Detailed Lesson Plan in Music 1 Quarter 4-1
Detailed Lesson Plan in Music 1 Quarter 4-1
Detailed Lesson Plan in Music 1 Quarter 4-1
At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify objects that can create solo or with other sounds
Topic: Demonstrates awareness of texture by identifying sounds that are solo
or with other sounds.
Materials: Powerpoint presentation, SMART TV, speaker, cards, pokemon
ball, box, color flag
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
I am Alma A. Tulang.
Altogether, kindly stand for our opening Lara: Classmates, are you ready to
prayer. Lara, please lead the prayer. pray?
Okay class, before you take your seats, (The learners will pick up the pieces of
kindly pick up the pieces of papers papers and will arrange their chairs
under your chairs, and arrange your before taking their seats.)
chairs properly.
a. Drill
None, ma’am/sir.
Very Good!
c. Motivation
Now, let us sing a song entitled Baa
Baa Black Sheep.
That’s nice to hear. Jelly, please come (Jelly and Angelo will sing together.)
in front and sing it.
That’s correct.
C. Developmental Proper
a. Activity Proper
d. Application
e. Generalization
Very Good!
A baby crying.
What is a solo sound?
Sounds that are two or more sounds
Give me an example of solo sound, combined together.
That is correct.
Orchestra music.
What is a group sounds or with other
Being aware of sounds help us
Give me an example of with other recognize different objects and even our
sounds, Novry. family and friends.
Excellent, class.
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Identify sounds that are solo or with other sounds. Write SOLO if the
object produces solo sound, while GROUP if the object produces group or with other
1. A band playing music.
2. A person whistling.
3. A single bell ringing.
4. Children laughing together.
5. Rain falling on the roof.
6. An orchestra performing.
7. A single bird chirping.
8. A group of people talking.
9. Cats meowing.
10. A drum being played alone.
V. Assignment
Directions: Draw a picture of your favorite sound in an A4 bond paper. It can be a
bird, a musical instrument or anything that else you heard. Write one sentence about
why you like that sound.
Prepared by: Dina Rose Tuazon
Alma Tulang
Antonio Taboso Jr.