FY24 Champion Program Lab Use Case Challenge
FY24 Champion Program Lab Use Case Challenge
FY24 Champion Program Lab Use Case Challenge
• Lab Use Case 1 (Site 1) - CPE (customer premise equipment) Devices Site.
• Lab Use Case 2 (Site 2) - Access Devices Site (SR – Enable).
• Lab Use Case 3 (Site 3) - Aggregation Site (Layer 3 VPN with ISIS).
Lab Use Case 1 (Site 1) - CPE (customer premise equipment) Devices Site
To optimize customer experiences, ABC Technologies has implemented a comprehensive
solution at Site 1-CPE, integrating Ciena's Universal Aggregation Solution with PON (Passive
Optical Network) technology. This deployment is further enhanced with the incorporation of
Ciena's virtual Broadband Network Gateway (vBNG) and management via Microclimate
Management System (MCMS). The testing site is equipped with Ciena's 8110 and 5130
platforms operating on Service-Aware Operating System (SAOS) version 10. X, ensuring
robustness and scalability in service delivery.
1. Login to the device and verify the parameters related to the PON plug.
2. Login to MCMS and provide the uOLT plug parameter.
3. Login to vBNG add a new subscriber to the system and assign them a new IP using
DHCP Server
4. Check Login credential validation for new subscriber’s add-in part -3
Lab Use Case 3 (Site 3) - Aggregation Site (Layer 3 VPN with ISIS)
To enrich customer experiences, ABC Technologies has implemented a robust solution at Site
3- Aggregation Site. This integration features Ciena's fundamental point-to-point Layer 3
Virtual Private Network (L3VPN) service within a resilient Ring architecture, fortified with
ISIS protocol. This strategic deployment ensures network redundancy through a fortified
infrastructure, concurrently streamlining operational efficiency through ISIS.
This comprehensive approach not only fortifies network resilience but also enhances service
quality and responsiveness, aligning seamlessly with ABC Technologies' steadfast dedication
to delivering unparalleled customer satisfaction.
The objective of this exercise is to assess your team's ability to collaboratively design and
present a comprehensive network solution that meets customer requirements using Ciena
products. The exercise is designed to evaluate your technical knowledge, teamwork,
presentation skills, and ability to address customer needs effectively.
Tender Invitation
The customer aims to select Suppliers for ‘next generation’ Open-Optical Line Systems (O-
OLS) and Open-Optical Transponders (O-OT) platforms for inter-regional networks, i.e., long
haul, and hereby kindly invite you to participate in the tendering procedures via this RFQ for
the supply of optical transport platforms for long-haul networks.
Focus Area
Customer business and brand are built on reliability. Fundamentally, we have high-quality in
our networks in all our markets throughout the world. Every failure will harm our brand.
Demand for capacity is virtually unlimited and requires network upgrades to support new
value-added services. Capital expenditure includes investments in increased network
capacity and upgrades to support new value-added services.
Customers judge us on their total experience of our offerings, functionality, and price as well
as the approach from customer support. Customer support alone cannot resolve the
customers’ problems, but together we can do it. Firstly, we need to have short response
times. Secondly, we need to fix the customers’ problems the first time they contact us.
