Wei Review Cavitation PoF 2022
Wei Review Cavitation PoF 2022
Wei Review Cavitation PoF 2022
Aibo Wei (魏爱博) ; Lianyan Yu (余潋滟); Limin Qiu (邱利民); Xiaobin Zhang (张小斌)
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Characterization of cavitation zone in cavitating venturi flows: Challenges and road ahead
Physics of Fluids (November 2023)
Aibo Wei (魏爱博), Lianyan Yu (余潋滟), Limin Qiu (邱利民), and Xiaobin Zhang (张小斌)a)
Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenic, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
Cavitation occurs as the fluid pressure is lower than the vapor pressure at a local thermodynamic state and may result in huge damage to the
hydraulic machinery. Cavitation in cryogenic liquids is widely present in contemporary science, and the characteristics of cryogenic
cavitation are quite different from those of water due to thermal effects and strong variations in fluid properties. The present paper reviews
recent progress made toward performing experimental measurements and developing modeling strategies to thoroughly investigate
d boundary layer/cavity thickness (m) everything in cryogenic engineering revolves around cryogenic fluids.
R thermodynamic parameter (m/s3/2) Common cryogenic liquids of concern include liquid nitrogen (LN2),
l dynamic viscosity (Pa s) liquid hydrogen (LH2), liquid oxygen (LOX), liquid methane (LCH4)/
q density (kg/m3) liquid natural gas (LNG), and liquid helium (LHe), which are often
r cavitation number used in numerous large industries with different needs such as aero-
s subgrid-scale stress space, tool manufacturing, air separation, chemical engineering, cryo-
x vorticity genic wind tunnels, and laboratory work. Very diverse fluid
machinery, meanwhile, is unavoidably employed in cryogenic engi-
Superscripts/subscripts neering such as pumps, inducers, turbines, nozzles, valves, etc., in
c cavity which the phenomenon of cryogenic cavitation rifely consists as a
i, j, k direction of Cartesian coordinates result of the wide-ranging pressure variations along with the flow.1–5
l liquid Proverbially, cryogenic cavitation acts as one of the most important
m mixture issues of concern in the industry because of the considerable impact,
t turbulent which can result in component failure,6 reduced efficiency,7 vibration
u, v, w velocity components instability of operation,8 and so on. Various typical engineering appli-
v vapor cation scenarios including the use of cryogenic fluids and the relevant
1 reference value fluid machinery where cryogenic cavitation often occurs are illustrated
þ condensation in Fig. 1.
- evaporation One of the most important and most widely exploited cryogenic
liquids is the liquid rocket propellant, which serves as the popular fuel
Abbreviations for heavy-lifting space launch vehicles worldwide.9,10 Typically, a
high-power-density cryogenic turbopump with the smallest possible
DCM dynamic cavitation model
size is applied to supply the propellants to the combustion chamber
LES large eddy simulation
operated at fairly high pressure, which demands relatively high impel-
LH2 liquid hydrogen
ler speeds due to the size constraint on the turbopump. A negative
LN2 liquid nitrogen
rotor dynamics of the impeller or even result in launch failures. For LOX (90 K) are 27.6, 11.6, and 10.4 kPa/K, respectively, and
example, the failure of the launch of H-II Rocket was mainly attributed only 0.12 kPa/K for water (298 K).
to the resonance of the liquid hydrogen pump inducer with one of the (2) The liquid–vapor density ratio of the cryogenic liquid (qv/ql) is
inducer blades aroused by the vibration stress due to swirling cavita- more than 100 times smaller than the same ratio for water,
tion, and the unexpected vibration caused fatigue fracture of the which means more liquids are needed to vaporize to sustain a
inducer blade, which then triggered the failure of the liquid hydrogen cavity, and a greater latent heat is required to be supplied by the
turbopump. A similar cause associated with the cavitation-induced liquid to the interface during the vaporization process. The
instability was also well ascertained for the failure of Ariane 5. ensuing need for increased heat transfer decreases the tempera-
Consequently, great efforts have been made to obtain a thorough ture of the local fluid.
understanding of the cavitating flow characteristics inside the inducer (3) The thermal conductivity of cryogenic fluid is much smaller.
in order to improve the turbopump’s cavitation performance. Hence, there will be a larger temperature gradient inside the
In addition to the critical effect of cryogenic cavitation on the cryogenic fluid, that is, there will be a larger temperature drop
operation of the liquid propulsion system, the widely influential effects near the cavitation zone under the same heat flux condition,
of cavitation in cryogenic fluids also exist in other many large, complex which will then result in a large reduction in the local saturation
industrial systems, ranging from the important function in lowering vapor pressure.
the measurement accuracy of a flowmeter to the magnifying effect for Compared with water at room temperature, the physical proper-
vibrational instability of transportation pipe system. It is, therefore, ties (temperature-dependent) of cryogenic fluids are more thermo-
crucial to establish profound and comprehensive knowledge of the sensitive, and the substantial reductions in the cavity temperature are
characteristics and mechanism of cryogenic cavitation, and the signifi- especially present due to the latent heat of vaporization, which is taken
cance of an integrated study based on experimental inquiry and to the liquid around the cavitation area whose temperature is then
computational modeling to deal with this critical and difficult issue is lowered. In the case of water cavitation at room temperature, the varia-
self-explanatory. tion of temperature caused by the evaporation phase is near 0.01 K,
while for cryogenic fluids, the temperature variation can be up to
1–2 K for the hydrogen.11 The considerable temperature drop during
A. Thermodynamic properties of cryogenic fluids
the cavitation process, on the other hand, changes the local physical
Cavitation, from the standpoint of classical thermodynamics, rep- properties, which in turn affects the cavitation dynamics.12 The tem-
DT of water, LN2, and LH2 are 0.01, 0.96, and 0.82 K, respectively. 1:0 0:8 " #0:3
v0 aref D 0:2 Dx=D
The difference in the reference temperature drop as well as the B value B ¼ Bref : (6)
v0;ref a Dref ðDx=DÞref
provides an assessment of the pronounced thermal effects in the cryo-
genic fluids, and the analysis of the B-factor has been widely used by
many investigators for the characterization of thermal effects in
b. MTWO method. The method proposed by Gelder et al.17 was
thermo-sensitive fluid cavitation.15,16 Subsequently, several other
based on the conductive heat transfer model and demonstrated good
formulations of the B-factor were developed based on the classical
predictive performance for B-factor. However, the model is inadequate
B-factor theory, as introduced in the following.
due to the convective heat transfer that ought to be involved in the
cavitation process not being included. An improved B-factor correla-
a. Gelder–Moore–Ruggeri method (Ref. 16). Typically, it is sup- tive approach with a firmer theoretical foundation was provided by
posed that the vapor volume equals the volume of the observable Hord,19 which took the simple thermal conduction model used by
cavity, but the liquid volume is poorly defined. To make the Gelder et al.17 as a particular case of the more general “convection”
B-factor theory more applicable to the development of a data corre- model they proposed. It was assumed that the “convective” heat trans-
lation approach, Gelder et al.17 and Moore and Ruggeri18 extended fer to shape-free bodies could be represented as follows:
the B-factor method by providing semi-empirical correlations that
relate several factors to a calibrated reference condition. The vol- Nux ¼ Co Rem1 Pr n1 ; (7)
ume of vapor (Vv) and liquid (Vl) are assumed to be, respectively,
proportional to the product of cavity length (Dx) and the thickness where Nu and Pr stands for the Nusselt and Prandtl numbers,
of cavity (dv) and the product of cavity length and liquid element respectively.
