Deep Learning Algorithms
Deep Learning Algorithms
Deep Learning Algorithms
Deep learning has exploded in prominence in scientific computing, with its
techniques being utilized by a wide range of sectors to solve complicated
issues. To perform certain tasks, all deep learning algorithms employ various
forms of neural networks. This article looks at how deep learning algorithms
function to replicate the human brain and how important artificial neural
networks are. Deep learning is a branch of machine learning that aims to get
closer to artificial intelligence's core goal. The summary and induction
methods of deep learning are mostly used in this study. It begins with an
overview of global progress and the current state of deep learning. Second, it
discusses the structural principle, characteristics, and several types of
traditional deep learning models, including the stacked autoencoder, deep
belief network, deep Boltzmann machine, and convolutional neural network.
Third, it covers the most recent advances and applications of deep learning in
a variety of disciplines, including speech recognition, computer vision, natural
language processing, and medical applications. Finally, it discusses deep
learning's challenges and potential research areas.
Keywords: Deep learning; Stacked auto encoder; Deep belief networks; Deep Boltzmann machine; Convolutional
neural network
1. Introduction
Artificial neural networks are used in deep learning to execute complex computations on
enormous volumes of data. It's a sort of machine learning that's based on the human brain's
structure and function. Machines are trained using deep learning algorithms that learn from
examples. Deep learning is extensively used in industries such as health care, eCommerce,
entertainment, and advertising.
Deep learning is nothing more than a collection of classifiers that work together and are based on
linear regression and some activation functions. Its foundation is the same as the W TX + b
technique used in traditional statistical linear regression. The only difference is that in deep
learning, there are many neural nodes instead of just one, which is known as linear regression in
classical statistical learning. A neural network is made up of these neural nodes, and each
classifier node is referred to as a neural unit of perception. Another issue worth mentioning is
that there are numerous layers between the input and the output in deep learning. The number of
neuronal units in a layer might range from hundreds to thousands. The hidden layers and hidden
nodes are the layers that exist between the input and the output. Traditional machine learning
classifiers have the disadvantage of requiring us to construct a complex hypothesis manually,
however with a deep neural network, the hypothesis is created by the network itself, making it a
great tool for learning nonlinear correlations.
Machine learning is classified into two stages of development: shallow learning and deep
learning. Prior to the reintroduction of deep learning into the research trend in 2006, the research
focus was primarily on the shallow learning framework for data processing. In comparison to
deep learning, shallow learning will be confined to two non-linear feature conversion layers.
Logistic Regression [1-4], Support Vector Machines [5-8], Gaussian Mixture Models [9,10], and
other shallow architectures are the most frequent. So far, shallow learning has only been able to
solve problems with various constraints quickly and effectively; but it cannot tackle complex
problems in the actual world, such as human voices, natural images, visual scenes, and so on.
Shallow learning has a restriction that prevents it from processing information in the same way
that the human brain does. Hinton et al. [11] proposed a deep belief network (DBN, Deep Belief
Network) that was stacked using constrained Boltzmann machines in 2006. (RBM, Restricted
Boltzmann Machine). Through unsupervised learning and training, they proposed an
unsupervised training algorithm with greedy layer-by-layer. The data was then used to create an
initial value for supervised learning. As a result, the deep learning framework was able to solve
an issue that shallow learning was unable to handle. As deep learning became more popular, a
growing number of scientists and technologists began to focus on the applications of deep
learning research, which aided in the advancement of human intelligence.
The study of deep learning is primarily manifested in the organization of numerous world-class
artificial intelligence conferences, the formation of a world elite research group, the formation of
an enterprise research team, and the ongoing applications of deep learning in artificial
intelligence. Deep learning algorithms are constantly being developed, and new records are being
made in a variety of data sets. For example, in a test procedure of image classification for 1000
different photos, the image classification error rate reduced to 3.5 per cent after five years of
continuous improvement of the deep learning model, which is higher than the accuracy of
ordinary people. In reality, employing deep learning to teach machines how to effectively
identify and categories photographs was a success. The deep learning model is constantly being
updated as the core technology model of artificial intelligence in the big data environment,
reflecting the latest research progress of current science and technology, and the deep learning
model is constantly being updated as the core technology model of artificial intelligence in the
big data environment, reflecting the latest research progress of current science and technology.
