Status of The Dielectric Constant of Sea Water at L-Band For Remote Sensing of Salinity
Status of The Dielectric Constant of Sea Water at L-Band For Remote Sensing of Salinity
Status of The Dielectric Constant of Sea Water at L-Band For Remote Sensing of Salinity
Abstract— The model expressing the dielectric constant of sea the importance of a good model. A major milestone was the
water at microwave frequencies as a function of salinity and tem- development of a model for saltwater by Klein and Swift [3]
perature is an important element in remote sensing of sea surface based on laboratory measurements at L- and S-band and
salinity. It is also important independently as a description of
the physical properties of salt water. A major milestone was the employing a functional dependence on frequency based on the
development in the late 1970s by Klein and Swift of a model based response of polar molecules [4], [5]. Most of the work on the
on laboratory measurements at L- and S-band and a functional dielectric constant of sea water afterward was done to extend
form supported by theory for polar molecules and previous work the model to higher frequencies [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11] for
on freshwater. Much of the subsequent work has focused on applications, such as remote sensing of sea surface temperature
measurements at higher frequency and determining model para-
meters tuned to apply for applications, such as remote sensing of (SST), but the development of sensors to measure sea surface
sea surface temperature (SST). Interest in the dielectric constant salinity (SSS) from space, such as soil moisture ocean salinity
at 1.4 GHz (L-band) increased again with the development of soil (SMOS) [12], [13] and Aquarius [14], motivated new work
moisture ocean salinity (SMOS) and Aquarius to measure salinity at L-band, including new measurements [15], [16] and new
from space, but there have been few new measurements at L-band models [15], [17], [18], [19].
and often confusion regarding the applicability of new models
at 1.4 GHz. The objective of this article is to compare available Research on the microwave response of the water mole-
models in the context of how well they represent the dielectric cule [4] established the functional form for the dielectric
constant of sea water at 1.4 GHz. Among the criteria applied will constant, and as a result, all the models are similar in their
be the recent measurements at the George Washington University functional dependence on frequency. Mathematically, they can
of the dielectric constant at 1.4 GHz. all be evaluated at any frequency and they are remarkably
Index Terms— Dielectric constant, L-band, microwave remote similar from 1 to 100 GHz. The result is a plethora of models
sensing, ocean salinity, sea water. with similar features but fitted to measurements covering a
varying range of frequency, temperature, and salinity. To apply
I. I NTRODUCTION the models without regard to the limitation set by the data used
in fitting the model can lead to misrepresentation and error in
A MODEL for the dielectric constant of water as a function
of salinity and temperature is an essential element in
remote sensing of parameters of the ocean surface, such as
the retrieval of science products. This is especially the case
in remote sensing of salinity, where high accuracy is required
salinity and temperature. The beginning of passive microwave on both the radiometer (e.g., 0.1 K) and the model for the
remote sensing of the oceans in the 1970s [1], [2] increased dielectric constant (0.25%) [20].
The objective of this article is to take a close look at the
Manuscript received 29 April 2022; revised 16 August 2022; accepted models for the dielectric constant of sea water in the context
12 September 2022. Date of publication 19 September 2022; date of current
version 7 October 2022. The work of Yiwen Zhou and Roger H. Lang was of remote sensing of SSS and how well they represent the
supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) dielectric constant of sea water at 1.4 GHz. These are not nec-
through the Physical Oceanography Program under Grant NN17AK01G essarily identical criteria as some models are tuned to optimize
and Grant NNG05GO48G. The work of Emmanuel P. Dinnat was sup-
ported by NASA under Grant 80NSSC22K0215. (Corresponding author: remote sensing, such as [10], [11], and [19], and others are
David M. Le Vine.) tuned to fit laboratory measurements of the dielectric constant
David M. Le Vine is with the Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory, [3], [7], [17]. The success of a model in remote sensing is
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA (e-mail:
[email protected]). not necessarily a measure of its accuracy representing the
Roger H. Lang is with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, dielectric constant of sea water. This is so because empirical
The George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052 USA (e-mail: adjustments in the retrieval algorithm can hide errors in the
[email protected]).
