CE 5203 Hydraulic Strucrures 7
CE 5203 Hydraulic Strucrures 7
CE 5203 Hydraulic Strucrures 7
o Groundwater
o In Situ Permeability Test on Soil
GROUND WATER o In Situ Permeability Test in Rock
o Lugeon Value And Equivalent Rock Mass Permeability
o Test Methods
o Selection Of Test Section
o Test Equipment
Muhammad Usman Arshid o Test Procedure
Department of Civil Engineering o Presentation And Interpretation Of Results
University of Engineering & Technology Taxila o Use Of Surface Survey And Borehole Inclinometer
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• Introduction
• For the investigation of dams the groundwater should be continually
• This involves the location and monitoring of seepage points recording of
groundwater inflows into pits and trenches and monitoring of
groundwater levels during the drilling investigation.
• As a full history as possible of the groundwater monitoring can be a
great help in any review of the dam.
• The response of groundwater levels to rainfall can provide a useful
indication of mass permeability.
• Figure in the next slide shows how a perched and main water table can
be inferred from the water levels measured in a borehole during drilling
using the depth of hole versus depth of water.
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Groundwater Groundwater
• The permeability of soil in a dam foundation may be of importance if the • Where possible pump out tests should be conducted with a pump
cutoff is founded in the soil. well and observation wells.
• In general the structure of the soil controls water flow, for example • The arrangements for the pump out test is shown in the next slide .
1. Sandy layers in alluvial soils. • In a pump out test the inflow of water removes the soil blocking or
2. Root holes and fissures in residual and alluvial soils. smearing the hole side and realistic estimates of permeability can be
3. Worm burrows in alluvial and residual soils. obtained.
4. Leached zones, infilled root holes and relict joints in lateritised soil and • In the event that the groundwater level is below the depth of interest,
extremely weathered rocks. it is necessary to carry out pump-in tests.
• So we can say that it is difficult to obtain a realistic estimate of soil mass
permeability from laboratory testing.
• Because the soil structure tends to be blocked or smeared by the drilling
action so the permeability values may be one or two orders of magnitude
lower than the actual soil mass permeability.
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• Figure in the next slide show rock permeability testing by using single
and double packer method 11 12
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1. Damage to the sides of the hole by drill rods and casing, • Selection of test.
2. Possible leakage from the test section past the lower packer, which cannot • To maximize the information on rock mass permeability the investigation
be detected and drill hole should be oriented to intersect as many joints as practicable as
3. Sections of the hole which have been stabilised by cement or by casing to shown below.
enable deeper drilling cannot be tested. Commonly these sections will be
highly permeable
• The purpose of the test is to estimate the potential of water to pass through
• The use of drilling mud to stabilise the hole can block these defects and
make the results of water pressure testing meaningless.
• For best results the drilling fluid used in holes where permeability testing is
required should be water.
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• Every effort should be made to test the total length of hole in rock • Test equipment
• The length of test section depends on the nature of the rock defects and • The equipment required for water pressure testing are
the type of structure under investigation. 1. Packer to seal the test section.
• Examination of the drill core usually indicates the presence of typical 2. Water line from the packer to the supply pump.
fracture spacing which represents probable background permeability and
3. Pump to supply water under pressure.
anomalous structural features which may be associated with zones of
higher permeability. 4. Bypass to control the pressure.
• Test sections should be selected to provide an indication of the relative 5. Surface tank at the borehole to maintain the water level outside the
width and permeability of these zones. water line.
• In many cases water flow may be concentrated through a few fractures. 6. Water storages.
The water loss is averaged over the length of the test section and, if the 7. Pressure gauge.
section is too long, the presence of a high permeability zone may not be 8. Water meter.
recognized. • A layout used for water pressure testing is shown in the slide below
• Usual test section lengths range from 3 m to 6 m
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• Packers
1. Hydraulic Packer
• A hydraulic packer consists of a double tube with rubber sleeve.
• When the packer is in the ‘down’ position water can be pumped into
the sleeve to inflate the packer and seal the hole. In the ‘up’ position
water flows into the test section.
• Hydraulic Packer is shown below
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2. Pneumatic Packer
•The pneumatic packer sleeve is inflated by air from a compressed air bottle
using a separate air line to the surface. This method is effective in shallow
holes, but with deeper holes fracturing of the air line has caused problems.
Water levels do not affect inflation or deflation.
3. Wireline Packer
•Wireline packers have been developed for testing holes drilled with wireline
equipment. These enable water pressure testing without the withdrawal of the
drill rods.
•The packer incorporates two sealing sleeves, the upper seal within the drill
rods and the lower seal in the hole below the drill bit.
4 Mechanical Packer
•The mechanical packer seals by the expansion of two or more rubber rings
when compressed. The test section length is controlled by the insertion of a
selected length of perforated rod below the packer. Sealing is achieved by
downward pressure on the drill string by the drill chuck. This pressure must be
21 maintained throughout the test. 22
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Test Result From karot Hydropower Project SURFACE SURVEY AND BORE HOLE INCLINOMETER
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Inclinometer Installation 35 36
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From Karot Hydropower Project