2. Related Work
The first step toward neural networks was taken in 1943, when Warren McCulloch, a
neurophysiologist, and Walter Pitts, a young mathematician, published a paper on how neurons
may work. They proposed an electrical circuit-based neural network. Donald Hebb proposed in
1949 that brain connections became stronger with each usage [12]. In the 1950s, IBM researcher
Nathanial Rochester used IBM 704 computers to mimic abstract neural networks [13]. In 1956,
four scientists collaborated on the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial
Intelligence, which took place during the summer. John McCarthy, Marvin L. Minsky, Nathaniel
Rochester, and Claude E. Shannon were the four scientists. They made a significant contribution
to AI research [14].
Following the Dartmouth study in 1957, John Von Neumann claimed that telegraph relays or
vacuum tubes may be used to mimic the function of a single neuron. Frank Rosenblatt, a Cornell
neurobiologist, began working on the Perceptron in 1958. He was enthralled by the activity of a
fly's eye. In a fly's eye, a large part of the preparation that instructs it to flee is done. The
Perceptron, which was developed as a result of this research, is the most well-known and widely
used neural network today. A single layer perceptron was shown to be useful for classifying a
single-valued collection of inputs into one of two categories. The perceptron calculates a
weighted sum of the data sources, subtracts a limit, and outputs one of two possible qualities.
Bernard Widrow and Marcian Hoff of Stanford developed the ADALINE and MADALINE 1
models in 1959. Multiple ADAptive LINear Elements were used in these models, which gave
them their moniker. MADALINE was the first neural network to be used to solve a problem in
the real world. It's an adaptive channel for removing echoes from telephone lines. This neuronal
structure is still used in the workplace.
Surprisingly, these previous victories led people to exaggerate the capabilities of neural
networks, especially given the hardware limitations at the time. The excessive excitement that
emanated from the academic and technical disciplines poisoned the writing of the day. As
promises were unfulfilled, disillusionment crept in. Similarly, as essayists considered the impact
of "figuring machines" on a man, a sense of dread developed. Asimov's arrangement on robots
revealed the implications for man's ethics and attributes when machines were capable of
performing all of humanity's tasks. Interest in the field was reignited in 1982. Caltech's John
Hopfield presented a paper to the National Academy of Sciences 2. His strategy was to use
bidirectional wires to create more valuable devices. Previously, there was just one route for
neurons to connect. A combined US-Japan Conference on Cooperative/Competitive Neural
Networks was also held in 1982. Japan announced a new Fifth-Generation effort on neural
networks, while US journals raised concerns that the US would be left behind in the sector
(Fifth-Generation processing incorporates computerized reasoning).
The first era used switches and wires, the second era used transistors, the third era used strong
state technology such as integrated circuits and higher-level programming dialects, and the
fourth era used code generators.) As a result, there was increased subsidizing and, as a result,
more field exploration. The American Institute of Physics began a yearly conference called
Neural Networks for Computing in 1985. The first International Conference on Neural
Networks, held by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 1987, gathered
over 1,800 people. Schmidhuber and Hochreiter proposed the Long Short-Term Memory
(LSTM) recurrent neural network structure in 1997. In the realm of deep learning, long
momentary memory (LSTM) is an artificial recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture [1].
LSTM has feedback connections, unlike normal feedforward neural networks. It not only cycles
single information items (such as pictures), but also the entire stream of data (for example,
speech or video). Yann LeCun released Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document
Recognition in 1998, which was a significant step forward in data learning [15].
