?

A. The poet apologised to his brother.

B. The poet's brother apologised to her.

C. Their parents settled the quarrel betweenthem.

D. They decided to continue the quarrel the next day.

Read the extract andanswer questions 17 to 19.


And don't get overheated!' said their mother.

Watch out for pickpockets,' warned their father.

off the direction of the merry-go-round, toward

The children grabbed cach other by the hand and danced in

the wonderful music and the wonderful adventure and the wonderful excitement.

Mrs. Arable stood quietly and watched then go. Then she sighed. Then sheblew her nose.

Do you really think it's all right?" she asked.

Well, they`ve got to grow up some time,' said Mr. Arable.

*And the fair is a good place to start, I guess."

17 'And don'tget overheated!' said their mother.

What does Mrs. Arable mean by this?

A. that they should not get very tired

B. that they should not get into any fights

C. that they should not goon dangerous rides

too hot
D. that they should not drink anything

as the children left.

18 Mrs. Arable felt

A. lonely

B. excited

C. relieved

D. concerned

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And the tair is a goodplace to start, I guess,'
Whatdid Mr. Arablemean by this?

A. Thefair was a great opportunity to learn new things.

The fair wasn't the right time for them to explore.


The fair was too crowded for young kids.

D. The fair was a place full of risks.


Answer ALLthe questions. Marks: 10

Pead the extract and answer questions 20 to 24.


One afternoon, while everyone was in the dining room, I gave the parrot his lunch. By mistake, I left the cage

onen Seconds later, the bird was winging its way into the freedom of the mango orchard.

At the same time, Grandfathercame onto the verandah and remarked,I see your aunt'sparrot has escaped!"

*The door was quite loose,' I said with a shrug.

thought we'd never see the parrot again, but a few days later, I found the bird sitting
Aunt Rubywas upset. I

on theverandah railing. Unselfishly, I gave the parrot half of my mango.

'Look!There's my
While the bird was enjoying the mango, Aunt Ruby came out of her room, and cried out,

parrot! He must have missed me!'

the nearest rose bush. He glared at Aunt
With a loud squawk, the parrot flew out of her reach and perched on
sing, can't dance!"
Ruby and screamedat her in my Aunt's familiar tones: You're useless! Cant talk, can't
the end. The parrot became
a regular
inside her room. But that wasn't
Aunt Ruby went ruby-red and ran out, You're useless! Can't
it would call

to the garden and verandah,

and whenever it saw Aunt Ruby,

talk, can't sing, and can't dance!"

The parrot had learnt to talk after all.

20 () How did the parrot escape?

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(ii) Where did the parrot escape?

21 (i) Why was Aunt Ruby upset?

(1) hat was Aunt Ruby's reaction when she saw the parrot again?

22 Unselfishly, Igave the parrot half of my mango.

Why do youthink the narrator gave his mango to the parrot? Give TWO reasons.

23 i) you're useless! Can't talk, can't sing, and can't dance!" Why did the parrot say this to

Aunt Ruby?

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Aunt Ruby went ruby-red and raninside her
(ii) room. - What does this

But that wasn't the end,'

24 (i)

What does the narrator mean by this statement

G) What can we say about Aunt Ruby's behaviour

towards the parrot?

Marks: 16

Answer the question 25.

25 Fill in the blanks using the words given in the brackets.

(yours,hers, mine, whose)

Maya's friend, Ravi, found a book under the table.

() book is this? Is it

asked Ravi. "Yes, it's ."saidMaya. "My sister has the same book. I thought it was

" said Ravi.

Answer: () (iii) (iv)


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Answer any ONE question:26a or 26b.

sandwich. He wants to make the sandwich bv

kaan 0ound a recipe card for a vegetahle checse
following the steps on the card. but thev are not clearly writren.


of bread: butter: cheese: one tomato; one cucumber and salt
ngredents:two slices

Step 1 Step 3 Step 4

Step 2

Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8

Following the card,write ALL the EIGHT steps clearly for Manan.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:

Step 7:

Step 8:

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based on the given
picture in about 50-60
a composition words.

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