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Structural Soil

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Structural Soils


Revegetation ✔ Temperate Climates ✔ Short-Term

Non Vegetation Wet Tropics ✔ Long-Term ✔
Weed Control Semi-Arid Zones Permanent ✔


Photo 1 – Stage 1: placement of Photo 2 – Stage 1: fill voids with soil, then
aggregate seed (non-traffic period)

Photo 3 – Stage 1: Establishment of Photo 4 – Grassed structural soil used for

grassed surface (vehicular traffic allowed) erosion control under a rural bridge

Key Principles
1. The appropriate combination of soil, rocks and vegetation allows the formation of a hard-
waring surface that can be used for erosion control on light traffic areas.
2. The long, non-traffic, establishment time generally makes this treatment option unsuitable
for construction sites; however, when sufficient establishment time exists, it can be used to
stabilise long-term construction site car parks.
3. The key to long-term performance is to avoid compaction of the soil component, thus the
percentage of soil fill must not exceed the void volume of the loosely placed aggregate.
4. It is very important to prevent sediment deposits on the vegetated surface, thus good
sediment control measures are required around the treated area.

© Catchments & Creeks Pty Ltd Version 2 - May 2010 Page 1

Design Information
Typically 20 to 50mm aggregate. Aggregate must be near uniform in size (uniform grading) with
no fines. Depth of aggregate is ideally the depth of the root system of the ground cover, but
practically a depth of 150 to 200mm should be sufficient.
Aggregate void volume can be determined by placing a sample of aggregate in a volumetric
(measuring) jar, filling with water to the top of the aggregate, then measuring the retained water.
Important to ensure that the treated area suitably drains (i.e. good sub-surface drainage) such
that waterlogging does not occur that may adversely affect vegetation growth.
Vegetation establishment phase requires no traffic movement over a period of around 2 to 3
months depending on the expected duration of the plant establishment phase.

Aggregate continues to provide effective
An aggregate-soil mixture that produces a erosion control properties even during
soil profile resistant to compaction caused periods of drought when grass die-back
by light traffic movement. occurs.

Purpose Disadvantages
Stabilisation of vegetated swales that are Long establishment period of 2 to 3 months.
occasionally subjected to vehicular traffic.
Grass within the treated area is most
Porous pavements that can be used for susceptible to die-back (browning) during
occasional overflow parking, such as periods of drought compared to traditional
vehicular parking on grassed parks. grassed surfaces.
Long-term, temporary car parking on
Common Problems
construction sites where there is sufficient
planning time to allow a 3-months non- Sediment deposits on the treated surface
traffic vegetation establishment period. can result in soil compaction and failure of
the plant cover.
Traffic-induced damage to the grass is
minimised by preventing compaction of the
Special Requirements
soil located within the aggregate layer. This
in-turn minimised damage to the plant’s root It is essential for the aggregate to have a
system. Soil compaction is prevented by near uniform in size with little or no fines.
allowing the weight of vehicles to be spread This maximises the potential void volume,
through the soil profile by direct aggregate thus maximising the volume of soil infill
to aggregate contact. without allowing soil compaction.
Requires good perimeter control of
sediment to prevent sediment deposition of
Required a long, non-traffic establishment the surface.
period of around 2 to 3 months. Any
vehicular traffic movement during the Location
vegetation establishment period can result
Grassed surface that may experience
in root damage.
regular heavy pedestrian traffic or
occasional vehicular traffic.
Porous surface that can capture and treat Site Inspection
many of the pollutants associated with
Check for sediment deposits on the treated
motor vehicles and car parks.
surface that may compact and damage the
Formation of a trafficable surface that is vegetation cover.
stronger than grass or aggregate on its
own. Performance Indicators
Well-vegetated structural soils (as shown in Check for healthy, continuous vegetation
Photo 3) can generally withstand cover.
infrequent, construction traffic, such as
loaded trucks, without damage to the
surface or to the vegetation.

© Catchments & Creeks Pty Ltd Version 2 - May 2010 Page 2

Construction Maintenance
1. Refer to approved plans for location, 1. Inspect all treated surfaces fortnightly
extent, and application details. If there and after runoff-producing rainfall.
are questions or problems with the
2. Check for rill erosion, or dislodgment of
location, extent, or method of
the aggregate.
application contact the engineer or
responsible on-site officer for 3. If wash-outs occur, repair the slope and
assistance. reinstall surface cover.
2. Prior to placement of the aggregate, 4. If the treatment is not effective in
determine the expected void spacing of containing the soil erosion it should be
the loose aggregate, if not already replaced, or an alternative erosion
specified on the plans. control procedure adopted.
3. Spread enough aggregate to
Maintenance of grass
completely cover the surface of the soil
at the density or thickness specified in 1. Watering the vegetation periodically is
the approved plans. If the application essential, especially in the first 7 days
density is not supplied, then apply at a after establishment. Use low-pressure
thickness of at least 150mm. sprays because high-pressure jets can
wash away the seed and mulch cover.
4. Ensure the soil pH is within the
specified range. 2. Watering should start immediately after
planting. Watering should comply with
5. Apply sufficient topsoil to completely fill,
specifications provided with the
but not exceed, the void space within
approved plans. Generally watering
the aggregate. Where conditions allow,
should vary according to weather and
the soil and aggregate can be pre-
soil conditions. A typical watering
mixed before placement.
schedule may consist of the following:
6. Using a hand or machine broadcasting • 25mm every second day for the first
method, apply one-half the specified three waterings;
quantity of seed while moving back and
forth across the area, making a uniform • 25mm twice a week for the next three
pattern. Then apply the second half in weeks; and
the same way, but moving at right • 25mm once weekly for a further two
angles to the first pass. Cover weeks.
broadcast seed by raking or chain
3. Monitor site revegetation, particularly
dragging; then firm the surface with a
after rainfall, and appropriate
roller to provide good seed contact.
maintenance and/or amendment to
7. Even out (level) any disturbances in the ensure that the revegetation is
aggregate that have occurred during controlling erosion and stabilising soil
the topsoil and seeding process such slopes as required.
that the final design levels and surface
4. Areas must be re-seeded and mulched
profile are achieved.
if the vegetation fails to establish or is
8. Mulch the seeded area as specified in damaged by runoff or construction
the approved plan. activities.
9. Make all necessary adjustments to 5. If the temporary vegetation cover or
ensure run-on stormwater flow is erosion control measure (e.g. mulch
allowed to pass freely across the cover) should fail for any reason before
treated area following its natural establishment of the permanent
drainage path. vegetation cover, then it must be
replaced with an appropriate type of
10. Where required, establish appropriate
cover sufficient to control soil erosion.
sediment controls up-slope of the
treated area to prevent sediment 6. If the permanent vegetation should fail
deposition on the surface. to establish or to adequately restrain
erosion for any reason during the
construction or maintenance period, the
area should be reseeded.

© Catchments & Creeks Pty Ltd Version 2 - May 2010 Page 3

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