3. Activation Functions
The activation functions that are inspired by human brain firing, i.e., it either fires or doesn't, are
another crucial aspect in a neural network. In order to construct nonlinear interactions between
the input and output, activation functions are used. This nonlinearity, paired with a large number
of neural nodes and layers, resembles the structure of a human brain, which is why it's termed a
neural network. Many activation functions exist (some of which are shown in Figure 1(B)).
Different activation functions that are often employed, such as Sigmoid, Hyperbolic tangent, and
Relu, are depicted in Figure 1. The activation function's job is to abstract and transform data onto
a more classifiable plane.
In most cases, the data is closely clustered; the activation function's role is to transform the data
onto a different plane, which aids in analyzing the effects of various dimensions in the given
situation. The sigmoid activation function, which is utilized in logistic regression, is the greatest
and most famous example of the activation function. In fact, the logistic regression (see Figure
1(A)) can be thought of as a single neuronal unit. The sigmoid function's job is to take any input
and produce a value between 0 and 1 that can be utilized to solve classification problems. One
hidden layer neural network with three hidden neural units in the hidden layer and one in the
output layer is shown in Figure 1(C). The logistic regression model is comparable to this hidden
unit. The distinction is that the input for the following layer comes from the one before it. We
plotted a description of more than one hidden layer and more than one neuronal unit in each
layer in Figure 1(D). The neural network can have several levels, and each layer can contain any
number of neural units, as shown in Figure 1.
However, in terms of physics, neural network optimization is a non-convex problem. It has a
large number of optimum (minima/maxima) positions. Learning is accomplished by minimizing
the difference between the expected and actual values.
Figure 3 Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs)
At time t-1, the output feeds into the input at time t. The output at time t feeds into the input at
time t+1 in the same way. RNNs can handle any length of the input. The computation takes into
consideration historical data, and the model size does not grow in proportion to the input size. An
example of how Google's autocompleting feature works is illustrated in Figure 5.
Figure 6 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
the same set of input and output layers, but they can have several hidden layers, and they can be
used to create speech recognition, image recognition, and machine translation software.
The data is fed into the network's input layer using MLPs. The signal flows in one way because
the layers of neurons are connected in a graph. MLPs use the weights that exist between the input
layer and the hidden layers to compute the input. To decide which nodes to fire, MLPs use
activation functions. ReLUs, sigmoid functions, and tanh are all activation functions. From a
training data set, MLPs train the model to grasp the correlation and learn the dependencies
between the independent and target variables. An MLP is shown in Figure 8 as an example. To
classify photos of cats and dogs, the diagram computes weights and bias and applies appropriate
activation functions.
Figure 9 Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs)
6.8. Deep Belief Networks (DBNs)
The first step for training the deep belief network is to learn features using the first layer. Then
use the activation of trained features in the next layer. Continue this until the final layer.
Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM) is used to train layers of the Deep Belief Networks
(DBNs), and the feed-forward network is used for fine-tuning. DBN learns hidden pattern
globally, unlike other deep nets where each layer learns complex patterns progressively [25].
DBNs are generative models that consist of multiple layers of stochastic, latent variables. The
latent variables have binary values and are often called hidden units. DBNs are a stack of
Boltzmann Machines with connections between the layers, and each RBM layer communicates
with both the previous and subsequent layers. Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) are used for image-
recognition, video-recognition, and motion-capture data. Greedy learning algorithms train DBNs.
For learning the top-down, generative weights, the greedy learning method employs a layer-by-
layer approach. On the top two buried layers, DBNs do Gibbs sampling steps. The RBM defined
by the top two hidden layers is sampled in this stage. DBNs use a single pass of ancestral
sampling through the rest of the model to generate a sample from the visible units. DBNs learn
that a single bottom-up pass can infer the values of the latent variables in each layer. An example
of DBN architecture is shown in Figure10:
RBMs [26] are randomized neural networks developed by Geoffrey Hinton that can learn from a
probability distribution across a collection of inputs. For dimensionality reduction, classification,
regression, collaborative filtering, feature learning, and topic modelling, this deep learning
algorithm is utilized. RBMs are the fundamental components of DBNs. RBMs are divided into
two layers: visible and hidden units. Every visible unit is linked to every hidden unit. RBMs have
no output nodes and have a bias unit that is coupled to all of the visible and hidden units.
