A Holistic Analysis of Medical Internet of Things (MIoT)
A Holistic Analysis of Medical Internet of Things (MIoT)
A Holistic Analysis of Medical Internet of Things (MIoT)
Nikhat Akhtar, Saima Rahman, Halima Sadia, Yusuf Perwej
Research Scholar (Ph.D), Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Babu Banarasi Das University, Lucknow
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, India
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract — Traditional healthcare systems are confronted with new problems as the number of patients continues to rise. To
solve this problem and improve the healthcare domain's accuracy, reliability, performance, and effectiveness. Since its
introduction, the Medical Internet of Things, also known as (MIoT), has become increasingly important in improving the health,
protection, and treatment of billions of people. The Medical Internet of Things (MIoT) is a network of linked healthcare
software and hardware devices that forms the medical IT systems. MIoT devices are linked to cloud systems, which store and
analyze the data they collect. MIoT tools are rapidly transforming healthcare delivery due to their ability to capture, interpret,
and distribute health data. By linking patients to their physicians and allowing the transfer of medical data over a secure
network, it can reduce unnecessary hospital visits and the strain on healthcare systems. The MIoT has the potential to decrease
device interruption through remote provision from the provider healthcare perspective. The MIoT is also expected to provide
real-time healthcare services via the internet and smart devices like Smartphone’s, wearable medical devices, and embedded
medical devices. Moreover, the MIoT can properly detect optimum times for replacing supplies for several devices for their
continuous and smooth operation. In this paper, we present a comprehensive literature review of recent contributions focused on
the Medical Internet of Things (MIoT). Medical Internet of Things-based healthcare services are expected to improve the user's
quality of life, lower prices, and expand their expertise.
Index Terms — Medical Internet of Things (MIoT), Cloud Computing, Internet of Thins (IoT), Wearable Sensors, Perception Layer,
Application Layer, Healthcare.
1. Introduction
The Internet of Things (IoT), a modern concept, has broad applications created specifically for healthcare needs and
applications in a variety of fields, including healthcare [1]. settings.
Internet of Things (IoT) systems typically has a complex
architecture that connects different types of devices to Today's internet-connected devices are being developed to
provide a specific service to the end user [2]. The Internet of increase efficiencies, reduce healthcare costs [7], and boost
Things (IoT) is a framework in which everyday objects can be patient results. Organizations are exploiting the ability of I
fitted with detecting, measuring, networking, and processing Medical Internet of Things technology as computing
capabilities, allowing them to connect with other devices and resources and wireless capabilities increase. One of the
provide services to achieve a specific purpose through the fastest-growing segments of the IoT market is healthcare
Internet [3]. IoT devices were deployed in several medical products. In reality, by 2026, the size of this industry, which is
domains, especially with the excessive use of medical also known as the Medical Internet of Things (MIoT), is
wireless sensors, [4] devices, Unmanned Aeria Vehicles expected to hit $176 billion. According to a recent Deloitte
(UAVs), and robots. The Medical Internet of Things (MIoT) survey, there are currently over 500,000 medical technologies
shares many of the same requirements as the conventional available. The Medical Internet of Things (MIoT) is the
Internet of Things (IoT), especially in terms of managing a interconnection of a variety of personal medical devices, as
large number of devices, dependable communication, and well as devices and health-care providers such as hospitals,
system heterogeneity and interoperability [5]. The Medical medical researchers, and private businesses [8]. The Medical
Internet of Things (MIoT) is a healthcare system comprised of Internet of Things (MIoT) has gotten a lot of attention
smart medical devices and software applications. The MIoT is recently because of its many benefits, including making it
capable of providing remote medical diagnosis and timely easier to handle diseases and medications [9], enhancing care
health services through the internet. Medical IoT, also known practices and the patient experience, and lowering costs.
as healthcare IoT, refers to an increasing range of IoT MIoT has now been accepted by about 70% of healthcare
applications in the medical field [6]. Sensors and software for organizations [10]. In reality, the healthcare industry accounts
remote healthcare tracking, telemedicine consultation, and for one-third of all IoT devices [11].
