The Sharn Inquisitive Vol1
The Sharn Inquisitive Vol1
The Sharn Inquisitive Vol1
Beggar Dane:
VOL 1:: NO.1 3rd Week of Nymm Breland’s Premiere Source of News Long Live King Boranel ir’Wynarn
Earlier this morning the Watch was called to Morgrave University by the morning
janitor, Oswald Quinn. Mr. Quinn was scheduled to clean theKhyber Dragon Shards
collection recovered from Xen’Drik when, according to Mr. Quinn, “Every dang case
and display were empty; dem Bandits took every last bit and bobble!”
Contrary to Mr. Quinn, Watch Captain Alex Baster told the Sharn Inquisitive, “All of
those creepy gemstones were clearly in their displays. I suggest Mr. Quinn lay off the
alcohol and Dream Lily.”
Morgrave University claims Mr. Quinn has been put on leave pending an
investigation. Mr. Quinn and Watch Captain Baster could not be reached for further