Life Process

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Chapten-6 Biolo

Lie oceses

ess which toaenthen oedom thi maintenance

job re Ufe pyoces.
Li<e Pocess
+ Nutition

A) Nutrition
iuing organism
The pocess by wich autrit. obtain and
wtilise food s calad
Use af Nutrition
Enery cnd Dewelopment
Repcur the domage tisSue
Type of Nutrition

Autotrophc Hetrotrcophic
Organwm prepae their Ovganism are dependent
Own food on othen organism foy
their tood.

Photosynthsis Holozoc Payasite
HenbiveYeA 4

Autotrophicol Autotyo
teoca phic Nutrihon
i ) Photo sunthèsis
Covbon Diouice (co,)(a)
water CH,0)(soi)
Light ('sunlignt)
Chlove phyu(chloroplast)
Photosynthesis Reaction
6Coz t 12H,0 Sunlightt >CGHOG + 6H,0t 602"
Casbom wate Chlorophyll
Dioicle + Gucose/+ water +09en

’ Absesphon t ight energy by chlrophyll

’ Conuertion o iqht enenguy to chemicalenergy and spiing of
Uato molecules into hydrogen;and ysen
s Reduction of casbon dioide to car bo hydtes
8tomatal ores
Stomata oe tiny poTes ine strutue pyesent on
Aunetiom of Stomatu
TrarspEati¡n - Removal t the fom o Water Vapr.
@Exchamge of gases duina phto synth eais & Yespiration
Outer thickwall
iones thickwol

Stomatal pores

quard cel

(a)Open with k) eleed stomatal peres

Stomata opens m Jweling (Hao enter) o guand cell.
Stomata else om Shrinking (H40 meves out) guard cel
hotosnthesis in Desed nlant

Stomata opes omatu Close

H0 Glucose

t) Chemognthe,is nutotrophlc Natvil on


NHu chemicat


Exampe- Punpe- sulun Bocteia

" Hetvotrophic
i) Holozo1C
The organim gu buy ingesting solid orgunic mattn
which s them diqestd and ctsorhed Ánto bodies.
Classilication o' Holozoc
to Hentaivov es (Eat ondiy plant)
Coy rivores (tat onuy flesh /meat )
ds omnivoes (tat both plarks and fleslh)
i) Sarroropic -
Feecl on ceod ond dacaing matr Indude batyia
ond fung which
digest the fpod etnaly belore he mtritions ond aosobed
Erq. Yeast, Bread, Mould, ughroom, atc.
i ) Panaait Ntion
Obtain utitierts Arem iing
nutients by ing on (Entennalorgonms. Tha paraste otbtan
the bocy od the host. parasit)or (Inter nal parasit)
tg" Lice,
Tapeusorh. Leech
Note- Cuscuto as
chlorophyl. panaitie
pnasihc plant
plant bec uwsko it acks
what hapen to the tsod we eat?
Ingesti on- The process at intakng ch oud.
pigestien- Breakdoun o ood nto omaller conpom ents that
C m be bsohe into blod Btream.
Absophon- The rocess ot bsorptiem o cigested ood.
Tne proces
Assimilation- UHtlizing the diqested yood for enegy gouwth,
and upu'r.
geston - Remouny un dg ested yood rom the body.
Nuttim Tn Areoba
Foodpaie Nudews
digestadfoud patcles
IIngetion vacuoes Absevphon
Dig eltion

! oLdo0d vacuol

Areh food vacolss

Nutition in human

Digestiue System
cannal CARnet oygan
Aïmentauy cannol- Along holow tuhe uhich cantaíns orgons
thvough which the tood actualy pases (0esohagus, Stomach,
Smal ntestina,lorge untestine, eto)
Amoiatd sont- Ovaag that halo in diqestion hy no food
poses hyough th em (Liv en , Paneveas, Saliueryglandl
mouth (Buccal Cauitu
’ food is indigestd
Chewed and curhed with th hel the teh.
Food s wette d wh nake tsit pas Cuge smgoth.
Fuvd ia mied with galiva with he halo o toemuan tongue
mouth siveruy gland
Saliva’ Wotery o
Bugorr O-O0
maltose Bimle sgar
| Oes ophagus (Foud pipe )
" foods pwhe doun wards due to
contracion and elaction of useles andhyythi
known os
pet peribtatie (nvoutauy) movement

J- shped ogom
wrdest port o! alimentay connal.