distribution, for example, are among the IoT devices and
The Medical Internet of Things (MIoT) is helping people all as consolidated reporting, context expertise, governance,
over the world improve their health and access to medical regulations, resilience measures, standards, and technical
services. Medical IoT also uses AI and machine learning [12] controls [21]. Rodrigues et al. [22] reviewed technological
to support life-changing changes to conventional medical advances made so far which can be used in MIoT and then
equipment, such as the smart inhaler for asthma sufferers. In analyzed the challenges to be overcome. Li et al. [23] describe
reality, in the sense of body area networks, medical sensors a wireless sensor network health monitoring and alarm device
and actuators are used as wearable devices. Rather than that tracks, stores, and analyses body health data in order to
holding patients in hospitals, these systems can continuously send alerts when suspicious behaviour is detected. Ullah et al.
track their health in real time while still providing them with [24] presented a new semantic model for patients’ e-health
greater physical versatility and mobility. Medical robots, on based on existing technologies, which are used to deploy IoT
the other hand, can be used as surgical robots as well as in the field of medical and smart health care. Roman et al.
hospital robots [13], which are capable of conducting small [25] consists of an early wearable prototype for health
procedures with precision. They can also perform medical monitoring that measures body temperature, heart rate, and
tasks like cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) [14]. The fall detection to show these data on a Liquid Cristal Display
Medical Internet of Things (MIoT) blends conventional (LCD) screen and send notifications to the caregiver using a
medical system reliability and protection with traditional Global System for mobile communications (GSM) module.
Internet of Things (IoT) dynamicity, genericity, and Turabieh et al. [26] introduced a dynamic L-RNN [27] from
scalability capabilities [15]. It has the potential to address the artificial intelligence [28] to recover missing data from MIoT
issue of ageing and chronic diseases by managing a large applications to guarantee high quality of services to the end
number of devices for a large number of patients. users.
Furthermore, the Medical Internet of Things (MIoT)
addresses additional issues such as patient mobility [16]. Chandel et al. [29] propose the use of sensors embedded in
Many services have been provided by the Medical Internet of commercial mobile devices for continuously monitoring
Things (MIoT) technology, including improving healthcare healthcare or fitness on elderly, due to their attractive form
services, disease management, data collection, patient factor and low power consumption. Joyia et al. [30] identified
experience, and low-cost services. several problems in the MIoT, where software
implementation remains difficult. We agree that our work is a
The remainder of this paper is structured in the following significant step toward addressing these issues. By tracking
manner. In section II, the relevant work is discussed. In vitals such as blood pressure, sugar levels, and irregular
sections III and IV, we discuss the Medical Internet of Things cellular development, Rohokale et al. [31] proposed a
(MIoT) and the Medical Internet of Things (MIoT) layer. The healthcare monitoring system for rural citizens.
communications in the Medical Internet of Things are
presented in section V. We present amalgamate wearable 3. Medical Internet of Things (MIoT)
medical sensors in MIoT in section VI. We provide technical
necessity for medical internet of things applications in The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that refers to
sections VII. We are discussing MIoT use cases in medical platforms of interconnected web-enabled devices and medical
sector in sections VIII. We are widely discussing advantage of technologies that use sensors, processors, software, and
MIoT in sections IX. In section X, we present challenges of hardware to capture, send, analyze, and manage data. The
MIoT. Section XI brings this paper to a close. Medical Internet of Things (MIoT) is a subcategory of the
Internet of Things that is revolutionizing the healthcare
2. Related Work industry. IoT sensor-based devices [5] allow for integration
with mobile technologies, which are referred to as Medical
This section presents a comparison of different approaches, Internet of Things (MIoT). As the data collected by these
design context discussed with the using of Medical Internet of devices is combined with electronic health record (EHR)
Things. The Medical Internet of Things (MIoT) is a network systems, which capture crucial data that is used to support
of interconnected nodes in the healthcare sector, each of clinical decision making, a new dimension is opened, and
which is made up of a set of linked IoT devices, clinical several possibilities and uses emerge through which this
systems, and wearable sensors. It improves the patient's care technology can play a pivotal role in transforming current
efficiency as well as medical response times [17]. Hu et al. healthcare systems, making them more effective and resilient.