Yiwen Zhou is with the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and model for emission from the surface. In the following sections,
Landscape Research WSL, CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland (e-mail: nine models reported in the literature for the dielectric constant
[email protected]). of sea water will be compared at 1.4 GHz. It will be clear
Emmanuel P. Dinnat is with the Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory, NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA, and also with the that some of the models should not be used at L-band. The
Center of Excellence in Earth Systems Modeling and Observations, Chapman remainder will be compared with the laboratory measurements
University, Orange, CA 92866 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). at GWU [15], [17] to assess their representation as a function
Thomas Meissner is with Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA 94501
USA (e-mail: [email protected]). of temperature and salinity of the dielectric constant of sea
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TGRS.2022.3207944 water. In Section II, a brief introduction will be given to the
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See for more information.
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functional form of the models of the dielectric constant of The last term in (1) follows from the definition of current:
sea water. The models are described in Sections III and IV that is, a macroscopic model with the assumption that the
and they are compared as a function of frequency and com- motion of charge is proportional to the electric field with a
pared at 1.4 GHz as a function of salinity and temperature. proportionality constant called conductivity, σ . The definition
A comparison by model component (e.g., conductivity, of “practical salinity” in terms of conductivity established
relaxation time, and static limit) is given in Appendix I. a relationship between salinity, temperature, and conductiv-
In Section V, the models are compared against the laboratory ity [25]. Stogryn et al. [6] inverted this definition to establish
measurements at 1.4 GHz. The implications with respect to the model, σ (S, T ), needed in (1). This inversion has been
remote sensing and the representation of the dielectric constant revisited and is available as public code [47]. The models by
of sea water are discussed in Section VI. Meissner and Wentz [10], [11] and Boutin et al. [19] adopted
this definition, but there is little variation and σ (S, T ) is very
II. BACKGROUND : T HE M ODEL F UNCTION similar for most models (Appendix I).
The parameter ε∞ is mathematically the limiting value at
The dielectric constant of sea water consists of two parts, a f → ∞, but the value in this limit is not established and ε∞
contribution due to orientation and/or distortion of the water is treated as a parameter to be determined. It is perhaps the
molecule (called “polarization” [5], [21]) and a contribution parameter with most variation among the models discussed
due to motion of charge (current). Theory for the polarization here. Most models have values ranging from 3 to 6 but with
of an ideal polar molecule in a viscous (i.e., damping) medium choices ranging from a constant to a function of S and T
was developed by Debye [4] and Somaraju and Trumpf [5], (details are in Appendix I).
and experimental evidence supports this solution for water In the following sections, the models will be compared.
[22], [23]. All the models discussed here employ this form for In Section III, they are compared as a function of frequency
the frequency dependence. About half the models examined and then at 1.4 GHz compared as a function of salinity and
here employ one Debye “resonance” and half employ a second temperature. In Section IV, the models will be compared to
resonance as suggested by Stogryn et al. [6] to get a better laboratory measurements of the dielectric constant at 1.4 GHz
fit at higher frequency. Adding salt to water makes the liquid [15], [17]. The component parts of each model (i.e., relaxation
conducting, necessitating an additional term to account for the time, static term, conductivity, and high frequency limit) are
current. The model with two resonances has the following compared as functions of S and T in Appendix I.