RBMs have two phases: forward pass and backward pass. RBMs accept the inputs and translate
them into a set of numbers that encodes the inputs in the forward pass. RBMs combine every
input with individual weight and one overall bias. The algorithm passes the output to the hidden
layer. In the backward pass, RBMs take that set of numbers and translate them to form the
reconstructed inputs. RBMs combine each activation with individual weight and overall bias and
pass the output to the visible layer for reconstruction. At the visible layer, the RBM compares the
reconstruction with the original input to analyze the quality of the result. Figure 11 illustrates
how RBMs function:
6.10. Autoencoders
Autoencoders [27] are a kind of feedforward neural network where the input and output are both
the same. In the 1980s, Geoffrey Hinton invented autoencoders to overcome unsupervised
learning difficulties. They're neural networks that have been trained to repeat data from the input
layer to the output layer. Autoencoders are utilized in a variety of applications, including drug
discovery, popularity prediction, and image processing. The encoder, the code, and the decoder
are the three essential components of an autoencoder. Autoencoders are designed to take in
information and turn it into a different form. Then they try to recreate the original input as
closely as possible. When a digit's image isn't clear, it's sent into an autoencoder neural network.
Autoencoders encode the image first, then compress the data into a smaller form. Finally, the
image is decoded by the autoencoder, which produces the reconstructed image. Figure 12 shows
how autoencoders work:
Figure 12 Autoencoders
Autoencoders are used to reduce the dimension of data, as well as to solve problems like novelty
detection and anomaly detection. The first layer in an autoencoder is produced as an encoding
layer and then transposed as a decoder. Then, using the unsupervised method, teach it to
duplicate the input. Fix the weights of that layer after training. Then go to the next layer until all
of the deep net's layers have been pre-trained. Then go back to the original issue
(Classification/Regression) that we want to solve with deep learning and optimize it using
stochastic gradient descent, starting with the weights learned during pre-training.
Autoencoder network consists of two parts [28]. The input is translated to a latent space
representation by the encoder, which can be denoted in (1):
ℎ = 𝑓(𝑥) (1)
The input is reconstructed from the latent space representation by the decoder, which can be
denoted in (2):
𝑟 = 𝑔(ℎ) (2)
In essence, autoencoders can be described in (3). r is the decoded output which will be similar to
input x:
𝑔(𝑓(𝑥)) = 𝑟 (3)
al. [29] suggested a Deep Neural Network-based phrase-based statistical machine translation
system (DNN). It learned meaningful translation probabilities for unseen sentences that were not
included in the training set. Dong et al. [30] introduced a new AdaMC (Adaptive Multi-
Compositionality) layer in the recursive neural network in 2014. This model included many
composition functions, each of which was adaptively chosen based on the input parameters.
Tang et al. [31] presented a DNN for sentiment analysis on Twitter data in 2014. Google
introduced its deep learning-based Word Lens identification engine in 2015, which used word
lenses in real-time call translation and video translation. This technology could not only read the
words in real-time, but it could also translate them into the target language. Furthermore, the
translation job might be done over the phone without the need for networking. More than a
visual translation of 20 languages might be done with today's technology. In addition, Google
offered a Gmail automatic mail reply feature that used a deep learning model to extract email
content and analyze it semantically. Finally, a response is generated depending on the semantic
analysis. This method differs significantly from standard e-mail auto-responder capabilities.