[18] introduced a scheme based on cloud computing using
IoT sensors which is related to the digital signature, time Patients, medical personnel, and visitors can all be tracked
stamp mechanism and the asymmetric technology to monitor using MIoT-based technology, further enhancing the idea of
the other personal information. This scheme is very efficient smart hospitals. Real-time patient tracking, advanced
in providing medical services and utilizing less medical diagnostics, robotic surgery, and other medical IoT
resources. Yusuf Perwej and colleagues explore the technical applications will all help improve patient outcomes. The
aspects of Internet of Things security briefly. Because when scenarios that MIoT brings about include the location
only two instruments were combined in the field of medical awareness, proximity inferencing, movement detection, and
care, security was a major concern [19]. A generic survey on environmental sensing functionality. Medical findings data
medical big data analysis was conducted in to sort big data can now be gathered and shared in unprecedented ways,
issues and challenges of adopting IoMT solutions [20]. saving time and money [32] and promoting future promises.
Williams and Woodward identified general issues that Medical IoT is also critical in the increasingly dispersed
contribute to a potentially insecure MIoT environment, such nature of health and healthcare, as telemedicine and related
technological advances eliminate the need for office visits. medical IoT provides new opportunities for healthcare
The Medical Internet of Things (MIoT) is driving a healthcare providers to enhance patient care and manage the inherent
revolution [16]. Patients and customers profit from the use of complexity of the healthcare market.
interconnected web-enabled technologies. Via enhanced
automation, protection, and other technological gains,
The aim of the MIoT is to collect real-time health data from A lot of data is used by mobile health applications. To store,
patients and store it in network facilities linked to the Internet. send, and receive data, the devices are connected to IoT
Doctors use m-health data to monitor, diagnose, and treat servers. The following are some of the most important
their patients. In addition, integrating mobile health devices features of medical health devices, Low power consumption,
into the client environment allows for real-time prediction of IP powered and wireless networking, and lightweight and
[33] various health anomalies. As shown in figure 2, the IoT easy-to-wear [34]. The aim of connected devices is to aid in
architecture in health care delivery is made up of five basic the tracking, diagnosis, and treatment of sick person’s while
layers, the first perception layer, second sensing layer, third maintaining low power, low cost, physical size, and ease of
network layer, fourth business layer, and fifth application use. Since these devices are designed to operate for long
layer. periods of time while still providing as much battery life as
possible, low power consumption is expected.
standard. It facilitates wireless communication with a low is in charge of providing the user with application-specific
data rate and is primarily targeted at low-cost, low-spectrum services. Artificial intelligence is one of the most promising
IoT smartphones. IEEE 802.15.4 describes the specifications medical applications provided by IoT. Image analysis, text
for the physical (PHY) and the MAC layers, for various types recognition with natural language processing, drug activity
of devices (fixed, portable or moving devices), having very design, and gene mutation expression prediction are only a
limited battery consumption requirements or even having no few of the scientific applications of artificial intelligence [42].
battery at all. AI has the capability to read available EMR data, including
medical history, physical, laboratory, imaging, and
4.3 Network Layer medications, and contextualize these data to generate
treatment and diagnosis decisions and possibilities. IoT-based
The arrangement of various network elements is referred to as health care and deep machine learning [12] will help doctors
MIoT topology. The network layer, which is made up of see what they can't see and have new and improved diagnostic
wired and wireless systems as well as middleware, processes capabilities. Artificial intelligence and deep learning can also
and transmits the information gathered by the perception layer optimize disease management, can provide big data and
with the help of technical platforms. From the perspective of analysis generated from medical Health apps and IoT devices,
service providers, the most important aspect in developing and are starting to see adoption in health care [43]. The
IoT [37] topology is to define related behaviours and application layer protocols might not always be
functions in medical services. The architecture is a blueprint medical-specific since they were designed for
for describing the physical elements, organisation, and general-purpose applications. COAP, MQTT [44], and HTTP
operation of an IoT healthcare network. It can be thought of as Restful are the most widely used general-purpose application
a complete mesh networking device with Internet access. layer protocols in healthcare systems.