(dl), wherein dl was confirmed earlier to be proportional to the The characteristic thermal boundary layer thickness can be
vaporization time and square root of the product of thermal diffu- expressed in the following form:
sivity (a). With vaporization time proportional to Dx/v0 (v0 the dl ¼ C1 Rem2 Pr n2 : (8)
local flow velocity), dl is proportional to (aDx/v0)0.5, and the volume
ratio of vapor to liquid is, therefore, proportional to dv(v0/aDx).0.5 It was indicated by the data from Rouse and McNown and
Accordingly, the B-factor can be predicted relative to a test-derived Hord19 that the cavity interface can be mathematically described in
reference value as the form of dv ¼ C2xp, and B-factor can therefore be expressed as
where the MTWO parameter denotes the velocity ratio of the liquid where CA is the dimensionless area coefficient, Nu is the Nusselt num-
inlet velocity to the characteristic mass-limiting liquid velocity and ber, and Pe is the Peclet number.
was, in particular, designated to emphasize that this ratio is propor- Accordingly, the expression of the B-factor for the entrainment
tional to the two-phase Mach number, method can be obtained,
8 2 9 12
> q cl > DT CQ Pe qv cl 1
>1 þ B l >
> B¼ ¼ : (18)
< q c = DT CA Nu ql cpl DT
U1 v v
MTWO ¼ ; (12)
cl >
> 1þB v
q >
> Assuming that, for a given set of flow parameters, the volume flow rate
: ql ;
of vapor necessary to support a vaporous cavity is equivalent to the
volume flow rate of gas required to sustain a vented cavity. The flow
where cl and cv are the sound velocities of the liquid and vapor phases,
coefficient, CQ, was determined by an extensive experimental investi-
gation in the form
c. Entrainment theory. The entrainment theory, first proposed Dx
by Holl et al.16 for temperature depression data correlation, has the CQ ¼ C1 Rea Fr b : (19)
benefit of separating the vaporization process into basic physical quan-
tities and can be applied as an alternative to the B-factor approach. The area coefficient, CA, was identified from pictures of both vaporous
Assuming that the cavitation zone is stable, the liquid is continuously and vented cavities and can be expressed as
evaporated at the interface of the cavitation zone, and its evaporation d
rate is equal to the rate of the vapor volume entrained from the cavita- Dx
CA ¼ C2 : (20)
tion zone by the wake. Vapors from liquid gasification extract heat D
from adjacent liquids and form thermal boundaries. Therefore, the fol- The empirical values in Eqs. (19) and (20) were determined through
lowing thermal equilibrium exists: the experiments and can be found in the literature in detail. The
_ v Lev ¼ ht AW ðT1 Tc Þ;
m (13) Nusselt number was then derived from Eq. (17) by using the measured
values of maximum temperature depression (DTmax) and the empiri-
TABLE II. Different methods for the estimation of temperature drop based on the B-factor theory.
" 2 #
T1 Tc d 4 3 d2 R 3 dR pffiffi pv ðT1 Þ p1
4pR2 kl pffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ pR qv Lev : (33) R 2 þ þ RR_ t ¼ : (35)
al t dt 3 dt 2 dt ql
Then, the temperature difference can be expressed as It can be concluded that the thermal effect on bubble dynamic directly
FIG. 4. Schematic of the thermal boundary layer on the cavitation bubble interface. FIG. 5. Thermodynamic parameter R for water and several common cryogenic liquids.
In addition to the above two classical methods, namely B-factor within a tunnel with a glass window to record images of the cavitation
theory and thermodynamic parameter R, other forms of thermody- region. The average cavity length under a range of temperatures and
namic parameters were developed by the later researchers. For inlet velocities was well recorded, and both the temperature and pres-
instance, Francpet al.28 incorporated the non-dimensionalized R into
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sure were measured at five probe locations along the geometries. All
the form of R D=U1 3 (R), to include the important role of velocity
the results together with the instrumentation error were documented.
scale U1. Using a model of bubble growth in a time-varying pressure Consequently, Hord’s data are regarded as benchmark results for vali-
field, Ehrlich and Murdock29 derived a similar non-dimensional dating computational methodologies involving the thermal effects in
parameter whose expression is rtip X3=2 =RU1 3
. To assess the thermal cavitation. Figure 6 depicts the schematic of the cryogenic cavitation
effect with a thermodynamic parameter having more physical conno- experimental system employed by Hord in NASA.
tation, Chen et al.30 proposed a “C-factor” (C-factor ¼ DT dp v 1
dT 0:5q U 2
Since then, various experimental apparatus and circulating sys-
l 1
qv LeV dpv tems were developed and employed by the later investigators to study
¼ 0:5C 2 2
lq U dT ) and testified its practicality by comparing with R.
l 1 the cavitation behaviors of cryogenic liquids in different kinds of
It should be noted that predicting thermodynamic/thermal geometries. Despite limited reported data as compared to water, these
effects in cavitation is generally based on data in liquids other than experimental studies help obtain deeper insight into the mechanism
cryogenics because of the tremendous challenges in experimental and characteristics of cryogenic cavitation, and the limited but valuable
investigation. Hot water or specific refrigerants are the most often data were later used as important reference standards in terms of the
used surrogate liquids, which are chosen based on a single fluid prop- numerical models used for cryogenic cavitation.
erty, most typically the thermodynamic parameter R. However, the
general review of cavitation studies is purely restricted on the basis of A. Cavitation visualization and cavity dynamics
the relevance to cryogenic liquid since cryogenic cavitation remains
the primary interest of this study. As one of the most direct methods to characterize the cavitation
intensity as well as the features of cavitating flow regime, the visualiza-
II. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES tion of cavitating flow field has always been the focus of experimental
Due to the extreme complexity of test facilities and the difficulties research. However, in view of the thermal insulation requirements,
of data measurements in cryogenic flows, there is a dearth of studies defrosting visualization windows, and low-temperature embrittlement
when compared with typical cavitation studies of water. Back in the of metals and plastics, it would be quite a challenge to build a test facil-
Starting with the dynamic behavior recording of a single bubble, hand, can be simulated by triangle-like converging–diverging geome-
various phenomena caused by the cavitation occurring in cryogenic try. The attached leading edge cavitation of the blade can be simplified
liquid were elucidated gradually with the advancement of image as the cavitation over a hydrofoil with a pressure gradient.
recording and processing technology. To the best of the authors’
knowledge, Sato et al.33 first dealt with an experimental study on the 1. Cryogenic cavitation morphological characteristics
laser-induced bubble dynamics in LN2. The bubble is generated by
focusing and pulsing irradiation of second harmonics of the YAG laser The significant difference between Freon cavitation and water
into the cryostat, and the bubble dynamics were recorded by a high- cavitation was detected by Sarosdy and Acosta38 with the help of pho-
speed image converter camera. Not only that but the interplay of the tographs of cavities of moderate length in Freon and water. The water
rebounding bubble with the rigid wall has also been investigated. cavities were found to be clearly defined, but the Freon cavities are
Based on the results obtained, Sato’s group proposed a new laser sur- always frothy and indistinct, with many small bubbles, which has been
face processing technology to handle the cavitation bubble.34,35 substantiated to be attributed to the dominance of thermal effects in
Toshimasa et al.36 also designed a cryostat and used a digital camera Freon. Giorgi et al.11 performed experiments on LN2 and water cavi-
with a shadowgraphic method to perform a visualized experiment on tating flow in orifices and observed the temporary growth process of
the pulsed YAG laser-induced bubble behavior in LN2. The bubble the cloud cavitation by high-speed video images under different oper-
behavior along with the shock wave propagation was successfully visu- ating conditions. The experiments showed that the cavitation in LN2
alized and discussed. More recently, a series of visualization experi- has a frothy look and a considerably finer structure than in water at
ments were performed by Petkovšek and Dular37 to get a better ambient conditions, in accordance with the observations made in the
knowledge of cavitation dynamics in cryogenic liquids. Comparing the study of Sarosdy and Acosta.38 Additionally, it was observed in the
observation of cavitation in LN2 and water at different temperatures high-speed photos of water cavitation that the visual extent of cavita-
revealed that different liquids act differently while having the same tion increases with temperature since smaller pressure differences are
thermodynamic parameter R. More specifically, cavitation in LN2 is required to achieve the phase-change curve as a result of the rise in
significantly more structurally ambiguous and quickly detaches from vapor pressure. Ito et al.39 investigated the cavitation pattern of plano-
the horn tip, forming complex structures. convex hydrofoils in a LN2 high-speed cavitation tunnel. The periodic
Although the experimental investigation of the cavitation in the shedding frequency of cloud cavitation is significantly lower than that
cryogenic inducer is very important, it started very late because it is estimated by empirical formulas for vortex shedding on the surface of
convergent–divergent (C–D) nozzle with the temperature range from addition, it was also found that the cavitating flow condition is unsta-
73 to 86 K to study the temperature effects on the cavity dynamics. A ble at a low Reynolds number and is lacking in reproducibility con-
high spatial–temporal resolution high-speed camera was employed, cerning the generation of cavitation. Ohira et al.51 experimentally
and the cavity pattern, as well as the cavity area at different tempera- investigated the change of the cavitation mode of saturated LN2 and
tures under different flow conditions, could thus be compared. It was subcooled LN2 and clarified the varying instability phenomenon in a
concluded that with the increase in temperature under similar flow C–D nozzle with different throat diameters. In the experiment, the
conditions, the cavity area increases and the cavity turns frothier and LN2 was subcooled by gradually reducing the pressure. The visualized
mushier. On the basis of the clear experimental images obtained from parts are venturi tubes made of quartz glass with throat diameters of
the high-speed camera of the same experimental system, Liang et al.43 1.5 and 2.0 mm, respectively. It was experimentally observed that
analyzed the unsteady behaviors and detailed cavity structures of LN2 when the temperature of LN2 was lowered to 76 K, the flow mode
cavitating flow inside the C–D nozzle under different conditions. Four switched from continuous mode to intermittent mode. In the intermit-
typical cavitation patterns, including incipient cavity, choke cavity, tent flow mode, the time interval between the occurrence and disap-
sheet cavity and large-scale cloud cavity, were observed in LN2 cavitat- pearance of cavitation was only milliseconds.
