Lab (10) - Diodes Circuits ZQ
Lab (10) - Diodes Circuits ZQ
Lab (10) - Diodes Circuits ZQ
Experiment #10
Experiment name : Diodes circuits
Name: Zobeer Qunbar .
Table of Contents
Introduction:................................................................................................................................................. 3
Objective....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Equipments List: ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Background: .................................................................................................................................................. 5
PROCEDURE:- .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Part 1: Half-Wave Rectification ............................................................................................................... 10
Part 2: Full-Wave Rectification ............................................................................................................... 13
Part 3: Light Emitting Diode .................................................................................................................... 15
Conclusion: ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Device Theory and Operation
❖ To understand certain diode applications and to measure the DC
output voltages of half-wave and full-wave rectifier circuits.
Equipments List:
1.Function generator
2. Wires
3. Bread Board
4. Resistors
5.Digital multi-meter
7.Diodes (Si,Gr,LED,…)
The current iD in a diode is related to the voltage vD across it by
where IS = reverse saturation current (that is, the current that flows
through the diode when it is reverse biased, but not in breakdown)
q = magnitude of the charge on an electron (= 1.6 x 10 Coulomb)
under forward bias), the current rises exponentially with applied
voltage and significant amounts
of current can flow. On the other hand, when vD 0 (i.e., under reverse
bias), current is limited
Half-Wave Rectifier
If the diode in the rectifier circuit shown in Figure 2 is ideal, then it will
act as a short circuit when v.(t) > 0 and as an open circuit when v(t) <0.
The output voltage will consist only of the positive half cycles of the
input. The expressions for the output are
If the diode in the circuit is not ideal, then it can be modeled by a series
equivalent circuit shown in Figure 3. The ideal diode component
reflects the rectifying nature of the circuit and, as before, has no
voltage drop across it when it is on (forward-biased). The output is then
given by
There will be a certain interval in each cycle when the output is zero.
This corresponds to time intervals when
where the conduction time is the time that the diode is on and
conducting current during one cycle of the input signal. For an ideal
diode in the half-wave rectifier circuit, the conduction ratio would be
0.5 and the peak offset would be 0.
The output voltage from the circuits of Figures 2 and 3 will be highly
variable over time, approximately duplicating the input voltage when it
swings high, and remaining at zero when the input swings low.
Although this constitutes a DC voltage in the very limited sense of
having a non-zero average value, it is clearly not true DC, which is
invariant over time.
Coupling AC
Time/Div 200uS
Volt/Div 2v
Amplitude 4v
Frequency 1/(0.2mS*5)=1Khz
Coupling DC
Time/Div 0.2mS
Volt/Div 2v
Amplitude 3.3v
Frequency 1/(0.2mS*5)=1Khz
4.Measure the DC and the RMS output Voltage
DC output voltage 1.02v
RMS output voltage 1.3v
2. Using the Oscilloscope to sketch Vin, and Vo
Coupling DC
Time/Div 0.5mS
Volt/Div 5v
Amplitude 3.8v
Frequency 1/(5mS*4)=50Hz
3. Measure the DC and the RMS output Voltage
DC output voltage 11.88v
RMS output voltage 5.96
2. Change the value of E from the DC supply, then use the DMM to
measure the current and voltage values in table below (Vf=1.83)
E 0 1 2 3 4
VD(volt) 0 1 1.723 1.799 1.83
VR(volt) 0 342.79n 276.74m 1.2 2.17
ID(mA) 0 3.442n 2.767 12 21.699
From this lab I understood the use of Oscilloscope and function generator.
To analysis different electric we must know the use of these two devices.
These devices will be helpful to check the voltage drop in the circuit and to
variable frequency to a circui
From this lab I understood the use of Oscilloscope and function generator.
To analysis different electric we must know the use of these two devices.
These devices will be helpful to check the voltage drop in the circuit and to
variable frequency to a circui
From this lab I understood the use of Oscilloscope and function generator.
To analysis different electric we must know the use of these two devices.
These devices will be helpful to check the voltage drop in the circuit and to
variable frequency to a circuit
From this lab I understood the use of Oscilloscope and function generator.
To analysis different electric we must know the use of these two devices.
These devices will be helpful to check the voltage drop in the circuit and to
variable frequency to a circuit
In this experiment understand the operating principle of diode clipping and
clamping circuit. In positive diode clipping circuit a diode clipper that limits or
clips the positive part of the input voltage. As the input voltage goes positive,
the diode becomes forwards-biased and conduct current. It is because the
cathode is at ground potential ( 0 v ), the anode 0.7v(assuming silicon). So the
drop at D1 is limited to +0.7v when the input exceeds this value. Next the
negative diode clipping circuit. If the diode is tuned around, the negative part
of the input voltage is clipped off. When the diode is forward-biased during
then negative part of the input voltage. Voltage drop at D1 is limited at -0.7v.
when the input voltage goes above -0.7, the diode is no longer forward-biased
and a voltage appears across RL proportional to the input voltage. Being
different from clippers, clamping circuit uses a capacitor and a diode
connection. During the negative half cycle of the input signal, the diode
conducts and acts like a short circuit. The output voltage VO = 0 volts. The
capacitor is charged to the peak value input voltage Vm and it behaves like a
battery. During the positive e half of the positive half of the input signal, the
diode does not conduct and acts an open circuit. Hence the output voltage is
Vo =Vm+Vm. this givens a positive clamped voltage. Next student also know
how to connect the clipping and clamping circuit at project board. Student
also understand the wave form change of diode clipping circuit and clamping
circuit when the bias is applied. Student know how to calculate the
oscilloscope vp-p. The peak-to-peak value of a sine wave is the voltage or
current from the positive peak to the negative peak. Where: Vpp=2Vp and
Ipp=2Ip. In this experiment know how to using oscilloscope and to get the
wave based on question given. Limiter are used to add a DC voltage to an AC