RFID, wireless sensor networks, Bluetooth, ZigBee,
low-power Wi-Fi, and the global infrastructure for mobile 5. Communication in Medical Internet of
communications are examples of short-range networking
technologies. Since such network devices transmit
Things (MIoT)
privacy-sensitive data in healthcare, network security is a
Communication is a skill that is undervalued, especially in
major concern [38]. Trust management, confidentiality,
medicine. Although our world has become increasingly linked
integrity, authentication, and protection from denial of service
as a result of the ever-increasing number of new devices,
attacks are all issues that network layer security must address
applications, and infrastructure; many doctor-patient
in IoMT. The IEEE 802.15 standard [39] is used for the
interactions remain woefully outdated. Often physicians
majority of the protocols in this layer. At this layer, the most
exaggerate their ability to interact with patients who are ill.
popular protocols for IoMT are Wi-Fi and ZigBee. Bluetooth
The comparison of different communication protocols used in
is still used, though less often, due to its inability to reach vast
MIoT is summarised in table 1. According to a survey of
areas such as hospitals.
doctor-patient relationships, 76 percent of surgeons believe
their patients are fully happy with their contact. These issues
4.4 Business Layer
can be addressed with real-time apps, which can greatly
This layer's primary duty is to manage the medical provider's enhance coordination between patients, physicians, and the
business logic as well as to help the business lifecycle (i.e., entire healthcare team. Any company will benefit from
controlling, monitoring, and adjusting) business procedures. real-time data with a well-thought-out implementation
Any device's performance is determined not only by the strategy. Five different forms of communication networks are
technology used in it, but also by how it is distributed to its used to transmit real-time data between medical devices.
users. These activities are handled by the device's business Body Area Networks, Neighbourhood Area Networks,
layer. It entails creating flowcharts, graphs, analyzing data, RedTacton, Home Area Networks, and Wide Area Networks
and determining how the device can be enhanced, among are examples of these groups.
other things. The business layer describes an application's
intended behavior and serves as a device manager [40]. It has 5.1 Body Area Network (BAN)
responsibilities to manage and control applications, business
and profits models of IoT. This layer is also in control of the Body area networks (BANs) are a hot topic in research and
user's privacy. It can also decide how knowledge can be development because they have the potential to revolutionize
produced, processed, and modified. healthcare delivery and monitoring. The network usually
covers the entire human body, with nodes linked through a
4.5 Application Layer wireless communication channel [45]. These nodes are
arranged in a star or multi-hop topology, depending on the
The medical data is transmitted to medical-specific software implementation. BANs consists of sensors and actuators
applications for further processing after it has been around the human body in order to monitor human organs or
transferred by the previous layers. The application layer is in to deliver either impulses or medicine on the body or inside
charge of converting this data into a format that end devices the body, also known as implant medical devices like
and medical servers can understand [41]. The application pacemakers, or capsule endoscopes with a wireless
layer incorporates medical information tools to include communication link to an access point or hub shown in figure
customised medical services and meet the needs of end users, 3. The benefit is that the patient does not have to stay in bed
based on the target population's current condition and service and can walk about easily in the room or even leave the
demand. The application layer interprets and applies data and hospital for a short time. This increases the patient's quality of
life while also lowering healthcare costs. In addition, data path shown in figure 4. The RedTacton is a Human Area
collected over a longer period and in the natural environment Networking technology that transmits data at high speeds
of the patient, offers more useful information, allowing for a using the surface of the human body [47]. Technically, it is
more accurate and sometimes even faster diagnosis. completely distinct from wireless and infrared technologies as
it uses the minute electric field emitted on the surface of
human body as medium for transmitting the data. The
RedTacton device is designed for monitoring the patient’s
health conditions without disturbing the patient who is in
critical care units. It helps the doctor to monitor the live data
of the patient at the time of visit and to direct the nurse or their
assistant to monitor and look over the patient.