εs − ε1 ε1 − ε∞ σ III. M ODELS TO B E C OMPARED
ε = ε∞ + + −j (1) The models to be compared are listed in the following in two
1 + j ωτ1 1 + j ωτ2 ωεo
categories, those composed of a single Debye resonance and
where f is the frequency, εo is the permittivity of vacuum, those using two resonant terms. Generally, those composed
and the other parameters, such as conductivity, σ , relaxation of a single resonance are designed for use near 1.4 GHz and
times, τ1 and τ2 , and static limit, εs , are to be determined from those with two resonances were intended for use at higher
measurements. In those models with a single resonance, ε1 is microwave frequencies. However, there are exceptions, such
replaced by ε∞ . as FASTEM [18] and the model of Meissner and Wentz
Measurements suggest a relaxation time for the first res- [10], [11], which use two resonances and are applicable
onance near τ1 = 0.05 ns (near 20 GHz) depending on at 1.4 GHz, and the model by Guillou et al. [9], which
temperature [22], [24]. Models employing a second resonance includes a single resonance and was intended for use at higher
have resonant frequencies above 100 GHz and for applications frequencies.
at the low end of the microwave spectrum, for example
at 1.4 GHz for remote sensing of SSS, the first resonance A. Models With a Single Resonance
is dominant. Most models intended for use specifically near KS: Klein and Swift [3]: Based on laboratory measurements
1.4 GHz only include the first Debye resonance term. at 1.43 and 2.65 GHz using a reflection cavity technique by
Since the model for the dielectric constant should reduce to Ho et al. [26] and Ho and Hall [27]. The data cover a range
fresh water when S = 0, it can be argued that the static term, of approximately 5 < T < 30 ◦ C and 4 < S < 35 psu.
εs , can be written in the following form: BA: Blanch and Aguasca [16]: Based on laboratory mea-
εs = A(T ){1 − B(T )S} (2) surements at 1.4 GHz over the range of 0.5 < f < 2.5 GHz
using a transmission line method and with salinity and temper-
where A(T ) and B(T ) are the functions to be determined. ature covering the range 0 < S < 40 psu and 0 < T < 38 ◦ C,
This form was used by Guillou et al. [9] and adopted by the later in steps of 7 ◦ C.
Boutin et al. [19] as suggested by Somaraju and Trumpf [5]. GW: Zhou et al. [17]: Based on laboratory measurements at
The form was also adopted in the recent model of 1.4 GHz using a resonant cavity technique at 1.413 GHz and
Zhou et al. [17] but with B dependent on salinity covering the range 0 < S < 38 psu and −1.5 < T < 35 ◦ C.
[i.e., B = B(S, T )]. Zhou et al. [17] found that using this This is an extension of earlier work, which fit a polynomial
constraint reduced the number of unknowns and resulted in to the measurements [28].
a better fit than an earlier model, which attempted a third- BV: Boutin et al. [19]: Uses the functional form in (2)
order polynomial in S and T for the static term [15]. for the static term with A(T ) the freshwater value and
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Fig. 2. Each panel shows the real part (top) and imaginary part (bottom) of
the models versus frequency. (Top) Full scale and (Bottom) with expanded Fig. 3. Brightness temperature at 1.4 GHz for nadir. (Top) As a function of
frequency scale to show detail below 5 GHz. temperature for S = 35 psu. (Bottom) As a function of salinity for T = 20 ◦ C.
models and in the dielectric constant itself. This is illustrated the models (the major exceptions are models EL and BA:
in Figs. 3–5. see Appendix I).