ing flows, and the changes in cavitation patterns with temperatures The unsteady flow of LN2 via a transparent venturi tube in a vari-
were also well captured. Other studies on the visualized cavitation able pressure ratio tunnel was experimentally investigated by Zhu
regimes of cryogenic liquids through various geometrics, e.g., LHe cav- et al.52 to study the dynamic cavitation characteristics. Observations of
itating flow through a C–D flow channel,44 can be referred to in the the photographs taken in succession as the pressure ratio rises reveal
literature.45 two representative cavitation modes, namely, quasi-steady mode and
In contrast, there are few known visual experimental facilities of dynamic mode. The shedding frequency of cavitation was determined
cavitation on a rotating inducer in cryogenic liquids due to the very by applying the Fourier transform to pressure waves. It was found that
great difficulty. The initial breakthrough in this field was accomplished the maximum length of the cavity and shedding frequency both
by Ball et al.46 from NASA, who observed a helical inducer rotating in increase with the pressure ratio, while the shedding dynamics are
a big LH2 tank with a transparent cylindrical casing using a video cam- completely featured as the dynamic mode in which large-scale cavita-
era. Unfortunately, the visuals were ambiguous. Consequently, the cav- tion clouds periodically shed off when Pratio > 2.23. Later, Zhu et al.53
itation formed surrounding the inducer was found, but its mechanism performed visual experiments based on the improved facility to further
remained unclear. A few decades later, Watanabe et al.47 made a 150-
FIG. 8. Photograph of the experimental device (a) and schematic diagram (b).53 Reproduced with permission from Zhu et al. [“Influences of thermal effects on cavitation
dynamics in liquid nitrogen through venturi tube,” Phys. Fluids 32, 012105 (2020)]. Copyright 2020 AIP Publishing.
In an experimental study of cavitation unsteady characteristics of velocity of the cavitation area and the transient cavity structures. With
LN2, Chen et al.41 used a high-speed image acquisition system for cavi- this synchronous experimental system, the experimental measure-
approaches in cryogenic cavitation research and has been applied parameter and a barotropic equation of state to include pressure
more and more widely. depression as a result of thermal effects. Ito et al.70 employed the fol-
lowing two-phase averaged state equation to describe the LN2 cavitat-
a. Interface tracking method. The development of the interface c. Transport-equation-based model. Cavitation models based on
tracking model starts by considering a liquid–vapor interface. The transport equations are identified as a promising method to overcome
computational domains with individual phases are separated accord- the aforementioned limitations in cavitation studies. Typically, the liq-
ing to the cavity shape by time-wise grid regeneration. The pressure uid volume fraction (av) or the vapor mass fraction (fv) is determined
inside the cavity is constant, and a wake model is used to handle the by solving the transport equation as follows:
cavity closure.6 Unfortunately, this method is no longer effective as
soon as the cavity is detached. @ ðal Þ @ ðal uj Þ
þ _ þþm
¼m _ ; (39)
@t @xj
b. Coupled density and pressure model. In this method, a specific
equation will relate density and pressure in a direct way. Goncalves @ ðqm fv Þ @ qm fv uj
þ ¼m _ þþm _ ; (40)
and Patella67,68 applied two distinct liquid–vapor mixture equations of @t @xj
state (EOS) to model the cavitating flow with significant fluctuations
in the local Mach number and thermodynamic phase changes. The where the superscripts þ and –, respectively, refer to condensation
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method is developed on the basis and evaporation. Based on the liquid–vapor mixture ratios, the fluid
of continuity, momentum, and energy conservation without any addi- property can be determined as follows:
tional cavitation models or other assumptions. The presented numeri- /m ¼ /l al þ /v ð1 al Þ: (41)
cal results demonstrate that the numerical tool is capable of properly
simulating cavitating flows on a venturi geometry. Cooper69 numeri- Due to the convective nature of the transport equation, the trans-
cally simulated LN2 pumps using a non-dimensional vaporization port-equation-based cavitation model can describe the effects of inertia
and the detachment behaviors of bubbles. Formulation of the source empirically set as Cprod ¼ 80 and Cdest ¼ 1 for ordinary fluids like
terms shown in Eqs. (39) and (40) constitute the major effort in devel- water. For cryogenic cavitation, the constants need to be calibrated
oping the cavitation model. Different formulations of source terms and specifically determined.79
representing the production and destruction rate were proposed, as R–P equation-based method. Rather than a single bubble, the
summarized in Table IV. According to the different construction semi-empirical models are derived for bubble clusters as a whole.
methods of m _ þ and m_ , these models can be divided into three cate- In comparison, the R–P equation-based method relied on the R–P
gories, namely, the semi-empirical model, the cavitation model based equation, which describes the process of a single bubble growing or
on the Rayleigh–Plesset equation (R–P equation), and the cavitation collapsing under the action of internal and external pressure differ-
model based on interface dynamics. ences, in the form of
Semi-empirical model. Merkle et al.,71 Kunz et al.,72 and other 3c
3 2 € ¼ pv p þ pg0 R0 2c R_
researchers formulated the source terms based mostly on empirical ql R_ þ RR 4l ; (43)
judgment. The general formulation of liquid–vapor evaporation and 2 R R R
condensation rates for the transport-equation-based cavitation model where R is the bubble radius, and R0 is the initial radius of the bubble.
are, respectively, shown as follows: R_ and R€ are the first derivative and second derivative of the bubble
Cprod ð1 al Þ Maxð0; p pv Þ radius with respect to time, respectively. pv is the pressure in the bub-
m 2
; ble, and pg0 is the partial pressure of the non-condensable gas in the
t1 0:5ql U1 bubble. c and l are the surface tension coefficient and viscosity coeffi-
Cdest al ql Minð0; p pv Þ cient of liquid, respectively.
m 2
t1 qv 0:5ql U1 Ignoring the effects of the second-order term, surface ten-
sion, liquid viscosity, and non-condensable gas, the relationship
where Cprod and Cdest are the empirical constants, and t1 and U1 are between the change in the bubble radius and the pressure can be
the reference timescale and velocity scale, respectively. obtained, sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
From a physical point of view, the influence of thermal-sensible
dR 2 jpv pj
properties is magnified for the cryogenic cavitation because the density ¼6 : (44)
ratio qql in Eq. (42) is relatively smaller. As a result, the constants are dt 3 ql
obtained: sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
The following expressionis, thus,
uv;n ¼ ~
u ~
n; ~
n¼ : (47)
d 4 3 2 jpv pj jral j
m_ ¼ 6qv pR ¼ 64pqv R2 : (45)
dt 3 3 ql
However, for cryogenic liquid, the mushy interfacial dynamic
Equation (45) establishes the relationship between the interphase model was then developed by Utturkar24 since a mushy nature of
mass transport rate and pressure during the expansion or contraction the cavity has been indicated by experimental visualizations of
of a single bubble and becomes the source term basis for multiple cavi- cryogenic cavitation. The vapor pressure is determined by the
tation models based on the mass transport equation. Based on Eq. local temperature. The cavity interface is supposed to split the
(45), Schnerr and Sauer73 proposed the first mass transport cavitation mixture and liquid areas, and the source terms derived from
model that does not require empirical constants, with only the bubble the balance condition of mass and momentum at the interface of
number density remaining to be determined. Shortly afterward the cavity are given by
Singhal et al. developed the well-known full cavitation model, with the
effects of local turbulent kinetic energy, surface tension coefficient, and ql Maxð0; p qv Þð1 al Þ
non-condensable gases included. Almost instantly, a simpler cavitation _þ¼
m ;
qþ ðUm;n UI;n Þ2 ðql qv Þt1
model was established by Zwart et al.78 that could capture the details
ql Minð0; p pv Þal
of cavitation flow very well. _¼
m ;
Interfacial dynamics models. Based on the mechanism of the cav- q ðUm;n UI;n Þ2 ðql qv Þt1
ð1a Þ (48)
itation interface dynamics, Senocak and Shyy75,76 deduced the mass ql q q
¼ l þ 1:0 l e b ;
transfer rate between the vapor and liquid phases and proposed the q qv qv
Interfacial dynamics models, aiming to eliminate the limitation ql q
brought by empirical constants, both for classical semi-empirical cavi- ¼ l ;
qþ qm
tation model and R–P equation-based method. Different types of
models were derived for different fluids according to the distinct flow
structures around the interface. For ordinary fluids like water, the where um,n represents the normal mixture velocity, which is deter-
Sharp interfacial dynamic model featured by a thin biphasic region mined similarly to Eq. (38). The derived model can modify the
dividing the two phases was proposed. Supposed that a hypothetical source term of an earlier model for cryogenic settings. The features
Interface tracking method Treat each phase separately by keeping the cavity Difficult to deal with the shed cavity.
pressure constant and regenerating the grid at dif-
ferent times.