A WAN is a network that connects smaller metropolitan and information such as blood pressure, blood glucose,
campus networks in different locations into a single, temperature, pulse oximetry or motion. These devices can be
distributed network using various links such as private lines, broadly divided into two categories [53], wearable devices
Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), virtual private (e.g., sleep apnea system) and indigestible devices. The
networks (VPNs), wireless (cellular), and the Internet. A systems mentioned above may use a plethora of IoMT
Wide Area Network (WAN) represents the communication communication protocols, including WiFi, Bluetooth [49],
from a mobile Base Station or from an access point to the ZigBee and 6LoWPAN. ZigBee is a standards-based wireless
mobile/Internet (remote) medical infrastructure [50]. WANs mesh network used widely in smart city, medical, and asset
allow them to carry out their essential daily functions without tracking. The variety of treatment methods and of medical
delay. In case of emergencies, a WAN ensures real-time data occasions is intentionally focused on various health
transmission to emergency response teams. monitoring WBAN-based systems. 6LoWPAN came to exist
from the idea that the Internet Protocol could and should be
6. Amalgamate Wearable Medical Sensors in applied even to the smallest devices, and that low-power
Medical Internet of Things (MIoT) devices with limited processing capabilities should be able to
participate in the Medical Internet of Things. Any medical
In today's world, where time is valuable, people, especially data cannot be transmitted directly to the MIoT network's
the working class, spend the majority of their days juggling gateway.
multiple tasks and neglecting their health and fitness. Even a
simple clinic visit with a doctor will necessitate multiple tests As a result, a coordinator is required to read the unique
for diagnosis, medication, and care, all of which can take a signals, convert them to data, and then send them to the IoMT
long time [51]. As a result, many people just visit a doctor network [54]. For example, an oxygen saturation device
when they have a serious illness. As a result, many people are works as follows, a finger sensor sends data to an oxymeter
looking for an alternative, such as a body-worn system that module which forwards data to a node for processing and data
not only constantly monitors the user's health in real time but are finally collected by the IoMT network [55]. Body
also provides timely insights on different health parameters to temperature and pulse sensors can receive and transmit data
both the user and his or her physician. with Bluetooth [49]. A typical architecture of IoMT
monitoring devices involves sensors connected directly to the
The primary function of Physiologic Monitoring Devices is to human body. In custom solutions such as, Arduino modules
track and, in certain cases, relay signals from the patient's are used to gather medical data from the sensors [56].
body to other medical systems [52]. Usually, they consist of
tiny wireless modules, health sensors, which gather
Figure 5 depicts contact between different monitoring Medical centre for remote monitoring. At the application
devices, such as wearable sensors and ingestible. At the layer, MQTT or plain HTTP can be used for these scenarios.
awareness layer (e.g., infrared or UWB), the sensors gather MQTT is a machine-to-machine (M2M) Medical Internet of
information about the patient's body and send it to an Things (MIoT) connectivity protocol. It was created as a
aggregator using network layer protocols (e.g., Z-Wave, lightweight messaging transport that publishes and
Bluetooth or ZigBee, Wi-Fi). The data is then transmitted to subscribes. A patient is outside the Medical Centre and is
the medical centre Network through a coordinator. The above wearing a smart watch that communicates with the body
activities can be carried out using protocols such as Wi-Fi and sensors via Bluetooth [49] and sends medical data to the
ZigBee. For certain medical applications, data is sent to the Medical Centre network via the cellular network.
doctor through an end computer [57] or even outside the
Table 2. The Medical Care Wearable Sensors Devices are used in MIoT
Under the influence of medical wearable’s, the conventional Timeliness is a problem in some patient-monitoring systems,
"patient-doctor" paradigm is experiencing major changes. but delays of a few seconds will not endanger a patient's
Many procedures are automated by sensors and computers, health. Latency could become more of an issue if online
which speed up diagnosis and care while also allowing people medical records became the norm and care provider
to keep track of their own health. Wearable devices linked to organizations needed timely access to them for purposes of
the Internet of Things are causing a healthy amount of treating patients.