Network Topology
Source NE Destination NE Fiber type Length (km) Loss coefficient (dB/km) Fiber loss (dB)
Site21 Site20 NDSF (G.652) 5.5 0.79 4.37
Site20 ILA22 TWC (G.655) 108 0.26 27.92
ILA22 ILA23 TWC (G.655) 97.7 0.25 24.44
ILA23 ILA24 TWC (G.655) 102.7 0.25 25.65
ILA24 ILA25 TWC (G.655) 88.3 0.26 23.2
ILA25 Site19 NDSF (G.652) 1 3.24 3.24
Site19 ILA26 NDSF (G.652) 107 0.26 27.69
ILA26 Site18 NDSF (G.652) 99.8 0.25 24.96
Site18 ILA27 NDSF (G.652) 110.5 0.25 27.52
ILA27 ILA28 TWC (G.655) 96.3 0.25 24.11
ILA28 ILA29 NDSF (G.652) 84 0.25 21.15
ILA29 Site17 NDSF (G.652) 51.8 0.28 14.43
Site17 ILA30 NDSF (G.652) 67.8 0.27 18.27
ILA30 ILA31 NDSF (G.652) 121 0.25 30.03
ILA31 ILA32 NDSF (G.652) 69.8 0.27 18.74
ILA32 ILA33 NDSF (G.652) 83.3 0.26 22
ILA33 ILA34 NDSF (G.652) 88.6 0.25 22.27
ILA34 ILA35 NDSF (G.652) 80.4 0.26 21.3
ILA35 Site16 NDSF (G.652) 8.8 0.58 5.11
Site13 Site12 TWPLUS (G.655) 44 0.31 13.56
Site12 ILA71 TWPLUS (G.655) 91.4 0.26 23.95
ILA71 ILA70 TWPLUS (G.655) 118.4 0.25 29.41
ILA70 ILA69 TWPLUS (G.655) 106.8 0.25 26.64
ILA69 ILA68 TWPLUS (G.655) 103.5 0.25 25.83
ILA68 Site11 NDSF (G.652) 86.2 0.26 22.69
Site11 ILA67 NDSF (G.652) 82.2 0.26 21.73
ILA67 ILA66 NDSF (G.652) 99.3 0.25 24.84
ILA66 ILA65 NDSF (G.652) 98.4 0.25 24.61
ILA65 ILA64 NDSF (G.652) 39.6 0.27 10.52
ILA64 ILA63 NDSF (G.652) 87 0.25 21.89
ILA63 Site10 NDSF (G.652) 96.3 0.26 25.12
Site10 ILA6 TWC (G.655) 22 0.38 8.28
ILA6 ILA5 TWC (G.655) 104 0.26 26.97
ILA5 ILA4 TWC (G.655) 109.5 0.25 27.29
ILA4 ILA3 TWC (G.655) 93.3 0.25 23.4
ILA3 ILA2 TWC (G.655) 97.5 0.25 24.39
ILA2 ILA1 TWC (G.655) 83.7 0.25 21.08
ILA1 Site16 TWC (G.655) 106.5 0.26 27.56
Site16 Site15 NDSF (G.652) 5.5 0.79 4.37
Site4 ILA52 NDSF (G.652) 84.7 0.26 22.33
ILA52 ILA51 NDSF (G.652) 124.4 0.26 31.86
ILA51 ILA50 NDSF (G.652) 96.3 0.25 24.1
ILA50 Site3 NDSF (G.652) 113.3 0.25 28.19
Site3 ILA49 NDSF (G.652) 89.4 0.25 22.46
ILA49 ILA48 NDSF (G.652) 79.1 0.25 19.98
ILA48 Site2 NDSF (G.652) 66 0.27 17.84
Site2 ILA53 NDSF (G.652) 90.8 0.26 23.79
ILA53 ILA54 TWC (G.655) 87.6 0.25 22.03
ILA54 ILA55 TWC (G.655) 92.1 0.25 23.11
ILA55 ILA56 TWC (G.655) 98.8 0.25 24.73
ILA56 ILA57 TWC (G.655) 94.9 0.25 23.77
ILA57 ILA58 TWC (G.655) 99.3 0.25 24.82
ILA58 ILA59 TWC (G.655) 95.3 0.25 23.86
ILA59 ILA60 TWC (G.655) 100.4 0.25 25.1
ILA60 ILA61 TWC (G.655) 98.3 0.25 24.59
ILA61 ILA62 TWC (G.655) 95.7 0.25 23.96
ILA62 Site1 TWC (G.655) 101.2 0.26 26.29
Site8 Site7 NDSF (G.652) 11 0.51 5.64
Site7 ILA36 NDSF (G.652) 97 0.26 25.27
ILA36 ILA37 NDSF (G.652) 92.4 0.25 23.17
ILA37 ILA38 NDSF (G.652) 65.4 0.26 16.7