Coupled density and Density and pressure are connected by the EOS Not being able to implement the convection/
pressure model or barotropic equation. transport phenomenon and other cavitation
Transport-equation Evaporation and condensation have separate Empirical constants that are not universal for
based model phase change rates, as well as empirical constants diverse fluids.
derived from dimensional considerations. (1) Interaction between the initial bubble radius
Apply the Rayleigh–Plesset equation to describe and simulation result. (2) Number of bubbles is
the bubble growth and collapse. assumed constant.
Interfacial dynamics can be used to substitute Calculations of the interface’s movement require
empirical constants. improvement.
FIG. 9. Schematic diagram of the tunnel and hydrofoil utilized in Hord’s experiments19 and the computational domain with boundary conditions.
Giorgi et al.80–82 have made great efforts in applying the nucleation- the turbulent diffusivity, G(dNUC) is the growth rate, C(dNUC, x, t) and
based method to the numerical modeling of cryogenic cavitation. B(dNUC, x, t) are, respectively, the coalescence and the breakage rates,
Based on the classical nucleation theory, the homogeneous nucleation and J(dNUC, x, t) is the nucleation rate.
rate and heterogeneous nucleation rate was, respectively, derived as The LN2 cavitating flow over a quarter caliber hydrofoil was
! numerically investigated, and results showed that the vapor cavity
2SNA 16pc3 and the nucleation region continuously expanded after applying
JHOM ¼ N exp
pMWC 3kT pV ðT Þ pl the models of nuclei coalescence and breakup, which was attrib-
! uted to more nuclei both in the wake and inside the vapor cavity,
q 2cVA 16pc3
¼ l exp ; (49) where it was also predicted that the diameter of the nuclei would
MW pMWC 3kT pV ðT Þ pl decrease.
1 !
2 1 m 2cNA 2 16pc3
JHET ¼ N 3 exp U
2 pMWC 3kT pV ðT Þ pl 2. Assessments of cavitation models in cryogenic
23 12 cavitation simulations
ql 1m 2cNA
¼ Five typical transport-equation-based models, namely, the Kunz
! model, Singhal model, Schnerr–Sauer model, Zwart model, and
TABLE VII. Calibrations of empirical constants in models for cryogenic cavitation drop are both obtained by the Schnerr–Sauer model, followed by the
modeling. Singhal model. Specifically, the low pressure regions calculated by the
Schnerr–Sauer model and Singhal model are relatively larger, with small
Cavitation Empirical constants pressure gradients in the cavity region and large pressure gradients in the
model Cv Cc selected from literatures tail of the cavity. The calculated pressure and temperature by the
Kunz 100 100 83 Schnerr–Sauer model and Singhal model are close to the experimental
results. While for 229C (LH2), the DCM model, compared with the other
Singhal 0.02 0.01 74, 77
four models, showed the maximum pressure drop and temperature drop,
Schnerr–Sauer (Nb ¼ 108) 1 1 84–86 and the calculated temperature distributions are in good agreement with
Zwart 5 0.001 87, 88 the experimental data. Nevertheless, the low pressure region (as well as the
DCM 0.02 0.01 77, 89 cavity length) is not large enough obtained from the DCM model. Both
the calculated pressure and temperature by the Singhal model, by contrast,
are in good agreement with the experimental results. To summarize, all
Different characteristics of the pressure and temperature distribu- these models calculate the mass transfer terms based on the pressure dif-
tions along the hydrofoil wall are illustrated by different models. In terms ference and have been calibrated to better predict the cavitation for cryo-
of the maximum pressure drop and temperature drop obtained by differ- genic fluids. As for the simulation of the above two working conditions
ent models for 284D (LN2), the maximum pressure drop and temperature (284D and 229C), it can be concluded that the Schnerr–Sauer model is
FIG. 11. Pressure (a) and temperature (b) distributions along the hydrofoil surface for LH2 cavitating flow with different cavitation models.
TABLE VIII. Relative pressure drop and absolute temperature drop calculated by different cavitation models.
284D 229C
the most appropriate model for LN2 cavitation modeling and the qm Cl k2
lt ¼ ; Cl ¼ 0:09: (58)
Singhal model comes second, while the Singhal model shows an e
advantage in LH2 cavitation modeling, followed by the DCM and
In the above equations, the Ce1, Ce2, rk, and re are model coefficients.
Zwart model. Other simulation results of different working condi-
As for turbulent cavitating flow, however, the turbulent eddy vis-
tions from Hord’s experiments with different cavitation models are
cosity in the cavity region tends to be over-predict by the standard
presented in literatures.6,90–92
two-equation models, leading to the over-prediction of the turbulent
stresses, which significantly affects the development process of the cav-
B. Turbulence modeling ity.54 The renormalization group (RNG) k–e turbulence model and
The turbulence model also plays a crucial role in cavitation flow the realizable k–e turbulence model have been proposed and widely
simulation, in addition to the cavitation model, due to the high employed in the cryogenic cavitating flow simulation, with signifi-
unsteadiness and complex flow structures of the cavitating flow. At cantly improved capabilities in characterizing flows with acute stream-
present, the most frequently used turbulence models in cavitation sim- line curvature or vortices. Not only that, but several RNG/realizable
which the turbulence dissipative terms in the two-phase zones are measured values, indicating that the FBDCM can predict the flow
reduced. The resultant turbulent viscosity can be expressed as behavior in cryogenic cavitation. Other studies62 have also shown that
the FBDCM can capture many flow details, such as reentrant jet, cavi-
Cl qm k2 tation shedding, vortex evolution, etc.
lt DCM ¼ fl DCM ; Cl ¼ 0:09;
qv þ ð1 av Þn ðql qv Þ (61)
fl ¼ : 2. LES model
qv þ ð1 av Þðql qv Þ
There are always some empirical coefficients in the correction
The DCM is actually related to the vapor volume fraction (av), scheme of the RANS-based turbulent model, such as the filter size D
and it corrects the area with a large vapor volume fraction, namely, the in the FBM and the exponent n in the DCM, which inevitably deter-
cavitation area. When n ¼ 1, the DCM is reduced to the k–e turbu- mine the numerical results. Despite the higher requirements for grids
lence model. Coutier-Delgosha et al.96 first suggested n ¼ 10 for water and higher consumption of computing resources, the LES avoids rely-
at room temperature. Accordingly, the value of n was also fixed at 10 ing on such empirical coefficients and gives a good performance repre-
by Long et al.97 to model the LH2 cavitating flow. Further examination sentation of the flow field details and cavity dynamics. Therefore, the
of n in the DCM for cryogenic cavitating flows was performed by LES has gradually been widely used in cavitating flow simula-
Chen et al.54 in a convergent–divergent nozzle, which was determined tions.85,86,99,100 The numerical control equation of the LES is
according to the liquid–vapor density ratio (ql/qv) of LN2 at various !
temperatures. In general, the density-corrected model can reduce the @ @ @p @ @u i @u j @sij
ðq u i Þ þ ðq u i u j Þ ¼ þl þ ;
turbulence viscosity in the wake region and thus form unsteady flow @t m @xj m @xi @xj @xj @xi @xj
better, which has been widely used in cryogenic cavitation flow
where sij is the subgrid-scale stress and remains an unclosed term,
c. Filter-based density correction model. Although both the FBM which is expressed as
model and the DCM model can reduce the turbulent viscosity coeffi-
sij ¼ qui uj qu i u j : (66)
cient in the flow field within a certain range, some limitations also exist
in the two models individually. The FBM model is generally used to The subgrid-scale stresses are modeled and computed as follows,
In the WALE model, the eddy viscosity is modeled by turbulence closure, Wang et al.86 numerically studied the transient
32 LN2 cavitating flow over a twisted hydrofoil. The horseshoe U-shape
Sdij Sdij cavity morphology evolutions were presented, and the shedding mech-
lt ¼ qL2s 5 54 ; (71) anisms of LN2 cavitation with thermal effect were discussed.
