Connectivity Frameworks For Smart Devices The Internet of Things From A Distributed Computing Perspective 1st Edition Zaigham Mahmood (Eds.)
Connectivity Frameworks For Smart Devices The Internet of Things From A Distributed Computing Perspective 1st Edition Zaigham Mahmood (Eds.)
Connectivity Frameworks For Smart Devices The Internet of Things From A Distributed Computing Perspective 1st Edition Zaigham Mahmood (Eds.)
Jungian Analysis Depth Psychology and Soul The Selected
Works of Thomas B Kirsch 1st Edition Thomas B. Kirsch
Computer Communications and Networks
Frameworks for
Smart Devices
The Internet of Things from a
Distributed Computing Perspective
Computer Communications and Networks
Series editor
A.J. Sammes
Centre for Forensic Computing
Cranfield University, Shrivenham Campus
Swindon, UK
The Computer Communications and Networks series is a range of textbooks,
monographs and handbooks. It sets out to provide students, researchers, and non-
specialists alike with a sure grounding in current knowledge, together with com-
prehensible access to the latest developments in computer communications and
Emphasis is placed on clear and explanatory styles that support a tutorial
approach, so that even the most complex of topics is presented in a lucid and
intelligible manner.
Connectivity Frameworks
for Smart Devices
The Internet of Things from a Distributed
Computing Perspective
Zaigham Mahmood
Department of Computing and Mathematics
University of Derby
Derby, UK
Business Management and Informatics Unit
North-West University
Potchefstroom, South Africa
viii Preface
The aim of this volume is to present and discuss the state of the art in terms of
frameworks and methodologies for connecting diverse things in relation to the IoT
vision. The objectives include:
• Capturing the state-of-the-art research and practice relating to the IoT and
distributed environments
• Discussing developments with respect to connectivity of heterogeneous smart
and sensory devices
• Analyzing the relevant theoretical frameworks, practical approaches, and meth-
odologies for machine-to-machine communication
• Discussing the latest advances, current trends, and future directions in the
subject areas relating to the IoT
• In general, advancing the understanding of the emerging new methodologies
relevant to the Internet of Things vision
Preface ix
There are 14 chapters in Connectivity Frameworks for Smart Devices: The Internet
of Things from a Distributed Computing Perspective. These are organized in three
parts, as follows:
• Part I: Device Connectivity in the Internet of Things. This section has a focus on
device connectivity within the IoT. There are four chapters. In the first two
chapters, the emphasis is on security aspects of interconnections. The third
contribution discusses machine-to-machine connectivity presenting an agent-
based framework relevant to the IoT environment. The fourth contribution
discusses vehicle-to-vehicle connectivity, presenting evolution of VANET in
relation to the Internet of Vehicles.
• Part II: Architecture and Frameworks for the Internet of Things. This part of the
book comprises six chapters that focus on frameworks and methodologies. The
first chapter presents a resource-based architecture for IoT, whereas the second
contribution presents integration approaches for the IoT environment. The next
chapter proposes a resource management framework for corporate device
clouds. The fourth contribution suggests a novel solution for interoperable data
management in multi-clouds. The next contribution has a focus on the perfor-
mance optimization of intelligent home networks, and the final contribution in
this section presents a fuzzy cognitive map extend technology roadmap with
respect to network neutrality in the IoT environment.
• Part III: Security Mechanisms for the Internet of Things. There are four chapters
in this section that focus on security of connectivity mechanisms. The first two
chapters present data security, privacy, access control, and authentication mech-
anisms with respect to the interconnection of varied devices in the distributed
IoT environment. The third contribution presents a security perspective in
relation to developing smart sustainable cities. The final chapter addresses
generic security challenges within the IoT environment.