Gastc lond (present Jn tha cwal o stemach )

t Hydroli acid (Hca)- byaking down o fred (xiling bactota o kod)
Pepsin- prstine digestion
+mucus proteciue cooling,lication, Protects rom HCL
and pesin pts o qastic mucs
NO2 - Tmhalonce between HCL and
mucs causes ypea cicity
gost ic.
&ecrete Bile juice
" Bile juia stoyed in gal bladele. Oesophagus
Biu jia makes tood alkaline. meu

Bie ~uice is emulsitccion o fat.



qatl blade Panceod


AntesHa Lor
Panor eas intett
) Toypsin- Digestion y protne
2) Lipase - brakng do
dom o 2mulisiaA tats
3) Panoeatic amy lase- Digestiom of casboycyas
/Small intstine|
" 5-7 metor line
8ite o tinol digestio d foocd
Seneate intestine yica
Enzyme present un intes tinal ju
" The uwall o omal inestine soeta digestiue anzy mes to dgest
" Peptid ases to oplit mal pepti cdes inte monia ad
" malse acts on ou crose cnd conves nto gluc oe.
" Scac e ads on 3uoroe and convet t ioto gucose 6 y eatoe
"Latase act o dactoe and convert into glucoe and gala
Dpases acts om ipics cnd convert jt into aty aid & gyceot.
Ahsphom o tod n mal intertine
u dinge ike
It inoeae the uxfaceprojections.
anea ot absorption
Richly seupply with bld veselLa which thke the asorbed uod
to each ond
ewery cel
frod is wsed /utised o orthe body
celes |tisues and obtuning en ez y, hildny up n
repubng olel toysues
Lage intostine
" Absorption af watir
" Removal o uncgestid ot un absohed tood
Q. uhu do Hubivares haue longer ntestne th an
Ans- Hecbivoze consme procucts he plants, which ontain
celulse in the cel wall o the plunt cell.
Digesom of celleloe in the gts takes a onger ime nd
hemce, the qut o hebiuGed is longo than
The proces by thich a iuing ganom obtun
(ATP) bu ba eaking dowm oh tod in the cel enegy
CG206 G0 6co +6H,0 + ATP
Glucose Onygen Cozbon waterenengy
Note - ATP (Ademosine
cell. thoophat)s the enengy cuveney the

Byeothing Respirotion'
Brecthing is o comtinuuoa Aproces in whch food sa
proces that invoe both byoken doun in the cell to
dnhal and echae. selease enegy s knoun s
Dugp îvotion.
phyical It a biochenicol
Prroces proces
" Resi ati oninvlue
repiratin. the sel ease tng of anegy.



Alchoholic Lactie aerd

Arobic Respivation Anarobic Resiation
"Resperdion takes place in the Anazohic Respiratio tkes
presence oß oygen placa in the absence of oygen

Arohie vespiratien occwr in "Anarobic Respiradion ta

Cytoplatm and mutYo choondia Occr in agtoplm

In arohic vesprolíen ccHi2O6 In anaobic esirttion

(Gucoe) is byoken doun into CsHi2OG (Gucoe ) byo ken
Co and H,0. down into ethan

"Aroti Reoti on occut inAnarohic resperti'on

mammclo n ducinq humansoccu in yeasts some
ype o bateic and aso
un some plomts o

Abs ence o
Cthanolt cO2tEnergy
eo (2-casbon mole cale)

ytoplam Pyruuote ack hO2, Lacic acid+ nergy

Gucose (3-canbon
(un msculav,(3-cabon molecule)
(G-carbon mole cule)
En egy \prsenccot
Ha0+ Enengy
Beak - clowm gucye by ar°ous pathw ys
Tyamsp tation isa ee proces hee suhstance synthestad
/aboarbecd in ne pat o the body ae caiied to other port
of the bocly
metaboic wase Cen Blcods
Haxm cnes
Civ ulotay System
1) Blood - Puid Connechiue tisue
2) Blood Vess els Tub ed
3) Hecrt- Pumping Organs
i )8loodreou
Blood s the iuid eottconnetiue tisue which cnculales
the body by pumpiog acticn o haast. through out