S ij S ij 2 þ Sdij Sdij In general, the LES method offers a highly accurate turbulence
modeling technique and resolves the cavitating flow over a wide vari-
where Ls and Sdij in the WALE model are defined, respectively, as ety of spatial and temporal scales, which will play an increasingly
important role in the future numerical studies of cryogenic cavitation.
Ls ¼ min jd; Cw V 3 ; (72)
1 1 @u C. Thermal effects modeling
Sdij ¼ g 2 þ g 2ji dij g 2kk ; g ij ¼ : (73)
2 ij 3 @xj Since the thermal effect is especially significant in cryogenic
liquids, the modeling for thermal effects cannot, therefore, be ignored.
Cw is the WALE constant, which has a default value of 0.5. With this
As previously stated, the evaporative cooling process regulates the
spatial operator, the WALE model is designed to return the correct
thermal effects, which is further reflected by the temperature depen-
wall asymptotic (y3) behavior for wall bounded flows. Compared with
dency of vapor pressure and physical properties. A multifarious modi-
the Smagorinsky–Lilly model, the WALE model is preferable in terms
fied cavitation model concerning the cryogenic cavitation modeling
of producing a zero turbulent viscosity rather than nonzero turbulent
will be highlighted below, in which the main efforts for the extension
viscosity for laminar shear flows, which allows the correct treatment of
of the well-understood cavitation model in isothermal cavitation in
laminar zones in the domain.
different ways were made to consider the influence of thermal effects.
The original and dynamic Smagorinsky–Lilly models, discussed
previously, are essentially algebraic models in which subgrid-scale
stresses are parameterized using the resolved velocity scales. The 1. Cavitation model modifications
underlying assumption is the local equilibrium between the transferred The initial exploration of the cryogenic cavitation model primar-
energy through the grid-filter scale and the dissipation of kinetic ily focused on the verification of the applicability of the empirical cavi-
energy at small subgrid scales. The subgrid-scale turbulence can be tation model widely utilized in isothermal cavitation simulation, and
better modeled by accounting for the transport of the subgrid-scale the empirical coefficients in these models were corrected for different
4 5; (83)
These nuclei, filled with air (or other gases) and vapor, are small
1 ½T1 TB ðt Þ
bubbles with a diameter of a few micrometers, and their growth 3 ql cðnÞLev qv t 2
and collapse play a crucial role in the characterization of cavity 2 ! 12 3
dynamics. Recalling the derivation of thermodynamic parameter R 1
3av qv Ccond 4 2 p pv ðT Þ ql cpl al
proposed in Sec. I B 2, it was indicated that the thermal term in the _þ¼
m 1 ½T1 TB ðt Þ
CFD simulations using the DCM were conducted to model the according to the B-factor. Although the model has a good consistency
LN2 and LH2 cavitating flow around NASA hydrofoil and ogive for pressure distribution of various problems, it cannot directly repro-
designs, and it was demonstrated that the DCM can perform precisely duce the temperature of the flow field.
in terms of computing temperature and pressure fields of quasi-steady Instead, a supplementary energy conservation equation besides
cryogenic cavitation. the continuity equation and momentum equation is needed to be
solved. Iga et al.115 solved the total energy conservation equation for
b. Evaporative cooling effects. As discussed above, the liquid/ the liquid phase. To evaluate the thermodynamic influence of cavita-
vapor density ratio of cryogenic fluids is relatively low, necessitating tion, a nonlinear heat source suggesting the latent heat of phase change
the vaporization of a greater quantity of liquid to sustain a cavity. was developed. This method was used to model the LN2 cavitating
Cryogenic cavitation modeling must, therefore, account for the sub- flow on the flat-plate cascade, and qualitatively similar results were
stantial evaporative cooling effects, which lead to the lowering of the obtained between the numerical simulations and experimental find-
mean fluid temperature in the cavitation area. Tsuda et al.114 proposed ings as far as the improvements in suction performance caused by the
a simple model called the “reduced critical radius model,” in which the thermodynamic effect. However, the temperature depression inside
decrease in saturated vapor pressure was assessed using a simple rela- the cavity could not be evaluated because the numerical method took
tionship between temperature drop and local vapor volume fraction no account of the heat transfer in the mixture phase. Utturkar et al.116
and Hosangadi et al.117 accounted for the thermal effects of cavitation Singhal et al.74 proposed a probability density function method in
by solving an additional equation for the mixture enthalpy. This which the vapor pressure can be defined as
method was widely employed by other researchers to explore the cryo-
genic cavitating flow over ogive and hydrofoil. Le et al.118 and Zhang pv ðT Þ ¼ pv þ 0:5p0turb : (91)
et al.119 introduced a simplified thermodynamic model that explicitly Here, p0turb represents the local value of turbulent pressure fluctuations,
takes latent heat into account and can deal with temperature depres- which is given by
sion. The corresponding conservation of energy can be expressed as
follows: p0turb ¼ 0:39qk; (92)
@ @ where q and k are the mixture density and local turbulence kinetic
½q C p T þ ½q Cp uj T ¼ r keff rT þ SE ; (89)
@t m @xj m energy, respectively.
The full cavitation model proposed by Singhal et al.,74 which
where SE is the energy source term, which was introduced to the cavi- accounts for the turbulent pressure, has been confirmed by Zhang
tation calculation to account for the phase change heat transfer et al.126–128 to have a reasonable prediction capability and could pro-
@ @ vide satisfactory robustness in modeling the LN2 and LH2 cavitating
SE ¼ ½q ðfv Lev Þ q uj ðfv Lev Þ : (90) flow over 2D hydrofoil and ogive. Xu et al.129,130 combined the
@t m @xj m
B-factor method and the Antoine equation to correct the local satu-
rated vapor pressure caused by latent heat transfer, and the effect of
2. Physical properties update turbulent kinetic energy on the saturated vapor pressure was also con-
sidered. The corrected expression for the saturated vapor pressure that
Temperature variations in cryogenic cavitating flow due to phase accounts for the thermal effect improves the capacity to predict the
change then have a strong impact on the temperature-dependent cavitating flows and seems to provide better precision in predicting the
vapor pressure and physical properties,120 and the spatial variations of pressure coefficient along the hydrofoil surface.
the thermodynamic properties combined with the evaporative cooling
effect are incorporated into the governing equation.121 It is, therefore,
essential to specify the temperature-dependent physical properties, D. Speed of sound
polynomial for the saturation vapor pressure of LN2 within the tem- aq p v
þ ð1 v Þ 2 þ : (94)
perature range from 76 to 90 K, and 90 to 122 K, respectively. p qv cv Cpv
On the other hand, several experimental studies have demon-
strated the considerable effect of turbulent fluctuations on cavitating Here, v and l represent the fraction of the vapor volume and liquid
flow. To account for the effects of turbulent pressure fluctuations, volume participating in the thermal contact, respectively.
Niiyama et al.66 conducted experiments and numerical studies isothermal mode. Above this temperature, cavitation becomes thermo-
on temperature depression in a cavitating flow through an orifice with sensitive, which means that thermal effects are prominent and the
LN2. They observed the temperature drop at the outlet of the orifice as vapor cavity size decreases. They also found that the cavitation process
r < 0.84 and found that the temperature drop became larger as r turns into more stable when the temperature is above 85 K, with ther-
became smaller. From the experimental and numerical analysis, they mal effects completely dominating the shift in the cavitation dynamics
concluded that the thermal effects suppress and delay the development in this instance. A new thermal parameter C-factor was proposed and
of cavitation bubbles and also delay the shrink of cavity bubbles when demonstrated to be effective to evaluate the thermal effects, especially
the turbulence intensity of the cavitating flow is large. in predicting the dynamic transition from the quasi-isothermal to the
The temperature distributions around the tube wall were measured thermo-sensitive mode in LN2 cavitating flows, as shown in Fig. 12. In
by Zhu et al.52 in the experiment on LN2 cavitating flows through the addition, the study elucidated the unstable cavitation features and the
venturi tube. Four copper-constant thermocouples (T1–T4) were used to shedding process of cavitating flows in various forms of thermal
measure the temperature, and the maximum drop was found about cavitation.
