Detailed Lesson Plan in Music 1 Quarter 4-1

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Music 1 Quarter 4

At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
 Identify objects that can create solo or with other sounds
Topic: Demonstrates awareness of texture by identifying sounds that are solo
or with other sounds.
Materials: Powerpoint presentation, SMART TV, speaker, cards, pokemon
ball, box, color flag
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities

Good morning, class! Good morning, teachers!

Before anything else, allow us to

introduce ourselves. I am Dina Rose S.

I am Alma A. Tulang.

And I am Antonio Taboso Jr.

And we are your music teachers.

Once again, good morning, class! Good morning, ma’am/sir.

Altogether, kindly stand for our opening Lara: Classmates, are you ready to
prayer. Lara, please lead the prayer. pray?

All: Yes, we are.

In the name of the Father, the Son and
the Holy Spirit.

Angel of God, my guardian dear. To

whom God’s love commits me here.
Ever this day, be at my side, to light and
guard, rule and guide. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and

the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Please remain standing.

Are you familiar with the song Old Yes, ma’am/sir.

McDonald Had a Farm, class?

Alright. Let us sing the song but with a

twist. Instead of singing it together, I’ll
divide the class into two groups, the left
group and the right group.

I will present the lyrics in the Smart Tv,

and each group will sing based on their
corresponding area. For example, the
first stanza will be sung by the left group
and followed by the right group.

Do you understand, class? Yes, ma’am/sir.

Right: Old MacDonald had a farm,

All: E-I-E-I-O
Left: And on his farm he had a cow,
All: E-I-E-I-O
Right: There’s a moo-moo here, and a
moo-moo there
Left: Here a moo, there a moo,
everywhere a moo-moo
All: Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

All: Old McDonald had a farm,

Right: E-I-E-I-O
All: And on his farm he had a pig,
Left: E-I-E-I-O
Right: With an oink-oink here, and an
oink-oink there
Left: Here an oink, there an oink,
everywhere an oink-oink
All: Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Okay class, before you take your seats, (The learners will pick up the pieces of
kindly pick up the pieces of papers papers and will arrange their chairs
under your chairs, and arrange your before taking their seats.)
chairs properly.

Who is absent today class? None, ma’am/sir.

Very good, class! I am glad that all of

you are present.

In our subject, I have classroom rules

that I want all of you to follow.
B. Preparatory Activities

a. Drill

Alright, this time let us have an activity

for you to have an idea for our next
topic. This activity is called “Pick a

I will present the mechanics for the


1. Let’s play pass the ball while playing

the music.
2. When the music stops, whoever has
the ball will come in front and choose
one pokemon ball.
3. After choosing a pokemon ball, open
it and answer the corresponding
4. Repeat the process until all the
pokemon ball has been chosen. Yes, ma’am/sir.

Did you understand, class? Yes, ma’am/sir.

Are you ready and excited for our


Let’s start the activity.

(The activity will start until all the

pokemon ball has been chosen.)

b. Review Yes, ma’am/sir.

Do you still remember our previous

topic? Uses varied tempo to enhance poetry,
chants, drama, and musical stories.
What was our topic last meeting,

None, ma’am/sir.

Do you have any questions regarding

our last topic?

Very Good!
c. Motivation
Now, let us sing a song entitled Baa
Baa Black Sheep.

I will flash the lyrics in the Smart Tv.

Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.
One for the master, one for the dame,
and one for the little boy who lives down
the lane.

Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any

wool? Yes, ma’am/sir.
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.
(Jelly will sing the song.)
Are you familiar with this song, class?

That’s nice to hear. Jelly, please come (Jelly and Angelo will sing together.)
in front and sing it.

Very good. Angelo, will you please

come in front. Jelly and Angelo will you
please sing the baa baa black sheep
song together?

Perfect! Let’s give them a round of


Now, let us sing it together class with a


(The learners and the teachers will sing

the song.)
Demonstrates awareness of texture by
d. Introduction of the new Lesson identifying sounds that are solo or with
other sounds.
Based on what we have done earlier,
what do you think would be our topic for

That’s correct.

C. Developmental Proper

a. Activity Proper

Before we proceed with our discussion,

let’s have first an activity. This activity is
called Sound Sorting. I will group the
class into five groups. Each group will
be given a color flag that will represent
your group.

Did you understand class?

I will present the mechanics for our


Sound Sorting Activity Mechanics:

1. The teacher will play different
2. Each group will guess the sounds if it
is SOLO or WITH OTHER sounds.
3. To answer, raise your groups flag
and wait for the teacher to call your
group name.
4. After the teacher call your group
name, raise the card that says SOLO or
GROUP, depending on what your Yes, ma’am/sir.
answer is.

Do you understand, class?

(After the activity, the teacher will give

questions for each group to answer.)