ILA38 ILA39 NDSF (G.652) 95.6 0.25 23.95
ILA39 ILA40 NDSF (G.652) 81.7 0.25 20.62
ILA40 ILA41 NDSF (G.652) 81.7 0.25 20.62
ILA41 Site6 NDSF (G.652) 87 0.26 22.88
Site6 ILA42 TWC (G.655) 81.6 0.26 21.59
ILA42 Site5 TWC (G.655) 91.8 0.26 24.03
Site5 Site4 NDSF (G.652) 38.5 0.32 12.24
Site6 ILA7 NDSF (G.652) 82.1 0.26 21.71
ILA7 ILA8 TWRS (G.655) 80.5 0.25 20.33
ILA8 ILA9 TWRS (G.655) 74.3 0.25 18.84
ILA9 ILA10 TWRS (G.655) 62 0.26 15.87
ILA10 ILA11 TWRS (G.655) 109.4 0.25 27.26
ILA11 ILA12 NDSF (G.652) 84.4 0.25 21.27
ILA12 Site9 NDSF (G.652) 96.8 0.25 24.24
Site9 ILA14 NDSF (G.652) 93.3 0.25 23.39
ILA14 ILA15 NDSF (G.652) 100.4 0.25 25.09
ILA15 ILA16 NDSF (G.652) 87.8 0.25 22.07
ILA16 ILA17 NDSF (G.652) 75.9 0.25 19.23
ILA17 ILA18 NDSF (G.652) 111.9 0.25 27.85
ILA18 ILA19 NDSF (G.652) 81.1 0.25 20.46
ILA19 ILA20 NDSF (G.652) 70.3 0.25 17.87
ILA20 ILA21 NDSF (G.652) 95.5 0.25 23.92
ILA21 Site10 NDSF (G.652) 85.8 0.26 22.59
Site10 ILA72 NDSF (G.652) 107.6 0.26 28.33
ILA72 ILA73 TWPLUS (G.655) 98.2 0.25 24.57
ILA73 Site14 TWPLUS (G.655) 101.4 0.26 26.34
Site14 ILA43 LEAF (G.655) 92.8 0.26 24.28
ILA43 ILA44 LEAF (G.655) 99.8 0.25 24.94
ILA44 ILA45 LEAF (G.655) 102.4 0.25 25.58
ILA45 ILA46 LEAF (G.655) 94.8 0.25 23.76
ILA46 ILA47 LEAF (G.655) 101.3 0.25 25.31
ILA47 Site15 NDSF (G.652) 100.5 0.26 26.13
• Champions to submit the below details over a Word Doc or PPT file
1. Device Selection: Select a Ciena device that best meets the customer's
2. Link Budgets: Calculate link budgets/ Network planning based on given fiber
3. Bill of Material: Detailed BOM is required per site with power consumption
4. Utilization: Spectrum utilization is required to check the C+L band fulfillment.
Lab Use Case 2
The objective of this exercise is for the Team to prepare an option to help new
telco/hyperscale customers decide the best possible solutions available with the Ciena
platforms based on Cost and Scalability.
Site-A x 2 Tb 2 Tb 2 Tb 2 Tb 1 Tb
Site-B x x 2 Tb 2 Tb 2 Tb 1 Tb
Site-C x x x 2 Tb 2 Tb 1 Tb
Site-D x x x x 2 Tb 1 Tb
Site-E x x x x x 1 Tb
Site-F x x x x x x
25 Tb
Network Infrastructure requirements and Traffic Matrix
▪ Assumed network with ROADM drop points according to the picture in Slide# 4.
▪ Consider NDSF G652 fiber @ 0.22/dB per KM with 0.5dB HPPL/TPPL + 1dB fiber
repair margin. Consider the ILA’s site’s tentative 80km span between ROADM OR
best as per your knowledge. Refer to slide # 5 for ROADM connectivity and distances.
▪ RLS C&L CDA Architecture with TT OPS
▪ No RAMAN amplifier will be used in the proposal.