1.2 K. It was noticed that the measured temperature of T3, which is put Later, Liang et al.138 took a separate view of the transition process
in the middle or just behind the cavity before it collapses, was the lowest between the quasi-isothermal and the thermo-sensitive mode, dubbing
among all the cases. Moreover, the temperature drop at T2, where the it the transition mode, in order to examine the unsteady cavitation
cavity is covered most of the time, was smaller than T3. The cause was dynamics in LH2. Three cavitation modes are separated by the transi-
attributed to the radial thermal diffusion delay from the cavity to the tion temperature as the temperature increases. Furthermore, according
wall. In addition, the relation between DT and av was discussed based to the second law of thermodynamics, the entropy production
on the B-factor theory, and it was indicated that av almost linearly approach was proposed and utilized to assess the specific thermody-
increases with the increase in DT in the LN2 cavitating flow. namic characteristics quantitatively in cavitating flows in view of the
The analysis of temperature drop characteristics based on the significant influences of heat transfer on the cavitation dynamics. The
numerical approach using the developed cavitation model with the following entropy transport equation is employed:
thermal effects in consideration has been focused on the indispensable
comparisons of predicted temperature with the measured data for @s @s @s @s
qm þu þv þw ¼ Spro;D þ Spro;C ; (105)
model validation, including LN2 (Refs. 95, 109, 127, and 136), LH2 @t @x @y @z
" !
(Refs. 95, 109, and 126), and LOX.95,109 On the other hand, the numer-
temperature, and the small-scale cavity is approaching the surface of the and performance of turbopumps in rocket propulsion systems.130
ogive where the magnitudes of Spro,C are significantly bigger than in Since the thermal effects have a strong impact on the cavity character-
other cavity areas in thermo-sensitive mode. Several vortices inside the istics, numerous research have been performed to study the cavitation
cavity are observed when the cavity completely detaches from the ogive. of cryogenic fluids in the inducer and analyze the influences of thermal
In subsequent studies in this series, Chen et al.54 and Liang effects. Stahl and Stepanoff14 were the first to determine the head
et al.,99 respectively, took a closer look at the dynamic instability and depression values (DHv) owing to thermal effects by making use of the
cavity structures behaviors of LN2 cavitating flow in disparate thermal B-factor method based on a quasi-static theory, in which the tempera-
cavitation modes. It was indicated that, by contrast, the pressure fluc- ture drop was assessed in terms of the vapor to liquid volume ratio.
tuations in both cavitation and non-cavitation regions become slighter They provided a diagram to analyze the net positive suction head
in the thermal mode due to the strong thermal effects. The duration of [NPSH, NPSH ¼ ðpin pv Þ=ql g] corrections for hydrocarbons based
bubble collapse in thermal cavitation is significantly longer than in on this methodology. Ruggeri and Moore139 and Kovich140 performed
inertial cavitation. The changes of cavitation patterns with temperature numerous experimental studies to obtain the cavitation performance
through the C–D nozzle in LN2 were obtained. By analyzing the influ- curves of inducers employing different working fluids and established
ences of thermal effects on different cavitation patterns, different shed- empirical correlations to estimate the impact of thermal effect on the
ding mechanisms were illustrated. cavitation performance of a pump quantitatively. Franc et al.28 mea-
To further investigate the influences of the thermal effects on sured the temperature drop of the cavity inside an inducer and derived
the unsteady cavitation, an updated experimental setup of LN2 cavi- a non-dimensional thermal parameter R (R ¼ R D=U 3 ) to
tating flow through a transparent venturi tube was built by Zhu quantify the thermodynamic effect based on visualization experiments
et al.53 to obtain a deeper insight into the influences of thermal with refrigerant R-114. The thermal effect is estimated to be stronger
effects on the length of the cavity, shedding frequencies, and transi- as R increases.
tions between the sheet and cloud cavitation. The non-dimensional Yoshida et al.47,135 studied the thermal effect of LN2 cavitation
P qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
parameter C=Uth3 was introduced to quantify the impact of with temperatures of 74, 78, and 83 K inside an inducer using an indi-
rect visual approach. They discovered that the temperature drop inside
thermal effects, and the pressure ratio Pr was defined as followed to
the cavity increases with the liquid temperature, whereas the maxi-
represent the flow conditions:
mum temperature drop is limited by the triple point. The critical cavi-
pout pv ðTin Þ tation number turned to a lower level for synchronous rotating
a rise in the working temperature led to a decrease in cavitation inten- wave was earlier identified by Zhu et al.52 to be responsible for the
sity. Li et al.125 simulated the LOX flow in a turbopump to assess the dynamic shedding process of cryogenic cavitation. The most evident
influence of thermal effects on the cavitation region. The local entropy measurements of formation and the propagation of the shock wave
production indicated that the thermal effects decreased and increased were initially done on single bubble cavitation. Furthermore, the shock
the hydraulic loss on account of the velocity gradient and the tempera- wave shedding mechanism was observed by Ganesh et al.145 using the
ture gradient, respectively. x-ray densitometry and a high-speed camera, and the shock
propagation-induced shedding is shown in Fig. 13. It was found that
B. Shedding mechanisms of attached cavitation the collapse of the cavitation cloud induces a shock wave that propa-
Attached cavitation with quasi-periodic shedding behavior of gates through the flow field and travels upstream at a (super)sonic
vaporous structures is one of the several cavitation types that are most speed, albeit with some deceleration, due to the fast increase in the
closely related to engineering practice and can be formed in the low- vapor volume fraction in the cavity, which reduces the speed of sound.
pressure region of the flow section. The development of attached cavi- A large cloud cavity is then pinched off when the shock front impinges
tation is quite complex accompanied by unsteady break-off and peri- on flow at the wedge apex.
odical shedding of the large cloud cavities, causing significant Petkovšek et al.146 provided another appropriate methodology
variations in the flow field, such as low-frequency pulsation of velocity based on two high-speed cameras, with a conventional one observing
and pressure, which may give rise to flow instability. Therefore, under- the cavitating flow and determining the position of the wave and the
standing the physics of this process is, thus, of fundamental impor- other one equipped microscopic lens depicting a close-up view, to cap-
tance. The mechanism of attached cavitation shedding has been ture and determine the amplitude of the shock waves. Several exam-
studied for a long time based on various geometries, and it is acknowl- ples of shock wave dynamics, such as shock wave, emitted at cloud
edged that two mechanisms, namely, the reentrant jet shedding mech- collapse in the bulk flow (as shown in Fig. 14), beneath a vapor cloud,
anism and the shock wave shedding mechanism, govern the shedding and between the attached cavity and cavitation cloud were shown and
process. the corresponding influences on the cloud behavior were discussed. It
Knapp144 first proposed the reentrant jet shedding mechanism was also noticed that the shock wave front velocities reach more than
and stated that a near-wall jet forms at the rear of the cavity due to a 700 m/s and the maximum local pressures caused by cavitation cloud
large adverse pressure gradient and moves upstream toward cavity collapse exceed 5 MPa.
Concerning the dynamic cavitation characteristics of LN2 flow in
FIG. 13. Bubbly shock propagation-induced shedding:145 (a) 0 ms, (b) 3 ms, (c) 8 ms, (d) 19 ms, (e) 32 ms, and (f) 42 ms. Reproduced with permission from Ganesh et al.,
“Bubbly shock propagation as a mechanism for sheet-to-cloud transition of partial cavities,” J. Fluid Mech. 802, 37 (2016). Copyright 2016 Cambridge University Press.
segments. Finally, the cavity evolves into an unstable state and shed
off. Additionally, an extended speed of sound equation based on the
Wallis equation with thermal effect taken into account was introduced
[Eq. (88)], and the experimentally obtained propagation speeds of the
condensation front were found in good accordance with the calcula-
tions by the developed speed of the sound equation.
