Internet of Things 7th 2022 23 Btech

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Registration No :

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Total Number of Pages : 02
02 3 Course: B. Tech
Sub Code: RIT7D001
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7 Semester/Regular/Back Examination: 2022-23

SUBJECT: Internet of Things

Time : 3 Hour
Max Marks : 100
Q.Code : L099
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Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any eight from Part-II and any two

2 0 23
from Part-III.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
02 /
2 4 / Part-I

Q1 Answer the following questions : (2 x 10)

a) Why do IoT systems have to be self-adapting and self-configuring?
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What are the differences between machines in M2M and things in IoT?
c) What are the architectural constraints of REST?
02 3
e) 2/ 2
Differentiate between physical entity and virtual entity in IoT system.
Differentiate between 6LOWPAN and IEEE 802.15.4-LR WPAN.
4 /0
What is big-data and why we are using big-data in IOT?
What is “things” in IoT? Explain with examples.

h) State and explain in brief the network layer protocols.
i) Why is python one of the suitable languages from an IoT perspective?
j) Give operational view specifications of services for home automation IoT system.

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Q2 02 3 Part-II
Only Focused-Short Answer Type Questions- (Answer Any Eight out of (6 × 8)
0 2 /2
24 /
Discuss the following capabilities in an IoT data platform. - Connectivity -
Actionable data - Device management.
b) 9 -
What is IoT middleware? Explain MTC/M2M middleware with a neat sketch
diagram. 1 -- 2
c) Discuss about agility in IOT.
2 3
2 3 --2 / 2 0
What is Industry 4.0? What are the main characteristics? Discuss various

challenges and solutions of Industry 4.0.
20 /0 2
What is 5-any in the context of device intelligence? What is the role of device

0 2 / - 2 4
intelligence in order to make IoT a reality? Explain.

- 24/ f)
g) 109
Draw the block diagram of the RFID reader and explain its operation.
Draw the typical architecture of a sensor node and explain all its components.

10 9 h) Explain the hadoop file structure.

i) Explain the following terms in the context of the identification of IoT objects and
services. - Object IDs - Radio-frequency identification - Uniform resource identifier.
j) What is 5-any in the context of device intelligence? What is the role of device
intelligence in order to make IoT a reality? Explain.
k) Explain HTTPS protocol.
l) Explain modified OSI model for IOT system.
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Only Long Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four)
2/ 2
What are the different layers of IoT protocols? Explain functions of all the layers? (16)

2 4 /0
What are the different communication models of IoT? Explain publish-subscribe (16)
9 -
communication model &request-response communication model?

Q5 10
Compare and contrast between M2M and IoT with respect to different (16)
technologies, system architectures, and types of applications used in both the
- - 2

2 0 23
Explain how weather monitoring IoT system work. Also, provide a suitable diagram
for controller service and deployment design in this case.

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