i. Definition of poriferans
ii. Characteristics of poriferans
iii. Classification of Poriferans
iv. Feeding in Poriferans
v. Reproduction in Poriferans
Learning outcome
• Course outcomes
By the end of this week you should be able to describe the Poriferans.
Structure of Sponges
The body of a sponge consists of jelly-like material (mesohyl) made mainly of collagen and
reinforced by a dense network of fibres also made of collagen. Sandwiched between two thin
layers of cells. Many also have a skeleton made up of spicules of calcium carbonate or silica.
Spicules vary in shape from simple rods to three-dimensional “stars” with up to six rays.
Some sponges also secrete exoskeletons that lie completely outside their organic
components whilst others, e.g., Spongia officinalis, the bath sponge, have no spicules at all.
Sponges do not have a nervous, digestive or circulatory system. They rely on keeping up a
constant water flow through their bodies to obtain food and oxygen and to remove wastes.
Sponges have a unique feeding system among animals. Instead of a mouth they have tiny pores
(ostia) in their outer walls through which water is drawn. Cells in the sponge walls filter food
from the water as the water is pumped through the body and the osculum (“little mouth”).
The flow of water through the sponge is in one direction only, driven by the beating of
flagella which line the surface of chambers connected by a series of canals.
• Sponges can regenerate from fragments that are broken off by currents or predators,
although this only works if the fragments include the right types of cells. A few
species reproduce by budding and others by producing gemmules.
• Gemmules are "survival pods" which a few marine sponges and many freshwater
species produce in large numbers when dying. Gemmules, cyst-like spheres, are
made by wrapping shells of spongin, often reinforced with spicules, around clusters
of special amoeba-like cells called archeocytes that are full of nutrients.
Reproduction in Poriferans
• Sponges are usually hermaphrodites; however, they are either male, female or
neuter at any time.
• Most sponges reproduce sexually by releasing sperm cells into the water.
• In viviparous species the cells that capture most of the adults' food capture the sperm
cells and transport them to ova in the parent's mesohyl. The fertilized eggs begin
development within the parent and the larvae are released to swim off in search of
places to settle.
Viviparous - a method of reproduction in which the embryo develops inside the body of the
female from which it gains nourishment.
Oviparous - a method of reproduction in which eggs are laid, with little or no other embryonic
development within the mother.
2. Hexactinellida
• They are found in marine and the deep sea.
• The skeleton is made up of six-rayed siliceous spicules.
• The body is cylindrical in shape and exhibit radial symmetry.
• The canal system is Sycon or Leucon.
• Eg., Euplectella, Hyalonema
3. Desmospongiae
• They are found in marine or freshwater.
• The body is asymmetrical and cylindrical in shape.
• The canal system is a leuconoid type.
• The skeleton comprises spongin fibres, siliceous spicules, which are monoaxon and
• Eg: Spongia, Spongilla, etc.
Meaning of Spicules:
• The spicules or sclerites are definite bodies, having a crystalline appearance and
consisting in general of simple spines or of spines radiating from a point.
• They have an axis of organic material around which is deposited the inorganic
substance, either calcium carbonate or hydrated silica.
• They present a great variety of shape and as reference to the shape is essential in the
description of sponges, a large terminology exists.
Classification of Spicules:
1. Megascleres:
The megascleres are the larger skeletal spicules that constitute the chief supporting
framework of the sponge.
There are five general types of megasclere spicules, viz., monaxons, tetraxons, triaxons,
polyaxons and spheres.
(i) Monaxons:
• These are formed by growth in one or both directions along a single axis, which
may be straight or curved.
• When growth has occurred in one direction only, the spicule is called monactinal
monaxon or style.
• Styles are typically rounded (strongylote) at one end and pointed (oxeote) at the other.
• Styles in which the broad end is knobbed are called tylostyles;
• those curved with thorny processes are acanthostyles.
(ii) Tetraxons:
• Generally, one ray, rhabdome, is elongated bearing a crown of three smaller rays;
such spicules are termed triaenes.
• By loss of one smaller ray results into a diaene.
• If the elongated ray bears a disc at both ends, it is called amphidisc.
• Loss of elongated ray results into a triradiate or triactinal spicule, called a triod
characteristic of calcareous sponges.
(iii) Triaxons:
(iv) Polyaxons:
These spicules in which several equal rays radiate from a central point.
(v) Spheres:
(vi) Desma:
2. Microscleres:
• The microscleres are the smaller flesh spicules that occur strewn throughout the
• However, they do not form the supporting framework.
• The microspheres are of two types, viz., spires and asters.
(i) Spires:
• Spires are curved in one plane or spirally twisted and exhibits many shapes.
• The most common types are the C-shaped forms, called sigmas;
(ii) Asters:
• Asters include types with small centres and long rays and large centres and small
Among the small centred forms are oxyasters with pointed rays,
strongylaster with rounded ends and
tylasters with knobbed rays.
• Large-centred forms include spherasters with definite rays and
• sterrasters with rays reduced to small projections from the spherical surface.
• Short spiny microscleric monaxons are known as streptasters, of which the principal
sorts are the spirally twisted spirasters, rod shapes or sanaidasters, plesioasters with
a few spines from a very short axis, and amphiasters with spines at each end.
Development of Spicules:
Spicules are secreted by mesenchyme cells, called scleroblasts. Very little is known about the
formation of various kinds of spicules. The process is best known for calcareous spicules.
On the basis of development, the spicules may be primary which owe their first origin from
a single mother cell or scleroblast, or secondary which arise from more than one scleroblast.
• The spicule is laid down chiefly by the founder which moves slowly inward,
establishing the shape and length.
• The thickner deposits additional layers of calcium carbonate, also moving inward
during this process.
• When the spicule is completed, both cells wander from its inner end into
mesogloea, the founder first and the thickner later.
We have seen that Phylum Porifera has been divided into three classes:
1. Class Calcarea:
2. Class Hexactinellida:
3. Class Demospongiae:
1. Kotpal RL. 2017. Modern Text Book of Zoology- Invertebrates. 11th Edition. Rastogi Publications.
2. Jordan EL and Verma PS. 2018. Invertebrate Zoology. 14th Edition. S Chand Publishing.
3. Dennis Holley. (2015). General Zoology: Investigating the Animal World.
4. Ernest R. Schockaert. (1996). Turbellarians.
5. Ernest R. Schockaert, Matthew Hooge, Ronald Sluys, Steve Schilling, Seth Tyler, and Tom Artois.
(2008). Global diversity of free-living flatworms (Platyhelminthes, “Turbellaria") in freshwater.