Later on, Jaikai et al.85 numerically studied the dynamic cavita-
tion characteristics of LH2 over a 3D NACA0015 hydrofoil, focusing
on the frequency characteristics of the isothermal/non-isothermal LH2
cavitating flow. As for isothermal LH2 cavitation simulations, it was
observed that a high-pressure wave is created immediately after the
previously detached cavity collapses downstream and then greatly
enhances the intensity of reentrant flow, prompting its movements
toward the leading edge, during which the pressure wave generated by
FIG. 14. Shock waves emitted at cloud collapse in the bulk flow.146 Reprinted with
permission from Petkovšek et al., “Visualization and measurements of shock waves wake cloud collapse plays a dominant role. While for the non-
in cavitating flow,” Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 119, 110215 (2020). Copyright 2020 isothermal case, a much smaller pressure wave is generated, which is
Author(s), licensed under a Creative Commons CC-BY license. attributed to both the smaller size of the shed cavity cloud and the
lower vapor content due to the thermal effect. Consequently, the pres-
sure wave cannot significantly collapse the entire attached cavity. On
collapses, and the tail part of the cavity is condensed to a lower vapor the other hand, the condensation rate m _ enhances as a result of the
content than the upstream part of the cavity when a large cavitation propagation of pressure waves within the cavity, the magnitude of
cloud collapses downstream [from Figs. 15(b) and 15(c)]. The conden- velocity divergence increases accordingly [r ~ _
u ¼ ð1=qv 1=ql Þm].
sation front then moves upstream and divides the whole cavity into The vortex dilatation term is intensified, which promotes the
FIG. 15. Sequence visualized images of the condensation process after the vapor cloud collapse (time interval is 0.141 ms).52 (a) instant 1, (b) instant 2, (c) instant 3, (d)
instant 4, (e) instant 5, (f) instant 6, (g) instant 7, (h) instant 8, (i) instant 9, (j) instant 10, (k) instant 11, and (l) instant 12. Reproduced with permission from Zhu et al.,
“Unsteady cavitation characteristics of liquid nitrogen flows through venturi tube,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 112, 544 (2017). Copyright 2017 Elsevier Ltd.
FIG. 17. Mechanisms of the shedding dynamics in different modes.138 (a) Quasi-isothermal mode; (b) transition mode; and (c) thermo-sensitive mode. Reproduced with per-
mission from Liang et al., “Thermodynamic analysis of unsteady cavitation dynamics in liquid hydrogen,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 142, 118470 (2019). Copyright 2019
Elsevier Ltd.
FIG. 18. Shedding mechanisms of the partially cavitation for sheet cavity (a) and large-scale cloud cavity (b).43 Reproduced with permission from Liang et al., “Experimental
investigations on transient dynamics of cryogenic cavitating flows under different free-stream conditions,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 178, 121537 (2021). Copyright 2021
Elsevier Ltd.
scale cloud cavities are totally distinct. A strong reentrant jet was found the identification of the reentrant jet. Comparing the velocity varia-
to form as the attached cavity enlarges to a critical length for the large- tions at the same locations, the numerical results are in good agree-
scale cloud cavity, which ultimately causes the large-scale cloud cavity ment with the experimental data. It was observed, in both
to detach. Comparatively, the relatively small length of the attached experiments and numerical simulations, the appearance of the reen-
cavity is inadequate to form a considerable reentrant jet for the sheet trant liquid jet for all the studied cases. Both the reentrant jet and
cavity, as illustrated in Fig. 18. the condensation shocks were illustrated to govern the cloud shed-
Most recently, we combined visual experiments with the numeri- ding of LN2 cavitating flow. Take, r ¼ 0.497, for example, the typical
cal method based on the LES approach to investigate the shedding shedding cycle physically consists of two stages, i.e., the development
process of cloud cavitation of LN2 cavitating flows in a C–D square of the reentrant jet and shedding of the small-scale cavity for stage 1,
nozzle under different operating circumstances. To obtain a multi- and the collapse of detached cavities under the combined action of
cycle synchronous recording of temporary cavitation structures and reentrant jet and condensation shock propagation for stage 2, as
the velocity inside the cavitation region, a high-speed camera and laser seen in Fig. 20. The evolutions of the reentrant jet, as well as the
FIG. 19. Photograph of the experimental device (a) and layout scheme of the flow field visualization and velocity measurement experiment system (b).60 Reproduced with per-
mission from “Unsteady cloud cavitation mechanisms of liquid nitrogen in convergent–divergent nozzle,” Phys. Fluids 33, 092116 (2021). Copyright 2021 AIP Publishing.
C. Interaction of cavitation and vortex Here, ~x is vorticity, and ~ u is velocity. The left side of the equation
Unsteady flow behaviors and periodic shedding of attached cavi- reflects the rate of vorticity change, whereas the four terms on the right
tation not only cause drastic changes in cavitation cloud structures but side are, in order, the vortex stretching term, vortex dilatation term,
also significantly enhance the local vortex distribution, which has baroclinic torque term, and viscous diffusion term. Different physical
important effects on the evolution of vortex structure. To further interpretations are implicated by these terms as followed. The vortex
investigate the cavitation–vortex interaction, Ji et al.149–151 introduced stretching term describes the stretching and deformation of the vortex
the vorticity transport equation with a variable density in the analysis structure by the cause of the velocity gradient, the vortex dilatation
of cavitation flow, term implies the stretching of vorticity produced by the flow com-
pressibility, and the baroclinic torque term represents the variations in
D~ rqm rp
¼ ðx
~ rÞ~ ~ ðr ~
u x uÞ þ ~ : (109)
þ ðvm þ vt Þr2 x the vorticity owing to the intersection of density and pressure surfaces,
Dt q2m and the viscous diffusion term refers to the diffusion of vorticity
caused by the viscous effects. It should be noted that the viscous dissi- ql qv
_ ¼
m r ~
u: (111)
pation term is small compared to the first three terms and can be ql qv
ignored in most cases. It is inferred that, from Eq. (111), the vortex dilatation term is propor-
Based on the vorticity transport equation, Zhu et al.100 ana- tional to the mass transport velocity between phases. Consequently,
lyzed the dynamic interactions between vortices, cavitation, and the vorticity distribution for the isothermal case presented by Zhu
thermal effects in partially shedding mode (PSD) and fully shed-
et al.100 could be explained in terms of the full phase change area con-
ding mode (FSM) of LH2 cavitation. The LH2 cavitating flow over
centrated at the liquid–vapor interface. For non-isothermal cavitation,
an ogive was numerically studied in a compressible mathematic
in addition to the contribution of the vortex dilatation term in the cav-
framework using the LES approach in conjunction with the
ity, the liquid-containing mixture fluid enters the cavity and interacts
Schnerr–Sauer cavitation model. The features of cavity and vorticity
with the near-wall reentrant jet at the leading edge of the ogive, giving
under isothermal and non-isothermal conditions were compared
rise to the pressure gradient, which increases the value of baroclinic
both in PSM and FSM, and the comparisons of the vorticity fea-
torque term. As a result, the vortex is further strengthened.
tures in PSM are shown in Fig. 21. It was found that strong vor-
Long et al.97 also dealt with the unsteady LH2 cavitating flow
tex–cavitation interactions in the vicinity of the ogive surface and
over an ogive with thermal effects in consideration. They also studied
in the small shedding vapor clouds were presented for the non-
the cavitation–vortex interactions based on the vorticity transport
isothermal case, while completely different vorticity distributions
equation, and the corresponding quantities were defined as follows:
were shown for the isothermal case.