▪ The traffic matrix is shown in slide # 5. Day 1 traffic requirement is 25T and need to
check the scalable traffic based on the spectrum available in C+L Band.
▪ All traffic should be OPS-protected.
▪ The proposed modem should be 400G and above
• Champions to submit the below details over a Word Doc or PPT file
1. Device Selection: Select a Ciena device that best meets the customer's
2. Link Budgets: Calculate link budgets/ Network planning based on a given fiber
3. Bill of Material: Detailed BOM is required per site with power consumption
4. Utilization: Spectrum utilization is required to check the C-band fulfilment.
Lab Use Case 3
Network Infrastructure and Traffic Requirements
• Champions to submit the below details over a Word Doc or PPT file
1. Device Selection: Select a Ciena device that best meets the customer's
2. Link Budgets: Calculate link budgets/ Network planning based on a given fiber
3. Bill of Material: Detailed BOM is required per site with power consumption
4. Utilization: Spectrum utilization is required to check the C-band fulfilment.
Navigator NCS Lab Use Cases
Topology Verification:
▪ Utilize the Ciena Navigator to visualize the network topology, confirming the
presence of the 6500 CDC configuration with Waveserver Ai connected to its CCMD
▪ Verify the connectivity between the 6500 network elements and the Waveserver Ai.
Troubleshooting and Optimization: [This task is optional based on the available resources in
the lab]
In case of any performance degradation or service interruptions, use the embedded CLI
terminal in the Waveserver Ai to troubleshoot the issue.
▪ Analyze logs and diagnostic information to identify the root cause of the problem
and implement corrective actions.
▪ Optimize the configuration parameters of the 6500 network elements and
Waveserver Ai to enhance the performance and efficiency of the CDC link.
• Champions are to submit the below details over a Video file uploaded on the
Champion Community Page
1. Please prepare a video by demonstrating how you have completed all the four tasks:
• Topology Verification
• Configuration & Provisioning
• Monitoring & Maintenance
• Troubleshooting & Optimization
Lab Use Case 2 - Navigator NCS with IP networking
Customer XYZ is in location A. They have expanded their support by opening new premises
in location B. Now customers want to establish connectivity between locations A and B.
Moreover, the customer has their infrastructure (optical and packet) and existing NMS. The
customer wants to provision the L3VPN services through NMS to establish secure and
efficient VPN tunnels between corporate networks in existing and newly located premises,
leveraging encryption and authentication protocols.
Lab Topology
Here, the XYZ customer is confidently presenting their packet infrastructure to provision the
highly secure L3VPN service, known for its robust tunnelling capabilities in securely sharing
information between locations A and B.
It is suggested to consider R5-5144 as location A and R8-5166 as location B. Additionally, R1-
2-3-4 are regarded as core network elements.
This infrastructure/Lab is available in the Ciena Emulation Cloud (Ciena Emulation Cloud)
with Lab Configs “Navigator MC 8.0 & SAOS 10.x 8 Node”.
• Champions are to submit the below details over a Video file uploaded on the
Champion Community Page
1. Please prepare a video demonstrating how you have implemented the following
tasks’ alarm streaming requirements.
• L3VPN Service Provisioning
• L3VPN Service Monitoring
Customer XYZ is looking for a solution where its OSS can access the alarm streaming. The
OSS requirements are given below.
• The customer XYZ wants token authentication to connect the OSS for alarm
streaming. Please ensure proper authentication is taken care of during OSS
connection to Navigator NCS.
• The network is small therefore there are fewer alarms in the network, the customer
XYZ wants to ensure that the OSS connection should remain connected at least for
30 minutes after receiving any alarm.
• During its maintenance window, the customer wants streaming of alarm NE LOA
(Loss of Association) only.
Lab Requirement: Please book any CEC lab with Navigator NCS and NEs to showcase the
above use case.s
• Champions are to submit the below details over a Video file uploaded on the
Champion Community Page
1. Please prepare a video demonstrating how you have implemented alarm streaming