Fig. 3 shows the brightness temperature, TB, at nadir pre- For remote sensing of salinity, an accuracy of TB of
dicted by each model at 1.4 GHz as a function of temperature about 0.1 K is required to obtain an accuracy of SSS of
(top) for S = 35 psu and as a function of salinity (bottom) 0.2 psu depending on temperature and incidence angle (see
for T = 20 ◦ C. The models differ much more as a function [37, Fig. 1]). It is clear from the top panel in Fig. 3 that
of temperature than as a function of salinity. The salinity several of the models (e.g., BA, ST, and EL) stand apart from
dependence is primarily in the conductivity, σ , and static the others at this level of accuracy. These three models also
terms, εs , which are compared in Appendix I. The conductivity appear as outliers in Fig. 4 (top panel) for their dependence
(Appendix I, Fig. 8) is almost identical among the models, and on temperature (i.e., real part of ST and EL and imaginary
the dependence of εs on salinity is similar and approximately part of BA) and in Fig. 4 (bottom panel) for the dependence
linear for most models (Appendix I, Fig. 9, bottom). The on salinity of the real part [i.e., ST (red) and EL (green dash)
relative dependence on S and T shown in Fig. 3 at nadir models]. The ST and EL models are based on measurements
is independent of polarization and incidence angle. This is at higher frequencies and L-band is out of the range of the
illustrated in Appendix II, where the brightness temperature is data used in the model fit. It is not reasonable to expect them
shown as a function of salinity and temperature at an incidence to fit at 1.4 GHz. Consequently, these two models will be
angle of 40◦ . dropped from further analysis, since the focus is on models
Fig. 4 shows the same information for the dielectric con- representing the dielectric constant at 1.4 GHz. On the other
stant. On the top is shown the real and imaginary parts of the hand, the BA model (green solid) was based on measurements
dielectric constant at S = 35 psu as a function of T and on at 1.4 GHz and intended for use in remote sensing of salinity,
the bottom is the dielectric constant for the eight models as but Figs. 1–4 suggest something is amiss. This is especially
a function of salinity for T = 20 ◦ C. The greatest difference obvious in Fig. 3 (top), which shows the brightness tempera-
among the models is in the real part of the dielectric constant. ture predicted by this model as a function of temperature. It is
The imaginary parts are very similar because σ (S, T ) is almost also clear from the examination of the component parts of the
identical and the salinity dependence in εs is similar among models (Appendix I) that the model for conductivity and the
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Fig. 4. Comparison at L-band of (Top) real part and (Bottom) imaginary Fig. 5. Comparison at L-band of the brightness temperature predicted at
part of the dielectric constant for all models. (Top) Comparison as a function nadir and 1.4 GHz by selected models. (Top) Comparison as a function of
of temperature for S = 35 psu. (Bottom) Comparison as a function of salinity temperature for S = 35 psu. (Bottom) Comparison as a function of salinity
for T = 20 ◦ C. for T = 20 ◦ C.
relaxation time associated with the Debye resonance term in To get a better quantitative assessment of how well these
this model are unusual. Consequently, this model will also be models represent the dielectric constant of sea water at L-band,
dropped from further analysis. they will be compared in Section V below with laboratory
Fig. 5 shows the brightness temperature as a function of measurements of the dielectric constant.
temperature (top) and salinity (bottom) for the remaining
models. Each of these models advertises applicability at V. C OMPARISON W ITH M EASUREMENTS AT 1.4 GHz
L-band. Differences in the dependence on temperature (top) While there has been much work on the dielectric constant
exist that are well in excess of the 0.1-K figure of merit for of pure water and several relatively recent reports of measure-
remote sensing of salinity (see Fig. 16 in Appendix III). The ments of the dielectric constant of sea water at frequencies
differences are greatest for T < 20 ◦ C and smallest near 26 ◦ C. associated with remote sensing of SST [6], [7], [9], the
There is much more uniformity in the variation with salinity measurements at 1.4 GHz are very limited (see [8], [15]
(Fig. 5, bottom) and the agreement is good for all values of for a review). The measurements at 1.4 GHz include the
salinity. A figure with expanded resolution for salinity typical measurements by Ho and Hall [27] used by Klein and Swift [3]
of the open ocean, 32 < S < 38 psu, is shown in Appendix III, with measurements at 2.85 GHz [26] to develop the KS model.
where it can be seen that the differences in the dependence on More recently, measurements were made at the Universitat
S are on the order 0.1 K. Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and used to develop the BA
Brightness temperature is important because it is the para- model [16]. Unfortunately, the only public record of this work
meter measured by satellite remote sensing systems, but it is is the article by Blanch and Agusca [16]. The data were not
not necessarily a good indicator of how well the model actually published and the model appears to have issues as discussed
represents the dielectric constant of sea water. This is because above.