To illustrate the reasons for the significant difference between the "
Dxz rq rp
two, Zhu et al.100 analyzed the influence of the thermal effect on cavity ¼ xðr ~ uÞ z þ ; (112)
behaviors. For isothermal cavitation, such as water at room tempera- Dt q2 z
ture, it is assumed that the incoming liquid can only flow around the @uy @ux
cavity but cannot enter the interior, and the liquid fully evaporates at xz ¼ ; (113)
@x @y
the liquid–vapor interface. This widely accepted assumption properly
@ux @uy
describes the features of water cavitation. While for non-isothermal ½xðr ~
u Þ z ¼ xz þ ; (114)
cavitation, it was specifically observed that the liquid can flow across @x @y
the liquid–vapor interface and flow into the cavity and cavitate (see rq rp 1 @q @p @q @p
¼ :
FIG. 22. Schematic of flow around cavity closure depicting the traveling small-scale cavities (a), shock wave emission (b), and collapsing bubble (c).
shedding of the attached cavity, and the development and collapse of depicted in Yamoto’s work. From the graph, the deviation of the bub-
the detached cavities. With the shed vapor cloud collapsing down- ble deformation to the wall was observed. Also, it was found that the
stream, bubbles experience complex nonlinear oscillation processes bubble is expanding spherically and starts to shrink at about 60 ls,
such as growth, collapse, rebound, and re-collapse. When the cavita- then the bubble subsequently deforms, collides with the wall surface,
convex surface during the expansion that followed, while the other on the inducer is generated by the non-uniform velocity and pressure
develops a rapid reentrant jet from where the splitting occurs that distributions around the inducer due to the uneven cavity length,
directly points toward the convex surface. which will cause rotor displacement and whirl motion. The whirl
In addition to the formation of the microliquid jet, the shock motion, on the other hand, generates a nonuniform tip clearance and
wave induced by the collapse of bubbles serves as another primary accelerates unevenness due to the leakage flow in the nonuniform tip
contribution to the erosive strength of collapsing bubble. Toshimasa clearance.
et al.36 observed, by employing a digital still camera with the schlieren Shimura et al.155 and Oike et al.45 also experimentally studied the
method, the initial behavior and subsequent motion of a laser-induced LN2 rotating cavitation and its induced vibration of inducers, and they
cavitation bubble near a rigid wall and the generation of shock waves have taken it a step further to improve the design of the studied cryo-
at the moment of the bubble collapse. The shadowgraphs of shock genic inducer to suppress the rotating cavitation and attenuate the
wave propagation with vapor bubble generation for atmospheric con- effects of vibration. In the aspect of numerical simulations, studies
ditions and pressurized conditions, as well as the shadowgraphs of the have been concentrated on cavitation performance,125,156,157 flow
shock wave passing the laser-induced bubble were well illustrated. The instability,7,8,158 and cavitation suppression.130 However, the cavitating
experiment results show that the shock wave propagation patterns of flow-induced vibrations were rarely addressed due to limitations in
pressurized conditions are similar to that of atmospheric pressure con- terms of grid technique. Based on the dynamic mesh method, the
ditions, and the speeds generally agree with the speed of sound in LN2 modeling of flow-induced vibration (FIV) was well addressed in our
of 77 K, which is around 855 m/s. From the observation of shock wave recent numerical study on LN2 cavitating flow-induced vibration of a
and bubble interaction, it was confirmed that the shock waves emitted poppet-type control valve.5 The disk vibration was implemented by
from the bubble development reflect the walls and again interact with applying the dynamic mesh method based on the fluid force and stem
the laser-induced bubble, which was summed up by Toshimasa et al.36 resistance determined in the user-defined functions (UDF), and the
as “shock wave reflecting from bubble” and “shock wave passing the vibration characteristics of the valve disk were presented. Meanwhile,
bubble.” the temporal behaviors of cavitation coming with the vibration were
also captured, as shown in Fig. 23.
2. Cavitation instability and cavitating flow-induced By analyzing the evolutions of pressure distributions on the surface
vibrations of the valve disk, it was found that the pressure distribution is always
asymmetric, resulting in an uneven force at the valve’s natural position.
non-cavitating flow, which was mainly attributed to the contribution of applications, such as aerospace systems, chemical engineering,
cavitation noise. In particular, the time trace of the noise signal as well nuclear physics, and so on. The understanding of the cavitating flow
as the acoustic spectra was utilized to obtain a deeper understanding of characteristics in cryogenic liquid is crucial for applications like tur-
the characteristics of cavitation-induced noise. The mechanism of the bopumps for LH2 and LOX in the propulsion systems of liquid
violent fluctuations and dramatic rise of noise level during the shedding rocket engines. The complexity of the cavitation phenomenon
process of the cavity was detailed analyzed. The contours of the pressure becomes more pronounced in the case of cryogenic fluids due to the
field depicting the collapse of a detached cloud are shown in Fig. 24. substantial thermal effects and strong variations in fluid properties,
For both sheet and cloud cavitation, the collapse of the shed which significantly impact the cavitation bubble dynamics, cavity
small-scale cloud cavity is the primary mechanism that generates morphology, flow instability, frequency characteristics, etc. The pre-
intense acoustic impulses. However, the strong interactions between sent paper provides a comprehensive overview of the progress made
the reentrant jet and the main flow give rise to the violent pressure in cryogenic cavitation. The early analysis of the thermal effect has
oscillations and, therefore, create immediate extreme dipole noise, mostly been focused on deriving correlations for temperature drop
which accounts for another special mechanism for cloud cavitation to as a function of liquid properties and flow conditions. Plentiful
generate an intense acoustic impulse. experimental and simulation studies have subsequently been carried
out, which promote the understanding of the characteristics and
V. SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK mechanisms of cryogenic cavitation. Statistically, these experiments
Cryogenic cavitation has been attracting a great deal of atten- and simulation studies are comprehensively examined, as illustrated
tion with cryogenic fluids being used in a wide variety of engineering in Fig. 25, including which cryogenic working medium is used to be
(1) Due to the complexity of test facilities and the difficulty of data
measurement in cryogenic flows, experimental studies on cryo-
genic cavitation are comparatively difficult to conduct and there
is still limited research available when compared with typical
cavitation studies of water. With the development of experi-
mental techniques, such as the setup of a cryogenic experimen-
tal platform and the utilization of advanced measurement
techniques for the cryogenic cavitation flow field, the under-
standing of the characteristics and mechanism of cryogenic cav-
itation has been greatly promoted. Owing to the vacuum
sealing and thermal insulation technique, cavitating flow visual-
izations, as recorded photographically by a high-speed camera,
have been one of the most important research methods for
cryogenic cavitation study, particularly in the identification of
cavitation morphology and determination of cavity dynamics.
The temperature depression, which is the defining feature of
cavitation in cryogenic fluids, has been specially measured. In
addition, the pressure and velocity of the cavity, which are of
great significance for physically deepening the understanding of
cavitation, have also been generally measured to obtain the
unsteady characteristics of cryogenic cavitation. Because of the
technological limitations, cryogenic cavitating flow experiments
FIG. 24. Contours of the pressure field at distinct instants.161 Reproduced with per- in the inducer or turbopump are extremely difficult to perform,
mission from “Investigation of unsteady cryogenic cavitating flow and induced noise and very few experiments on cryogenic cavitation use LH2 as a
around a three-dimensional hydrofoil,” Phys. Fluids 34, 042120 (2022). Copyright working fluid.
2022 AIP Publishing. (2) Numerical simulation has become an indispensable tool for
energy equation considering the cavitation phase-change effects which can capture the formation, development, and breakup of sheet
should be included and the variations of physical properties cavitation and the shedding process of cloud cavitation, can be intro-
and vapor pressure as a result of temperature drop need to be duced to better characterize the microscopic behavior of the cryogenic
considered. The transport-equation-based cavitation model has cavitation. On the other hand, an effective numerical framework of
been typically corrected to include the influences of thermal cryogenic cavitation fluid–structure interaction needs urgent develop-
effect on the bubble growth and collapse. On the other hand, ment to investigate the characteristics of unsteady cavitating flow-
the turbulence model also plays an important role in the induced vibration in the turbopump.
numerical modeling of cryogenic cavitation flow. With the con-
tinuous improvement of computer performance, the advantages ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
of LES for cavitation mechanism investigations have gradually
become prominent, but the influence of grids on the calculation This work was supported by the Nature and Science Foundation
results needs to be carefully checked. of China (No. 51976177) and the National Key Research and
(3) Great efforts have been made to study the thermal effects of Development Program of China (No. 2021YFB4000700).
cryogenic cavitation. The distinctive cavitation morphology for
cryogenic cavitation under the dominance of thermal effects AUTHOR DECLARATIONS
has been well presented. The temperature drop characteristics Conflict of Interest
as well as the influences of thermal effects on the cavitation
dynamics, inducer cavitation, and pressure fluctuation have The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
been made great progress.
(4) Investigations into the shedding mechanisms of cryogenic cavi- Author Contributions
tation remain at an early stage and a late start compared to cav- Aibo Wei: Conceptualization (equal); Data curation (equal);
itation in water. Both the reentrant mechanism and shock wave Investigation (lead); Software (lead); Validation (equal); Visualization
mechanism have been observed in the cryogenic cavitation, but (lead); Writing – original draft (lead). Lianyan Yu: Data curation
there still lacks enough experimental measurements and the (equal); Formal analysis (equal); Validation (equal); Visualization
corresponding analysis to enhance the understanding of the (supporting); Writing – review and editing (equal). Limin Qiu:
behaviors of reentrant jet and shock wave. In addition, a special Formal analysis (equal); Methodology (equal); Project administration
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