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Pembagian air untuk irigasi perlu dialokasikan secara cermat untuk

menghemat air. Debit yang dialirkan ke sawah diukur dengan menggunakan
Aliran melalui lubang dan peluap
Fungsi : pengukur debit aliran
Ukuran : lubang besar dan lubang kecil
Lubang besar : → peluap; jika sisi atas lubang berada di
atas m.a.
Peluap dengan ukuran besar bendung.
⚫ Aliran melalui lubang H

aliran mantap
aliran tidak mantap

⚫ Aliran melalui peluap

peluap ambang tipis → bendung H
Koefisien aliran.
Lintasan membelok → kehilangan tenaga →
berkurangnya parameter aliran
Cc =
Koefisien kontraksi:
Cc = f(H, bentuk lubang, ukuran lubang)
 0,64
Cv = vc
Vteoritis a

= f(H, bentuk lubang)

 0,97
Qnyata vc  ac
Cd = = = cv  cc  0,62
Qteoritis va
Aliran melalui lubang
2 2
p1 v1 p2 v2
z1 + + = z2 + +
 2g  2g
Tekanan atmosfir → p1 = p2 = pa ➔ =0
v1 = 0
z1 = zc +
v2 = 2 g ( z1 − zc )

= 2 gh H
➔ V teoritis

Adanya kehilangan tenaga :
vc = cv 2 gH

Debit aliran :
Q = ac vc
= cc acv 2 gH
= cd a 2 gH
=identik dengan lubang besar dengan elevasi m.a.
berada di antara sisi atas dan bawah lubang
→ Bentuk puncak :
1. Peluap ambang tipis
t < 0,5 H
2. Peluap ambang lebar
t > 0,66 H

Lebar peluap:
~ peluap tertekan
~ peluap kontraksi samping
Peluap Ambang Tipis
⚫ Used in industrial and municipal sewers and in sewage treatment plants. The throat sections create a constriction
for the flow. This produces a head (depth of flow) that is related to the volume discharge. The approaching flow
should be reasonably free of turbulence, eddies and waves for accurate measurements to occur. The advantages
of the Parshall flume are its ability to self-clean and function over a wide operating flow range with little loss in
accuracy. Parshall flume size is determined by the throat width. The flume is typically prefabricated fiberglass and
comes in many sizes
⚫ Palmer-Bowlus flumes were designed to be inserted into an existing round pipe or conduit with suitable slope,
approximately 2%. The flume is primarily used in manholes with open round channels/pipes. Some advantages of
the flume are easy installation, good accuracy and minimal flow restriction. Disadvantages are that the flow rate
range is small and they have poor resolution (small change in flow depth to flow rate discharge). The Palmer-
Bowlus flume size is determined by the size of the pipe or conduit in which they fit, not by the throat width.
However, flume size should be selected to suit the flow rates expected (select a flume size equal to or less than
the conduit size). When installing the Palmer-Bowlus flume it is important that the approaching slope (2% or less)
should be straight (25 pipe diameters) and the discharge slope should be equal to or greater than the
approaching slope. The flume itself should be level. The approaching flow should be reasonably free of
turbulence, eddies and waves for accurate measurements to occur
v2 = 2 gh
dA = b dh

dA v2 dQ = bdh 2 gh

2 3 
Q = cd b 2 g h 2 
3 0

2 3
Q = cd b 2 g H 2

2  v0   v0 
2 2 2

Q = cd b 2 g  H + − 
3 
 
2 g   2 g 
Debit lewat peluap 

B = 2 Htg
b = 2( H − h )tg ( 2)
da = 2( H − h )tg ( ) dh
v = 2 gh
dQ = cd da 2 gh
( 2)
= cd 2( H − h )tg 
2 g h 2 dh

2 g   Hh − h 2 dh
H 3
Q = 2cd tg 
0 
2 2 5 
= 2cd tg  2 g Hh 2 − h 2 
2 3 5 0
2cd tg  2 g  2 H 2 − 2 H 2 
 5 5
2  3 5 
Q = cd tg
( )

2g H 2

 = 90 cd = 0,6
Q = 1,417 H 2
Peluap Cipolletti
Q = 1,859 bH 2
Peluap Ambang Lebar
Q = 1,71 bH 2
Peluap Ogee
Peluap Samping

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