disruption in medical practice, ushering in a new age in digital
medicine. In recent times, our results for telemedical medical 7.4 Security
care services as applied to wearable sensors devices are
summarized in table 2. Wearable devices in healthcare enable Many applications in the consumer medical sector necessitate
doctors to give each patient their full attention without a high degree of protection. While accessing health
devoting a lot of time to them [58]. Wireless data transfer and information from customer Web pages is usually not a
alerting systems send alerts to the hospital or your personal problem, access to online medical records necessitates
physician, allowing preventive action to be taken right away confidentiality because such records include personal
in the event of concerning symptoms. Finally, wearable’s aid information. Data from remote patient monitoring devices
in the prevention or monitoring of illnesses, provide real-time also require security to prevent corruption (intentional or
input and assistance in recovery, alert patients to take unintentional) during transit across the network or after
medications, and aid in the compliance with a treatment plan. storage. Security requirements will grow as consumers use the
Internet to store, retrieve, and update their personal health
7. Technical Necessity for Medical Internet of records.
Things (MIoT) Applications
7.5 Availability
Since the systems built to date have had to rely on the current
The need for network availability varies greatly across
Internet infrastructure, the technological capabilities required
consumer medical applications. For the dissemination of
to support consumer health applications on the Internet are
health information to customers and e-mail communications
modest [59]. We'll talk about the technical requirements for
between patients and providers, the Internet is now
consumer health apps in terms of bandwidth, latency,
sufficiently open.
availability, protection, and degree of access in this section.
The bandwidth requirements of medical applications differ There have been a slew of new inventions that have sparked
greatly. On the user side, retrieving information from interest in the medical field. From treating chronic diseases on
health-related Web pages requires little bandwidth, but the one end of the spectrum to disease prevention on the other, the
potentially large number of requests made of any given site MIoT plays a significant role in a wide variety of medical
could increase the aggregate bandwidth requirement [60] on applications. We're going over some MIoT use cases right
the information provider's side. Access to patient health now.
records could demand somewhat greater bandwidth than is
typically available today or significantly greater if records 8.1 Remote Sick Person Monitoring System
include enhanced content, such as medical images or
videotapes of telemedicine consultations. One of the best MIoT medical sector applications is a remote
sick person monitoring device, which is commonly used
7.2 Ubiquity around the world. A MIoT-based remote sick person
monitoring system is an extension of medical systems that
Widespread Internet access is critical to the success of allows for remote monitoring of a sick person's vitals.
consumer medical applications. As previously stated, many
user applications currently only need moderate bandwidth 8.2 Drug Storage
and latency, so standard modem Internet connectivity at 24 to
64 kilobits per second (kbps) may be sufficient. Additional RFID technology will automate the entire chain of storage,
bandwidth could be needed if online access to Medical usage, and inspection, reducing necessary working hours and
records and downloading of educational videos become more streamlining previously paper-based processes. It can help
popular and widespread and if online health records grow to avoid stock shortages and make drug recalls easier. It may
include not just text but medical images and perhaps even also aid in the avoidance of misunderstanding caused by
videos. identical drug names, dosage amounts, and dosage types.
In general, applications that benefit the consumer medical In the medical sector, robotics and medical sector automation
sector do not necessitate instantaneous information are strong MIoT applications [61]. Learning robots can
transmission, so the Internet's latency requirements are not complete tasks on their own with the assistance of the
large. machine. Statistical pattern recognition, parametric and
non-parametric algorithms, neural networks, recommender wearable’s will provide nurses and sick people with real-time
systems, and other technologies are used in robotics and details. Consider the case of a heart patient who has an
medical sector automation systems [62][63]. Robotics and abnormally high heart rate. The wearable will immediately
medical sector automation in the MIoT based healthcare transmit the signal to the nursing staff and allow them to
industry allows multiple robots to be interconnected. The IoT provide immediate and timely assistance to the sick person.
platform offers distinctive facilities by interconnecting
objects or people and transferring those data between the two 8.9 Tracking Staff, Inventory in Medical Sector
robots without a human to a computer or human interaction.
In a medical facility, IoT monitoring is the method of keeping
8.4 Newborn Anti-Kidnapping System track of the hospital's physical properties, including
personnel. Indoor GPS is a term used to describe the use of
At a large general hospital's obstetrics and gynaecology IoT monitoring in medical settings. RFID tags [65] are widely
department or a women and children's hospital, combining used in IoT to track and control medical sector properties. IoT
mother and child identification management, and infant medical sector applications enable tracking in medical sector
security management will prevent unsupervised access by units, rooms, beds, and even shelf-level tracking for true
outsiders. In particular, every newborn should receive an workflow automation.