Now, I will give questions for each

group to answer regarding on our

Questions for each group:

1. If we could create a new sound
category, what would we call it and what
sounds would be in it?
2. How can you describe the difference
between solo sounds and group
3. If you could choose one sound to
listen to every day, which one would it
be and why?
4. How can we use our bodies to make
sounds? Can we demonstrate some
5. Can you think of a time when we
heard a sound that made us feel (Answers may vary.)
scared? What is it? 1. We could call it “Nature Sounds” and
include sounds like rain, wind, and birds
b. Analysis chirping.
2. Solo sounds come from one thing,
like a single instrument. Group sounds
come from many things together, like a
crowd or a band.
3. I would choose the sound of the
ocean waves because it is calming and
make me feel relaxed.
4. We can clap our hands, stomp our
feet, or snap our fingers to make
5. I felt scared when I heard a loud
crash during a storm. It sounded like
something was breaking.

Great Job. It is what we hear.

c. Abstraction Refers to the effect of the different

layers of sound in a piece of music, and
Class, what is a sound? the relationship between them.

Excellent. Sound is made when things

vibrate or move back and forth quickly.
And sounds can come from many things Texture is how something feels.
around us, like animals, instruments,
and nature.

Class, do have any idea about what is


That’s correct. Texture is how

something feels. It can be rough,
smooth, soft, or hard. Just like we can
feel different textures, we can hear
different textures in sounds.

Texture can be solo or with other

sounds. A dog barking, a whistle, a cat
Solo sound is when we hear just one meowing, and a baby crying are
sound, like a single bell ringing or a examples of solo sound.
person talking.

Class, will you give more examples of a

solo sound?

Perfect! Orchestra music, bands, people singing

in unison or chanting in unison are
With other sounds or group sounds are examples of texture with other sounds.
when we hear many sounds together,
like a choir singing or a band playing.
Yes, ma’am/sir.
Class, give me more examples of with
other sounds.
Very Good.

Okay class, did you understand our

discussion for today?

That’s nice to hear, class.

d. Application

Let us have an activity entitled Sound

Texture Hunt. Everyone can answer this

We have here different cards with

written words. All you have to do is to
identify if the written words in the cards
produce solo or with other sounds. And
we will play the corresponding sounds
of this objects.

Remember class that solo sound come

from one object, while group sounds
come from many objects.

I will give you 5 minutes to explore Yes, ma’am/sir.

these sound-making objects.
Afterwards, I will call someone to
answer some questions about the

Did you understand, class?

Alright, let’s start the activity.

(After the students explore the sound-

making objects the teacher will then
give questions.)

Class, please take your seats.

(The teacher will ask the students if the

written words in the cards are solo or
with other sounds.)
Terrific, class. Sound is something what we hear.
You truly understand our discussion for It is the thickness or thinness of a
today. sound.

e. Generalization

What is sound? Solo sound is just one sound.

Correct! What is a texture?

Very Good!
A baby crying.
What is a solo sound?

Sounds that are two or more sounds
Give me an example of solo sound, combined together.

That is correct.
Orchestra music.
What is a group sounds or with other

Being aware of sounds help us
Give me an example of with other recognize different objects and even our
sounds, Novry. family and friends.


Class, why is it important to be aware of

the different sounds?

Because it helps us understand what’s

That’s right. Being aware of different happening around us and what our
sounds enriches our experiences and friends or family are saying.
helps us navigate the world more
effectively. When we listen, we can respond better
and show we care.
Why is it important to listen carefully to
sounds around us? We should respect these sounds
because they are part of the
environment and help us appreciate the
How can listening help us understand beauty of nature.
our friends better?
My favorite sound is the sound of the
Why should we respect the sounds of rain because it makes me feel calm and
animals and the environment? cozy.

Appreciating different sounds helps us

enjoy our surroundings and notice the
little things that make us happy.
What is your favorite sound and why?
We should listen for sounds like sirens
or alarms to keep ourselves safe.
How can appreciating different sounds
help us enjoy our surroundings more? It is important to pay attention t these
sounds because it helps us know when
to be careful or when to move out of the
What sounds should we listen for to way.
keep ourselves safe?

Why is it important to pay attention to

those sounds?

Excellent, class.

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Identify sounds that are solo or with other sounds. Write SOLO if the
object produces solo sound, while GROUP if the object produces group or with other
1. A band playing music.
2. A person whistling.
3. A single bell ringing.
4. Children laughing together.
5. Rain falling on the roof.
6. An orchestra performing.
7. A single bird chirping.
8. A group of people talking.
9. Cats meowing.
10. A drum being played alone.

V. Assignment
Directions: Draw a picture of your favorite sound in an A4 bond paper. It can be a
bird, a musical instrument or anything that else you heard. Write one sentence about
why you like that sound.
Prepared by: Dina Rose Tuazon
Alma Tulang
Antonio Taboso Jr.

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