the relationship between the dielectric constant and TB is not The development of radiometers at 1.4 GHz for remote
unique and given TB one cannot uniquely determine both sensing of salinity from satellite missions, such as Aquarius/
the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant [38]. SAC-D and SMOS, raised the visibility of the need for
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Fig. 12. High-frequency limit. As a function of temperature for (Top) S = 0 Fig. 13. Brightness temperature at 1.4 GHz and 40◦ incidence angle as a
and (Bottom) S = 35. Only MW depends on salinity. GW, BA, and KS all function of temperature with (Top) S = 35 psu and as a function of salinity
use the constant value = 4.9. with (Bottom) T = 20 ◦ C. In each panel, horizontal polarization is on the
top and vertical polarization is on the bottom.
a metric, the models for conductivity determined by model fits
to measurements are in good agreement with the expression associated with the second resonance is around 100 GHz and
obtained by inverting the definition of salinity (which is a this term is not important for application near L-band. The
reassuring result for both measurements and inversion of the first relaxation time, τ1 , for all the models is close to the
definition). freshwater value with a weak or no dependence on salinity.
B. Static Term, εs This is illustrated in Fig. 11, in which τ1 is plotted as a function
of temperature for freshwater (S = 0) on top and for SSS =
The static term, εs , is shown in Fig. 10 as a function of T 35 psu on the bottom. In the case of fresh water, all the models
for S = 35 psu (top) and as a function of S for T = 20 ◦ C except for BA (green dash) are close together and have a
on the bottom. The model, EL, is clearly an outlier and does
similar dependence on temperature. The resonant frequency at
not converge to the same value for freshwater (S = 0, bottom 20 ◦ C is about 17 GHz and varies with temperature increasing
panel) as all the other models. Its temperature dependence to about 30 GHz at 40 ◦ C and decreasing to about 10 GHz
at S = 0 (not shown here) is also much different than that at 0 ◦ C. All the models assume a weak dependence on salinity
of the other models. The variation with both salinity and except for BV and GW, in which τ is independent of S. This
temperature is approximately linear over the range shown in
can be seen by comparing the curves in the panel on the top
Fig. 10, although the BA model (green solid) has a noticeable (S = 0) with those in the bottom panel of Fig. 11, which
curvature in its dependence on salinity (bottom panel). The KS shows τ1 as a function of temperature for S = 35 psu.
model is an outlier at very cold and very warm temperatures
The dependence on salinity in those models that include a
(dashed-dotted curve, top panel), but the KS model was based dependence on SSS is very weak for T > 20 ◦ C and increases
on measurements for 5 ◦ C < T < 30 ◦ C, and there is no reason at lower temperatures as can be seen in the spread of the curves
to expect the polynomials fitted to the data to extrapolate well in the bottom panel of Fig. 11.
to temperatures out of this range.
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Fig. 15. Dependence of brightness temperature, TB, at 1.4 GHz and nadir
Fig. 14. Same as Fig. 13 but with models ST, EL, and BA removed to permit incidence as a function of salinity with expanded scale to show differences.
enhanced resolution. Brightness temperature at 1.4 GHz and 40◦ incidence The differences among the models depend on the value of salinity: (Top) for
angle as a function of temperature (Top) with S = 35 psu and as a function 32 < S < 38 and (Bottom) for 12 < S < 18. The vertical and horizontal scales
of salinity with (Bottom) T = 20 ◦ C. In each panel, horizontal polarization have the same resolution in each panel to facilitate comparison.
is on the top and vertical polarization is on the bottom.
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[28] R. Lang, Y. Zhou, E. Dinnat, and D. L. Vine, “The dielectric constant David M. Le Vine (Life Fellow, IEEE) received
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[29] U. Kaatze and V. Uhlendorf, “The dielectric properties of water at cialization in electromagnetic theory and physics.
