1. The average marks obtained by 144 candidates in a Mathematics. What is the difference of marks is Science
certain examination is 55. Find the total marks? and Geography score by him?
(a) 7290 (b) 7920 (c) 7930 (d) 7390 (a) 40 (b) 50
2. Ram travels half of a journey at the speed of 24km/hr (c) 60 (d) Data inadequate
and the next half at a speed of 16km/hr. What is the 11. The average temperature for Monday, Tuesday and
average speed of the Ram during the whole journey? Wednesday was 40°c. The average for Tuesday,
2 Wednesday and Thursday was 41°c and that of
(a) 195 km/hr (b) 20 km/hr
1 1 Thursday being 45°c. What was the temperature on
(c) 19 km/hr (d) 16 km/hr Monday?
5 5
3. A person divides his total route of journey into three (a) 48oc (b) 41oc
equal parts and decides to travel the three parts with (c) 46 c (d) 42oc
speeds of 20, 25 and 40km/hr respectively. Find his 12. The average attendance of a college for the first three
average speed during the whole journey? days of a week is 325, and for first four days it is 320.
2 1
(a) 26 km/hr (b) 26 km/hr How many were present on the fourth day?
23 23
2 1 (a) 305 (b) 350 (c) 530 (d) 503
(c) 25 km/hr (d) 25 km/hr 13. The average age of a family of 6 members is 22 years.
23 23
4. The average salary of the entire staff in a office is Rs.220 If the age of the youngest member be 7 years, the
per day. The average salary of officers is Rs.650 and that average age of the family at the birth of the youngest
of non-officers is Rs. 170. If the number of officers is member, was_____?
25, then find the number of non-officers in the office. (a) 15 yrs (b) 17 yrs (c) 17.5 yrs (d) 18 yrs
(a) 215 (b) 315 (c) 250 (d) 350 14. 5 years ago, the average of A, B, C and D was 45. With
5. The average age of all the students of a class is 22 years. E joining them now, the average age of all the five is 49
The average age of boys of the class is 26 years and that years. How old is E?
of the girls is 19 years. If the number of girls in the class (a) 25 yrs (b) 40 yrs (c) 45 yrs (d) 60 yrs
is 16, then find the number of boys in the class. 15. Of the three numbers, second is twice the first and is also
(a) 12 (b) 10 (c) 6 (d) 8 thrice the third. If the average of the three numbers is 44,
6. There were 42 students in a hostel. If the number of the largest number is _____?
students increases by 7, the expenses of the mess (a) 24 (b) 36 (c) 72 (d) 108
increase by Rs.32.5 per day while the average 16. A cricketer has completed 14 innings and his average is
expenditure per head diminishes by Rs.1.5. Find the 30 runs. How many runs must he make in his next
original expenditure of the mess. innings so as to raise his average to 32?
(a) Rs.636 (b) Rs.536 (c) Rs.630 (d) Rs.656 (a) 60 (b) 55 (c) 65 (d) 50
7. The average weight of 20 balls is 2gm. If the weight of 17. The average of marks obtained by 102 candidates in a
the bag be included the average weight increases by certain examination is 18. If the average marks of passed
0.02gm. What is the weight of the bag? candidates are 21 and that of the failed candidates is 15,
(a) 2.04 gm (b) 2.42 gm (c) 3.42 gm (d) 3.04 gm what is the number of candidates who failed the
8. The average weight of a group of 20 boys was calculated examination?
to be 89.4kg and it was later discovered that one weight (a) 51 (b) 52 (c) 61 (d) 50
was misread as 78kg instead of the correct one of 87kg. 18. The average of marks obtained by 115 candidates in a
The correct average weight is ___? certain examination is 36. If the average marks of passed
(a) 88.95 kg (b) 89.25 kg candidates is 40 and that of the failed candidates is 17,
(c) 89.55 kg (d) 89.85 kg what is the number of candidates who failed the
9. The average of the first and the second of three numbers examination?
is 10 more than the average of the second and the third (a) 30 (b) 25 (c) 20 (d) 34
of these numbers. What is the difference between the 19. On a journey across Mumbai, a taxi averages 30km/hr
first and the third of these three numbers? for 60% of the distance, 20km/hr for 20% of it and
(a) 40 (b) 10 (c) 20 (d) None 10km/hr for the remaining. The average speed for the
(e) 30 whole journey (in km/hr) is ____?