Blood Plsma Blrod CoYpuscles

ibainogen RBC Platates
(Hemoglobin) Leucocytes Thyomb ocjtes
(Protection) (ciatting
Impovtana Blood
Deliver O, nutents to l bocy cel
Tyansport wast products rom cell jor elmindion.dokoy ol8
Tyorsport na mmes
maintain body temp Totwe (diatibat heat )
maintain pt (corry butfena)
maintuin Hud voume.
Preent bluo loss (dotting)
Prewent inectoms (wBco jant'bodies)
Types of Blopd Vesels
Artives Veins Capillnies
Cory blood auway 'Carvy blood touord Link antires to
trom head the haoYt veis
Outer coat is hun Otr coat s Outen ond midclele
muddle coat i thikthick middle coat coas au absent.
is thin
umen LumenIs argerumen is mall.
Pure oygenatc Tmpue cdeoygnot-|" Civst part of capiUans
blood is pas ed |ed blsod i pamed contuin oxuygnad
encept puima nory ecept puma noy blood ond see n pat
Semi unar volues
veins clecygnatd blod.
Seni unan valwe Semi luna valwes
we absent e esent topye-ae abeent.
ent black dow o bipi
Presseo blrods blrod.tx0st
Pyeswe blorodPese s tain
Bloed qlow sopid Bsod lo s " Blood lowis slw
through anties slow thyougl thyough capilloies

Valves in veins
Prevent back tlou of the bod.
in veins

1)Blood vesels bod ke st

Blood Veel tuhes in which blorod los.

Ralmemauy Lungo
auties to ung Pulnanauy veins


Vena CCwa
Prom body To boduy
Systmac Y
Cy uit
vein t Aytey
Body e
Lorgest Artey: Aorta
Only arcteruy that caries deray9natd blood is the
plr Pumonary avtey
Larqest vein: Vena lowa
Ony vein that caes oyqenated blrod i the
Pulmonayein ta
-9 why we ned chombos Sn the huant ?

Ans- To pewent miing o oygnatid and deoygnatd

Mexe Ouygen w supled to body orgom in bettn
* Highdy elicent supply ot O, to the bocy
" More waspiratiom leading to moe eneguy poduciom.

Fuid balancu- Orans eces id e a cela space
back into he blood
" Fat ranspoYt- ymph cuv°es cested and ab rhed Bet
m ntestine ond transpot to blsod stream.
Immune Systemn- Transporttie forein mateal
(en- pthogen ) to ymph nodes o dispualr
Transpotatien i n o t t

"Transpotodion ot H,0, mineals and food is

to cauy ot vanious neccesaruy
The Hao miminenals ae abso actiuHes
bed frorm the soil bu
the rots o the lants and transpotd tovuoUs parts
o plants li ke stem, leaues ond
food is tromspoted trom aases to developing puts
. In lonts
vGs cudaY sstem made yp
is done by a specelise
up f:
1) Xylem 2) Phlo em
Xylem Prloem
"It comcucts Water and I conducts fod trom awes
mnenals om yoots to tu cll puvt o the plGnt,
Tt cemnosed o muiny T+ composed o mainy
cleac elements liuing elemend
Tyans postoiom TYansportati on
undireiomau dretonul.
It has dor types " It has our type ot celles:
ces. Tracheios veys eles Phloem hbLab, Siewe tubes,
Xylem parenchyma, xylem Phloem Pavenchym s Compuom
pibtos. bre cels:

Pundicn af Tros pov teion

Tromsportlion halo in the ahoctaton Cnd upwnd
movernent of Hao & minerals ss oleved io it o
Sot to the leawes
Help un
in tempratweregulatien
Halp to qet
get oto exces water/H,0.
Upward & domward novement of toDd wc phloem.
"UHLises ATP
+iue Tube Colead)
Companion cell (liuing)
Phdoem Par enchyma (uiuing)
Phloem ibae Cduac)

Proces by which orqanimepet mataboic wste
procucts and othar toc substnce trom ther body
e c e s H20
metaboic Jaste
" eem neal Salt
Ntrogen wste Nitrogen Compoundscontuns

Ammoia Urea U c Acid

Eeretory System
Lept vemal axtouy

Vena Lelt kidney

Leltenal vein

Excvetory System Left Urete

(n humon

beings Urnouy Blacdder


Punction ot kidn edy

Excreation ot waste and oten reg ubstemce
" Regulation of blred toxic compositen:
"Regulation of bloo d pH.
"Production ok HoYm ones
"Ragulotion ot blood Voume
ance oot blood ofnolcuty
"munt enance
Regulation of blevd glucoe evel.
() Nephvm

Blod usth

Uyine Pyromid
1 Glomenulan cttrotiom:. Nhoqen wste, CoHnOs
Ha0, Amino Acid, excEmiue solt from thu blod
ara fiteYed ond nital fitradten ltrat enter the
Boman Caps o the nephren.
2-Selectue Reabsrption:- hed substune ke aCoHnO6
Omino Qd, tot Satts ond majer amount H0 tron
the filhale ond seabsobed back y
swnon cling the nephYm.
3- Tuplan Secvtin- Urec , extra H,0 and Salt and
sere tec into the tubel whichopen un in the
Colecing duct and then into the wete

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