[36] introduced a spatially constrained convolutional neural network (SC-CNN) in 2016 to assess
histopathology images and identify malignant cells' nuclei. Their SC-CNN method outperformed
the traditional feature classification method in terms of accuracy. Google created a visual
technology for detecting early-stage ocular disorders in 2016. They collaborated with the
Moorfields Eye Hospital to give early preventative measures for diseases like diabetic
retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration. A month later, Google applied deep learning
techniques to create a head and neck cancer radiotherapy approach that could effectively regulate
the patient's radiotherapy time while also minimizing the radiotherapy of the damage. Deep
learning in the realm of precision medical care will become more important with the further
development of deep learning technologies.
based on a message-passing neural network in 2017. Kearnes et al. [42] built a molecular graph
convolutional neural network for undirected molecular graphs in 2016. In 2018, You et al. [43]
proposed a goal-directed graph generation model based on reinforcement learning called the
Graph Convolutional Policy Network (GCPN). The approach has been widely used in chemistry
and drug development, where novel molecules must be discovered within certain chemical
parameters such as drug-likeness and synthetic accessibility.
Cao and Kipf [44] introduced the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) in 2018, which is
based on a likelihood-free generative model. This model could also generate compounds with
specific molecular characteristics. Coley et al. [45] used a graph convolutional network on an
undirected molecular graph to address the molecular graph representation problem in 2017. They
took into account atom and bond attributes, atom neighbor, radii, and other parameters in
addition to the molecular graph structural attribute. Xie et al. [46] developed the Crystal Graph
Convolutional Neural Network framework in 2018, which was capable of learning material
attributes from the crystal atomic link structure, which might be extremely useful in new material
design. Ktena et al. [47] applied graph convolutional neural networks to predict graph similarity
in identity brain diseases in 2017. It was usual practice to treat complex diseases by
administering a large number of medications at once that targeted complex diseased proteins.
However, when another medicine is present, the effect of changing one drug is often not noticed
in clinical trials. In 2018, Zitnik et al. [48] presented Decagon, a graph convolutional network-
based framework, to overcome this challenge. Decagon was able to forecast what side effects
two medications could have on a patient. Parisot et al. [49,50] employed graph convolutional
networks to predict brain illness in 2017 and 2018. Assouel et al. [51] also suggested a
conditional graph generative model in 2018.
1. Destination prediction
2. Demand Prediction
3. Traffic Flow Prediction
4. Travel Time Estimation
5. Predicting Traffic Accident Severity
6. Predicting the Mode of Transportation
7. Trajectory Clustering
8. Navigation
9. Demand Serving
10. Traffic Signal Control
11. Combinatorial Optimization
8. Conclusion
Deep learning technology is used in a variety of disciplines and research areas, including speech
recognition, image processing, graphs, medicine, and computer vision. It is one of the most
rapidly evolving and adaptable technologies in history. The issues arise from the existence of
large amounts of complex data, which makes it difficult to use deep learning to address the
problem successfully. Building an adequate deep learning model in the context of an application
is becoming increasingly difficult. Although deep learning is still in its infancy and there are still
issues to be resolved, it has demonstrated a great learning ability. In the realm of future artificial
intelligence, it is still a hot study topic. This paper has gone over some of the more well-known
advances in deep learning and their applications in a variety of fields. Finally, deep learning
applications are discussed in more detail. Because there are so many scientific problems that are
being solved every day, deep learning can occasionally obtain surprising and better results in
fields like image processing and diabetic retinopathy diagnosis, which is exceedingly difficult to
diagnose by human experts. Diabetic retinopathy diagnosis is, in truth, nothing more than an
application of image processing. As a result, a breakthrough solution in one discipline may be a
game-changer in another. Deep learning is gaining a lot of traction, and new applications and
technologies are being developed every day. Following are a few active study fields that, based
on our little understanding, will continue to receive attention in the near future. (1) Generative
models based on deep neural networks, such as Generative adversarial networks, (2) Deep
learning for non-Euclidean data, such as Deep learning for graphs, Geometric deep learning, and
Hyperbolic neural networks, (3) Deep Learning for spatiotemporal data mining, and (4) How to
improve the structures and algorithms of a deep neural network model, among other topics.
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