10. The average marks scored by in English, Science, (a) 20 km/hr (b) 22.5 km/hr
Mathematics and History is less than 15 from that scored (c) 25 km/hr (d) 24.635 km/hr
by him in English, History, Geography and
1 Exclusively prepared for IACE Students www.iace.co.in Toll Free: 1800-270-9975, Ph: 9533200400
20. In a class there are 16 students whose average age is distance at the speed of 10 kmph, but suddenly he
decreased by 3 months, when 2 students aged 24 and 26 realized that he was getting late so he increased the
years respectively are replaced by the same number of speed and reached the home by covering rest half of the
students. Find the average age of the new students. distance at the speed of 30 kmph.The average speed of
(a) 23 yrs (b) 21 yrs the Pranav in the whole length of journey is?
(c) 18 yrs (d) None of these (a) 24 kmph (b) 14 kmph
(e) 19 yrs (c) 16 kmph (d) 10 kmph
21. The average age of 44 boys in a class is 26 years. If the (e) 28 kmph
teacher's age is included the average age of the boys and 27. The average income of Arun, Bala and Chitra is Rs.
the teacher becomes 27 years. What is the teacher's age? 12,000 per month and average income of Bala, Chitra
(a) 69y (b) 71y and David is Rs. 15,000 per month. If the average salary
(c) 59y (d) Data inadequate of David be twice that of Arun, then the average salary
22. The average of five numbers is 49. The average of the of Bala and Chitra is in Rs?
first and the second numbers is 48 and the average of the (a) 15,000 (b) 20,000 (c) 14500 (d) 13500
fourth and fifth numbers is 28. What is the third 28. The average monthly expenditure of Mr.Ravi’s family
number? for the first three months is Rs 2,750, for the next three
(a) 92 (b) 91 months is Rs 2,940 and for the last three months Rs
(c) 95 (d) None of these 3,150. If his family saves Rs 4980 for nine months, find
23. The average weight of 39 Students in a class is 23. the average monthly income of the family for the 9
Among them Sita is the heaviest while Tina is the months?
lightest. If both of them are excluded from the class still (a) Rs.3800 (b) Rs.3500 (c) Rs.3400 (d) Rs.4200
the average remains same. The ratio of weight of Sita to (e) Rs. 4500
Tina is 15:8.Then what is the weight of the Tina? 29. In a particular week the average number of people
(a) 15 (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 19 visited the museum is 70. If we exclude the holidays
(e) Cannot be determined then the average number is increased by 28. Further if
24. The average of Four numbers is 24.5 of the four we exclude the day which the maximum of 210 visitors
numbers, the first is 1.5 times the second, the second is visited the museum, then the average become 40.Find
1/3 rd of the third, and the third is 2 times the fourth the no of holidays in the week
number. Then what is smallest of all those numbers? (a) None (b) One (c) Three (d) Two
(a) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (d) 21 (d) Can’t be determined
(e) 16 30. In a class, the average marks got by number of students
25. Dhoni scored 8000 runs in a certain number of innings. in English is 52.25. 25% students placed in C category
In the next five innings, he was out of form and hence, made the average of 31 marks, while 20% who were
could make only 85 runs, as a result his average reduced placed in A category made the average of 80 marks. Find
by 1 run. How many innings did he play in total? the average marks of the remaining students?
(a) 160 (b) 165 (c) 170 (d) 175 (a) 50 (b) 52.2 (c) 51 (d) 51.8
(e) Cannot be determined (e) 48.8
26. Pranav went to the bank at the speed of 60 kmph while
returning for his home he covered the half of the
1. B 6. A 11. D 16. A 21. B 26. A
2. C 7. B 12. A 17. A 22. D 27. D
3. A 8. D 13. D 18. C 23. B 28. B
4. A 9. C 14. C 19. A 24. C 29. D
5. A 10. C 15. C 20. A 25. A 30. D
2 Exclusively prepared for IACE Students www.iace.co.in Toll Free: 1800-270-9975, Ph: 9533200400