RFID anklet that uniquely identifies the baby and has a unique
correspondence with the mother's information. If the family 9. Advantage of Medical Internet of Things
has the correct baby, the RFID anklet only needs to get (MIoT)
checked by a nurse or other staff member.
IoMT also helps to monitor, inform and notify not only sick
8.5 Smart Medical Center person’s but also healthcare providers with actual data to
identify issues before they become critical, thus allowing for
Smart medical centre are medical facilities that use MIoT earlier prevention. However, MIoT isn't meant to replace
applications to monitor the health of sick person, saline levels, current healthcare professionals; rather, it's meant to provide
blood pressure, and control vitals from a distant position. them with data gathered from sensors to help them make
Smart hospitals operate mainly on IoT applications that can better diagnoses and treatment plans, as well as to cut down
monitor the sick person and generate an alarm if the condition on inefficiencies and duplication in the current medical
of the patient is deteriorating. Smart medical centre use MIoT system. The benefits to introducing MIoT are vast, and
applications, cloud computing, machine learning, and certainly there are even more benefits to be discovered as we
artificial intelligence. A MIoT medical centre app continue to grow our expertise in this space as an industry.
development company can especially build IoT applications
for smart medical centre based on their requirements.
9.1 Ameliorate Sick Person Engagement
8.6 Alarm System MIoT technology also aids the sick person in self-monitoring
and gathering appropriate data; for example, a smart
The system will immediately call for assistance in the event of thermometer can track and collect data right from the sick
a sick person's distress due to real-time monitoring and person's home, as well as telemedicine.
recording of hospital medical equipment and sick people. It
would also help to discourage sick people from leaving the
9.2 Blockchain used in MIoT
hospital on their own, as well as protect temperature-sensitive
medications and laboratory samples from harm or theft. A private Blockchain based system for medical data
management has been proposed in [66]. It uses Ethereum
8.7 Medical Center Information Management System smart contracts to control data access permissions between
entities such as patients, hospitals, physicians, research
Medical centre information and management systems built on organisations, and others [67]. Permissions, record ownership
the Internet of Things offer a single source of information metadata, and data integrity are all smart representations of
about a patient's medical history. MIoT applications use medical information in the smart contract. The medical record
actuators and sensors to gather data and link physical and data are stored in external server (off-chain) and a
analogue devices through the internet. Medical staff analyses cryptographic hash of the record is kept on the Blockchain
the data, which is processed in medical centre information and ensuring data integrity [68]. The proposed system eliminates
management systems. The elements of MIoT based medical mining for simplification.
centre information and management systems do not only limit
the sick person’s health history. But, also support
9.3 Identify Sick Person Needs and Provide Tailored
supplementary systems such as financial & commercial Assistance
systems, communication & networking systems, department
management systems, medical documentation. MIoT provides the facility to check symptoms in a
customised way. As an example, if a patient has diabetes but
8.8 Medical Wearable’s does not want to measure his heartbeat, MIoT gadgets can be
customised to do that.
Care teams will gather various data points about the sick
person's sleep habits, movement, heart rate, temperature, so
on using MIoT devices in the form of wearable’s. These
9.4 Better Sick Person Experience diseases function. And, if we have a greater understanding of
the disease, we will certainly improve our disease prevention
MIoT hospitals are being adopted by the healthcare industry and treatment strategies.
to improve the patient experience. Remote control is possible
with IoT-connected medical centre apps, which make 9.11 Ameliorate Disease Management
physical spaces smarter and more integrated. The overall
quality of procedures, clinical activities, and resource By offering ubiquitous control systems that can be used for
management enhance the patient's experience. disease management, the MIoT medical centre application
helps to eliminate the need for a health care professional. In
9.5 Helpful for Neuro Technology addition, readily available sensors and gateways analyse data
[69] and wirelessly relay it to medical professionals,
Brainwaves and mood-enhancing neuro signals can be read expanding the reach of disease management systems.
by MIoT instruments. As a result, doctors will use them to
track and monitor the mental health of patients from afar. 9.12 Precision Medicine
Wearables with MIoT capabilities can track and transmit an
ill infant's temperature and sleep patterns, allowing doctors to Improved therapy with less unwanted side effects is made
respond appropriately. possible by delivering targeted stimulation that is tailored for
that person. When you take a pill, it is generally metabolised
9.6 Fight against COVID-19 in some way and then spread systemically across the body,
regardless of the intended target.