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for the determination of the complex permittivity of lossy liquids and sea surface salinity (SSS). Examples of this work are the development of
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constants of water,” Infr. Phys., vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 11–15, Jan. 1987. member of the Science Team for NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive
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[34] F. J. Wentz and T. Meissner. (2000). AMSR Ocean Algorithm, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA.
Version 2, Report Number 121599A-1, Remote Sensing Systems. Dr. Le Vine is a member of the GRSS, Antennas and Propagation Society,
Santa Rosa, CA, USA, [Online]. Available: the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), and American Geophysical
papers/rsstech/2000_121599A-1_Wentz_AMSR_Ocean_Algorithm_ Union. He was a recipient of the IEEE/GRSS Distinguished Achievement
ATBD_Version2.pdf Award (2016) and the Golden Florin Award (2014), for contributions to
[35] K. Lamkaouchi, A. Balana, G. Delbos, and W. J. Ellison, “Permittivity microwave radiometry. He has served on the Geoscience and Remote Sensing
measurements of lossy liquids in the frequency range 20–110 GHz,” Society (GRSS) AdCom and several IEEE committees focused on engineering
Meas. Sci. Technol., vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1–7, Apr. 2003. accreditation.
[36] W. J. Ellison et al., “A comparison of ocean emissivity models using
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[37] D. M. L. Vine and E. P. Dinnat, “The multifrequency future for remote the Ph.D. degree in electrophysics from the Poly-
sensing of sea surface salinity from space,” Remote Sens., vol. 12, no. 9, technic Institute of Brooklyn, New York, NY, USA,
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[38] P. Waldteufel, J. L. Vergely, and C. Cot, “A modified cardioid model for He did his post-doctoral research in random media
processing multiangular radiometric observations,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. under Joe Keller at the Courant Institute of Mathe-
Remote Sens., vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 1059–1063, May 2004. matical Sciences, New York University, New York,
[39] E. P. Dinnat, J. Boutin, G. Caudal, and J. Etcheto, “Issues concerning the NY. He is currently the L. Stanley Crane Professor of
sea emissivity modeling at L band for retrieving surface salinity,” Radio engineering and applied science with George Wash-
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[40] GWU. (2021). The Following Website is Located on the NASA/JPL known for the early development of the discrete scattering model for veg-
PODAAC; See NASA Salinity Dielectric Constant Data and Docu- etation. More recently, he has been involved in remote sensing of seawater
mentation. [Online]. Available: salinity and soil moisture under vegetation. His research interests include
sections=data, and microwave remote sensing, electromagnetic wave propagation, and dielectric
aquarius/docs/Dielectric_Constant/GW2019_dielectric_constant_ measurements.
measurements.h5 Dr. Lang received the Distinguished Achievement Award from the IEEE
[41] S. Yueh, W. Tang, A. Fore, A. Hayashi, Y. T. Song, and G. Lagerloef, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. He is an Active Participant in the
“Aquarius geophysical model function and combined active passive IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. He was an Associate Editor
algorithm for ocean surface salinity and wind retrieval,” J. Geo- for Microwave Scattering and Propagation, and the co-chair of the Technical
phys. Res., Oceans, vol. 119, no. 8, pp. 5360–5379, Aug. 2014, doi: Program Committee for the IGARSS’90 meeting held at College Park, MD,
10.1002/2014JC009939. USA, in 1990. He was the Chair of the International URSI Commission F
[42] T. Meissner, F. J. Wentz, and L. Vine, “The salinity retrieval algorithms and is a member of the Editorial Board of Waves in Random and Complex
for the NASA aquarius version 5 and SMAP version 3 releases,” Remote Media.
Sens., vol. 10, p. 1121, Jul. 2018, doi: 10.3390/rs10071121.