Target Audiences
The editor acknowledges the help and support of the following colleagues during
the review, development, and editing phases of this text:
• Dr Alfredo Cuzzocrea, CAR-CNR and Univ. of Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy
• Dr Emre Erturk, Eastern Institute of Technology, New Zealand
• Prof Jing He, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, USA
• Josip Lorincz, FESB-Split, University of Split, Croatia
• Dr N Maheswari, School of CS and Eng, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
• Aleksandar Milić, University of Belgrade, Serbia
• Prof Sulata Mitra, Indian Institute of Eng Science and Tech, Shibpur, India
• Prof Saswati Mukherjee, Anna University, Chennai, India
• Dr S Parthasarathy, Thiagarajar College of Eng, Tamil Nadu, India
• Daniel Pop, Institute e-Austria Timisoara, West Univ. of Timisoara, Romania
• Dr Pethuru Raj, IBM Cloud Center of Excellence, Bangalore, India
• Dr Muthu Ramachandran, Leeds Becket University, Leeds, UK
• Dr Lucio Agostinho Rocha, State University of Campinas, Brazil
• Dr Saqib Saeed, University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia
• Prof Claudio Sartori, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
• Dr Mahmood Shah, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK
• Dr Fareeha Zafar, GC University, Lahore, Pakistan
I would also like to thank the contributors of this book: 27 authors and coauthors,
from academia as well as industry from around the world, who collectively sub-
mitted 14 chapters. Without their efforts in developing quality contributions,
conforming to the guidelines, and meeting often the strict deadlines, this text
would not have been possible.
xii Acknowledgments
This reference text reviews the challenging issues that present barriers to greater
implementation of the cloud computing paradigm, together with the latest research
into developing potential solutions. This book presents case studies, and analysis of
the implications of the cloud paradigm, from a diverse selection of researchers and
practitioners of international repute. ISBN: 978-3-319-10529-1.
This reference volume presents latest research and trends in cloud-related technol-
ogies, infrastructure, and architecture. Contributed by expert researchers and prac-
titioners in the field, this book presents discussions on current advances and
practical approaches including guidance and case studies on the provision of
cloud-based services and frameworks. ISBN: 978-1-4471-6451-7.
The benefits associated with cloud computing are enormous; yet the dynamic,
virtualized, and multi-tenant nature of the cloud environment presents many chal-
lenges. To help tackle these, this volume provides illuminating viewpoints and case
studies to present current research and best practices on approaches and technolo-
gies for the emerging cloud paradigm. ISBN: 978-1-4471-5106-7.
xiv Other Springer Books by Zaigham Mahmood
This reference text, aimed at system architects and business managers, examines
the cloud paradigm from the perspective of enterprise architectures. It introduces
fundamental concepts, discusses principles, and explores frameworks for the adop-
tion of cloud computing. The book explores the inherent challenges and presents
future directions for further research. ISBN: 978-1-4471-2235-7.
This reference text has a focus on data science and provides practical guidance on
big data analytics. Expert perspectives are provided by an authoritative collection
of 36 researchers and practitioners, discussing latest developments and emerging
trends, presenting frameworks and innovative methodologies, and suggesting best
practices for efficient and effective data analytics. ISBN: 978-3-319-31859-2.
xvi Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
xviii Contributors
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Part I
Device Connectivity in the Internet
of Things
Chapter 1
Securing Device Connectivity
in the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT)
Amir Manzoor
1.1 Introduction
A. Manzoor (*)
Bahria University, Karachi, Pakistan
e-mail: [email protected]
2003 2010 2015 2020
and broader physical worlds. Table 1.1 shows many initiatives in progress, in this
Devices in the IoT connect with each other using a variety of protocols. This section
aims to discuss some of the most commonly used protocols in industrial IoT. In
industrial settings, there still exist a large number of legacy equipment that use
older protocols but have diverse real-time needs. In this context, it is difficult to
imagine a single data-connectivity standard despite several documented benefits
that industrial IoT can provide. These benefits include increased revenue, reduced
costs, and energy efficiency. A serious problem with constrained devices is the
realization of secure communication. The devices only have limited system
resources such as memory, stable storage (such as disk space), and transmission
capacity and often lack input/output devices such as keyboards or displays. There-
fore, they are not readily capable of using common protocols. In the near future, we
can say that industrial IoT will be an environment in which many protocols will
coexist, and to gain the benefits of industrial IoT, we need to ensure that data must
be secure. This security is needed both to secure data transfer and data storage in
order to ensure data accessibility.
In an industrial IoT environment, a range of different protocols are used for data
transfer/sharing among devices [7, 8]. Some important protocols are listed in
Table 1.2; some of these are discussed in the following subsections.
6 A. Manzoor