In the current pandemic, MIoT will assist medical centre staff
in providing medical services to sick people who may be 10. Challenges of MIoT
quarantined. It helps healthcare professionals to use a range of
resources to access customized knowledge about their ill For MIoT technologies to work properly, it is necessary to
patients. These tools enable them to track devices, sensors, collect relevant data. As a matter of fact, as for IoT
perform remote patient monitoring, prescribe medicines, technologies in general, MIoT does not work [70] properly
provide connected assistance, make online diagnoses, and without the correct data. This is unsurprising given that one of
eventually help manage their sick person’s health more the key advantages of this technology is that it aids in
efficiently. decision-making. The ability to capture, process, and use data
from MIoT medical devices is needed. Not only does this
9.7 Reduced Errors necessitate the installation of a beacon to collect data, but it
also necessitates the installation of a It must also be converted
MIoT medical centre applications make it easier for doctors into facts that medical professionals can use to make
to practise, avoid, and diagnose medicine. Smart medical decisions. A critical success factor for any MIoT technology
centre applications using MIoT help to minimise mistakes by is security. This applies to more than just patient safety, which
providing real-time data and the ability to analyse previous is important. Medical data is extremely sensitive, so users
treatments and diagnoses of a sick person. Moreover, constant must have confidence that their information is safe. This
automated monitoring and enhanced study of the sick fosters confidence, which is a crucial quality that MIoT
person’s condition leads to proper treatment without the devices must help to ensure. Benefits are accompanied by
possibility of error. challenges. The challenges of MIoT are discussed in this
9.8 Objective Reporting
10.1 Security
We no longer have to depend exclusively on subjective sick
person assessments of "how they are feeling" because the In general, the Internet of Things entails dealing with massive
devices can record and report on actual behaviour at the level quantities of data streaming from sensors. When it comes to
of the nervous system; now, we have an objective measure of IoT in medical devices, this data is often highly sensitive,
disease development and sick person therapy effectiveness as including information about a sick person's condition and
recorded by the devices. location, treatment specifics, and so on. A sensor node's
processing capacity [71] is woefully inadequate. As a result,
9.9 Geriatric Care Devices conventional security and encryption technology are
ineffective in these situations. Therefore, we must design an
MIoT devices that provide compassionate treatment for the encryption algorithm suitable to the capabilities of a sensor
elderly are another advantage of MIoT for medical centres. node and it requires particular attention to proper security and
MIoT devices and sensors are a growing market that helps the practices to address possible cyber attacks in place.
elderly stay independent for longer.
10.2 Connectivity
9.10 Local Activity Recording
Any MIoT system that is supposed to handle real-time data
The device's recording capabilities allow us to capture data indefinitely needs reliable, uninterrupted connectivity [72].
that we've never had access to before. This information would The cost of a shortage is much higher in IoMT than, say, in a
greatly enhance our understanding of how these chronic
smart home device. As a result, medical device hardware and data, to another machine, which is machine-machine
software design needs special attention and should resolve the communication. The MIoT platform must also provide data
issue of connectivity. exchange frameworks for third-party applications.In this
paper, we are holistic analysis of Medical Internet of Things.
10.3 Interoperability of data We have also discussed some of the Medical Internet of
Things (MIoT) layer, and architectures of MIoT along with
Data collected from the various MIoT devices is of no use if it their applications, advantage of MIoT and the future research
cannot be collated and computed to give meaningful and challenges. Patients can be empowered by MIoT-based
clinically relevant results. To utilize the potential benefits of platforms because they become self-aware of their health
MIoT to the fullest, it is imperative that all MIoT devices are status. MIoT is transforming the healthcare industry by
interoperable with one another and allow for relaying of the allowing seamless medical data communication and
data to everyone using the technology including the providers providing tailored and personalized medicine.
and the payers.
10.4 Data Completeness and Data Compression
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