[43] E. Dinnat, D. L. Vine, J. Boutin, T. Meissner, and G. Lagerloef, “Remote
sensing of sea surface salinity: Comparison of satellite and in situ
observations and impact of retrieval parameters,” Remote Sens., vol. 11, Yiwen Zhou (Member, IEEE) received the B.S.
no. 7, p. 750, Mar. 2019, doi: 10.3390/rs11070750. degree in electrical engineering from Southeast Uni-
versity, Nanjing, China, in 2010, and the M.S. and
[44] D. M. L. Vine and E. Dinnat, “Sensitivity of wide bandwidth radiometer
Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from The
for remote sensing of ocean salinity,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote
George Washington University (GWU), Washington,
Sens., vol. 60, 2022, Art. no. 5301517, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2021.
DC, USA, in 2012 and 2017, respectively.
He then did his post-doctoral research at GWU,
[45] N. Vinogradova et al., “Satellite salinity observing system: Recent for modeling the radar backscatter from vegetation
discoveries and the way forward,” Frontiers Mar. Sci., vol. 6, p. 243, canopy and the impact of seawater dielectric model
May 2019, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00243. on ocean salinity retrieval. He is currently a Research
[46] R. Lang, Y. D. Zhou, and L. Vine, “Seawater dielectric measurements Scientist with Lincoln Agritech Ltd., Lincoln Uni-
at 700 MHz,” in Proc. Electromagn. Res. Symp., vol. 2, Hangzhou, versity, Christchurch, New Zealand. His research interests include remote
China, 2022, pp. 25–29. sensing of ocean salinity and soil moisture, scattering model development,
[47] T. McDougall, P. Barker, and R. Pawlowicz. (Jan. 27, 2015). Version accurate dielectric measurements, metamaterials, and microwave medical
3.05. [Online]. Available: https://[email protected] imaging.
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Emmanuel P. Dinnat (Senior Member, IEEE) Thomas Meissner (Senior Member, IEEE) received
received an advanced studies degree in instrumental the B.S. degree in physics from the University of
methods in astrophysics and spatial applications and Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, in 1983, the
the Ph.D. degree in computer science, telecommu- M.S. (Diploma) degree in physics from the Univer-
nications, and electronics from the University Pierre sity of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, in 1987, and the Ph.D.
and Marie Curie, Paris, France, in 1999 and 2003, degree in theoretical physics from the University of
respectively. Bochum, Bochum, Germany, in 1991.
He is currently a Senior Research Scientist with From 1992 to 1998, he conducted his postdoc-
the Center of Excellence in Earth Systems Modeling toral research at the University of Washington,
and Observations (CEESMO), Chapman University, Seattle, WA, USA, the University of South Carolina,
Orange, CA, USA, and the Cryospheric Sciences Columbia, SC, USA, and Carnegie Mellon Uni-
Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt, MD, versity, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, in Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics.
USA. He is working on the calibration and validation and algorithm In 1998, he joined Remote Sensing Systems (RSS), Santa Rosa, CA, USA.
improvements for the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS), Aquarius/ Since then, he has been working on the development and refinement of
SAC-D, and Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) missions. His latest radiative transfer models, calibration, validation, and ocean retrieval algo-
research focuses on high latitude oceanography and the interactions between rithms for various microwave instruments [special sensor microwave/imager
the cryosphere and oceans. His research interests include active and passive (SSM/I), Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager
microwave remote sensing, sea surface salinity, scattering from rough surfaces, (TMI), Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for Earth Observing
atmospheric radiative transfer, and numerical simulations. System (AMSR-E), WindSat, Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder
(SSMIS), Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Microwave Imager
(GMI), AQUARIUS, Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP), Weather System
Follow on – Microwave Imager (WSF-MWI), and Copernicus Imaging
Microwave Radiometer (CIMR)].
Dr. Meissner has been serving on the review panel for the National
Academies’ Committee on Radio Frequencies (CORF). As a member of
the AQUARIUS Launch, Early Orbit Operations, and Commissioning Team,
he was recognized with the NASA Group Achievement Award in 2012.
In 2013, he and Frank Wentz received the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience
and Remote Sensing Prized Paper Award for the paper describing the RSS
ocean radiative transfer model.
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